Kefir sponge cake recipe in the oven. Kefir sponge cake

Kefir biscuits can be classified as economical baked goods. The fermented milk drink greatly increases the yield of the cake, while having virtually no effect on the taste. If everything is done correctly, then no one will distinguish a kefir sponge cake from an oil cake, an egg cake, or any other cake. You can make a delicious cake from it or sprinkle it with powder and serve it with tea.

Kefir biscuit - general principles of preparation

You can use any kefir for dough: fresh, peroxided, the percentage of fat content does not matter. Warm fermented milk drink is poured into the dough. You need to heat it carefully and very little so as not to curdle the curd.

For aroma and taste add vanilla, cocoa, zest, and cinnamon. Ready-made baked goods are consumed this way or used for cakes. In this case, the cakes are soaked in syrups, coated with creams, jam, chocolate spreads and other sweet masses.

Baking biscuits

Biscuits can be baked in any shape and simply on baking sheets lined with paper and silicone mats. It is convenient to use split molds with removable sides. After greasing the pan, you can sprinkle the surface with flour. Silicone molds do not need to be greased; they are quite convenient, but you cannot leave baked goods in them for a long time. Otherwise, the bottom will become damp.

Biscuits are baked at an average temperature of 180 to 200. The thicker the layer of dough, the lower the temperature should be. Readiness is checked with a dry stick. You need to stick a match or a toothpick into the central part of the biscuit, then touch it. The baked goods are ready if the stick is dry and not sticky.

Recipe 1: Vanilla sponge cake with kefir

Recipe for an ordinary sponge cake made with kefir and vegetable oil. Combines with any fillings and creams. Baking soda is used as a leavening agent.

0.25 liters of kefir;

1 packet of vanilla.

1. Break the eggs. If they are large, then you can take two pieces. Turn on the mixer and beat for about a minute.

2. Pour in the prescription sugar and beat for another five minutes. All grains should dissolve, the mass will become white and fluffy.

3. We extinguish the soda in kefir. We do this in a large bowl, as the reaction proceeds, the fermented milk mixture will begin to foam and increase slightly.

4. Pour kefir into the dough, you can stir with a mixer, reducing the speed.

5. Next, pour in vegetable oil.

6. All that remains is to add flour along with vanilla. It is very important here not to stir the dough for a long time, just a few movements are enough.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. Bake until done. Remove from the mold after cooling completely.

Recipe 2: Kefir sponge cake in the oven with butter

Another simple recipe for kefir sponge cake in the oven. The dough is prepared with butter, which must be taken out in advance and kept warm. Some housewives add regular margarine to save money and it also works out great.

Butter 100 grams (softened);

One tsp. regular soda;

1. Immediately set the oven to heat up. The dough according to this recipe is prepared very quickly.

2. Pour soda into kefir, mix and leave aside for now.

3. Beat butter and granulated sugar for a few seconds, add eggs to them.

4. Carefully add kefir in small portions. It is important that the mass does not separate. Beat the dough for a couple more minutes.

5. Add sifted flour. Now it’s better to arm yourself with a large spoon and stir the dough with light movements from the bottom to the top.

6. Pour the biscuit mixture into a prepared mold and immediately place it in the oven.

Recipe 3: Kefir sponge cake in the “Soft” multicooker

A version of a kefir sponge cake in a slow cooker, which turns out very soft and tender. It is not necessary to coat it with cream, just sprinkle it with powder or chocolate chips. A glass with a volume of 250 ml is used.

One glass of sugar;

One bag of ripper;

One glass of kefir;

1. Sift together the flour with a standard sachet of baking powder (10 grams).

2. Beat butter and granulated sugar.

3. Add kefir one spoon at a time. As soon as the mixture becomes thinner, you can simply pour out the rest.

4. Continue beating and gradually add eggs.

5. All that remains is to knead the flour, which should already be sifted nearby.

6. Stir the dough.

7. Grease the multicooker container with a piece of butter.

8. Pour the biscuit mixture, level the top with a spoon so that the layer thickness is the same. Let's close.

9. Set the baking program for an hour, then add another 20 minutes. You can put the kettle on!

Recipe 4: Chocolate sponge cake with kefir for cake

An option for very successful and easy-to-prepare chocolate cake layers. At the same time, the biscuit also turns out to be quite economical. Uses black cocoa powder with no added sugar.

250 grams of flour;

300 grams of sugar;

Three spoons of cocoa;

1. Beat granulated sugar with eggs.

2. Add kefir with slaked soda in it, stir the mixture with a spoon. The mixer is no longer useful, take it out.

3. Combine flour with vanilla and cocoa powder. Be sure to sift, otherwise the lumps will not disperse in the biscuit mass.

4. Pour everything into the dough. Do not stir for a long time.

5. Pour into a greased form, level the layer with a spoon.

6. Send to bake.

Recipe 5: Lemon sponge cake with kefir in the oven (with vegetable oil)

A fragrant version of a kefir sponge cake in the oven, which doesn’t even require lemons. It is enough to have a little zest - a thin yellow rind of citrus. This is where all the lemon flavor is stored. You can use orange zest in the same way.

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp. grated zest;

1 glass of kefir;

0.5 tsp. ripper and soda.

1. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy.

2. Mix kefir with soda and baking powder and add to the eggs. Just stir.

3. Add oil. It is advisable to use an unscented product.

4. Mix the chopped zest with flour, you can add a little vanilla. The aroma will be more interesting.

5. Combine the flour mixture with the kefir mass and stir the dough.

6. Pour into the prepared mold and place in the oven without delay.

Recipe 6: Chocolate sponge cake with kefir in a slow cooker

Another version of a simple kefir sponge cake for a slow cooker. No chocolate is needed, regular cocoa powder is used. Cream fat content is 15% or higher.

25 grams of cocoa;

1.5 cups sugar.

1. Beat eggs with granulated sugar until stiff.

2. Pour in kefir, stir with several movements. There is no need to beat at this stage.

3. Add cream and mix lightly.

4. Pour flour, cocoa and a pinch of soda into a sieve. You can use half a teaspoon of baking powder. We sift.

5. Combine chocolate flour with kefir mixture.

6. Pour the dough into the greased multicooker bowl.

7. Set the baking mode for an hour.

8. Don’t take out the biscuit right away, let it sit for a little longer under the lid. Open gradually, otherwise the baked goods may fall off.

Recipe 7: Kefir sponge cake without eggs

You don’t even need eggs to make this kefir biscuit. A very successful baking recipe that is prepared from just five ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian menus.

1 glass of kefir;

1. Lightly heat the kefir. It is important not to overdo it, so that the whey does not separate and you do not get cottage cheese.

2. Add soda and stir.

3. As soon as the reaction passes and the mass stops bubbling, add granulated sugar. Stir until dissolved.

4. Pour in the prescription oil.

5. Add two glasses of sifted flour.

6. All that remains is to pour the dough into the mold and bake until ready. The taste of this biscuit is neutral; it requires the addition of cream, jam, jam or soaking in syrup.

Recipe 8: Poppy seed cake with kefir in the oven

An amazing version of a biscuit with an extraordinary aroma. The poppy seed needs to be washed and dried beforehand. Dough recipe without eggs.

0.15 kg butter;

One glass of powder;

Vanilla, cinnamon, zest to taste.

1. Mix kefir with washed poppy seeds. Leave for a while while the rest of the ingredients are prepared.

2. The butter must be softened in a warm place in advance. Combine it with powder and beat until fluffy.

3. Gradually introduce poppy seed kefir and continue whisking. No delamination should occur. We take products of the same temperature.

4. Combine flour with baking powder. To taste, add cinnamon, vanilla, and grated zest. But you can cook without additives, and it also turns out decent.

5. Mix the dough with flour.

6. Transfer to the pan and bake.

Recipe 9: Kefir sponge cake with berries

A variation of a very simple sponge cake with berries added to the dough. You can take currants, raspberries, cherries and any others, you only need a little bit.

1 bag of ripper.

1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy for at least six minutes. Set the mixer speed to maximum.

2. Pour in kefir.

3. Add flour and baking powder. Stir.

4. Place the biscuit dough into the mold. Use a spoon to smooth the top.

5. All that remains is to add the berries. Be sure to wash and dry. Arrange on top in any order. No need to deepen. The dough will absorb them during baking.

6. Place the future masterpiece in the oven and bake.

Kefir in biscuits can be replaced with yoghurt, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products. But they should not contain chemical dyes, preservatives, or sugar substitutes. Many do not tolerate heat and behave unpredictably when exposed to high temperatures.

Adding butter to biscuit dough is a delicate matter. Very often it peels off from the total mass and comes in lumps. To prevent this from happening, the liquid ingredient is gradually introduced into the oil, first in small portions. The temperature of the products should be the same.

Any biscuit will be tastier if you add vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, berries, coconut, and fruits. There are a huge number of options and they can be found in any kitchen.

Soda is often used in kefir biscuits, but it is very important not to overdo it and use it strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, the baked goods will have an unpleasant taste and a specific smell.

Step 1: Prepare a biscuit with kefir.

For the sponge cake we need butter, which, of course, can be replaced with butter margarine. It's possible, but not necessary.
Such savings will change the taste of the biscuit not for the better. Ideally, we take butter with a fat content of 82%.

It is advisable to remove the butter, eggs and kefir from the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature. The flour needs to be sifted so that it is saturated with oxygen - this simple technique improves the rise of the sponge cake during baking.

Beat eggs, sugar and softened butter until smooth.

Add flour, soda (it must first be extinguished in a small container), salt, vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

Add kefir and mix again. The result should be a dough of medium thickness, slightly thicker than for pancakes.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Line a baking pan with parchment to make it easier to remove the finished biscuit. Pour the dough into the mold and smooth the surface.

Bake the kefir sponge cake for about 30-40 minutes. To check readiness, pierce it in the center with a toothpick - if it is dry, then the sponge cake is ready and can be removed from the oven; if not, put back in the oven for about 5 minutes and then check again for doneness.

Remove the cake from the pan and leave to cool on a wire rack. That's all, the kefir sponge cake is ready.

Step 2: Serve the kefir sponge cake.

Transfer the kefir sponge cake to a suitable dish, cut into pieces and serve with tea or coffee. Before serving, you can sprinkle the sponge cake with powdered sugar to make it look more beautiful, or you can leave it off if there is no powder, it will still be delicious.

Bon appetit!

How to make kefir sponge cake even tastier? It’s very simple: you can add coconut flakes, orange or lemon zest, candied fruits, raisins, nuts, dried apricots to the dough - separately or all together; The sponge cake can be topped with hot chocolate or icing sugar. As a result, a simple homemade biscuit will turn into a work of confectionery art.

Kefir can be replaced with non-sweet yoghurt, then the taste of the sponge cake will be more delicate, and if you increase the amount of butter to 150-200 grams, then the crumb of the sponge cake will be more crumbly, but the calorie content will also increase.

Kefir sponge cake can be used as a base for a cake.

I offer you a recipe for a dessert that always turns out, it’s a kefir sponge cake baked in the oven. A little time, a minimum of products, butter, sour cream, honey, cocoa, jam, fresh berries, apples are suitable as additives. This baking option is very suitable for a birthday cake.

How to make a delicious biscuit with kefir

Any kefir dough requires special preparation rules, sponge cake is no exception:

  1. To make the baked goods rise, you need to add baking soda. In this case, it is not extinguished with vinegar, since the acid from kefir works. Baking powder is sometimes used instead of baking soda.
  2. If during cooking it is important to beat all the ingredients well, then for the kefir cake to rise, it takes time for the soda to begin to interact with the acid. Therefore, after kneading, let the dough sit for about twenty minutes.
  3. It’s not at all scary if the kefir is not very fresh, this will not affect the quality of the baked goods.
  4. Some of the flour can be replaced with semolina, then you get a slightly different dessert, manna.
  5. This cake is baked in a well-heated oven, from 180 to 200 degrees, the time required for baking depends on the oven itself and on the height of the cake, the higher it is, the lower the temperature and the longer the cooking takes.

Kefir biscuit, step by step with photos

A quick recipe, you can use it to assemble cakes or just eat it with tea, either one or the other is suitable.

We will take:

  • Half a liter of kefir
  • Two chicken eggs
  • Two glasses of sugar
  • Three glasses of sifted flour
  • Two teaspoons of regular soda

Cooking process:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl.

Add two glasses of kefir; it should not be fresh from the refrigerator.

Immediately add two glasses of granulated sugar and soda.

Beat the mixture with a mixer.

Add all the flour at once.

Stir well.

Grease the mold with sunflower oil or any other vegetable oil.

Spoon the dough into the mold, spread it evenly and put it in the oven to cook at 200 degrees. Check the readiness of the cake using a wooden toothpick.

Kefir sponge cake without adding eggs

Some people don’t believe that without eggs you get a very tasty cake, which is suitable as a good base for a birthday cake or pastries. It turns out a little denser, but quite decent.

We will take:

  • A glass of sifted flour
  • A glass of kefir
  • Glass of sugar
  • A level teaspoon of soda

Cooking process:

Pour the kefir into a bowl and add baking soda, stir and wait until the quenching process is complete. As soon as the foam settles, pour in the sugar, start whisking, and gradually add flour.

Pour the kneaded dough into a round pan lined with baking paper and set to bake at two hundred degrees. Baking takes me about forty minutes.

Delicious kefir sponge cake for cake (with butter)

You need to bake a cake for the celebration, but you don’t have much time to tinker with the cakes. Or you are a novice housewife and are not entirely confident in your abilities, then keep this recipe. It turns out great, every time.

We take:

  • A glass of low-fat kefir
  • Glass of sugar
  • Three chicken eggs
  • Two cups of premium flour
  • A teaspoon of baking soda
  • Vanilla

Cooking process:

Pour kefir into a convenient bowl and add baking soda, mix and set aside to simmer. In another bowl, break the eggs larger and add sugar. We begin to beat on medium power of the mixer. When foam appears, add softened butter and continue beating.

Add kefir into the whipped mass with sugar, butter and eggs in small portions, stirring at the lowest speed. Then add flour in portions, then mix with a wooden or plastic spatula, from bottom to top.

We level the finished dough in a mold covered with special paper and bake for about forty minutes at 210 degrees.

Chocolate sponge cake with cocoa

Regular kefir makes an excellent chocolate cake. When buying cocoa, choose something that has been tested and not expired.

We will take:

  • One and a half glasses of kefir
  • One and a half cups of sifted white flour
  • One and a half cups of granulated sugar
  • Three large spoons of cocoa powder
  • Four eggs
  • A level teaspoon of soda
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla

Cooking rules:

Pour cold kefir into a convenient bowl, dissolve soda in it, mix, set aside.

Break the eggs into another container and add sugar, beat with a mixer until the mass doubles in volume. Next, pour in the kefir and mix with a spatula.

Sprinkle soda and cocoa into the flour, stir evenly and sift everything together into the liquid, stir until evenly dissolved. Level the dough into the prepared pan and bake in the oven until completely cooked.

Biscuit with kefir and honey

The sponge cake with the addition of honey has an amazing taste. Those with a sweet tooth will be very pleased with this recipe.

We will take:

  • Two glasses of kefir
  • One and a half cups of sugar
  • Two glasses of white flour
  • Two large spoons of fresh liquid honey
  • Two chicken eggs
  • 10 gram packet of baking powder

Cooking process:

The eggs for the crust should be from the refrigerator to beat well. We separate them, beat the whites with half of the total sugar separately into a stable foam, beat the yolks with the other half of the sand separately.

Add kefir and honey to the yolks, stir with a spatula and add flour in small portions. We break up all the lumps. At the end, add the whipped protein mass with a spoon, gently mixing from top to bottom.

Line the mold with parchment and pour in the dough. If your mold is small, then it is better to divide the dough into two portions. Bake at two hundred degrees.

Kefir sponge cake with apples

Charlotte lovers should love this recipe. Completely inexpensive and simple. If you want the sponge cake to have a glossy, crispy crust, add butter or margarine.

We will take:

  • A glass of cold kefir
  • Glass of granulated sugar
  • Two cups sifted white flour
  • Three large apples
  • Three eggs

Cooking process:

We dilute soda in kefir and wait until the quenching stops. Pour the eggs with sugar and beat them into a foam using a whisk or mixer until the volume doubles. Add kefir in parts and mix.

We cut the apples into cubes; the peel can be removed if desired. Place them in the dough. Please note, first the apples, then the flour, there may be less of it, depending on the quality, add in parts, stirring with a spatula.

When everything is completely dissolved, distribute the dough into the mold and bake at two hundred degrees for about forty minutes. If desired, you can add cinnamon.

Sponge cake made from kefir dough with vegetable oil

Not only for frying pies, you can mix vegetable oil into the dough. The sponge cake turns out softer in the oven, you just need to add odorless, purified butter.

We take:

  • A glass of kefir
  • A third of a glass of refined vegetable oil
  • Glass of sugar
  • Three eggs
  • Two glasses of flour
  • Large spoon of grated orange zest
  • A teaspoon of baking soda

Cooking process:

Pour soda into kefir and set aside for a while. Break the eggs into a convenient container and add sugar. We begin to beat until foamy. Add oil and stir. Add kefir, continuing to stir.

Sift the flour and add it to the dough in portions, add the zest. We level the finished dough in a mold previously covered with parchment and bake at two hundred degrees.

Kefir biscuit with fresh berries

You can also bake a base for a cake or pastries with fresh berries. Any berries that are in season will do. Try mixing raspberries, currants and strawberries, or any other fresh berries, you will get an interesting taste.

We will take:

  • One and a half glasses of kefir
  • One and a half cups of sugar
  • Half a glass of any fresh berries
  • Two glasses of flour
  • A level teaspoon of baking soda

Cooking process:

Pour the eggs with granulated sugar and beat them into a good foam using a mixer. We dilute the soda in kefir, as soon as it stops bubbling, pour the kefir into the egg-sugar mixture. We beat in the flour in portions; it needs to be sifted. When all the lumps are broken, the dough is ready.

Line the bottom of a refractory pan with baking paper, spread and level the dough and sprinkle the berries on top. When baking, the cake will rise and the berries will sink. Bake at 210 degrees.

Kefir biscuit with jam

If you add blackcurrant jam to the crust dough, it will taste like the famous Negro's Kiss. We especially like to add wild strawberry jam, it turns out fragrant.

We will take:

  • A glass of kefir
  • A glass of strawberry jam (I used crushed)
  • Glass of sugar
  • Two and a half cups sifted flour
  • A teaspoon of baking soda
  • Half a tablespoon of clarified vegetable oil

Baking process:

Break the eggs in a bowl with a whisk or mixer. Add sugar, beat again until foamy. If you don’t want a too sweet dessert, don’t add all the sugar. Next, add kefir, whisk some more, and pour in the jam. If the jam is with berries, then you don’t need to beat them so that they remain whole, just stir with a spatula.

Add the flour sifted in advance in portions and add soda at the end. Stir to remove all lumps and forget about the dough for about twenty minutes. At this time, begin to heat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake for half an hour. Then dust well with powdered sugar.

Biscuit with banana in the oven

Such baked goods have an unexpected taste; those who tried them for the first time did not immediately guess what was added to the dough.

We will take:

  • A glass of kefir
  • Fifteen tablespoons of sifted flour
  • Four eggs
  • One hundred grams of butter
  • Ripe banana
  • One level teaspoon of baking soda

Cooking process:

Break the eggs into a wide bowl, add sugar, and beat until double in volume. Crush the banana into a paste with a fork and place it in the eggs, mix and pour in the kefir.

Melt the butter over a fire or in the microwave, let it cool a little and pour it into the dough in a stream, mix. Combine flour with soda and sift into the dough, stir until smooth. Pour into a mold lined with baking paper and bake at 190 degrees for about forty minutes.

Video - recipe for kefir sponge cake in the oven

The classic sponge cake is made from flour, eggs and sugar. And we will tell you how to prepare a fluffy sponge cake with kefir. It comes out juicier and airier. Below are several options for preparing this sweet treat. Choose any one you like and hurry up to experiment.

Kefir biscuit in a slow cooker


  • flour – 140 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • kefir – 125 g;
  • vegetable oil – 60 g;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch.


Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add kefir and vegetable oil, mix. After this, add sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder and sifted flour. Knead the dough well, no need to beat it. Pour the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, select the “Baking” mode and cook for 40 minutes. After the beep sounds, check the readiness of the biscuit with a toothpick - if it is dry, it means it’s ready. Turn on the “Warming” mode and hold the biscuit for another 5 minutes under the closed lid. After this you can take it out. Let the sponge cake cool, and then you can use it as a base for a cake, cut it into several pieces and coat it with any cream.

Sponge cake without eggs on kefir


  • flour – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • kefir 1% fat – 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil – 6 tbsp. spoon;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 sachet.


First of all, turn on the oven, it should heat up to 200 degrees. Because if you put the dough in a poorly heated oven, it will not rise. So, slightly heat the kefir, add soda to it and mix. Kefir will begin to foam. After this, add sugar and vegetable oil, stir until the sugar dissolves. Add the sifted flour, knead the dough and pour it into a mold greased with vegetable oil. Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven for 25-30 minutes.

Kefir biscuit with jam


  • jam – 1 glass;
  • kefir – 200 ml;
  • flour – 1.5 cups;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon.


Grind the eggs with sugar, add jam, kefir and flour. Then pour in the baking soda and immediately knead the dough. Pour it into a mold greased with margarine or butter and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Chocolate sponge cake with kefir


  • flour – 2.5 cups;
  • sugar – 1.5 cups;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • kefir 2.5% fat – 400 g;
  • cream 20% fat – 100 g;
  • soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa – 25 g.


Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy foam is obtained. Pour 1 teaspoon of soda into kefir. Sift flour together with cocoa. Pour kefir, cream into the egg mixture and add flour and cocoa. Gently mix the dough with a whisk. Pour it into a greased mold. If we use a silicone mold, there is no need to grease it. Bake at 140-160 degrees for about 1 hour.

Recipe for a simple sponge cake with kefir


  • flour – 1 glass;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • baking powder for dough – 0.5 sachet;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet;
  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold.


Beat the eggs together with sugar until a fluffy foam forms. Add vanilla sugar and sifted flour with baking powder. Beat the resulting mass with a mixer so that there are no lumps. The dough should be the consistency of thick sour cream. If your baking pan is not non-stick, then cover it with parchment paper, grease it with vegetable oil and pour it into the pan. Place it in the oven, heated to 180 degrees on medium level. Bake for 45-50 minutes. Do not open the oven door during cooking, otherwise the baked goods will settle.

Kefir sponge cake serves as an excellent base for a cake. It turns out quite moist, so you can choose non-liquid creams.

Nowadays, homemade pastry shops are mega-popular: cakes without mastic have become fashionable and the circle of those who can decorate a cake has expanded. To bake a cake for sale, all you need now is a good sponge cake recipe, cream, care and fresh berries and fruits for decoration. You no longer need to create complex figures of fairy-tale characters from mastic; just bake cookies and glue a picture of food paper onto them. It turns out beautiful, stylish, tasteful.

I'm glad that fashion is changing: I never liked heavy mastic cakes. To the question: “Do you bake for sale?” I still answer: “No, of course.” It’s difficult for me to fit time into custom cakes into my schedule with two children, so I bake only for us and for you, the readers of the site. I’m also sure that as soon as money interferes with creativity, it loses its charm.

But if you want to open a home confectionery shop and have been baking successfully for a long time, take a closer look at this recipe for kefir sponge cake: my relative has perfected it to such an extent that she uses it as a basis for cakes for sale. The sponge cake turns out fluffy, airy, and the result is stable.

So, to prepare the biscuit we will need:

  • Egg - 2 pcs. Category CO, if the eggs are small, use three pieces
  • Kefir - 1 faceted glass (volume 250 g) Kefir is suitable for any fat content, take an acidic one
  • Granulated sugar - 1 cup (still faceted)
  • Flour - 1.5 cups (volume 250 g)
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Baking soda (no need to extinguish) - 0.5 tsp.
  • A pinch of salt, vanillin

How to make a delicious biscuit with kefir (recipe with photos step by step)

Break the eggs (which need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up) into a deep mixing bowl. In the photo I have a double portion of ingredients, so there are 4 eggs =)

We begin to beat with a mixer into a fluffy foam. At first the mass becomes yellow, but increases each time.

When the egg mixture is the same color as in the photo (light) and fluffy, you can start adding sugar. You shouldn’t pour all the sugar into the dough; it’s better to place a glass of sugar next to the bowl and add one tablespoon at a time, without stopping whisking. If your hand is full, pour it out of the glass in a thin stream. Add vanilla and a pinch of salt to the bowl.

Sift flour (1.5 cups) into a bowl and add baking soda (0.5 tsp) and baking powder (0.5 tsp). Stir these ingredients using a whisk or mixer at low speed. If you turn it on too high, the flour will scatter all over the kitchen.

I often use a regular whisk.

Kefir (1 cup) should be warm when added to the dough. Therefore, remove it from the refrigerator in advance or heat the kefir in a saucepan.

Attention! If you heat kefir on the stove, make sure that it has cooled slightly to room temperature before adding it to the dough, otherwise the eggs will curdle.

Add the sifted dry ingredients into the dough in parts. I divide the mass “by eye” into approximately three parts and mix it in three approaches. I mix with a spoon or spatula (not a mixer!). We try to break up the lumps, achieving homogeneity of the dough.

The finished dough has the usual biscuit consistency: not very liquid, but flowing. It flows down in a thick ribbon when poured. The same consistency in the recipe, and in, and in.

The peculiarity of the sponge cake according to this recipe is that the dough is filled with bubbles: kefir and baking powder interact. Even when pouring, you can see the airiness of the dough in the photo.

How to prepare the baking dish:

I use a mold with a diameter of 24 cm with split sides. I grease the bottom and walls of the mold with a piece of butter, sprinkle with flour, shake off the remaining flour. A thin flour layer is formed on the inner surface of the mold, which does not crumble. This preparation of the mold allows the biscuit dough to rise perfectly in the oven: it does not slide along the greasy walls (this would happen if you simply greased it with butter).

Bake the biscuit in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30-40 minutes (baking time depends on oven power). Starting from 25 minutes, you can carefully check the cake for readiness: when you press lightly with your fingertips on the middle, it should spring back - that is, not sink into a hole, but return to its original position.

You can do a dry toothpick test: pierce the center of the biscuit cake and pull out the toothpick - it should come out dry, without sticky dough. Another sign of readiness: the biscuit begins to move away from the walls of the mold, this is clearly visible in the last photo.

Sprinkle the not yet completely cooled biscuit with powdered sugar so that it sticks to the surface. It is better to leave the biscuit on a wire rack until it cools completely (this will prevent the bottom from getting soggy).

If you plan to make a cake from such cake layers, you can cut it into two parts. The height of the biscuit is 5 cm and allows you to do this. In such a cake, sour cream, curd cheese based and many others would be appropriate. I have collected the most successful recipes for creams for sponge cake in a separate article (you can read the link).

However, this biscuit is also perfect for serving as a simple sweet for tea, you can rest assured.

I posted a video recipe for kefir sponge cake on our You Tube channel, I hope you like it:

Bon appetit!

If you liked the recipe, write about it in the comments, I will be very pleased. If you have any questions about the recipe, don’t hesitate to ask, I welcome feedback.

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What else can be prepared from expired kefir? For example, delicious pancakes!
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