The goal of the corporate identity of the beauty salon. Brand identification: beauty salon corporate identity

Each establishment, one way or another, strives to increase sales, and competition forces them to take some action. The owner of a beautiful business needs to focus on what would give the establishment uniqueness and originality. This is precisely why a corporate identity for a beauty salon is created.

So, you have to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon

What does it mean? First of all, you need to figure out what elements it consists of.

Trademark- the central element of the corporate identity. By the way, the concept of a trademark is not entirely appropriate in this case.

A trademark is a registered pictorial, verbal, dimensional, sound designation or a combination thereof, which is used to identify a specific product. Only its owner can use a trademark.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon cannot be created without a trademark. This item has the following functions:

  • facilitating the perception of differences or creating differences;
  • assigning a name to a product/company;
  • Facilitation of product/company identification;
  • making it easier to remember the product/company;
  • indication of the origin of the product/company;
  • communication of information about the product/company;
  • stimulating consumer demand;
  • symbolization of guarantee.

Branded font inscription (logo). The logo is the original design or abbreviated name of the establishment/product, reflecting the corporate style. The logo has 4-7 letters. Like any other normal identifier, a logo is distinguished by its uniqueness. By the way, a mark cannot be registered if it is not unique. If the font inscription is successful, then the corporate style of the beauty salon will attract a large number of clients.

Brand block is a traditional, often mentioned combination of several elements that form the corporate identity of a beauty salon. We are talking about a figurative trademark or logo. The corporate block, as a rule, is supplemented by the full official name of the company, postal and bank details, and a corporate slogan.

Corporate slogan (slogan) is the original motto that the company constantly uses. By the way, sometimes a slogan is registered as a trademark. The corporate identity of a beauty salon becomes special if the establishment has not only its own logo, trademark, etc., but also a well-remembered, original motto.

Slogans are a reflection of the basic principles and priorities of the organization. For example, Philips: “Let's change lives for the better!”

Sometimes the slogan is based on customer care. For example, Johnson & Johnson: “We care about you and your health!” When developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to pay attention to creating a creative slogan.

Sometimes slogans emphasize one of the exceptional qualities of a company. For example, Rank Xerox: “We taught the world to copy!” Also, the company's motto can emphasize its achievements and authority. For example, Sony: “This is Sony!”

Corporate color. Developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon requires the mandatory determination of the color with which the establishment will be associated. Thanks to this important element, the salon becomes more attractive to customers. Some products and services have been assigned certain colors that evoke vivid associations among buyers. For example, McDonalds uses yellow and red as its corporate colors, while Kodak uses gold and yellow. When developing a corporate style for a beauty salon, you need to take into account the psychological characteristics of color perception of men and women.

If a trademark is properly registered, the beauty salon's corporate identity, including its colors, will have legal protection. It is important to understand that the trademark will be protected only in this color design. If it is registered as a black and white version, then legal protection will extend to its reproduction in any colors. Of course, when developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to take into account such nuances.

Corporate font set allows you to emphasize various features of the brand, makes the corporate style of the beauty salon more memorable and original.

Introduction of the Corporate Hero is an important part of developing a corporate identity. The created character is a permanent and stable representative of the company. The hero is endowed with traits with which the establishment will be associated. For example, the rabbit Kwiki brings joy to children, makes them laugh and has fun with them. Ronald McDonald the Clown creates a festive feeling. If you create such a character, the corporate identity of the beauty salon will be very different from most competitors.

Constant communicator- a real person. The company chooses a specific person who becomes an intermediary between the organization and the consumer of the product. Thanks to this, the corporate identity of the beauty salon inspires confidence among consumers.

Branded clothing. The corporate identity of a beauty salon should also include the clothing of the staff. Some items of clothing will signal that a person is an employee of this establishment.

Some American companies have created special codes that define the clothes that can be worn. They are based on elegance, conservatism and a sense of proportion. By the way, elegance is an international concept. The corporate style of a beauty salon may require a certain uniform of clothing for the establishment’s specialists and service personnel.

The implementation of corporate culture principles must be carried out with great care. You should not violate the individuality of employees, their characteristics. The desire to dress every specialist in a strict uniform can turn into a failure, because... Labor productivity is likely to decline significantly. Therefore, when developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to adequately assess whether some of its elements are appropriate in this establishment.

Other proprietary constants. This includes hymns, legends, banners, etc. Some of these elements have a significant impact on the corporate identity of a beauty salon. Sometimes a company has an emblem that is not a trademark, but is constantly used and evokes certain associations among consumers.

We are also talking about proprietary design features. For example, the BMW radiator grille is distinguished by its constancy, despite the fact that the appearance of cars changes.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon includes many elements. Its creation is by no means an easy task. We recommend contacting specialists if you want the corporate identity of your beauty salon to be exclusive.

  • Dress code in a beauty salon: how to introduce and convince staff

What does a corporate identity give to a beauty salon?

Recognition. No one doubts that advertising is the engine of trade. But if there is no corporate identity for the beauty salon, then the effectiveness of advertising campaigns is significantly reduced. Thanks to symbolism, advertising messages are combined and have the desired effect on the consumer. The corporate identity of a beauty salon is also created with the help of signs, advertising printing, and outdoor advertising. All this ensures recognition of the establishment.

Identification. In modern conditions, it is not so easy to express yourself in the market, and to arouse the interest of clients is even more difficult. The corporate identity of a beauty salon allows you to solve this problem. If you choose bright and memorable symbols and regularly interact with consumers, then you won’t have to wait so long for results. Over time, the salon will begin to be recognized and distinguished from similar establishments. As you understand, developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon is something worth spending your time on.

Investing in the future. Advertising campaigns require the investment of considerable amounts. But the corporate identity of a beauty salon is a kind of “insurance” that you will need if for some reason there comes a period of calm. Consumers who already know about your establishment and are confident in the quality of service are invaluable capital earned through the creation of a corporate identity. Even if advertising activities are stopped for some time, these clients will remain with you.

Economic benefit. Why is an advertising campaign not always effective? The reason may be that the recipient was chosen incorrectly, that preference was given to the wrong communication channel, etc. The corporate identity of a beauty salon, as a rule, is developed taking into account the results of marketing research. Thanks to this, the target audience and its characteristics are determined. If you know your client thoroughly, that is, understand what he wants, what he will react to, and what he ignores, then you can significantly reduce advertising costs.

  • Beauty salon equipment: from standard to luxury

Corporate identity for a beauty salon: examples with photos

Corporate identity of a beauty salon for men: features and tips

For a long time, it was believed that only women were clients of beauty salons. However, establishments for men are no less popular, and such businesses are growing just as quickly. The corporate style of a beauty salon for men has its own characteristics.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon determines its success. The target audience that the establishment is targeting must be taken into account when creating it. For example, if your clients are young people who want to experiment with their appearance, then the corporate identity of the beauty salon should meet their needs. It is advisable to offer guests of the establishment such services as creative haircuts, piercings, and depilation. If we are talking about a respectable businessman, then he will like a rejuvenating procedure, a mustache trim. Of course, the format of the establishment completely determines the corporate style of the beauty salon.

Methods of influencing a female audience will not work with men. When developing a corporate identity for a beauty salon, you need to take into account that gender perception of colors, texts, and images has its own characteristics.

Of course, women's and men's beauty salons will differ in symbols and colors. The exception is a creative establishment designed for young men and women. In this case, the corporate identity of the beauty salon may contain bright colors. Interior design also matters. Both men and women love comfort. Representatives of the fair sex will appreciate the small details in the interior, and the stronger half of humanity will pay attention to the situation as a whole. As you understand, in order to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon, it is necessary to take into account numerous nuances.

A woman is prone to making spontaneous decisions. Commercials on TV, the corporate identity of a beauty salon, a leaflet received from a promoter can attract her. A man likes to make informed decisions. He usually makes inquiries about a particular establishment before visiting it. It is extremely important to create a “club” atmosphere in the men’s salon, which men will tell their friends and acquaintances about. Then the corporate style of the beauty salon for men will attract even more clients.

What carriers of corporate identity are there for a beauty salon?

  • business card;
  • folder, form, seal;
  • catalogue, booklet, flyer;
  • price-list;
  • a uniform;
  • branded textiles;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • souvenir goods;
  • discount, club card.

Corporate identity development: two options

1. Both freelancers and full-time employees of the establishment can develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. This will require a team of three people:

  • designer-photographer;
  • marketing analyst;
  • programmer.

A working group is formed and divided into several mini-groups. Thanks to this, the corporate style of a beauty salon is created faster and with better quality.

It will take 2-4 weeks to develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. When entrusting the work to freelancers, remember that they may not be the most responsible people, miss the advance payment, or simply do something completely different from what you asked.

2. Representatives of an art studio can also develop a corporate identity for a beauty salon. Their services include the following:

  • marketing research;
  • SWOT analysis;
  • naming;
  • logo design;
  • corporate font set;
  • choice of corporate colors;
  • creation of printing;
  • uniform design;
  • room design;
  • professional photography;
  • creation of an advertising slogan, text;
  • creating illustrations for advertising products;
  • creation of electronic presentations;
  • registration of a trademark.

Corporate identity and interior of a beauty salon, where SNIPs dictate their own rules

Space and style

Everything necessary for the functioning of the salon will need to be placed in the room. The owner will have to deal with the equipment of the hall, reception, dressing room, common rooms, treatment rooms, utility rooms, pantry, staff rest room, and bathrooms.

When organizing space, you need to take into account not only sanitary and epidemiological regulations, but also the specialization and focus of the salon. For example, an establishment may have a hairdressing, cosmetology or manicure-pedicure focus. If this is the case, then it is important to allocate the best part of the premises specifically for those services on which the concept and corporate style of the beauty salon is based.

Typically, the cabin has open and closed areas. The following areas are considered open: reception, waiting area, manicure area, hairdressing salon, and closed are the SPA room, massage room, cosmetology room, and employee premises. The corporate identity of a beauty salon should be a unifying element for all these premises.

Of course, first of all, a designer developing a corporate style for a beauty salon should be guided by the norms of SNIPs and GOSTs. When all these requirements are taken into account, you need to focus on the convenience of salon visitors. When organizing the space of the establishment, try to imagine yourself in the client’s place. Walk from the front door to the hairdresser's chair and look at everything “through the eyes of a visitor.” It is important to pay attention to the places where the client spends the longest time.

In many salons, the hairdressing room is a large open area, however, it is advisable that it does not turn into a “passage yard”. It is extremely important that the manicure/pedicure room is located in a separate room. If this is not possible, it is advisable to use a thin decorative partition. Of course, the staff room and utility room must be hidden from visitors, otherwise even the most sophisticated corporate style of a beauty salon will not save you from customer dissatisfaction.

The entrance group should be organized so that the administrator has the opportunity to pour tea/coffee for the client without letting the reception and the entrance door out of sight. It is advisable that the wardrobe for outerwear is not too close to the entrance, because there is still a risk of theft of an expensive fur coat. However, it needs to be positioned so that it is easily accessible to customers. If the corporate style of the beauty salon as a whole and of each room separately is impeccable, then, most likely, the visitor will not be outraged if he is offered to wait a little on a cozy sofa. A beautifully designed glass display will greatly increase sales of home care products.

Class affiliation

The corporate identity of a beauty salon is determined by its concept and segment. For example, if we are talking about an economy class establishment, then the use of elaborate decorative elements will look inappropriate.

As a rule, the corporate style of an economy class beauty salon is eclectic, that is, it combines various modern elements. Finishing is done using inexpensive decorative materials and equipment.

The owner of a business class cabin will not skimp on finishing materials, equipment and furniture. The design of such establishments is usually done in the “loft” style. In addition, the corporate style of a business class beauty salon allows for the use of additional decorative elements and stylistic solutions.

An elite salon is usually designed in a classic style. Unfortunately, finding equipment that matches the style of your establishment can be challenging. Therefore, it is acceptable to use a modern style with classic elements (forged chandelier, antique mirror, stucco).

It is desirable that all premises have the same corporate style of the beauty salon. It is better to use the same finish and style. The uniform corporate style of the beauty salon in all rooms will allow you to easily change rooms if necessary. By the way, we recommend taking care of the availability of mobile partitions and guides for them. Thanks to them, you can, if necessary, combine or divide some zones.

Interior and exterior

Each visual component of the brand, including signboards, outdoor advertising, business cards, and interiors, must have a single corporate style for the beauty salon. When a potential client sees your advertisement, flyer, leaflet, etc., he immediately understands what kind of establishment we are talking about.

If the interior, exterior and branded products are not united by the corporate style of the beauty salon, then nothing good will come of it. Of course, it’s also not worth going to the other extreme, that is, decorating all the premises in brand colors. Try to find a reasonable combination, and then the corporate identity of the beauty salon will gradually increase its recognition.

If we are talking about the franchising model of a beautiful business, then in such a situation the owner will have to strictly follow all the recommendations of brand identification. As a rule, the owner is offered a detailed brand book, which describes the style, color scheme, corporate identity of the beauty salon, and its concept.

The same applies to representative salons of a certain cosmetic brand, since they are aimed at advertising their products. The design of the premises must correspond to the color, symbolism and concept of the cosmetology brand.

How to create a corporate identity for a beauty salon at low cost

Do you want to create a corporate identity for your beauty salon, but you don’t have enough money for it? Interior decoration without major investments is possible using the following techniques:

  1. Textiles and prints. To buy new furniture and equipment you will need a considerable amount of money. If you have financial difficulties, you can contact an organization that reupholsters sofas, chairs, armchairs, etc. The appearance of the furniture will improve significantly if you change the upholstery, and updated curtains that match them in color will give the interior a special sophistication. As you can see, a corporate identity for a beauty salon can be created at low cost.
  2. Decorative elements. An elegant atmosphere in the salon can be created with the help of paintings, posters, vases, jewelry, flower arrangements, and other decorative elements. Thanks to them, you can change the corporate style of the beauty salon and the mood of the premises from time to time.
  3. Lighting. With the help of new lighting scenarios you can transform the space. You will be able to place accents, emphasize geometry, etc. However, it is important to understand that the illumination of workplaces should not be at risk due to the fact that the designer has decided to update the corporate style of the beauty salon.

Thanks to color solutions, you can also change the mood of the interior. If an establishment emphasizes its comfort and coziness, then it is decorated in pastel colors. Many clients love finishes that look like natural wood, stone, or sand. If the target audience of the salon is young people, then it is advisable to use bright colors. The corporate identity of a beauty salon largely depends on the type of clients the establishment is targeting.

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Creating a brand for a beauty salon is a service that can be ordered from Yudu performers. Each master who places an offer of his services on this platform has a confirmed level of professionalism, so when collaborating with him, the client will receive a guaranteed high result.

Development of a beauty salon brand

Beauty salons today are perhaps the most popular segment of the services market. Regardless of the economic situation in the country, people have not stopped visiting salons and will continue to do so. Due to the great competition in this environment, it is becoming increasingly difficult to introduce a new beauty salon to the market. That is why the first thing you should think about is developing a strong brand, which will guarantee quality service in a beauty salon and will cause only positive impressions among potential clients.

What does creating a brand for a beauty salon include? A beauty salon brand conveys a positive message to a specific audience, so it must be elegant, luxurious and respectable at the same time. The creation and development of a professional brand that meets these requirements includes several stages:

  • Naming (it is necessary to create a name for the brand that will be motivating and motivational)
  • Creating a bright slogan (appealing)
  • Developing a strong brand image for a beauty salon
  • The need to develop a stylish logo that will be remembered for a long time by potential clients of the establishment

The steps listed above are not the entire set of activities necessary to create a successful beauty salon brand. More in-depth work in this area of ​​activity is carried out by professionals, based on the requirements and wishes of customers.

How to order a strong brand for a beauty salon?

It is most advisable to order a new successful brand for a beauty salon from professionals or freelancers who have the necessary skills in this area and also have a portfolio confirming a high class and level of skill. You can find such specialists:

  • In specialized companies that include brand developers who provide similar services
  • Freelancers who place offers of their services on special exchanges at a low price (while the creator of the brand may not have the necessary skills)
  • Yudu performers, who also work as freelancers, but at the same time guarantee timely and high-quality completion of the task inexpensively and regardless of its complexity

By using the third option, the customer will receive economic benefits, as well as a number of other advantages.

Benefits of collaborating with YouDo performers

When turning to Yudu performers offering such a service as developing a beauty salon brand, each customer who placed an order has the right to count on:

  • Prompt and high-quality implementation of branding work for a beauty salon
  • In-depth research of the market and competitive environment to obtain the most reliable data
  • Development of a bright, strong beauty salon brand that will send a positive message to the target audience
  • Significant savings in material resources, since Yudu performers set adequate prices for their services

You can order the development of a beauty salon brand from Yudu artists inexpensively, since the cost of this type of work is determined by the complexity of the task.

The corporate identity of a beauty salon is largely based on the comfort it creates for the consumer and the quality of service that the company is ready to offer. Beauty salons provide full image services, including not only haircuts and styling, but also a number of other procedures for the face and body. The client has high expectations for an establishment with the loud name “beauty salon”, and in order to attract and retain the audience it is necessary to satisfy these expectations. A logo and a big name alone are not enough to achieve this goal.

The development of a corporate identity in Moscow is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the target audience: income, preferences, tastes, portrait of the audience. Benefits such as recognition, identification, economic benefit, and investment in the future come to the fore. Branding allows you to reduce advertising costs, since the name will work for itself.

For the consumer, a beauty salon is not just a place where you can get quality service, it is a kind of club for a pleasant pastime. This opens up additional opportunities for the implementation of corporate identity - free coffee in a branded cup, souvenir, gift certificate, discount card, postcard, etc. The service should remain personalized, and the client should feel unique and welcome.

Example of our work

What does the job involve?

Our specialists will provide end-to-end services for creating a corporate identity:

  • naming
  • beauty salon logo;
  • Creation of a standard set of corporate identity (business cards, forms, folders, envelopes);
  • discount and club cards;
  • price lists;
  • signage and exterior design;
  • interior design with 3D visualization;
  • advertising printing;
  • gift souvenirs;
  • brand book of a beauty salon, etc.

The range of services of the DIALZ company includes pre-project research work, analysis of consumer preferences, formation of an advertising campaign strategy, development and creation of a brand book in Moscow and implementation of the concept on site (if necessary).

Salon image

Illustrations: Beauty Star (Italy)

> All articles > New publications > Business school > Beauty salon image

Alexey Dmitrienko, General Director of Good Resolution LLC,

Let's talk today about the image of a small average beauty salon or hairdresser and about the image of employees as a way to influence clients and the success of the business as a whole. After all, as they say, you meet someone by their clothes.

We are accustomed to the fact that the profitability of a salon depends on its location, pricing policy, assortment and quality of services provided. However, an equally important success factor is the image of the salon in general and the service personnel in particular. The type of clients that will be attracted or, conversely, repelled will depend on the appearance of the salon outside and inside, on how the employees look and behave.
The most common mistake is the discrepancy between the price level and the level of service and the appearance of the salon as a whole. It's all about the pattern: the higher the cost of services and goods, the more claims and expectations from customers; and vice versa: the lower the prices, the easier the attitude of visitors. You don't expect anything special from a discount grocery store, do you? You calmly buy everything you need at a reasonable price, stand in line at the cash register and come back here again to shop, despite the fact that the level of service is zero. But if you find yourself in a gastronomic boutique, where you can buy delicacies and ordinary products at exorbitant prices, you will not tolerate unpleasant odors, queues, expired goods, or the rudeness of salespeople and cashiers.
The same applies to beauty salons and hairdressers, only there is a special nuance: a beauty salon is not a store, but a commercial enterprise in the field of providing beautiful services. This means that most of the time the client spends in the salon is either sitting or lying down. It follows that one of the components of the image is comfort, assessed by the client. After all, he has enough time and, sitting in a chair, he can see a lot of things.
In fact, I would not like to describe my negative observations now. After all, as an entrepreneur, I know how difficult it is to raise a business and how many small and global factors can affect success. And I understand perfectly well: it’s almost impossible to change something dramatically with a snap of your fingers. Despite this, I suggest you think about what can improve the image of an already operating enterprise.

Form style

Have you ever thought about your corporate identity? A company name (title), a business card, envelopes and letterheads are the minimum set and the first step towards forming the image and face of the company, which reflects its philosophy and ambitions. Now sit back and think about who might be attracted to your branding. Let’s imagine a beauty salon with the non-standard name “Lighter” (I have never seen similar names, so please do not take any similarities as an attempt at advertising). What category of clients can be “hooked” with this name? Probably high school girls and students. At least, this is the target audience that corresponds to the name itself, and it is precisely this category of potential clients that makes sense when designing a beauty salon, creating a menu of services and pricing policy. To do this, you need to spend time studying the target audience, finding out their interests, idols, favorite TV series, fashion, etc. And from here you can draw ideas for the design of the salon and the way to promote services. Naturally, the staff should be selected taking into account key clients - the target audience. Masters must be able to do evening hairstyles for proms, student “equators” and creative haircuts. And here it is important to find your trick!


We figured out the name. How else can you influence the image and style of the salon? From my experience and observations, I can say that indoor plants add coziness to any room. Even if there is a pipe braided with green liana running along the wall, it will look a hundred times better than just a pipe. I’m not advocating not to spend money on renovations, but if you see some kind of shortcoming in a rented space that cannot be eliminated, try to play it up in the interior and thereby show clients that everything is fine with your creativity!
The images on the walls are perceived very positively and comfortably. All of his diplomas and certificates should hang next to each master’s workplace; this increases the status of not only the employee, but also the salon. When it comes to posters and reproductions, it is important to understand the meaning they carry. Once, having visited a salon that was named after a very famous artist, I was surprised to find that nothing inside reminded me of him. I understand that the original paintings are in museums and are very expensive, but at least high-quality reproductions could be hung on the walls? There must be some connection with the name? Or we could go further and provide each reproduction with a brief description, as in museums. What is this for? Just to show clients: you love them and are trying for them.
Any beauty salon should be a comfort zone. Naturally, you can’t please everyone, but still, focusing on a specific target audience and following general design rules will definitely make the salon successful. What are these general rules?
Pay attention to the area of ​​your premises, in particular the rationality and functionality of its use. For convenience, we will call workplaces stations: a hairdressing station, a nail design and manicure station, a relaxation and waiting area, etc.? It is advisable not to mix them in one space, but if this is not possible, then mark the boundaries either with special partitions or display cases with related products. This way you will add dynamics to the space and emphasize the boundaries of comfort zones for clients who came to receive different services. However, make sure that it does not feel cramped. The distance between “service stations” that is comfortable for customers should vary between 1.8-3.5 m.
When decorating the interior, use warm colors that will not tire your eyes. Ornaments or decoration with rich, bright colors are acceptable, but the worst colors for a beauty salon are gray, dull brown and other dark tones.
Create a comfort zone in the waiting area designated for clients. This is your living room, where there should be good quality furniture, flowers, lamps, magazines and/or books, a TV, and a water cooler. Just be careful when choosing furniture! Sometimes a client “falls” into a chair that’s too soft, from which you can barely get up, and a cup of coffee (seemingly good service) becomes “torture,” because when you sink into a chair, drinking and chewing something is extremely uncomfortable, and it looks like Not good...
Consider the lighting in the cabin. At the craftsmen's workplaces it should be bright, but in the waiting area, solarium and spa area the light can be soft and subdued.
Another important element of comfort is the presence of air conditioning. The beauty salon should not be very hot or very cold. But cleanliness of the premises and disinfection of instruments are issues that are not discussed.
Following these rules will definitely make your business more successful and attractive to customers because they will definitely see and feel that you care. But no matter how cool your air conditioners and work tools are, everything can be ruined by unfriendly staff.

Business card

The first person a client sees upon entering the salon is the administrator. He must greet everyone who comes to you with a smile. There are plenty of cases when a person, opening the door of a salon, sees a “brick” on the face of the greeting employee. This repels and extinguishes any feelings, emotions and desires. It is very easy to describe the ideal administrator, but it will be an absolutely fantastic character. Here I can give only one recommendation - look for a friendly and intelligent employee. By the way, this also applies to masters. If you feel that a person is trying to work correctly, motivate him and improve his skills. If you don’t feel or see the positive potential in an employee, look for a replacement and part ways without regret.
Speaking about the image of masters and administrators, one cannot help but say that they are an integral element of the image of the salon as a whole. The staff is largely the hallmark of the establishment. Of course, you can dress everyone in the same uniform: at least a T-shirt with the salon logo is quite acceptable. But in general, it is enough for all employees to look neat and well-groomed; the most important thing is that the staff’s clothing is not too revealing or provocative. Although if the master’s hands are in place, the salon is comfortable and the client is happy with the result, then frivolity in clothing can be forgiven.


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100% +

Be sure to hold a promotion once a month in the beauty salon for existing clients and work with a beauty salon automation program. After all, many of your clients disappear without a trace. They are usually called "dead souls". They don’t come back for services, and you don’t invite them. You hope that they themselves will remember you. Alas, they won’t remember, but your competitors will remember them and will try to take them away.

“Dear (name), we will be glad to see you again at the Black Cat beauty salon.” And address, website, telephone.

Or “Dear Edward, we invite you to a cup of fragrant tea at the Pink Elephant beauty salon.” Address. Telephone.

You can make a call to the database and simply invite the client for a cup of tea. This could bring back a number of customers. Your administrator can call 30-50 people a day without much effort, if he doesn’t bother. Just make sure that customers don’t all come for free tea at once. You have your own signature tea, right?


Call clients who have not visited the beauty salon for more than two months and invite them to a cup of branded tea.

I know that a beauty salon is not a coffee shop. But clients are accustomed to the fact that at most they are trying to congratulate them on their birthday or Happy New Year. And they offer to buy something at a discount - a jar of cream or oil.

Is it weak to just invite you for a cup of tea? And without offering them to buy anything. And at the same time, just say that we will be glad to see you again in our beauty salon. Plus finally make your own signature tea. There are tons of recipes on the Internet. I won’t give examples, but I’ll point you in the direction of the zest. The cost of a jug of tea will be minimal, and the effect will be maximum. Just be careful with the herb for tea that grandmothers sell in the passages - it can be quite dangerous.

Chip. Every beauty salon should have its own branded tea.

Each advertising campaign must be analyzed: how much money was spent, what result was achieved, how many clients called the beauty salon, how many came, whether the advertising idea itself was liked, etc. A program for automating the work of a beauty salon will help you in this matter. After all, a competent manager should always have analytics at hand, on the basis of which he will draw conclusions and make decisions. I don’t know how beauty salons operate that don’t have an accounting program.

Rule of accuracy and consistency of measurements

Before launching an advertising campaign, determine the criteria by which you will evaluate and track the effectiveness of advertising. This could simply be an increase in sales volume, an increase in the turnover of a particular product at points of sale, the number of calls or advertising requests, an increase in knowledge of the product, an improvement in the image of the product, etc.

If you want to run advertising on several promotion channels, make sure you can evaluate the effectiveness of each channel separately. If you do not have such an opportunity, then it is better to organize advertising moves one by one. Otherwise, you will not be able to determine which channel influenced the increase in sales, and thus you will not draw conclusions for further work on the development of your beauty salon and its prosperity.

Conversion Rule

Always analyze the conversion rate of advertising into actual sales. This indicator indicates the quality of the advertising channel and advertising message. At a minimum, two conversion indicators can be distinguished: conversion of ad impressions into calls (clicks, hits) and conversion of calls into sales. The higher the conversion percentage, the more effective the channel.

The "best - worst" rule

Conduct a detailed assessment of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns: analyze the worst and best results, try to find out the reasons for high and low responses, so that in the future you can focus only on effective promotion channels and increase the overall effectiveness of advertising.

Rule of honest analysis

Finally, don't try to embellish the results for management. An effective advertising campaign is not only the result of your professionalism, but also the result of understanding the market and audience. It is not always possible to find the right approach to promoting a product the first time. It is important to be able to recognize failures quickly and find ways to solve problems, revise marketing plans in a timely manner and adjust the advertising budget. The more honest you are with yourself, the less losses you will incur from ineffective promotions and the more competently you will use the available budget to increase sales.

Beauty salon brand book

A brand book is a comprehensive description of a brand, that is, an archive of information about the essence of the brand, its basic principles, philosophy and mission as a whole. Thus, a brand book is a kind of brand document that contains all the data necessary for marketers, advertising specialists, company management and its employees to work on promoting and popularizing a given company.

In my opinion, after the concept of a beauty salon, this is the second and most important document for the effective operation of a beauty salon. A brand book is a set of rules for using the corporate identity of your beauty salon. Now here’s an unpleasant question: do you have it? Some of you will ask – why? Like, we work well without him. I beg to differ. And again I will make an excursion into the opening of a beauty salon. You must have a corporate identity that will qualitatively distinguish you from your competitors. It is the brand book that usually helps to do this even before the opening of a beauty salon. After all, advertising beauty businesses that inside resemble a circus or a hospital for the mentally ill is a useless idea. The walls of your salon, sign, website, leaflet layout should match and complement each other, and not be all the colors of the rainbow and create the feeling that it is a hodgepodge of different establishments. Well, it's not even funny anymore. Everyone's concept of beauty is different, it's a pity that your clients won't appreciate your attempts. The brand book contains the most important thing - your logo. Just imagine – it’s not the chairs that matter, but the logo!

You must have your own corporate style, and this is without comment. It just has to be, period!

What to do if a beauty salon that has been open for two years does not have it?

The answer is simple - form it. I know that restructuring the work of an existing beauty salon is not easy. But if a working salon does not generate profit and clients do not come, this situation needs to be changed. There are specialists who can help you draw a logo for your beauty industry business. After all, without a competent logo, a beauty salon simply does not exist. A logo is not a cure for all the ills of a salon, but a key element of advertising and image.

I hope that in 2015, new beauty salons will definitely have their own logos and their own corporate identity. If you want to win the fight for a client, you will adhere to these rules.

Beauty salon logo

Let me devote a couple of paragraphs to this issue. I won’t comment on your name, it’s just unprofessional. Whatever you call your beauty salon, there are reasons for it. When helping to create a beauty business, I usually ask the client to come up with a name for it themselves. After all, whatever you call a beauty salon, that’s how it will work. The salon name turns into a logo.

To organize competent work, it will be useful for you to remember the definition of a logo. Logo (from λόγος - word + τύπος - imprint) is a graphic sign, emblem or symbol used by territorial entities, commercial enterprises, organizations and individuals to increase recognition and recognition in society.

And if a printer or designer asks you for a logo, stating that you should have it in curves, you shouldn’t be surprised and ask who this Krivov is?

Funny example

They invited me to help a beauty salon. I come and ask you to show me the brand book. He's gone. I see the logo of a beauty salon (the salon had no sign). I ask who drew the logo and why it resembles a kindergarten logo. The answer was simple - the logo was drawn in a simple text program by the daughter or son of the owner. Reminds me of homework on drawing for 8th grade. Looks funny. Attempts to prove that this is wrong are usually not accepted.

Dear owners, I'm glad that you have very creative children, but this is a business, not a game, so don't improvise. Remember that the miser pays twice.

For readers – potential owners of beauty salons – I’ll tell you how it’s easier to come up with a name for a beauty salon.

Rules for creating a name for a beauty salon:

1. On a piece of paper, write down all the names that come into your head during the week, even the funniest and most ridiculous ones (I’ll tell you a secret, many people do this).

2. Then re-read and cross out those you don’t like.

3. Try to translate the remaining names into English if they are in Russian. Be sure to enter the potential name of your beauty salon into a search engine; perhaps someone has already come up with the same name. Although sometimes there are surprises.

4. You can send me the final list of titles you like, and we’ll help together.

5. Choose the most suitable name, but please: think about the design of the beauty salon and its style. Sometimes it turns out ugly: the name is good, but there is a feeling that it doesn’t fit with this design. Like a cow's saddle.

At first they will write “Oh, you’re opening your own beauty salon, give us a discount card.” To which you can answer that whoever comes up with the best name for a beauty salon will get a bald haircut as a gift (just kidding).

The logo should consist of three elements:

Names of the beauty salon;

An element or icon (which can be used instead of the entire logo);

Signatures (beauty salon, beauty salon, beauty studio, beauty house).


I’ll tell you the example of a beauty salon in Kyiv, which I created on a turnkey basis.

So, the Adelante beauty salon.

The name was invented by the customer himself: “adelante” - welcome in Italian.

Beauty salon logo

Here my designer decided to use a portrait of a lady. Typically, when my staff designs logos, we offer many options to choose from (35-40). And the customer chooses and approves. The customer liked the silhouette of the girl. Well, so be it. This is a very important element. Because in the future we will be able to use only one silhouette without the whole name when branding products in a beauty salon.

Commenting on the name of your beauty salons is a thankless task. You came up with ideas, strained yourself, worked hard, and then bam - a bearded man with glasses arrived and said that the name was not very good. Answer one question for yourself - what does the name of your beauty salon mean?

I often come across personalized beauty salons. It's your choice, but I wouldn't do that. Personalized beauty salons are relevant if the owner of the beauty salon is a famous master. And his name is already a brand. Otherwise, there may be 30 “Masha’s” beauty salons in your city, and this will only confuse customers and will not bring the desired result. Masha, don't be offended by me.


There are logos written in two languages ​​at the same time. Something like beauty salon Katya.

The logo must be written in one language. From recommendations: I would not use French and difficult languages ​​to learn. Otherwise this idea may look funny. After all, although our people want to quickly integrate into Europe and America, they speak little of languages.

It is advisable that the logo of the beauty salon is easy to read, even if it is in English.

I would not use the letters i, yu, e. Such names are difficult to write and you can make a mistake. After all, in order to get into your salon, they will search for it on the Internet. And if during a search the name of your beauty salon is misspelled, you may automatically be taken to another beauty salon. And you will lose the client. Or they simply won’t look for him for long. Make life easier for your potential clients.

Having a high-quality corporate identity will help you in working with personnel

"How?" - you ask. “Significantly,” I will answer. Masters work in well-known and fashionable salons; they like there to be a lot of clients there and people talking about the salon. So that the masters can brag about this to their friends and relatives. Do you agree?

If you don't create a brand for your beauty salon, no one will know about you and no one will want to work there. Something like a “salon on Khmelnytsky Street.” But the beauty salon “Adelante” (example) on Khmelnitsky is another matter.

It is clear that the name alone will not make a beauty salon fashionable. This will require a lot of time and effort from your craftsmen and administrators, led by the director of the beauty salon. But it is important that the efforts are not wasted and that you all work together on brand recognition for your beauty salon.

Imagine that you are going to war for new clients and have gathered your master warriors. But you need a flag and coat of arms by which both opponents and clients can recognize you.

Consulting owners and directors of beauty salons, helping to select specialists for salons, I find myself in an unpleasant situation. Potential masters, when I set up a time for an interview and tell them the address, say that they have never heard that there is a beauty salon in this place. The funny thing is that they live two houses away from the beauty salon. A nightmare! The beauty salon has been open for two years, but no one knows about it. And if the masters, who usually watch such establishments more closely than the clients, don’t know about the salon, this is very bad. Although the owner thinks that these clients are “fools” and advertising does not work. Alas, the clients are not to blame here. But you need to have a serious conversation with the director, and the owner needs to think and work on the recognition of his salon.

The second difficult issue that I often encounter is misunderstanding on the part of beauty salon owners. The director is a good specialist, but it is almost impossible to persuade the owner that he needs to create his own corporate style, logo, and do everything in aquatic style, and not like in a circus or a children's room in a Soviet-era sanatorium. You come across the owner’s subjective concept of beauty.

Dear owners, in most cases, your directors are right in this or that issue. But the rule - “there is no prophet in his own country” plays a cruel joke on you. You are ready to believe any expert at any exhibition, and not your director.

Remember the Apple rule: we hire qualified experts not to tell them how to work, but to teach us and bring results. Therefore, trust your directors more often. And directors - justify the trust.

What should be in the basic brand book

1. Logo.

Concept (description).

Conceptual description of the logo as the main element of corporate identity.

Logo writing options:


Visual solution of the logo:

Logo color scheme.

Black and white logo design.

Conditions for enlarging/reducing the logo using a scale grid.

Rules for constructing a logo in graphic and color form. Conditions for combination with foreign graphic and text objects:

Logo territory boundaries.

Acceptable options for the location of foreign objects.

Options for acceptable background colors for logo placement.

2. Corporate colors.

Definition of corporate color.

Definition of additional colors.

Determining color combinations.

3. Brand fonts.

Definition of a corporate font.

Terms of use of the font.

4. Location of the logo on standard documents:

Blank business letter.

Envelope C64.

Envelope C64 VIP.


Euroenvelope VIP.

Corporate folder.

Business card.

Branded clothing.

Souvenir products.

Caps, cups, lighters, etc., etc.

5. Unacceptable uses:

Brand block.

Corporate font.

With the help of a brand book and a beauty salon project, interior designers create a design project, and your beauty salon becomes complete, beautiful both inside and out.

When everything is done in the same style, it is beautiful, attracts the attention of clients and craftsmen, and creates a feeling of comfort and style.

Create your own corporate identity, create a beautiful logo and defeat your competitors.

Advertising on a limited budget

In most beauty salons, the advertising budget is constantly limited. There is no budget for advertising, or it is immediately cut during a minimal crisis, which we experience every year. These advertising budget restrictions are like the story of killing the hen that lays the eggs.

You need to save on advertising wisely, and not biasedly repeat that there is no money. I understand you, because I am the co-founder of several beauty salons. It’s one thing to be smart at seminars, but it’s another thing to take money out of your own pocket and give it to advertising products. You start counting every penny. Therefore, my recommendations are practical. The advertising budget was cut a couple of times. I know how unpleasant it is. But this is life, and you need to learn to work wisely with limitations.

Advertising must perform a specific function: either sell or inform. I often notice that advertising of beauty salons, unfortunately, does not fulfill any of these functions. The main function, according to the owners or directors of beauty salons, is this: first of all, the advertising of our salon should be liked, and then everything else. This is a fatal mistake that can cost the owner his business.


The husband should like the wife and vice versa, and advertising should work.

And I will say more - it is in such conditions that the beauty salon director’s competence is demonstrated. After all, molding a bullet from... plasticine is not an easy task. And running successful advertising campaigns yourself and without a budget is a mini-feat. But who am I telling about this?

An example of a non-standard promotion for a beauty salon

“Bring in your old comb and get a 20% discount on hairdressing services!” And use the combs you brought to make a tree near your beauty salon. In our banal world, this will arouse people's genuine interest. Girls and young people love to take pictures of themselves and post them on social networks. This will be an excellent informational occasion. Journalists usually like to write about unusual events in the city. Your action must be covered in a local publication or city Internet portal. After all, if they don’t write about an event, it means it didn’t happen. It was just for you and the clients. Remember this secret advice, it is from the rules of political consultants who have won elections many times.

If we are talking about low-budget advertising, then it’s time to talk about the advertising budget in a beauty salon. I'm sure you've read various books about the salon business, which show formulas and results, indicators and tables. I want to argue with some advisers and refute some beliefs without reference to books, otherwise selfish advisers will drag me to court. Instead of writing the truth in your super books.

As a percentage, the budget for advertising expenses in each salon and region should be different.

There is no single formula, just as there are no uniform criteria for beauty. Beauty is different for everyone.

Some experts claim that this is 10-20% of turnover, others – that it is 5%.

Where is the truth?

In our difficult times, we cannot afford a large advertising budget and cannot afford to lose the fight for a client.

And (required!) a contingency fund.

There may be more expense items, because in some cities radio advertising is well developed. This usually works well in small towns with at most 2-3 radio stations. But I repeat once again: we need to understand why we allow advertising and what our target audience is. If the promotion is aimed at a female audience, and men listen to the radio (in that city X), then the return will be minimal.

In the premium segment, the issue of budget is much more acute than in all others. After all, premium is either incredibly expensive and stylish, or nothing at all.

Distributing cheap leaflets advertising massages for $300 - get rid of this insanity. And believe me, I have seen this often. You are premium, you are a market leader and an example to follow, and not a pathetic copy of another beauty salon. Keep this in mind, owners of luxury beauty salons. This is not a reason to spend money thoughtlessly. But you must clearly know why you are doing an advertising campaign.

The days of show-off are over.

Often, when it comes to budget, the main problem is not the amount, but the quality of using the advertising channel.

Quite often I come across good ideas and actions, but they are implemented very unprofessionally.

Dear directors and owners of beauty salons, stop saving on the layout of your advertising campaign!

When you are offered to print five thousand leaflets and get a layout as a gift, you should think twice. Would you give coloring if your client cut her bangs?

You have to pay for the layout. It usually costs between $10 and $40 on average.

The person who makes your layout should have experience creating layouts for a beauty salon. Don't hesitate to ask him about it. After all, you pay for it and hope for a good result.

Remember that the success and results of money spent on advertising depend on a competent layout.

Funny example

In this regard, I remember a story that happened to me in Lugansk during the opening of a large wellness center. I advised owners on starting a business. They took over the advertising block. This also happens sometimes. But I asked them to coordinate the advertising products that their local specialists would draw with me.

When I received the first design of a business card for a wellness club, I felt uneasy. The luxury complex was placed as follows: a photograph of the building against a black background. Unable to restrain myself, I asked for the phone number of local specialists and asked: what did they advertise before and why did they choose this layout? We started arguing. They told me that they have experience.

Why black background? Why the whole building? It is important that clients do not see this business card. Although the mentioned agency complained strongly about me to the customer, the layout was redone. As a result, this wellness center became the most popular in the entire region. This is a credit to the owners who listen to advice and love their business. I hope the situation in this region will stabilize.


Answer a couple of questions for yourself, and it will become easier for you to identify your mistakes:

What are the most failed channels?