What is the church name Polina? Congratulations on Angel's Day for Polina, Polina's name day

Polina is a female name with several meanings. There are two theories of origin that we will provide you with.

The first theory of the origin of the name Polina is that the name entered the Russian language from the French language. In France, the name was the feminine form of Paul, and the name Paul comes from the Latin paulus, meaning "small" or "little one." So we can say that according to this theory of origin The name Polina means “little” or “baby”.

The second theory is the origin of the name Pauline, as a short form of the Greek name Apollinaria. The name Apollinaria comes from the god Apollo of Greek mythology and means "solar." So according to this theory The meaning of the name Polina is “sunny”. Well, which theory is considered correct, you decide for yourself.

The meaning of the name Polina for a girl

Little Polina is a wonderful child. She is a calm and obedient girl who easily gets along with both children and adults. Given her emotional calm, the girl’s activity is good. Loves both active games and other types of leisure. Polinochka is a very kind girl, which is noticeable from an early age.

Polina performs well in her studies. She has an analytical mind and is quite good at the exact sciences. Her early emotional maturity makes her an excellent humanitarian. In her studies, understanding the subject is more important to her than grades. But this does not mean that she should not be praised. She considers praise simply obligatory and vital.

Polina’s health cannot be called strong. The main problem in the girl’s health can be called the respiratory system. She is prone to colds, a little more than other children. She often gets a runny nose out of nowhere. The best, although probably the most difficult, remedy would be a change in climate and careful selection of a place to live.

Short name Polina

Fields, Polka, Polly, Polyukha, Polyakha, Polyusya, Pusya, Lina, Linka.

Diminutive pet names

Polinka, Polinochka, Polyushka, Polyushochek, Polichka, Polchik, Polyunya, Polyasha, Polyusha, Linochka, Linushka.

Name Polina in English

In English, the name Polina is written as Pauline.

Name Polina for international passport- POLINA.

Translation of the name Polina into other languages

in Spanish - Paulina
in Italian - Paolina
in Chinese - 波莉纳 (pronounced Bolina)
in German - Pauline
in Ukrainian - Polina
in French - Pauline
in Japanese - ポリナ (read as Porina)

Church name Polina(in the Orthodox faith) Pelageya or Apollinaria, to choose from.

Characteristics of the name Polina

Polina is characterized by several distinct traits. This is kindness, selflessness and responsiveness. Polina is a very kind person and those around her often take advantage of this. She has great taste, which allows her to always look good, even with limited funds. This penchant for beauty can develop into a profession, but if it remains at the level of passion, it will often help in life.

At work, Polina is appreciated. She has an innate sense of disgust for intrigue, which sets her apart from many of her colleagues. Moreover, she is not a conformist, so if someone’s stupidity and unprofessionalism harms the result, then Polina will not remain silent. Some people, of course, will have a negative attitude towards such “excessive” honesty, but most employees will silently support it. Polina has well-developed intuition, which she uses both at work and in her personal life.

Polina is a wonderful wife and mother. She adores her children, and she has more of a partnership relationship with her husband. She is a wonderful and economical housewife. Her love is mature, even in adolescence. She is not characterized by childish emotional impulses and torments. Only an equally mature person can be happy next to her.

The secret of the name Polina

Polina's secret can be called eternal soul-searching. She is very critical of herself. However, if she nevertheless decided that she was right and everything was fine, then this gives rise to a second secret.

Polina is often complacent. If, after internal torment, she decides on something, then the value of this decision for her acquires excessive significance. It will be extremely difficult to convince her, and her self-confidence in this matter can infuriate many.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Swan.

Name color- Light blue.

Tree- Poplar.

Plant- Lotus.

Stone- Selenite.

Polina has been flexible and responsive since childhood. You can turn to her for help, she will never refuse. He is friends with everyone. At school she is always the teachers' favorite, she is assigned the most important tasks, and she participates in all school events. Polina attracts the attention of men with her modernity. She always looks great, her clothes are always the most fashionable. Polina is a very sociable person. She has a lot of friends. He has charm and charm, which attracts the opposite sex.

She does not strive to build a career, but she will do her work responsibly, and her superiors can always rely on her. Polina loves her family madly and does not like it when anything takes away from her time that she could spend with her family. She even tries not to stay late at work. She is a good wife and loving mother. She will never dare to cheat; her family is too valuable to her. Polina's husband appreciates these qualities in her and loves her very much. She does things for her family first and then for herself.

Fate: Polina is distinguished by her kindness, responsiveness, and selflessness. Polina can build her destiny in very different ways. At a young age, she is like a blank slate, which can be influenced by her upbringing and environment.

Angel Polina Day

From the ancient Greek language - an independent form of the Greek name Apollinaria, which means “belonging to Apollo.” Polina is charming, sociable, and behaves well in any society. Outwardly she seems proud and unapproachable, although in reality she is a very insecure person. She is overly excitable, can start shouting when defending her opinion, and is completely incapable of arguing.

She is often indifferent to everything that does not concern her personally. But at the same time, she is a loyal friend, you can trust her with secrets, she is responsive and selfless. He may be too direct in communication, saying what he thinks, although calmly, but still forgetting to soften unpleasant statements. However, she is also very critical of herself.

Polina does not feel any particular need to work. If she is an actress, artist, writer - for her life is creativity. In other professions, she is calm, but conscientious. She loves children and knows how to find a common language with them, so it would be good for her to become a teacher, a kindergarten teacher. But she can also be a good doctor and nurse.

Polina does not separate sex from love. At the same time, she is very sexy and sensitive, although she wears a mask of indifference. She doesn’t like all men, and it’s quite difficult to meet her ideal. She is very caring in the family, but is cold towards household matters. However, she knows how to create comfort and coziness in the house. She happily receives guests, in company she is witty, sociable, but also proud, and can demonstrate her superiority. Polina is most often a beloved wife.

Polina Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 18 – Apollinaria, St.. [venerable woman who labored in male form]
  • April 4 – Apollinaria, mts.
  • October 13 – Apollinaria (Tupitsyna), MC. /novomuch./

Women, girls and girls with the name Apollinaria celebrate their name day three times a year. The church name completely coincides with the secular one - Apollinaria.

  • 18.01 – Venerable Apollinaria;
  • 04.04 – martyr Apollinaria;
  • 13.10 – martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna.

Characteristics and meaning of the name

The female name Apollinaria came to us from Ancient Rome. It was derived from the male name Apollinaris (in Latin Apollinaris), which in turn was derived from the name of the god Apollo, the god of the arts, light and prediction. This means that the female name means “belonging to Apollo”, “dedicated to Apollo”. Along with this version, there is an opinion that the name could have been formed from the words polyusis (“liberated”) or polis (“urban”).

Apollinaria is an interesting personality, characterized by responsiveness, care and kindness. Her personal qualities are formed at an early age and do not change with age. Apollinaria is a very vulnerable and sensitive nature. She reacts sharply to criticism and remarks addressed to her, believing that she was reproached and insulted by this. He does everything he does diligently and diligently, expecting that those around him will appreciate it.

Apollinaria cannot be called “white and fluffy.” If anyone dares to offend her or her loved ones, she will stand up without hesitation. In this situation, she can be tough and cruel. He is a very vindictive person and finds reconciliation difficult. She is quite capricious; pressure cannot achieve anything from her. But there is one secret. In order for her to meet you halfway, you need to be affectionate and kind with her. She feels inspired when she feels warmth and care from those around her.

Apollinaria always acts with her characteristic impulsiveness. Her decisions always depend on her mood. However, she is particularly disciplined and meticulous. It can be described as obligatory and organized. Communication with her can be very difficult at times. Due to her pedantry, excessive decency and punctuality, some consider her a bore.

Apollinaria has a large number of friends, whom she treats with reverence and care. She will always offer her help. She perceives her friends’ problems as her own and, with all her inherent responsibility, tries to solve them.

Polina is an excellent performer at work. The management values ​​such a reliable employee for his commitment and responsibility. She will become a good and competent specialist - psychologist, teacher, social worker.

Family occupies a special place in Apollinaria’s life, although she is not ready to sacrifice work for the sake of family. She manages to perfectly combine both family and profession. For her husband, she will be a wife, a lover, and a friend, provided that they completely trust each other. If she finds out about her husband’s infidelity, she will divorce without regret. Polina is a caring mother, even too much. She will keep the lives of children, even adults, under control. At home she is a wonderful housewife, with everything in its place. An atmosphere of comfort, warmth and trust reigns in her home.

Patrons of the name

One of the three patroness of the name was Saint Apollinaria (Dorotheos), daughter of King Anphelios. The girl flatly refused to get married because she wanted to devote her life to God. At first the father was against it, but in the end he accepted his daughter’s choice and wanted to send her to a monastery. Before this, she went to Jerusalem, wanted to visit holy places. She distributed all the gold and silver that her parents gave her to those in need. She set free all the slaves accompanying her. On the way to the monastery, her retinue stopped for the night. At night, she changed into monastic robes and hid in a swamp, where she lived as a hermit for the next 7 years. The Lord protected Apollinaria and helped her. One day an Angel came to her and ordered her to go to the monastery under the male name Dorotheus. Apollinaria obeyed unquestioningly. At the monastery, monk Dorotheus was celebrated with strict fasting and prayers. For this she began to have the gift of healing. In the guise of Dorotheus, she even came to her home and healed her sister. The parents recognized their daughter, but did not say a word. They understood the fate and feat that Apollinaria was performing for them. Only after his death did everyone realize that Dorotheus was actually a woman.

The martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna (1878 - 1937) is known in Russian history. Until 1917, she lived in the Volgograd region and served as a nurse. Then she began wandering around the country, spending a lot of time at services in different churches. She earned her living by doing laundry, cleaning, and babysitting. In 1937, she was slandered and arrested. She was considered a counter-revolutionary and was shot.

According to Mendelev

Women wearing it do not have a strong will and often go with the flow, although they tend to analyze the situation and draw the right conclusions. They are simply unable to impose their desires on others.

Polina's type of thinking is masculine; she can achieve noticeable success in various matters; sometimes, however, the fruits of these labors go to other people. Polina lights up easily, but also goes out easily. This is not to say that she has deep intuition; unusual situations can knock her out of the saddle. She is receptive to other people's views, but does not take anything for granted. She is prone to self-examination and “self-criticism”, she is very critical of her actions. She sets quite strict rules for herself and honestly tries to follow them, but, as a rule, she lacks the determination necessary for this.

She is very sweet and loved in the family, but she never leads this family. She is sociable, sometimes overly frank even with unfamiliar people. Despite all the ordinary behavior, she has unusual hobbies, “hobbies” that are considered to be purely male - some branch of technology, collecting, or, for example, Polina becomes an ardent fan. She is attached to home, to a place, to familiar streets, to familiar people, to favorite places in the surrounding area; She is affectionate with pets: dogs, cats, horses love and obey her. In old age she becomes a beloved and authoritative grandmother. Almost never conflicts with neighbors.

Polya is very similar to the adult Polina. Probably, the character of a girl is determined early, cast into a certain form, and then does not change.

The colors of the name are golden, blue and a little red.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Short form of the Greek name Apollinaria, "Belonging to Apollo." In Greek mythology, Apollo is the Olympian celestial, the god of art, inspiration, harmony, beauty

Energy of the name and character: In the energy of the name Polina, what is most striking is its balance and evenness. Perhaps this is why, despite the fact that this name is rarely seen today, it does not seem unusual and old-fashioned, at the same time, its relative rarity makes it quite noticeable.

It is interesting that, first of all, Polina’s balance fluctuates from some seriousness and even severity to cheerful cheerfulness. The same applies to the association associated with the name - a field that can be both a battlefield and a field of play - it all depends on the circumstances, and in relation to Polina’s character - on her upbringing. In other words, due to the balance of energy, the name Polina represents the very field on which anything can grow, both good and bad. Most often, throughout her life, Polya retains her inherent balance, combining seriousness and good-natured fun.

The energy of the name does not imply in Polina the ability to accumulate and hide tension for a long time, and therefore her pride is unlikely to become painful, although there is no doubt that some pride will not be alien to her, and God forbid that this quality does not receive excessive development in the process of upbringing. Otherwise, combined with her calmness, it can give the impression of arrogance and arrogance. It is possible that in her youth Polina will strive, although not to chase fashion, but still to look modern both in clothes and in behavior. Nevertheless, here, too, her sense of moderation will most likely affect her. She will not shy away from large, noisy companies, although their fun will not captivate her too much. Much more often she is attracted by the warmth and sincerity of truly friendly communication.

All this makes Polina’s character quite favorable for both her personal life and her career. There is little chance that she will rush into household chores as if she were attacking an enemy pillbox, but she will calmly and slowly put her soul into this matter. At the same time, her non-conflict nature can turn family relationships into an oasis; it’s a pity that in this oasis the husband may have the illusion of complete permissiveness. The same applies to a career where hard work and patience can bear fruit, although sometimes it doesn’t hurt to express yourself loudly or simply remind your superiors of your needs.

Secrets of communication: Polina is often too direct in communication and says what she thinks, albeit calmly, but still forgetting to soften her words in any way. However, this does not hide evil intent or a bad attitude towards a person; rather, it is simply a statement of fact. Moreover, in a sincere conversation, she is usually always ready to help you not only with words, but also with deeds.

The name's trace in history:

Pauline Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte's sister Polina was not distinguished by excessive modesty of behavior, and even her dearly loving brother was forced to admit this sad fact. Indeed, possessing bright beauty, a cheerful disposition and wit capable of charming any interlocutor, Polina enjoyed all the delights of social pleasures under the motto: “Life is given to a person only once.”

Napoleon turned a blind eye to many things, until he finally ordered his sister - for her own good - to marry General Leclerc. However, Polina's first marriage ended very tragically: having left with her husband for the island of Saint-Domingue, she soon witnessed his slow and painful death from fever. And although Polina always considered her husband rather a burden interfering with her entertainment, his death - and after that the death of their child - was a significant shock for her.

Polina's second marriage ended in divorce (few men are able to tolerate the reputation of an inveterate cuckold), and persistent rumors began to circulate among the people about an incestuous relationship between brother and sister. Perhaps there was some truth in this, in any case, Polina so openly showed her jealousy towards Napoleon’s wife that she was removed from the court for some time. Until Napoleon's death, Polina was faithful to her lifestyle as a carefree butterfly, fluttering from flower to flower, and only after the death of her brother did she return to her ex-husband, miraculously begging his forgiveness.

The bright image of Polina, her beauty and overflowing energy inspired many artists and sculptors of that time, but her most famous image, which truly conveyed the state of mind of this woman, is the statue by the Italian sculptor Canova, to which the author gave a laconic name in honor of the goddess of love : "Venus the Victorious."

According to Higir

Colloquial form of the name Apollinaria. Comes from the word Apollo - in ancient Greek mythology, the god of the sun, patron of the arts, god of predictions.

Porlyushka, Polina - today it’s rare for anyone to call their daughter that. Is this why there are so few people today who are as selfless and sacrificial as her? Among children, Polina is like an expensive bead: responsive, flexible, friendly. Where there is grief, there is Polenka. She will always console, reassure, sympathize. In joy - he will never envy, he will rejoice with you.

Sometimes it seems that Polina is filled with love for people, for animals, for all living things that surround us. At school she is the first assistant teacher, tactful in relations with classmates, and will never offend anyone. Unusually clean.

Adult Polina loves to dress beautifully, has excellent taste, but is thrifty, not a spendthrift, she would rather sew an outfit for herself rather than spend money on a store-bought item. She is thorough and reliable in business, and this is sometimes taken advantage of by dumping all worries on her.

Polina is selfless and can, like a child, rejoice at a trifle. She is extremely harmless, and even seeing that her husband is flirting with her best friend, she will try to find an excuse for him. But, of course, not indefinitely, and it’s still not worth exploiting Polina’s all-forgiving character. Polina always puts the interests of her family above her own. Career, professional success, business ambition - all this hardly interests Polina; she strives to find a job that would give her the opportunity to be at home more. Extramarital affairs, lovers and infidelity are alien to her.

Polina are good mothers. They love to attend parent meetings and take an active part in the work of parent committees.

In marriage, especially the first, Polina is not always lucky.

A marriage with Efim, Alexander, Yuri, Vitaly, Konstantin, Denis will be reliable. With Vadim, Anatoly or Igor, he will most likely turn out to be fragile.

Every Orthodox person at baptism is named after one of the saints, who becomes his holy protector. This heavenly patron protects him and atones for his sins before the Lord. When baptizing, girls and women with a name can be baptized under the name Apollinaria or Pelagia. Both names are suitable for Pauline. Days of the Angel at Apollinaris:

  • 18.01 – Venerable Apollinaria;
  • 04.04 – martyr Apollinaria;
  • 13.10 – martyr Apollinaria Tupitsyna.

Days of the Angel at Pelagia:

  • 12.02 – Blessed Pelagia Diveevskaya (Serebrennikova);
  • 05.04 – martyr Pelagia;
  • 17.05 and 20.10 – martyr virgin Pelagia of Tarsus;
  • 26.06 - Martyr Pelagia Zhidko;
  • 30.06 – martyr Pelagia Balakireva;
  • 21.10 – martyr Pelagia of Antioch;
  • 03.11 – Venerable nun Pelagia Testova.

There are 2 versions of the appearance of this beautiful and sonorous name in our language:

  1. According to the first version, the roots of the name go back to distant Ancient Greece. It is believed that Polina is short for Apollinaria, the female version of the name Apollinaris - dedicated to Apollo. God Apollo was the sun god, patron of the arts. Based on this theory, we can safely say that Polina means “belonging to Apollo”, “solar”.
  2. According to the second version, the name Polina is of French origin, the female version of the name Paul. It is based on the Latin "paulus" - "baby", "small". Therefore, the name Polina also has the meaning “small”.

Today the name Polina is very popular in Russia and invariably occupies a leading position in the rankings of popular names. The name has a harmonious and melodic sound and easy pronunciation.

Little Polina is a charming, kind and flexible girl. She is smart, active, and loves to help her mother. Studying is easy for her, as she diligently completes all assignments. Likes to take part in extracurricular activities. Polly always has many friends to whom she is always ready to help. Parents should not miss the moment and help so that the girl does not lose her responsiveness and kindness.

Polina becomes a charming and sweet woman. She is sociable and feels great in any society, where she can calmly talk on any topic. In appearance, Polina seems absolutely calm and balanced, but inside she is a vulnerable and sensual person. She has such a quality as selflessness. For her, the most important thing is attention, because it can be any given trinket.

Positive character traits of Porlyusica include empathy and compassion. She is always ready to help someone in need, and always looks for excuses for people’s bad actions. Character traits that complicate her life include straightforwardness. She always says everything to her face, even the bitter truth, without even trying to soften it in any way. Polina is intolerant of stupid and ill-mannered people, treating them with a degree of disdain. She considers herself an intellectual, and strives to surround herself only with equally intelligent people.

Polina has an explosive temperament. She immediately throws out all the accumulated negative emotions and does not accumulate them in herself. In disputes, she always loses, since she is unable to present compelling arguments in her favor. Polya is critical of herself, but this does not stop her from pretending to be arrogant and indifferent at times. Many women named Polina sometimes suffer from causeless fears and anxieties and are prone to the blues. Sometimes she starts digging and finding fault with herself, which can lead her to depression. In life, Polina is a realist who is not characterized by sentimentality.

Polinochka does not use her intuition, since it is poorly developed. Her moods can range from excessive seriousness to uncontrollable joy. She rarely trusts people, preferring to rely only on herself.

Polina is a spectacular and attractive person who prefers coziness and comfort in everything. Along with her mood, her desires quickly change. At first she wants to communicate with everyone at once and shows excessive activity, and then suddenly she wants to run away from everyone and be alone. But it is in solitude that she restores her vital energy and peace of mind. In general, Polina has a rich and interesting life, but it is very difficult due to her flighty and changeable nature.

Patrons of the name

Little Polina's parents can choose an Orthodox name for her at baptism: Apollinaria or Pelagia.

Pelagia Antioch (Palestinian)

Before Pelagia became a Christian believer, she lived in Syria and led a riotous and dissolute lifestyle. One day Bishop Nonnus saw her in open clothes and in the company of young men. In secret, he began to pray for the libertine. A week later he saw her at a sermon and told her about the fate of sinners. After Pelagia decided to accept Christianity and atone for her sins. She sold everything she had and gave it to the bishop for those in need. Afterwards she put on men's clothing and took monastic vows in a monastery in Jerusalem. She spent all her days in prayer and kept the strictest fast. Only at the burial did everyone find out that she was a woman.

Saint Apollinaria (Dorotheos)

From childhood, Apollinaria decided to devote herself to God and resisted all attempts by her parents to marry her off. Her parents loved her very much and accepted her choice, sending her to a monastery. One day, on the way to the holy places, Apollinaria ran away, dressed in men's clothing. She lived in a swamp for 3 years, and after the Lord appeared to her, she went to a monastery under the male name Dorotheus and began to possess the gift of healing. Only after his death did it become clear that Dorotheus was a woman, and he was canonized as Apollinaria.