Children born on a full moon. Born on a full moon


  • First phase of the moon
  • New moon
  • Full moon
  • Waning moon


. Pregnancy is largely influenced by the moon, or rather, its phases. Is this true and how can this be explained? Is it true that most births occur during the full moon? There is an opinion that many human biological rhythms correlate with the phases of the moon, especially with the full moon and new moon.

Scientists associate the dependence of vital activity with the powerful gravitational influence of this celestial body on the shell of our planet Earth. On new and full moon days, parameters such as air humidity, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, as well as electric and magnetic fields change greatly. It has been noticed that even small fluctuations in these physical parameters have an impact on the human body. Thus, brain activity, for example, is affected by changes in humidity, and the voltage of the magnetic field can affect the state of the psyche.


Each lunar month the Moon goes through four phases. The phase lasts 7.4 days.

  • First phase of the moon begins with black nights, when the lunar disk is completely invisible in the sky. It is believed that at this time the vital energy and protective forces of our body are at their lowest level, the immune system weakens and all metabolic processes slow down.
  • New moon- This is the first quarter of the Moon. This phase is associated with purity and newness. The waxing Moon causes a person to experience an increase in vitality, mood, and performance.
  • Full moon affects people differently. Nervousness, anxiety, and tension may increase. At the same time, general well-being does not deteriorate; a surge of energy may occur.
  • Waning moon contributes to a decrease in vital energy and loss of strength.


There is a point of view that women are especially susceptible to the influence of the phases of the moon. For example, according to some researchers, in particular, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy Heinrich Guttmann, the least ovulation and the largest number of menstruation are observed during the new moon, and the peak of ovulation and conception occurs during the full moon. Different phases of the moon also affect the birth process. It is believed that during the full moon, significantly more women in labor are admitted to maternity hospitals than on other days. The theory of lunar influence on the body of pregnant women is also based on the fact of tides, which are caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon. Since the human body is 80% water, the phases of the moon have a direct impact on it.

And here is what doctor of medicine Hilmar Hickert writes: “The visible phases of the Moon indicate forces that have not yet been noticed by us, influencing the human body in such a way that during the waning phase of the Moon the number of boys born increases and the number of girls decreases.” However, it should be noted that all these and similar statements relate, rather, to cosmoenergetics - one of the most ancient esoteric practices, and not to official medicine.

The direct influence of the Moon on the human body and, in particular, on pregnant women and childbirth has not yet been scientifically proven. Although it was noticed that, for example, during full moons and new moons, bleeding in operated patients increases. More births occur during the full moon. There is an opinion that the Moon also affects the menstrual cycle and the likelihood of conception. Believe it or not is a personal matter for every woman..

By the way, the next full moon is March 16. Those TOMORROW!!!

Astrologers believe that depending on the four phases of the moon, people are born into four types. Moreover, not only character and fate are associated with the phase of the Moon - what is called karma is associated with the phase of the Moon. That is, the load and the experience that the soul managed to gain in its previous incarnations - past lives.

Many people now talk about karma, but almost no one can really explain what it is. Meanwhile, finding out your lunar horoscope is practically the only and very accurate and accessible way to get information about your karma. After all, in each phase of the moon people are born with a certain type of karmic load.

To determine the phase of the Moon in which you were born, you need to use the lunar calendar for your year of birth, or for the year when you were a multiple of 12 years old.

First phase of the moon

The closer to the beginning of the lunar cycle a person was born, the more the Moon influences him, the more feminine and tender his soul. Therefore, people born in the first phase (with the exception of the days of Hecate, which we will talk about separately) are soft, poetic, friendly and sympathetic. All the best feminine qualities in those born in the first phase are expressed most clearly. That is why in ancient India marriage with a woman born in the first phase of the moon was considered ideal.

People born in the first phase of the Moon are not yet awakened souls. They have virtually no experience of previous incarnations - perhaps this is their first incarnation in human form. You can say that they are new to this world. These are people of virgin soul. They seem to have not yet fully woken up and therefore are not very well oriented in the reality around them. These are the "sleeping beauties". They are still waiting for their prince, who will come to them, as in a fairy tale, kiss them and finally wake them up. These may be slightly inhibited people. They understand little about the world around them, do not yet know how to react to it, and are often lost. But they are interested in everything, and they are ready to absorb all impressions in a row, indiscriminately. At the same time, they subconsciously protect their inner world from harsh outside intrusions. They feel that their gentle soul is still inexperienced and very vulnerable, and that uninvited interference can cause them serious injury. That’s why they don’t sing to anyone to penetrate too deeply into their soul.

At their best, these are people of pure soul and the brightest spiritual thoughts, but they can also be infantile, undeveloped people, with slowly awakening emotionality. True, in any case, these are people with enormous potential. They, like children, still have everything ahead of them, they can choose any path. They only need to awaken their hidden reserves, realize their goals and learn to control their emotions.

Second phase of the moon

These are awakened souls. They have already had emotional experience, but are not yet overloaded or burdened with a large number of experiences. The moon in the second phase reveals itself in all its glory, and people born in the second phase are distinguished by their awakened, bright emotionality. And this emotionality is healthy, unobtrusive, without hysteria and all kinds of excesses. These people are very receptive, insightful, but their emotions never overflow - they know the limit in self-expression. They are sensitive, but at the same time stable in life.

The most harmonious people are born in the middle of the second phase. Their inner life fully corresponds to external self-expression, emotions are manifested openly and adequately. they are able to sort out their feelings and express them, but at the same time they will not perform a mental striptease, revealing themselves excessively to others.

these people live very rich emotional lives. But they do not always have the ability to relax. They are always active, and it is difficult for them to tune in to a contemplative, detached view of themselves and the world. They are absolutely not prone to introspection.

People born in the second phase - closer to the full moon - are less emotionally stable. They have a very flexible psyche, and they sometimes succumb to an uncontrollable surge of emotions.

Third phase of the moon

At the junction of the second and third phases of the Moon, a full moon is observed. People born on a full moon are overly emotional, to the point of being deranged. They easily infect others with their emotions and often become the cause of mass panic or hysteria. They always want to get out of the social framework, so they can be taken to God knows where. In this regard, they need someone's help from the outside - after all, under the influence of fleeting impulses that control their behavior, they can begin to randomly rush from side to side. At the same time, they are very dissatisfied with themselves, tend to scold themselves and be very critical of themselves.

Dissatisfaction with themselves can also take them very far - it is no coincidence that statistics show that the largest number of suicides are born on a full moon. Those born on a full moon should try to develop the inner core that they so lack.

People born in the third phase are already fully awakened souls who have gained a lot of experience in previous incarnations. They have already learned so much that there are practically no internal prohibitions and restrictions for them. they are ready for anything, capable of perceiving and absorbing anything - good and bad, black and white, high and low, dark and light. they are given the broadest freedom and the right to practically unlimited choice. But this is not so much a blessing as a test. These people are given the opportunity to become both conductors of Divine consciousness, intermediaries between God and people, and the blackest magicians. They have been given a lot, but a lot is asked of them. In order not to follow the path of darkness, they need to be very demanding of themselves.

Fourth phase of the moon

During this phase, souls are born who have experienced almost everything possible. They, as they say, went through fire, water and copper pipes. they are already born with enormous emotional experience. We can say that they become mature from childhood. It happens that from an excess of this experience, especially negative ones, they seem to become ossified and already from birth have a suppressed, infringed emotionality - flawed, like the Moon in the fourth phase. Passions run high in them, but outwardly they may look emotionally inhibited. But at the slightest irritating factor they can explode and react extremely violently to a trifle not worth attention. These people have a memory of everything in their subconscious - both good and evil. In their previous incarnations, they had already gone through all possible seductions of temptation, drank plenty of both light and darkness. Therefore, if people of the third phase are still drawn to the “chernukha”, then the people of the fourth phase already know for sure that they do not need to go there, because they have already been there and seen things that God forbid. We can say that in their soul lives an awakened dragon who has managed to do evil. And now they must definitely defeat this dragon in themselves if they want to continue to live normally. To do this, they need to learn to control themselves, to respond adequately to their surroundings, without sudden emotional outbursts. If they defeat themselves, they can acquire greater magical power.

Days of Hecate

Towards the end of the fourth phase, the days of Hecate begin - the most difficult days of each lunar month. Special mention must be made about people born on these days. People born on the last two days of the lunar month, before the new moon, suffer from insoluble internal contradictions and often experience severe mental suffering. There is too heavy a load in their subconscious - or, as they also say, they have very heavy karma. They may suffer from various fears, nightmares, and may become very big sinners. But if they have the strength to cope with themselves, to cleanse themselves, they will be able to prepare themselves for the rebirth of the soul.

People born on the third and fourth days of Hecate, immediately after the new moon, are souls so inexperienced and undeveloped that they succumb to any influence. It is from such people that they sometimes make living robots - zombies - and use them for various dirty deeds, including contract killings. After all, people born on the third and fourth days of Hecate are very easy to zombify, hypnotize, and completely subjugate to their will. But if these people are sensitive to nature, they can take strength from it, thanks to which they maintain their purity, and subsequently develop emotionally.

Junctions of lunar phases

Especially it is necessary to say about people born at the junctions of the lunar phases. These are the most unstable people. they are prone to both dramatic changes in fate and violent emotional reactions. It is when the phases change that the Moon receives a blow from the Sun, and the energy and information characteristics of the surrounding world change sharply. And the border passes precisely through the souls of people born at this moment. Therefore, they are very contrasting, contradictory, react very painfully to everything that happens and are constantly in tension.

Days of Eclipse

But it is especially difficult for people born during a lunar eclipse. Their main feature is that they are never free in their life choices. All events in their lives are fatally predetermined, and nothing depends on them themselves. Therefore, they can only come to terms with their fate, whatever it may be. This is the only way they can somehow alleviate their fate.

The closer to the end of the lunar month, the more developed souls are born, the more incarnations they have gone through. And the more their karma is burdened. the more difficult it is for them to live in the world. Nevertheless, these are experienced, strong, mature souls. But all the more is asked of them.

The moon has a strong influence on a person from the moment of his birth. The position and phase of this planet will determine the entire future life of the person born.

Full moon dates can be found in any lunar calendar, and the phase of the moon can be determined independently:

  • The waxing Moon is easily recognized by its outline, similar to the letter “C”. It's a new moon.
  • The waning moon has the same shape, but inverted in the other direction.
  • A full moon is the full visibility of the moon.

What is the secret of the full moon and will being born during the full moon bring good luck? There is a version that Jesus Christ was resurrected on the full moon. Buddha also gained his power during this period. Of course, this has not been proven, but we can safely say that the most incredible things can happen during a full moon.

As you know, ancient priests and sorcerers waited for the full moon to perform important rituals. According to numerous legends, during the period of the full moon, witches flocked to the Sabbath, and all the evil spirits came to life. This, of course, is already out of the realm of science fiction. However, there is also some truth here.

The full moon affects people's emotions and feelings, as well as their physical condition. During the period of the full moon, people often overestimate their capabilities, since the full moon gives an incredible surge of strength. During this period, astrologers do not recommend embarking on adventures and taking risks, since all decisions and actions will be made in a fit of emotional overwhelm. You should not set a wedding date or enter into important contracts and agreements during the full moon. The time of the full moon is great for creative activities. The moon enriches our brain with new ideas and contributes to their implementation.

Many believe that the full moon accounts for the majority of disasters, deaths and murders. This happens because this period generates tension and emotional outburst.

The full moon has a special effect on people of the constellations Pisces and Cancer. These zodiac signs are most susceptible to the influence of the Earth's satellite. Representatives of these constellations especially feel the influence of the night star.

Being born on the day of the full moon promises a person a special favor of fate. All actions of a person born during this period are important. In his mind there will always be a struggle between reason and feeling. After all, the very principle of the full moon is that the Moon, which is responsible for emotions, interacts with the Sun, which is responsible for logic and reason.

People born on a full moon may have unusual characteristics. As a rule, they have developed intuition. Among psychics and clairvoyants there are many people born during this magical lunar period.

For those who happen to be born on a full moon, astrologers recommend avoiding stressful situations. Due to the strong influence of the Moon, they become more susceptible to the surrounding reality. Usually, these are vulnerable and sensitive natures.

13.06.2013 18:44

Most events that happen in our lives are preceded by certain signs from the Universe. Our ancestors tracked every such...

Birth of Man – this is the most important event, both in the life of the parents and in the life of the child himself. If a person is not born, then no other important events in his life can happen. Therefore, when a child is born, then, in addition to the fact that a great sacrament occurs and this becomes a great joy for all relatives, every little thing matters. This event was overgrown with many signs. It is believed that at the moment a child is born, you can even find out what kind of future awaits him.

Whatever the weather is like at the time the child is born, that’s how he will live. Not all signs of the birth of a child can be observed by the mother. Usually at such a moment she is so busy that it doesn’t even occur to her to look out the window and pay attention to the weather. This sign is most likely observed by grandparents, not even by the father, because at this moment he also has his own experiences. But people say that if the sun comes out, he will devote his whole life to making his family happy. But if it rains when the child is born, it means that he will be able to achieve great success in material terms. If the baby was born during a snowfall, then his calling will be scientific activity. He might even be able to make an important scientific discovery. But children born during an unexpectedly sharp cold snap can bring great problems and destruction to the world.

Signs of a newborn help determine the character

A person's character depends on the time of day when he was born. The time of day at which a child is born very often determines his character. Of course, there are exceptions, but this happens very rarely. It is noticed that most children are born at dawn. In the future, such people will have to literally break through the wall with their heads in order to break out among the people. If he doesn’t succeed, he will be a good worker. Who do we have the most? Of course, not businessmen, but working people. Those children who are born three hours before noon and three hours after noon will show great talents in various areas of life in the future. But, unfortunately, constant changes will occur in their personal lives. The preservation of the family will largely depend on the patience of the other half. If he survives, the family will be unbreakable, but if he doesn’t, nothing can hold such a person for long. It is worth noting that if the spouse does not create any scandals, then there will be no betrayal. This means there will be no divorces. Otherwise, such a person will look for happiness elsewhere. Those born in the evening are protected by fate itself. And at night those people are born who will understand life so much that even strangers will come to them for advice.

We study signs and superstitions for a newborn

The one who was born wearing a shirt will emerge victorious from any situation. The caul is the part of the baby's place that remains on the baby's body at the time of birth. This happens very rarely. Usually the child comes out separately, and the child's seat comes out later. But if it happens that a child, let’s say in popular terms, was born wearing a shirt, then he will be able to overcome everything in this life. No bullet will take him, everything, even the most dangerous situations, will develop in such a way that there will be no harm to him. The most important, it is not enough to be born in a shirt, the mother must keep this shirt in a secluded place. If, God forbid, this shirt is destroyed, then all the person’s luck will end there. Previously, when houses were mostly wooden and there was a high risk of fires, mothers hid such shirts in the garden. It definitely won't burn there. Only this shirt was carefully packed so that it would not rot if it came into contact with the ground.

The seventh child in the family is a great magician or a great healer. In fact, it has long been said that every seventh child born into a family has a power that an ordinary person cannot possess. In magic they say that a true sorcerer or witch is born. But in a family where everyone is far from magic, the child cannot gain knowledge that can be used to help people; usually such people become amazing doctors. All one has to do is talk to a person, hold his hand, and he immediately begins to get better. Unbelievable but true. Although, it is worth noting that sooner or later, such people come to esotericism even without mentors. Magic has no boundaries or limitations. Today, even ordinary doctors recommend that incurable patients turn to one or another person in whose abilities they are confident.

"Happy" signs for newborns

The girl looks like her father - she will be happy. It is difficult to object to this sign, or to confirm it. But people have long been of the opinion that if a daughter is like her father, and a son is like his mother, then these children will certainly be happy. It was also believed that if, in the absence of the necessary children's clothing, a boy is wrapped in his mother's skirt, and a girl in his father's shirt, then this will give the child not only happiness, but also the ability to quickly resolve all emerging issues.

A child is born feet first - will be able not only to help himself, but also others. Is this true or not? Everything needs to be checked. But people say that if a baby can be born legs first, then with one touch he can cure a person who suffers from leg disease. It should not be confused with a disease of the spine, due to which a person cannot walk. Moreover, they say that the mother who gave birth to such a child can treat the same diseases. But ordinary people do not strive to become healers. And it is right. It’s too much responsibility, and you take on too much. Therefore, although this sign exists, it is not possible to verify it.

Born under a full moon - life will be happy and rich. In principle, this sign is not difficult to explain. The full moon is sometimes associated with a full cup. Therefore, it is generally accepted that someone born on a full moon will have everything they want in this life. But they think so only in some regions of Russia. But in other regions, on the contrary, they believe that the most best time to have a babyit's a new moon . All sins from past lives are forgiven, the main thing is not to flog the sides in this life. If you live your life correctly, then you can consider that a person is already in heaven. But there is no confirmation of the interpretations of these signs. Most likely, this is a superstition that is interpreted differently in each area.

A silver spoon in your mouth means wealth in your pocket.. It has long been believed that if a newly born baby is allowed to hold a silver or gold spoon in his mouth for at least a minute, then his whole life will be full and rich. It’s very difficult to say about the golden spoon. There are very few parents who have a golden spoon. And those who could afford it most often kept silent about it. But as for silver, that's a completely different matter. Even in the old days, a silver spoon could be found in almost every family. But not all the children excelled. Although there were those who went from being farm laborers to becoming scientists. But this is such a rarity that attributing this fact to silver is simply an unproven fact.

Rituals and signs for the birth of a child

Up the stairs - upward career. An interesting sign. In magic there is a promotion associated with the ladder. You can bake a ladder from dough, and it will help you move up the career ladder. You can climb the stairs in the house and read the spell for each step. But here the case is somewhat different.

  • It doesn't matter if you know the spells or not.
  • You should not invite a healer for this ritual.
  • It is believed that if you carry a newborn child up the stairs in your arms, he will definitely become a big boss.
  • And you don’t need to read any conspiracies.
  • The child’s energy will do everything itself.

But the one who will carry the child up these stairs needs to know that if he stumbles, the child will reach great heights, but can be caught either for a bribe or for theft. Therefore, the one who carries the child up the stairs should be concerned with only one question: “Just so as not to stumble”.

Of course, that's not all signs for the birth of a child. There are good signs and there are bad signs. But the fate of a person depends not only on these signs. In addition to the signs of the birth of a child, there are also signs of the name and signs of the date of birth. All this together constitutes what we call fate. The main task of parents is to give their children the knowledge they have. Of course, there are cases when the words of parents do not reach their children. But most often these instructions are very helpful.

Many people feel the approaching full moon, women are especially sensitive to the full moon. An unstable state - moral and physical, the perception of everything happening around is heightened. On full moon days we feel anxious. This is explained by the fact that at this time a person’s emotional background is extremely unstable. There is discomfort in everything.

Full moon influence

A certain chaos ensues in thoughts and behavior. That is why the number of incidents increases during the full moon: accidents, accidents, health problems. Blood pressure rises, chronic diseases worsen, and overall health leaves much to be desired. On the days of the full moon, it is recommended to pay special attention to yourself. Knowing your weaknesses, you need to try to protect your health from a large number of drugs. At such moments, even a minimal dose of medication, including a simple painkiller, increases its effect. It is worth exercising extra caution.

Due to the effect of the full moon on women strong, they are subject to emotional instability, conflicts and scandals with men become more frequent. Misunderstanding between spouses can arise out of the blue, so it is better to refrain from clarifying the relationship, as well as making important decisions. Actions can be completely biased, and therefore lead to negative consequences. Psychics and clairvoyants advise postponing all important matters until later. There are those who also influence a person.

As a rule, on a full moon, such a concept as the golden mean is erased. Either chaos ensues in all matters or, conversely, important events take place in long-hanging issues. A woman’s natural energy plays a significant role. If someone is protected by dark forces, then such women may experience much less discomfort than others. Herbs for preparing effective potions, for example, fortune tellers, are collected on these days. It is believed that the full moon enhances the properties of plants, saturating them with the maximum amount of useful and magical substances. Love rituals for the full moon have special power. If you want to get married, place it on the window so that the moon illuminates the petals.

Born on a full moon

A woman born on a full moon will be endowed with special energy. There is a high probability for such people to take the magical path in the future. Given their natural sensitivity and well-developed intuition, those born on a full moon often become good specialists in the field of the subtle world: psychics, tarologists, astrologers.