Annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation. Thermal energy consumption standard for heating: how is the heat payment calculated? Thermal energy per 1 sq m

Explanations for the calculator of annual thermal energy consumption for heating and ventilation.

Initial data for calculation:

  • Main characteristics of the climate where the house is located:
    • Average outside air temperature during the heating period t o.p;
    • Duration of the heating period: this is the period of the year with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than +8°C - z o.p.
  • The main characteristic of the climate inside the house: estimated internal air temperature t b.r., °C
  • The main thermal characteristics of the house: specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation, related to the degree-day of the heating period, Wh/(m2 °C day).

Climate characteristics.

Climate parameters for calculating heating during the cold period for different cities of Russia can be found here: (Climatology map) or in SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01–99* “Building climatology”. Updated edition"
For example, parameters for calculating heating for Moscow ( Parameters B) such:

  • Average outside air temperature during the heating period: -2.2 °C
  • Duration of the heating period: 205 days. (for a period with an average daily outside air temperature of no more than +8°C).

Indoor air temperature.

You can set your own calculated internal air temperature, or you can take it from the standards (see the table in Figure 2 or in the Table 1 tab).

The calculations use the value D d - degree-day of the heating period (DHD), °С×day. In Russia, the GSOP value is numerically equal to the product of the difference in the average daily outside air temperature during the heating period (OP) t o.p and calculated internal air temperature in the building t v.r for the duration of the OP in days: D d = ( t o.p – t v.r) z o.p.

Specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation

Standardized values.

Specific thermal energy consumption for heating residential and public buildings during the heating period should not exceed the values ​​​​given in the table according to SNiP 02/23/2003. Data can be taken from the table in picture 3 or calculated on the Table 2 tab(revised version from [L.1]). Using it, select the specific annual consumption value for your house (area/number of floors) and insert it into the calculator. This is a characteristic of the thermal qualities of the house. All residential buildings under construction for permanent residence must meet this requirement. The basic and standard specific annual consumption of thermal energy for heating and ventilation, standardized by year of construction, is based on draft order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, structures”, which specifies the requirements for basic characteristics (draft dated 2009), for characteristics standardized from the moment of approval of the order (conditionally designated N.2015) and from 2016 (N.2016).

Estimated value.

This value of specific thermal energy consumption can be indicated in the house design, it can be calculated based on the house design, its size can be estimated based on real thermal measurements or the amount of energy consumed per year for heating. If this value is indicated in Wh/m2 , then it must be divided by GSOP in °C day, the resulting value should be compared with the normalized value for a house with a similar number of floors and area. If it is less than the standardized value, then the house meets the requirements for thermal protection; if not, then the house should be insulated.

Your numbers.

The values ​​of the initial data for the calculation are given as an example. You can insert your values ​​into the fields with a yellow background. Insert reference or calculation data into the fields on a pink background.

What can the calculation results say?

Specific annual heat energy consumption, kWh/m2 - can be used to estimate , the required amount of fuel per year for heating and ventilation. Based on the amount of fuel, you can select the capacity of the tank (storage) for fuel and the frequency of its replenishment.

Annual thermal energy consumption, kWh is the absolute value of energy consumed per year for heating and ventilation. By changing the values ​​of the internal temperature, you can see how this value changes, evaluate the savings or waste of energy from changing the temperature maintained inside the house, and see how the inaccuracy of the thermostat affects energy consumption. This will look especially clear in terms of rubles.

Degree-days of the heating season,°C day - characterize external and internal climatic conditions. By dividing the specific annual thermal energy consumption kWh/m2 by this number, you will receive a standardized characteristic of the thermal properties of a house, untied from climatic conditions (this can help in choosing a house design and thermal insulating materials).

On the accuracy of calculations.

Certain climate changes are occurring on the territory of the Russian Federation. A study of climate evolution has shown that we are currently experiencing a period of global warming. According to the assessment report of Roshydromet, the climate of Russia has changed more (by 0.76 °C) than the climate of the Earth as a whole, and the most significant changes have occurred in the European territory of our country. In Fig. Figure 4 shows that the increase in air temperature in Moscow over the period 1950–2010 occurred in all seasons. It was most significant during the cold period (0.67 °C over 10 years). [L.2]

The main characteristics of the heating period are the average temperature of the heating season, °C, and the duration of this period. Naturally, their real value changes every year and, therefore, calculations of the annual thermal energy consumption for heating and ventilation of houses are only an estimate of the real annual thermal energy consumption. The results of this calculation allow compare .



  • 1. Clarification of the tables of basic and standardized energy efficiency indicators for residential and public buildings by year of construction
    V. I. Livchak, Ph.D. tech. sciences, independent expert
  • 2. New SP 131.13330.2012 “SNiP 23-01–99* “Building climatology”. Updated edition"
    N. P. Umnyakova, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Deputy Director for Scientific Work of NIISF RAASN

Any owner of a city apartment has been surprised at least once by the numbers on the heating receipt. It is often unclear on what basis heating fees are calculated for us and why often the residents of the neighboring house pay much less. However, the numbers do not come out of nowhere: there is a standard for the consumption of thermal energy for heating, and it is on its basis that the final amounts are formed, taking into account the approved tariffs. How to understand this complex system?

Where do the standards come from?

The standards for heating residential premises, as well as the standards for the consumption of any utility service, be it heating, water supply, etc., are a relatively constant value. They are adopted by the local authorized body with the participation of resource supply organizations and remain unchanged for three years.

To put it more simply, the company supplying heat to a given region submits documents to local authorities justifying the new standards. During the discussion, they are accepted or rejected at city council meetings. After this, the consumed heat is recalculated, and the tariffs that consumers will pay are approved.

Thermal energy consumption standards for heating are calculated based on the climatic conditions of the region, type of house, wall and roof material, wear and tear of utility networks and other indicators. The result is the amount of energy that has to be spent on heating 1 square of living space in a given building. This is the standard.

The generally accepted unit of measurement is Gcal/sq. m – gigacalorie per square meter. The main parameter is the average ambient temperature during the cold period. Theoretically, this means that if the winter was warm, you will have to pay less for heating. However, in practice this usually does not work out.

What should be the normal temperature in the apartment?

Apartment heating standards are calculated taking into account the fact that a comfortable temperature must be maintained in the living space. Its approximate values:

  • The optimal temperature in the living room is from 20 to 22 degrees;
  • Kitchen - temperature from 19 to 21 degrees;
  • Bathroom - from 24 to 26 degrees;
  • Toilet - temperature from 19 to 21 degrees;
  • Corridor - from 18 to 20 degrees.

If in winter the temperature in your apartment is below the specified values, it means that your home receives less heat than heating standards require. As a rule, in such situations, worn-out city heating networks are to blame, when precious energy is wasted into the air. However, the heating standards in the apartment are not met, and you have the right to complain and demand a recalculation.

The most expensive utility service is heating.

Despite the legal requirement for the installation of communal heat meters, for various reasons, a large number of homeowners still pay for heat according to the standards established by local authorities.

I live in exactly such a house. Those. In our house there is no communal meter installed on the heating system. Therefore, I decided to calculate how much heat I need to heat my apartment or our apartment building and compare my calculation with the consumption standard established for our house (my apartment) in the receipt.

Below I present my calculation that each of you can do. The calculation is not very complicated, but it requires the ability to use a calculator, eight-grade knowledge of physics and a little time. Therefore, those of you who are interested in this question, namely, how much heat is needed to heat your apartment, I ask you to pick up a calculator and repeat my calculation for your apartment. Then take your receipt for payment of housing and communal services and compare the result of your calculation with the standard according to which you are charged for heating. After that, I would be grateful if you take part in the survey I propose below.

And so the calculation of the required heat consumption:

1. All our houses and apartments are made up of cubic meters of air, which we need to heat when the temperature outside becomes lower than necessary for comfortable living. Thus, it is precisely on heating the air that the heat of the heating supply system that we consume is spent. How much heat is needed to heat one cubic meter of air by one degree? If you forgot your school physics course, ask the schoolchildren. They will help you with the calculation. I tried. It works. We take the heat capacity of the air – 0.24 Kcal/kg*deg and multiply it by the air density – 1.3 kg/m3. We find that to heat 1m3 of air by one degree we need 0.312 Kcal/m3*deg or 0.00000031 Gcal/m3*deg.

2. Knowing how much thermal energy I need to heat one cubic meter of air by one degree, I can calculate how much energy I will need to heat the entire apartment or even the whole house and not by one, but by any number of degrees. To do this, you simply need to multiply the value obtained above in step 1 by the volume of the room and the number of heating degrees. It should be noted that in this case we are making calculations for the entire heating season, since the standard is set for the entire season and does not depend on the outside air temperature, i.e. assumes a certain average amount of heat consumption per month. Of course, in cold months we need more heat for heating, and in warm months, correspondingly less. But these fluctuations in heat consumption are averaged over the entire heating period if the average seasonal outside air temperature is used in the calculation. Therefore, in our calculation we calculate a certain average value of heat consumption, assuming that we need to heat the air in the room from the average outside air temperature for the heating season to the required room temperature. We take the required room temperature - plus 20 degrees. In my case, the average outside air temperature during the heating season is minus 2 degrees. Your average temperature may be different. You can easily find it out on the Internet. Consequently, I need to heat the apartment by 22 degrees, from the average outside temperature - minus 2 degrees, to the required room temperature - plus 20 degrees. The area of ​​my apartment is 68.6 m2. Considering the ceiling height, taking into account the interfloor ceilings, is 3.5 m, I get the heated volume of the apartment - 240 m3. Let's multiply the volume of the apartment 240 m3 by 22 degrees of the required heating and the required specific energy consumption to heat 1 m3 of air. We get – 0.0016368 Gcal/per apartment*hour. Heating is not an instantaneous process. It takes time. For simplicity and certainty, we assume that the necessary heating in this case is carried out within an hour.

3. However, the consumption of thermal energy for heating an apartment or house is not only heating the air indoors. Heat must be generated somewhere and delivered to the heated room. Naturally, losses will occur. According to current SNIPs, losses in the heating system of a house should average about 13%. Since my house is old, despite a major overhaul of the house’s heating system in 2012, I accept 20% losses for our house in my calculations. I also recommend this figure for your first calculation. You can further clarify it if necessary. It turns out that to heat my apartment, taking into account heat losses in the heating system of 20%, I need to consume 0.00196418 Gcal/per apartment*hour from the resource supply organization.

4. However, in addition to the losses that inevitably exist in the heat supply system during the generation and transport of heat, there are also so-called household heat emissions in residential premises. This, for example, is the heat generated by switched on electrical appliances, the heat of the air we exhale, the heat generated when cooking, etc. Without going into the details of the calculations (these data can be found in publications on the relevant topic), I propose to accept in our case that household heat generation amounts to 20% of the heat required to heat the room. This is a fairly accurate average estimate. If necessary, you can clarify or check it. Then we find that the required heat consumption of my apartment will be the same 0.0016368 Gcal/per apartment*hour.

5. Since after heating the room, the reverse process immediately begins, i.e. We need cooling and heating all the time during the heating season, in order to compensate for this particular cooling, then in our calculations we need to take into account how much the room cools through the enclosing structures (walls, windows, doors, roof, etc.) and ventilation system for the same unit of time (to be specific, an hour) during which we heated the room to the temperature we required. Here you should ask yourself the question: can a room that has walls, windows, doors, i.e. barriers to cooling, cool down 100%, i.e. lose all the thermal energy spent on heating, during the same time during which we heated it, for example, in an hour. The answer is obvious. No, he can not. Those. cooling (loss of energy spent on heating the room) can only be less than 100% of the energy spent on heating, otherwise why do we need walls, windows, doors, i.e. Walling. In our calculation, for definiteness, we will take a cooling of 90%. This means that of the thermal energy spent on heating the apartment through the building envelope, every hour I lose 90% of the energy spent on heating, while 10% remains in the room and in the next hour I need 10% less heat for heating. Then it turns out that every hour to heat my apartment during the heating season I need 0.0016368*90%=0.00147312 Gcal/per apartment*hour.

6. Accordingly, to calculate the required heat consumption of an apartment per month, it is necessary to multiply the hourly heat consumption of the apartment by the number of hours in the month of the heating season. In my case, the heating season is 220 days or seven full months. Then the average monthly heat consumption of my apartment for heating and ventilation will be 24*220/7*0.00147312=1.111153 Gcal/per apartment*month.

7. Now we take my heat consumption standard from the receipt. In my case, this is 1.68756 Gcal/month per apartment. I compare my calculation - 1.111153 Gcal / per apartment * month and the standard - 1.68756 Gcal / per apartment * month. The standard exceeds the seasonal average heat consumption required for my apartment by 51.87%. Those. By paying for heat consumption according to the standard for the entire heating period, I will overpay for the consumption of 52% of Gcal of heat that is unnecessary and accrued in excess of the required amount. Take your receipts and compare the standard value on the receipt with what you got when calculating. It is very interesting to compare the results.

Residents of city apartments have repeatedly encountered incomprehensible numbers found on their heating receipts. Often people do not understand where such figures come from and why, for example, a neighbor on the site pays much less. In fact, the payment amount is not taken from the ceiling: there is a special standard for thermal energy consumption for heating, on the basis of which the final amounts payable are compiled in accordance with government-approved tariffs. Let's try to figure out this issue.

When calculating the described standards, the fact that a comfortable temperature must be ensured in residential premises is taken into account. This point is regulated GOST R51617-2000. Below are approximate values ​​for this temperature.

Therefore, if in winter the temperature in your apartment is lower than the above indicators, it means that your house receives less thermal energy than currently approved standards require. In most cases, the wear and tear of urban heating networks is to blame, during which the generated energy partially goes into the air. Be that as it may, heating standards are not respected, so consumers have every right to file a corresponding complaint and demand a recalculation of tariff plans.

The choice of one or another calculation method depends on whether a heat meter is installed in the house or apartment. In the absence of a general house meter, tariffs are calculated according to standards, and those, as we have already found out, are determined by local authorities. This is done through a special decree, which also determines the payment schedule - whether you will pay all year round or exclusively during the heating season. And if you want to know the exact numbers specifically for your region, you can:

If there is no home accounting device, then you must remember Decree No. 344, which was adopted back in 2013. According to this document, in the absence of a meter (but if it is technically possible to install it), increasing coefficients are used:

Note! All figures above are given without the increase in the cost of heating services. It turns out that if you don’t have a meter in your house, although in theory you can install one there, it means that you will a priori pay more. And all because, in accordance with the mentioned document, the tariff calculated according to the standards will be multiplied by a coefficient.

Now let’s find out exactly how heating calculations should be carried out. Just a few years ago, the heating standard was a key parameter when calculating the required payment for heating services. The formula itself is extremely simple: it is necessary to multiply the standard indicator by the area of ​​the heated room in order to ultimately obtain the amount of thermal energy that is necessary to heat the living space. Next, this quantity should be multiplied by the current tariff and the total amount is obtained.

About the normal temperature in the apartment

  • In the corridor - within 18-20 C.
  • In an ordinary living room - about 20-22 C.
  • In the toilet - about 19-21 C.
  • In the kitchen - within 19-21 C.
  • Finally, in the bathroom it is approximately 24-26 C.

Basic calculation methods

  • find the relevant decree of local authorities;
  • contact the management company for information.
  • from January 2015 to July 2015, this coefficient should be 1.1;
  • from July 2015 to the end of December 2015 – 1.2;
  • from January 2016 to July 2016 – 1.4;
  • from July 2016 to the end of December 2016 – 1.5;
  • since January 2017 – already 1.6.

Calculation of heating costs according to standards

It is worth noting that the standard for thermal energy consumption for heating also includes the area of ​​various types of utility rooms; In this case, the absence/presence of hot water supply and a number of other parameters should be taken into account. But not so long ago, the payment receipt “acquired” another column called “General household needs.” What does it mean? The government has approved a new standard regarding the heating of entrances and staircases, and users now have to pay for this too.

Note! To save on heating, many consumers install individual meters in their apartments, which allow them to control the received thermal energy, rather than the approved heating standards. We will talk about the counter in more detail a little later.

Due to the use of this device, the real cost of heating has changed. Typically, you cannot install the meter yourself - this must be done by a qualified specialist. Upon completion of installation, the device is sealed.

As for the calculations themselves, they can be carried out according to one of three existing schemes (all depends on the availability of the same meters). Let's take a closer look at them.

Scheme No. 1. There is no individual meter, but there is a communal metering device

Step one. The management organization checks the readings of the device installed in the house. This one could be, say, 250 Gcal. This indicator should be found on the receipt.

Step two. Find information about the total area of ​​the house (including all rooms). Let's say it is 7 thousand squares.

Step three. Inquire about current rates. Let’s say it’s 1.4 thousand rubles per gigacalorie.

Step four. After this, you need to determine a specific fee taking into account the area of ​​your apartment. If it is, for example, 75 squares, then the calculations will look like this:

75x250/1400x7000 = 3750.

It turns out that you will see the amount on the receipt at 3750 rubles.

Scheme No. 2. Your home does not have both a common and individual meter

In this case, it is necessary to calculate in such a way that current consumption rates are taken into account. As an example, let’s imagine what this norm is? gigacalories per square meter. Multiply this figure by the area of ​​the apartment, as well as by the tariff in force in your region. After this, add to the resulting value the standard common building fee, which is proportionally divided among all apartment owners in the building.

Scheme No. 3. If both the house and apartment are equipped with heat consumption meters

We continue to consider the standard for thermal energy consumption for heating. Having two meters is considered perhaps the most economical option, since you will only pay for the heat that is actually supplied to the apartment, and not vague standards. To get the total amount, in this case you need to add the heat energy consumption in the apartment to the readings of the common building meter (similarly divided between residents).

Many people say that heating standards are too high, especially considering that a significant part of the heat simply goes to waste. For this reason, people install individual metering devices - in order to pay only for what was consumed.

Note! It must be remembered that there are several schemes for heating or hot water supply at home. For this reason, you should definitely talk to an independent specialist before installing the meter. After all, if you install the device incorrectly, you will not save, but, on the contrary, you will overpay.

The feasibility of installing a residential meter

If a house has a communal metering device installed, this does not mean that receipts will only be received for the heat that was actually consumed. For example, in some apartment there may be twice as many battery sections as required, or a water-based “warm floor” system connected to the heating main. Obviously, such an apartment will be warmer than yours, although everyone will still pay the same tariff. And the best solution in this case would be to install an individual meter.

How can this device help you save money? The fact is that the indicators will be taken at the entrance to the living space and at the “return”, that is, at the exit. And the difference between both indicators will become the amount of thermal energy that you consumed. This is exactly what you will pay for. There is another advantage of meters: if the temperature of the working fluid at the inlet is below the required norm, then the heat in this case will not be taken into account at all.

As noted above, you cannot install the meter yourself. This can only be done by a licensed specialist, and an installation project must first be drawn up and approved. And this, frankly, can cost twice as much as the device itself. In addition, there are also technical difficulties. In the case of horizontal wiring there are no problems. But often apartments also have vertical wiring, in which each room has a separate riser, from which one or two radiators are powered. In this case, it is impractical to install a meter in front of each battery.

More details about temperature standards in the apartment

The standard for thermal energy consumption for heating is directly related to the temperature standards in a particular room. At the beginning of the article, we already mentioned what the temperature should be in each room. But here the key role is played by how the measurements should be carried out. There are certain requirements, let's consider them.

  • The temperature is measured on the surface of any interior wall.
  • The minimum distance from the external wall should be 1 meter, from the floor surface - 1.5.
  • Non-compliance of indicators with the specified standards is unacceptable!
  • If the temperature still does not correspond, then for each hour the cost of services should be reduced by 0.15 percent.

Note! To achieve a reduction in tariffs, you must write a corresponding application to the DEZ. After this, a technician will come to you within a week, check the pipelines and temperature, and draw up a report. If the discrepancy is confirmed, the situation will be corrected within a week.

You can also check the hot water supply to ensure it is at the correct temperature. According to standards, it should vary between 50-70 degrees, with a maximum permissible deviation of 3-5 degrees. To check, you need to open the tap, place a glass and place a thermometer in the collected water. If there are deviations, then follow the same steps as above (complaint).

It is worth adding that according to the law, the heat supply to the apartment must be continuous throughout the entire heating season. Over a month, the total cessation of heating should not exceed 24 hours, and no more than 16 hours in a row. If the standard is exceeded, then the fee must be reduced by 0.15 percent for each hour.

Who draws up the standards?

These standards, as well as the consumption standards for any other public utility service (gas or water supply, for example), are a relatively constant value. They are accepted by local authorities (with the participation of the energy supply company, of course). Typically, the standards remain unchanged for 3 years.

Simply put, the organization involved in heat supply in a specific region of the country provides local authorities with documentation that justifies new standards. The documentation is discussed at the city council, after which it is rejected or approved. Next, the consumed heat is recalculated, and the tariffs at which consumers will pay for the service are approved.

When determining consumption standards, the climate conditions in a particular region, the degree of wear and tear of heating networks, the material from which houses are made, as well as their type are taken into account. As a result, they receive the amount of thermal energy necessary to heat 1 square meter of living space in each specific building. In fact, this is the standard for thermal energy consumption for heating.

Note! According to generally accepted standards, the standard is measured in gigacalories per square meter (Gcal/m?). In this case, the main parameter is considered to be the ambient air temperature in the winter season. In theory, this means that if it is relatively warm in winter, you will have to pay less, although in practice in most cases it turns out differently.

Summing up

The ability to appeal deviations is certainly a good thing. But in reality it is quite difficult to prove all this. Yes, it’s not difficult to write a statement, then DEZ employees can come to you, for example, when the radiators are very hot or when it’s relatively warm outside; as a result, the complaint is not confirmed.

Dear Igor Viktorovich!

I asked your specialists for data on determining standards for heat consumption. The answer was received. But I also contacted MPEI, where they also provided a link to the calculations. I quote it:

Borisov Konstantin Borisovich.

Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University)

To calculate the standard heat consumption for heating, you must use the following document:

Resolution No. 306 “Rules for establishing and determining utility service consumption standards” (formula 6 - “Formula for calculating heating standards”; table 7 - “Value of the standardized specific heat energy consumption for heating an apartment building or residential building”).

To determine payment for heating for a residential premises (apartment), you must use the following document:

Resolution No. 307 “Rules for the provision of utility services to citizens” (Appendix No. 2 - “Calculation of the amount of payment for utility services”, formula 1).

In principle, the calculation of the standard heat consumption for heating an apartment and determining the payment for heating is not difficult.

If you want, let's try to roughly (roughly) estimate the main numbers:

1) The maximum hourly heating heat load of your apartment is determined:

Qmax = Qsp*Sq = 74*74 = 5476 kcal/h

Qsp = 74 kcal/h - standardized specific heat energy consumption for heating 1 sq. m of apartment building.

The value of Qd is taken according to Table 1 for buildings built before 1999, with a height (number of floors) of 5-9 floors at an outside air temperature Tnro = -32 C (for the city K).

Sq = 74 sq. m - the total area of ​​the apartment premises.

2) Calculate the amount of thermal energy required to heat your apartment during the year:

Qsr = Qmax×[(Tv-Tsr.o)/(Tv-Tnro)]×No×24 = 5476×[(20-(-5.2))/(20-(-32))]×215* 24=13,693,369 kcal = 13.693 Gcal

TV = 20 C - standard value of internal air temperature in residential premises (apartments) of the building;

Тср.о = -5.2 С - outside air temperature, average for the heating period (for city K);

No = 215 days - the duration of the heating period (for city K).

3) The standard for heating 1 square meter is calculated. meters:

Heating_standard = Qav / (12×Skv) = 13.693/(12×74) = 0.0154 Gcal/sq.m

4) The payment for heating the apartment is determined according to the standard:

Ro = Sq × Heating_standard × Heat_tariff = 74 × 0.0154 × 1223.31 = 1394 rubles

Data taken from Kazan.

Following this calculation and applied specifically to house No. 55 in the village of Vaskovo, with the introduction of the parameters of this structure, we obtain:


177 - 8 253 -4.4 273 -3.4

12124.2 × (20-(-8) / 20-(-45) × 273 × 24 = 14.622…./ (12= 72.6) = 0.0168

0.0168 - this is exactly the standard we obtain in the calculation, and the most severe climatic conditions are taken into account: temperature of -45, length of the heating period of 273 days.

I understand perfectly well that deputies who are not specialists in the field of heat supply can be asked to introduce a standard of 0.0263.

But calculations are given that indicate that the standard of 0.0387 is the only correct one, and this raises very serious doubts.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to recalculate the standards for heat supply of residential buildings No. 54 and 55 in the village of Vaskovo to the corresponding values ​​of 0.0168, since in the near future there are no plans to install heat meters in these residential buildings, but to pay 5,300 rubles for heat supply very expensive.

Sincerely, Alexey Veniaminovich Popov.

Comments (1)

Igor Godzish
Minister of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Arkhangelsk Region
October 3, 2014 10:24

Dear Alexey! Standards for the consumption of utility services are calculated in accordance with the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

In accordance with paragraph 11 of the Rules, standards are established for groups of houses that have similar design and technical parameters. For this reason, the calculation given in your application is incorrect, since the standard is determined for a specific apartment.

In addition, in the calculation you provided, the normalized specific consumption of thermal energy for heating was incorrectly selected. According to the technical passport submitted to the ministry by the heat supply organization, house No. 55 in the village of Vaskovo is a 2-story building.

In accordance with Table 4 of the Rules, the standardized specific heat energy consumption for 2-story houses built before 1999 at a design outdoor temperature of 33 0C will be 139.2 kcal per hour per 1 sq. m, not 74.

Thus, even taking into account climatic conditions that are less severe than in your calculation (the duration of the heating period is 250 days, the average daily temperature of the heating season is 4.5 0C and the design temperature for heating design is 33 0C), the design standard for heating for 2-story houses in the village of Vaskovo will be 0.04632 Gcal/sq.m/month. In accordance with the current edition of the Rules, the calculation of the standard was made for the heating period, and not for the calendar year, as indicated in your calculation. Please note that in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Arkhangelsk Region dated June 24, 2013 No. 86-pn (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services of the Arkhangelsk Region dated September 5, 2014 No. 46-pn) the current standard for heating for 2-storey houses in the village of Vaskovo below the calculated value (0.03654 Gcal/sq.m./month), in order to avoid exceeding the increase in citizens' fees approved at that time by the limit index.