Hormonal imbalance and weight gain: what to do. Losing weight with hormonal imbalance

Every woman’s body contains about 70 hormones that are responsible for metabolic rate and control the functioning of internal organs and tissues. How to lose weight during hormonal imbalance in women, when it seems that any attempt to gain slimness is doomed to failure? Under the influence of external factors, sex hormones can decrease or increase in quantity - as a result of uneven surges, a malfunction occurs in the endocrine system and the woman suddenly gains weight. Malfunctions of the adrenal glands, ovaries, thyroid or pancreas have a profound impact on the body.

Sometimes the weight gain is so fast and enormous that it is truly scary. Nutritionists are able to identify the problem already during the initial examination. To an experienced specialist, the sites of fat deposits tell a lot, but additional tests are necessary to determine hormonal levels.

What effect do hormones have on the body?

A lack of estrogen forces a woman to seek additional calories, and the hormone progesterone prevents fluid from coming out, causing swelling in the legs or arms. Estrogen performs a protective function and tries to provide the body with a layer of fat for emergencies, actively storing fat on the hips or buttocks. Excess prolactin indicates an increase in volume in the back and chest and signals that the body is completely ready to conceive and bear a child. Massive, flabby sides and a plump face are the result of poor thyroid function. Losing weight with thyroid disorders is extremely difficult: by producing too few hormones, it does not allow the body to process food, and the excess is deposited in the subcutaneous folds.

Girls often gain weight during puberty, and mature ladies at the time of menopause. Genetic disposition plays an important role: in a family where curvaceous figures predominate, it is rare to see a thin, delicate relative. Poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, use of potent hormonal drugs or abortions only worsen the situation.

Symptoms of hormonal disorders:

  • If the thyroid gland malfunctions, a person feels constant lethargy, drowsiness, and irritation;
  • Critical days come late, the schedule is constantly shifting;
  • Hair grows on the back, face, arms;
  • Nails break, acne appears;
  • Often headaches, mental activity worsens;
  • I suffer from constant depression and nervous breakdowns.

The degrees of obesity are divided into four phases: the first - an increase of 29-30%, the second - 30-49%, the third - 50-98%, the fourth critical - 100%. Depending on the phase, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, antipsychotics or drugs containing potassium. But the main goal remains maintaining a healthy balanced diet. The weight gained during pregnancy is considered natural and returns to normal over time. If the kilograms have stuck for another reason, you won’t be able to lose weight quickly, even if you decide to resort to hormonal pills. Any medications must be agreed with a specialist, and the course of treatment must be supported by physical exercise so that the muscles contract more actively. If you are obese, you will not be able to run, so the best way out is race walking, walks in the fresh air, bodyflexing, and yoga. It is not advisable to overload the body with sports: 15-20 minutes a day is enough. Saunas, steam baths or simple swimming will remove excess fluid from the body and give you a good mood and vigor for the whole day. Don't forget about getting a full eight hours of sleep.

How to eat healthy

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be carefully calculated. Vitamin complexes containing iodine and active nutritional supplements are added to the daily diet. To restore hormonal levels, it is necessary to completely eliminate foods such as:

  • Fried potatoes, pork meat, lard, smoked meats, salt;
  • White bread;
  • Granulated sugar, buns, sweets, sparkling water, butter;
  • Alcohol;
  • Mayonnaise, marinade.

To help your body recover faster, eat lean turkey meat, oatmeal, fresh juices, wild mushrooms, fruits (grapefruit, apple), and natural yoghurts. Curry seasonings, cinnamon, seaweed, fish, fresh cucumbers, and herbs help improve metabolic processes. Food should be eaten slowly, chewing thoroughly, dividing into small portions. It is better to replace a large plate with a small one, and make dinner as light as possible: cottage cheese, a glass of kefir, vegetable salad. Before breakfast, drink a glass of clean water, consume as much liquid as possible - 1.5-2 liters per day. Herbal decoctions from leaves of lemon balm, linden, and oregano help well.

Only perseverance, time and compliance with all recommendations will help you regain your slim figure and improve your health.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Doctors' advice on how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance includes balancing women's nutrition and following a diet. These are the main factors that will help you lose extra pounds and regain your slim figure. Before treatment, you should be examined by a gynecologist to determine the cause of hormonal imbalance in the body. Once the diagnosis is made, you can begin to improve your health.

What is hormonal imbalance

In medicine, hormonal imbalance refers to the pathology of hormone production in the endocrine and neuroregulatory systems. This dysfunction leads to people acquiring hormonal obesity, which is difficult to get rid of on their own. Signs of a failure include:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • increased body weight, appetite, sweating;
  • swelling of the limbs, face;
  • irritability state;
  • tearfulness, depression.

The following possible manifestations are usually called factors in the development of disorders:

  • unhealthy diet, carbohydrate, sweet foods;
  • taking contraceptives and other hormonal drugs;
  • infections;
  • puberty, pregnancy, lactation, menopause, childbirth.

What hormones make women fat?

Hormonal obesity is more common in women than in men. This is due to surges in the female genital organs - estrogen, progesterone, the normal ratio of which allows the body to function properly. They are first produced during puberty during the restructuring of the body, when food is stored in reserve in the form of fat. The body remembers this, and during the next surges it does the same - weight gain occurs.

In addition to sex hormones, weight gain is affected by the functioning of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine affect the metabolic rate. The more active the thyroid gland is, producing these hormones, the faster food is processed. If there is a failure, the metabolism slows down and the person gets fat. Your doctor should tell you how to lose weight after taking hormonal medications that cause possible weight gain.

Hormonal imbalance in men

Hormonal changes in men are common. Hormones are first produced during puberty and their improper function leads to obesity. At older ages, men are susceptible to diabetes and beer drinking. If diabetes mellitus leads to obesity due to a malfunction of the internal functioning of the thyroid gland and the hormones it produces, then drinking a foamy drink increases body weight due to the presence of female sex hormones in it.

How to treat

For treatment, medications are used that are prescribed by an endocrinologist in individual dosages after the patient has undergone tests. Herbal medicines, proper nutrition, and diets will also help balance the production of sex hormones. Don’t neglect getting enough sleep, giving up bad habits and playing sports. Physiotherapeutic procedures include massage and salt baths that effectively help in case of failure.


The greatest attention during treatment should be paid to nutrition. This is the main factor that will help you regain your previous weight. Switching to proper nutrition makes the body work correctly, and plant foods with proteins in large quantities increases metabolism and burns calories. To get the result and fix the problem, follow the steps:

  • monitor the calorie content of your food;
  • eat small meals;
  • maintain fluid balance;
  • exclude salty, spicy, smoked foods, fast carbohydrates;
  • increase the amount of fermented milk products, vitamins, foods high in zinc, selenium, iodine.

Metabolic hormonal diet for weight loss

Experts have developed a metabolic diet for hormonal imbalance for weight loss, consisting of three phases. The meals on each of them are fractional, the serving size does not exceed 300 g, you need to eat every three hours and stop eating three hours before bedtime. More details about each phase of the diet in case of failure:

  1. Lasts 14 days, allows you to eat eggs, fish, seafood, poultry fillet, rabbit. Mushrooms, vegetables, lime, lemon, herbs, and 2% fermented milk products are allowed. Take one tablespoon of olive oil every day.
  2. For breakfast, you are allowed to eat one high-calorie product (confectionery, sweets, sausage, fried potatoes, cheese, chocolate) with an element from the first phase. Second breakfast, afternoon snack and lunch consist of beef, nuts, bran, bread, fruit, cereals and 4% dairy products. Dinner is made up of products from the first phase. Supplement them with freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Once the weight is balanced, move on to the third stage.
  3. Breakfast and lunch have no restrictions, dinner consists of products from the first phase, second breakfast and afternoon snack - from the second.

Seleno-zinc diet

To lose weight, a selenium-zinc diet, including foods and supplements rich in this mineral, will help. You need to increase your intake of foods with high levels of nutrients, and focus on them. Determine the rules for following a diet:

  1. Take zinc and selenium supplements as prescribed by your doctor.
  2. Eat foods rich in zinc: oysters, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, oatmeal.
  3. Selenium-rich foods: oyster mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, pistachios, coconut.
  4. Eliminate honey, sugar, baked goods, condensed milk, starch, canned food, and sausage from the menu.

Products for women's hormonal balance

If you have a hormone imbalance, you can use products that correct the imbalance to lose weight. Plant foods are healthy - mushrooms, vegetables and fruits, berries. They are rich in phytoestrogens, similar in action to female sex hormones. When the pituitary gland does not function properly, prolactin is produced, which causes excess weight gain. It's important to balance it.

What foods increase prolactin: white bread, baked goods, refined sugar, cow's milk and animal protein. To eliminate pathology, remove these foods from your diet and replace them with whole grain cereals, fresh fruits, herbs, and fiber. It is useful to eat raisins, nuts, unrefined oil, soft drinking water, and probiotics. Replace milk with goat milk or fermented milk products.

Exercise stress

Not only proper nutrition and diet will help you lose weight. Physical activity is very important for hormonal imbalance. Give preference to swimming, walks in the fresh air, simple sports and yoga. Be active three times a week, get plenty of rest, and sleep at least seven hours. During the day you can also sleep a little, and on weekends visit the sauna or bathhouse.


Another assistant in the fight for a beautiful body is herbal medicine for hormonal imbalance. It allows you to lose weight using decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is recommended to brew dry raw materials of oregano, hops, linden flowers, flax seeds, field cloves, and fresh propolis. Take a glass of boiling water for one tablespoon, brew for half an hour, take a third of a glass three times a day for up to three weeks. This will help normalize the background, and together with diet and exercise, lose weight.

What to do if a hormonal imbalance occurs

If you begin to notice symptoms of disorders, contact your therapist and gynecologist. They will prescribe a general blood test and hormone tests, find pathology and prescribe treatment. You should not try to normalize the background on your own - hormones and weight loss are a delicate thing, so to avoid possible harm to the body, follow the advice of professionals. Therapy consists of eliminating the causes that led to the failure and normalizing hormonal levels with medications. These can be injections, tablets and other drugs.

How to lose weight after hormonal pills

If obesity was caused by the use of special drugs, then patients will be interested in how to lose weight after taking hormonal drugs. The elimination process should begin by following the recommendations:

  • visit an endocrinologist;
  • incorporate daily exercise;
  • stabilize the gastrointestinal microflora;
  • It is useful to remove sweets, fatty, smoked, salty, fried, mayonnaise from the diet;
  • limit your intake of white rice, bread, semolina, potatoes, full-fat milk and cheese;
  • maintain water balance, replace coffee with green tea or parsley decoction, do not drink diuretics;
  • eat every 3.5 hours;
  • take vitamins and minerals.

How to lose weight while taking hormonal pills

If weight gain began while using drugs, then you should learn how to lose weight by taking hormonal pills. The first rule of getting rid of the problem of excess weight is to review your diet. Diet recommendations are prescribed by an endocrinologist on an individual basis, but there are general rules on how to lose weight quickly:

  • limit your diet, exclude fast food and processed foods;
  • arrange fasting days - on kefir, cucumbers, fruits;
  • Among the types of fitness, choose walking, dancing, Pilates, running, yoga, but not strength training;
  • Take 30 ml of pure water per kilogram of weight daily.

How to lose weight after hormonal imbalance

To lose weight after taking hormonal medications, the use of which was forced and led to failure, consult a doctor. He will conduct an ultrasound, do a blood test and prescribe therapy. Correction with special medications may be required. In addition to this, you will need to change your diet - limit harmful foods and increase the share of healthy ones in your diet, normalize your water balance and exercise. To recover, you can take decoctions of sage, oregano, hops, milk with mallow and nettle.

Video: hormones and excess weight in women

The question of what diet to follow to lose weight during hormonal imbalance worries many. Everyone knows that the hated kilograms often come due to problems with the endocrine system. As a result, hormonal levels change, the body malfunctions and begins to accumulate unnecessary fat. Excess weight gain is especially common due to hormonal imbalance in women. This problem has been studied by doctors for a long time.

All women noticed that if they had certain problems, they began to quickly gain weight. For example, when women have gynecological diseases, a hormone imbalance occurs and they begin to gain weight in the midsection of the body. Very often the belly pops out, as during pregnancy. This problem occurs in women after 35 years of age. It is connected with the fact that after this age irreversible processes begin to occur in the body, especially if the woman has not given birth.

Malfunctions of hormones are also observed in the male half of the population. People who suffer from diabetes or drink large amounts of beer are often susceptible to this disease. Everyone has long known that the popular foamy drink is simply filled to the brim with hormones that change the usual composition of substances in the body. This leads to obesity.

When people face such a problem and find out that the cause of their excess weight is a hormonal imbalance, they immediately ask themselves about losing weight. Of course, losing extra pounds is possible. In addition, many experts are simply sure that this must be done. This is because as soon as the body begins to get rid of everything unnecessary, it will immediately begin to restore and improve hormonal levels. That is, a hormonal diet is the path to recovery.

How to start losing weight with hormonal imbalance

You should definitely start by visiting an endocrinologist. He will conduct an external examination and prescribe tests. Tests will show the content of hormones in the blood and help identify the reason why the failure occurred. There could be a million such reasons. After the specialist receives the test results, he will be able to make appointments.

Typically, the following treatment regimen is prescribed, which must be followed:

The hormonal diet can be supplemented with hormone therapy. If it comes to women, then the prescription may contain hormones such as: thyroid, sex, growth. After a course of such hormones, there will be no trace of disturbances. Very often, women with hormonal imbalances are prescribed oral contraceptives, which can restore the balance of hormones, improve their general condition and bring weight back to normal.

During pregnancy, a woman thinks about how to lose weight after pregnancy. It often happens that after the birth of a child, a woman loses her hated kilograms. This is due to the fact that the body undergoes stress. After this, all its systems begin to work with renewed vigor, the failure passes and the body is restored. The main thing during this period is to remain calm, spend more time in the fresh air, lead a healthy lifestyle and watch your diet.

Proper diet

A hormonal diet is prescribed by an endocrinologist, who fully checks the cause of the failure and makes recommendations for its elimination. Typically, a weight loss diet has the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to consume complex carbohydrates. They will help with various disorders due to which the body does not receive enough energy.
  2. Excessive amounts of wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil can affect the disruption of the hormonal system. Therefore, they must be limited or removed from the diet.
  3. Vegetable and animal fats must be properly balanced when treating hormonal imbalance. Typically, vegetable fats occupy 70%, and animal fats 30%.
  4. It is necessary to follow a strict diet. You should not eat food earlier than every 2 hours. The problem of excess weight is also hidden in a violation of the diet. You should not have snacks in between main meals. They can make the situation worse.
  5. During the diet, you should not forget about fluids. It is a key point in the process of healing and restoration of the body.
  6. You need to include a large amount of berries and fruits in your diet. These products are enriched with vitamins and minerals, which bring all body systems back to normal.

If there is a hormonal imbalance, strict diets are prohibited.

This may make the condition worse. Only a specialist can prescribe a diet. Conventional weight loss diets will not work in this case. They can cause hormone imbalance. First of all, you need to identify the reason why the failure occurred, and only then engage in treatment. All therapy must be supervised by a specialist.

In addition to the food diet, a hormonal diet may be prescribed. Typically, hormonal balance is adjusted through nutritional supplements and herbal infusions. For example, sage and boron uterus, when taken correctly, will certainly restore hormonal balance in women, relieve many gynecological problems, and in specific cases, cure infertility. Antilipid tea is also prescribed, which contains 12 specially selected herbs. There are also supplements that are made from special medicinal mushrooms.


If you correctly identify the cause of the violation, receive a competent prescription and stick to it, you can eradicate the problem in a fairly short time. After its elimination, the hated kilograms will also go away. However, all this must be done carefully and only with the permission of a specialist, so as not to worsen the situation. Health comes first, and you definitely need to take care of it.

Metabolic disorders in women or men in many cases lead to obesity. This condition further aggravates the person’s condition and leads to the development of some complications. Diet for hormonal imbalance is the main method for achieving optimal weight. Abruptly getting rid of extra pounds can be dangerous for the body of a sick person. Therefore, in this case, in order to lose weight, doctors recommend adhering to certain rules that will help in solving this problem.

Is it possible to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance? It all depends on the reasons that led to this violation:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland. This leads to the development of dangerous and sometimes difficult to diagnose diseases - hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome and others. Thyroid hormones ensure normal metabolism in the body. Their deficiency is accompanied by lethargy, fatigue, sleep problems, decreased intellectual abilities and other symptoms;
  • development of insulin resistance. This can be both the reason that a person begins to recover, and a consequence. This effect is observed due to the high metabolic activity of adipose tissue. When you exceed normal weight by 30-40%, the body's sensitivity to insulin decreases by at least 40%. With obesity, which develops against the background of diabetes, other symptoms are observed. These include a constant feeling of thirst, dry mouth, fatigue;
  • decrease in the concentration of leptin, which is responsible for regulating energy metabolism in the human body. This hormone is produced by fatty tissue. Leptin regulates the feeling of hunger, affects the concentration of insulin in the blood;
  • disruption of the production of sex hormones. Hormonal disruption can occur during menopause or due to the development of certain diseases of the female reproductive system. Men may gain extra pounds due to decreased testosterone levels;

  • unhealthy lifestyle, including systematic consumption of alcohol, smoking;
  • staying in a state of stress for a long time, frequent lack of sleep;
  • excessive physical activity or, conversely, lack thereof;
  • vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition, including consumption of too high-calorie foods;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs;
  • past infectious or viral diseases (ARVI, influenza, syphilis and others).

Dietary rules and acceptable foods in the presence of hormonal imbalance

How to lose weight during hormonal imbalance with minimal harm to the body? This is quite easy to do. A person losing weight should:

  • Avoid fasting, strictly monitor your calorie intake, and control your appetite.
  • It is best to eat in small portions and at the same time.
  • In order not to gain weight, you need to avoid foods that retain water in the tissues. These include smoked, overly salted and pickled foods.

  • You should avoid foods that have a high glycemic index. Food containing fast carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, confectionery and others) immediately leads to excessive fat accumulation.
  • The menu of a person suffering from hormonal disorders should be composed using foods that contain large amounts of fiber, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Zinc, selenium, and iodine are especially important.

  • The diet of a person losing weight must include dairy and fermented milk products.
  • When organizing meals during hormonal imbalance, you need to practice fasting days from time to time. They involve eating certain foods throughout the day that are quickly digested and do not contain many calories. These include apples, kefir and others.

  • Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink about 2-2.5 liters of clean water, depending on the person’s weight. Tea, compote, coffee and other drinks are not able to fill this need.
  • Dinner should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime. It should include easily digestible foods with minimal calorie content.

  • At one time you can eat a portion no larger than a human fist. It is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed gradually so that the body does not experience stress during weight loss.
  • It is recommended to stop eating when a person experiences a slight feeling of hunger. Full saturation comes only 20 minutes after eating.
  • Every second woman says that she gained weight because of sweets. To stop this process, it is recommended to replace ordinary sweets with healthier ones. When losing weight, you can eat foods such as dark chocolate, dried fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, and honey in small quantities.

Recommended diet in the presence of hormonal imbalance (acceptable foods)

To lose excess weight in the presence of hormonal imbalance, it is recommended to adhere to a special metabolic diet. It includes several stages that involve the consumption of a certain group of products.

During each weight loss phase, you should eat no more than 250-300 ml of any food per meal. This volume is slightly larger than the capacity of a regular glass. Also, no more than 3 hours should pass between meals, which will allow you not to feel strong hunger, which leads to overeating.

  • no later than 10 a.m. – breakfast;
  • around 11-12 am – second breakfast;
  • from 13 to 15 hours – lunch;
  • no later than 18:00 – afternoon snack;
  • no later than 20 o'clock - dinner.

Rapid fat burning phase (acceptable foods)

This stage should last no longer than 2 weeks. It involves dramatic weight loss. Therefore, at this time you need to carefully monitor your well-being. If a person experiences severe weakness, darkening of the eyes, or tinnitus, you need to drink sweet tea and lie down to rest. If there is such an alarm signal, you should move on to the second phase of weight loss.

The first stage of the metabolic diet allows the consumption of the following foods:

  • eggs;
  • olive oil (no more than 1 tbsp per day);
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid and other products);
  • white dietary meat chicken, turkey;
  • mushrooms;
  • fresh vegetables (not starchy foods), herbs;
  • Lime and lemon are allowed to be consumed as fruits;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seasonings (mustard, horseradish);
  • green pea.

Stable fat burning phase (allowed foods)

During this phase, nutrition should take into account the fact that some confectionery products (preferably chocolate, honey, dried fruits), pork, duck meat, potatoes and other high-calorie foods are allowed in small quantities. It is best to do this during breakfast.

High-calorie foods can be combined with foods that were allowed during the first two weeks of the diet.

Second breakfast and lunch may include dishes from the following ingredients:

The afternoon snack should consist of products that were previously allowed. If desired, this meal can be supplemented with vegetable juices, berries, and bean dishes. For dinner, you can only eat foods that are included in the diet of the first phase of weight loss.

Weight maintenance phase (allowed foods)

You should move to this phase when the weight has finally stabilized. To avoid gaining weight again, you should limit yourself during dinner (especially) and slightly adjust your diet at lunchtime. In the morning you can eat almost all foods without exception. At lunch and second breakfast, many things are allowed, except for confectionery, pork and other particularly high-calorie foods. In the evening, only foods from the first phase of the diet (plus vegetable juices or berries) are allowed.

When losing weight due to hormonal imbalances, sport occupies a special place. It is recommended to do swimming, yoga, light jogging or regular gymnastics. Moderate physical activity should be about 3-4 hours per week.


  1. Martinchik A.N., Korolev A.A., Trofimenko L.S. Physiology of nutrition, sanitation and hygiene: Textbook. allowance. – M.: Academy, 2006.
  2. Ovchinnikov Yu.A., Bioorganic chemistry // Peptide hormones. – 1987. – p.274.
  3. Secrets of endocrinology: textbook. manual: trans. from English – 2nd ed., rev. and additional – M.: BINOM; St. Petersburg : Nevsky Dialect, 2001. – 464 p. : ill.
  4. Milku Sh. M., Yaikolau G. Ya. Relationship of hormonal circadian biorhythms with age // Endocrinology today. - M., 1982. - pp. 227-246
  5. Kolman J., Rem K. - G., Visual biochemistry // Hormones. Hormonal system. – 2000. – p.358-359, 368-375.
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⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna – endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

The female body produces about 70 hormones that ensure the normal functioning of all organs and tissues of the body. Under the influence of external factors and some other reasons, the level of hormones in the body may increase or decrease. As a result: hormonal imbalance.

And the result of the imbalance is often excess weight, in addition to the main clinical picture. Vez is difficult to correct and increases very quickly. That is why a woman wonders how to lose weight quickly during hormonal imbalance.

Start losing weight

Losing weight due to hormonal imbalance must begin with a visit to a specialist. The doctor will prescribe appropriate tests that will help determine the level of hormones in the body. In this way, the reason why the failure occurred is determined. After the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

Determining the cause of obesity, depending on the zone

In some cases, already from the area of ​​localization of fat, a specialist can determine the causes of hormonal imbalance. And also suggest recommendations that will allow you to quickly lose weight.

  • if there is fat on the chest and upper back, this causes excess prolactin. A hormone that prepares a woman’s body during pregnancy for breastfeeding. Therefore, the woman experiences swelling, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and increased appetite. The drug Dostinex helps normalize weight. Patients note positive results already in the first 2 months of use;
  • fat in the waist area - folds warn a woman about an imbalance in the level of thyroid hormones. A person feels constant fatigue and lethargy. Performance is significantly reduced. In addition, puffy cheeks are noted. The most common medications for fat deposits in the waist area: Thiamazole, Propicil;
  • fat in the thighs and buttocks - the cause is a lack of estrogen. The patient notes severe mood swings, the person is irritable, and forgetfulness is noted. There may be serious problems with the genital organs of the woman’s reproductive system, with the ovaries. In this case, the specialist prescribes Tocopherol, Proginov to correct the level of hormones in the body.

Localization of fat deposits does not 100% prove the diagnosis. Only a qualified specialist can diagnose the pathology of hormone levels in a woman’s body after passing tests.

Weight loss scheme

A diet for hormonal imbalance is distinguished by its balance in the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. As a rule, people need to follow a few simple rules during weight loss:

  • You should definitely reconsider your diet. The diet should be balanced and include proteins, carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, it is necessary to gradually eliminate or minimize sugar intake;
  • in the diet it is necessary to increase the amount of legumes, berries, mushrooms and fruits. These are the products that help;
  • it is necessary to take vitamin-mineral complexes and iodine-containing preparations;
  • fiber is a natural filter that helps burn excess fat.

The menu for hormonal imbalance must first be selected with the help of a nutritionist. After the endocrinologist makes a diagnosis, he will easily create first and second courses, which the woman can over time supplement with her favorite fruits and vegetables.

The doctor will explain how to lose weight during hormonal imbalance, but it is the woman who needs to act. If necessary, a specialist may prescribe additional hormone therapy. After a course of therapy, weight will begin to decrease.

Pregnant women should not worry about gaining excess weight. As a rule, after childbirth, extra pounds go away on their own. Everything is due to the fact that the body suffers terrible stress. After this, all systems work with renewed vigor, hormonal disruption passes and the body is completely restored. The main thing is to remain calm during this period, spend more time outdoors, monitor your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle.

It will not be possible to lose weight after a hormonal imbalance within a week. Therapy of the disease requires systematic control and a uniform pace of transition to a healthy lifestyle. Is it possible to get rid of the external manifestations of obesity: stretch marks, sagging skin with the help of hormonal agents?

A person who has lost weight with the help of medications must add physical activity to his life. Cell tone will come gradually. Everyone who lost weight with the help of nutritionists and endocrinologists noted an increase in the effect of the drugs after starting physical activity.

In the diet of a woman who is losing weight, it is necessary to increase the amount of the following products:

  • turkey meat;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • seaweed;
  • cucumbers;
  • greenery.

And also reduce the consumption of the following products:

  • fatty sweets;
  • pork, beef and veal;
  • mayonnaise, fatty dressings, marinades;
  • baked goods and ice cream;
  • alcohol.

Types of hormonal imbalance in the body

Women often turn to a specialist if the level of sex hormones in the body fluctuates. Sex hormones – estrogen and progesterone.

Lack of estrogen forces a woman’s body to store calories, which are subsequently formed into fat. As for progesterone, its deficiency causes fluid retention in organs and tissues. In women, swelling is observed, as a result of excess weight gain.

Types of hormonal imbalance:

  • stage of puberty, childbirth, pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • hormonal imbalance appears due to stress, addictions, mental and physical overload;

  • when using hormonal drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • abortions;
  • heredity.

Do not forget that the health of the female body directly depends on the proper functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands, as well as the adrenal glands.

Hormones secreted by the thyroid gland contribute to normal metabolism. In sick people, hormone production decreases and the body cannot process food into energy. This is why a woman becomes overweight. If a woman tries to limit herself in nutrition, weight will increase. In addition, lethargy, drowsiness and apathy will be noted.

The pancreas produces insulin. If its metabolism is disrupted, the risk of obesity increases several times.

The causes of hormonal imbalance can only be determined by a specialist after passing the appropriate tests. After diagnosis, the correct treatment will be prescribed.

Weight loss depending on the type of hormonal imbalance

As a rule, hormonal drugs alone will not be enough for weight loss. Therefore, the specialist recommends that the patient adhere to a proper balanced diet, and may additionally prescribe antipsychotics, iodine-containing, potassium-containing drugs, and other medications. Don't neglect physical activity.

In order to quickly achieve the desired result and cope with extra pounds, a woman, in addition to pharmacological agents, should pay attention to physical activity. To begin with, all physical activity should be moderate. Start with walking, or sign up for a swimming or yoga class. Gradually switch to stronger sports activity.

It is necessary to consult a doctor - excessive physical activity or lack thereof provokes the development of hormonal imbalance.

It should be remembered that rest should be complete. The process of losing weight will go faster in women who have slept and rested normally. Steam procedures (bath, sauna) are excellent for removing excess fluid from the body.

Restrictions for hormonal imbalances

Many women, trying to become slim and attractive, pay attention to advertising. And in this case, no one takes into account the fact that treatment is prescribed by a specialist depending on the hormonal imbalance, the imbalance that has occurred in the body.

Extra pounds are most likely a consequence of pathological processes, and without eliminating the cause, it will not be possible to return to an ideal figure.


To avoid serious problems with extra pounds, a woman must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • carefully monitor the menstrual cycle - any failure or delay indicates an imbalance of hormones in the body;
  • if the nature of critical days changes, again it is necessary to contact a gynecologist, explain the situation, and understand the cause;
  • monitor proper nutrition;

  • visit specialists twice a year for prevention;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • You must try to give up smoking and alcoholic beverages.

A woman's body is susceptible to hormonal imbalances. And the reason for this is not only external factors, various diseases, but also stress, poor nutrition, and lack of physical activity.

If you do not consult a specialist in a timely manner, infertility, diabetes and other serious diseases develop. You should not delay contacting a specialist if you suspect a hormonal imbalance.

A woman’s attention to her health is the key to excellent well-being, health and beautiful appearance.