How we prevent boys from feeling in hopes of raising strong protectors. To grow a good harvest, you need to feel and love every plant

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651 . Pushed (non-sov. v.), tied (non-sov. v.), held (non-sov. v.), cooked (non-sov. v.), set off (non-sov. v.), rowed (non-sov. v.), caught ( nesov. v.), looked (nesov. v.).
652. You should always put (n/f) your things in their place. I put (non-Soviet, present) the diary in my briefcase. The mason was laying (unsov., past. tense) bricks. Where did you put (Soviet, past) pencils? I will put (Soviet, future time) this note in a prominent place.
653. I tear it off, I tear it off, I tear it off, I tear it off. Lock - unlock. Wipe - wipe, rub, rub, rub, rub, wipe, rub, wipe, rub, wipe, rub, rub. Covers - covers, covers, covers, covers, spreads, covers. You collect, you choose, you take, you collect, you don’t collect.

655. 1) Good sho (choir O shiy), oh cats ( O kna), evening rum (evening e early), winter (w And we), look three (see O trit), but juice (n O s), cleans (h And hundred), peephole (ch A h).
2) Bl they eat, they lock, they gather, they grow, they have grown, they tear through.
656 . R and he stands, he lays out, he appears, he squeezes, he lies down, he smiles, he’s shiny, he resists, there’s nothing to grab onto, he freezes, I don’t have time to come to my senses.
657 . 1. He takes on everything, but not everything succeeds. 2. I put it off until the fall, and then abandoned it. 3. Lays down softly, but sleeps hard. 4. You can’t grow turnips without care. 5. He will skin you alive. 6. What you didn’t put in, don’t take. 7. Your nose turns up, but the wind blows through your head. 8. A stingy man locks tightly and rarely treats.
658 . The story is told on behalf of a first grader.
659 . But then they brought dinner into the room, and the nanny asked (owl. v.) me: “Feed (owl. v.) Sasha.” And Sasha was only two years old. And I began to feed Sasha. At first I watched how Vova’s mother fed her Vova, and did exactly the same. She took an incomplete spoon, and I took an incomplete spoon. Vova’s mother waited until her Vova chewed everything to the end, and then wiped her son’s mouth: and I waited until my Sasha chewed everything, and wiped Sasha’s mouth.
Then I remade my Sasha’s bed and made him more comfortable. And when Vovya’s mother quietly sang a song to her son, I also began to sing, but not a lullaby, but about a steam locomotive.
660 . (orally)
661 . (orally)
662. Now everyone is sitting (present time) at their desks and writing (present time), doing (present time) an exercise. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher explained (past tense) a new topic, we repeated (past tense) what we had covered. The (future tense) lesson will end soon, and we will run (future tense) to recess.
663. 1. Already melts(non-Soviet, present) snow, are running(non-Soviet, present) streams, out the window got a whiff(Soviet, past) in the spring. They'll whistle(Soviet, Bud.) soon nightingales and forest gets dressed(owl., bud.) foliage. 2. The songs of the larks rang again (owls, past) in the heights. 3. The sun is already warmer warms(non-Soviet, present), become(Soviet, past) more beautiful heaven . Soon everything will turn green (owls, future): steppes, groves and forests. (A. N. Pleshcheev.)
664 . 1) Saw - see, offended - offend, hated - hate, depended - depend;
2) melted - melt, barked - bark, sowed - sow, repented - repented, hoped - hoped, cherished - cherished, soared - soared, fanned - winnowed, started - started, hoped - hoped.
665 . (orally)

667 . Noticed (sov.v.) (what?) changes, participated (nonsov.v.) (in what?) in the Olympics, did not feel (nesov.v.) (what?) pain, barked (sov.v.) ( at whom?) at a stranger, saw (Sov. v.) (who?) a bear, sowed (Sov. v.) (what?) wheat, was not offended (Sov. v.) (at whom?) at you, hated (Soviet. v.) (who?) neighbor, was happy about (what?) the gift, told (about what?) about the trip, build (what?) a hut, missed (who?) his mother, was wary of (what?) nettles .
668 . It's warm outside now, and all the puddles have dried up. All my friends went for a walk. One rides roller skating, other drive t on a bicycle. Just me sitting home and I do lessons.
669. I look: a woodpecker sits right on the trunk, clings to it with sharp claws, leans on its hard, outstretched tail and beats on the rotten tree trunk with its strong beak. Probably looked for a larva or beetle in the rotten wood, which trees sharpen, forest spoil.
Spicy - adj. With (what?) sharp claws.
Spicy; quality, full, plural h., etc.; sharp
670 . I see, I pour, I drink, I sew, I carry, I lead, I cry, I ask, I guide, I hope, I feel sad, I catch, I laugh, I call.
I hope to win, I’m sad without my mother, I laugh at the joke.
671. (orally)
672 . Get used to it, achieve it, resume it, conclude it; you will sit, they will come, they will take, they will sit down.
673 . Grow, grow - I will grow, I will grow; feel, feel - I will feel, I will feel; get carried away, get carried away - get carried away, will get carried away; treat, cure - I will treat, I will cure; send, send - I will send, I will send.
[p] - agree, deaf, tv.
[a] - vowel, unvoiced.
[s] - agree, deaf, tv.
[l] - acc., sound, tv.
[a] - vowel, beat.
[t"] - agree, deaf, soft.
7 b., 6 stars.
674. Come in (Soviet v.) - came in (past tense) - I’ll come in (future tense); walk (non-sov. v.) - walked (past tense) - walk (present tense) - will walk (future tense).
675. Put - I'll put, put - I'll put, burn - I'll burn, burn - I'll burn, take - I'll take, take - I'll take, participate - I'll take part, grow up - I'll grow up, offer - I'll offer, call - I'll call, facilitate - I'll make it easier.
The verb “to win” cannot be formed into a 1-liter form. units h.
676 . When on a sunny morning, in the summer, you go (s.v.) into the forest, then in the fields, in the grass, diamonds are visible... When you come (s.v.) closer and see (s.v.) what it is , then you will see (owl) that these drops of dew have collected in triangular leaves of grass and shine in the sun. (L.N. Tolstoy.)
Sun, morning.
677. Cars will travel without gasoline and air will be cleansed. Pupils will fly to space on an excursion. Nobody won't write pen to paper, because all learning will be using a computer. And teachers will be able finally relax.
678. Compete, train, regularly, persistently, athletes, football players, athletes, victory, finish, distance, stadium.

680 . Make it easier - make it easier, make it easier, make it easier, make it easier, make it easier, make it easier (2 questions); deepen - deepen, deepen, deepen, deepen, deepen, deepen.

683 . You stand - you stand (2 spr.), you sit - you sit (2 spr.), flies - flies out (2 spr.), speak - you pronounce (2 spr.), sew - embroider (1 spr.), drink - drink (1 spr.) spr.)
684 . It hits - it will knock out (1 spr.), you look - you look - look (2 spr., excl.), drive out - drive out (2 spr., excl.), burn out - burn (2 spr.), withstand - hold - hold ( 2 spr., excl.), burns - burns (1 spr.).
685. They plow with a plow (plow, 1 spr.), grind with millstones (grind, 1 spr.), chop with an ax (chop, 2 spr.), catch with a trap (catch, 2 spr.), look with their eyes (2 spr.), lungs ( breathe, 2 ref., ex.) breathe, ears (hear, 22 ref., ex.) hear.

687 . (orally)
688. The sparrows chirp, the crow hoots, the frog croaks, the wolf howls, the bumblebee buzzes, the eagle owl hoots.
Goose gogo The cat is purring, the grasshoppers are chirping, the chicken is cackling.
689 . You leave - you come (2 questions, nesov.), open - close (1 question, owls), ask - answer (1 question, nesov.), sells - buys (1 question, nesov.), sad - have fun (2 references, nonsov.), find - lose (1 reference, owls), end - begin (1 reference, nonsov.)
690 . Spring morning. Alarm flinches, clicks slightly and starts ringing. Behind the walls wake up other alarm clocks. Name alarm clocks, are in a hurry. People reset blankets, stretching. Mother rises out of bed stretches, covers bed and bothers me. I I jump up And I'm going to wash my face. While I splashing in the bathroom, mom warms up breakfast. We having breakfast, getting dressed And let's go out from home.
(N.I. Rylenkov.)
The birch is green. Berezonka is sweet and affectionate. Birch has been familiar to us since childhood.
Away - noun. (Where?) aside.
Side; narit., inanimate, female, 1 volume, in units. h., p.p.
692 . 1. The spinner spins all the time like a fidget, darts, gurgles, mumbles, rings and foams near every stone or fallen birch trunk, hums quietly, talks to itself, whispers and carries very clear water along the gristly bottom. (K.G. Paustovsky.)
The troika is racing, the troika is galloping,

And he laughs and squeals. (P.A. Vyazemsky.)
Fidget, birch, bottom, water, dust.
[zh] - acc., sound, tv.
[y] - vowel, unvoiced.
[p] - agree, sound, TV
[h"] - agree, deaf, soft.
[i] - vowel, beat.
[t] - agree., deaf., tv.
6 b, 6 stars
693 . Thunder rumbles in the distance, rumbles dully. The wave splashes and overwhelms the boat. The rain has been knocking on the roof, drumming for four hours now. The stream gurgles in the silence of the forest, rustles in the thickets.
694 . Our holiday train heading off from Rizhsky railway station. Here it is for the last time passes under the street bridge and suddenly takes off over trees and houses. Then the train crossing t channel, passes aerodrome, rushes by above the street with trucks, trolleybuses, pedestrians and stops at the suburban station platform.
We are traveling in the third carriage. Tourists came to the platform of the small station. The canal connects the Moscow River and Oka River.
Under the street - adj. Under the (what?) street bridge.
Street; relative, in units, m.r., etc.
695 . Vasya and Kolya are sawing (2 questions) a log. Petya chops (1 sp.) firewood. Zhenya carries (2 sp.) logs and puts (1 sp.) them in a stack.
696 . On our street in the morning.
In the morning everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. Passenger cars rush by, leisurely trolleybuses crawl, trams rattle. Schoolchildren are running along the sidewalk, hurrying to their first lesson. Grandmothers lead their children by the hand to kindergarten. The kids trudge along reluctantly - they probably haven’t woken up yet.
697. Yuri speaks with conviction, pronounces words firmly, objects calmly, speaks confidently, asserts, insists.
Peter answers in a weak voice, immediately agrees, babbles, mutters indistinctly.
Weak - adj. In a (what?) weak voice.
Weak; quality, full, in units h., m.r., etc.; weak.
698. The boy was riding his bicycle down a hill, did not have time to brake in time and drove onto the roadway.
- Where is it taking you! Stop! - the driver of the dump truck shouted, sharply hitting the brakes.
“We’ve completely lost our conscience,” the bus driver grumbled.
- I accidentally! It just happened that way. - the boy made excuses to the policeman.
- You're lucky! If the drivers had not reacted in time, we wouldn’t be talking to you now! - the policeman explained sternly.
699 . 1. Work both torments (II), and feeds (II), and teaches (II). 2. He who loves work (II) will not sleep for long (I). 3. A person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work (I). 4. If you write (I) with a pen, you won’t cut out (II) with an axe. 5. Every work of the master is praised (II).
From laziness - noun. (From what?) from laziness.
Laziness; nat., inanimate., g. R., 3 pages, only units. h.; R. p.
About tlen.
700. I. Bloomed - verb. The willow (what did it do?) blossomed.
II. blossom; owls species, II reference, in units. h., in the past vr., in w. R.
III. Willow (what did you do?) blossomed.
I. Laughs - verb. Willow (what is he doing?) laughs.
II. Laugh; nesov. species, I reference, in units. h., present vr., in 3 ml.
III. Willow (what is it doing?) laughs.
I. (Not) hiding - verb. You (what are you doing?) are not hiding.
II. Don't hide; nesov. species, II reference, in units. h., present vr., in the 2nd l.
III. What are you doing?) don't hide.
I. I'll joke - verb. I (what will I do?) make a joke.
II. Play a trick; owls species, II reference, in units. h., on weekdays vr., in 1st l.
III. I (what will I do?) I'll joke.
Cautious birches hide l I am _from_ the sea. (Narrative, non-narrative, simple, extended)

Raising boys is more difficult, many women believe. If only because it is not clear what to do with their feelings. While the child is small, he cries and runs to his mother for protection. Mom, suddenly darkened by the picture of the future, where her son grew up to be a wimp and a woman, sharply forbids him to cry and suffer. This picture can be seen with a child of two years old or ten. Although the mother most likely feels very sorry for her baby, she shouldn’t, otherwise she will spoil her.

And teenagers, of course, no longer run to their mother, they have learned to hide everything and hide any of their feelings from her. Then the parents already complain that their son does not share his life at all, much less his feelings.

First we prohibit it, then we demand sharing. Psychologist Katerina Demina tells why you shouldn’t be afraid of boyish tears and what to do when a child is upset.

Men do not cry

There has been a lot of talk about gender differences lately. Either they will ask about girls (“Why are you sending a girl to biology school? And with such a load! She’s your princess, let her dance better!”), or they will very aggressively try to prove that boys should not cry, so let me tell the child I’ll prescribe some pills, otherwise he’s crying.

Cries when someone breaks his tower, which he spent all morning building. Cries when his mother leaves and leaves him in the garden. Cries when big boys call him an offensive word on the street. A monster, for example. But he doesn’t know this word, and it seems to him that it is something terrible. And he runs to his mother, buries himself into her stomach, crying, trying to explain confusingly... And his mother says so impressively: “Stop smearing your snot right away. Nothing bad happened, just think, they called me names.”

The most amazing thing is that he stops crying and silently goes to his corner. True, there is something whispering hotly under my breath. I suspect that he is inventing all sorts of terrible executions for offenders.

I ask my mother why and why she does not let the boy cry.

The answer doesn’t surprise me much, it kind of makes me angry.

It turns out that his grief is unbearable for the mother herself; she cannot see how bad the child is. She is sensitive and responsive; when he cries, her throat closes and tears come. And as a child they explained to her that crying was a shame, in general a disgrace. That's why she doesn't cry herself and doesn't let her son cry.

Yesterday, at a reception, one mother and I began to dig up her own childhood feelings and experiences, and there was silence. Emptiness and silence. He remembers standing in the middle of the room and waiting for the offense to pass. “What do you want now?” - I ask. “So that all feelings disappear and don’t exist,” she replies. Mom forbade crying and being indignant; in general, any negative emotions were illegal. And by the age of seven, the girl had learned to repress and block everything so well that now, when her five-year-old son allows himself to throw a toy at the wall and, stomping his feet, yelling “Fool! Stupid! Stupid!” - a wave of panic and rage covers her at the same time. Panic because she will be punished, and rage because she perceives her son’s strong emotion as her own.

So you understand? On the one hand, the mother is in complete fusion (symbiosis) with the child, as if he is still part of her. There is no concept of the other as a separate being. That's why she understands him so well. On the other hand, since the baby is part of the mother, she reacts to him completely unconsciously as to herself: “Why are you crying, you rag, get yourself together!” Automatically repeats mother's words with mother's intonations.

Then these boys grow up to be beautiful and strong men, they fall in love and get married, and then it turns out that their wives want their husbands to be sensitive! To understand, share, sympathize, empathize. He guessed the mood, caught non-verbal signs.

And he has lost it all. The child learns to perceive the emotional background in infancy from his mother. Remember all these sayings: “Who woke up here? Why do we have such a dissatisfied face? And we probably peed ourselves?”, and so on. First they wet themselves, then they hurt themselves, then the evil girl in the sandbox took the car away - it’s a shame! And my mother is nearby, she names feelings, vague sensations in the body, incomprehensible experiences. Once named, they become understandable and familiar, and the child masters the entire list.

Or it doesn't take over. If the mother herself does not differentiate her emotions too much, her vocabulary consists of five or six state designations: “good, bad, normal, I’m mad, fun.” It’s simply impossible to distinguish “sad” from “last night I drank too much wine and I’m sick of a hangover.” Yes, the baby is looked after in the most detailed way, taken to developmental exercises, given massages, he is ahead of age norms in growth. But it does not distinguish the internal state at all, completely and completely. He cannot even realize that he is hungry or wants to go to the toilet.

Having become an adult, such a person simply cannot name what is happening to him now. What's wrong with you now? - I feel bad.

How bad are you? Are you sad, bored, scared, offended - how?

But I don’t know.

And it begins: “I think that... I need to do this...”

No need! First of all, feel it.

So, returning to the topic of crying boys. I would like to say: mothers, you decide on the legend. Do you need a Knight without fear and reproach, Superman, Hero and Macho? Okay, but then get ready to get everything that comes with it: insensitivity, not caring about relationships for the sake of a goal, inability to negotiate and make compromises. Or do you want to see a friend, assistant, loved one nearby? Then the burden will include tears, and the inability to stand like a wall (because a wall, by definition, has no feelings), and very awkward fears in a generally ordinary situation.

In fact, it is quite possible to raise someone who will be successful in the modern world, who can cope with a baby and have a worthy career. But it would be good to realize in the process: what we are doing and why. When we shame a baby “why are you crying like a girl” - why are we doing this?

Society and the world have changed over the past 50 years without wars and disasters. What was previously an undiscussed condition for survival - perseverance, ignoring one’s own feelings, the ability to endure hardship and pain for a long time and without complaint - has become an atavism, a sign of an archaic system. It is clear that in a situation of terror, hunger, occupation, FEELING is mortally dangerous. You will crumble, fall apart, die of horror if even for a minute, for a second, you think about what is happening to you now, what other people are doing to you. One of the oldest and most powerful mental defenses is activated: isolation, when feelings and emotions are locked in the farthest corner of the soul and the key to the lock is thrown away into nowhere.

Then the war ends, the terrorist regime is replaced by a more humane, “vegetarian” one, people stop kidnapping and killing without trial. But the SKILL remains. And here it is, already the third and fourth generation, growing up without wars and (almost) without violence. And mothers continue to raise their sons to be warriors, scouts and fiery fighters. Although the modern world needs new men: attentive, sensitive, empathic.

What can and should a mother do in a situation where the child is clearly upset about something and is crying?

  1. First things first - hug and caress. It doesn’t matter what really happened there, now he’s hurt and sad and wants to be consoled. No need to cluck around and wail, just hold him close and stroke his head. By the way, it’s easier to wait out your own tears and a lump in your throat this way. The main thing is not to be overwhelmed by sympathy yourself. You are now reliability and strength itself.
  2. Find a solution. Ask clarifying questions in a calm voice. In a non-incriminating and prosecutorial tone, “Where were you looking yourself? Are they really the first to attack?” and carefully: “What happened before that? And then? And you?"
  3. All this in order to name his (baby’s) feelings correctly. When the older boys attacked, he must have been in pain and scared? And when you just hurt yourself on a corner because you were flying headlong - did it just hurt? Or is it also offensive?
  4. Once feelings are named, they become manageable and can be interacted with. At this stage, the tears have usually dried up and the child is able to discuss what happened. Talk to him if he wants, or kiss the top of his head and let him run on playing.

The duration and intensity of grief is an important symptom. If the child is crying very loudly, although it seems to you that the problem is not worth it, take a closer look at the damage; perhaps you did not notice something at first. I remember how I once consoled my son, who was screaming at the top of his lungs, but he didn’t calm down at all, and then it turned out that his ENTIRE back was one continuous wound, and it wasn’t noticeable under his T-shirt.

Sometimes children notice that their mother reacts sluggishly to ordinary calls, but when she begins to cry, she comes running. The mother should agree with the child about some other signals other than turning on the emergency siren.

In any case, perseverance and courage are cultivated by completely different means than the habit of ignoring one’s own feelings.

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Do you keep up with the latest gardening trends? NO? Well, you're in big trouble because the latest craze among newbies and professional gardeners alike is... These are cat plants, or cat plants. Do you know how to raise them?

How is this done? Let's look step by step!

1. Let's start with the starter kit

You can find cat seeds right on the street, in your front door, collect wandering kittens in your garden, or adopt them from local shelters. Take the cat seeds you like and wash them properly first.

Cats come in all shapes and colors to suit every taste, you will have no problem choosing.

2. Two are better than one!

You can never be satisfied with just one cat plant. The more of these plants you have, the more beautiful your garden will be. Of course, this means more maintenance, but that's a small price to pay for all the looks of envy from neighbors and friends you'll get.

Grow as many cat plants as you can, just choose the right size pots. Just don't get too carried away so that your neighbors start complaining about you.

3. Cat plants grow fast!

Your potted cat seedlings will soon begin to grow. Before you know it, the cat will be hanging out of the soil and looking over the edge of its container. This will be your moment of great happiness. It's always nice to see your hard work pay off with rapid growth.

4. Easy care

Fascinating cat plants are easy to care for. They don't need much of your attention. You just need to get the right size pot because if it's too big, your precious cat plant will spread out and look unsightly.

5. Great for companion planting

These amazing plants not only look good, but are also ideal for companion planting. They can be grown in the same pot with other plants. They won't choke out other flowers and will help keep pests away from your plants. Especially rodent pests!

6. Sometimes they may not feel well.

It's right. The cat plant can be sad. Sometimes. If it feels too lonely or too bored, if it realizes that you are paying more attention to other green pets, it may magically move to another potty. But who can be mad at such a cute house plant?

7. Majestic flowers

The best thing about this adorable green pet is the gorgeous flowers. When the flowering season arrives, the cat plant produces lush flowers. They make heads turn in their direction and often become a popular topic of discussion. Some people even like to organize a cat flower viewing and photo shoot.

8. No need to pollinate

The cat tree is not self-pollinating, but it doesn't need your help when it comes to this matter. It sends a special scent to other indoor cat plants and encourages them to pollinate. While other types of plants need the help of bees and other insects, this plant knows how to handle the problem on its own.

Don't be surprised if you see an unfamiliar cat in your potty. This is probably due to the pollination process.

9. Don't forget to change pots sometimes

Like any other container-bound houseplant, a cat plant can outgrow its pot. Don't leave it in the same pot for too long. There is not enough room for the roots, the poor thing may suffocate. Gardening experts say you should always buy your next pot a little larger in size than the last one to give your pet room to grow.


Is it difficult and expensive to create such beauty - to plant simple flowers in plastic buckets, which, as a rule, are thrown away?

Chagoda is officially recognized as the birthplace of gray cabbage soup; cabbage for this northern dish is grown by almost all residents of the region.

Household plots are different. Completely empty, overgrown with grass, where every piece of land is useless, turned into a continuous potato field. Angelina Tsvetkova’s vegetable garden from the village of Chagoda is one of the most well-groomed on the entire Molodezhnaya Street and in the timber industry district where she lives. There is everything here except weeds.

Unexpected conclusion

Useful herb

Angelina Tsvetkova also found a place on her property for rhubarb, which, although considered an herbaceous plant, is eaten as a fruit. Rhubarb will withstand any weather because it is very unpretentious and resistant to cold. And now it looks cheerful on the site, spreading its wide leaves in all directions. Burdock with burdock! But this is only in appearance. Rhubarb is a storehouse of useful things. It has a delicate sourish and very subtle taste, for which it is held in high esteem by gourmets. It can be eaten fresh, dipped in granulated sugar. Rhubarb jam or jelly is eaten before all others in winter. Rhubarb makes a very tasty compote and a delicate filling for pies. In Chagoda they make okroshka using rhubarb decoction - no kvass needed! This plant is a godsend for a lean year, as it will grow in any weather conditions.
If we talk about the medicinal properties of rhubarb, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and helps the functioning of the heart and lungs.
According to Angelina Tsvetkova, it is worth remembering that rhubarb roots do not need to be cut off. They need to be unscrewed from the ground, as it were, and then the cut does not form a stump, which rots and prevents new shoots from growing.
And Angelina Tsvetkova, as a former forest worker, encourages all readers of our newspaper to go mushroom and berry picking. She believes that the forest is a good alternative or addition to the garden, where you can always find something edible and make a supply for the winter. She showed us one place not far from her house where you can collect chanterelles.