How to convert cubic meters to square meters? How many liters are in a cube? Converting liters to m3 of water.

The number of boxes


Volume of one box (m 3):

Total volume(m3):

Use the received
result for
filling out an application

d= m cm
h= m cm

Number of pipes


Volume of one pipe (m 3):

Total volume(m3):

Use the received
result for
filling out an application

How to calculate the volume of a box?

Do you have a question about delivery?, and there was also a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, do you need our help? We know how to calculate the volume of cargo; on this page you see a calculator that will accurately perform the calculations.

In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

The volume must be calculated in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into a vehicle. Today it is not difficult to calculate the volume with the help of modern technologies; just being here is enough.

What criteria do we use to calculate cargo volume?

Firstly, everyone knows that every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important to calculate the volume of the cargo as a whole without errors. As already mentioned, our volume calculator will help you calculate the volume of cargo; it will do it quickly and reliably!

Second- volume calculator, start it on our website, it has already been said above, as you can see, we care about our clients. A volume calculator is what can make working with calculations as easy as possible and completely kill your doubts.

What do we give you?

What else is needed?

For example…

You are an entrepreneur who transports goods from China, and you constantly need a volume calculator. You can quickly find a volume calculation calculator on the pages of our website, and perform your calculations right away.

Nowadays, entrepreneurship rests on Chinese production of goods, but where did the need to calculate the volume come from? It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to find out the total volume of the cargo, and then select the type of transport.

What is the calculation of delivery volumes? And what role does he play?

Volume calculation- this is how much, you have already understood a very important stage in delivery, and you need to trust it in the reliable hands of professionals. The calculation of cargo volume must be done carefully, taking into account all dimensions and converting them into cubic meters.

But unfortunately, not everyone copes with these calculations.

Back in school days, we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, but unfortunately, you won’t remember all of this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3 - there are times when this question comes first, for example during delivery.

That's what this page exists for!

After all, that's what this page is for, to help you calculate delivery.

To calculate the volume of a box, you don’t have to try to do it yourself, you just need to fill in the empty fields. The volume of the box will be calculated automatically by our calculator; if in doubt, check it yourself.

This is why we reminded you of the volume formula.

Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need in order to submit the correct application for its transportation. Calculating the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowing the volume itself will help you decide which type of delivery is right for you.

Now let's move on to the main thing, let's talk about how to make calculations and why they are needed.

First, let's figure it out...

Calculating the volume of cargo is not always as easy as it seems, all this is due to the fact that boxes can be of various shapes. Calculating the cargo volume of a rectangular box is a trifle, but the rest is a bit difficult, you need to know the formulas.

First, let's define the form; to do this, we first find out what they exist.

What shape can the box have?

  • Rectangle;
  • Cylinder;
  • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

Then follow the measurements

Before calculating the volume of the box, let’s measure it, but remember, the more accurately the measurements are made, the easier it is for you. "How to calculate the volume of a box?" - what to do next: determine what shape it is (cube or rectangle), dimensions.

What does knowledge of volume give us?

Knowing the volume of a box will prevent misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that may exist. Almost nothing depends on the volume of the box; on the contrary, everything depends on the size of the product itself.

And why? Everything is obvious here; before purchasing a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

Well, you know the size of the cargo, now all that remains is to calculate its volume (in order to purchase a box).

So, in order to find out how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, you will need the formula first. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will help without a doubt in this matter, this is how it looks like V=a*b*h, everything is very simple.

Moreover, you already know it.

We would like to remind you that...

To make it easier for you to determine which type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. It is very simple to calculate the volume of cargo in m3; you need to know the exact dimensions, which then need to be multiplied.

The units must be converted specifically to m3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate delivery.

But what if the shape of the box is not rectangular, but round? After all, this is very rare, but it still happens.

You can calculate the volume of boxes or containers with a circle at their base, and there is also a formula for this. The volume of boxes can be calculated in the shape of a circle using the expression V *r2*h; the dimensions must first of all be accurately measured.

Volume calculator

We present to your attention a calculator: cargo volume in m3, with the help of which you can make calculations yourself. The cargo volume calculator is located on the rental website specifically for your convenience and for quick calculations.

Why do you need a cargo volume calculator?

We are business people and wasted time sometimes carries big disadvantages. Do you want to receive cargo quickly and reliably? And at the same time, find out the prices for their transportation and delivery as soon as possible?

This is where the cargo volume calculator will help!

Our volume calculator allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, so the question about the volume of the box will no longer arise. The volume calculator is simple and easy to use; it will give results for both the volume of the box and the load.

So, using the volume calculator you solve several questions:

How to calculate the volume of a cargo (or box)? Don't forget about the quantitative unit you are taking into account.

Have you encountered one of them or encountered a similar one? Our company is pleased to offer for your convenience the volume in cubic meters of a box to calculate using a convenient calculator.

And finally, let's remember math!

What is the most common problem?

Many people confuse then how to calculate the volume of flat and volumetric figures, because they are mistaken in concepts, or rather, they find it difficult to answer. You don’t need to know how to calculate the volume, it’s enough that you indicate the dimensions, the main thing is not to forget that there are 3 of them.

Having completed all the calculations, one more task remains.

What kind of transport do you need?

Let us remind you that in delivery, in addition to how to calculate the cubic capacity, there are no less important things, for example, the placement of goods. You know how to calculate the cubic capacity, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport depends on you.

Cubic meters of gas to liters, use the opposite rule: multiply the number of cubic meters of gas by 1000.
In the form of formulas, these simple rules can be written as follows:
Km³ = C/1000,
Kl = Km³ * 1000,
Km³ is the number of cubic meters, and Kl is the number of liters.

As a rule, the volume of liquefied (at high or low temperature) gas enclosed in various containers (cylinders) is measured. Cubic meters usually measure the volume of gas at atmospheric (or low) pressure. To convert liters of liquefied gas into cubic meters of regular gas, in addition to the number of liters, you need to know it, pressure, temperature or density and mass. It should be noted that cylinders, as a rule, are filled with liquefied gas no more than 80%.
For rough calculations, we can accept the following fact: when one liter of liquefied gas () evaporates, 200 liters of gaseous gas are formed. Those. To convert the amount of liquefied gas in liters to cubic meters, use the following formula:
Km³ = Cl / 5
where Kl is the number of liters of liquefied gas.

What gas consumption will a household gas meter show if a standard household gas cylinder is passed through it?
A standard “propane” gas cylinder has a volume of 50 liters. Household (kitchen) gas consists of butane. A standard refill contains 21 kg of this gas mixture. Since the molar mass of propane and butane is different, and the ratio of the amount of gases is usually unknown, using the above formula, we get:
Km³ = 50/5 = 10 cubic meters.

For compressed gases (not to be confused with liquefied gases), use the following approximate formula:
Km³ = Cl * D / 1000,
where D is gas pressure in atmospheres.

What volume of oxygen is contained in a standard cylinder at a pressure of 250 atmospheres?

40-liter cylinders are used to store gases such as nitrogen, argon, oxygen. Therefore, the volume of oxygen at normal (atmospheric) pressure will be:
Km³ = 40 * 250 / 1000 = 10 cubic meters.


  • how to transport a gas cylinder
  • Conversion of volumetric flow units

The volume of liquid is most commonly measured in liters. However, the “official” unit of measurement used, in particular in water meters, is cubic meters. How do these units of measurement relate, and how to convert cubic meters to liters?

How does a liter compare to a cubic meter?

The liter is a measure of capacity that is not included in the international SI system, but is used very widely. Moreover, it is the liter, and not the “abstract” cubic meter, that is the most common unit of volume measurement in everyday life. For example, it is measured in liters:

  • capacity of various vessels intended for household use (buckets, pans, bottles, canisters, containers);
  • trunk volume of passenger cars,
  • internal volume of refrigerators, freezers, microwaves and ovens;
  • capacity of city and tourist backpacks.

The "official" definition of a liter has changed several times. From the beginning of the 20th century until 1964, according to the decision of the General Conference on Weights and Measures, a liter was defined as the volume occupied by a kilogram of water. However, this definition turned out to be not very convenient: the ratio of the volume and mass of a liquid depends on many factors - from atmospheric pressure to air humidity. Therefore, experts abandoned the “reference” to the mass of water. And now A liter means a volume exactly corresponding to a cubic decimeter- the volume of a cube, each edge of which has a length equal to exactly 10 centimeters, which corresponds to 0.1 meters.

How many liters in a cubic meter: conversion formula

So, a liter is equal to a cubic decimeter (dm^3). In order to calculate the volume of a cube, you need to raise the length of the edge to the third power. A decimeter is equal to 0.1 meters. That is, liter = 0.1 m X 0.1 m X 0.1 m = 0.001 m^3 (one thousandth of a cubic meter).

Thus, one thousand liters “fit” in a cubic meter. And the formula for converting one unit to another will be very simple:

  • volume in cubic meters X 1000 = volume in liters.
  • volume in liters / 1000 = volume in cubic meters.

By the way, sometimes (extremely rarely, since large volumes of liquids or bulk mixtures are most often measured in “cubes”) to denote a volume equal to a cubic meter, the derivative “kiloliter” can be used, where the prefix kilo- just means a thousand.

How to convert cubic meters to liters and vice versa: examples of calculations

Example 1.The packaging of plastic garbage bags indicates that their volume is 30 liters. What is the capacity of such a package in cubic meters?

A simple solution: 30/1000 = 0.03. The volume of the package is 0.03 (three hundredths) cubic meters.

Step by step, this solution can be described as follows: 30 liters = 30 dm^3 = 30 X 0.1 m^3 = 30 X 0.001 m^3 = 0.03 m^3.

Example 2. According to statistics, on average in Russia one person uses 6 cubic meters of water per month. How many liters of water will an “average” family of three use per day, if we assume that there are 30 days in a month?

Calculation option: In a month, a family of 3 people will use 6 X 3 = 18 cubic meters of water. Let's convert cubic meters into liters, multiply by 1000 - and we end up with 18,000 liters per month. Divide by the number of days in a month: 18000 / 30 = 600. As a result, it turns out that the daily water consumption for the family as a whole will be 600 liters.

Example 3. The size of the bowl of the children's inflatable pool is 2 x 3 meters, the depth of the pool is 1 meter. How long will it take to fill it to the brim if water flows into it at a rate of 30 liters per minute?

Calculation option: Let's calculate the capacity of the pool in cubic meters. 2 m X 3 m X 1 m = 6 m^3. Let's convert to liters: 6 X 1000 = 6000 liters. It remains to divide the volume in liters by the amount of water flowing per minute: 6000 / 30 = 200 minutes. Thus, the pool will fill in 200 minutes (3 hours 20 minutes).

Very often, buyers of tanks, reservoirs and other containers have the following questions:

  • 1 cube is how many liters?
  • How many cubic centimeters (cubic centimeters), dm cube are in a liter?
  • How many liters of gas, propane, earth, solution are in a cube?
  • How many liters are in a cube of concrete, diesel fuel?
  • How many liters are in a cubic meter (cubic meter)?
  • How many liters of air are in a cube?

Further, we can identify groups of questions that are more clarifying, for example, how many cubes is the tank 50 liters? Or 500, 5000 3000, 200 liters - how many cubic meters is that? These questions are relevant when you need to buy a container of 50, 100, 200 liters - while manufacturers offer containers of 5, 10, 15 cubic meters. Let's figure out how to convert cubes to liters and vice versa. Whether such transfers between units of measurement depends on the substance that will be placed in the container.

Converting cubes to liters

First, a short digression into the school physics course. The generally accepted unit of measurement of volume, as is known, is the cubic meter. Represents 1 cu. m. - the volume of a cube, the side of which is equal to one meter. This unit is not always convenient, so others are often used - cubic centimeters, and cubic decimeters - liters.

In everyday life, the most convenient unit of measurement is the liter - the volume of a cube, the side of which is 10 cm or 1 dm. Thus, we get the following ratio: 1 liter = 1 dm3.

From here we get the following forms:

1 cu. m = 1000 l (formula for the volume of a cube in liters)

  • How many liters are 0.5 cubic meters? Solution: 0.5*1000=500 liters. Answer: 500 liters.
  • How many liters are 10 cubic meters? Solution: 10*1000=10,000 liters. Answer: 10,000 liters.
  • How many liters is 2 cubes? Solution: 2*1000=2,000 liters. The answer is 2,000 liters.
  • How many liters is 20 cubic meters? Solution: 20*1000=20,000 liters. The answer is 20,000 liters.
  • 30 cubic meters is how many liters? Answer: 30,000 liters.
  • 300 cubic meters how many liters? Answer: 300,000 liters.
  • 5 cubic meters is how many liters? Answer: 5,000 liters.
  • 6 cubes - how many liters? Answer: 6,000 liters.
  • How many liters are 4 cubes? The answer is 4,000 liters.

Accordingly, the simplest thing is: The answer to the question: “1 cubic m how many liters?” - 1000 liters.

How many liters are in a cubic meter?

Now we will give answers to questions regarding the conversion of liters to cubic meters.

  • How many cubes are 100 liters? Solution: 100*0.001=0.1 cubic meters. meters. Answer: 0.1 cubic meters.
  • How many cubes are 200 liters? Solution: 200*0.001=0.2 cubic meters. meters. Answer: 0.2 cubic meters.
  • 3000 liters how many cubes? The answer is 3 cubic meters. meters.
  • 500 liters how many cubes? Answer: 0.5 cubic meters.
  • 5000 liters how many cubes? Answer: 5 cubes.
  • How many cubes are 1000 liters? Answer: 1 cubic meter.
  • 10000 liters how many cubes? Answer: 10 cu. m.
  • How many cubes is 140 liters? Answer: 0.14 cubic meters.
  • 1500 liters how many cubes? Answer: 1.5 cubic meters.

Volume shows the amount of space that a substance fills. Capacity is a quantity closely related to volume. After all, it determines the capacity of the internal vessel where the substance is placed. This physical quantity (V) is measured in cubic meters, cubic centimeters or cubic decimeters, the latter being equivalent to liters. Next, we will find out in detail what methods can be used to convert m³ to liters.

For example, you installed a swimming pool, you know its volume in cubic meters (8 m³). To prevent the water from blooming, it is necessary to add chlorine. But, as luck would have it, to find out how much chlorine to add to the amount of water in your tank, you need to know the capacity of the container. It has been known since school that 1 dm³ = 1 liter. And one cubic meter is equal to 1000 dm³, hence 1 m³ = 1000 liters. Now it is clear that V = 8 m³ corresponds to 8,000 l.
  • Not everyone understands why there are a thousand liters in a cubic meter, or what a cubic meter actually is. Let's imagine a large cube with dimensions: height 1 meter, width 1 meter and length 1 meter. This cube holds a thousand liters of water, tested experimentally. Almost everyone is familiar with the Rubik's cube, so according to the principle of this puzzle we divide our cube into equal small parts (size - 1 dm: 1 dm: 1 dm). These small cubes have a capacity of 1 liter. If you count them, you get 1,000 pieces in one cube.
  • Don't be confused if the volume is indicated in decimals. To convert, simply multiply the value by a thousand. Let's consider an example: the volume of the aquarium is 0.2 m³, we need a displacement. The calculation is simple: 0.2 m³ must be multiplied by 1,000, you get 200 liters. There is an aquarium calculator for calculating V water by size. It is enough to measure the length, height, width of the aquarium or other container in cm, insert the values ​​into the free fields, press the “Calculate volume” button, and get the result.
Having access to the World Wide Web, you don’t even need to delve into the essence of the process, what liters, cubic meters, decimeters, etc. are. Enter into a search engine: online volume unit calculator, choose the one you like. Next, insert the value in m³ into the required window and select that you want to find out liters. The converter will give you the answer in a second.

As you can see, knowing the dimensions of the volume in cubic meters, you can calculate the displacement. Moreover, using different methods, now you know them. Know that liters are used to measure volumes of gas or liquid weighing from 100 grams to hundreds of kilograms. When V is greater than 1,000 liters, it is better to count in cubic meters. And in physics, m³ is mainly used when solving problems.

: 1 l = 1 dm³ = 0.001 m³. This definition was adopted in 1964 at the 12th General Conference on Weights and Measures.

Multiples of units Name Symbol Equivalent volume Submultiple units Name Symbol Equivalent volume
10 0 L liter l(ℓ) L dm 3 cubic decimeter
10 1 L decaliter (dal) dal daL 10 1 dm 3 10 cubic decimeters 10 −1 L deciliter dl dL 10 2 cm 3 100 cubic centimeters
10 2 L hl. hl (GL) hL 10 2 dm 3 100 cubic decimeters 10 −2 L centiliter cl cL 10 1 cm 3 10 cubic centimeters
10 3 L kiloliter (cubic meter) kl kL m 3 cubic meter 10 −3 L milliliter ml mL cm 3 cubic centimeter
10 6 L megaliter Ml M.L. dam 3 cubic decameter 10 −6 L microliter µl µL mm 3 cubic millimeter
10 9 L gigalitre Gl G.L. hmm 3 cubic hectometer 10 −9 L nanoliter nl nL 10 6 µm 3 million cubic micrometers
10 12 L teralitre Tl TL km 3 cubic kilometer 10 −12 L picolitre pl pL 10 3 µm 3 thousand cubic micrometers
10 15 L petalitre Pl P.L. 10 3 km 3 thousand cubic kilometers 10 −15 L femtoliter fl fL µm 3 cubic micrometer
10 18 L exalitre El EL 10 6 km 3 million cubic kilometers 10−18 L attoliter al aL 10 6 nm 3 million cubic nanometers
10 21 L zettalitre Zl ZL mm 3 cubic megameter 10−21 L zeptoliter zl zL 10 3 nm 3 thousand cubic nanometers
10 24 L yottalitre Yl YL 10 3 mm 3 thousand cubic megameters 10−24 L yoctoliter yl yL nm 3 cubic nanometer

Non-metric units

Approximate value
System of measures
Metric equivalent
1 l ≈ 0.87987699 quart English 1 quart ≡ 1.1365225 l
1 l ≈ 1.056688 American quart American 1 quart US ≡ 0.946352946 l
1 l ≈ 1.75975326 pint English 1 pint ≡ 0.56826125 l
1 l ≈ 2.11337641 pint of American American 1 pint American ≡ 0.473176473 l
1 l ≈ 0.21997 gallon English 1 gallon ≡ 4.54609 l
1 l ≈ 0,2642 gallon American 1 gallon ≡ 3.785 l
1 l ≈ 0.0353146667 cubic foot 1 cubic foot ≡ 28.316846592 l
1 l ≈ 61.0237441 cubic inch 1 cubic inch ≡ 0.01638706 l
1 l ≈ 33.8140 US ounce American 1 ounce US ≡ 29.5735295625 ml
1 l ≈ 35.1950 ounce English 1 oz ≡ 28.4130625 ml

see also




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    liter See what “Liter” is in other dictionaries: - liter, and...

    liter Russian spelling dictionary - liter/…

    - (French litre, from Greek litra measure for liquid bodies). In France, a measure of capacity = 1/12 of a bucket or 1/2 of a garnz. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. LITER in France, Belgium and other Western countries. European unit... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    LITER, liter, man. (French litre). A measure of capacity equal to 1000 cm3 and holding 1 kg of water (at 4° Celsius). || The amount of liquid is 1 liter. A liter of milk. Buy a liter of wine. || Dishes with a capacity of 1 liter; the same as a liter.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    liter- a, m. liter m. 1. A measure of capacity equal to 1000 cubic meters. cm, as well as the amount of liquid of this volume. Ozh. 1986. New French measure defined for the measurement of liquids and seeds sold at retail. Jan. 1804 2 577. Moreover, in some places, with broken... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    A; m. [French] liter] A unit of volume and capacity in the metric system, a measure of liquid equal to 1000 cubic centimeters. L. milk. Buy three liters of kvass. Drink a liter of water. Pour twenty liters of gasoline into the canister. * * * liter (French… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    LITER, a unit of measurement equal to a cubic decimeter, one thousandth of a cubic meter. According to another definition, which was used in 1901-1968, 1 liter is equal to the volume of one kilogram of pure water at t° = 4 °C. A liter is equal to 0.22 English... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    LITER, ah, husband. A unit of volume and capacity equal to 1000 cubic meters. cm, as well as the amount of liquid of this volume. | adj. liter, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French litre) a unit of volume and capacity in the metric system of measures; denoted by l. 1 l 1 dm³ 0.001 m³ … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    M. 1. A unit of volume and capacity equal to 1000 cubic centimeters. 2. The amount of liquid of this volume. 3. decomposition Dishes of this capacity. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    - (French litre) (l, 1), unit of volume and capacity (capacity) in metric. system of measures; 1 l=1 dm3= =0.001 m3=1000 cm3, i.e. 1000 ml. Physical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Editor-in-chief A. M. Prokhorov. 1983 ... Physical encyclopedia