How to make a hookah at home correctly with your own hands. How to make a hookah with your own hands at home? Homemade hookah How to make a homemade hookah at home

People who want to save money or simply find themselves in a situation where for some reason it is not possible to buy a smoking device often think about how to make a hookah at home. This task is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Important:

  • understand what parts narghile consists of;
  • find a replacement for them;
  • connect elements to each other.

What does a hookah consist of? What analogues can you find at home?

The main part of any hookah is the flask. At home, an old metal teapot that has already served its purpose can play this role. The next element of a homemade hookah is a hose. You can easily use a shower hose here. There should be no mechanical damage in these two main components of the hookah, otherwise the smoke will not flow well, being diluted with air. In this case, even a properly made hookah will create a sharp taste in the mouth.

The shaft of a homemade hookah must be made of the right material and in compliance with a certain size (the hookah must be from 50 to 70 cm). The fact is that during the smoking process, moisture (condensation) accumulates in the shaft, which can later lead to corrosion. In hookahs up to 50 cm, sometimes the smoke does not have time to cool, and bitterness may occur when smoking. If the flask is too high (about 80 cm), it is quite difficult to draw in smoke. Therefore, we consider the optimal size to be from 50 to 70 cm.

As a quick replacement for other spare parts, we take an unnecessary burner, a sink damper and a small iron tube of small diameter. And of course, don’t forget about the foil.

Hurricane Glass

Hurricane Glass is a ready-made solution for homemade hookahs. This device looks like a tall cocktail glass with a built-in hookah. All components are already included in such a glass. What is noteworthy is that this hookah is already equipped with a cap.

Before smoking, liquid is poured into the shaft of such a hookah; if desired, you can add ice, berries or fruits. Next, you should tightly secure the shaft, fill it with chili tobacco, cover it with foil, make holes and place the coals. It is worth noting that warming up the device takes very little time - about a minute.

This hookah in a glass is an ideal camping option. This mini hookah will be a wonderful decoration for any party. Moreover, smoking such a narghile is an absolutely hygienic process.

How to make a hookah at home - guide

To begin, pour the filler drink into the flask so that the liquid covers the container by 2-4 cm. You can use ordinary water, milk, juice, wine, cognac. The drink should be kept in the refrigerator first. It is not recommended to pour a large amount of liquid; this can have a bad effect on the hookah's draft.

Next, we prepare the tobacco for smoking. You can simply heat a cube of tobacco over an open fire (to be safe, you should use special tongs), or you can crumble two-thirds of the tobacco into a cup. The tobacco should not be crushed into the bowl too much.

After this, cover the tobacco with thick foil. Additionally, cover the cup on all sides with foil. If you did not use special perforated foil, but regular foil, then you should make several holes on it using a toothpick or a needle.

What to look for when choosing a hose?

First, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the Top Best Hoses, compiled together with our clients. A silicone hookah hose is not just an accessory for beauty, it performs important functions, the quality of traction and the characteristics of the transfer of taste depend on it. There is also a hookah hose with cooling, which lowers the temperature of the smoke, which gives it interesting flavor shades. When choosing an accessory, you should pay attention to several criteria:

These are the most important points to remember when choosing. There are other features of hookahs, for example, you can find a hookah with two pipes on sale, but these are additional devices that do not have much impact on the quality of smoking.

Which charcoal is best for a home hookah?

There are many types of coal that are suitable for hookah, for example:

  • coconut;
  • classic (set on fire over an open fire);
  • quick ignition charcoal (ignited with a regular lighter).

For home hookah, it is often not recommended to use quick-ignition charcoal, as it may contain various harmful impurities. In a closed room, acrid smoke will cause headaches. The main feature of such coal is that it is covered with a film of nitrate, which flares up immediately upon contact with fire.

The classic option (also called pure coal) would be safer at home. It produces even heat and simmers for about 90 minutes. This type of fuel can be easily lit on a gas stove, after which it is transferred to foil using tongs.

DIY hookah accessories

Based on the above, it is easy to conclude that since homemade hookah production is quite a realistic undertaking, then accessories for nargile are easy to make yourself.

If you have an unnecessary sheet of iron, you can easily make hookah tongs without much difficulty. You should cut a strip of iron and bend it in half. Before using these pliers, their edges should be sanded.

A useful accessory – a mouthpiece – is also easy to make at home. For manufacturing, you can use various materials: wood, plastic, clay. The process is not complicated; all you have to do is give free rein to your imagination.

It's easy to make a diffuser out of a thimble. You just have to make holes in it. This is a necessary accessory for those who prefer to smoke hookah in complete silence.

As you can see, making both the hookah itself and the elements for it yourself is an entertaining process. As a result, it is possible to make an individual hookah and show creativity.

Homemade hookah: mine collection

The most difficult thing in this matter is assembling the hookah shaft. To do this you will need:

  1. Connect the steel pipe and the burner tightly. The most convenient way to do this is this way: bend one end of the pipe into a cone and hammer it into a tiled burner with a hammer. The entire structure must be strong enough.
  2. Next, you need to drill a hole in the teapot lid that is sized to fit the tube. To ensure the best possible fixation, provide the pipe with small grooves.
  3. Now we lower the tube into the teapot, the upper connection needs to be soldered. Open the lid and seal our structure from below. The soldering areas should be thoroughly cleaned. The mine is ready.

How to make a good hookah from a glass bottle yourself

To make a hookah, it is not at all necessary to use plexiglass. Even a simple bottle can serve as the basis for this amazing design.

  • bottle;
  • copper tube;
  • plastic tube;
  • hose;
  • rubber stopper;
  • bowl;
  • blade;
  • drill;
  • a drill designed for working with glass.

To make a hookah it is not necessary to use plexiglass

  1. Drill a hole in the plug the same diameter as the tube.
  2. Connect the copper tube to the plug.
  3. Make a small hole in the side of the bottle.
  4. Place the plastic tube onto the hookah hose.
  5. Attach the hose to the bottle.

Home hookah: connecting a hose

Then you can move on to the hose. You need to cut off a piece from the teapot spout so that the hole in the remaining part fits the diameter of the hose - this is necessary for the tightness of the connection. Now the hose just needs to be placed in the spout of the teapot and wrapped with electrical tape. Then the lid and the entire teapot are sealed with foil, from which you need to make a funnel that will be placed in the burner. We install a washbasin mesh on the burner. We made the hookah with our own hands, you can try it out.

Of course, such manipulations will require time and some effort, but the result will be a reliable device.

However, there are DIY hookah options that will save a lot of time and won’t require so much effort.

How to smoke correctly

In addition to the main process - assembling a hookah, you need to be able to smoke it correctly. To properly smoke a hookah at home, you must:

  1. Assemble all the parts of the device together;
  2. Make small sides on the bowl from foil. They will allow the coals to stay hot longer;
  3. The coals need to be heated almost completely. They should be red. Then they need to be covered with a special lid or regular foil for a few minutes;
  4. You need to light it through a hose or tubes, quickly inhaling and exhaling the smoke, because of this the coals will be able to heat up more, which will allow you to smoke the hookah longer and increase the volume of smoke.

It won’t take much time to smoke a hookah well, but then you can enjoy the process for a long time.

Electronic variant

In addition to the regular hookah, there is an electronic one. It has a significant number of advantages:

  • is safe for health, because instead of smoke, a person inhales steam, which does not damage the lungs and does not disturb the surrounding odor.
  • takes up little space, allowing you to carry it with you anywhere.
  • electric coals are much safer for the human body.
  • The device charges quickly and easily.
  • availability of various replaceable cartridges.
  • the best option for those who want to quit smoking but cannot find an alternative to addiction.

The choice of hookah should be approached with responsibility and attention, because the choice of materials and ingredients determines your future well-being and health.

Homemade hookah from a bottle - strictly and economically

How to make a hookah from a bottle? To do this you will need:

  • in fact, the plastic bottle itself is 1.5-2 liters;
  • aluminum tube;
  • plastic straw for drinks;
  • can;
  • knife and foil.

This option for your own home hookah is quite simple and economical. How to make a hookah from a bottle? The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. We make three holes in a plastic bottle, it is desirable that two of them are located close to each other, and the third hole is parallel to them.
  2. After this, we cut holes at the bottom of the jar with a knife, and make a large hole on the opposite side. The plug used as a seal must also have a hole.
  3. After the aluminum tube placed inside the bottle is filled with water, the entire structure is tightly screwed with a cork.
  4. We insert tubes into a couple of holes in the bottle and secure the tin can. The third of the holes must also be closed.
  5. Pour tobacco into the jar, cover everything on top with foil with pierced holes.
  6. Place coals on top.

Principles of hookah shaft production (how they are made, what drawings are made, what is measured)

Hello, dear friends. We all love to smoke hookah. We smoked on a dozen different hookahs. We liked some hookahs, some not so much. But have you ever thought about how exactly mines produce? Did you know that this is a very long and labor-intensive process? After all, the development of a hookah and its creation does not take one month, or two. This may take years. So the next time you want to say that someone’s hookah is not very good, just think about how much effort was put into this item. And so that you understand this better, I will tell you about the stages of production of hookah shafts. Go.

So, you have an idea to create your own hookah/mine. First, you must decide what exactly your product should be and what exactly you want from it. It's important to come up with a design that will differentiate your shafts from the rest. You need to decide on the materials (stainless steel, aluminum, wood) from which you will produce your products, and decide what technical characteristics they will have. Let's assume everything is invented, then the next step. There are two options: either you are an engineer, or you need to find an engineer who can create drawings of your mine according to your wishes. So you've found an engineer. Next, relying on your experience (I hope you are well versed in hookahs, since you decided to create your own), you must explain to the engineer the mechanics of how the hookah works. Indicate where the diameter should be, where what size should be, where what thread pitch should be, and the shape of the parts. After this, under your guidance, the engineer first creates drawings of each part separately, then makes an assembly drawing.

What else can you use to build a hookah? Have you tried grapefruit?

What can a hookah be made from? You can also make a little-known, but attractive for its uniqueness, citrus hookah. In order to create such a unit at home, purchase any grapefruit. In terms of its parameters, it should be similar to the size of the neck of the container from which you are going to smoke. You can make a hookah with your own hands like this:

  1. Cut the cap off the citrus.
  2. Insert it into a container filled with hookah liquid, and the fruit should fit snugly against the walls of the selected container.
  3. You should make a hole in the container for tobacco.
  4. After this, you need to cover the cut out part with toothpicks, overlaying them with a mesh.
  5. Fill this cavity exactly to the brim with tobacco.
  6. Next, pierce the fruit with a tube so that it extends 1-2 centimeters into the liquid.
  7. Pierce the side of the fruit so that the holes do not intersect. This hole is necessary for the second tube. Paste it.
  8. Fold the foil in several layers and place the shiny side up.
  9. Wrap the fruit tightly in foil.
  10. Punch small holes in the foil around the entire perimeter.
  11. Now it’s time to place the pre-prepared hot coal on the edges of the foil.
  12. You can smoke a hookah.

DIY hookah

Home-made narghile is not only a way to show your imagination, but also a good option to save money. The device itself can be easily replaced with a set of items that are probably found in every home. So, first things first.

From the bottle

Making a hookah from a bottle is quite simple. You can use either a glass bottle or a plastic one. More details about each option.

From a glass bottle

To make a hookah from a glass bottle, you need the following set of items:

  • diamond drill;
  • glass bottle;
  • seal;
  • sheet of foil;
  • tube made of stainless material;
  • base for chilima;
  • flexible tube made of silicone or plastic.

The first step is to drill a couple of holes in the bottle. The first is for the handset. It is important that the size of the hole matches the diameter of the tube. This will allow for better sealing. The second hole is made as desired. It should be opposite the first one, and is intended for backflow of the hookah. It is worth noting that the presence of this hole only increases the degree of comfort when smoking it.

Important: when drilling holes, you should work at low speeds. Otherwise the glass will crack. And the container will be unsuitable for further use.

If the diameter of the hole is small, it is expanded with a file.

A rubber seal is placed in the hole for the tube, and then a flexible tube (shishi hose) is secured. The optimal size is up to 1 meter. The purge hole is closed with a valve. In this simple way, a nargile flask is prepared.

The flask is filled with liquid, and a shaft is inserted into the neck of the container. In this case it is a stainless pipe. Use a rubber stopper to seal the neck of the bottle.

A hole should also be made in the dish that plays the role of chilim. And the resulting chilim is put on the mine. To secure it, you can use rubber seals.

Afterwards, according to a familiar algorithm, tobacco is placed, the cup is covered with foil and holes are made in it. Then the hot coals are placed on a foil screen.

From a plastic bottle

It should be noted right away that a hookah from a plastic bottle is a one-time entertainment option. However, it does take a little time to prepare.

Required items:

  • plastic bottle;
  • cocktail straws;
  • large apple varieties;
  • 2 plastic covers. Their size must correspond to the neck of the container;
  • food foil;

The required number of holes should be made in the lids to allow air to enter the vessel. For a neck of normal diameter, it is recommended to make about three holes, which will be located strictly above each other. Otherwise, the tubes will break, which will impede the movement of air.

Having connected the lids to each other (bottom), tubes are threaded into the holes. After this, the container should be sealed. The required amount of liquid is poured into the bottle.

To make chilim, take half an apple and remove the inside. A hole should be made in the bottom of the fruit, which will be smaller than the size of the lid. In the apple bowl itself you need to lay a base for the tobacco mixture made from toothpicks. Next, the bowl is placed on the top of the structure and tobacco is placed. Then, according to the usual algorithm, the chilim is covered with foil, in which several holes are made. Hot coals are placed on a foil screen.

A hole should be made in the wall of the vessel for smoking.

Important: it must correspond as much as possible to the dimensions of the smoking pipe.

Place a straw in the hole and seal the hole well with electrical tape. In this way, sealing of the homemade unit is achieved.

From a can

To make a homemade hookah from a jar, you will need:

  • a glass jar that will play the role of a flask;
  • a piece of pipe replacing the shaft;
  • hose valve;
  • hose located on top of the cover.

In a tin lid from a can, a hole is made in any way that fits the dimensions of the hose. Secure the hose using sealant. To achieve maximum results, the sealant is heated with a hairdryer. Next, all the elements of the homemade shisha are connected.

According to avid smoke lovers, a hookah on a can is one of the most successful options for homemade narghile.

From a glass

To assemble a hookah on a glass at home, you will need:

  • tall glass (cocktail);
  • fruit for cup;
  • a pair of cocktail straws;
  • tobacco for narghile;
  • the liquid with which the flask is filled (fruit juice, water or other options);
  • If desired, you can add ice, mint, berries or pieces of fruit.

So, initially the cup is prepared. For this purpose, take a fruit that ideally fits the size of the vessel. An imprint of the container used is made on the outside of the fruit. And an incision is made along its silhouette, the depth of which is 1 centimeter. Next, the fruit chilim is placed on the glass.

Afterwards, a depression is prepared in the bowl. To do this, the top of the fruit is cut off evenly and its inner part is removed. It is important: the walls of the fruit were not damaged.

Then the cup is pierced diagonally and another tube is inserted. It should not come into contact with liquid and tobacco.

In this version of the hookah, you should make a protective mesh for tobacco. Toothpicks are suitable for this.

Then tobacco is laid, covered with foil, holes are made and hot coals are laid.

From fruits and vegetables

Narghile on fruits or vegetables has a number of advantages:

  1. such a hookah has an even greater bright and rich taste;
  2. The tobacco mixture does not dry out so quickly due to the juice of the fruit.

So, to make shisha with your own hands using fruit or vegetables you will need:

  • fetus;
  • tobacco composition;
  • toothpicks;
  • food or hookah foil;
  • coal.

When choosing a fruit, you should give preference to one that is denser in structure. Softer fruits will lose their shape due to exposure to high temperatures.

Making a hookah begins with preparing all its elements in disassembled form. Afterwards, a bowl is made from the selected fruit. You should cut off the top of the fruit with a knife and cut out the core so that the walls of the fruit are about a centimeter thick.

A through hole is made in the lower part of the chilim, which is covered with a protective mesh of toothpicks. Thanks to this mesh, tobacco will not fall into the narghile shaft. Next, according to the usual algorithm: the moassel is laid, covered with foil, holes are made in the foil screen and hot coal is laid.

From the samovar

It is quite possible to get the opposite sensations from a traditional hookah. You just need to make it with hot tea. Warm steam gives a feeling of inhalation. And the overall warming effect of such a hookah will not leave anyone indifferent.

To prepare such a hookah, you need to arm yourself with:

First you need to make a hole in the lid of the samovar. A hose is inserted into this hole. The other hole is for the valve. The ideal place to locate the shaft is the center of the samovar lid. It is recommended to glue a rubber band under the lid of the samovar. This will ensure that the device is sealed. The role of chilim is assigned to a tin can. Holes should be made in it. It is permissible to secure the bowl using plasticine. The rest of the preparation process is already familiar: tobacco, foil with holes and coals.

Made of wood and clay

It’s possible to make a hookah from wood or clay with your own hands. And despite assumptions about the unreliability of the installation, it has a number of advantages:

  1. this installation is suitable for repeated use;
  2. the aroma of wood feeds the smoke of such a hookah with interesting notes of the type of wood from which it is made;
  3. The device can be made as an exclusive gift for an avid hookah lover, or simply to decorate the interior.

Modern models of electronic hookahs, as well as the body of electronic cigarettes, are made of wood.

At the same time, the idea of ​​making a narghile entirely out of wood is not the best option: this task is extremely difficult and even dangerous.

But making a hookah from clay is no less labor-intensive process, but the beauty of the installation is a spectacle of incredible beauty. Particularly interesting specimens are obtained when a pottery wheel is used.

When making narghile from clay, it is worth remembering that a variety of raw materials are suitable for different elements. So, it is better to make the bowl from wood; it is preferable to use clay to form the flask, but it is preferable to make the shaft from stainless steel.

Caring for your home hookah

After smoking, each part of the device should be carefully washed. The hoses should be left to dry, and the shaft and flask should be ventilated to avoid an unpleasant odor that may remain after smoking. After this, you can put the hookah back together and check whether everything is connected securely and firmly.

So, now you don’t have to go to a special establishment or restaurant to feel all the delights of hookah smoking. You can easily make a hookah with your own hands at home, create a cozy atmosphere in the company of friends and surprise everyone with your skills.

What should you choose?

The final choice depends on personal preference. Both products look unusual. The Hookah box cube will cost a person much less than the analogue from Nanosmoke, but it will look worse. This or that hookah should be purchased based on a person’s budget.

Many people advise paying attention to products from the Nanosmoke company, as they have a large assortment of unique hookahs. Before purchasing, each person must compare analogues of the product he wants to purchase. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the component parts of the device, their quality and appearance.

Any of the listed options will surprise people because of its unusual shape. If you use a hookah in low light and actively smoke, the glass box will be filled with illuminated smoke, it looks stylish and unusual. You can purchase the listed hookahs in a specialized store or on the official website of the manufacturer. There you will be able to see the current price and other similar models.

Method 1. Hookah from a plastic bottle

Let's remember what components the hookah is made of. Usually this:

  • bowl;
  • mine;
  • flask;
  • hose with mouthpiece

A flask is a container, usually made of glass, containing water that helps cool the smoke. A do-it-yourself hookah flask can be made from any container. Of course, we immediately remember an ordinary bottle.

How to make a hookah with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle?

You will need to take:

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! This is a 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that you can easily, without extra costs, without withdrawal symptoms, without gaining excess weight and without stress, get rid of nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOR ALL! I want to quit smoking..."

  1. 2 liter bottle;
  2. foil;
  3. two plastic covers of different sizes;
  4. apple;
  5. handset;
  6. toothpicks;
  7. hookah tobacco;
  8. coal

First of all, you should make holes in the caps for the tube. After the lids are pressed together at the tops, the tube is threaded so that it ends up inside the bottle. A do-it-yourself hookah bowl is made from an apple. To do this, the top of the fruit is cut off and the core is removed. Afterwards, a recess is made at the base of the “bowl” the same size as the diameter of the small lid. You need to make small holes at the bottom with something thin and sharp. This will allow the smoke to flow well, but will not allow the tobacco to fall through. At the very end, a hole is made into which the hose will be inserted and the hookah at home is ready! All that remains is to pour water into the bottle, pour in tobacco, put foil on top, and add hot coal.

Electronic hookah

In large cities, the idea of ​​an electronic hookah has found its implementation in a similar way to the situation with electronic cigarettes. Smokers of such hookahs subsequently abandoned traditional cigarettes and switched to electronic ones. What is the difference between them, can these means replace each other, and is an electronic hookah equivalent to a traditional one?

Anyone who wants to enjoy an electronic hookah does not need to fill the bowl or light the coals. It is prepared in a few minutes. Versions of it exist both with and without nicotine. In the West, such hookahs are usually produced in the form of electronic cigars or hookah sticks; in our country, the version of the traditional form, reminiscent of a regular one, is more common.

Essentially, this is the same electronic cigarette combined with a hookah form. You can make an electronic hookah with your own hands by converting the classic hookah body to higher power and an air intake system that allows you to achieve the same effect as with traditional smoking.

The device placed inside is quite simple and is a steam generator in the form of a nichrome strip. Having reached the desired temperature, the aromatic water is converted into steam. The process is designed to take about 40 minutes, but the hookah assembled with your own hands may be slightly bitter.

Those who love high-quality hookah know how expensive it is to smoke it somewhere in a restaurant and therefore want to have their own, native hookah at home. Someone brings them as a souvenir from Turkey or Egypt, where “shisha” is very, very popular.

However, all these hookahs have one big drawback: they are bulky and extremely inconvenient to take with you on a picnic or bring to a friend’s house. There is a solution - make your own neat folding hookah from an Ikea glass jar - like my friends from banka lab make them! This is what we will do today.

1. We'll start by making a hole in the lid. The bowl will be inserted there (the bowl and the silicone gasket under it are freely sold in any hookah store, as well as all other spare parts)

2. The contour is ready and you can start drilling

3. The glass is drilled with a special diamond head of the required diameter

4. The process is quite long, but we can’t rush here - we need a perfect hole, without chips.

5. There will be two more holes on the side of our jar - for the tube and for the valve.

6. The big picture begins to emerge

7. There will be a valve here

10. After drilling, the holes are ground using a drill machine with a special attachment

11. Lid with gasket under the bowl

12. When drilling glass, you need to take precautions - in addition to glasses, a mask is also advisable, because we shouldn’t breathe glass dust, right? Having a beard is not necessary, but highly desirable!

13. Next, we cut off glass tubes - two short ones of different diameters for the valve (we will insert them into each other) and two long ones - for the mouthpiece and shaft. High-quality Czech borosilicate glass from Simax, a manufacturer of high-end laboratory glassware, is used here.

14. When cutting glass, water is poured over it. This way it doesn’t heat up and doesn’t fly away with dust as much.

15. We make holes in the tube that will descend from the bowl into the water - this way we will get a diffuser that will help cool the smoke and reduce vibrations. In addition, with a diffuser the hookah will last better

17. In addition to the holes, we also make such notches

18. For the valve we will need two small glass tubes and a glass ball. And, of course, gaskets

19. Valve assembled

21. Almost ready. A medical silicone tube is used as a hose. You can also buy a ready-made hose in the store

22. The guys from banka lab spent a long time experimenting with the required sizes, proportions and design options. They now have several different options that have worked well.

23. After the jar is ready, it is necessary to carry out tests =)

24. Smokes great, valve works properly. So everything is fine.

Is it possible to make a good hookah yourself from improvised materials? Many hookah lovers are interested in this issue, especially in those moments when you really want to smoke, but there is no hookah at hand. There are several ways to make a hookah at home from scrap materials, which we will discuss below.

Ignition and coals

To find out how to make a hookah correctly, you need to decide on the ignition. You should use only natural coals. Coconut charcoal works best. When using quick-burning “tablets,” there is a high probability of inhaling saltpeter. During outdoor recreation, coals are lit on an open fire. Torches are also often used. It is important to monitor the condition of the coals - they should be red on all sides. If black areas appear on the coals, you may get a headache while smoking. You should brew a hookah according to certain rules, otherwise the pleasure from smoking will be minimal. There are many ways to prepare a hookah, but it is better to use the classic one.

There are many tips on how to prepare a delicious hookah. The coals must be placed on the edges of the bowl. This will heat the bowl evenly, allowing the tobacco to smolder slowly. In this case, the smoke is soft. How many coals to put depends on the size of the bowl. For some hookahs, 3 coals are enough. For example, a pineapple will require about 6-8 pieces. The classic clay bowl requires 4 coals. After 7 minutes of heating, 1 of them is removed and smoking continues with 3 coals. Numerous tips on how to prepare a delicious hookah at home are based on simple principles.

Making a bowl

This is the simplest element for homemade devices. You can find a lot of ways to make it, including very strange ones, as well as ones that are not entirely suitable in practice for creating the right tasty hookah. Some people make a bowl from tin cans, while others find it convenient to make it themselves, for example, from clay or wood (which not everyone can do). We suggest not looking for such complicated ways and making a bowl for disposable use from fruits. A large orange, grapefruit or apple is suitable for this purpose. Simply cut off the top and then scoop out all the flesh so you are left with an empty half-sphere. Wrap it in foil and feel free to use it as a bowl.

Patent for Hi-tech Club hookah. Patent information.

The area of ​​application of the claimed utility model is hookah smoking, i.e. smoking hookah tobacco using a special smoking device - a hookah.

Prior art. Well-known hookahs include a flask, a shaft, a bowl for tobacco, a hose, and a mouthpiece. The shaft in them is attached to the flask using threads, ground sections, or using rubber seals.

The disadvantage of the known hookahs is the low heat capacity of the “tobacco bowl - foil” unit, as a result of which the tobacco overheats and burns. This, in turn, causes a change in the taste of the smoke, the smoke begins to taste bitter, and combustion products appear in it (toxicity increases).

Disclosure of technical solution. The objective of this utility model is to eliminate the above-mentioned disadvantages in known hookahs.

The technical result achieved by the claimed utility model is to eliminate the burning of tobacco in a hookah, preserve taste, and reduce the harm of using hookah.

The technical result is achieved by using a coal bowl instead of foil to separate coals from tobacco; in addition, the combination of a coal bowl, a tobacco bowl and a shaft forms a single thermal system, which increases the heat capacity of the hookah (the metal takes on some of the heat from the coals and maintains stable temperature in the tobacco placement area).

In a particular case, in accordance with the above description, the device can be designed as follows.

The coal bowl is designed in such a way that it has an area directly above the tobacco bowl that has holes for air passage and ridges that prevent the coal from blocking the air passage.

Around this area above the tobacco bowl there is a platform with a side. This platform serves to remove excess heat from the coals and maintain the temperature of the tobacco bowl. The rim prevents coals from falling from the bowl.

The seal between the coal bowl and the tobacco bowl, as well as the tobacco bowl and the shaft nut, is an axial end seal along the end annular surface of these parts (made without rubber or other seals with a low thermal conductivity coefficient used in known hookahs).

How to light a cigarette

If you follow the instructions, it’s easy to understand how to make a delicious hookah. The tobacco is heated to its optimal state within 7 minutes. After 1 ember is removed, you can inhale the smoke deeply. After 2-3 deep breaths, the hookah is considered ready for smoking. You need to remove the coals, shake off the ashes and put the coals in other places. After 20 minutes, new coals will be needed, so you should think about lighting in advance.

By following these tips, you can quickly figure out how to properly brew a hookah at home yourself. The whole process is quite easy. If you want to know how to make colored smoke in a hookah (to exhale beautiful multi-colored puffs), you should not try different dyes for tobacco. This has no effect on the smoke. You can't make it colored. Using checkers or homemade charcoal with dyes is dangerous to life.

It is worth remembering that in pursuit of the aesthetics of smoking, you should not take various tablets that change the color of the smoke. If you inhale the smoke produced by these tablets, it can cause serious harm to your health. Making hookah at home is easy. The main thing is to follow the basic rules.

If you are going to prepare a regular hookah at home for the first time, then you need to do it well. Hookah can be different - small or large, soft or slightly intoxicating, light or heavy. But to do it right, you need to know how to cook it.

Are you going to do THIS for the first time? Then it is better for you to use video materials, or instructions with photos or pictures. So, how to make a hookah correctly?

To make a truly great product, special attention should be paid to the choice of tobacco. It is he who plays almost the key role in the entire process of preparation and even smoking. It is important that the hookah does not burn, because then it will be bitter, and this will not have the best effect on its taste.

In addition to tobacco, accessories are also important: bowl, shaft, flask. Overall, there are no minor details!

What's next?

The next step is to connect the hose. We cut off a piece from the spout of our teapot at such a distance that the hole in the remaining part exactly matches the diameter of the hose - for a tight connection. We push the rubber part of the hose into the spout and secure it with electrical tape.

The braid from the hose together with the nut is put on the spout of the kettle. Then the lid and the entire kettle are sealed with foil, and a funnel is twisted from it and placed in the burner. A washbasin net is placed on the burner, and your hookah is ready with your own hands - you can try it out.

Of course, making this device will require some effort, but as a result you will get a high-quality device for reusable use. If you have the desire and creativity, you can get a stylish and original hookah with your own hands - the photos shown here demonstrate the flight of imagination of the authors.

The best aluminum hookah that failed

Let's remember the sensational hookah from Ivan. “Aviation aluminum is a super material,” everyone shouted as one until they bought this hookah. For some it rotted very quickly, for others it took longer, but it was still not pleasant.

No matter how high-quality anodizing is, it will not save you. One way or another, syrup and water get into the threaded joints, stagnate there and react with the metal. In addition, at the time of assembling and disassembling the hookah, there is friction between metal and metal.

Material selection

There is only one answer to this question - it is silicone and nothing else.

Of course, the classic option is a leather product, preferably made from snakeskin. But the only thing that makes this hose stand out is its very high cost and specific appearance.

It’s not worth talking about corrugated products at all. These are low-quality tubes that quickly fail.

Therefore, the only option becomes silicone. Additionally, you can choose backlit, glossy or other models. You can also see hoses with prints, logos, etc. But the main point is the choice of this material.

How to make a hose and mouthpiece for a hookah

The principle of the device is simple: a rigid spring covered with a thick film (similar to plumbing pipes), which is covered with fabric, leatherette or genuine leather. The product is wrapped in a spiral with thread. Due to the accumulation of resins and odors, the service life is short. As soon as the hookah begins to taste bitter, sting and give off odors that were not added to the bowl, the silicone hose needs to be replaced.

What should a handmade accessory be like:

  • Large enough diameter for comfortable smoking
  • Long for the ability to transfer it to the company
  • If it is washable, it will extend its service life.
  • Cute enough not to make your friends laugh

Mouthpieces are serious business. It is better to take it from an old hookah; if this is not possible, you will have to sharpen it yourself. It's great to have a handmade accessory, but not everyone can do it. You may have to fork out for a new one here.

Which hookah hose to choose: basic criteria

The first question on everyone's mind will be the cost of a good tube, and thoughts will arise as to why spend more if there is a tube included in the kit. It’s one thing if you purchased a domestically produced hookah and received a long silicone hose, then you don’t have to buy anything additional. Otherwise, you will have to spend a little money.

An average silicone hose costs from 400 to 700 rubles, depending on thickness, length and color. In addition to it, you need to buy a mouthpiece and other accessories. All this will total from 700 to 2500 rubles.

As you can see, the price range is quite large, so we will additionally consider a number of factors that will help you choose a hose for yourself in the right price category.

Making a mine

This element can be called the most difficult. Quality shafts can cool and filter smoke through condensation. In addition, they prevent the appearance of bitter taste. How to make a mine yourself? Take a metal tube for this, but not just any one, preferably one made of stainless steel or aluminum. If you don't have one, just use some aluminum foil as a "core" and make a hollow tube. If you wrap it more than once, the seemingly soft material can become incredibly dense and perfectly pass for a hookah shaft.

How to prepare tobacco

Preparing a hookah according to all the rules requires certain knowledge: how to prepare a tobacco mixture, hammer and smoke a hookah at home. The classic method will help you make hookah tobacco. You need to take 50 grams. tobacco, molasses and glycerin (2 bottles), essential oils. First you need to reduce the strength of the tobacco. To do this, take 2/3 of the leaves and place them in a container. The volume of tobacco is chosen based on preference. Experienced smokers make smoking mixtures according to individual recipes.

You can prepare the mixture for smoking within a week. The tobacco is poured with boiling water and then filtered through a colander. Now it should be dried. The tobacco is placed in the oven for 20 minutes at 80 degrees. It's important to follow up. So that it doesn't start to char. Then the spent mixture must be mixed with the remaining tobacco.

To 1 mg of tobacco add 1 mg of glycerin. Then essential oil is added. It is recommended to use 2 flavors - 8 drops each. Then the mixture must be diluted in molasses. There is no need to be careful with her. The homemade mixture is placed in a container and left for a week.

It’s easy to learn how to properly prepare a hookah. It is worth following a few tips that will help you enjoy tasty and dense smoke for many hours of relaxation.

Manufacturing technologies and materials of Hi-tech club hookah

A unique patented heat extraction system ensures that the tobacco will not burn. As a result of this innovation, the smoke when smoking is soft and does not taste bitter, and qualitatively conveys the taste and aroma of tobacco. The hookah is made from high-quality materials, therefore it is resistant to damage and the effects of any household chemicals (can be washed in the dishwasher).

The large bore diameters of the shaft, hose and mouthpiece facilitate and guarantee easy drafting even when smoking together.

The hookah is sealed: the flask, hose and valve are assembled on threaded connections. Thanks to this, the hookah can be easily assembled and disassembled, it is compact for storage and movement.

The hookah has a designed low center of gravity, so it is resistant to tipping over.

The hookah contains no painted parts, which preserves its original appearance. The gold and black color of the coating of Hi-tech club Classic Gold, Hi-tech club Coralica Gold and Hi-tech club Butterfly Gold hookahs and the Noir line is achieved by thermal vacuum coating with titanium and is resistant to abrasion.

The coal bowl is made of brushed stainless steel. Features: completely replaces foil and protects tobacco from overheating.

The tobacco bowl is made of brushed stainless steel. Features: excellent conductor, promotes uniform heating of tobacco from the coals and, at the same time, transfers heat to the tobacco from the walls, which, in turn, are heated by the coal bowl.

The hookah plate is made of brushed stainless steel. Features: resistant to damage and exposure to any household chemicals. Special sides protect against falling coal.

The hookah shaft is made of brushed stainless steel. Features: has cooling fins. Effectively cools smoke. The shaft tube has a diffuser for better smoke filtration and quiet operation of the hookah.

The flask for hookah models of the Hi-tech club Classic, Hi-tech club Coralica, Hi-tech club Butterfly and Hi-tech club Modern lines is made of borosilicate glass SIMAX, Czech Republic.

Method 2. Hookah from vegetables and fruits

It is not always necessary to look for plastic bottles, because you can build a hookah from fruits or vegetables. Below we will tell you how to make a hookah with your own hands at home. In this case, you can use a glass instead of a bottle, and apples, oranges, watermelon or zucchini will act as a bowl. The principle of making this homemade hookah is the same as in the previous version. The only difference with this option is the aroma of fruit, which will complement the smoke. Before smoking, it is recommended to cool the glass so that the smoke also cools faster. Interesting fact: In Israel and Turkey, hookah is called nargyleh and nargile. Translated, this word means coconut. It was from this nut that the vessel of the device was made in ancient times.

Preparing the hookah

There are many ways to make a good hookah at home. However, it is better to use a proven method.

The classic way to prepare a good hookah:

First, the flask is filled with water so that the tube is immersed in it by 2-2.5 cm. Otherwise, there will be poor draft. Ice is added here, which will allow the doom to cool better.

Then you need to install the shaft on the flask and connect the tube. Then a saucer is installed on the shaft. It is necessary for the burnt coals, as well as for the lid and tongs.

A bowl is placed on top.

Now you should move on to filling the hookah with tobacco. The tobacco is pre-dried. Place it on a napkin, removing excess moisture.

Then you need to remove sticks and too large particles from the tobacco. For better filling, it must be finely chopped. Next, put the tobacco in the bowl. This is done in such a way that it does not lie in a slide, but is evenly distributed closer to the edges. Tamping tobacco is an unnecessary action that will only worsen the smoldering process.

Food foil is placed on top of the bowl. Before this, it is folded in 2 layers. It should be of such a size that it completely covers the bowl. Now you need to make a lot of holes in the foil (in the center) using a toothpick.

Now you should make a ring 1 cm high from foil. It is placed on the already covered bowl. Another layer of foil is placed on top. You need to make holes in it again.

These hookah secrets will be useful for both beginners and experienced hookah lovers. At the final stage, the coal is placed on the foil structure. Now you need to start smoking. After 10-15 puffs, the smoking device needs to be blown in the other direction - this will help get rid of excess particles that could get into the shaft. These tips will help even a beginner understand how to make a hookah at home.

Why is this design made of food foil made? This allows you to create an air plug, the air under which warms up well. As a result, the tobacco will be heated more well; it will smolder slowly rather than burn. Smoking a hookah with kalaud is a great way to not have to think about lighting the charcoal. Kalaud is a round device that replaces the foil design.

Hookah hose - how to choose a good one?

Every day, hookah smoking is becoming more and more popular. New establishments are opening every day throughout the country (only hookah bars in Moscow there are already over 700 establishments), but there are many people who prefer a homely atmosphere and quality hookah. But even in this case, you need to smoke it correctly, and you need to approach the choice of pipe and hose for a hookah responsibly. If you are still smoking using a standard corrugated pipe, then we guarantee that you have never tried a good hookah in your life.
Today, almost every manufacturer provides a hose complete with the hookah itself. But it is not always of high quality. The old corrugation, familiar to many, only spoils the process itself. That is why we will look at the features of choosing a good tube and the requirements for it. And after reading this article, you will be able to independently choose a quality product for yourself and learn fully what a real hookah is.

Advantages of silicone hookah hose

The first and most important thing is that it does not absorb odors and retains the freshness of the aroma when smoking.

Silicone is also easy to clean and you can use any detergent to clean it, but it is recommended to use soda or citric acid.

Another feature is the large space for customization.

Photo provided by our partners and hookah bar Balcon Lounge St. Petersburg

Quite recently, hookah, which came to us from the East, has today become an integral part of conversation, friendly meetings, table celebrations, and even part of business decision-making. Nowadays, smoking a hookah is fashionable, prestigious, and just a good opportunity to have a good time in company. That is why this trend has long moved from restaurants and cafes to ordinary homes. Smoking a hookah in a homely atmosphere alone or with friends has become quite accessible. True, you will have to pay a significant amount for the device itself, but what’s stopping you from making a hookah at home with your own hands? This article will be about how to do this.

What does a hookah consist of? What analogues can you find at home?

The main part of any hookah is the flask. At home, an old metal teapot that has already served its purpose can play this role. The next element of a homemade hookah is a hose. You can easily use a shower hose here. There should be no mechanical damage in these two main components of the hookah, otherwise the smoke will not flow well, being diluted with air. In this case, even a properly made hookah will create a sharp taste in the mouth.

The shaft of a homemade hookah must be made of the right material and in compliance with a certain size (the hookah must be from 50 to 70 cm). The fact is that during the smoking process, moisture (condensation) accumulates in the shaft, which can later lead to corrosion. In hookahs up to 50 cm, sometimes the smoke does not have time to cool, and bitterness may occur when smoking. If the flask is too high (about 80 cm), it is quite difficult to draw in smoke. Therefore, we consider the optimal size to be from 50 to 70 cm.


As a quick replacement for other spare parts, we take an unnecessary burner, a sink damper and a small iron tube of small diameter. And of course, don’t forget about the foil.

How to make a hookah at home - guide

To begin, pour the filler drink into the flask so that the liquid covers the container by 2-4 cm. You can use ordinary water, milk, juice, wine, cognac. The drink should be kept in the refrigerator first. It is not recommended to pour a large amount of liquid; this can have a bad effect on the hookah's draft.

Next, we prepare the tobacco for smoking. You can simply heat a cube of tobacco over an open fire (to be safe, you should use special tongs), or you can crumble two-thirds of the tobacco into a cup. The tobacco should not be crushed into the bowl too much.

After this, cover the tobacco with thick foil. Additionally, cover the cup on all sides with foil. If you did not use special perforated foil, but regular foil, then you should make several holes on it using a toothpick or a needle.

Which charcoal is best for a home hookah?

There are many types of coal that are suitable for hookah, for example:

  • coconut;
  • classic (set on fire over an open fire);
  • quick ignition charcoal (ignited with a regular lighter).

For home hookah, it is often not recommended to use quick-ignition charcoal, as it may contain various harmful impurities. In a closed room, acrid smoke will cause headaches. The main feature of such coal is that it is covered with a film of nitrate, which flares up immediately upon contact with fire.

The classic option (also called pure coal) would be safer at home. It produces even heat and simmers for about 90 minutes. This type of fuel can be easily lit on a gas stove, after which it is transferred to foil using tongs.

Homemade hookah: mine collection

The most difficult thing in this matter is assembling the hookah shaft. To do this you will need:

  1. Connect the steel pipe and the burner tightly. The most convenient way to do this is this way: bend one end of the pipe into a cone and hammer it into a tiled burner with a hammer. The entire structure must be strong enough.
  2. Next, you need to drill a hole in the teapot lid that is sized to fit the tube. To ensure the best possible fixation, provide the pipe with small grooves.
  3. Now we lower the tube into the teapot, the upper connection needs to be soldered. Open the lid and seal our structure from below. The soldering areas should be thoroughly cleaned. The mine is ready.

Home hookah: connecting a hose

Then you can move on to the hose. You need to cut off a piece from the teapot spout so that the hole in the remaining part fits the diameter of the hose - this is necessary for a tight connection. Now the hose just needs to be placed in the spout of the teapot and wrapped with electrical tape. Then the lid and the entire teapot are sealed with foil, from which you need to make a funnel that will be placed in the burner. We install a washbasin mesh on the burner. We made the hookah with our own hands, you can try it out.

Of course, such manipulations will require time and some effort, but the result will be a reliable device.

However, there are DIY hookah options that will save a lot of time and won’t require so much effort.

Homemade hookah from a bottle - strictly and economically

How to make a hookah from a bottle? To do this you will need:

  • in fact, the plastic bottle itself is 1.5-2 liters;
  • aluminum tube;
  • plastic straw for drinks;
  • can;
  • knife and foil.

This option for your own home hookah is quite simple and economical. How to make a hookah from a bottle? The manufacturing technology is as follows:

  1. We make three holes in a plastic bottle, it is desirable that two of them are located close to each other, and the third hole is parallel to them.
  2. After this, we cut holes at the bottom of the jar with a knife, and make a large hole on the opposite side. The plug used as a seal must also have a hole.
  3. After the aluminum tube placed inside the bottle is filled with water, the entire structure is tightly screwed with a cork.
  4. We insert tubes into a couple of holes in the bottle and secure the tin can. The third of the holes must also be closed.
  5. Pour tobacco into the jar, cover everything on top with foil with pierced holes.
  6. Place coals on top.

What else can you use to build a hookah? Have you tried grapefruit?

What can a hookah be made from? You can also make a little-known, but attractive for its uniqueness, citrus hookah. In order to create such a unit at home, purchase any grapefruit. In terms of its parameters, it should be similar to the size of the neck of the container from which you are going to smoke. You can make a hookah with your own hands like this:

  1. Cut the cap off the citrus.
  2. Insert it into a container filled with hookah liquid, and the fruit should fit snugly against the walls of the selected container.
  3. You should make a hole in the container for tobacco.
  4. After this, you need to cover the cut out part with toothpicks, overlaying them with a mesh.
  5. Fill this cavity exactly to the brim with tobacco.
  6. Next, pierce the fruit with a tube so that it extends 1-2 centimeters into the liquid.
  7. Pierce the side of the fruit so that the holes do not intersect. This hole is necessary for the second tube. Paste it.
  8. Fold the foil in several layers and place the shiny side up.
  9. Wrap the fruit tightly in foil.
  10. Punch small holes in the foil around the entire perimeter.
  11. Now it’s time to place the pre-prepared hot coal on the edges of the foil.
  12. You can smoke a hookah.

Caring for your home hookah

After smoking, each part of the device should be carefully washed. The hoses should be left to dry, and the shaft and flask should be ventilated to avoid an unpleasant odor that may remain after smoking. After this, you can put the hookah back together and check whether everything is connected securely and firmly.

So, now you don’t have to go to a special establishment or restaurant to feel all the delights of hookah smoking. You can easily make a hookah with your own hands at home, create a cozy atmosphere in the company of friends and surprise everyone with your skills.

Many nightclubs and entertainment venues have hookah rooms with a cozy atmosphere. If you decide to recreate such a corner at home, it will be useful for you to learn how to make a hookah so that you get thick smoke and a pleasant taste without bitterness. Our instructions provide information for beginners in the hookah business.

First, let’s find out what the design of the hookah is; this knowledge will be useful for further manipulations. It consists of a flask, a shaft, a hookah bowl (chilim) and hoses (or a single hose). In addition, for this venture you need to stock up on consumables, and these are foil, hookah charcoal and tobacco. To care for the structure you will need a special brush and citric acid. Now let's talk directly about preparing a hookah.

The whole ritual begins with filling the flask with liquid.
You can use plain water, juices, milk. However, in the latter case, you will have to pay great attention to cleaning the hookah, otherwise you will have a rotten smell when smoking. When you pour water, make sure that there is enough space in the chilim for steam to form. The end of the rod is immersed in water by about 2-4 centimeters. This is very important, since excessive immersion of the pipe will prevent you from smoking the hookah. This also risks allowing liquid to get into the hose. If it is not placed deep enough, the smoke will be hot when it reaches the throat. To make the steam more aromatic, it is customary to add a little wine, juice or fruit essence to the water. Remember that it is not recommended to add strong drinks (scotch, absinthe, cognac), as the result is difficult to predict.

At the next stage, it is recommended to check the tightness of the structure. Most of them are sold with a gasket connecting the flask and the shaft, which is made of plastic or rubber. They are characterized by high tightness. But if this is a problem, it is recommended to use electrical tape. Although this is not entirely aesthetically pleasing. After this, you can place the saucer on the hookah. It is necessary to place coals and protect the floor covering from falling ash. It is also convenient to place tongs on it. A bowl is placed on it.

Insert the hose into the special port, with the less beautiful end. If the tightness is insufficient, it is recommended to use appropriate gaskets. If your hookah has more than one hose, but you usually only use one, then close the second hole with a rubber stopper.

The most important step is filling the bowl with tobacco. Toss the leaves well until they are coated with the syrup and molasses. Layout features depend on your preferences. The classic version is this: carefully sort out the tobacco, select and tear leaves that are too large, fluff the remaining tobacco and place it loosely in a bowl, there should be a lot of air in the mixture. It is highly undesirable to compress it, just as it is not advisable to fill the entire bowl with tobacco. On the contrary, it should not stick to the foil; for this it is recommended to leave about 2 millimeters to the foil. It’s good if you pierce the laid mass with a needle so that air can better flow to the smoldering tobacco. This will make it easier for you to pull the hookah.

Now you can cover the tobacco with aluminum foil. Its size should be 5 centimeters larger than the diameter of the bowl. You can place it on either side, it doesn’t matter. After placing the foil, wrap it around the bowl to create tension, but do not press it, it should not compress the tobacco. Thick foil is, of course, good, it will be easier to regulate the heat, but remember that it cannot be rolled up, one layer will be enough. Fold the thin foil several times. However, there should not be too many layers, 1-3 is just right.

At this stage we make holes in the foil. To do this, we will use an ordinary needle or pin. But toothpicks are thicker, put them aside. For a classic Egyptian bowl, this hole pattern is best suited: a circle around the edge of the bowl and a spiral inside. If your bowl is funnel-shaped, make three concentric rings. Remember that many holes do not produce a lot of smoke. To do this, you need to achieve a balance between tobacco, coals and holes.

It's time to light the coals. For this purpose, use matches, a fireplace or hookah lighter that produces a large fire. An ordinary pocket one will not work, as you can burn your fingers. It is convenient to hold the coals with special tongs. Then we proceed as follows: light the fire, bring it to the coal, hold it for several minutes, wait for the coal to burn (at the same time it sparks and gives off acrid smoke), when the coal becomes gray on top and red inside - place it on the tobacco bowl. Make sure the coal is red. If it is black, do not try to inflate it on the spot, nothing good will happen, at best an unpleasant odor is guaranteed, and at worst carbon monoxide poisoning. It is not recommended to light charcoal over the bowl, otherwise particles from it will get into the tobacco and change its taste. If you use natural coal, say, pressed coconut, then keep in mind that it is usually lit on a gas burner. In the case of a ceramic or glass stove, cracks may form.

Wait for the bowl to heat up. You can then move the coals to the edge to prevent the tobacco from burning and producing acrid smoke. To light a hookah, you will have to take 5-10 breaths. But it is impossible to smoke with one puff. You need to pull slowly, not jerkily, the tobacco should not bounce. But it is recommended to take strong breaths. When pleasant steam comes out and the puffs become full of smoke, the hookah is ready for use. It is customary to smoke a hookah with a clay bowl for 30-40 minutes. When smoking alone, it can last for an hour. If the hookah is made from fruit, then about 50 minutes.

Often, when smoking, some unpleasant moments arise:

  • Sore throat and bitter taste. This happens due to leaky joints, especially the place where the hose is connected. It is also recommended to check the coals in case they touch the tobacco.
  • If you have to make a lot of effort when inhaling, then you should pay attention to the water level. Remember that the tube must be immersed a maximum of 5 cm.

Caring for a hookah is not very difficult. The tobacco is discarded immediately after the bowl has cooled. It is recommended to change the water when changing the type of tobacco. However, at least once every 10 smokes. In this case, you need to rinse the flask thoroughly. It’s good to use a brush for this kind of thing. The upper part of the structure is washed every 10-15 cigarettes. After the bowl has cooled, the tobacco is discarded. Remember that detergents are not suitable for caring for a hookah. But it is better to wash hoses rarely, but leather products are not washed at all. After washing, dry the structure to avoid oxidation.

That's almost all. Store the hookah after disassembling it. But if you want it to show off assembled on your shelf, at least remove the hoses. This is due to the fact that their frame is made of a metal spring, which can rust. If you need to move your hookah, hold it!

What does a hookah consist of?

Its main part is the flask. In a homemade apparatus, an old, out-of-print teapot (preferably a metal one) will serve just fine. Another important element is the hose. It’s good if you haven’t had time to part with your old shower hose. If you have time, you will have to buy the cheapest option at a plumbing store.

As other spare parts, we take a steel damper for the sink, an unnecessary burner from a gas stove and a small iron tube with a diameter of about 3 cm. The only tools you need to take care of are the soldering rod.

Making a hookah with your own hands - the main steps

First, the most difficult thing is making a hookah shaft. We connect the steel tube and the tile burner as follows: we turn one end of the pipe into a cone, then simply hammer the pipe into the burner. If everything is done correctly, the structure will be sealed and durable.

Then you need to drill a hole in the kettle for the pipe. It is done in the lid and must be sized to fit the tube. To ensure maximum fixation, provide the pipe with small grooves. Then we lower it into the kettle approximately to the level of the base of its spout, and seal the upper connection. We remove the cover and after that the structure is sealed from below. The adhesions are cleaned. Now the hookah shaft is ready!

What's next?

The next step is to connect the hose. We cut off a piece from the spout of our teapot at such a distance that the hole in the remaining part exactly matches the diameter of the hose - for a tight connection. We push the rubber part of the hose into the spout and secure it with electrical tape.

The braid from the hose together with the nut is put on the spout of the kettle. Then the lid and the entire kettle are sealed with foil, and a funnel is twisted from it and placed in the burner. A washbasin net is placed on the burner, and the hookah with your own hands is ready - you can try it out.

Of course, making this device will require some effort, but as a result you will get a high-quality device for reusable use. If you have the desire and creativity, you can get a stylish and original hookah with your own hands - the photos shown here demonstrate the flight of imagination of the authors.

Do-it-yourself hookah from a bottle - fast and cheap

But what to do when you have absolutely no desire to bother with soldering and other issues, and the idea of ​​a home hookah can’t get out of your head?

From a 2-liter plastic bottle you can make an excellent hookah with your own hands without much expense. In addition to the bottle, you need a tin can, tubes for the dropper system, a rubber stopper, a piece of tube, foil and a knife.

This hookah option is simple and economical. Three holes are made in a plastic bottle, a pair next to each other, and a third opposite them. After that, holes are cut out in the bottom of the jar with a knife, and a wide hole is made on the other side of the jar.

The rubber plug, which will serve as a seal, is also provided with a hole. Then a metal-plastic tube is placed inside the bottle, water is poured in, and everything is closed with a stopper. Tubes are inserted into a couple of holes in the bottle and a tin can is secured. The third of the holes must also be closed (for example, with the body of a ballpoint pen). Tobacco is poured into the jar, and the top is covered with foil with holes pierced.

Fruit hookah

Do you want to enjoy aromatic smoke with minimal effort? Try making a hookah with your own hands (the simplest design) from an empty plastic bottle (or an ordinary glass) with any fresh fruit - say, an apple. Each of the fruits will add its own characteristic aroma to the hookah smoke, as a result we have a richer taste, and tobacco with fruit juice does not dry out so quickly.

Before work, stock up on the fruit itself, a toothpick, foil, a knife, coal and tobacco. Take dense fruits so that they can withstand high temperatures longer. It would be desirable to be able to remove the seeds from them while preserving the original shape of our fruit.

In addition to apples (green ones are best), you should pay attention to pears, melons, grapefruits, and pomegranates. Avoid oranges, bananas, tangerines and red apples - their resistance to heat is much lower.

The selected fruit will serve as a bowl. First, pour cold water into the flask of the disassembled hookah to a level three centimeters above its tube. We cut off the top of our fruit “bowl” with a knife, take out the pulp so that tobacco can be poured inside. Before that, cover the bottom of the fruit with foil with small holes made with a toothpick. After adding tobacco, the top is covered with the same foil.

Electronic hookah

In large cities, the idea of ​​an electronic hookah has found its implementation in a similar way to the situation with electronic cigarettes. Smokers of such hookahs subsequently abandoned traditional cigarettes and switched to electronic ones. What is the difference between them, can these means replace each other, and is an electronic hookah equivalent to a traditional one?

Anyone who wants to enjoy an electronic hookah does not need to fill the bowl or light the coals. It is prepared in a few minutes. Versions of it exist both with and without nicotine. In the West, such hookahs are usually produced in the form of electronic cigars or hookah sticks; in our country, the version of the traditional form, reminiscent of a regular one, is more common.

Essentially, this is the same electronic cigarette combined with a hookah form. You can make an electronic hookah with your own hands by converting the classic hookah body to higher power and an air intake system that allows you to achieve the same effect as with traditional smoking.

The device placed inside is quite simple and is a steam generator in the form of a nichrome strip. Having reached the desired temperature, the aromatic water is converted into steam. The process is designed to take about 40 minutes, but the hookah assembled with your own hands may be slightly bitter.

From a plastic bottle

First, let's look at the standard components for making a hookah. Typically, a smoking device includes the following parts:

  • flask;
  • mine;
  • bowl;
  • hose.

In the original, a flask is a glass vessel into which liquid is poured and a shaft is immersed to cool the smoke. In fact, almost any container can act as a flask. And, perhaps, the first thing that comes to mind is a bottle. As the “Crazy Hands” program proved back in the 90s, you can make anything your heart desires from a plastic bottle. Including a smoking device!

How to make a hookah from a bottle? To do this, you will need, in fact, the bottle itself, foil, an apple, two plastic caps (one larger, the other smaller), a pipe (about 30 centimeters), toothpicks, hookah tobacco and charcoal. If you don’t have a large enough vessel at hand, you can even replace it with a liter one, since making a mini hookah at home is also a good idea.

  • First you need to make holes in both covers equal to the diameter of the tube. Then press their tops together and thread the tube so that it ends up inside the bottle.
  • Cut off the top of the apple and remove the core to make a hookah bowl. We make a recess in the base of the improvised bowl, corresponding to the diameter of the smaller bottle cap, as well as small holes in the bottom so that the smoke flows well and the tobacco does not fall through.
  • In addition, you need a hose. This can be made from any plastic and sealed material (some use simple cocktail straws) or a special silicone hose for a hookah.
  • The last step: you need to make a hole for the hose and that's it! The hookah from a plastic bottle is ready, all you have to do is add water, add tobacco, cover the bowl with foil and finish everything off with hot coal on top.

As you can see, making your own device from a bottle is not difficult. It can be a worthy alternative if there is nothing suitable at hand. Jars, burners and any other containers can be used as flasks. The most convenient options are vessels made of glass or plexiglass. You can choose a completely extravagant vessel and surprise your friends with a hookah from a samovar.

From fruits and vegetables

You don’t have to worry about bottles or cans, but just take regular fruits or vegetables. Let's take a closer look at how to properly make a hookah from an apple, orange, zucchini, and watermelon. The principle in all these cases is approximately the same.

Such a homemade product may turn out to be no worse than a classic device. Of course, small fruits cannot serve as a flask, although they are excellent as a bowl. Knowing how to make a hookah from an apple and a bottle, you can simply replace the latter with something large from the refrigerator. Instead of a bottle there can be a plastic or glass glass. The principle is the same as with the bottle. Homemade hookah made from fruits has one unique feature: the aroma of fruits that complements the smoke. Thus, you can add, for example, apple or grapefruit aroma to the selected tobacco flavor by making a bowl with your own hands. The pulp can be added in a small volume to the tobacco inside the bowl.

It is worth cooling the improvised flask before smoking, then the smoke will also cool better. There is also one trick on how to make a delicious hookah from a watermelon: after making a hole in it, you can mix its insides with a mixer and use it instead of water. There is another way to make a good hookah from fruits. To do this, you need to take a long tube and plant apples and oranges on it along the entire length from the bowl to the flask. Such a device will look very beautiful.

Made of wood and clay

Those who are good with tools and like to create something with their own hands can make designer hookahs from various materials. This is no longer a disposable device that will go in the trash after use, but a whole work of art. Although, of course, it will not be as easy as making a hookah from a watermelon.

A wooden hookah can become not only a functional item, but also an excellent interior decoration or a gift for a hookah lover. It would seem that this is not the best material for devices that will be exposed to moisture and high temperatures. However, a hookah made of wood can add special flavor notes to the smoke, which will differ depending on the type of wood chosen.

Modern electronic smoking devices deserve a separate discussion. Their cases are often made from beautiful types of wood. However, making the entire device is not the best idea, since making an electronic hookah with your own hands is not easy and can even be dangerous.

Making hookahs from clay requires the ability to work with this material and the availability of suitable equipment. A particularly beautiful product can be obtained if it is possible to use a pottery wheel for production.

When making a hookah with your own hands at home, you should take into account that different materials are more suitable for different parts of hookahs. For example, a bowl can be made of wood, a flask made of clay, and a shaft made of stainless steel. A good turner can make almost an entire hookah from stainless steel.

DIY hookah accessories

Since making a hookah at home is not as difficult as it might seem, you can try to find an alternative to accessories that make the smoking process more enjoyable or convenient. They can also be useful when using a device purchased in a store.

Hookah tongs. If you have sheet iron, you can simply cut a strip of the appropriate size and bend it in half. However, it should be remembered that the edges of such a product will be sharp and it is better to further process them with a file or sandpaper.

Another useful item that can be easily built is a hookah cap made of foil. It's not as difficult as making tongs; you just need to twist a tube of foil around the bowl so that it covers the sides of the coal. The cap helps regulate the temperature of the coal and will protect against sparks if the appliance is used outdoors.

If you make a mouthpiece for a hookah with your own hands, you can give free rein to your imagination. It can be wooden, metal, plastic or clay. As a rule, such products are painted in different colors and given the most intricate shape during manufacture, drawings of which can be found on the Internet. You can make a mouthpiece without any frills, using any pipe that you have at hand

Many people believe that the specific sound made when smoking is an integral part of the process. But if you prefer to smoke in silence, it’s worth learning how to make a hookah diffuser. The simplest option is a pipe (shaft) of a smoking device with several small holes on the sides below. The main thing is that all the holes are below the water level in the flask.

Using a factory device, you can also build a hookah diffuser with your own hands to make the process quieter. And if you don’t want to spoil the original tube and don’t have a suitable nozzle at hand, an ordinary thimble will work well for this role. It is enough to make several holes in it and put it on the shaft.

Those who like to smoke outdoors know how indispensable a hookah bag is. Of course, you can also make it yourself, especially if you have a sewing machine at home. Give free rein to your imagination and you will not go unnoticed. In addition, this is a great gift for an avid hookah lover, because no one else will have such a designer bag!

Now you know how to make a hookah with your own hands from various available materials. Don’t be afraid to experiment in search of your own signature style and surprise your friends with unusual hookahs.


Many hookah lovers have at least once thought about making their own hookah. For some, this is an attempt to save money, others want to try something new or just like to experiment. In any case, the idea finds a response, so you can even find a video on how to make a hookah with your own hands and get acquainted with the experiences of other people. The simplest version of a hookah can be made even from an ordinary plastic bottle, but it doesn’t look very good, and it’s only suitable for one use, so it’s better to consider more serious options.


To make a hookah, you will need some items, although the set of available tools may vary, variations are quite possible in this process.

  • First, make a hookah flask with your own hands. Some kind of container will do, the main thing is that it is stable, has a tight lid and does not leak. As for the size, you can take any, from a glass to a five-liter bottle. Also, some craftsmen make flasks from large fruits, for example, watermelons.
  • The shaft is made from a small diameter metal tube or you can take a plastic one - these are often left over after repairs. The tube is inserted into the hole of the flask and sealed - with foil, a rubber ring or even regular chewing gum.
  • A DIY hookah bowl can be made from different materials. Some people make it from wood or clay if possible, but anything can be used for it, even a tea strainer. And the bowls are made from fresh fruits.
  • The hose can be made from pieces of a dropper or plastic corrugation, if you don’t have any of these, then cocktail tubes will do, although they are short, you can also smoke with them.

Making a hookah from a bottle with your own hands is not that difficult if you understand how this device works and have some smoking experience, as well as the necessary materials at hand. This can be an interesting experience, good entertainment for a company, or salvation if you suddenly really want to smoke, but there is no opportunity to go to a hookah bar yet. In terms of such creativity, you can go further and make hookah tobacco with your own hands, and you can smoke it with ordinary store hookahs. This process can also be quite interesting for those who want to experiment.

First method: how to blow smoke rings with your tongue

This is the simplest method. To be successful we will need:

  • Fill your mouth with thick smoke, while rounding your lips.
  • Sharply push the steam out of your mouth with your tongue.
  • The easiest way is to retract your tongue, bringing it closer to the tonsils, and sharply throw it forward.
  • It is important to give the tongue the desired trajectory and control the movement of this muscle. Once the movements are perfected, the smoke rings will be of the correct shape!

This simple technique also has its drawbacks. The rings come out slowly and dissipate quickly. ?

Second method: How to blow smoke rings with a sharp exhalation of air

And this method will require voluminous lungs and a trained respiratory system. The difficulty is to fill your mouth with thick smoke and round and stretch your lips, rhythmically and powerfully “push out” the air. The disadvantage of this method is that the first and last rings may come out deformed (not perfectly round), and the rest depends on the quality of the tobacco, our skills and the density of the vapor.

Third method: How to blow smoke rings with your jaw

But this is more complicated. Jaw work. The most difficult, but effective:

  • Let's take a drag.
  • We try to give our lips a perfectly round shape.
  • Now attention! It is necessary to sharply push the lower jaw forward and also sharply return it to its original position.
  • As a result of these jaw movements, rings are released, which, thanks to a powerful driving force, fly away from the person producing them to a long distance and entertain those gathered.

The rings obtained in this way can grow to enormous sizes and remain in the air for a long time.

What you need to learn how to make rings

Desire, patience, a fair sense of humor. And some technical nuances. The type of tobacco plays a big role. Strong tobacco has been proven to produce thicker, richer, and denser smoke. In weak varieties these conditions are more modest. Also, the smokiness index varies among different manufacturers of tobacco of the same strength. This depends on the quality and quantity of glycerin impregnation and the raw materials in general.

How to make a jellyfish from smoke

Jellyfish is aerobatics. A little more complicated than a ring. How to make a jellyfish from smoke? We successively release a ring of steam from our mouth (we already know how to do this), wait a little until it becomes a little wider and release a stream of steam from our mouth into the ring. The main thing is that the speed of the flow matches the speed of rotation of the ring as much as possible, otherwise it will disintegrate. If everything comes together, then the second stream begins to gradually envelop the ring, imitating the flight of a transparent jellyfish.

How to make a tornado-vortex from smoke

The whirlwind of a tornado is also an aerobatics maneuver. Our task is to “cover” any horizontal surface, such as a table, with smoke. Take a deep puff and exhale as much steam as possible, directing it with your palm horizontal to the surface. After waiting for the smoke to fall evenly, sharply pry it up, as if scooping it into your palm, and raise your hand up. The result will be something like a tornado. For complete similarity in the final phase, make a twisting movement to give the tornado the appearance of a spiral.

On paper it's pretty simple, right? But with hard training, even tricks like these were not achievable. Practice and hone your skills and everything will work out! ?

Accessories: what to make the bowl, flask and shaft from?

There may be several reasons for deciding to make narghile at home:

  • Saving. The cheapest device will cost approximately 3,000 rubles. Homemade - up to 500.
  • Broken parts. If something from a factory device suddenly becomes unusable, accessories made from scrap materials come to the rescue.
  • The desire to create your own device. You can do more than just carve a beautiful cup of fruit with your own hands. If your hands grow from the right place, eggplants, flasks, old computers and non-working equipment can be an excellent basis for an author's nargile.

Without reliable connections that do not allow air to pass through, any device will smoke poorly, will not produce smoke, and the taste will be “lost” on the way to the smoker. Therefore, ensuring the tightness of all connections is task number one.

Materials must be clean and must be free of foreign odors. Otherwise, you can smoke cigarette tobacco or sand - you won’t feel the difference in the output. Ideally, use new or thoroughly washed and dried parts.

  1. Bowl– the simplest part in terms of alternatives, and gives a lot of ideas for creativity. First of all, open the refrigerator and see what is there that could potentially serve as chilim: fruits, berries, even vegetables and sausage! Any product in this role will diversify smoking, add certain notes to tobacco and will certainly surprise the company.
    Options close to the original: sink strainer, metal cans, foil. Handicraftsmen themselves make chilims from clay. Do such experiments often lead to the opening of a small (or maybe large!) business?
  2. Flask- the simplest. Any container that can be covered with a lid and created a seal is suitable: even a soccer ball. A container made of watermelon or pumpkin looks impressive and imparts a distinct aroma during the session; this is simply impossible to achieve with chemical additives.
  3. Hose- the thing is more complicated. You can buy the cheapest one for a couple of dollars, but this will violate the concept of “craft” narghile! No, we do not agree to such sacrifices.
    There is advice on the Internet “use a metal shower hose.” In general, if you like the taste of metal, for God's sake. This accessory will ruin the entire taste palette; it does not provide any flavor. Lick the hair clip and you will understand what this hookah will taste like.
    Corrugated plumbing pipe - shows itself perfectly in handmade shisha. Just take a new piece! If there is a plastic smell, ventilate with a vacuum cleaner or leave it in the open air (on the balcony, for example, but out of the sun) for a couple of days.
    Another option is not flexible, as in primitive nargil. They can serve as bamboo, a silicone tube for an aquarium, or a cocktail tube (if you plan to make a small device).
  4. Mine- this is what all the creators of shisha at home think about. Where can I find a stainless steel tube of the required length and diameter? Metal materials are more often used, but here again we are faced with the problem of taste. It is not always present, but until the moment of smoking you will not understand whether it is there or not.
    Foil is used as a disposable pipe. A little shocking, isn't it? ?
    Foil is nothing more than compressed metal. Is the thinnest sheet used for packaging food and preparing shishi?
    One layer is a very unstable “substance” that bends in all directions. Achieving rigidity:
    1. We take a solid cylindrical product suitable in diameter (an old water tap, the “leg” of a table lamp, etc.);
    2. We wrap the foil around it in layers until we get a fairly strong structure. It is important to do this smoothly, avoiding as much as possible the appearance of cracks and bumps;
    3. Carefully remove our “base” and get a disposable shaft, which you just need to insert into the flask.
      The downside of this approach is that the structure is rather fragile; you should work with it very carefully; installing the chilli nozzle can be a difficult test, but we are sure you can handle it!

How to make a hookah: step-by-step instructions

When you already know what is suitable for inventing a smoking unit, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our vision of a manual device.

Step 1. Materials

You will need the following things:

Once you have these items, you can start crafting.

Step 2. Assembly

We make a hole in the lid from it - one for the hose and another, smaller one, directly opposite the first one - for the smoke to escape.

Now we insert the tube and rubber stopper, fasten the lid and stopper with powerful glue.

We close the jar. Attention: the tube must not touch the bottom.


Smoking is certainly harmful, but as they say: if you can’t, but really want to, then you can.
Let's see how you can make a hookah from things lying around idle in the workshop.

Tools needed.

1. Welding inverter.
2. Engraver, aka drill.
3. Angle grinder.
4. Drill.
5. Sharpening machine.

Materials needed.

1. Water filter.
2. Tea cup with teapot.
3. Bicycle sprocket.
4. Shower hose.
5. Shower stand.
6. Chess king.
7. Brass plumbing angle half inch in diameter.
8. Brass adapter with a diameter of half an inch.
9. Decorative element from an old chandelier.
10. GOI paste.
11. FUM tape.
12. Ball from the bearing.
13. A piece of four-inch diameter steel pipe.
14. Rubber O-rings.
15. Four electrodes.
16. Sandpaper.
17. Black paint.
18. Bronze imitation paint.
19. Brass thrust ring from a metal-plastic fitting.

When we were putting things in order in our workshop, we discovered that we had everything to make a hookah.

We take the teapot out of the cracked tea cup.

This will make a bowl for tobacco.

We cut off the excess from the teapot using a drill with a diamond cutting wheel. Then we clean the edge with sandpaper.

Old Soviet shower stands were made from brass pipe. We cut off about forty centimeters from the stand, peel off the old, dead anodizing and polish it with felt and GOI paste. This will be the shaft of our hookah.

Now you need to somehow attach the bowl to the shaft.

To do this, we dismantled an old unnecessary chandelier; one of the decorative elements was very well suited for this purpose.

We will make a hookah flask from a water filter, it has a sealed lid and there are brass threads on the sides that will come in handy for us.

But first you need to make a stand for the hookah, since the flask itself does not stand very confidently on the table. To make the stand, we used a drive sprocket from a bicycle, a piece of steel pipe and three electrodes, from which the coating had previously been removed. We weld all the parts together and have an original and stable stand.

We paint the rusting parts black and, after drying, lightly go over them with paint that imitates bronze.

We make the mouthpiece from a chess king. We drill a hole in the center, grind it to the size of the fastening nut on the shower hose and cut the thread. It is better to sharpen the figure using a drill and sharpening machine.

In the center of the water filter cover we drill a hole for the hookah shaft.

We carefully clean all parts, polish and rinse thoroughly.

Now let's assemble our hookah. We seal the shaft with a rubber ring, and fix it on top with a brass thrust ring from a metal-plastic fitting.

Place the flask in the stand.

On one side of the flask, through a brass adapter with a diameter of half an inch, we screw the hose from the shower.

We screw a brass corner into the thread on the other side and install a ball from the bearing into it, this will be the purge valve.

We install the tobacco bowl on the shaft, seal all connections with FUM tape and rubber rings.

Folk imagination knows no bounds, and therefore today there are not a dozen different options for how to make a homemade hookah with your own hands. Particularly talented individuals use gas burners, metal cans, sink strainers, as well as products that they themselves made from clay or carved from wood. In general, there are a lot of options.

1. Prepare the bowl

How to make a hookah at home with your own hands quickly and from available materials? It's easier than you thought. The optimal, though one-time, option would be to use fruit instead of a hookah bowl. Take, for example, an apple (you should choose a firm green fruit so that the bowl does not lose its shape), then remove the top and cut out the core so that the wall thickness is about 0.5 cm. You can make a lattice from the remaining top of the apple. To do this, it is enough to stick toothpicks crosswise into its pulp - in such a quantity that the tobacco cannot fall out through the holes.

2. Mines Making hookah

This is perhaps one of the most difficult stages on the path to making your own hookah. To do this, you need to find a tube made of aluminum or food grade stainless steel (other materials will give an unpleasant metallic taste to the hookah). If difficulties arise in finding a tube of the required size, diameter and material, and the question “How to make a hookah at home with your own hands?” is still relevant, you can replace it with food foil wound onto a thick pencil or marker in several layers, thanks to which you will get a shaft of the required hardness and density.

3. Flask Manufacturing

Before you make a homemade hookah with your own hands, make a flask for it. Here you can let your imagination run wild! We like the large pumpkin version best, but watermelon or cantaloupe also work well. At the top of the fruit/vegetable, cut out a shaft of the required diameter. Do not throw away the fruit pulp; it can be used instead of water, after being crushed.

But how to make a homemade hookah with your own hands if you are not the proud owner of a pumpkin, and it’s not the season for melons and watermelons? There is a solution! A less aesthetic, but more practical option is to make a flask from an ordinary three-liter bottle.

4. Making a hose

The decision on how to make a hookah at home with your own hands raises a lot of controversy. Of course, the simplest and most correct solution would be to buy a disposable hookah hose, which costs about two hundred rubles. But if you are one of those who are not looking for easy ways or simply do not have specialized stores nearby, then a flexible shower hose or a corrugated plastic pipe is perfect for the role of a hose. Be sure to rinse products thoroughly before use.

Those who love high-quality hookah know how expensive it is to smoke it somewhere in a restaurant and therefore want to have their own, native hookah at home. Someone brings them as a souvenir from Turkey or Egypt, where “shisha” is very, very popular.

However, all these hookahs have one big drawback: they are bulky and extremely inconvenient to take with you on a picnic or bring to a friend’s house. There is a solution - make your own neat folding hookah from an Ikea glass jar - like my friends from banka lab make them! This is what we will do today.

1. We'll start by making a hole in the lid. The bowl will be inserted there (the bowl and the silicone gasket under it are freely sold in any hookah store, as well as all other spare parts)

2. The contour is ready and you can start drilling

3. The glass is drilled with a special diamond head of the required diameter

4. The process is quite long, but we can’t rush here - we need a perfect hole, without chips.

5. There will be two more holes on the side of our jar - for the tube and for the valve.

6. The big picture begins to emerge

7. There will be a valve here

10. After drilling, the holes are ground using a drill machine with a special attachment

11. Lid with gasket under the bowl

12. When drilling glass, you need to take precautions - in addition to glasses, a mask is also advisable, because we shouldn’t breathe glass dust, right? Having a beard is not necessary, but highly desirable!

13. Next, we cut off glass tubes - two short ones of different diameters for the valve (we will insert them into each other) and two long ones - for the mouthpiece and shaft. High-quality Czech borosilicate glass from Simax, a manufacturer of high-end laboratory glassware, is used here.

14. When cutting glass, water is poured over it. This way it doesn’t heat up and doesn’t fly away with dust as much.

15. We make holes in the tube that will descend from the bowl into the water - this way we will get a diffuser that will help cool the smoke and reduce vibrations. In addition, with a diffuser the hookah will last better

17. In addition to the holes, we also make such notches

18. For the valve we will need two small glass tubes and a glass ball. And, of course, gaskets

19. Valve assembled

21. Almost ready. A medical silicone tube is used as a hose. You can also buy a ready-made hose in the store

22. The guys from banka lab spent a long time experimenting with the required sizes, proportions and design options. They now have several different options that have worked well.

23. After the jar is ready, it is necessary to carry out tests =)

24. Smokes great, valve works properly. So everything is fine.