How to start a gasoline generator. Step-by-step instructions for using a gasoline generator

A gasoline generator is a device that is capable of generating electrical energy, obtained as a result of the process of converting it from mechanical energy.

In terms of their application, these units are a reliable source backup power, both for private residential buildings and for industrial buildings any affiliation and industry.

Objects such as construction sites, vital departments of hospitals, banking institutions, boiler houses and of course private cottages today are equipped with gasoline generators according to project documentation, based on the category of power supply of these facilities.

And simply among the population of rural areas, where power outages are common, these units have become widely used in their households.

Before buying a gasoline power plant, many people are in a stupor; they do not know how to approach the issue of choice itself and what they need to pay attention to. And therefore, when choosing gasoline generator You need to learn simple rules.

Rule 1. When purchasing such a power plant, it is necessary to take into account its manufacturer and quality, and not just the price. Here you need to use folk wisdom- “Cheap fish and bad fish.”

Rule 2. Many sellers of such equipment confidently convince of the profitability of purchasing a 3-phase power plant. In some ways they are right.

But you should not rush, but stop and think about whether there is a need for such a purchase if there are no 3-phase consumers. Undoubtedly, such gasoline generators are better, but only where they work electrical devices, which are powered by a 3-phase network.

Rule 3. Choosing power is the most important step when purchasing. But there is nothing complicated in the calculations of the ratios of load power and gasoline generator.

If the load is electric lighting, a TV, a computer, then the power of the power plant should be equal to the total power of these electrical appliances. And in the presence of loads such as electric motors, then in this case it is worth taking into account the reactive component of the power of these devices.

As an example, let's take an electric drill whose power is 500W. When choosing a gasoline generator to operate such a tool, you need to take into account its cosϕ, which is indicated in the passport.

As a result, we have - 500:0.8 = 625W of power required to operate this drill. But the power plant itself also has its own cosϕ, which is indicated in its passport.

And therefore it turns out -625: 0.8 = 781 W, and this number is the final value of the power of a gasoline generator to operate an electric drill.

How to start a gasoline generator

The starting system for a gasoline generator largely depends on its power and purpose and has the following circuits:

  • · manual start - performed using a cord and used in low-power power plants;
  • · electric start – performed using a battery, starter and used in power plants of medium and high power;
  • · automatic start - performed using an ATS device and used in high-power power plants.

Before starting a gasoline generator, you must the following actions:

  • · check the oil level in the power plant engine;
  • · check the grounding of the gasoline generator;
  • · before starting the power plant, it is imperative to make sure that there are no loads connected to it;
  • · it is necessary to perform a short-term start of the gasoline generator, after which it is necessary to turn it off and restart it after a few minutes, with the load disconnected, which can only be turned on after the engine has sufficiently warmed up.

When connecting a gasoline generator to electrical network at home, it is necessary to use a protective input circuit breaker as its disconnecting device.

There should also be outgoing circuit breakers, which are divided into groups of loads necessary for connecting.

The compact, self-contained power plant that produces electrical energy is a gasoline power plant. It serves as the main or backup source of power supply. This technique is especially good for a summer residence; it is easy to use.

Kinds gasoline power plants:

— portable inverters, power up to 1 kW, packaged in a small suitcase, convenient to carry home use, as well as during transportation; especially good for low power consumption in suburban conditions or at home;

— inverter with a power of up to 6 kW — made as a monoblock with small wheels for easy transportation, or mounted in a frame; are intended for medium power consumption and as backup sources during short-term power outages;

— petrol engines with a power of 10 kW are intended for intensive professional use.

Using a gasoline generator has its own certain rules during operation, which should be observed in order to ensure long and safe operation. At the same time, the quality of the manual starter ensures smooth startup of the gasoline power plant itself.

Types of generator starting

A gasoline generator can be equipped, depending on power and purpose, with several types of starting:

1. Manual - used in low-power models. To start the unit, pull the handle all the way.

2. Electric start - carried out from the battery. Starting is done by turning the key or pressing a button.

3. Auto start - allows you to monitor the state of the electrical network when it stops or when the voltage disappears.

4. Remote start - makes it possible to remotely control the main network parameters and make operating mode settings.

What you need to do before starting the gas generator:

- do not forget about safety precautions; carry out the launch only in a well-lit room; do not smoke near him;

— be sure to check for grounding and sufficient fuel; It is strictly forbidden to add fuel while the engine is running;

— if the equipment is idle for a long time, you should drain the existing fuel from the tank, replacing it for new job; Clean the fuel valve and spark plug, as well as the carburetor, from contamination.

Constant monitoring of the engine oil level is required. Timely detection of a decrease in this level can prevent engine breakdown and premature wear. For uninterrupted operation The generator oil needs to be changed every half hundred hours of operation. By the way, you should never mix synthetic and mineral oils.

After the first start, the engine should be turned off after a few seconds. The load can be increased only after the engine has completely warmed up. To avoid equipment breakdown, constant monitoring of current power is recommended.

If you have decided on the choice of generator and have learned the rules for its operation, you should not travel all over the city in search of desired device, contact our store household tools, here you are always happy to provide wide choose and professional service.


First of all, carefully read the operating instructions. Studying it will help you find answers to many questions regarding a specific model.

After purchasing and transporting the device, it is important to check it for damage. correct connection pipelines.

Buy enough oil and gasoline. They are often transported in cans, so care should be taken to ensure that there are no foreign impurities in the fuel. The use of alcohol-based octane-boosting additives is not permitted.

The unit must be placed on a flat and dry surface. If you purchased a gas generator without an exhaust system exhaust gases, then it can only be used outdoors. The unit must be grounded and all energy consumers must be disconnected before starting.

Starting and stopping the machine

How to use a gasoline generator when turned on? Starting the unit must be done as follows: after opening the rotary valve, you need to pull the throttle lever towards you. If an electric starter is provided, then you need to press the Start button until the engine starts.

If the engine is started using manual control, then you need to go to the Start position and then pull the handle towards you. You should let the generator work for a few minutes simply, and only then connect consumers.

The generator is turned off as follows: first, all consumers are disconnected and the load of the unit is disconnected. The engine needs to run on its own again for a few minutes, and then press the Start/On/Off button and wait until it stops running. The rotary fuel valve is closed at the end of use of the unit.

When asked how to use a gasoline generator, the instructions will tell you in more detail. The machine does not require constant supervision at all: most of the models presented in our online store are equipped with special oil and fuel level sensors. Among them are the Akita R3000, Hitachi E42SB, Akita R3000D and many others. When the liquid level drops, the unit automatically stops operating.

When running the engine for the first time, it is recommended to use only 50% load for one and a half hours. It is also advisable to carry out the rollback when the gas generator is rarely used in order to avoid the accumulation of moisture inside the engine and reduce oxidation processes in electrical contacts.

Not acceptable long work with minimal or no load.

If you are using the unit in hot weather, then a supply of fresh air should be provided.

The oil needs to be changed every 50 hours of operation, and under heavy load or used in hot weather - every 25 hours.

If there is a lot of dust around, then it is necessary to maintain the foam rubber or paper filter every 10-15 hours, change it if necessary.

Today we will talk about how to start a gas generator regardless of its power, size and engine displacement.

You can easily do this yourself, following the rules listed below. But still... If you fail to implement procedure for starting a gas generator on your own, it is better to get advice from our experienced specialists. Just call by phone: 063-202-90-70 or 097-023-42-42.

So, in order to start a new gas generator, first of all you need check oil level. To do this, open the dipstick, check the presence of oil and its level.

If the level does not meet the specified parameters, then there is a need to add it. On the generator, you can see a certain sticker, which indicates that the oil level should reach the bottom of the thread, that is, be almost full. After you make sure that there is oil, do not forget to tighten the dipstick so that when you start the generator, you will not allow oil to splash.

Next, you should definitely make sure that there is gasoline. If it is missing, then there is a need for refueling. We check the presence of gasoline using special device- a float that indicates the presence of fuel. If the level is very small, then it practically does not indicate the presence of fuel; it begins to show only when about a third of the tank is filled.

Let's consider two types of launch: manual start And electric start.

Manual start

First, make sure that the fuel valve is open. Further, air damper We close the carburetor, this condition is important to fulfill at every start, regardless of whether it is cold or warm outside. This is done so that there is more vacuum in the carburetor, and gasoline flows well into the combustion chamber. Turn on the ignition key (its location can be found on the control panel). We put it in position ON

Then, we pull the starter handle to the first resistance, return it to its place and start the gas generator with a more energetic movement. After the internal combustion engine has warmed up, you can open the air damper.

Starting with electric starter

  • Just like in a manual start, open the fuel tap.
  • We move the air damper to position "Closed". Turn on the ignition, press and hold until it starts. If the generator is properly adjusted, it should start, at most, the third time. Then we open the valve.

If the startup does not occur, then there is some problem

Useful tips!

By the way, it wouldn’t hurt to mention that it’s best to use A92 fuel, because our manufacturers cannot achieve High Quality fuel by conventional distillation of oil into gasoline, they add a large number of additives in gasoline. Since a generator, not a car, which does not need to be used daily, it can be inactive for a year and a half, these additives precipitate, thereby clogging fuel system, therefore, as practice shows, it is best to use A92 gasoline.

It is also very important that the engine must be constantly running, so you should not allow long downtime gas generator, this is stressful for the generator. It is important not to forget to start the generator at least for a short time once every 30 days - a month.

Also, unnecessary overloads of the generator should not be allowed.

Absolutely all gasoline generators require special conditions during their operation. Compliance with them will help to significantly increase the service life of the device, and also prevent the occurrence of most breakdowns. Particular attention should be paid to starting a gas generator, which is not very complicated, but has some nuances.

If you are wondering how to start a gasoline generator, the first thing to remember is that you should not start it right away, this is wrong. Before starting a gasoline generator, you should conduct a thorough external inspection for defects. First of all, you should pay attention to the presence of grounding. The next step is to check the fuel tank. It is worth remembering that adding gasoline to a running generator is strictly prohibited.

If the unit is used no more than once a month, then before refueling it is necessary to drain the old fuel.

Don't forget about the oil. It is recommended to replace it at least once every 70 operating hours. ATTENTION! To mix different types oils are prohibited!

Before starting, you need to check all connected current consumers.

After this, you can carry out a test run. It is carried out using a starter. And only after you are satisfied with the trial run can you proceed to the real launch. When operating electric generators, it is necessary to control the energy consumption level of all connected devices; their total power should not exceed the power of the generator.

How to start it correctly?

The launch method primarily depends on the type of equipment:

  • Manual. Most often seen in low-power budget models. To start the unit, you need to pull the special handle.
  • Electric start. More convenient way, is carried out by a battery built into the case. To start, turn the key.
  • Auto. Allows its owner to monitor the state of the electrical network in the event of a power failure.
  • Using the remote control.

How to start in winter?

In order to start a gasoline generator in winter time year in the cold, there are several effective ways:

  1. When starting, it is necessary to hold the nozzle at a certain angle. Thanks to this, it will prevent fuel from getting onto the spark plug.
  2. Inject into the carburetor of the device special remedy for a quick start.
  3. The last method, which makes it possible to easily start the device, is the simplest, but it will take a lot of time. To do this, you just need to bring the generator indoors, warm it up, then take it back outside and start it.

Rules of use and safety

When using a gasoline generator, the following rules must be observed:

  • If the device is connected to very sensitive equipment, then it is necessary to use a voltage stabilizer.
  • If you use the mini-power plant frequently, you need to carefully monitor the degree of wear of certain parts and, if necessary, replace them.
  • If scheduled maintenance is planned, then it is necessary to use only those brands of fuel and liquids that are recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Do not store fuel in the tank for a long time. Its downtime can ruin the ignition of the gas generator, thereby reducing its service life.
  • Carry out switching on and off in the prescribed sequence.
  • When the generator is started, it is better to have good lighting around;
  • If necessary, adjust the valves - the essence of it is that the valve clearances of the gas generator are set in a certain way.
  • Do not inhale gasoline fumes - they are harmful to health.
  • If fuel gets on your skin, be sure to wash it off thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Do not allow flammable objects near the device, and especially do not turn it on in an explosive environment!


Gasoline generator - extremely useful device when running a household. It helps solve the problem of sudden disappearance of tension.

However, for him proper operation You must follow a few simple rules.

They are not very complex, so they will not pose any difficulties for the owner.