How to make an Aquarius man think about you. How to win an Aquarius woman

Attracting an Aquarius man is not as easy as it seems at first glance: he is very picky when it comes to choosing a life partner. To capture the heart of an Aquarius man, you should not act hastily. Schemes of “quick seduction” applicable to this Saturnian are completely ineffective - then you will have to analyze for a long time and painfully - who ultimately seduced whom. Even if Aquarius, according to all the characteristic parameters, has fallen in love with you - he brings chic bouquets to every date, kisses your hand, writes romantic text messages, this does not mean that he considers you as a potential soul mate.

The fact is that Aquarius men adhere to the trial and error method in relationships with the opposite sex. In other words, he simply tries to build relationships with all the women who attract his sympathy. That is why almost every Aquarius can boast of a decent “track record” of ex-girlfriends. In order not to become one of many and to win an Aquarius man, you need to be able to be different every day - at least until you are sure that he is definitely not going anywhere.

You shouldn’t go to extremes and change your style like a chameleon - it will be enough to simply introduce new details into your image. In general, Aquarians love bright, fashionable girls. The subconscious ideal of a representative of this sign is a girl from the cover of a magazine, but in addition to external showiness, she must be loving, caring, faithful and understanding. I just want to exclaim: “Don’t you want too much, buddy, there are no ideal people!” What can you do, the Aquarius man is a perfectionist (this trait is almost always present in the character of Aquarius), so he sets appropriate criteria for his chosen one.

However, his perfectionistic views on verification are quite limited. If initially he has an opinion of you as a spectacular and stylish woman, then in the subsequent stages of the relationship this halo of spectacularity will always shine over you in his eyes, even if you walk in front of him in slippers and with a cucumber mask on your face. The main thing is not to ruin the initial impression. The Aquarius man does not like sluts. Few people like them, but for a representative of this sign, sloppiness and untidiness in everyday life cause disgust. One missed moment - and this handsome guy will be blown away by the wind.

A previously collected “dossier” on him can serve a good purpose in conquering an Aquarius man. If you are at least superficially aware of his preferences, having learned about them through friends, relatives, and social networks, you will be able to successfully operate with your knowledge. What could be simpler than looking at his photos from a corporate party at Cafe N, and then, as if by chance, informing him that you are planning to celebrate his birthday there. So the general theme has emerged! At first glance, these tricks are simple, even childish, but in practice it is the simple paths that are the shortest, right?

In dialogues with women, the Aquarius man prefers to take the position of leader. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to show his eloquence, without interrupting and without trying to show off his own knowledge. You still have time to show off your knowledge. It is best to take the position of a thoughtful listener, but do not forget to periodically intercept the thread of the conversation. Try to make you look like a smart girl in his eyes, but not at all a silent log.

The ideal woman, according to the Aquarius man, should have a sense of humor. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to prove yourself in this area, do not miss it. But don’t go too far so that your handsome prince has no doubts about your adequacy.

But what you should never do if you are going to conquer an Aquarius is ask him about his exes and, God forbid, extol yourself in front of them. You are a million times better than them - but you need to make Aquarius understand this himself. It is also undesirable to discuss your past romances with him. If he himself provokes you to such revelations, limit yourself to general phrases and do not reveal yourself completely. Another thing you shouldn’t do is lie. Sometimes a lie can be life-saving, but you shouldn’t make it the foundation of your relationship. If an Aquarius man exposes his passion for insincerity, even out of pure sporting interest he will begin to “dig” to get to the origins of deception, and then you will turn from an object of adoration into an object of study.

Aquarius is one of the most fickle signs of the zodiac. He easily rushes into new relationships, falls in love, but very quickly loses interest and goes in search of stronger emotions.

Aquarius Man

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Aquarius man. Character traits

Aquarius is one of the most frivolous signs of the zodiac. They are very active, love to talk, and are always surrounded by friends and fans. But it’s very difficult for them to settle on one girl. Even having fallen deeply in love, having seemingly found their ideal, they remain unsure of their own feelings. Aquarians, without hesitation for a long time, begin relationships and are very often disappointed in them, realizing that they mistook passion for love. But at the same time, as one of the most sincere representatives of the zodiac circle, Aquarians for a long time do not dare to tell their partner about what they no longer love. They are afraid of offending their chosen one, although with their silence they are aggravating the situation more and more every day.

To win an Aquarius man you need ease of communication and a sense of humor, and to keep him with you with the help of feminine wisdom and an almost motherly ability to provide support in difficult situations

Aquarians love serious girls who can curb their adventurous tendencies a little. At the same time, they are looking for active girlfriends with whom it will be fun and interesting. The main thing for them in their chosen one is reasonableness. They do not like overly reckless, arrogant girls, preferring them to be intellectually developed, fairly calm, but at the same time ready for adventure.

How to win an Aquarius man

Getting an Aquarius guy interested is quite simple. You need to be cheerful, bright, but at the same time not immediately rush into his arms. If a representative of this sign gets everything he wants at once, he will quickly lose interest in the girl. And if she flirts, makes advances, but does not allow her to cross a certain line, then Aquarius falls in love with her more and more every day. The main thing is not to drag out the courtship period too long. If Aquarius understands that a girl will never be with him, he easily switches to another.

You can win the heart of Aquarius with unusual dates. Representatives of this sign love to travel and generally just be on the road. They are not interested in sitting in one place, they do not like movies and theaters, where they are simply spectators. But they will like activities in which they can directly participate. For example, Aquarians are very fond of picnics and friendly gatherings, trips to the country or excursions. Firstly, this is an active holiday and the road that they love so much. And secondly, this is an opportunity to express yourself, to be in the center of attention, which Aquarians who are prone to shocking really like.

Aquarius man, what is he like in a relationship?

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If almost any girl can conquer an Aquarius man, then only the most worthy and patient can keep him by her side. In relationships, Aquarians are sometimes too active, they do not like to sit at home and are generally poorly adapted to everyday life. The doors of their apartment are constantly open, friends and casual acquaintances come to them. Aquarians try to help and sympathize with everyone. Which may greatly displease the other half, who is deprived of the attention of Aquarius. And not only attention. Kind and generous Aquarians do not know how to count money and easily give expensive gifts even to not their closest friends. They buy funny but absolutely unnecessary things. Aquarians do not attach much value to money and part with it very easily, without thinking about what their family or chosen one needs. That is why representatives of this sign are rarely rich. But they have a million friends who simply adore them.

Aquarius men are generous and gladly give gifts, but they are very offended if they do not receive a response. Emotions are important to them, they really want the gift to please the chosen one, otherwise they will be disappointed

To keep the fickle Aquarius, you need to be even more free. You can’t give up friends, your favorite job and hobbies for the sake of a relationship. As soon as a representative of this sign feels that a woman has fallen in love, she is conquered and will not go anywhere, he loses interest in her. Only active socialization of the chosen one can bring him back. The more time she spends outside the home, the more Aquarius will fall in love. Representatives of this sign love to compete and get their way, so a woman should always be a little in a state of care. She seems to be nearby, but in fact she hasn’t decided anything yet. Aquarians will try to hold on to the elusive “prey” and will make every effort to stay close.

Being in a relationship with an Aquarius man is fun, but challenging at the same time. This is a very emotional and sensitive sign. Aquarians react violently to harsh words addressed to them. They can be offended by the most trivial things, such as an unironed shirt or an unanswered phone call. They will definitely show their dissatisfaction with this matter. But this quality, on the other hand, is even positive. Aquarians are not able to accumulate grievances; they splash out emotions immediately. Thus, they do not lead controversial situations into serious conflicts.

Wondering how to conquer Aquarius, how to conquer this sign? First of all, you need to learn more about Aquarius, their life principles and priorities. To understand how to win an Aquarius man, you need to know what kind of women these men like, what qualities they value in a partner.

So, Aquarians are the most romantic, inquisitive and free from society people. A man is always studying something, solving something, his mind is constantly busy with thinking. Neither his bright appearance nor his cheerful character interests him. Aquarius needs riddles and originality. Therefore, before you think about how to conquer an Aquarius, decide whether you can constantly maintain a mysterious aura around yourself that awakens your partner’s interest in you.

How to win an Aquarius man? To do this, you will have to be unique and original every day. We should start, of course, with appearance. Original items of clothing, stylish accessories, sometimes even out of place, will definitely attract the attention of the desired man. Shockingness must be present both in appearance and behavior, of course, within the bounds of decency. How to conquer an Aquarius by attracting his attention? Flirt with other men, engage in conversations with strangers, show him the signs of attention that other men show you. Male competition will do its job! You will understand how to win this sign by seeing the reaction of your chosen one to these challenging actions. An Aquarius man will definitely notice an unconventional personality; you just need to not be afraid to amaze him with your sparkling unusualness.

The main rule on how to win this sign is to be open. Aquarians do not like long preludes to relationships. When a man is already interested enough, you can sincerely talk about your feelings - Aquarius will certainly reciprocate. However, we should not forget about the intrigue, periodically adding thrills to the relationship.

If your goal is a long and strong union, you will have to constantly take care of acute and intriguing situations. Without them, Aquarius will soon become bored. However, there is nothing complicated about this; any emotional outbursts will do. Traveling together, scenes of jealousy, rides on attractions, variety in sex - sometimes every person needs to get the blood flowing through his veins, and for Aquarius this is especially important. How to conquer an Aquarius man after marriage, how to conquer an Aquarius in the literal sense of the word? Just remember this emotional thirst of your companion, satisfy this thirst for adventure in time, and Aquarius will never want to part with you.

Want to know how to win an Aquarius man? Read this article: in it I give recommendations that have been tested in practice by myself and my clients. Astrological advice has always been a great help in love, so use it and be happy.

10 important principles

The Aquarius man rarely dreams of a serious relationship, so he is not the easiest prey. But if you know all the tricks of interacting with this sign, the task will be simplified several times. And even the most inveterate bachelor will not resist your charms, forgetting about the desire to remain independent and lonely.

  • The most important thing is to be sincere and not try to seem better than you really are. Aquarius easily recognizes manipulation and all kinds of feminine tricks. If he catches you in a white lie, you will lose him forever. The more sincerity on your part, the more traction on his part.
  • Forget about the feeling of possessiveness and attempts to tie Aquarius to you immediately, once and for all. He always needs to leave a certain space for freedom and independence so that the relationship does not burden him. Don't put pressure on him or try to control him. At the slightest such attempt, he will run away, dropping his slippers.
  • Try not to seduce him first, but to become a good friend to him. Look for common interests and hobbies. You should always be interested in each other. Aquarius is looking for not just a beloved woman, but also an interlocutor, a like-minded person, a friend.
  • Aquarius is an unpredictable person. You never know what to expect from him. This man is drawn to people like himself. You must be a mystery to him, an unconventional person with original views on life. Use your imagination and creativity.
  • Be genuinely interested in him and be inquisitive. Don't be afraid to go overboard with your curiosity. Aquarius also loves girls who are interested not only in themselves, but also in new knowledge that is constantly being improved and developed.
  • Never limit his communication with friends. This is an important part of his life, which he will not exchange for a relationship with a woman. Strive to join his company and find a common language with people close to him.
  • At the same time, you should never flirt with his friends. Even innocent coquetry will make Aquarius say goodbye to you once and for all.
  • Aquarius always has some bright ideals that cannot be made fun of or ironized about. He will be mortally offended and will break off relations with you in this case.
  • In the same way, one should not make fun of his relatives and friends. This is not even about evil sarcasm, but even about ordinary irony. You may not mean anything bad, but Aquarius will already see something offensive in your words.
  • Aquarius cannot be allowed to get bored. Tiring and monotonous life, gray boring everyday life is not for him. Your life should always be bright, creative, varied and fulfilling.
  • Read these recommendations and think: do you fit the image of a woman who is suitable for Aquarius? If not, it’s better to look for another candidate for the role of a life partner, because you won’t be able to play the ideal wife all your life, because Aquarius feels insincerity.

    How to keep and marry

    Now you know how to make an Aquarius man fall in love with you. But what to do next? After all, falling in love can quickly pass, and sooner or later you will want to move to a new, more serious level of relationship.

  • Don't be afraid to take the initiative. Aquarians do not like helpless princesses who are unable to descend from the tower on their own. Therefore, speak openly about your feelings and plans.
  • Constantly learn something new, and then share your discoveries, impressions, and conclusions with your man. Even if your interests do not coincide, he will understand that next to him is a person who is constantly developing. And this is the quality he values ​​most in women.
  • Surprise him constantly. You must be different, try on different images, show all facets of your personality. Today you are a sweet home girl, tomorrow you are an experienced and sophisticated woman. Show your versatility, and he will never get bored next to you.
  • As soon as Aquarius understands that next to him is a versatile person, with a creative approach to everything, and who does not limit his freedom, he can seriously think about marriage and fall in love with you firmly, for a long time and strongly. But do not forget that this man’s interest needs to be constantly warmed up.
  • Watch a video on the topic:

    How to get along together

    If everything worked out for you, and your beloved Aquarius is already in love, you are in a serious relationship, then the next step is to live together. Read and follow the recommendations of astrologers so that living together does not kill your love.

    How to behave when living together:

  • Resolve any conflict immediately and under no circumstances blackmail Aquarius with separation. This is not the man who will stop a woman if she has packed her things. If you leave one day, it will put an end to the relationship.
  • Create a cozy and unusual atmosphere at home. Get creative. Standard furniture and decor is not what you need.
  • Aquarius values ​​tranquility and freedom above all else. Therefore, do not limit his communication with friends and do not provoke conflicts out of nowhere. Always look for compromises - he will willingly meet them halfway.
  • Understand that if he chose you, there will be no cheating. Therefore, try not to show jealousy if someone tries to encroach on him. The attempts of homewreckers are useless in any case, and you will save your nerves.
  • Strive to be not just his wife and lover, but also a friend and like-minded person. It is extremely important for him that his life partner shares his interests.
  • conclusions

    • The key to an Aquarius' heart is sincerity. You must show yourself as you are, without embellishment or masks. This is what will win him over.
    • Aquarius will never agree to lose freedom and independence, but at the same time he will be a faithful husband. Therefore, do not limit it and always leave personal space.
    • The woman that Aquarius will love is a creative, unconventional and multifaceted personality who constantly surprises him. She is also his friend and like-minded person.

    If you have met an open and extraordinary Aquarius man and decided to win his favor, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this creative “airy” sign. Remember, the more creativity, originality and quirkiness you show, the more chances you have of making this freedom-loving man fall in love with you. He is not interested in your branded outfit and your feminine “things” and lures. Your personality and your creative nature are important to him. These are those men who are not at all interested in the material world. They have different values ​​in life. He needs a self-respecting woman who will have the same values ​​and views on things as Aquarius. If you are one, then it will not be difficult for you to achieve the love of an Aquarius man.

    The man is a dreamer in life. He is very attracted to everything new and unknown. He dreams of becoming the discoverer of some phenomenon or process. He really strives to do something useful for society. He dreams of becoming a piece of human history. But the other side of this behavior is that Aquarius, like a child, endows itself with non-existent capabilities and abilities. And if something doesn’t work out for him, he easily gets angry. He changes before our eyes and becomes a despotic tyrant, both towards himself and those around him. Therefore, be prepared that you will always quarrel. And after quarrels, you will have to calm Aquarius for a long time and convince him that he is truly original and unique.

    If such prospects do not frighten you, and you decide to further win the heart of this difficult man, then you should know that Aquarius loves watching science fiction films and reading the same literature. Therefore, if you want to invite him on a first date, then the best option for this would be to go to the cinema for the premiere of some science fiction film. Aquarius will appreciate your love for this genre of cinema; he will see you as a like-minded person. In addition, after watching the film you will have something to discuss and philosophize about the topics of the future.

    If everything works out for you as you planned, then Aquarius himself will invite you to the next date. Under no circumstances should you try to seek a meeting with him again yourself; this may frighten the most freedom-loving representative of the Zodiac circle. Remain an unsolved mystery for him, do not allow him into the secret depths of your soul. Intrigue him with your omissions and unpredictable actions. You can’t hang yourself around his neck and immediately confess your love. This may seem to Aquarius as an encroachment on his freedom, and he values ​​​​his independence above all else. Therefore, you should not put pressure on him. It is better to take a wait-and-see approach and spend more time winning over this difficult man. Although, if you do everything as recommended above, then he himself will win your heart.

    Like all representatives, Aquarius is a very freedom-loving sign. Like Gemini, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances. He is very sociable and talkative. He easily makes new acquaintances. He loves to argue and discuss on a variety of topics. He loves to spend time in fun and noisy companies. He knows how to create a friendly and relaxed environment in which everyone feels comfortable and natural. Therefore, if you do not like all of the above, then you do not belong next to Aquarius. If you prefer a more measured, calm and stable life, then you should look for another man. Aquarius will never become a homebody and an exemplary family man.

    Aquarius can search for a long time for that ideal woman whose image he has built in his fantasy. He firmly believes that such a woman exists. He needs a devoted companion with self-esteem, who will understand him perfectly and sincerely share all his whimsical ideas and plans. She must make him feel significant and appreciated. This woman should not put pressure, control and criticize Aquarius. She must create an atmosphere of trust, independence and understanding around him. But remember, Aquarius will never fully reveal his true soul to anyone. No matter how close a person you are to him, there will always be something unsaid and a certain distance between you. So if you are as independent and freedom-loving, then Aquarius will be an ideal couple for creating a lasting marriage.

    How to approach an Aquarius man

    If you understand and accept the main quirks of your Aquarius man, then life together will bring more joy. For example, if you want to discuss a serious issue with your chosen one, wait until Aquarius stops dreaming and is adequate. Otherwise, at best, he will mindlessly nod his head at the words; at worst, he will flare up and quarrel with you. Remember, daydreaming is sacred for Aquarius, with the help of it he relaxes and tunes in to everyday activities, for him it is like meditation for yogis. By not allowing him to dream, you will deprive him of his vitality.

    Know that love and friendship are equivalent for this sign. Therefore, it is very important to have a joint hobby, have a heart-to-heart conversation or just gossip. And by the way, that’s why they agree to an official marriage without enthusiasm, why marry a friend, because we’re already doing well.

    An Aquarius man takes words literally; if you flirt or play something you don’t want, he won’t play along with you. Don’t expect him to persuade you to change your mind, turn around and leave to have fun alone.

    The Aquarius man loves to experiment on people. And if you allow him to conduct experiments on you and do not be offended by them, you will soon win his love and respect. Because he will understand that you trust him unconditionally

    Ten Commandments on How to Deal with an Aquarius

    You must be:

    • original and creative;
    • freedom-loving and independent;
    • patient and reserved;
    • filled with self-esteem;
    • devoted and sincere.

    You are not allowed:

    • restrict his freedom;
    • question his abilities and originality;
    • be boring and monotonous;
    • live with material values;
    • be strict and domineering.