What wallpaper color suits brown furniture. What wallpaper will suit dark furniture?

Brown color is classic. It is this type that is often used in houses where the owners have decided to implement a classic interior. But there are many other examples where brown very succinctly and stylishly fits into the same minimalism or modern modernism, and below we will look at many pieces of furniture in this color. And we will start with the largest and most important.

Brown sofas and living room designs

First, a little lyricism: brown is one of the universal colors that goes equally well with light and dark tones of walls, floors and other pieces of furniture. The same sofa can be easily placed against a snow-white wall and just as easily it “fits” into dark interior Houses. The photo below is a perfect example:

The interior of this living room itself is beautiful, and the sofa in this case is in its place. It goes well with a white wall and light brown floor. Despite the dark tone, the living room looks light and very “light”, you can feel the hand professional designer. The second example of using a brown sofa in the interior:

Unlike the first one, this living room is made in a dark tone, but this does not make it any less beautiful. It's just different and, in my opinion, more comfortable. The sofa itself is made in a dark brown color, while the first one is in a light brown color. This opens up creative possibilities for design.

A couple more examples of the implementation of living room interiors with brown sofas:

idea for a small living room

The last photo deserves special attention, where the dark brown color looks unusual against the background of bright blue. A fairly well-known practice in design: using sharp transitions from one color to another. In this case it worked out well.

Brown furniture in the kitchen

After the living room, the kitchen is the first most important room, so we consider it in second order. There are so many ideas for the kitchen that it is impossible to describe them all. We'll just look at examples that involve brown.

The photo above is one of many examples. correct use this color in the kitchen interior. A brown set and a table of this color against the background of white walls and ceiling look stylish and correct (I think).

A small photo, but the idea is visible in it. This bright kitchen with a white floor and yellow (or is it green?) walls. And still the central color is brown. It is in it that the furniture in the kitchen is made, which goes perfectly with the yellow wallpaper and snow-white floor. This solution is not suitable for modern Stalinist apartments due to the lack large space. The same cannot be said about the next kitchen...

It all looks a little standard, but also very good. Dark brown color kitchen cabinets goes well with light walls, floors and countertops. One of best examples harmony of dark tones with light.

Well, one more unusual solution for a huge kitchen:

Brown pieces of furniture are not as interesting here as the idea of ​​using space in the apartment itself. Look: this is a kitchen combined with a living room and an OFFICE. It's white workplace on the right with a computer and chairs. Very unusual, but not very practical: delicious smells from cooking will interfere with the mental activity of the brain while working.

Bedroom with brown furniture

There are many beautiful bedrooms with furniture of this color. We will highlight the most unusual ones, because no one is interested in looking at ordinary ones.

The photo shows a bedroom made in oriental style. This can be seen in the brown tatami-style bed, as well as wardrobes with characteristic divisions into squares. And what is that on our right: isn’t it a sakura branch? Pay attention to the warm tones of the walls and harmonious combination with brown color.

For lovers light colors love this interior. The bedroom looks very bright, either because of the light walls and floor, or because large quantity light coming through the window. And only the sleeping corner is brown. Many have already noticed the bed “floating in the air”. Yes, it's really unusual and stylish.

If you like minimalism, then you will also like this interior. Personally, I’m not sure that this is exactly minimalism, but it is vaguely reminiscent of it: strict geometric shapes, white and brown colors in the interior, nothing superfluous. Perhaps this is one of the the best interiors from today's selection.

Once again, minimalism (or is it?) is wonderful. The central unusual element is a thin bed made of solid wood, as well as minimalist shelves against the wall. The interior itself looks light and cozy, despite dark colors furniture elements.

What wallpaper to choose for brown furniture?

I already wrote above that brown is one of the universal natural colors, so wallpaper for this color can be almost anything. What is important here is not the choice of a specific single tone, but the ability to combine different colors with brown:

One of my favorite interiors - clear example combinations gray wallpaper with brown furniture. Perhaps it’s not even wallpaper in the photo, but paint, but that’s not the point.

How do you like this “bright” example of a combination of unusual colors? Light green wallpaper and dark brown furniture in the kitchen interior - it all looks good, but to say that it’s ideal is to lie.

For a bright children's room, a good option is to combine brown tones with turquoise. In the photo - light wallpaper with lines turquoise color. For greater harmony, the designer used pillows on the sofa of the same color. The result turned out great.

And we looked at another example of a combination of turquoise and brown above. Let's duplicate it here:

And finally: bright interior with brown furniture, where wallpaper occupies only part of the wall, but the central one. Please note: the entire wall is white, but the wallpaper in its center is PERFECT, as they say, combined with brown bed. If you have the opportunity to use this technique at home, then do it.

As you know, the color of the interior largely creates the overall atmosphere in the room, making it more, or vice versa, less comfortable and suitable for living and spending time. The objective fact is also that it is impossible to imagine the interior design of any living space without furniture. It, along with other elements of arrangement and design, influences the overall ambiance of the interior space.

One of the most popular colors for furniture is brown. That is why many people who are thinking about carrying out renovations have a question: what wallpaper is suitable for brown furniture and how to properly combine different colors?

So, what advice can you give regarding possible color combinations? The basic and main rule is the following: with furniture Brown wallpapers that are gentle, dim, pastel colors. Neutral colors like these create calm atmosphere in the room.

However, when choosing a wallpaper shade, you need to take into account not some neutral and generally accepted canons and rules, but the way you see future interior. In other words, it is the planned style that will largely determine what kind of wallpaper you will glue in a room with brown furniture.

As for the too obvious use of brown as the main color, there are some disadvantages here. Thus, a room where it or its different shades take on the role of a dominant color can evoke associations with a boring and, to some extent, lifeless space. That is why it is customary to actively use wallpaper in delicate, mostly light colors. They create a more neutral background, playing in contrast with dark armchairs, a sofa and a coffee table.

Additionally, light walls help create a brighter, more cheerful environment. These colors include the following:

  • soft white;
  • light yellow shades;
  • beige and cream.

They are the classics when it comes to combining with brown, not only in the interior of apartments, but also in design in general. At the same time, if we talk not about classics, but about other styles, then in these cases we will have to use completely different shades. So, to create brighter and more colorful accents, you can use wallpaper in colors such as lime, turquoise, and yellow. They are often used to liven up the interior.

Bright accents on brown will invigorate

To give an atmosphere of closeness to nature, soil and ripening fields in exotic countries, it is advisable to use shades such as terracotta and similar brick red, orange, dark green. At the same time, you can complement the interior with decorative elements painted in soft blue or green tint for a more relaxed, calm atmosphere.

Curtains and drapes

In addition to the color combination of brown furniture and wallpaper, you need to think carefully about how to properly combine these colors with curtains. If you are planning to make the interior in a more seasoned style, then it is advisable to use curtain fabric in light brown or creamy white colors.

Brown with warm tones easily create a rich interior

At the same time, to give the interior a touch of liveliness and warmth, half the length of the curtain can be done in warm colors, using golden yellow, terracotta red and sage green. As for light curtains, it is advisable to make them simply white.

Attention! Some apartment owners prefer to use blinds instead of curtains and curtains. As a rule, this is in to a greater extent concerns residential premises made in modern styles, especially in high-tech style. So: the principle of choosing the color of blinds coincides with the principle of selecting curtains. The rules for combining shades remain the same.

Additional decor items

On a note! The color brown itself is extremely rich in terms of the variety of its shades. Their range extends from light to dark: starting with the color of heavily diluted coffee with cream and ending with the dark shade of dark chocolate. So: they all go well with various shades of green, from soft and light light green to dark green “bottle” color.

Greens go well with brown

Based on this, you can choose various additional colors for decorative and household items. So, sofa cushions may be light green or light green. In the same time, floor vase should have a darker shade. Another great combination is turquoise. A combination of turquoise and brown against a background of slightly lighter curtains will decorate the interior. Especially successful use turquoise is for an almost completely brown, monochrome interior.

As for the materials used for furniture, then best choice Natural wood can, of course, become. It can give the room a natural, natural appeal.

By the way, many professionals involved in interior design use special color compatibility tables in their work. It is these tables that help to better select the color of wallpaper for curtains and curtains, and also, of course, for pieces of furniture, both brown and other popular shades.

Brown wallpaper in the interior looks unusual, both individually and in combination with other colors. They perform several functions and, with the right choice, can brighten, darken a room or become an accent point in the interior.

Design features

Despite the versatility of brown, there are still several important aspects to consider during the design process.

  • Don't overload with this color small room, otherwise it will look even smaller.
  • It is better to combine dark shades with accessories or wallpaper companions in light colors.
  • Wallpaper of this color is more suitable for large rooms with good lighting.

What types are there?

Thanks to its practicality, affordable price And huge selection Wallpaper has earned its popularity in the finishing materials market.


Resistant to external influences, durable and do not attract dust. Included liquid wallpaper Only safe and environmentally friendly components are present.

Photo wallpaper

Moisture-resistant, shock-resistant and not afraid of light exposure. Made from different materials: non-woven fabric, vinyl, paper or fabric.


Made from cellulose with the addition of special components. They come in different densities and conduct air and moisture well. Due to their elasticity, they are suitable for gluing uneven walls.


Durable, water-repellent, fade-resistant. Not replaceable for renovation of premises with high humidity such as the kitchen or bathroom.


They are easy to use, have low cost and good environmental qualities, but have average term operation. It is not recommended to glue in rooms with high humidity. Walls with paper wallpaper can breathe, so this option is perfect for a children's room.


May have a smooth, velvety or silky texture. They are moisture resistant, prone to fading and are intended for dry cleaning only.

Beautiful design ideas and drawings

Brown wallpaper is ideal for various decorative elements and prints.


A room with plain wallpaper looks fresh, spacious and stylish. They expand the interior, fix irregular shape rooms and wall imperfections.


Geometric patterns bring energy and dynamism. They are able to change the boundaries of space, moving away or, conversely, bringing walls closer. For narrow walls, you can use a horizontal strip; this can be corrected. elongated shape rooms. Wallpaper with circles will create an optical effect in the room.

The photo shows brown wallpaper in the living room with a geometric print.

With flowers

When decorating small rooms, it is better to choose canvases with small flowers, since designs with voluminous and large yellow, beige or gold flowers will make the room cramped and uncomfortable. Roses are suitable for rooms in vintage and country style.

Thanks to the volumetric pattern, it feels like the image extends beyond the plane of the walls.

The photo shows a dining room with 3D photo wallpaper on the wall.

With monograms

A combination of plant elements and smooth curves. They can decorate the interior not only in a classic direction, but also become a highlight in a modern style.


Beige patterns are very relevant and can set the mood for the entire interior.

Under the brick

Compared to other materials, this design looks original. A wide range of colors allows you to choose an option to suit your individual style.

Under the skin

They create a voluminous relief and emphasize the luxurious elegance and respectability of the interior.

The photo shows a room decorated with leather-look wallpaper.


In order to balance the contrast in the room, emphasize the stylistic direction and interesting design, it is enough to decorate only one wall with abstract wallpaper.


Such canvases can be used in any style. Thanks to good weaving pattern and ornament, damask will create the effect of decorating walls with expensive and high-quality fabrics.

The photo shows a bedroom decorated with wallpaper with damask patterns.

Imitation tiles

The pattern exactly imitates the texture of the tile. One of original ways to create a unique design.

With leaves

Large images of leaves - one of the latest fashion trends. In order for the interior to not look too colorful, create an accent on one wall at the head of the bed, in front of the entrance or behind the sofa.

Photos in various styles

Brown wallpaper will be great solution for rooms designed in certain styles.


For decoration, expensive wallpaper with ornaments and designer patterns is used, which emphasize the luxury and richness of the room.


Natural shades such as light beige or pale brown would be appropriate here. Gentle colors create home comfort and warmth inherent in Provence.


You can decorate with wallpaper with glossy or relief surface, or combine several materials. In this style, chocolate wallpaper will look especially impressive.

The photo shows a modern-style living room with chocolate wallpaper.


This style is characterized by a monochromatic design using a cool color scheme. The basis for wall decoration is a concrete surface or bare brickwork. Therefore, brick-like wallpaper is more appropriate here than ever.

The photo shows a loft-style bedroom with wood-look wallpaper on the wall.


Involves the use of a limited number of ornaments and patterns. Most often used plain wallpaper white, gray or black. But the most traditional would be a combination of white or beige and brown.

Eco style

Eco-style uses natural surfaces. The colors that are closest to natural textures emphasize naturalness the most. Beige or brown work best to resemble wood textures when creating a background space.

In the photo there is a living room with a dark brown wallpaper.

Shades of brown in the interior

Despite its versatility, this color has significant amount shades.

Light brown

Natural and soft. Help create cozy interior, conducive to a sincere atmosphere. Suitable for bedroom, living room or kitchen.


Restrained and calm. Because of their neutrality, they are good for almost any room.


Quite specific and rich. Wallpaper of this shade expresses comfort and stability in the room, evoking ethnic African motifs.

The photo shows a living room with wenge-colored wallpaper.

Dark brown

Can be used in Empire, Provence or high-tech styles. They bring sublimity and richness to interior design.


Unlike brown, the shade of mocha is not so strict, but more delicate and soft. These wallpapers are suitable for a living room or bedroom, as they are relaxing and not annoying.

cocoa color

Woody shade of brown. Quite popular in traditional interiors and in the design of cutting-edge projects.


Attractive and sweet. It has weak and not intense energy and is pleasing to the eye.

The photo shows a living room with caramel-colored wallpaper.


Noble and unobtrusive. One of best options for decoration in chalet style.


Powerful, strong and self-sufficient shade. Good for use in rooms with large area, in this case it looks harmonious and does not press.

Combination with other colors

Combination makes it possible for actual design solutions and will help bring an indescribable effect to the room.

With white

The most optimal combination and a classic of the genre. White in this case will fill brown with freshness and light.

With gray

Not a typical combination, since this color is lost when combined with brown, does not stand out in contrast and looks rather inexpressive.

With green

A natural and soothing pairing that creates a harmonious, precious and sophisticated combination.

With blue

An attractive and natural combination as familiar to the eye as heaven and earth.

With beige

This tandem creates a charming atmosphere, creates coziness and comfort. Using caramel as one of the shades of beige, you can achieve the perfect combination for decorating a bedroom or living room.

With turquoise

Very beautiful contrast, where turquoise is freshness and lightness, and brown is traditional conservatism.

With red

Red is bright, energetic and sharp, while brown, on the contrary, is calm. They complement each other perfectly and can be combined in any shade.

With blue

Creative combination. Blue is cool, and the neutrality of brown further emphasizes this warm-cool contrast.

With pink

Here pink against brown comes to the fore. Overall this is a sensual and calm combination.

With golden

Related tones with a vintage character, where brown transforms gold very advantageously.

Photo ideas for walls in the interior of rooms

Wall decoration - key moment in the interior. A bunch of fresh ideas will allow you to move away from banal solutions in wall decoration.

In the kitchen

Thanks to its practicality and versatility, the color of cappuccino will be ideal option for the kitchen and will give you a feeling of peace and security. Vinyl and non-woven materials are best suited.

In the bedroom

Attune to calm and comfortable stay. Brown wallpaper in the bedroom looks solid and makes it easy to choose furniture, curtains and other decorative items of the same color.

In the hallway and corridor

This color a real find for the hallway, as it is possible to combine beauty and practicality. Dark colors work well here, as they are stain-resistant.

The photo shows a hallway with coffee wallpaper on the walls.

In the children's room

They will be an excellent backdrop for all kinds of decor. Various combinations with brown will fill the nursery with freshness and spaciousness.

In the living room

Brown wallpaper, due to its neutrality and naturalness, will bring solidity and stability to the living room. Combinations with light colors pastel colors will create harmony and uniqueness.

Nuances of choosing colors for interior elements

When creating interiors, each detail plays its own specific role, taking them into account, you can achieve impeccability and respectability.


When selecting curtains, it is important to consider that their color is several tones darker or lighter than wall covering. So that the interior does not look tasteless and boring.


You can put a sofa in white, beige or another bright color, which will contrast with the wallpaper and not merge. A brown set against the background of the same walls will look elegant and noble.


Decorating the ceiling and walls in the same color is possible only in high and spacious rooms. For small rooms, in order to visually expand the space, it is better to use lighter shades of the ceiling covering.


Brown wallpaper and a light floor will diversify the room and emphasize the contrast of the furniture. The combination of a dark floor and walls is suitable for a classic style.


Photo gallery

Brown wallpaper is family hearth and safety. With their help, create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation in your home environment.

Beige, vanilla remains the most popular color kitchen set. There are many reasons for this:

  1. 1 Beige color - perfect solution for a small kitchen, as its light palette “works” perfectly for visual extension space.
  2. 2 Beige is a neutral color and is perfect for recreating any style - from sophisticated classics to chic modern, from romantic shabby chic to textbook loft.
  3. 3 For those who think beige is boring, we advise you to pay attention to such shades as caramel, cappuccino, creme brulee. These delicious colors will make your kitchen not only cozy, but also especially homey.
  4. 4 Beige is a universal color and is not capricious in choosing a pair. On the contrary, by choosing one or another color of wallpaper for a beige set, you can charge your kitchen with a festive atmosphere, give it sophistication or create a harmony of comfort.

Wallpaper color for beige kitchen:

Beige and sand shades will create a very delicate and sophisticated interior.

Whites are a perfect match. The kitchen turns out bright and cheerful. But avoid boiling white, otherwise the interior will turn out faded and “dirty”.

Beige-brown- an original combination, if only beige dominates. It is better to choose white wallpaper with a dark pattern.

Purple or lilac- bold and bold. The interior turns out dynamic and rich. It is better to choose plain wallpaper without a pattern.

Muted red, burgundy, terracotta- a harmonious couple, provided that the decor is minimal.

Gray - the kitchen will be cozy and delicate. It is only important that both gray and beige are as light as possible.

Green - the result is an interior close in spirit to eco-style or country style. In such a kitchen, abundance is appropriate indoor plants and floral patterns.

Important: if you have a beige kitchen, avoid fluorescent, cold light. It will make the interior look dirty. The same applies to appliances - a beige refrigerator and stove against a background of beige furniture is too much. It is better to choose a metallic color technique.

For white headset

You can pair moss or olive-colored wallpaper with light green facades. But be sure to balance out the pair with pops of white. Light green furniture will look organic against the background of light, natural shades: brown, pink, blue, sand. Light green categorically does not accept proximity to lilac and violet.

Cold shades of green (with an admixture of blue, gray or cyan): mint, turquoise, pine, emerald harmonize with cold colors - blue, cobalt, steel, boiling white.

Black and white set

The duet of black and white is considered a classic - strict, but impeccably elegant.

The combination of black and white facades always looks impressive, elegant and fits perfectly into the concepts of avant-garde, art deco, minimalism, and retro.

Combinations of black and white set and wallpaper color.

White wallpaper or white with black graphic design. This tandem creates a monochrome atmosphere. I felt like I was in a newsreel from the beginning of the last century. An ideal combination to create a retro style - you can add posters with graphic designs and retro accessories.

A good option for small kitchen- cover the accent wall with black wallpaper with a white pattern, and the rest with white wallpaper with the same black patterns.

If the furniture facades are glossy, then it is good to choose for the walls warm shades white: cream, beige, milky.

Gray or “wet asphalt” colored wallpaper is appropriate in modern interior. Pairs well with metallic shine kitchen appliances. But the interior requires bright lighting.

Blue wallpapers will dilute the interior with colors, and blue ones will add black and white kitchen softness and tenderness. Yellow wallpaper look good in combination with a black and white set, if the yellow is more reminiscent of the color of dull gold.

For yellow furniture

Yellow color for a kitchen set is very insidious from the point of view of psychological impact.

The brighter the shade of yellow, the more sunlight and joy in your kitchen. But an excess of yellow surfaces causes rapid fatigue and irritation.

Neutral shades are considered optimal - golden, sand, mustard, gray-yellow. Juicy, acidic shades of yellow are appropriate for modern kitchen. For classics, it is better to choose muted tones. Tip: If you like several shades of yellow, always choose the lighter one.

Yellow furniture goes well with white, milky, green (any shades), blue, and pink wallpaper. Golden yellow plus red is a great pair for oriental style.

Yellow and blue are a royal combination, provided that the yellow has a hint of gold. Yellow and brown are a combination taken from nature. Add green accessories to such an interior and you will get an interior close to eco-style.

For blue and light blue furniture

Depending on the combination of shades of blue and wallpaper color, you can significantly influence the visual perception of the interior. It all depends on what kind of atmosphere you want to create in your kitchen.

If the furniture is saturated of blue color add white, light green or sky blue wallpaper, the interior will turn out cool.

Wallpaper will help “raise the temperature” peach color. Do you want to add cheerfulness to your blue kitchen? You can combine blue with yellow, grass green or orange.
Blue furniture and red and white striped wallpaper - bold decision, which will emphasize the retro style. But such decoration looks good in a spacious kitchen.

If the furniture is cornflower blue, match it with wallpaper in a sunny yellow or straw shade. This color pair is reminiscent of summer, a flower field, sunny sky and is perfect for embodying country style.

The combination of blue furniture and gray walls- an option for a spacious kitchen in a modern style. But such an interior necessarily requires bright lighting. And don’t forget about the color tonality - the same cold shades of gray go well with cold blue.

For purple and lilac furniture

Purple is perhaps the most controversial color in the palette, as it combines the coldness of blue and the fieryness of red. It is usually believed that purple is not the most good choice for furnishing a kitchen.

But this color has so many shades that there will probably be one that you like. Choose: lilac, violet, lavender, plum, blackberry, amethyst.

Rich purple is a chameleon color. Depending on the background, it can change its tone.

Thus, purple facades against the background of red walls will appear purple, and against the background of blue wallpaper they will take on an indigo hue.

In any case, these combinations require a splash of white (to balance the contrast) and bright kitchen lighting.

Various shades of purple are combined with different colors:

  • For a lilac kitchen, green, blue, light yellow, and cream wallpapers are well suited.
  • Pinkish-purple facades look most advantageous against the background of emerald green or white walls.
  • The combination of a purple set with white or light gray walls is a win-win option. The interior turns out rich, but not dark. You can also add black as decoration.
  • The soft lilac color of the kitchen set looks especially attractive against the background of light wallpaper, especially if the facades are glossy. It is better to choose wallpaper in conservative colors: white, beige, milky, cream.
  • Want to add romance? Choose wallpaper with a light background and discreet patterns of lilac and pink flowers.

For modern style you can choose wallpaper with stripes of white and lilac color. But such bright wallpaper better used for accent wall, leaving the general background of the walls light.

For black headset

Black furniture always looks luxurious. But the abundance of black surfaces can cause a depressing mood, especially if the facades of the set are made in matte shades.

Black color requires bright lighting and the most neutral background- white is best.

It is no coincidence that black and white has long become a design classic. White wallpaper and grey colour for the floor, they go perfectly with the black color of the set. Add a few rich shades in the decor, and you will get a wonderful kitchen in a modern style.

Black can be combined with ash gray, smoke color or steel - they will fit well into such an interior Appliances steel shade.

Black furniture and red wallpaper are the solution for a spacious kitchen. Designers only advise avoiding flashy shades of red. Coral, burgundy, and cardinal colors are best suited. With such a palette, it is necessary to add white decor.