The best tips on how to make your eyebrows thicker - All beauty secrets and recipes. How to make eyebrows thick at home What to do to have thick eyebrows

Natural beauty is coming back into fashion: girls are trying to reduce the amount of color in their makeup and give their outlines the maximum effect of naturalness. In view of these trends, you need to know how to make eyebrows thicker and darker, because they emphasize the depth of the look and give expressiveness to the appearance.

Home methods

Folk recipes will help you give your hair the desired length and shape in a fairly short time, the main thing is the regularity of the procedures. Remember that eyebrows grow rather slowly, so in some cases therapy may take up to 3-6 months, but the result will meet all your expectations. The most famous and simplest option is to apply castor oil to them.

Castor oil has a number of useful qualities:

  1. Accelerates hair growth;
  2. “awakens” sleeping bulbs”;
  3. Makes hairs a little darker and more expressive;

In addition, it is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, on problem skin and to lengthen eyelashes. The oil is applied in its pure form; it is recommended to warm it up before use - this way the beneficial substances will be absorbed much faster. Do it once a day, or twice if possible. It should be noted that castor oil is very greasy, so be careful when applying it - it does not wash off from clothes.

Making your eyebrows thicker at home will also help. Burr oil. Burdock essential oil helps strengthen the bulbs and saturate them with vitamins. It can be used on any hair, but when applied to eyelashes, care is required - the oil can cause stye to appear. Also spread when heated, try to rub the mixture into your eyebrows - then the result will be faster.

No less effective oil masks with active ingredients. It’s fashionable to make a classic version:

  1. Part of honey;
  2. Two parts of burdock;
  3. One castor oil.

Everything is heated in a water bath and spread in a thick layer on the eyebrows. Leave on hairs for at least half an hour. The product is contraindicated if you are allergic to bee sweetness.

Has an excellent effect almond oil. This is a simple option on how to make your eyebrows wide and dark in a short time. You need to take a small amount of almonds on your fingertip and rub it into your hair. The effect will be noticeable after two weeks of regular use.

Photo - Eyebrow oils

In addition to medical procedures, we must not forget about proper care, because it is fundamental to success:

  1. Always wash off your makeup;
  2. Masks can be combined with oil films, but it is better to make them at different times of the day. Mask in the morning and oil before bed;
  3. Before going to the beach, be sure to apply a protective agent to your hairs - they also fade, which is why they become thinner;
  4. Use professional cosmetics. Many girls do not know, but now a large number of different serums and balms are produced that will help make thin eyebrows thicker;
  5. If your hair used to grow well, but at a certain point you noticed a visible deterioration in its condition, then you need to reconsider your diet and cosmetics bag. Perhaps the reason was the use of low-quality cosmetics or vitamin deficiency;
  6. To walk around with beautiful and styled hair for a long time, you can resort to a little trick: after washing, apply a little face or eye cream to your hair. Then the eyebrows will be more shiny and neat when applying makeup.

Video: mask for thicker eyebrows and eyelashes

Makeup Tricks

Sometimes traditional methods do not help, because poor eyebrow hair growth can be caused by a genetic predisposition or nervous disorders. In this case, a serious cosmetic approach is needed. You can give a beautiful shape and darken your hair pencil and eye shadow. You need to choose a shade a little darker than the natural one - a tone or two, and carefully draw the eyebrows along the growth line. Try not to go beyond the hairs and after makeup, blend the lines, so you will look more natural.

Photo - Pencil and shadows

Before making your eyebrows thicker yourself, be sure to watch the technology and various video instructions. What to pay attention to:

  1. Do not widen the outside corner. The line should be smooth, without sudden changes;
  2. Try not to make large curves in the shape of a house - they will add surprise to the look. Also, you should not lower your eyebrows lower than usual - then your eyes will seem to sink and lose expressiveness;
  3. If you don’t have a pencil at hand, this will work just fine. brown mascara. Dark girls can use regular black hair, but it needs to be used carefully so as not to create the effect of sticky hair.

As an alternative, you can quickly make your eyebrows visually longer and thicker tattoo. This procedure is carried out in a salon and requires a very serious approach. Thanks to modern technologies, it is possible to give any shape and thickness. It is possible to leave a small amount of your own hairs to give a natural effect or shave them completely (if the eyebrows have partially fallen out).

Photo – Tattoo

Also, a supernova technology has recently appeared - this eyebrow extension, reviews claim that this way they can be made much thicker, thicker and wider. The technique allows you to add new and strong hairs to existing hairs, which will create the effect of thickness and gloss.

Photo – Eyebrow extensions

But this option has its drawbacks. Firstly, the method is quite expensive, and secondly, the effect lasts for a maximum of two weeks.

Sometimes minor details can completely transform a person, adding neatness and grooming to his image. Often it is the eyebrows that are corrected to emphasize the advantages of appearance.

One of the most common questions for girls is how to make eyebrows thick. Today there are quite a large number of ways to make them so. However, how to understand their effectiveness, what products should be used, what to look for when choosing a product?

Most girls and women by nature have perfect and thick eyebrows. Such representatives of the fair sex do not require special care to make them beautiful and healthy. However, some still need recommendations on how to get thick eyebrows.

These include the following:

  • Before applying cosmetics, it is best to study the shape of your face so that the make-up emphasizes the elegance of your appearance and its expressiveness;
  • avoid stressful situations, since disruption of the nervous system leads to hair loss on any part of the body;
  • to make eyebrows thicker and darker, you need to select a paint with a shade close to natural;
  • pluck hairs infrequently, at large intervals, to keep hair follicles healthy;
  • periodically adjust the shape, not too often;
  • Take care of your hair daily using nutrients, comb it, massage it.

Another common method for making eyebrows wider and fuller is darkening. For this procedure there are many options from traditional medicine. Decoctions with walnuts are most often used. This product has a large number of useful properties.

To create this mixture, you need to peel the nuts and cook them for 30 minutes. After this, the liquid is applied to the hair. For more comfortable work, it is recommended to wear gloves, since your hands can also turn dark.

They also use natural dye in the form of tincture of sage. It must be prepared in advance so that it has time to brew for about 7-8 hours. Dried leaves are boiled for several minutes in hot water, after which the container is placed to infuse in a place protected from light.

The preparation technology is similar - the husk is boiled for about 20 minutes, then cooled and applied to the hair. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, it is recommended to wash your hair well with water.

Castor oil for eyebrow beauty

Thanks to the use of traditional medicine cosmetics, you can make your eyebrows thick and dark in a fairly short time.

You just need to give the initial shape and repeat the procedures regularly. Hair grows slowly, which is why the course of therapy can take up to six months. However, the wait is worth it. A simple and well-known way to darken your eyebrows without dye is to use castor oil.

This component has many advantages:

  • accelerated hair growth rate;
  • activation of “dormant” hair follicles;
  • makes hair darker and more expressive.

In addition, castor oil has hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic properties. To thicken eyebrows, castor oil can be used by pregnant women, during lactation, girls with problem skin, and also to lengthen eyelashes.

Castor oil.

The mixture must be applied without dilution with other components. It needs to be warmed up so that the active substances are quickly absorbed into the hair structure. The procedure must be repeated once a day, maximum up to two times.

Castor oil is quite greasy, which is why you need to be careful and take care of your clothes.

Burdock is the key to wide edges

Most girls are interested in how to make their eyebrows thicker: the next effective method is to use burdock oil. This method is much better than castor oil, since burdock does not produce oil, keeping the hair beautiful, soft and dry. In addition to this, burdock also:

  • strengthens hair follicles;
  • saturates them with a large amount of vitamins so that the eyebrows are thick;
  • has versatility.

Burr oil.

It is also worth noting that the oil is excellent for eyelashes to give them thickness and ensure rapid growth. However, its excessive use can provoke the appearance of stye on the eyelid.

Mask with added active ingredients

Many girls are interested in how to make thick eyebrows at home. Experts recommend using a special mask with the addition of active ingredients.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Castor oil;
  • Burr oil;
  • half a large spoon of honey.

To increase the thickness of your eyebrows, it is better to use liquid honey, since it contains a large number of vitamin complexes.

Mix all ingredients in one container and cook in a steam bath. After this, apply the solution to the required area with a cotton pad. Under its influence, the eyebrows will darken, which will create the effect of thickness.

Almond oil for fine hair

In order to achieve thick eyebrows at home, another effective way is almond oil. It is used specifically for fine hair structure to strengthen it and visually enlarge it.

In addition, the hair color becomes several shades darker and more saturated. How to make eyebrows thick and wide using almond oil?

Almond oil.

To do this, you need to take the almonds themselves - raw, crush them with a kitchen hammer or a rocking chair, rub the resulting powder onto the epidermis, due to which the hairs on it will be colored without chemical exposure. Such natural eyebrow dyes do not cause an allergic reaction.

A quick mask for thicker eyebrows and eyelashes – hair growth is ensured

To make thick eyebrows at home, you can also use a special lotion, mask or other medicinal medicine. Masks are the most common form for thickening hair.

When using them, it is important to remember the following:

  1. Before going to bed, remove makeup, which can clog the pores on your face.
  2. Apply a mask that has an oil film several times a day - after waking up and before going to bed.
  3. Before tanning, you need to apply a protectant to prevent your eyebrows from becoming faded and dull.
  4. It is not recommended to purchase cheap cosmetics to avoid an allergic reaction.
  5. If there are any signs of deterioration, take timely measures.

What to do to make eyebrows thick is the most common question girls ask. However, it is worth noting that in order to get results, you need to take certain actions: properly care for your face, use special medications, high-quality cosmetics, etc.

Makeup tricks - how to use a pencil?

If there is a lack of time and energy to deal with hair at home or for another reason, an alternative option is cosmetic tricks that help make eyebrows darker at home, without resorting to the help of specialists in the salon.

Eyebrow pencils.

In order to make your hair black, you need to choose the right pencils and shadows of this shade. Next, the contour of the natural shape is modeled in the direction of hair growth and shading using matte shadows.

On the Internet, most masters post video instructions on how to make eyebrows darker at home.

They focus the audience’s attention on the following nuances:

  1. If you don’t have the necessary pencil, you can replace it with mascara with a brown tint, running along the eyebrow hairs.
  2. You shouldn’t make your uniform look like a house – it doesn’t suit every girl, and it looks like a constant surprise. The lines should not be lowered too low so that the eye does not sag. Thus, you can lose the expressiveness of your eyes.
  3. Do not widen the outer corners; the lines themselves should be smooth and without differences.
  4. You can also use an alternative method - permanent make-up. It is also commonly known as tattooing. It is quite difficult to do the procedure yourself at home, so this service is provided by professional salons. Before choosing a salon for tattooing, you need to find out all aspects of this issue, as well as which artist is considered the most reliable and professional in his field. After the procedure itself, do not shave your natural eyebrows.
  5. Hair extensions. The procedure is quite modern, in demand and popular with most girls. You just need to choose the desired shape that will suit you. In addition, the specialist will be able to add width, thickness and richness to your natural eyebrows.


Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that there are many methods for improving your eyebrows, allowing you to make them thicker.

A certain method will suit each girl, since not everyone wants to apply a painful tattoo using thin needles, not everyone has enough money to increase them, and home methods will always be universal.

How to make your eyebrows thicker to make your friends jealous? There is no special secret. It is important to harmoniously highlight and combine them with other features, creating a single aesthetic composition. The thickness of the eyebrows allows you to highlight the eyes and visually correct the shape of the face.

What should be proper eyebrow care?

Eyebrows are a bristly hair type, and because of this, caring for them is somewhat different from caring for the hair on your head. It is important to maintain optimal oil content of hairs due to their increased fragility.

An extremely important point when caring for eyebrows is nutrition. The health of any type of hair directly depends on what you eat. To build healthy, strong hairs, the body needs to receive a sufficient amount of complete proteins from food.

In the body, they are divided into amino acids and reformed into fibrillar keratin proteins, which make up eyebrows, eyelashes and scalp hair.

In terms of nutrition, do not neglect vitamins, and pay attention not only to, but to their entire list. The more essential vitamins your body gets, the healthier it will be, including in terms of different hair types.

Girls' eyebrows are often exposed to cosmetics. They, in turn, can lead to dry skin and death of hair follicles.

Eyebrow hairs have a large structure of cuticle scales. Because of this, small particles of cosmetic products can get under the protective layer of the hair. This “pollution” leads to loss of shine, brittleness and hair loss.

It is important to remove makeup from your face if it is not needed. It is worth choosing cosmetics that cause minimal harm to your skin and hair.

The condition of the eyebrows responds well to external care with nourishing masks and creams. But it is worth remembering that it is not the eyebrow hairs themselves that need to be nourished, but the skin in which the hair follicles are located.

After external replenishment, the cream or mask must be washed off so that excess does not remain on the skin and does not clog pores and sebaceous glands. Their blockage will lead to the formation of acne, and the secretion of the glands will not be able to lubricate the hairs.

Using eyebrow oils

Vegetable oils are often used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. They are valued for their composition, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

Among all the oils used, castor and burdock are distinguished. These oils are good in everything. They perfectly stimulate hair growth and give it softness. The shine is enhanced and the color of the hairs is expressed. And all this against the backdrop of an affordable price.

The advantage over castor oil is its low fat content. After it there is no greasy shine and dried fat deposits left.

A good choice would be castor oil with hot red pepper essence. Hair follicles will receive nutrients from the oil. And pepper essence will improve blood circulation in the treated area.

Before applying oils, the skin in the eyebrow area must be steamed and cleaned with a fine scrub. This will improve the penetration of nutrients through the surface layers of the skin.

Apply the oil using rubbing movements. They are necessary not for rubbing oil into the skin, but for increasing blood circulation in the capillaries.

Keep the oil mask on your eyebrows for 10-15 minutes. After which the oil is first removed with a cotton swab, and the residue is washed off with warm water.

In addition to burdock and castor, other oils are used to care for eyebrows:

  • cocoa;
  • jojoba;
  • linen;
  • usma;
  • wheat germ oil.
These oils help improve eyebrow growth, strengthen and give them shine. Peach kernel oil reduces pain and discomfort when plucking unwanted hairs.

How to enhance eyebrow growth with herbs

It will not work to make your eyebrows thicker by applying some kind of herb to them. You can benefit from herbs by making non-alcoholic and low-alcohol infusions.

Compress masks are made from the infusions on the eyebrows. A non-alcoholic one-day infusion can be used for up to half an hour. Compresses made from alcohol tinctures last no more than 15 minutes. Before using the compress, you should make sure that you are not allergic to herbs.

Herbs that have a beneficial effect on the growth and health of eyebrows are aloe, chamomile, calendula, sage and cornflower. You can also make tinctures from fresh burdock seeds.

Compresses should be used no more than once every 2 days. The compress is a cotton pad or cosmetic sponge dipped in an infusion of one or more herbs. Place the soaked cotton pads on your eyebrows and keep them there for a while.

How to make eyebrows thicker using cosmetics

Before buying any cream or other cosmetic product, you should pay attention to its composition, description and advertising. The more aggressive the advertising and the more touted the impact, the higher the likelihood that it is a dummy with a marketing wagon.

Cosmetics that affect hair growth and nutrition must contain some natural ingredients and vitamins. If the product does not contain any, then your eyebrows will look good due to chemicals that will ultimately “kill” the hairs.

The most common are creams and balms for eyebrow care. Their choice is large, but it is worth giving preference to compositions that include:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • jojoba, burdock and flax oils;
  • pepper essence or other ingredient that increases blood flow.
At home, you can make a cream by mixing concentrated retinol (25 drops), tocopherol (10 drops) and castor oil (5 ml). The basis of the mixture is lanolin cream.

Apply the cream daily to your eyebrows; there is no need to rinse it off. The result will appear in 2.5-3 months. This cream perfectly strengthens the hair follicles and nourishes the hairs themselves.

Serums and growth activators are nothing more than a sham that steals your money. You shouldn't expect any rapid growth from them. Their effects include a visual increase in thickness and volume.

Massage the eyebrow area to stimulate hair growth

Eyebrows are hair shafts that grow from follicles. Health and growth progress directly depends on how much nutrients are supplied to the bulb.

Nutrients reach the follicles through the circulatory system. Massage helps stimulate blood flow to the desired area of ​​the skin. And the more blood comes to the massaged area, the more nutrients will be in it.

Eyebrow massage involves palpation with medium pressure. There is no need to put too much pressure on the skin. This will cause mechanical damage to the epithelium and hairs.

The massage is performed on a face completely cleansed of cosmetics. Otherwise, you can rub substances of little use into the pores, which will cause inflammation and the appearance of pimples.

How to make eyebrows visually thicker: decorative cosmetics

Visually, the thickness of the eyebrows can be emphasized in several ways:
  • shaping by plucking, based on the shape of the face;
  • drawing with a pencil;
  • painting;
  • shading.
Before plucking, you should let your eyebrows go for a couple of weeks. This will give you a springboard to create the shapes and curves you need:
  • For round and oval face shapes A slightly pointed eyebrow with a clear bend in the middle is suitable. The outer edge after bending is formed slightly thinner than the inner one.
  • To the square face a form similar to the first option is suitable. The differences lie in the lower location of the eyebrow break.
  • Girls with a triangular face shape A slightly rounded shape with a straight inner edge will do.
Drawing eyebrows with a pencil creates a temporary thickening effect. This happens due to the coloring of the hairs in a darker color. If necessary, the pencil paint can be washed off with warm water.

Painting works visually in the same way as pencil drawing. The methods differ in the long-lasting effect. Dyed eyebrows remain thick for up to three weeks. And the pencil may rub off on the pillow the next day.

The downside of dyeing is the negative impact on the hairs and follicles, which can lead to brittleness and eyebrow loss.

Shadows are used in combination with general eye makeup and eyebrow drawing. Shadows are applied next to the eyebrow, creating the effect of a transition from a dark area to a light one.

It is necessary to apply shadows to the area between the upper eyelid and the hairline. The shadows in this area should be lighter than the shadows applied directly to the eyelid. This will highlight your eyes and visually thicken and highlight your eyebrows.

Let's watch a video that describes in detail options for eyebrow care using oils and various cosmetics:

Growing eyebrows and returning them to their original shape is not so easy, and in some situations it is already impossible, so no matter what fashion dictates, try to avoid extremes and not make your eyebrows too thin or weirdly shaped. In our article, specialists will share with you the secrets of how to make eyebrows thick and dark at home, without much difficulty.

Many girls today want, following trends, to have thick and beautiful eyebrows, with which they can “work” creating the face image that they want. What measures can be taken to improve their condition, you ask? We will answer that it is better to choose an integrated approach, and not just use single methods that increase the thickness of the eyebrows. Eyebrows need combing, nutrition, massage, and correction. To understand the whole process, you need to imagine that eyebrows are the same hair and you need to take care of them accordingly.

3 secrets for creating thick eyebrows at home

How to make eyebrows thicker with combing and oil
For daily combing, buy a special comb; if this is not possible, then you can use a regular toothbrush (only with hard hairs). Comb your eyebrows daily, first against the growth of the hairs, and then as you go, smoothing them. If you want to see a better effect, apply a few drops of almond, burdock or castor oil to the brush.

After this procedure, blot the remaining oil with a napkin, it will remove excess oil and leave as much as needed on the eyebrows. In just 10-15 minutes, your eyebrows will look much healthier, they will become silkier, and you will definitely like this well-groomed look. This will also be a good massage, which will activate blood circulation and will only benefit hair growth.

You can additionally massage your eyebrows with your fingertips in the direction of hair growth. These should be leisurely and smooth stroking movements, and then soft circular movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples. This massage is best done before bed; it has a calming and relaxing effect, will help you fall asleep faster, relieve tension and headaches, and, of course, most importantly, it makes your eyebrows grow more tightly together.

Masks that will help make eyebrows thicker
Compresses and masks will provide intensive nutrition to the eyebrows. Work well oil compresses. You need to mix castor, olive and linseed oils in equal parts, heat them in a bathhouse, soak cotton swabs in the warm oil mixture and apply to your eyebrows for 15 minutes. Additionally, you can insulate the top with compress paper and a folded terry towel placed on the forehead. It will be enough to remove the remaining oil with a napkin and wipe the skin with tonic. You can make such compresses with jojoba oil, it also has a good effect on hair growth and structure, without leaving any grease on the skin. Add another drop of rosemary, lavender or orange essential oil to it.

Masks with alcohol components activate eyebrow growth. For example, it is worth trying a mask made from equal amounts of castor oil and rum or a mask made from an alcohol tincture of calendula. Gauze swabs are soaked in the indicated components and applied to the eyebrows for at least 20 minutes, but you do not need to keep them on for more than 40 minutes. Don't forget to insulate the mask on top with parchment and a towel. Several times a week, you can lubricate your eyebrows at night with a mixture of castor oil and vitamins A and E, or use a ready-made vitamin concentrate “Aevit”, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in the city. Additional vitaminization will only benefit your eyebrows and make them even thicker.

To achieve a quick visual effect of eyebrow thickness, you can turn to various correction methods.

This can be tattooing, chemical staining with permanent paint, drawing on and tinting eyebrows with pencil, shadows or mascara. Brown or gray shadow applied to the eyebrows will immediately make them much thicker. There is also a vegetable dye called usma, it is widely used by oriental women, and the effect is simply amazing. Eyebrows not only acquire a darker color, but also become noticeably thicker and healthier, which is what you have been dreaming of for so long. Moreover, we note that the effect lasts quite a long time, and if you use it constantly, you will simply forget what your eyebrows were like before.

Eyebrows shape the entire face, and they are the main accent in makeup. You can often hear this phrase from makeup artists. And this is no coincidence. Often, clients ask to make up “only the eyes,” but the artists refuse, and the reason is that only carefully painted eyes will not look good on a face that has an uneven tone, some rashes or age spots, and unkempt eyebrows. These eyes will look separate from everything else. And again, even an unpainted face looks much more natural and advantageous with well-groomed and shaped eyebrows. Not overgrown and sticking out in different directions and not overly plucked. You need well-groomed eyebrows, but thick, without bald spots. Let's talk about how to make eyebrows thick. We will talk about natural methods and remedies at home. Start by putting tweezers, eyebrow tweezers, and anything else you use to remove hair out of the way.

How to make eyebrows thick? The first and most important thing is nutritious foods. Boost hair growth naturally by making sure you get the vitamins and minerals you need to maintain healthy hair and skin. Eat more protein, vitamin B, iron, zinc and Omega-3. Add healthy foods to your diet: nuts or fruits, avocados, walnuts and olive oil, carrots, mangoes and sweet potatoes, lean meats, salmon and other fish, greens (spinach and kale).


Comb and massage your eyebrows and the area around them. Train yourself every morning after washing your face and before applying makeup to simply comb your eyebrows with a clean brush. Carefully comb all eyebrows upward and give them a neat shape. This is very useful for proper blood circulation. Use some olive oil and massage your eyebrows daily for 5 minutes with it. You will start to notice results quite quickly in the form of new hairs and increased thickness.

Taking care of your health

Insufficient sleep and stress play a big role in slowing down eyebrow growth. Make sure you sleep for 7-8 hours every day, play sports, exercise, walk in the fresh air, drink enough plain still water, do more of those things that bring you joy and pleasure. In addition to the lack of stress in your life, you will soon notice increased hair growth as well.

Castor oil

In addition to eating healthy and nutritious foods, certain additional nutrients can boost eyebrow health and growth. Castor oil is one of the oldest remedies for improving hair growth. Want to get thick eyebrows at home? Then castor oil is the number one recipe. It has a very unusual chemical composition that is found in lower concentrations in other seeds and oils. Add some castor oil to a cotton swab and apply gently to your eyebrows. Don't forget about the previous point and light massage for a few minutes. You can leave the cotton pad on your eyebrows for 30 minutes, then blot off the excess with a napkin and leave overnight or wash off with a mild cleanser. Do not use if you experience discomfort or burning.

Scrub and peeling

In search of a universal recipe for how to make beautiful thick eyebrows, let's look at the following option. Try scrub and peeling. Use a soft facial brush to scrub your forehead area in circular motions, removing dead skin cells and stimulating blood circulation. You can also use peeling instead of scrub or alternate treatments. Buying a scrub at the store or making your own sugar scrub is quite easy. Don't rub too hard; Using too much pressure on the brow area can weaken existing hairs.


A mixture of coconut oil and lemon zest is another well-known remedy that can help in eyebrow growth and nutrition. Take a glass vessel and add one fourth cup of coconut oil and the sliced ​​rind of one lemon. Then leave the resulting mixture for two weeks in a cool and dry place.
Once the solution is ready, apply it every night before bed and in the morning during non-sun season to avoid irritation and possible pigmentation.


This is truly one of the safest and most effective solutions for eyebrow growth; A simple tonic for impressive hair growth and strength. Who else doubts whether it is possible to make eyebrows thicker? Take a small bottle or jar with a lid and combine these ingredients in appropriate proportions: lime juice (1/2 teaspoon), tea tree oil (1 teaspoon), lemon juice (1 teaspoon) and coconut oil (4 tablespoons). Shake the jar/bottle and apply to eyebrows using a cotton pad. Wash your face after 30 minutes.

Aloe vera

How to make thin eyebrows thick? If you overdo it with plucking, there is a good remedy. Applying aloe vera juice on the eyebrows helps in stimulating growth and promotes healing. This juice also adds shine to your face. Make sure to use fresh leaf juice for best results.


No one can deny how beneficial milk is for our body! But do you know how to make your eyebrows thicker much faster using milk? Dip a cotton pad in milk and then rub it lightly into your eyebrows before bed. The milk will nourish your eyebrows, and soon you will notice that they begin to grow much faster.

A few more recipes on how to make eyebrows thicker and darker

Onion is a food with high sulfur content, which is an important component for eyebrow growth. Crush a small onion and use its juice on your eyebrows using a cotton swab. Leave it on your face without washing it off for at least a few hours. Take a handful of fenugreek seeds and crush it finely. Apply the paste (you can also add almond oil for a better match) to your eyebrows before bed or any time during the day before showering. Massage using Vaseline oil 2-3 times a day will also help in achieving our goal. Results generally appear within a few weeks. How to make eyebrows thick? Use olive oil, castor oil, vitamin E (oil or ampoules) or petroleum jelly. Apply them to your hair using a cotton pad. All this will not only increase growth, but also strengthen the eyebrows.

How to get beautiful thick eyebrows using beauty products

You can solve the problem, at least for one day, with the help of cosmetics. While you're waiting for your eyebrows to grow and become thick and perfect, you can always fill in the shape you want with a brow pencil or eye shadow. Choose a pencil or eyeshadow shade that matches your hair color or is lighter. Do not use too dark shades, firstly, they add age, and secondly, they are more appropriate for creating bright makeup or an evening look. Make short, thin strokes in the direction of hair growth. You should not press the pencil too hard; on the contrary, you need smooth lines that are obtained with gentle pressure. You just need to fill in the blanks. So, as you can see, it's not that difficult to get thick eyebrows at home!