Necessary tools for laying laminate: household and professional. Laminate installation kit

Laminate is a modern floor covering. This material is often chosen for finishing floors in an apartment or house. In terms of popularity, laminate is second only to linoleum. Nowadays you can find many types of laminate flooring. But today we won’t talk about choosing a laminate. What tool is needed to install it? The work is simple, but requires preliminary preparation. If all the tools are at hand, the process will go much faster.

Features of work

This is not to say that laying laminate flooring is something very difficult. No, this is not true, especially if you already have experience in this matter. Main point in such work - strict adherence to technology and good tool. In this matter, you don’t need to invent anything, because everything has already been invented before you, carefully checked and approved. Install laminate flooring exactly as recommended by experts and instructions.

Saving on tools can turn out very sadly low quality work or damage to material. Take this fact into account when you plan to give up a tool so as not to spend extra money.

Please also keep in mind that the installation of laminate flooring may vary depending on the type of material itself and the type of panel fastenings.


In addition to the tools, you will need certain ones. With them, the process of laying the laminate is more convenient and goes faster, and maybe even more correctly. Here is a list of the main consumables:

  • Special film for waterproofing flooring.
  • A skein (one or more) of paint paper tape.
  • Regular wide tape (2-3 pieces) for gluing the joints of the laminate substrate.
  • The substrate itself for the laminate (there are many types, choose depending on technical characteristics premises, financial capabilities).
  • Sealant and gun for it.
  • Special mixture for flooring (leveling).

Laminate installation tool

Your main tool will be a jigsaw; it is advisable to take a model with a power of at least 500 W and from a well-known manufacturer in the middle price category. In general, a jigsaw is not a very expensive tool; in this case, you can spend money on it if possible. In addition to the jigsaw, you will also need other tools, including:

  • Hacksaw. Will be needed if you don't use a jigsaw.
  • Mallet for knocking out lamellas.
  • Roulette. A five-meter one will do.
  • Stationery knife (sharp). Needed for cutting backing and other minor works.
  • A simple pencil or marker. It is better to use a soft or medium-hard lead. Mark the laminate with a pencil.
  • Square for marking working materials (it is preferable to take a tool at least 30-40 cm in length).
  • A protractor (regular, school) or a protractor. Useful for laying laminate flooring diagonally.
  • Drill or screwdriver. You will need it if you are covering the floor with sheets of plywood under laminate (it is more convenient to work with battery-powered models).

These are the main tools general purpose. In addition to them, you will also need highly specialized auxiliary ones: feather drills, a clamp, restrictive wedges, and a tamping block. We brought full list tools for laying laminate flooring. Some people get by without one tool or another, but you have to decide for yourself.


This highly specialized tool is needed for laying the outer laminate lamellas placed along the walls of the room. The tool is a kind of bracket. It is needed to align the outer panels, which, in turn, helps to evenly distribute the load over the coating. It is advisable to take clamps no thinner than 0.5 cm. If the tool is thinner, it will quickly become unusable.

Tamping block

It is not difficult to understand from the name of the tool what it is needed for. Each panel is tapped with a block. Using such a tool will not damage the locks. As a rule, a tamping block is not very expensive, so you should not skimp on it when purchasing a tool for laminate flooring. You will lose more time and money if, by refusing this bar, you damage the lock on the laminate panel.

The block (tamping) is made of wood or plastic. Don’t buy the cheapest options; the weight of the bar should be between 1.4-1.6 kg. When tapping with it, always make sure that the edge applied to the laminate is absolutely flat. If any defects appear on the bar, it must be changed urgently, otherwise it will lead to damage to the panels.

Feather drills

They are needed for precise and very accurate making of holes for heating radiator pipes, and also, possibly, for other pipelines engineering systems. The diameter of the holes is drilled with a margin. The margin must be at least 5 mm. This tool is necessary for everyone, because good set from such drills you will need more than once when performing other repair work.

Modern instruments

They can significantly make your work easier and replace many other tools necessary for laying laminate flooring. Let's take a closer look at these modern solutions. Some of them are quite expensive. However, you must remember that you are investing in quality. In addition, using them saves time and effort. You should think about buying such a tool when, for example, you plan to cover the entire apartment with laminate, and not just one room.

PVC floor board cutter

The device silently saws laminate and does not emit dust during such work. This machine replaces a hacksaw or electric jigsaw. The cut line is always straight. The blade of the machine has a special structure. It is relatively inexpensive. Whether you need such a tool for laying laminate flooring or not - decide for yourself.

Automatic square

Such a device will help you quickly, simply and accurately measure the angle between any touching walls, and you can transfer this result to the laminate panel without any problems. As a rule, the scale with degrees on such automatic squares starts at 30 degrees. Is this laminate installation tool a must have? No. However, this is very convenient device, eliminating errors and simplifying work.

Template for marking

This tool will help you mark where to cut the last row of laminate panels. This is completely optional equipment, but for ease of work it doesn’t hurt to have one available. Replaces the classic measuring tool. If we look at the reviews, then this tool It has good mark and it is recommended to purchase it for performing this kind of work.

Contour of curves and shapes

The device is designed to easily and quickly mark all the necessary cutting lines on the laminate panel. The device helps with the issue of projecting complex geometric shapes and their further application to the lamellas of the material, for example, this is necessary for further figured cutting. Relevant if you make any cuts under decorative elements And so on. You can create interesting design solutions. This is obviously an optional piece of equipment, but can come in very handy at times.

Buy or rent

Sometimes it is easier to rent a tool rather than buy it. People who provide this tool for rent can be found by advertising on the relevant resources. Also sometimes construction stores rent out the whole necessary tool for rent. Before deciding which is better, buying or renting, you need to clearly assess the amount of work and calculate the time required to complete it. Do not forget to have a small reserve, because unforeseen circumstances or difficulties may arise. Ultimately, you will decide for yourself which option is more profitable.

Also, if you are not completely sure that you can cope with the task, perhaps you should entrust the work of laying laminate to professionals. At a minimum, you will be able to look at the entire work process and gain the necessary experience so that you can later carry out such work yourself.


Today we learned what tools are needed for laminate flooring when laying it. Of course, you will determine for yourself the need for each of them. Based on experience, we recommend not to refuse such specialized tools, like a clamp and a tamping block. These are inexpensive devices that will make your work much easier. If your budget allows, then it is better not to abandon the above tool at all. If it is limited, then think carefully, perhaps some tools can be abandoned and replaced with something else.

The main thing when laying laminate flooring is the qualifications of the worker and adherence to technology. Will the person doing the work have it in his hands? basic set tools for laying laminate, extended or complete - it is not so important. The absence of one or another item may affect the speed, but should not affect the quality of work.

For example, the result of cutting a laminate is not affected by the tool used to make it. Following the technology, you can do this with a hacksaw, a jigsaw, or a special cutter. In this case, which tool you choose for laying laminate will only affect the timing of the work.

One more point that is important. When answering the question about what tool is needed to lay laminate flooring, we remind you that more expensive does not always mean better. Of course, you should not give preference to suspiciously cheap instruments of dubious origin. Try to choose a tool in the mid-price category, if possible.

Laminate is a modern and very practical floor covering that even a novice master can install. But for comfortable and quick work you need a certain set of laminate laying tool. What exactly is needed to get started?

Laminate is a rectangular panel with a groove and a tenon around the perimeter. The panel consists of several layers:

  1. Upper protective. Typically, transparent artificial resins that are resistant to abrasion and moisture are used as a protective layer.
  2. Decorative layer. Usually consists of cellulose with a pattern applied to it.
  3. Load-bearing layer made of HDF board. It is in this layer that the castle is made.
  4. Lower protective layer, which protects the material from abrasion and breaking.

The wear resistance of the material depends on the class. Usually 32 and 33 classes are used in everyday life - this is quite enough for normal conditions. In commercial premises, classes 42 and 43 are used.

Note:laminate can be ordinary and moisture resistant. Must be installed in the kitchen, bathroom and restroom moisture resistant laminate- regular one is guaranteed to swell and lose its properties.

High-quality installation of laminate flooring requires special tools

Never install panels that have just arrived from the store. Place the packs in the room, open them and let the lamellas collect room temperature and humidity. The process of laying laminate flooring is quite simple - it is connected to each other through locks, like a construction set.

What tools are needed for installation

In this section we will look at the minimum set of tools with which you can lay laminate flooring. So, you will need:

  1. Standard tape measure with metal tape. In most cases, a length of 5 meters is sufficient.
  2. A simple pencil with a soft lead. You can use a construction marker or even a marker.
  3. Square. With its help you will mark the lamellas that need to be cut. The length of the side of the square is up to 35 cm.
  4. Jigsaw. This is the most handy tool for cutting laminate. You can, of course, get by with a hacksaw, a regular saw, or even a grinder, but working with a jigsaw is very fast and convenient.
  5. Mallet or rubber mallet. You can get by with the usual one, but then you will need an attachment, which can be made from a cut piece of laminate.

This is a minimal set, with which you can start laying laminate flooring in any room.

Note:You shouldn’t overpay when buying the most expensive jigsaw. But don't choose Chinese unnamed models either. It is best to take a 500-watt jigsaw from some time-tested manufacturer.

Optional equipment

We have listed above what you need to install laminate flooring. But if you want to make your life easier, speed up the process and not be distracted during styling, then another tool will come in handy. We recommend that you purchase:

  1. Metal clamp and bracket for laminate flooring.
  2. Wedges, with the help of which a gap is maintained along the walls.
  3. A drill bit that can be used to drill holes for pipes.
  4. A special tamping block for laminate flooring that will protect the locks from destruction.

The necessary set of tools for laying laminate flooring

On average, you will have to spend no more than three thousand rubles on all this equipment, but the installation process will significantly speed up and the result will be of better quality. Let's look at what these tools are needed for.


The clamp for laying lamellas is a small metal plate 4-5 mm thick. The edges of the plate are bent in opposite directions. With its help, you can properly clamp the strip and prevent it from moving or moving during installation.


The classic laying clamp will help you lay the last strip of laminate and snap it into place. Thanks to the installation of the bracket, you can carefully tamp the slats against the wall and not damage them, since the load from impacts is smoothly distributed over the entire surface.


Using special wedges, you can create a correct and uniform gap along the wall of 8-15 mm. This gap is necessary for thermal expansion - when the temperature changes, the laminate “plays”. After installation, the gap is closed with a regular plinth, and around the pipes it is decorated with rosettes.


A special bar allows you to effectively distribute the load during the assembly of panels. Thanks to it you will not damage the locks.

Note:The panels must be assembled very carefully, since a broken lock can lead to incomplete seating of the lamella and the appearance of a gap. Check the locks before installation - sometimes crumbs of material become clogged in them, making the connection difficult.

It is very convenient to work with the help of a block - you inserted the lamella into the lock, clicked it, and then struck it first, in the center and at the end of the plate tightly to the previous one.

With the help of such a simple staple, you can conveniently tamp down the laminate without damaging the lock.

Feather drills

They are used when it is necessary to drill a neat, even hole in a panel. A set of such drills will be useful to any owner. Remember that you need to drill a hole 5-7 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe so that it fits freely and does not shrink when expanding.

What else?

What other devices for laying laminate flooring? necessary? We will list a few more options that make life much easier, but it only makes sense to buy them if you will be laying either large volumes or doing the styling at a professional level.

  1. Special machine for cutting panels. Marvelous practical device, which is designed for quick and dust-free cutting of lamellas at the desired angle. Its price is low, but it is intended only for cross cutting, that is, you will not be able to unravel the last strip when laying. The unique shape of the blade allows you to cut the panel in one motion, without putting much effort into it.
  2. Automatic square. A regular square only allows you to measure a right angle. With this device you can measure desired angle and correctly transfer it to the lamella. Operates in the range from 30 to 180 degrees. Very useful device for laying laminate in corners, since it constantly has to be trimmed and adjusted.
  3. A special template for marking laminate flooring. With its help, you can quickly and correctly draw a cutting line along the wall. As a rule, it turns out to be crooked, so it is quite difficult to fit the panels.
  4. A special device for copying shapes and curves. With its help, you can mark the hole for the pipes with perfect accuracy, draw various notches and bevels on the outer panels.

Using this cutter you can quickly and conveniently cut the panel.

We have listed all the most common do-it-yourself laminate installation tools . What exactly to buy is up to you. You can get by with a minimal set, using scraps of laminate or wood as pegs, and a cut strip as a block.

But we still recommend forking out a little - the result will be much better!

Laying laminate flooring is not a difficult task. The manufacturers took care of this. They thoroughly thought through the design of the lamellas and how to connect them to each other, so installation of the flooring is quite affordable


Without the involvement of specialists, with your own hands. However, to carry out the work you will need a tool. This is what we will talk about in this article.

As mentioned above, the structure of the laminated board is designed in such a way that it does not require fastening to the base or gluing the seams. Laminate parquet floors are laid in a floating manner. This means that the individual elements of the covering are firmly fastened together with special locks cut along the perimeter of the board. The connection takes place according to the tenon-groove principle, only the tenon and groove have a complex profile, which increases the reliability of the connection.

All collected from individual elements the floor plane slides freely over the substrate on the base. “Glides freely” is, of course, a strong word. Who will give him such an opportunity: they will put heavy furniture on top of the floor. But nevertheless, some backlash is still present. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a damping joint of 10-15 mm around the perimeter of the floor covering. This gap will subsequently be covered with a plinth.

The usual way of laying laminate flooring - the most common - is "deck". They start with a whole board, join the next one to it, and so on until the wall. The last board, if necessary, is cut to the required size. The remaining trim, if it is more than 200 mm, is used as the start of the next row. If a whole number of boards are laid along the length of the room, without trimming, or if the trim remains too short, before starting the next row, cut a whole board and start with half. With this method, the transverse seams are shifted - they turn out “in a running start”.

What you need

From the described installation technology it is clear that the set of tools for working on installing a laminate flooring is not large. When installing laminate flooring with your own hands, the following kit will be sufficient:

  • pencil for marking;
  • measuring instruments - tape measure and square;
  • fine-tooth hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • knife or scissors for cutting the substrate;
  • a hammer, preferably with a rubber head, but if the laminate has a Click type lock, then you won’t need to hit the boards with a hammer; they snap into one another;

But what about special sets for laying laminate? Let's see what the manufacturer put in this set. Kits are available for sale different manufacturers: FIT, Quick-Step, FLINST-001, and others. Their composition is the same. The set includes:

  • mounting wedges;
  • driving block;
  • metal bracket;

As intended by the manufacturer, wedges are used to create a damper joint between the coating and the wall. The boards are tapped using a hammer block. It is necessary so as not to damage the lock tenon on the board when struck with a hammer. The driving block has the same groove as the lamella. The block is put on the protruding part of the lock, the blow is made on the block.

Well, a metal bracket for laying laminate will be needed (attention!) only once: to install the last, finishing board. There will be a wall there that will interfere with installing the last board. The photo shows what this thing looks like.

There are no words: the devices are very necessary and convenient. But are they really needed to purchase them for almost fifty rubles, and even more so, to find out how to make a laminate bracket with your own hands, and what’s the funniest thing: having learned the dimensions of this device, try to make it with your own hands.

Where does such skepticism come from, you ask?

Why then do they sell mounting kits and a separate metal bracket? Firstly, a terrible bourgeois secret: most things are sold not so that the consumer is comfortable, but so that the consumer buys, and therefore brings profit to the manufacturer and seller. Secondly: for the professional flooring installer who installs hundreds of square meters floor coverings, lightening and acceleration production process necessary.

Some of them actually use a mounting bracket. Only this tool is not exactly the metal squiggle that is sold in sets. By the way, many professionals can do without wedges, blocks and metal brackets. Now I'll tell you how.

How to do without a metal bracket

If you plan to do the work of laying flooring from laminated panels with your own hands, then the bracket for laying the laminate, as well as the wedges and block for driving in, can easily be replaced with improvised means. Let's look at the stages of work:

  1. Damper seam. The required technological gap is made within 10-15 mm. And surgical precision is not necessary in this process. Tolerances “by eye” are quite acceptable, the main thing is that the gap is not larger than the baseboard can cover. If you are a neat person in life, and measuring by eye is not suitable for you, use scraps of laminate as wedges - its thickness is quite enough to create the required distance between the covering and the wall.
  2. Knocking the board. Let us remind you: a Click type lock does not require the use of force: the board is slanted into the groove with a tenon, and then lowered into a horizontal plane. The lock latches itself, without special effort. If the lamellas have a different type of lock or you think that it wouldn’t hurt to knock the board up a little, use a piece of the same laminate to prevent the tenon or groove from breaking. Place the piece on the spike and give it a good whack – the lock will remain intact.
  3. Finish board. To install the last board, use a wooden wedge: cut any scrap wood into a right triangle. Install it so that one of the legs looks up, the second rests on the wall, and the hypotenuse rests against the edge of the board. Carefully drive the wedge in - it will push the board into the groove. Just remember to protect the wall. For example, a metal ruler or other similar object. By the way, you will have to protect the wall even if you use a bracket. In this case, you will need to place a lining under the bracket so that it does not damage the floor.
  4. About making the bracket yourself. If a bracket for laying laminate flooring with your own hands gives you no rest, and you are determined to make it yourself, you will need a metal strip. It must be made of steel. The thickness is such that it can be bent, but sufficient so that it does not bend from the force applied during work. Its size is not important. The strip needs to be bent in the shape of the letter Z. The tool looks like a mounting tool. If necessary, it is with the mounting tool that you can replace the metal mounting bracket.

Watch the video of the laminate installation process and decide if you can do without an installation kit.

Laying laminate flooring can be done not only by experts in the repair industry, but also by beginners. The design of this type of material itself assumes a simple and quick installation using snap-locks or a tongue-and-groove system. Detailed instructions and training videos help in short time master the assembly technique, but without special tools, even an experienced stacker will not cope with the task efficiently. Before starting work, you need to take care of what devices will be used to take measurements, cut boards, drill holes and other operations.

Laminate cutting tool

For cutting laminate the following are used:

  • jigsaw;
  • machine;
  • a circular saw;
  • hacksaw.

A jigsaw will cut the blade perfectly evenly and quickly, preventing chipping and deformation. The lightweight and compact device is very easy to use. Eat modern models with LED backlight working area.

The machine will allow you to divide the board into two parts with one movement, but with all its advantages, the device is not designed for longitudinal cutting of laminate, when you need to adjust the shape of the last board in a row.

Circular saw equipped with a blade with big amount teeth, suitable for sawing, however, if you do not have the skills to handle this tool, it is better to use safer devices.

You can cut a laminate board with a fine-toothed hacksaw, but the process will take a long time and require considerable effort. The teeth become dull, and the tool must be sharpened or replaced from time to time.

Another nuance in the installation process of this type of flooring is drilling holes for pipes. In this case, it will be useful:

  • electric drill;
  • feather drills;
  • hacksaw for metal.

Easier to do with a hacksaw small holes and avoid chipping than when working with a jigsaw.

Laminate assembly tool

The advantage of interlocking laminate is that its fixation does not require the use of glue or nails. A beautiful floor will be ready in just a few hours, but the master will still need additional equipment to speed up the process and achieve good result. The easiest way is to immediately purchase a kit for laying laminate flooring, and how to use its contents will be discussed below.

IN standard set includes:

  • wedges;
  • bars;
  • bracket.

Wedges allow you to create an even gap between the edge of the board and the wall. They also prevent the laminate from slipping during installation. You can make wedges yourself.

Using a tamping block, fit one board tightly to another. The finished block has special form, made of high quality plastic. The bars from the set are also equipped with a rubber backing.

The bracket replaces the tamping block in the last row against the wall - it presses the last panel in the row from the end part. The use of a bracket will protect the wall surface and material from destruction.

It is not advisable to use a hammer for tapping: there is a risk of not calculating the impact force and damaging the material. If for some reason you still have to replace the block with a hammer, then it is better to look for a mallet rather than use a metal tool.

What other tool is needed to lay laminate flooring?

Measurements and markings are carried out using:

  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • square

A level will be needed when installing laminate flooring on an uneven floor. The check will allow you to make a decision regarding which method of eliminating differences is appropriate in a given case - substrate sheets, chipboard, logs or something more thorough, including the installation of a cement-sand screed.

Laminate is a practical floor covering that has aesthetic appearance, easy to care for and widely popular. Installing it does not require experience or special technical knowledge. Enough:

  • learn simple installation technology;
  • find out what tools are needed to lay laminate flooring and what supplies will be needed;
  • buy everything you need.


For high-quality and trouble-free installation of flooring, you need not only tools, but also consumables:

  • a backing for laminate flooring that acts as insulation and eliminates screed errors;
  • masking tape to limit the jigsaw when cutting sheets;
  • ordinary adhesive tape for gluing substrates;
  • waterproofing film;
  • leveling mixture to eliminate floor defects;
  • silicone sealant for filling gaps and cracks.

Required Tools

You won’t need many tools for laying laminate flooring yourself; you probably already have some, and you can borrow some from friends who have already done renovations.


A jigsaw for cutting material is perfect for working with laminate, saving effort and time. You won’t be able to make such perfectly straight cuts and neat rounded holes for radiator pipes with a regular hacksaw as you can with a jigsaw. The need to purchase expensive professional tool No. But you shouldn’t buy a cheap one, as it may not withstand heavy loads. Optimal power is 500 W.


Construction tape with a lock, 5 meters long. Necessary at all stages of work.


A mallet or hammer for precise joining and fitting of lamella dies. Choose a wooden or rubber mallet weighing 0.4-0.6 kg. It can be replaced with a regular hammer, which every owner should have. But in this case, use a special “doboychik” (small wooden block) or an unnecessary piece of lamella.

Using a “doboychik” when laying laminate flooring


A square with a diagonal of 25-35 cm when laying laminate is necessary for correct marking and drawing lines at right angles.


A simple pencil with a soft lead so as not to scratch the sheets when marking. Brand will do"IN".


A protractor or protractor will be needed if you decide.

Tool for laying laminate and parquet boards

Additional tools

The above tools for laying laminate flooring with your own hands are quite enough to complete all the work. But for quick quality work additional devices for laying laminate flooring will come in handy, making the life of a home craftsman much easier.


A bracket for laying laminate (metal clamp) is a metal plate about 5 mm thick with edges bent in opposite directions. A clamp is used during installation last sheet lamellas or when the sheet cannot be tapped with a hammer.


Restrictive wedges for laying laminate are used to provide a gap of 8-12 mm wide between the wall and the laid lamella. It is necessary to narrow or expand the lamella fabric due to temperature changes. After installation of the floor covering is completed, the gap is closed with a plinth.


Feather drills are needed for drilling holes for communications. The holes are cut 4-7 mm wider than the diameter of the pipe.

Tamping block

The tamping block, which protects the laminate locks from damage during tamping, distributes the impact force evenly over the sheet area and protects it from chips and damage. In terms of dimensions, choose a larger block, weighing about 1.5 kg. It can be wooden or plastic. If the surface of the bar is damaged during operation, it must be replaced.


A stationery knife is used for cutting the backing and cutting the packaging.

When performing some work you may need:

  • Electric or hand drill for drilling holes for self-tapping screws for plywood screeds and.
  • A hacksaw with fine teeth and a wide blade for sawing the door frame if laminate is being laid there.
  • A miter box (angle cutter) is used when it is necessary to cut the canvas at an acute or obtuse angle.
  • A hammer drill can be useful for installing skirting boards.
  • A screwdriver will make it easier to lay plywood sheets on wood coverings, installation of interior thresholds, screwing of baseboards.

A screwdriver will help in many construction works

Auxiliary Tools

Professionals prefer to use auxiliary tool for laying laminate flooring, which make life much easier when performing large volumes of work.

A machine for cutting laminate sheets allows you to quickly, without dust and noise, get an even and straight cut in one motion. The machine is mechanical, not connected to a source of electricity, and operates on the guillotine principle. It does not allow chipping and can cut small-thick natural wood baguettes.

An automatic square makes it possible to measure the angle of the walls and transfer it to a sheet of lamella. Measures angles in a wide range – 30°-180°.

The marking template allows you to evenly and quickly draw a longitudinal cutting line on the last sheet of laminate in a row.

A contour that allows you to copy curves and shapes and transfer them exactly to the lamella sheet. It is needed to copy holes for pipes, decorative elements, recesses and bevels on the outer panels.

Having studied a simple installation technology and having the necessary tools, you can lay laminate flooring no worse than an experienced professional.