Open the production of sandwich panels. Sandwich panels: varieties and manufacturing technology

Recently, professional builders and home craftsmen have become interested in a quick method of constructing buildings using multilayer structures - sandwich panels. Naturally, the question arose: is it possible to make such a panel with your own hands?

Sandwich panel is a building structure consisting of three layers: two outer enclosing layers and one inner layer, which plays the role of a heat insulator. At first glance, this is the simplest design, so many people mistakenly believe that it can be made using a homemade method without any problems. In fact, the technical process of manufacturing a structure contains a number of nuances that can interfere with the work of a home craftsman. However, first things first. First, let's figure out what materials the sandwich panel structure is made from.

Types of thermal insulation materials

  • Mineral wool: Most often used in the manufacture of sandwich panels. This material is non-flammable and does not tend to caking
  • Polyurethane foam: can be used in conditions of high humidity. Prolonged exposure to water does not lead to the development of mold and mildew. Sufficiently rigid material can further strengthen the panel structure
  • Expanded polystyrene: rarely used due to low fire resistance. Although this material has undeniable advantages - low specific gravity and low cost

The brand of insulation and its thickness should be selected based on the results of thermal calculations and in accordance with the purpose of the future structure.

Materials for the manufacture of enclosing layers of sandwich panels

For the manufacture of enclosing layers (sandwich panel shell) the following are used:

  • Galvanized steel sheet (profiled)
  • Aluminum
  • Plastic
  • Fibreboard, OSB, wood

The strongest and most durable is galvanized steel. But, due to the high specific gravity of this material, panels with such a shell are quite heavy.

How the layers of the panel are held together: requirements for glue

The sandwich panel includes another important component - polyurethane adhesive (one- or two-component).

Sandwich panel device

One-component adhesives harden in air when interacting with the moisture contained in it. Two-component adhesives harden as a result of a chemical reaction that occurs between two components - the polyol and isocyanate components. Special requirements are imposed on adhesives: after polymerization (curing), it should not lose its properties during the “life” of the sandwich panel. Panel manufacturers claim that their products have a service life of 50 years. For half a century, the glue should retain its qualities.

Durability is not the only requirement for glue: it must be environmentally friendly. There should not be any harmful or toxic components in its composition. Of course, it must be moisture resistant and withstand temperature changes from -40°C to +50°C.

The life time in a thin layer of two-component adhesives is short, so they are used only in the manufacture of panels in automatic mode. In this regard, one-component glue is more suitable for semi-automatic or manual production. This explains its popularity.

Manufacturing technology

The panel manufacturing process consists of only a few operations:

  • Laying the first sheet of casing on a hard, level surface
  • Applying polyurethane glue to it
  • Laying insulation over the adhesive layer
  • Applying glue to insulation
  • Laying the second shell sheet
  • Holding the structure under pressure until the adhesive layers are completely cured

The complexity of manufacturing a multilayer structure lies in the behavior of the glue:

  • Firstly, when applied to the surface, the glue foams strongly. To give the adhesive layer the required thickness and density, the assembled “pie” must be compressed under a certain pressure. Considering the dimensions of the product, you can’t get by with weights here: you need to have a press, at least a hand press. It provides a maximum pressure of 0.3 kg/sq.m. cm, which is quite enough to make a sandwich panel. The panel is kept under pressure for two to four hours. The total height of the panel package that can be placed on the press is 1200 mm
  • Secondly, the curing speed of the glue is very high - if you hesitate, the mass applied to the surface of the sheet will begin to polymerize. The cured adhesive layer does not react to any of the currently existing solvents. It can only be removed mechanically (you can also heat it to 300 - 500 degrees, but this is impossible to organize in a home workshop). Therefore, all operations for installing sandwich panels with your own hands must be carried out very quickly. It is difficult for one worker to cope with work of such high intensity; he will have to invite an assistant

Thanks to the ability to construct, this material is gaining more and more popularity. A small house can be assembled in just a couple of weeks! But sandwich panels have one important drawback - fragility. The service life is 40-50 years.

But if you are not afraid of the shortcomings of this material, then read about the technical characteristics of sandwich panels. The article discusses the features of the panels.

Work order

Before you start assembling a wall sandwich panel with your own hands, prepare the materials for gluing: inspect the sheets of the future shell and insulation; if you find dirt, dust or debris on their surface, sweep them away. During the process of assembling structures, you will not have time for this. After this, you can proceed directly to the production of sandwich panels.

  1. The first sheet of shell is laid on the table (the size of the table should be slightly larger than the panel so that the entire structure fits freely on it)
  2. The glue is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the enclosing sheet. It can be applied with a special sprayer or a rubber notched trowel. But in the latter case you need to have a certain skill: do not forget about the short life time of the glue. Some craftsmen use homemade devices consisting of a canister and a spray head
  3. Insulation is placed on the glue
  4. Now glue is applied to its surface
  5. The insulation with applied glue is covered with a second sheet of shell
  6. The first sheet of the next sandwich panel is laid on the assembled structure and then the process is repeated (with sufficient experience, you can have time to prepare five panels)

A package of several designs is transferred to a press, where it is kept until the glue hardens. The curing time is indicated in the instructions for the glue.

Tip: the life of one-component adhesive can be extended by lowering the humidity and air temperature in the work area.

You don't have abs: what to do?

If you don't have a press, you can use a vacuum pump. The process is as follows: a package of sandwich panels is covered with awning fabric, its edges are clamped. Then, using a hose and a vacuum pump, air is pumped out from under the awning. The exposure time of products under vacuum is no more than 40 minutes. After this, the panels should rest for 24 hours on a flat surface.

How to build a castle?

Sandwich panels are connected to each other “in a lock”. At factories that produce sandwich panels, this structure is molded on a press at the moment the panel is compressed. Manual draw presses do not have this function, so brave craftsmen have to come up with their own lock design. And they came up with an idea: at one end of the panel, between the enclosing layers, a wooden block is laid, protruding beyond the shell. At the other end, the insulation is cut to the size of the protrusion of the bar. In this simple way you can design a completely acceptable castle.

Video about making sandwich panels with your own hands

Making a sandwich panel (sip) in a home workshop.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov"

Engineering and Technical Institute

Department of “Production of building materials, products and structures”

Explanatory note for the course project

in the discipline "Technology of insulating materials and products"

on the topic: “Workshop for the production of sandwich panels.”

Completed: art. gr. PiPSMIK-12

Yakovleva S.V.

Checked by: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Mestnikov A.E.

Yakutsk 2015

1. Introductory part

3. Technological part

3.1 Selection of production method and technological scheme

3.2 Workshop operating hours

3.3 Workshop productivity

3.4 Raw materials and semi-finished products

3.6 Selection and calculation of main process equipment

3.9 Shop staff list

4. Labor protection

6. Construction part



1. Introductory part

Finishing materials in construction, used to improve the operational and decorative qualities of buildings and structures, as well as to protect building structures from atmospheric and other influences. In modern construction, the main finishing materials include: natural and artificial stone materials, finishing ceramics, materials and products based on wood, paper, glass, plastics, metals, paints and varnishes and others.

Finishing materials are usually intended for interior or exterior decoration. Some materials are used in both interior and exterior finishing works (for example, natural decorative stone, ceramic materials, architectural glass, etc.). A special group of finishing materials consists of materials and products for floor coverings, which must meet a number of specific requirements (low abrasion, high impact strength, etc.). Finishing materials also include some acoustic materials used simultaneously as sound-absorbing coatings and for decorative finishing of the interiors of entertainment buildings (theaters, concert halls, cinemas, etc.).

A large group of finishing materials consists of facing materials and products produced in the form of sheets, slabs and tiles (for example, sandwich panels, asbestos-cement facing sheets, steelite, ceramic mosaic slabs and tiles, decorative laminated paper, etc.) and differing as usually with high operational and architectural and decorative qualities. In the conditions of modern industrial construction, it is rational to clad building structures during the factory production of prefabricated elements, delivering them to the installation site with lined surfaces (for example, ceramic mosaic tiles are laid in a mold and concreted together with wall panels or staircase landings).

This course work examines a workshop for the production of sandwich panels.

What are sandwich panels? Sandwich panels are a complex multilayer system.

The middle layer of the sandwich panel, responsible for heat and sound insulation, most often consists of polystyrene foam or mineral wool insulation. To cover the middle layer, manufacturers of materials such as sandwich panels use galvanized steel sheets with a protective and decorative coating.

If we ignore the architectural and aesthetic requirements for construction projects, then sandwich panels could be called an ideal building material.

Firstly, sandwich panels are approximately 10 times superior to traditional building materials (brick, wood, concrete) in terms of thermal characteristics!

Secondly, the mass of sandwich panels is 10 - 20 times less than that of traditional materials. That is, you can significantly reduce the load on the foundation, and in some cases do without it at all. Transportation costs are also significantly reduced - there is no need to transport heavy reinforced concrete panels or bricks.

Thirdly, sandwich panels are inexpensive and reliable structures; they allow you to save at literally every stage of construction, not only money, but also time. For example, fastening a sandwich panel to a frame is done very quickly using self-tapping bolts for metal or wood, depending on what the frame is made of. By the way, thanks to this, if necessary, you can even dismantle the structure and transport the building to another location.

Fourthly, sandwich panels do not require additional finishing. Their surfaces - thin-sheet galvanized steel - are painted with reliable paint or coated with a layer of polymer at the factory.

The advantages of sandwich panels for builders can be listed further. But let us note that they do not create problems for operators either. After all, their shell, as mentioned above, is made with a good and reliable anti-corrosion coating; the insulation material has low thermal conductivity, minimal moisture absorption, sufficient mechanical strength, and high durability. And the sandwich panel itself is resistant to harmful ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric and mechanical influences. In addition, any communications can be easily laid through the sandwich panels: drilling or cutting this structure is much easier than reinforced concrete panels.

Sandwich panels are used in the construction of both residential and industrial buildings. The unique design and low weight of products such as sandwich panels are their main advantages, which entail a large margin of safety and low costs for transportation, loading and installation.

Houses made from sandwich panels are manufactured at the factory, after which all that remains is to deliver and assemble them. This factor allows construction to be carried out in the shortest possible time, as well as significant savings on finishing the house. The last factor is due to the fact that sandwich panels have a surface that does not require additional treatment - putty or plaster, and are produced already painted in the color chosen by the customer.

2. Range of products

Table 1 Linear dimensions

3. Technological part

sandwich panel construction decorative

3.1 Choice of production method

Sandwich panels consist of three layers. The outer layers are profiled facing sheets. Internal - heat-insulating material. The layers are fastened together using high-quality glue.

In terms of thermal characteristics, sandwich panels are significantly superior to traditional materials. Panels with a thickness of 100 mm replace brickwork of two and a half bricks, which confirms the serious energy saving of the building as a whole and provides a high degree of comfort.

The speed of construction from sandwich panels is several orders of magnitude higher than from foam blocks, bricks and reinforced concrete. Therefore, the panels are used primarily in the construction of prefabricated buildings. It is obvious that the speed of construction of buildings and structures is very important in our time, especially in the construction of warehouses, industrial, agricultural and commercial buildings, where time is money, first of all. The faster the object is built, the sooner and more money will be earned on it, the sooner it will pay off and begin to give you your earned profit.

When using sandwich panels in construction, the load on the foundation is tens of times less than when using concrete and brick.

The panels have high performance characteristics, including due to the reduction in metal consumption of structures, which is important in construction and its overall cost.

These sandwich panels are distinguished by good environmental friendliness and biological resistance: they are odorless, do not cause skin irritation, and their insulation consists of 98% air. They are very resistant to rotting and destruction; do not mold and pose absolutely no danger to humans and their environment.

The polymer coating has high abrasion resistance, is resistant to interaction with acidic environments, as well as ultraviolet radiation.

The surface of the panels is ideal for use as external and internal walls, as it does not require any additional finishing.

Sandwich panels have a high level of resistance to a wide range of chemicals, oils and solvents, and to corrosive environmental influences.

The panels are mechanically strong. They serve as good protective protection from various external factors.

Panels with exposed self-extinguishing polystyrene foam insulation are very lightweight (a seven-meter panel is lifted manually by two people), which provides significant savings on the foundation, frame, construction equipment and labor.

The lightness of sandwich panels with polystyrene foam insulation, compared to traditional materials and panels with other insulation materials, makes them easier to handle, making their storage, transportation, processing and installation simple and convenient.


Sandwich panel casings use galvanized steel, aluzinc and painted galvanized steel with a polyester polymer coating.

Galvanized steel is a material that attracts customers with its low price, ease of handling and prevalence in the building materials market. The durability of zinc-coated steel is determined primarily by the thickness of the zinc coating layer. This plant uses galvanized steel with a zinc coating with a thickness of 23-24 microns (275 - 278 g/sq. m.), the durability of which is at least 10-15 years.

Insulation materials.

Mineral wool.

For sandwich panels, only solid mineral wool with a density of at least 100-115 kg/m3 is used. With less dense insulation, the panels are not rigid enough. The insulation is positioned in such a way that its fibers are perpendicular to the plane of the sheathing (transversely oriented fibers); for this purpose, the mineral slab is cut into strips (lamellas). This ensures the high strength characteristics of the panels.

The main positive advantage of mineral wool when used as insulation for sandwich panels is its non-flammability. This explains the popularity of the filler among customers. The disadvantages include the low moisture resistance of mineral wool (panels with this insulation must be reliably protected from precipitation during transportation and storage), as well as its weight (on average 20 kg/m2 for a roofing panel 200 mm thick).

Additional elements.

Additional elements are metal products with the help of which the ends, joints and other structural units of walls and roofs are closed to give the building or structure the desired color and a complete aesthetic appearance. Additional elements also serve as additional protection against moisture penetration. They are elements of roofing or facade finishing. They are used to complete buildings and structures constructed using sandwich panels, profile sheets and corrugated sheets. For the design of partitions, joints and junctions of enclosing structures, parapets, cornices, window blocks, etc. For roofing - ridges, valleys, wind and connecting flashings. For facades - external and internal corners, end, upper and lower flashings, as well as side flashings for windows, parapet, plinth and transitional additional elements.

Additional elements play an important role in the construction of structures made of sandwich panels and corrugated sheets. The following materials are used in production: galvanized steel (0.5 - 0.7mm), aluzinc (0.5mm), galvanized painted steel with polymer coating (0.5 - 0.7mm). The configuration of additional elements is determined by the dimensions of the buildings and can be determined both from the project and from field measurements at the construction site. At the Customer's request, additional elements can be made from the same material as sandwich panels, corrugated sheets or profile sheets. The color can be selected from a wide range of colors according to the RAL or RR catalogue.

Production flow diagram

Scheme 1 Technological scheme for the production of sandwich panels

3.2 Workshop operating hours

table 2

The nominal annual working time fund is determined by the formula:

Fn=Dn*Sm*Tcm (1)

Fn=260*2*8=4160 h.

The annual working time fund is:

Fch=Fn*Ktn*Ksm (2)

Fch=4160*0.95*0.75=2964 h.

The coefficient of technical utilization of equipment is determined taking into account the downtime of equipment per year. Approximately Ktn=0.95

3.3 Workshop productivity

Calculation of productivity for each technological stage is made according to the formula:

Pr=P0/ ( 1 - (B/100) ),

Pr= 30000/(1 - (5/100))=31579

where Pr is the productivity of the calculated processing stage;

Po is the productivity of the stage following the calculated one;

B - production waste and losses from defects, %.

The productivity of the workshop for finished products is determined by the formulas:

where Pyear is the specified annual productivity of the workshop, t (m3); Av is the estimated number of working days per year; n - number of shifts per day; Вр - estimated annual working hours, hours. Defects for sandwich panel factories are 5%. Calculation of cargo flows (calculation of raw materials) during production.

Table 3

3.4 Raw materials and semi-finished products

For the production of sandwich panels, imported materials from well-known European companies are used:

Mineral wool with a density of 120 kg/m3;

Thin-sheet hot-dip galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick;

Two-component polyurethane adhesive.

Figure 1 Panels with mineral wool - non-flammable sandwich panels (NG)

3.5 Manufacturing process

The technological process of manufacturing panels consists of a number of technological operations, the total number of which can be very large, vary both in the number and composition of operations, and in the order of their execution, depending on the type of structure, equipment, transport routes, delivery of the product and dispatch of finished panels to consumers and other factors, including those of particular importance. From the total number of technological operations, it is advisable to highlight the main ones that determine the fundamental conditions for the manufacture of panels and the sequence of such operations one after another. Knowledge of the technological process will help to better organize it, taking into account local conditions that determine the technical and economic indicators of panel production in enterprises.

The technological process of assembling sandwich panels consists of the following steps:

1. The metal roll is placed in a special metal unwinding/feeding device (unwinding drum).

2. Next, the sheet of metal is fed through a special input device, where a protective film is applied to the sheet of metal (protective film application device), and fed into a profiling device (rolling mill). The rolling mill allows you to produce a sandwich panel lining of the required length with the required main profile (pattern) and locks.

3. The profiled sheet of metal is placed on the assembly table with the unpainted (primer) side up.

4. Glue is applied to the metal sheet automatically (automatic glue applicator) or manually. The glue is activated by finely dispersed water.

5. In the production of panels, mineral wool mats are used, specially sawn into lamellas using a lamella cutting device.

6. The lamellas adjacent to the lock during assembly are milled (slit selection device, lamella milling).

7. The lamellas are laid along the sheet of metal using glue. The mineral wool fibers should be oriented perpendicular to the facing. The slats fit tightly to each other, without gaps. If a gap is formed, the compensation panel of the required width is cut on a device for selecting a gap in the lamella.

8. Using an automatic glue application device, glue and water are applied to the laid lamellas.

9. The previously made sandwich panel lining is placed manually on the lamellas, or the sandwich panel lining manufactured on a parallel rolling mill is grabbed using a turning device, turned over and placed on the laid lamellas.

10. The assembled sandwich panel is fed into the press. In the press, the panels are glued together under the influence of temperature and pressure.

11. From the press, the finished sandwich panel is fed to the receiving table, from where it is further transported to the finished product warehouse (possibly through a sandwich panel packaging device).

3.6 Calculation and selection of main technological and transport equipment

Figure 2 Unwinding drum with a new type of spreading mechanism for a steel reel weighing up to 7 tons with its own drive and control from a central console

Figure 4 Guillotine with figured knives. Curly knives allow you to cut both the main profile of the lining and the side locks without jams and burrs

3.7 List of workshop equipment

Table 6

Name and brand of equipment

Brief characteristics of the equipment

Number of equipment units

Marking - RBK-07.20.06;

Weight - 1280 kg;

Length - 1550;

Width - 1600;

Height - 1450;

Roll weight up to 7 tons.

Marking - SN-1.2-02;

Weight - 225 kg;

Length - 2000;

Width - 1650;

Height - 1200.

Marking - NP-1250/05;

Weight - 230 kg;

Length - 420;

Width - 1650;

Height - 780.

Marking - SNK-12.0/02;

Weight - 630 kg;

Length - 13000;

Width - 1450;

Height - 1400.

Slat cutting device

Marking - SRW-12.01;

Weight - 45 kg;

Length - 1000;

Width - 800;

Height - 1200.

Marking - RT-7.12/05;

Weight - 460 kg;

Length - 12000;

Width - 1100;

Height - 5000.

Marking - PT-1200/03;

Weight - 9750 kg;

Length - 13000;

Width - 1400;

Height - 1600.

Packaging plant

Marking - UPK-1500/06;

Weight - 1500 kg;

Length - 1500;

Width - 3400;

Height - 3400.

3.8 Calculation of energy resource requirements

Electricity consumption is determined by calculation, based on the technical characteristics of the main and transport equipment. Calculation of electricity consumption for each group of electric motors is given in Table 7.

The power load factor reflects the use of engine power installed with this equipment, depending on the degree of its load during operation. If the equipment is fully loaded in accordance with technical performance and the engine is running at full power, then it is equal to 1, and if it is not fully used, then it will be less than one. The value of this coefficient can be conditionally determined by the formula:

where Kam is the engine power load factor;

Pf and Pt - equipment productivity (actual and technical);

b - coefficient depending on the degree of use of equipment productivity.

Electricity consumption

Table 7

Name of equipment with electric motor

Quantity one Equipment

Electric motor power, kW

Equipment utilization coefficient. according to KVN time

Power load factor Kzn

Consumption electricity taking into account coefficient usage and load by power

Unwinding drum with its own drive and replaceable shaft.

Guide device with film rolling and cross-cutting device

Guillotine with profile knives

Installation for applying glue in automatic mode

Slat cutting device

Device for carrying covers

Packaging plant

Electricity consumption per shift, per day and per year is determined by multiplying the corresponding number of working hours per shift, day, year. Specific energy consumption is calculated using the formula:

The plant's need for energy resources.

Table 8

3.9 Shop staff list

Table 9

Name of professions or types of work

Number of employees

Shift duration

Number of people-hours

Productive workers

Worker 1

Worker 2

Worker 3

Worker 4




Shop staff


Deputy directors

Chief Accountant

Cleaning woman

3.10 Control of the technological process and quality of finished products

The dimensions of the panels are checked using limit gauges and universal measuring instruments that ensure the required accuracy. The thickness of the panels is checked with a thickness gauge according to GOST 11358 or another measuring instrument that provides a measurement error of no more than ±0.1 mm. The measurement is carried out at a distance of at least 25 mm from the edge of the slab in six points: at two points from each long side of the slab with a distance between the measurement points of about 1/3 of the length of the slab and one point in the middle of the short sides of the slab. Deviation from the straightness of the edges is determined according to GOST 27680 using a device or straight edge according to GOST 8026 with a length of 1000 mm not lower than the second accuracy class and a set of styli. The deviation of the perpendicularity of adjacent edges is determined according to GOST 27680 using a square according to GOST 3749 and a set of styli or by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals across the face, measured with a metal tape with a division value of 1 mm according to GOST 7502. During arbitration tests products, the deviation of perpendicularity of adjacent edges is determined according to GOST 27680.

4. Environmental protection

The following harmful factors are considered in occupational safety: electric shock when working with electric tools for processing and installing sandwich panels, in order to prevent consequences such as burns, after an electric shock, technical measures are taken, such as wire insulation, grounding, and sanitary measures are also carried out activities include conducting safety training. To prevent bruises and cuts from moving cutting parts of equipment, measures are taken such as metal fencing with chain-link mesh, and sanitation instructions are provided on first aid. To avoid hearing impairment when working with electrical equipment and tools for processing and manufacturing sandwich panels, technical measures are taken to comply with noise level standards, and each worker is issued noise-reducing headphones. To protect your vision and breathing from metal filings after sawing sandwich panels with a jigsaw and a reciprocating saw, you must wear protective plastic goggles and a mask.

5. Technical and economic part

Table 10

6. Construction part

This building is intended to house production facilities:

With a relative air humidity in the room up to 60% (if the customer carries out specially designed measures, the humidity can be increased to 70%)

With a calculated room temperature of 180C;

With aggressive and slightly aggressive environments according to SNiP 2.03.11.-85;

The fire resistance level of the building is IUa according to SNiP 2.01.02-85, it is being built in the areas:

Ш by weight of snow cover and IV by wind speed pressure according to SNiP 2.01.07-85;

With an estimated outside air temperature of minus 400C and above;

With a calculated seismicity of up to 7 points inclusive (main option) and up to 9 points inclusive (additional option) according to SNiP II-7-81.

The building (module) is one-story, heated, craneless, single-span, rectangular in plan, with axial dimensions of 24x36 m.

The height of the building along the cornice is 7.34 m, the height to the bottom of the frame structures is 6.98 m.

The frame of the building (module) consists of:

Box-section frame structures of the “Orsk” type with a span of 24 m;

Columns made of rolled wide-flange I-beams installed at the corners of the building;

Half-timbered posts made of wide-flange I-beams installed at the ends of the building in 6 m increments;

Beams made of rolled channels at the ends of the building;

Half-timbered crossbars made of bent profiles of box-shaped and Z-shaped sections;

Purlins from rolled channels.

The enclosing structures include:

External wall panels of the “Sandwich” type with steel sheathing and polyurethane foam insulation with a thickness of 61.6 mm;

Folded steel swing gates, dimensions 3.6x3.6 m;

Double-leaf steel doors insulated;

The windows are steel.

The roof of the building is rolled on a steel profiled decking. The roof insulation is made of mineral wool slabs of increased rigidity.

The roof drainage system is external, unorganized.


In this course work, a workshop for the production of sandwich panels with a capacity of 31,579 m3 per year is designed. The production of products such as sandwich panels is a multi-stage process based on the use of the latest technological equipment.

At present, when the ecology of our Earth is disrupted, this environmentally friendly material, according to numerous studies, is extremely important.

Possible for use in the food industry and honey. institutions.

Thus, taking into account all the advantages of products such as sandwich panels, the economic feasibility of using prefabricated buildings, the construction of prefabricated buildings is becoming the most popular and affordable, and the breadth of use of sandwich panels is unlimited.


1. V.F. Zavadsky, A.F. Kosach, P.P. Deryabin Wall materials and products: textbook. - Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2005. - 254 p.

2. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Technology of insulating materials and products”



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Sandwich panels- multilayer structures used in construction. Consist of 1 or 2 outer layers and insulation. Their production is carried out using cold-rolled galvanized steel - - with a polymer coating. The popularity of their use in construction is due to the following qualities: high thermal insulation qualities, simplicity and speed of construction, ease of transportation, and compactness.

Below is information about the production of sandwich panels, equipment for it, manufacturing technology with a video of how they are made, types of insulation and outer layers. Briefly and in detail about the business.

These wall panels have a special roofing rigidity of the ribs. Zinc increases corrosion resistance. If you install them on the roof, you can save on heat loss and thereby reduce your space heating costs. This has an unlimited service life and retains its properties throughout the entire operational time.

Equipment and manufacturing technology


The following insulation materials are used as filler:

  • mineral wool (basalt fiber);
  • polyurethane foam PUR (polyisocyanurate PIR);
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • fiberglass;
  • polypropylene.

There are also sandwich panels based on polyisocyanurate foam insulation, but at the moment the product is little known.

Outer layers

As a rule, the outer layers are made of galvanized steel, but can also be made of other materials, in particular wood chip-based composites. For steel coatings, the composition of the additional coating is important, the quality of which largely determines the characteristics of the panels (service life, fading of outer layers, etc.).

Main materials used as coating:

  • Cink Steel. The durability of the structure is directly proportional to the thickness of the zinc layer. The coating is easy to handle.
  • Aluzinc- an alloy of aluminum and zinc, patented by the American company Bethlehem Steel (now Mittal Steel). The exact composition of the substance: 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc, 1.6% silicon. The coating reflects ultraviolet radiation. Sandwich panels with this top layer can be operated at temperatures up to + 315 °C.
  • is a material made from two sheets of construction cardboard with a gypsum core. It is a lightweight and absolutely safe coating for panels; relevant for use in finishing residential premises.
  • Plastisol- modified polyvinyl chloride using plasticizers. Due to the increased density, the coating retains its performance properties even in unfavorable environmental conditions. Plastisol tolerates mechanical stress well. Suitable for both interior and exterior decoration.
  • Plastic sheets made from rigid PVC, polystyrene or polypropylene. Plastic sheets are used for the production of sandwich slopes when finishing window openings.
  • Polydifluorionad(PVF2) - a composition formed from 80% plastisol and 20% acrylic. The polydifluorionad layer reliably protects the panel from the harmful effects of temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and corrosion.
  • Polyester. It is made from polyesters and has a fibrous structure. It tolerates even constant high temperatures well. The polyester-based coating does not fade and is resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Pural- a substance obtained from polyamide-modified polyurethane. Pural protects the surface of the sandwich panel from corrosion, burnout, and destruction under the influence of temperature changes. Can be used both inside and outside the building.
  • OSB(English) OSB) - oriented strand board, made by gluing wood shavings under high pressure.
  • Moisture-resistant hardboard- a composite material made from wood fibers and shavings based on glue. The degree of moisture resistance of the material depends on the glue used.

Color spectrum

The range of shades for metal panels is determined according to the international color catalogs RR (RaColor - 22 primary colors) and RAL (841 GL - 202 colors, 840 HR - 17 colors). When choosing a color, its ability to absorb/reflect light is taken into account, because, together with the characteristics of the environment, this condition will largely determine the overall service life of the building.

Thermal properties

The most important parameter for the energy efficiency of sandwich panels is thermal resistance (R0), which takes into account heat losses in the locking part of the structure. The minimum heat transfer resistance (at 25 °C) for quality products is given in the table below:

The construction of a building made of sandwich panels can be considered energy efficient if its air permeability is less than 1.5 m 3 / m 2 hour. At the same time, the best samples of panels can achieve air permeability in the range of 0.6-0.9 m 3 / m 2 hour.

Technological process

Production can be carried out on semi-automatic and automatic equipment. The manufacturing process of this material is as follows and consists of several stages:

  1. Polishing steel sheets.
  2. Glue is applied to the bottom sheet of metal and foam or mineral wool insulation is laid.
  3. The top sheet is also greased with glue and covered with it on the future sandwich.
  4. The resulting structure is placed under a hot press and excess material is trimmed from the end part.

This production method is quite low-productivity and labor-intensive, since specialists carry out many actions manually.

The excess is cut on a special cutting machine. After this, the finished products are wrapped in a special film and sent to the warehouse in workshop transport. The sandwich panels are supplied with sealants and various additional elements.

In addition to metal sheets, you can use wood or fiber board. This panel is called a 3-layer combined panel, and is used during the construction of buildings made of light metal structures.

Video of how sandwich panels are made:

There are also polyurethane foam panels, which are produced on semi-automatic lines using the foaming method. The essence of the method is that polyurethane foam is sprayed through a syringe onto metal sheets located in special forms. When using this method, there is a risk of formation of dips or voids in the insulating layer.

Price RUR 7,900,000
Steel sheet unwinding process

Production line PRL-6-SA

Scope of application: production sandwich panels filled with expanded polystyrene (EPS) or mineral wool.

  • Speed production line 0–6 m/min. (adjustable)
  • Total power 80 kW
  • Overall dimensions 60x12x6.5 m
  • Transport dimensions - 6 containers (40” HQ)
  • Weight 45 tons

Premises requirements

Installation room sandwich panel production lines must meet the following requirements:

  • Installation room dimensions lines 60 x 14 x 6.5 m
  • Preparation of the foundation in accordance with the manufacturer’s drawings
  • Availability of power supply 380V, 50Hz
  • Availability of a crane installation with a lifting capacity of up to 5 tons
  • Availability of a source of compressed air (compressor) with a capacity of 0.4-0.6 m3/min and a pressure of 0.7 MPa.
  • When production of sandwich panels with mineral wool filling, the room must be equipped with a dust collection and ventilation system in accordance with current rules and regulations.

Line composition

1. Unwinding device - 2 pcs. Number of spindles - 6 pcs., each is designed to unroll rolls with a width of up to 1300 mm (internal/external diameter 500/1300 mm, maximum weight 6000 kg.)

2. Devices for cross-cutting steel sheets and covering the surface with PVC film - 2 pcs.

3. Profiling industrial installation - 2 pcs.:
- first profiling installation 8500 x 1520 mm, engine power 4 kW
- second profiling unit 1500 x 1520 mm, engine power 2.2 kW

4. Heating device - 1 pc.

5. Installation for preparing and applying polyurethane two-component binder – 2 pcs.

6. Main lamination gluing press sandwich panels with rubber rollers measuring 8000mm x 2200mm – 1 pc.

7. Device for cutting sandwich panels (band saw or circular saw) – 1 pc.
The cutting device will move in the longitudinal and transverse directions relative to production line, the single-sided band saw moves in the transverse direction only. For safety reasons, its movement is limited.

8. Electronic control system - PLC software logical control device with touch screen control (Mitsubishi, Japan) - 1 pc.

Manufactured products

Optional equipment

Price RUR 3,100,000

Work process: the panels are placed on a transport belt for further movement to the device, after which the bundle passes through the packaging unit, where it is wrapped with film on four sides.
  • Pack size: length 3000-12000 mm, width 1250 mm, height 1100 mm
  • Packaging material - polyethylene film 500mm wide (each reel no more than 15 kg, 1500m, internal diameter 76 mm)
  • Possibility to automatically increase packaging time at the beginning and end of the pack.
  • Automatic film feeding
  • Automatic filling of foam polystyrene (EPS) pads, pad size 900-1200 x 200mm x 100mm
  • Speed ​​0-5m/min (adjustable)
  • Cylinder diameter - 1,828 mm
  • Film pitch 0-300mm (adjustable)
  • Pre-stretch of the film at least 150%
  • PLC device control (Mitsubishi, Japan) with touch screen (Low Voltage Schneider/Omron)
  • Uninterruptible power supply for packaging film system
  • Working surface height 700mm
  • Overall dimensions of the installation: 26m x 2.7m x 2.6m
  • Weight 5 tons

Installation of cutting mineral wool lamellas

Price 1,200,000 rub.

Work process: the panels are placed on a transport belt for further movement to the packaging device, after which the bundle passes through the packaging unit, where it is wrapped with film on four sides.

  • Total power about 10 kW
  • The device can cut mineral wool slabs with dimensions of 1200 x 1200 mm and a thickness of 50-100 mm
  • The density of mineral wool should be 100-150 kg/m3. Dimensions 4366 x 1600 x 1575 mm Desk height 800 mm
  • The machine can cut mineral wool slabs into lamellas in widths of 50, 100, 150 and 200 mm
  • The unit is equipped with a Ø355 circular saw with a rotation speed of 1230 rpm.
  • Supply of mineral wool via roller conveyors at a speed of 2.5 m/min.
  • The lifting and lowering height of the clamp can be adjusted depending on the thickness of the mineral wool

The popularity of sandwich panels is growing every year. There are a number of reasons for this. After all, sandwich panels are used in the construction of houses made of light metal structures. Thanks to this, heavy equipment is not used during the construction process, as in the construction of structures made of concrete, stone or wood.

Thus, residents of neighboring houses are not disturbed by the constant noise coming from the construction site.

Types of sandwich panels

There are two types of sandwich panels:

  1. Wall;
  2. Roofing.

Wall ones are divided into:

  • smooth profiled;
  • decorative profiled (siding).

Roofing are divided into:

  • profiled on the outside;
  • profiled on both sides.

Sandwich panel structure

Sandwich panel is a building material consisting of several layers, the frame of which is a solid material such as metal, fiberboard and polyvinyl chloride. The frame elements are connected to each other using hot pressing.

Also, in addition to glued ones, there are panels assembled element by element. They are convenient because when disassembled during storage they take up a minimum amount of space and are assembled directly at the construction site using additional components: corrugated sheets, cassette profiles and insulation.


There are 4 main types of thermal insulation:

  • Basalt fiber (mineral wool) - in most cases, it is the filler for the frame of sandwich panels. It is combined from silicate alloys of rocks and slags. The big advantage of which is that it does not support open combustion.
  • Fiberglass is a material with a high level of sound insulation. Ecologically pure. Its characteristics are similar to basalt fiber (mineral wool). At temperatures above +400 ° C the material is not recommended for use.
  • Expanded polystyrene – recommended for use in the construction of warehouses and refrigeration chambers. Has a cellular structure.
  • Polyurethane foam - has high strength, sound and heat insulation, as well as light weight, is not susceptible to mold, and is resistant to combustion.


The top layer is made of galvanized steel sheet. To impart aesthetic properties to the finished product, an additional coating is applied:

  • Polyester, which is resistant to mechanical stress and negative environmental influences;
  • Drywall, which is used in interior decoration;
  • Pural, which is not susceptible to corrosion, is resistant to fading. Used for external and internal finishing;
  • Plastisol, which has excellent resistance to adverse external conditions and mechanical stress;
  • Aluzinc (zinc-aluminum alloy), which is resistant to high temperatures, up to +315 ° C.

Sandwich panels can be of any color in any color.

Today, sandwich panel production technology has many different manufacturing methods, the most popular of which are automatic and semi-automatic.

Semi-automatic production of sandwich panels

With the semi-automatic technology for manufacturing sandwich panels, steel sheets are profiled, and insulation is distributed over the bottom sheet (this can be mineral wool, polystyrene foam or other material that provides thermal insulation). The next layer of polyurethane glue is applied and another sheet of profiled steel is placed on top. Next, the structure is placed under a press heated to a high temperature.

Then, this workpiece is processed - the excess material that was formed as a result of pressing is removed.

This method is quite labor-intensive and low-productive, since many stages of the work are performed manually, where the human factor is also possible.

The disadvantage of this technology for manufacturing sandwich panels is that voids may form in the insulating layer inside the frame during operation, which can subsequently lead to damage to the frame.

With automatic technology for the production of sandwich panels, two rolls of galvanized steel are laid out on one line, the surface of which is already protected by a polymer layer. Using a special mechanism, a layer of thermal insulation (it can be either foam plastic or mineral wool) is applied and distributed over both surfaces of the steel sheet. Next, a layer of polyurethane glue is applied and at the same time the rolled steel is profiled until the multilayer material becomes a single product. Then, in a special oven, under the influence of high temperatures and pressure, the finished product is obtained.

Advantages of sandwich panels

  • Quite low cost
  • High sound and heat insulation
  • Ease of transportation
  • All-season possibility of construction, regardless of weather conditions
  • Does not require additional finishing
  • Speed ​​of construction or renovation of buildings

Disadvantages of sandwich panels

  • Instability to damage (scratches)
  • Presence of abundant condensation
  • Toxicity of OSB board surfaces (within European standards)
  • Freezing of panels at joints
  • Damage to the frame at the junction of panels.
  • In the future, the sandwich panel production technology involves the creation of products with photocells that could generate solar energy.

    Production of PVC sandwich panels, video-luzor