Peter the mystery and meaning of the name. The meaning of the name Peter, character, origin and fate

Peter is a masculine name of Greek origin. The name Peter came into the Russian language, like most names of Greek origin, along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Translated from Greek the name Peter means "rock" or "stone". The name is very popular among Christians, since the name Peter is the name of one of the apostles. The name is revered in all branches of Christianity. The Apostle Peter is also considered the first Pope.

According to the New Testament, the Apostle Peter bore the name Samuel before meeting Christ. In turn, the name Samuel sounds differently in different cultures. These are names such as Semyon, Samvel and Shamil. You can find out the meaning of these names by following the links.

The meaning of the name Peter for a child

Little Petya can be described as an active, even slightly explosive child. He can be called unpredictable, which makes raising him a challenge. The boy loves to fantasize and it takes a lot of work for his parents to teach him to return to the real world. Its characteristic features place great responsibility on parents. He can grow up to be a very different person, and this will depend most of all on the patience and diligence of his loved ones.

Petya’s innate curiosity helps him in his studies. He is happy to learn new things. His mobility unfortunately interferes with those subjects where perseverance is needed. The boy has good creativity. His imagination not only helps him, it requires external manifestation. He loves to invent games, makes up stories with pleasure, and in general shows his talent in every possible way.

Peter is in good health. He rarely even has “obligatory” colds and runny nose. The weak point of Peter's health can be called his eyes. It is in childhood that wrong habits can be developed that negatively affect a boy’s eyes. It is advisable to pay special attention to this predisposition.

Short name Peter

Petya, Petka, Petrukha, Petro, Petrik.

Diminutive pet names

Parsley, Petrusha, Petechka, Petyushka, Petenka, Petrunya, Petrusya.

Children's middle names

Petrovich and Petrovna. It has no established folk forms of abbreviation.

Name Peter in English

In English, the name Peter is written as Peter, but read as Peter.

Name Peter for international passport- PETR.

Translation of the name Peter into other languages

in Arabic - بطرس‎‎
in Armenian - Պետրոս (read as Petros)
in Belarusian - Pyatro
in Bulgarian - Petar
in Hungarian - Peter
in Greek - Πέτρος
in Georgian - პეტრე
in Spanish - Pedro
in Italian - Pietro,Piero
in Chinese - 彼得
in Latin - Petrus
in Latvian - Pēteris (read as Peteris)
in German - Peter
in Polish - Piotr
in Romanian - Petru, Petre
in Czech - Petr
in Ukrainian - Petro
in French - Pierre (read as Pierre)
in Japanese - ピョトル

Church name Peter(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Peter may not change his name at baptism. One of the most revered names in the church. The name of one of the 12 apostles.

Characteristics of the name Peter

Characteristic features of Peter include his directness and penchant for independence. He does not like hypocrisy and in every possible way defends his right to say what he thinks. He can be called an idealist. Peter is a man with a warm heart, despite his age. He is a perfectionist and that says it all. He is looking for perfect love and perfect friendship. Peter will never come to terms with the fact that his dreams may remain dreams.

At work, his desire for ideality can even get in the way. The bosses often push Peter and do not allow him to complete the work to his understanding of readiness. This creates tension in the work, but no one can ever convince him that his approach is wrong. He has an excellent analytical mind and his ability to organize everything is highly respected.

Family occupies a very important place in Peter's life. Petya is serious about choosing a life partner and is ready to search for her for a long time. Maintains a warm relationship with his parents and loves big family holidays. She adores her own children and dotes on them. Family life with Peter is quite saturated with emotions. His explosive nature is evident here too. With the birth of children, she becomes more restrained and tolerant.

The secret of the name Peter

Secretly Peter can be called his penchant for despotism. This usually manifests itself when Peter becomes a leader. He is merciless towards his subordinates. Demands perfectionism from employees and usually achieves results. This leads to staff turnover, but the results will not be long in coming. Despotism can also manifest itself in the family, but here it will depend more on his significant other.

Peter's second secret can be called his jealousy. His jealousy can manifest itself both towards someone else's fame and in love relationships. Having married, Peter becomes a little calmer, but still this part of his nature sometimes haunts him and those around him.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

Totem animal- Cancer hermit.

Name color- Green.

Tree- Birch.

Plant- Lyubka the Night Night.

Stone- Emerald.


The name Peter is of ancient Greek origin. According to the main version, it comes from the ancient Greek name Petros. Its literal interpretation sounds like “stone.” And by the way, many research experts claim that this name is precisely because of this interpretation and can greatly influence the character of the bearer.

The male name Peter is no longer in great demand today, but is still found throughout almost the entire territory of the former USSR. It is endowed with excellent significance, has good symbolism, and promises excellent compatibility with most female names of our time...

Conversational options: Petya, Petka, Petyunya

Modern English analogues: Peter, Piers, Pierre, Pierrot

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Peter promises the newborn a good character, although the origin is, on the contrary, harsh. Since childhood, the boy named in this way demonstrates an acute dependence on justice, and he is also sincere, noble and honest, but is not sociable and tries to adhere to the position of a loner. Although this does not mean that he should be a loner in life - he can simply remain a loner until a certain moment...

He has no desire to surround himself with friends, and he has few people who could win his trust. He is not popular among his peers and therefore avoids them. But school is an object of adoration for him - he studies diligently and gains popularity with teachers, he loves praise and compliments, and perhaps even becomes the leader of the class and the confidant of the class teacher.

His disadvantage is low self-confidence and lack of determination. Parents should try to instill in him the opposite...

Advantages and positive features: Peter's most important virtue is that he will never act badly towards this or that person, even if this person deserved it. And Peter will never betray a person who trusted him, because he knows how difficult it is sometimes to trust, and how important it is later that this trust is not unjustified.

Peter treats him badly people capable of betrayal, cunning people, liars, seducers, selfish individuals. He also avoids communicating with women who behave too provocatively - they scare him.

The name Peter was once very popular, but has now lost its popularity, although it continues to be found.

Character of the name Peter

The nature of the name is one of the most complex factors in astrology and in general in the science that studies the significance of names. However, researchers at one time devoted a lot of time to studying this factor, and not without results. Thus, according to experts, the character of a guy named Peter is usually endowed with such traits as honesty, generosity, kindness, good nature, determination, planning, loyalty and devotion, sociability, friendliness, and talkativeness. And in general, Petya’s character is unique and can make you admire. Petya is a man of his word, always carrying the truth on his shoulders, he is straightforward, never lies, does not take advantage of other people’s weaknesses to achieve his own selfish goals, is not capable of cunning, a kind person. Plus, his character is such that it endows the bearer with a lot of leadership inclinations. Peter can become a boss and an excellent manager, a leader, but the truth is only if he can overcome his indecision and self-doubt, and overcome the fear of making mistakes. Peter is strong in spirit, always moving forward, ready to overcome any obstacles that arise on his path to his goal, but he is too weak-willed and timid. And a man named this way may also have many other shortcomings.

At the same time, the character of the bearer of the name Peter may differ greatly from that described above, because in fact it depends not only on the characteristics of the name. The character of each individual person also depends on the zodiac sign with its energy, and on the year according to the Chinese calendar, and even on the time of year of birth...

Early childhood

In early childhood, the character of a boy to whom his parents decided to give the rare male name Peter is promised such traits as shyness, suspiciousness, sincerity and openness, positivity and optimism, discipline and obedience. The meaning of the name Peter usually promises a diligent character and a fairly calm disposition; such a boy will never have enemies, but, on the contrary, he can have very, very many friends. Plus, the boy Petya can have an excellent fantasy and a wonderful imagination, such people never sit idle, they always find something to do, fantasize and invent activities for themselves, try not to sit in vain “pants” and not withdraw into themselves. On the other hand, the meaning also promises diligence, commitment, and constancy - such a boy will have the strength to finish any task without exception, he will not give up or quit halfway, he will never deviate from his goal, he will always finish what he started.

As for friends and comrades, Petya will never have problems with them, either in childhood or in adulthood. Yes, he is closed, a little secretive and timid, tries not to trust anyone, but at the same time he is sociable and will never refuse contact with a new person, he likes to communicate on a variety of topics, is talkative and sociable, diversified, and knows how to attract the attention of the interlocutor, interest him, intrigue him.


A teenage boy, who received the masculine name Peter at birth, usually has a huge number of friends and like-minded people, he easily communicates with them on a variety of topics, is eloquent and chatty, talkative, always has a bunch of topics to talk about, and it’s not boring with him. Plus, the meaning of the name Peter can also bestow a whole bunch of good characteristics: determination, constancy, diligence, commitment, hard work, emotionality, sensitivity and receptivity. All these traits can create a boy who is cheerful, sociable and quite popular. But what is no less important is that the meaning of the name form Petya also bestows with goodwill, generosity, and good nature - that is, traits thanks to which he can grow into a boy with a kind soul and heart, and a strong spirit.

The only major disadvantage of a teenager, over whom the meaning of the nominal variation Peter protects, is indecision, which develops over time into severe self-doubt, timidity, and suspiciousness. Together, these traits can have an incredibly negative effect - it is because of them that Peter will not be able to realize his leadership potential, take advantage of the inclinations through which he could become a respected person in society. But Petya will never have problems with his studies; the meaning of this name can bestow a huge amount of talent, and most importantly, hard work, which, alas, many people really lack at school.

Grown man

An adult man named Peter has many advantages. In their huge list, it would be worth highlighting such skills as sociability, friendliness, honesty and generosity, swiftness and assertiveness, perseverance and perseverance, dedication and hard work. He always follows the rules, tries to make only thoughtful decisions, does not trust intuition, uses exclusively logical thinking and is guided by common sense. The meaning of this name can bestow an exorbitant craving for power and material wealth, but due to a lack of determination and self-confidence, Peter is unlikely to achieve anything truly great. But everything that Peter achieves, he achieves only through his own labor, using willpower and perseverance. Such men are rare today.

As for friends, Peter has sadly few of them, but not because he is unpopular or unsociable; on the contrary, he is very sociable, he is simply afraid to get close to people, afraid of being betrayed or deceived sooner or later. But among the few friends that he has, there are only faithful, real, devoted comrades, those in whom Peter can be one hundred percent confident. The man who is patronized by the meaning of the name Peter is a man of his word, harsh, a little violent, but honest, and always keeps his promises; you can rely on him in any matter. He will never let you down.

Interaction of the character Peter with the seasons

Vesna is a boy born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring and given the name Peter; he is a man with pronounced leadership aspirations. Energetic and active, effective, despite obstacles, achieves goals on his own. In communication he is pleasant - balanced, ready to help and support. His wife should be an optimist, cheerful and open lady.

Summer - the summer one will be a careerist and a hermit. For him, only work and comfort are important. He can work for the sake of material wealth day and night, does not want to lose independence, refuses stormy, fleeting and even serious novels. Persistent and principled, he will not allow someone else’s opinion to be imposed on himself. A little selfish.

Autumn is already a complex person, with a complex nature. Capricious, sentimental, takes any joke seriously, takes offense at criticism and pointing out flaws. He is arrogant and considers himself unique - you should not argue with him, he will not give up his position, even if he knows that he is wrong. Idealist - tries to turn the environment into his own ideal puppets.

Winter - the winter male representative is self-confident, decisive, open and sociable, but a manipulator who craves dominance over loved ones. Adapts easily to situations due to the influence of his background, and always presents himself in the best light. It is important for him to feel in demand and honor. A happy marriage is possible only with a compliant woman who indulges in everything and has the kindest character.

The fate of the name Peter

The fate of the name Peter in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in marriage and in love is as follows. Which suggests to the bearer of this name a long search for a true soul mate and a very boring and monotonous personal life. Peter is a man who seeks ideals and harmony in everything; he will never accept a relationship with a girl in which there is something that does not satisfy his requirements; he is too principled in this regard.

But it should also be noted that fate may also imply a very rich personal life. Petr can change girls like gloves, it won’t be difficult for him to get the love of the girl he likes, but girls shouldn’t count on a long relationship with him if Pete doesn’t like something about them. That is why his fate involves too much searching for his soul mate. He does not like girls, he is stronger in spirit, he will not tolerate persistence and assertiveness, he will never become henpecked. Such is the fate of this name.

On the other hand, fate depends not only on the characteristics of the name, it depends on many other factors, and among them not only the character of the bearer of the name and astrological factors. The fate of a relationship also depends on upbringing, and on the compatibility of names, and even on the compatibility of zodiac signs.

Love and marriage

Peter's youth is usually quite stormy. Thanks to his attractive appearance, masculinity and strength, he conquers one girl after another. Constant flirting and short-term romances accompany him until he is almost 30 years old, so early marriage is hardly possible for him. Only after becoming a mature man does Peter rethink his attitude towards women and life in general, and develop his own principles and outlook on life.

He approaches starting a family very seriously, realizing the importance of this step in life. He takes on the role of head of the family with full responsibility and is a reliable support for him. Peter will try his best to provide for his beloved wife and children at a high level. The wife, in turn, should be not only beautiful, but also smart. It is important for Petya that she be a skilled housewife, a true keeper of the family hearth, creating coziness and comfort in their family nest. The ability to cook deliciously will also be a huge plus, because Peter often receives family and friends at their home, and his wife’s culinary talents will come in very handy in such cases.

Petya is a supporter of a healthy and proper lifestyle. He actively plays sports, takes care of his appearance, tries to eat right and avoid bad habits. In addition, he reads a lot for self-development. Well, his wife must always keep Petya’s interest in herself: common interests, admiration for his successes, ideal appearance, stormy and varied intimate life. If Peter loses interest in his wife, there is a high probability of betrayal and infatuation with another woman.

Peter as Father

Children are truly the flowers of life for each of us, but motherhood and fatherhood involve not only enormous responsibility, but also stress. With the advent of your own children, a person’s life will no longer be the same. How each individual or group of people with the same name will react to such stress is unknown. Responsibility, care, affection - these are the qualities that make it possible to assume that Peter will become not a bad, but a good father.

Petya is deeply and sincerely devoted to his children and loves them very much. He loves to pamper his kids and fill them with more and more new toys. He enjoys spending a lot of time with them, teaching them various board games and educating them. He tries to instill in his children a love of a healthy lifestyle, sports and reading.

Children simply adore dad and consider him a wonderful father, a true role model. In the future, daughters of dads named Petya very often look for a spouse similar to daddy, and sons try to be like daddy, copying not only his behavior, but also his lifestyle.

Horoscope named Peter


Aries - a boy named Peter, protected by the meaning of Aries, is energetic and powerful, a leader, ambitious and independent. He goes headlong towards his goal, and will not miss the chance to become famous and gain respect. Distrustful - afraid of betrayal, deceivers, and flatterers.


Taurus - here the zodiac paired with the name Peter forms a completely unique personality. Calm and balanced, loves quiet time, but is not a loner. Surrounds himself with loyal friends from childhood. Able to listen and delve into other people's troubles, help and sacrifice himself. Needs an honest and faithful soul mate, never lies.


Gemini - this zodiac sign, together with the name Peter, promises eloquence and friendliness. This type of person tries to be among friends, communicate more, enjoy life and open up to people. He is not created for boredom or fun, he loves organization and planning. He lives by following a plan and routine, and is a little selfish.


Cancer is a hard worker and a hard worker, a careerist, a toiler who works for the benefit of his loved one. Doesn't need friends or a reliable soul mate. Thirsts for power and success, not created for joy about what has been achieved. Constantly finds new goals and achieves them by any means.

a lion

Leo is an egoist, too self-confident and self-sufficient. Self-affirms through arguments with morally weaker people. He does not accept someone else's point of view, knows how to manipulate consciousness and facts, masterfully deceives if necessary, and does not disdain betrayal.


Virgo - here we are talking about a dreamy, naive, trusting dreamer who adores smart people. He cannot stand boring and tedious people, he surrounds himself with exclusively interesting personalities. He is compatible with bright and frivolous ladies. He will become an exemplary father and husband.


Libra - and this zodiac gives a boy named Peter a sentimental and vulnerable nature. He is morally weak, distrustful, capricious and touchy, but honest and incapable of bad deeds. He wants to appear strong, but his moral principles do not allow him to achieve this - he is not ready to stand up for himself.


Scorpio is the owner of a difficult character, a selfish person who sees only mistakes and shortcomings in others, but does not notice his own. It is impossible for a normal, self-respecting lady to get along with someone like this - he needs a compliant, weak woman, adapted to “mental imprisonment.”


Sagittarius is an idealist, a dreamer, a romantic, childish and frivolous, irresponsible and unreliable. Believes in high feelings, harmony of the world and spiritual purity of humanity. He often makes mistakes about people and does not understand them. In relationships, he is jealous, but faithful and devoted.


Capricorn is a fickle, active, energetic, freedom-loving and independent guy in thinking and action, who develops into a power-hungry tyrant. With such a beloved woman, she will have to suffer - there is only one way out, to accept him the way he was born into the world.


Aquarius - and here, who received the name Peter, is by nature an eloquent talker, a flatterer. He knows how to adapt to the atmosphere in society, and always carefully chooses his behavior in order to please people. Not a brawler, not a redneck, compromising and unprincipled, kind and sympathetic. Wants to be liked by everyone, appreciates those who are sincere.


Pisces is a man with feminine characteristics. Weak, indecisive, capricious and touchy by origin of the soul, longs for understanding, respect for his “ego”. There is little chance of achieving career success. He will have to take on the role of a wife in marriage, being a househusband and keeper of the hearth.

Compatibility with female names

The issue of compatibility of the name Peter with names for women was revealed by researchers of the now defunct Soviet Union, and today it does not represent a secret. Several factors were then identified...

The first speaks of an excellent combination in feelings with such as Anastasia, Bronislava, Dora and Varvara, Rose and Mirra, Emma and Maria.

The second is about the possibility of a long-lasting and lasting marriage with Caroline, Christina, Nadezhda, Praskovya, Sarah, Lydia, Nelly, and Faina.

And the third is about the impossibility of a spiritual connection with Alice, Agnia, Seraphima, Flora, Stefania, and Stanislava.

The mystery of the name

Peter- stone (ancient Greek).
In the XIX - 1st half of the XX centuries. the name was quite famous. For about 50 years it was almost forgotten, but now it has reappeared.
Zodiac name: Cancer.
Planet: Moon.
Name color: green.
Talisman stone: emerald.
Auspicious plant: birch.
Patron name: Cancer hermit.
Happy day: Monday.
Happy time of year: summer.
Main features: unpredictability, excellent intuition.


Peter Avislomit (Aniysky), martyr, January 25 and 26 (12 and 13).
Peter I of Alexandria, Patriarch, Hieromartyr, December 8 (November 25).
Peter of Argos, bishop, May 16 (3).
Peter Atroisky, Rev., September 26 (13).
Peter the African, Rev., October 5 (September 22).
Peter of Adrianople, bishop, martyr, February 4 (January 22).
Peter of Bulgaria, king, February 12 (January 30).
Peter of Vladimir-Volynsky Yaropolk (baptized Peter), Prince, December 5 (November 22).
Peter of Galatia, Antioch, silent, reverend, February 14 (1), December 8 (November 25).
Peter of Galatia, Constantinople, Rev., October 22 (9).
Peter Kazansky, martyr, April 6 (March 24).
Peter the Capitoline, Damascus, presbyter, martyr, October 17 (4).
Peter of Constantinople, Olympic, Rev., July 14 (1).
Peter of Constantinople, martyr, August 22 (9).
Peter of Lampsaki, martyr, May 31 (18).
Peter of Moscow and all Rus', Metropolitan, September 6 (August 24), October 18 (5), January 3 (December 21).
Peter (monastically David) Muromsky, Prince, July 8 (June 25).
Peter of Nicea, bishop, September 23 (10).
Peter of Nicomedia, martyr, September 16 (3), January 10 (December 28).
Peter Ordynsky, Rostov, Tsarevich, Rev., June 5 (May 23), July 13 (June 30).
Peter (before calling - Simon), chief apostle (of the twelve), January 29 (16), July 12 and 13 (June 29 and 30). Disciple of Jesus Christ.
Peter of Sevastia, bishop, January 22 (9).
Peter of Syracuse, martyr, October 6 (September 23). Peter of Phoenicia, martyr, February 8 (January 26).
Peter Afonsky, Rev., June 25 (12). Originally a Greek, he served as a commander in the imperial troops and lived in Constantinople. In 667 he was captured by the Syrians and imprisoned in the fortress of the city of Samara on the Euphrates River. For a long time he languished in prison, wondering for what sins he was so punished. I remembered that I intended to go to the monastery and did not fulfill this. He began to observe strict fasting in prison, pray fervently and ask Nicholas the Wonderworker for intercession before God. Saint Nicholas and Saint Simeon the God-Receiver helped Peter to freedom. In Rome, he took monastic vows and soon boarded a ship sailing east. In a dream, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared to Peter and indicated the place where he was to live for the rest of his days - Mount Athos. For 53 years he lived there without seeing any people. His clothes had decayed, his hair and beard had grown to the ground, covering his body. Every 40 days, an Angel brought him heavenly manna to strengthen his strength. One day, a hunter chasing a deer saw him, got scared and started running. Peter stopped him, told him about his life, and ordered the hunter to visit him in a year. At the appointed time, the hunter and his brother, possessed by demons, came to Peter in the cave. They saw that the saint had reposed before God. The hunter's brother, as soon as he touched the body, received healing.


January 29 - Peter-half-feed: half of the feed prepared for the cattle is out by this time.
June 25 - Peter-turn: the sun turns to winter, and summer to hot weather.
July 8 is the day of Peter and his wife Fevronya, considered lucky for love.
July 12 - Peter's Day: rain on St. Peter means a bad harvest, two rains - good, three - rich.
On this day the end of Peter's fast.


Since childhood, Petya has been an easily excitable, nervous child with an explosive character. He is very stubborn, but by acting tactfully and calmly, he can be convinced. At school he is capable, inquisitive, but completely inattentive; his thoughts usually wander, in daydreams, far from the topic of the lesson. He is undisciplined and lazy. He likes to lie, or rather, he does not notice the boundary between truth and lies in a story, his imagination tells him his interpretation of the event. He is often interested in photography, records, and collects stamps. He loves to study; after graduating from school, he easily enters college.

Peter has an unpredictable character, he causes a lot of trouble for those around him, his upbringing is very important. If he grows up in a kind, loving family, he will easily develop creative abilities. If as a child he feels enough approval, love and respect from loved ones, he can be an angry, sullen whiner.

Peter matures early and strives for independence. As a young man, he prides himself on being able to tell people to their faces what he thinks about them. He himself is very vulnerable, and only gradually begins to understand how much easier and calmer it is to live, accepting people as they are. The world does not perceive it romantically and never accepts the fact that everything is not as good as we would like. He always dreams of ideal love and friendship, of achieving goals and therefore more often lives in his imaginary world. When in real life not everything works out as planned, he is very worried, however, sometimes outwardly, exaggeratedly, he himself understands what is what in this life. The romanticism of his nature does not prevent him from lowering himself to the ground, sometimes being despotic, possessive, and even taking harsh revenge on the offender.

Peter can be explosive, belligerent, makes a decision with lightning speed and... forgets about it. He works impulsively, by inspiration. Peter is distinguished by the highest intuition and intelligence. He can analyze and systematize events, so most often his profession is investigator, mathematician, engineer, scientist, military man, economist. But Peter is also a creative person, he is an actor, writer, and journalist. In the service, Peter wants to be one of the best, actively strives for leadership, and passionately desires power. However, he rarely achieves the top in his career due to laziness and instability at work. However, he makes a good leader: the need to manage other people disciplines him. However, here, too, everything with Peter depends on his mood; he can shine in the boss’s chair, but soon he will get tired of it and he will quickly move to another, where he has to start from scratch.

Peter is a charming person and women like him. He is secretive in love and does not trust his love secrets to anyone. He has been looking for a wife for a long time, but is not always happy in marriage. Often jealousy and unforgiven resentment become the constant background of relationships. Peter is very attached to his mother and his wife has to put up with the constant presence of her mother-in-law. Peter loves children very much. With their appearance, the family becomes calmer and stronger.

Peter loves to tinker with animals and receive guests. He drinks little, but he can sing and dance, tell a joke and be the first to laugh. When he is in the mood, he falls asleep with jokes, witticisms, and compliments. If not, then he withdraws and demonstratively distances himself from the cheerful company. The wife requires great endurance and the ability to adapt to the complex character of her husband. The best wife for Peter would be Angelina, Alevtina, Varvara, Vera, Veronica, Glafira, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Larisa, Lyudmila, Marta, Natalya, Svetlana, Ella.

Surname: Petrovich, Petrovna.


Pyotr Karlovich Klodt (1805-1867) - an outstanding sculptor, a major monumentalist, creator of such world-famous works as the equestrian groups of the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg and the monument to the fabulist I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden.

The plot of the four equestrian groups of the Anichkov Bridge was based on the main moments of taming an unbroken horse. All horses, the sculptor’s favorite animals, are beautiful, ideal in their natural perfection.

“Horse Tamers” is a solid plastic ensemble and a detailed dramatic series in which one plot consistently develops - the conquest of a horse by man, the theme of man’s victory over the elemental power of nature, the image of a rebellious force tamed by reason. In the first group, the athlete, tensing his whole body and tightly grasping the bridle, restrains the rearing horse. In other groups, the drama of the struggle is increasing. In the second group, the horse’s head is raised high, the nostrils are flared, the mouth is bared, the front legs are spread out, the blanket covering the back flutters in heavy folds. The figure of the tamer is deployed as if in a spiral; with a mighty effort he is besieging the horse. In the third group, the athlete was thrown to the ground, and the horse almost broke free. The blanket is thrown off his back, the neck is arched, and the head is raised victoriously, only the left hand of the tamer, pulling the bridle, holds the enraged animal. And finally, in the fourth group, a man conquers a horse; falling on one knee and pulling the reins with both hands, he tames the wild running of the horse.

Klodt's work "Horse Tamers" gained worldwide fame.

No less famous is the monument to I.A. Krylov. The pedestal is a composition rich in volume, consisting of various scenes on the themes of Krylov's fables. These scenes always arouse interest among adults and children who recognize their favorite fables - “The Fox and the Grapes”, “The Frog and the Ox”, “The Crow and the Fox” and many others. The image of the writer himself was created by the sculptor with full respect for portrait likeness.

Pyotr Klodt was a leading sculptor of the 19th century. Contemporaries of Pyotr Karlovich wrote that his creations “constitute the glory of our arts.”

Peter is an ancient, personal masculine name, with a meaning that matches the pronunciation: “stone”, “rock”.

Origin of the name

Among the ancient Greeks, the word “Petra” meant “block”, “cliff”, therefore it is assumed that the name Peter in the meaning of a name for a child endowed its owner with remarkable strength and tenacity of character.

general characteristics

Parents have virtually no trouble with little Petya. The baby is growing smart, strong, rarely gets sick, and doesn’t know how to be capricious. In this boy, already at a young age, one can discern inner strength - his gaze is always calm and imperturbable. One inevitably gets the feeling that this amazing baby knows everything that should happen in advance.

Petechka has a good disposition, he is a cheerful and hospitable fellow, he has many fans and close friends. The boy knows how to get along with everyone, even rude people and bullies fade away and fall silent under the piercing gaze of this bright guy, he has some kind of supernatural magnetism.

At school, Petrusha studies well, manages to do everything: take part in concerts, win the Olympics and communicate with friends. After graduating from school, the young man does not stop developing - he will definitely receive a higher education, and then also want to defend his dissertation.

Science for Peter is the main source of self-improvement, so he prefers to engage in low-profit, but interesting work related to the confirmation of new theories and the study of unknown spheres of existence. If the profession he has chosen does not involve scientific activity, the young man will try to allocate as much free time as possible to study world discoveries.

Women appreciate Petenka's charm - every young lady from his circle at some point dreams of linking their fate with a young man. Only Peter ignores the opportunity to become a womanizer - he takes the issue of personal freedom seriously, and if he chooses a girl, he plans to be with her all his life.

Positive character traits

Peter is a pragmatic and practical realist, he achieves everything on his own, and does not accept patronage and excessive guardianship. As a strong and self-sufficient person, the owner of the name never allows himself to humiliate the weak and ridicule fools. If he considers a person unworthy of communication, he will try to end the acquaintance before the interlocutor begins to force himself on him as a friend.

In love, Petya is stable and predictable, but women perceive this trait as masculinity and the ability to become a support in any situation. A guy gets married early, and carries his feelings for his chosen one throughout his life; he can be called a monogamous man.

Negative traits

Petya's impulsiveness and unusual behavior sometimes put him in an awkward position in front of his relatives. Trying to appear calm and independent, the young man makes risky decisions that affect not only his future, but also those close to him.

Peter does not know how to apologize and repent of wrong actions; he believes that he is always right, although the consequences of committed deeds sometimes prove the opposite. Occupying a leadership position, Peter becomes very demanding and critical - his subordinates often consider him a tyrant and a “cracker”, unable to understand the feelings of others.

Zodiac sign

  • A suitable zodiac sign will help soften the strict disposition of the bearer of the name - the name will be ideal for a boy born in Virgo.
  • Saturn will take care of the obstinate and independent Peter.
  • Properly selected clothes, which must include the colors of the name: black, brown, dark red, will strengthen intuition and emphasize the external beauty of a guy.
  • If you can’t give your son an expensive talisman - an emerald - buy an amber product for your baby - it is also considered a protective amulet for the name.


Petya, Petenka, Petyunya, Petka, Cockerel, Petrusha, Petrunya, Parsley, Pepe, Petronimo, Petyasha, Petyunchik, Pierushka.

Name options

Petros, Peter, Peter, Petro, Piatro, Pedro, Pietro, Pierre, Piero, Peteris, Petruchio.

Historical figures

  • 1570 – 1622 – Polish military leader, Koshevoy ataman of the Zaporozhye Sich Petro Konashevich-Sagaidachny.
  • 1672 – 1725 – Russian Emperor Peter I the Great.
  • 1691 – 1803 – Zaporozhye Koshevoy Ataman, nobleman Peter Kalnyshevsky.
  • 1836 – 1893 – Russian judicial orator, lawyer Pyotr Alexandrov.
  • 1890s – 1919 – V. Chapaev’s assistant Pyotr Isaev (people’s “Petka”).
  • 1898 – 1954 – Russian, Romanian pop singer, dancer, restaurateur Petr Leshchenko.
  • 1900 – 1987 – Chuvash writer, playwright Pyotr Osipov.
  • 1912 – 1989 – Soviet athlete, figure skater Pyotr Orlov.
  • 1914 – 1965 – Soviet actor Pyotr Aleinikov.
  • 1914 – 1967 – Soviet pilot ace Pyotr Pokryshev.
  • 1925 – 2003 – Soviet Russian poet Pyotr Gradov.
  • 1926 – 2009 – Soviet, Russian theater and film actor Pyotr Velyaminov.
  • 1943 – 2010 – Soviet, Russian actor, choirmaster Pyotr Merkuryev.
  • 1979 – 2003 – Russian football player Petr Khrustovsky.
  • Born 1951 – Russian rock musician, poet, actor Pyotr Mamonov.
  • Born 1965 – 5th President of Ukraine, businessman Petro Poroshenko.
  • Born 1966 - Soviet, German football player Peter Neisteter.
  • Born 1974 – Russian actor Pyotr Barancheev.
  • Born 1976 - Russian announcer, dubbing actor Pyotr Glanz (Ivashchenko).
  • Born 1977 – Russian actor Pyotr Krasilov.
  • Born 1982 – Czech footballer, goalkeeper Petr Cech.
  • Born 1982 – Russian actor Pyotr Fedorov.
  • Born 1984 – Russian publisher, action artist Pyotr Pavlensky.
  • Born 1991 – Russian athlete, boxer Pyotr Khamukov.

Name day

From a huge number of celebration dates, choose suitable name days in accordance with the child’s birth date.

Career, business and money

Peter is able to start his career from scratch. He instantly analyzes and sorts all the information received at work, confidently moves up the career ladder, and is able to apply his accumulated experience, outperforming his colleagues on the way to the top. He is charming and able to resolve any conflict. If he likes his specialty, the guy will meticulously and painstakingly fulfill his assigned duties.

Income is of great importance to him. If Peter knows that he will be well rewarded as a result, he will try to make every effort. This man perfectly performs tasks in various fields of activity - sports, trade, fine arts.

Often Peter, having gained practice, organizes his own business. This is an enterprising man who loves justified risks. He has a strong character and ambitions that can become a guarantor of such a person’s success.

Marriage and family

Peter's family life is going well, but only if he avoids marriage until he is 30 years old. During this period, Petya turns from a frivolous young man into a man thinking about creating a strong family union. Family will mean a lot to Peter. Having become the head of the family, he will try to make sure that his children and wife live without difficulties, and that a favorable atmosphere reigns in the house.

Peter makes a caring dad who adores his children. He is ideal for them. Peter may cheat on his wife, but not on a systematic basis; this phenomenon is of a one-time nature. He needs to feel in demand and needed; in this situation, he will spend all his free time at home.

Sex and love

Peter has an attractive appearance, extraordinary physical strength, and a sharp mind. A great sense of humor is a good addition to this set. The owner of such a name will win the woman who attracts his attention without any problems. It’s just that in his youth he doesn’t devote much time to cupids, concentrating on his career. And it is not recommended for Peter to marry early; such a union often turns out unsuccessful.

This man is ready to cheat, he is a passionate person for whom sex is of the utmost importance. Feelings will come first only after your 30th birthday, but not always. By confessing his love to his chosen one, Peter may be in a close relationship with another. He values ​​intimacy, but over the years, the kinship of souls begins to come to the fore.


Peter has no particular complaints about his health. He rarely gets sick, fractures and injuries are the exception to the rule. Petya has two weak points - his eyes and his nervous system.

The condition of the former must be monitored from childhood so as not to miss the moment when vision begins to deteriorate. It is advisable to protect the nervous system to avoid negative consequences.

Interests and hobbies

Peter loves to collect literally everything that is of interest to him. Petya carefully arranges all the collected things, and sometimes admires the collection.

Another hobby could be photography - if this man gets his hands on a good camera, he will become interested in this activity, trying to capture the beauty around him.