On what days are applications submitted? Submitting an application to the registry office for marriage registration

To register a marriage, you must submit an application to the Civil Registry Office (the state body of Civil Registry, which deals with registration and divorce of marriages, birth and death records and issuing relevant certificates of the established form). Today there are two ways to do this: by registering on the Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services https://pgu.mos.ru/ru/ and filling out an application or appearing in person at the registry office.

What documents are needed to submit an application to the registry office:

SNILS number of each member of the couple (numbers will be required to complete the electronic application).

Passports of the bride and groom, it is important: if you are over 20 or 45 years old, you need to get a new passport, the old one is considered invalid.

Certificate of divorce from a previous marriage, if you are remarrying. Original document required.

Also, one of the applicants must paystate duty(in the amount of 350 rubles). This can be done online on the website https://pgu.mos.ru/ru/ or at a bank (in this case, be sure to provide a receipt for payment of the state duty to the registry office).

Registry offices: opening hours

Registry offices and wedding palaces mostly operate according to the following schedule:

Working days: Tuesday-Saturday: 09:00 – 17:30 (18:00), some 10:00 – 19:00

Lunch: 14:00 – 15:00

Submission of applications: 09:00 - 17:00 (10:00 - 17:00)

Days off: Sunday and Monday

In addition, the registry offices have a sanitary day (usually the fourth Thursday of the month).

It is better to check the exact opening hours on a specific day by phone.

Deadline for submitting an application to the registry office

It is possible to submit an application for marriage registration in the period from 1 to 6 months before marriage.

In the case of traditional application submission: if the first day of application is Sunday or Monday (for all registry offices and wedding palaces these are weekends), the application must be submitted on Tuesday.

In other cities (for example, in St. Petersburg) there is also a pre-registration when you select the date and time for submitting the application (you can sign up many months before registration), and then come on that day and submit your application without queues. In Moscow, most likely, you will have to stand in line on the day you submit your application. In some Moscow registry offices, a queue forms even before the registry office opens.

There are also so-called “Internet lists”, formed the day before by an initiative couple (also planning to submit an application to a specific registry office), which opens the list and then writes down everyone who wants to submit an application on that day. This record is not official, but is used in practice. Therefore, it makes sense to read what they write on online forums regarding the registry office of your choice, or go there early on the day of submitting your application. Then you are more likely to be able to choose the day and time of registration that is most convenient for you.

However, with the advent of the possibility of filing an application via the Internet, such cases of recording have become less and less common.

What else you need to know when submitting an application to the Civil Registry Office

1. According to Russian law, the minimum age for marriage is 18 years. If you want to get married before reaching this age, you must contact the prefecture and obtain permission.

2. Citizens of the Russian Federation can register a marriage in any locality in the country, regardless of place of residence. But if you submit an application not at your place of permanent residence, you will need temporary registration in this city.

3. Is it possible for one of the newlyweds not to be present in person when submitting an application to the registry office? It is possible, but for this he needs to write a separate statement and have it certified by a notary. This application must be brought to the registry office by the second person getting married. In the case of an electronic application, such efforts will not be required.

4. Where can you register a marriage if one of the newlyweds is a citizen of another state? In Moscow this is Wedding Palace No. 4: Butyrskaya St., 17 (Savelovskaya metro station).

5. Is it possible for residents of the Russian Federation to marry in another country? Yes, according to Russian legislation, a marriage concluded outside the country between citizens of the Russian Federation is considered valid in the Russian Federation in the absence of circumstances provided for in Article 14 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation that prevent the marriage.

Weddings and starting a family are always a special celebration. But this holiday requires compliance with the official marriage procedure. In this article we will tell you how to register a marriage, and in particular, how to apply for marriage registration through the MFC.

Who and where can apply for marriage registration?

The basis for registering a marriage is an application that the bride and groom submit to the civil registry office (civil registry office). It can also be submitted through the MFC (Multifunctional Centers “My Documents”) or online via the Internet.

An application for marriage registration can be submitted by persons who have reached the age of 18, with the exception of special cases (age from 16 to 18). In these cases, special permission from local authorities will be required to marriage before reaching marriageable age.

List of required documents and procedure for registering marriage

What documents do I need to bring for my application to be accepted?

  1. Documents confirming the identity of the parties
  2. Documents confirming the termination of a previous marriage, if any (as a result of the death of a spouse or divorce)
  3. Receipt of payment of the state fee of 350 rubles (optional, but the fee must be paid by the time the application is submitted)

The period established for registering a marriage is no less than 1 and no more than 2 months from the date of filing the application. The desired date and time of marriage registration are indicated by the applicants. If there are special circumstances, the marriage can be registered directly on the day of filing the application (pregnancy, birth of a child, etc.) or the registration period can be reduced or increased.

How to apply for marriage registration through the MFC

Everything is very simple.

Step 1. Prepare mentally🙂

Step 2. Come to the MFC of your choice(with their contact details available on our website), take your passports with you, and take an electronic queue coupon. Many MFCs provide the opportunity to make an appointment through their website.

Here is the full official name of the service for searching on the electronic queue terminal:

“State registration of acts of civil status (birth, marriage, divorce, adoption, establishment of paternity, change of name and death), including the issuance of repeated certificates (certificates) confirming the fact of state registration of acts of civil status, making corrections and (or) changes in the civil registry, restoration and cancellation of civil registries (State registration of marriage (in terms of accepting an application for the provision of a public service)."

Step 3. Wait for the call and, going to the indicated window, together with an MFC employee, fill out an application for marriage in form No. 7.

Please note: by the time the application is filled out, the state fee of 350 rubles must be paid. This can be done in advance at any bank or directly at the MFC through a payment terminal.

Here is a sample of filling out the form (click to enlarge):

The application must indicate

  • Which department of the registry office do you want to send your application to?
  • desired day and time
  • information about the applicants and what surnames will be assigned to the husband and wife.

This completes the entire procedure for submitting an application for marriage to the MFC. The application will be submitted to the registry office department indicated in the application within 1-3 days, then this registry office department will contact the applicant and confirm the desired time indicated in the application or agree on another.

Please note: the application must be submitted jointly. If one of the applicants is unable to appear to submit an application, separate applications may be submitted, but his signature must be certified by a notary.

Submitting an electronic application for marriage registration via the Internet

As we have already mentioned, in addition to the MFC, there are other ways to submit an application, for example, you can submit an application electronically through the government services portal, and if you live in Moscow, then through the Moscow Mayor’s portal mos.ru.

Please note: when submitting an electronic application for registration, the place and time of registration are selected and booked automatically immediately at the time of submitting the application, since the site has an information base on the workload of civil registry offices throughout Russia.

To apply for marriage registration via the Internet, both the bride and groom must first create an account on the government services website and gain access to their personal account.

You can submit an application through the government services portal using the link, the entire procedure is shown in the screenshot below.

When filling out the form, you will need to provide information about yourself, select a place and time from the proposed calendar, mark the “solemnity/non-solemnity” of the ceremony and send an “invitation” by e-mail to the bride/groom, after which he/she will supplement the application with his/her information from your own personal account. 24 hours are allotted for this. While filling out the questionnaire, the draft is saved automatically.

In 2017 and 2018, when paying the state fee by card through the portal, a 30% discount is provided, that is, the amount will be 245 rubles.

If you live in Moscow, you can apply online on the Moscow Mayor's website, the general procedure is described below, with notes for 2018.

Here you can see statistics on the popularity of various departments of the Moscow Civil Registry Office:

In some departments of the civil registry office in the regions of the Russian Federation (for example, in Voronezh) it is also possible to submit

The State Services portal provides electronic services for all the most popular categories of actions. Marriage registration is one such service, so the application can be submitted online. Such an application is equivalent to a paper one, so the bride and groom will only have to visit the registry office on the specified date to obtain a marriage certificate.

As with all other services, marriage registration requires that the user have a valid profile on the State Services website.

Mandatory requirement! Both newlyweds must have accounts, since the marriage application is filled out by both of them. Both applications must be completed and sent no more than 24 hours apart.

The form is first filled out by the bride or groom, who will be considered the “initiator.” After he fills out his data, his application will be sent to the second user of the State Services with an invitation to also fill out a form for registering a marriage.

This page will list important information that concerns the subsequent actions of the portal user. You must click the “Get service” button and start filling out the application for marriage registration.

The system will automatically determine your user status: bride or groom, after which you will need to fill out fields with personal data.

First, the user will need to specify his:

  • Date of birth;
  • Citizenship;
  • Passport series and number;
  • Who issued the passport and when;
  • Place of Birth.

An important block will be filling out information about the place of the wedding. You must select the registry office department, as well as the date and time for painting. At this point you can indicate what type of process the newlyweds are interested in: simple registration or ceremonial.

In the calendar with dates, you can only select active dates that have not yet been booked. After selecting a date, the time column is activated, where specific hours are offered. The first available date will not be earlier than one month from the date of filling out the form. The most distant date is in 6 months. For some regions, you can select 2 expected dates at once. The final choice should be made no later than 2 weeks before the nearest date. Civil registry office staff will clarify this information by phone or email provided as contact information.

A separate block indicates whether one of the newlyweds was previously married. If this is not the first marriage, the newlyweds will need documents to confirm their current “single” status. This could be a divorce certificate or a spouse's death certificate.

It will also be necessary to indicate the surnames of the newlyweds after marriage. If the bride, for example, wants to change her last name, the new one is indicated in the corresponding column. Please note that the new surname will be the same as the husband's surname or be changed to a feminine gender. You can specify a double surname. If the spouses have not decided on this point, they can enter their current full names, since name changes are available at any time after marriage.

After specifying the data, you need to provide information about the future spouse. To do this, you will need to fill out exactly the same form, but with the partner’s data.

All data is entered manually. It is necessary to carefully fill out the fields marked mandatory, otherwise the application for marriage registration will be rejected.

After filling out the block with information about the marriage, the initiator needs to send an application. It will be directed to the bride/groom who is listed as the spouse. This person will need to log in to their profile. A note about a new message will appear in the News Feed. The notification will contain a link to the application for marriage registration, which is filled out in the same way. Please note that all information in the bride and groom's applications must match.

The initiator is obligated to pay a state fee in the amount of 350 rubles. Payment must be made after the application has been sent to the second spouse for confirmation. To do this, you need to click on the unverified application in the “News Feed” and enter payment information. You can pay the state fee with a 30% discount directly on the State Services website.

After the second spouse fills out his application, the data is verified and sent to the selected registry office. Within 5 days, either confirmation of the application or refusal must be received.

What documents will be needed?

After submitting the application on the selected day, the newlyweds must go to the department that was indicated in the marriage forms. The bride and groom must have:

  • A coupon printed from the website for marriage registration at the specified time;
  • Passports.

Minors getting married (over 16 years old) must have notarized parental consent to conduct the ceremony. If one or both spouses were previously married, you must bring with you a certificate of divorce or death of the spouse. It is not necessary to take a payment receipt, since payment information is indicated in the marriage registration application, however, in order to avoid unnecessary questions, it is recommended to take this document with you.

Is it possible to change the application date?

Newlyweds can change their marriage date based on valid reasons. However, this is done only upon a written application from both spouses at the registry office. If at this moment the bride or groom cannot be present, the application can be written by one spouse, taking into account that he will have a notarized power of attorney for such actions.

You can change the registration date to an earlier date if:

  • The bride is pregnant;
  • The groom is called up for compulsory military service;
  • One of the spouses is forced to leave for work or study;
  • One of the spouses has a serious illness with rapidly progressive deterioration.

Important! If the wedding date is postponed to an earlier date, the newlyweds must be prepared to refuse the ceremony. An exception may be moving the date to a free day for a special event.

Spouses can also postpone the wedding date to a later date. However, no further than a month from the date specified in the electronic application. Postponement of marriage registration to a later date is also possible only for valid reasons. For example, if one of the spouses is undergoing treatment. There are no specific reasons that the registry office employees will consider valid. But you should understand that the registration date will not be changed only at your own whim.

You can also cancel a wedding only by submitting an application in person to the registry office. The state duty is not refunded. You can change any information in the electronic application yourself only within 24 hours from the moment it is sent. During this period, the application is still being processed, so changes are possible.

In cases where the newlyweds, when filling out an electronic application for marriage registration, selected 2 dates, the registry office staff will ask the newlyweds about the final decision approximately 2 weeks before the first specified date. This will be the final decision and event date changes will only be available for valid reasons and application.

The application to postpone the registration date is written in free form. The decision on such requests is announced immediately, so the spouses are asked to choose a new wedding date. In this case, the previous date is freed and can be booked by another couple. It will no longer be possible to return it, so before applying for marriage, newlyweds are advised to discuss the exact wedding date.

The application for marriage registration takes just a few minutes to fill out. However, when entering data, the bride and groom must be very careful. Typos in passport data will lead to refusal of the application and its resubmission. A thoughtless choice of date can overshadow the event.


  • individuals who have reached the age of 18 years. If you have permission - individuals aged 16 to 18 years.

Application: submitted in writing to any department of the registry office or wedding palace in Moscow, with the exception of the Zamoskvoretsky and Lublin departments of the registry office. Submitting an application by proxy is not permitted.

When submitting an application you must submit:
1. Passports of those getting married;

  1. Documents on the termination of marriage, if the person(s) were previously married:
  • divorce certificate

If the applicant was previously in a marriage, which was dissolved at the time of filing the application for marriage. The divorce certificate must be issued in the name of the person presenting it. Submission of the document is not required if the state registration of divorce was carried out by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after 01/01/1990.

  • death certificate(original, presented for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service)

Presented if the applicant is a widower. Submission of the document is not required if the state registration of death was carried out by the Moscow Civil Registry Office after 01/01/1990.

  1. A marriage license issued by local authorities at the place of residence of a person aged 16 to 18 years.

The state fee for state registration of marriage is 350 rubles.
Information on the procedure for paying state duty is indicated in.

Documents issued: marriage certificate. Issued on the day of marriage registration.

Established period for registering a marriage: after one month and no more than six months from the date of receipt of the application for marriage.

The minimum monthly period at the request of persons entering into marriage, if there are valid reasons, may be reduced by the head of the civil registry office.

Information information about the documents required to submit an application for marriage to a foreign citizen is located in the section ".

Having decided to seal your relationship by marriage, you need to register it in the district registry office of your city. But first, you need to prepare the necessary documents at the registry office; without this, your couple’s application will simply not be accepted.

Required conditions for submitting an application

A family is wonderful, but the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes a number of mandatory conditions under which marriage must be concluded, and the document also stipulates the reasons why registering a relationship may not be possible.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. Consent to marriage on each side. If one party does not agree to registration, the marriage will not be formalized;
  2. Reaching marriageable age. As a rule, marriages in Russia are concluded upon reaching the age of 18, but you can register a relationship at the age of 16 if there are good reasons (for example, pregnancy);
  3. Voluntary desire of the bride and groom. If it becomes known that the marriage was registered against the will of one of the spouses, such a marriage is generally considered invalid.

We should not forget about the preventive conditions prescribed in the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Failure to comply with them will be the reason why the marriage registration will also be considered invalid.

It is prohibited to marry if:

  • At the time of submitting documents to the registry office for marriage registration, one of the couple is officially married;
  • One of the future spouses is recognized mentally ill or incompetent if relevant documents are available;
  • Both the adopted child and the adoptive parent want to apply;
  • The young people are closely related.

The papers provided to the registrar confirm that the conditions required by law have been met, and that prohibiting conditions, in turn, are absent.

What documents are needed when submitting an application to the Civil Registry Office?

The collection of documents and their subsequent submission to the government agency should be taken responsibly. Failure to comply with the established requirements will result in your application not being considered.

When submitting an application to the registry office, you must have with you:

  1. Passport or other identification document. For example, in case of loss and restoration of a document, you can present a temporary certificate issued at the passport office;
  2. Receipt, confirming payment of the state duty. The payer can be any of the pair. Payment details are individual for each city. If the newlyweds change their mind about signing, the state duty is not refunded;
  3. If someone is in a couple underage, must be provided special permission from parents (official guardians) and local administration and a certificate from the antenatal clinic, in case of pregnancy of a minor;
  4. Certificate of temporary registration if the future spouses want to get married in a foreign city;
  5. For those who were previously married, it is necessary to have certificate of divorce or death of your former spouse.

When decidingmarry a foreigner additional paperwork needs to be collected. Mandatory legalization of documents by the consul will be required. The provided papers must be translated into Russian and be notarized.

The following are added to the above list of documents for submitting an application to the registry office:

  • Translation of your passport (don't forget to have it certified by a notary);
  • Migration card or visa;
  • A document confirming the marital status of a foreign citizen.

If the bride and groom submit two separate applications to the government agency, it is necessary to ensure that each paper is certified:

  1. Notary. Such an application can be sent to the registry office by mail;
  2. The head of the institution, if the applicant is serving his sentence in places that are not so remote or is in custody;
  3. If you used state or municipal services when submitting an application, then it must be marked by an MFC employee.

If you are afraid of making a mistake with the list of required papers, you can always call or visit the registry office where you plan to sign and find out the list of required documents there.

How to submit documents to the registry office?

Once you have collected all the necessary documents, you can safely submit your application. According to Russian law, future spouses can apply in several ways:

  1. Personal visit to the walls of the registry office. As a rule, the couple submits the application together, but if for some reason this is not possible, one of the future spouses can submit the documents, most importantly, have a notarized signature of the chosen one;
  2. Use postal services;
  3. Electronic application. Can be submitted 6 months before the desired date, but the minimum possible period for acceptance of the application is one month;
  4. Enlist the help of multifunctional centers that provide state and municipal services to the population.

An application written by one party will not be accepted. This rule has been established in all registry offices of Moscow and other cities. Submitting documents does not oblige the newlyweds to appear on the appointed day and time; the couple can easily change their mind. The main thing is to notify the registrar about changing your decision, because a few days before the celebration, a marriage certificate is issued and passports can be stamped.