Is the pregnancy test true? Are pregnancy tests reliable? Can a pregnancy test lie?

Determining pregnancy is not difficult, but with the advent of home pregnancy tests, it has become much easier. One of their main advantages is that the “interesting position” can be determined already in the early stages, a few weeks after conception. This means that if a girl decides to have an abortion, it will be done in the early stages with minimal negative consequences for reproductive health.

How the tester works and works

The pregnancy test is a special strip. The principle of its operation is simple: when human chorionic gonadotropin is present in a biological fluid (urine or blood), the test strip instantly reacts with a color change, which is manifested by two stripes - the test is positive. In this case, there is a high probability that the girl is pregnant. In the absence of the hormone, there will be no changes.

Important! To carry out the test, take a morning portion of urine, since the urine accumulated overnight is more concentrated. In this case, a positive result will be the most reliable.

What is human chorionic gonadotropin

Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is a special hormone that is produced in the body only by pregnant women. It is synthesized by the trophoblast and placenta after conception, therefore, by definition, hCG cannot be synthesized in non-pregnant women.

HCG begins to be released into the blood after conception, from the moment the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus. From this moment on, the concentration of the hormone in the blood increases. The highest level of hCG is determined in the blood and urine by the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy, then its concentration decreases.

Important! It must be remembered that for at least a month after childbirth, hCG is detected in a woman’s biological fluids, which gives a false positive pregnancy test result.

The main function of human chorionic gonadotropin is to maintain the life and functioning of the corpus luteum. This is important for preserving the implanted fertilized egg in the uterus and preventing its detachment, since the corpus luteum immediately after conception produces the main hormone that maintains pregnancy - progesterone. When the concentration of this substance in the blood decreases, there is a high risk of spontaneous interruption.

When the test gives correct results

After conception, the test will be positive only when a certain concentration of the hormone is reached in the blood or urine, to which the test strip you have chosen is sensitive. In the first days of implantation and another 1 week after conception, it is useless to conduct research, since it will not be informative.

How to use the tester

Today, a wide variety of pregnancy tests are produced. Their mechanism of action is the same, only the method of application differs. To avoid mistakes, please read the instructions for use before use. Below we describe several of the most common types of tests.

Test strips

These are the first representatives of express pregnancy tests that appeared on the market back in the 20th century. They are still popular today. They are distinguished by their low price, and most women know how to use them well. 2-3 weeks after the expected time of conception, morning urine is collected in a separate container and the test strip is dipped in there for at least 10 seconds. After this, the result is expected within a few minutes. If the second strip does not appear, the result is negative. When the second line appears, the result is regarded as positive, most likely pregnancy has occurred.


They are practically no different from previous tests, with the exception that the strips here are placed in a plastic frame. They do not need to be lowered into a container with urine, since they have a special “window” into which 1 drop of biological fluid is dropped (a pipette is included in the kit). The timing is the same: 2-3 weeks after the expected date of conception. Positive and negative results are assessed according to the same principle.

Jet methods

They are one of the easiest to use, and at the same time are highly sensitive to hCG in both blood and urine. To use them, you do not need to collect urine in a jar. The sensitive part of the test strip is simply placed under the stream during urination and the result is assessed. The peculiarity of their use: they use not only morning, but also evening urine. The sensitivity of the tests is so great that it can detect the presence of hCG even before the onset of expected menstruation, which means it will be positive within 1-2 weeks after conception.

Electronic tests

Electronic tests are the last word of advanced science on the Russian market. The sensitive part is lowered into a container with biological fluid or placed under the stream during urination. If the result is positive, a plus will appear in the “window”, which will speak in favor of pregnancy. If negative - minus.

Important! Even if the paired stripe appears fuzzy or dim, the presence of pregnancy should not be ruled out. Most likely, the required concentration of hCG in the blood and urine has not yet reached the threshold value. Test again in a couple of days. The appearance of a clear, bright stripe indicates a positive result - you are pregnant.

Which method is the most reliable?

The most reliable and reliable method is a rapid blood test from a vein to determine hormone levels. Here, hCG appears first of all, and only then in the urine. When choosing other tests, be guided by your preferences, whichever is more convenient for you. If it is more convenient to use inkjet tests, buy them. If you don’t want to fork out money for a test and it will be more convenient for you to collect urine and put the tester in there, purchase the most common test strips.

Results error: is this possible and when?

False positive two stripes are detected in the following cases:

  • History of previous abortions and miscarriages within a month.
  • When taking hormonal contraceptives containing this substance.
  • For some malignant neoplasms.

Useful video: How a pregnancy tester works

Positive test after termination of pregnancy: what to do

After medical termination of pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin decreases in the blood gradually, so after the abortion the test will be positive for at least 2 more days. If two stripes appear 2 days after termination of pregnancy, do not panic. Buy another test and carry out a follow-up test 2-4 days after the first one. If the control test results are positive, immediately notify your gynecologist in order to conduct a full diagnosis of your condition.

With the invention of tests for early, and most importantly simple, determination of pregnancy, women can become happy before the required 6-8 weeks of pregnancy, when the gynecologist confirms the fact of the development of a new life.

Two cherished stripes bring a lot of joyful emotions to future parents. In this article we will talk about all the intricacies of home express pregnancy diagnostics, teach you how to do the test correctly and understand the result.

How does the test work?

All tests are based on a single mechanism - the determination of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG in the urine, the production of which begins from the moment the villi of the growing placenta penetrate the uterus, i.e. attachment of the embryo. Its amount is growing every day, but at the very beginning the growth of this hormone can only be determined by a special study of venous blood (the result will be positive 5 days earlier than the most sensitive tests begin to show signs).

The sensitivity level of most rapid tests starts at 25 mUI hCG. Some manufacturers write on the packaging that the test is sensitive even at 10 mUI of hCG, but this is difficult to prove. As pharmacists say, this is more of a publicity stunt than the truth. Another cunning advertising trick is the inscription that the test has the highest probability of determining pregnancy before a delay, accuracy is 99.5-99%, etc.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle

The release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, occurs in the middle of the cycle. With a 30-day cycle this is the 15th day, with a 28-day cycle it is the 14th day. Over the next two days, fertilization can occur. After the fusion of the egg with the sperm, it “swims” for another 4-5 days to the placentation site in the uterus. Those. Around day 22 of the cycle, a blood test can already show a rising hCG. The most sensitive and high-quality tests can show 2 strips 4 days before the expected menstruation, when the level of hCG in the urine becomes more than 25 mUI.

Thus, you can do a highly sensitive test on the 26th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle, and on the 24th day with a 28-day cycle!

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle

You can determine when ovulation occurred using:

  • increasing the level of basal temperature;
  • appearance .

Having set the date of approximate ovulation for yourself, add 12 days to this number - you can already detect an increase in hCG in the blood (see). 15 days after approximate ovulation, you can do a test with high sensitivity.

What time of day should you take a pregnancy test?

As a rule, the instructions for test strips do not recommend what time of day to test. This means that during pregnancy the test will show 2 lines at any time.

Gynecologists advise doing the test in the morning using night urine. In this case, the result will be reliable, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. If you test during the day, there is a possibility of error, since the urine is not so concentrated due to the liquid consumed during the day. The same thing is possible if you do the test in the evening - the hCG content in the urine will be lower. If there is a need to test during the day, it is better to do this after abstaining from urination for four hours, while limiting fluid intake to obtain more concentrated urine.

General rules for the correct use of pregnancy tests

  • The pregnancy test must be stored under the conditions specified by the manufacturer on the packaging;
  • The packaging with the dough must not be damaged;
  • Expired tests cannot be used;
  • You cannot use the same test twice;
  • It is best to test on overnight urine;
  • The package with the test is opened immediately before use;
  • Before urinating, you should wash yourself and dry yourself with a towel;
  • Urination should be done in a clean container;
  • It is very important to strictly follow the instructions: lower the test into urine exactly to the indicated level, keep it in urine no less and no more than the recommended time, evaluate the result only at the indicated time.

Pregnancy test - instructions for use

Pharmacies sell many test options. They all have different prices, but equally promise accurate results. Let's figure out how to use them correctly and which ones will be the most reliable.

  • Frautest and Evitest pregnancy tests are considered the most popular and reliable. Tests from these German manufacturers occupy an average price niche (100-140 rubles), but do not suffer from false results.
  • All other tests can be considered equally reliable if used correctly, especially with regard to the time to delay. The most reliable result can be obtained by testing in the first 1-3 days of missed menstruation.
  • The cheaper the test, the cheaper the reagent it uses.

Strip test

Popular and inexpensive tests in the form of a paper strip coated with a layer of antibodies in hCG. The hormone contained in the urine reacts with the impregnation of the strip, and a second strip appears on the test.
Instructions for using the test. For testing, you will need a clean container in which several milliliters of urine are collected. The test tip is lowered into the urine to the designated mark and held for 10 seconds. The result is assessed within 1-10 minutes (the less hCG in the urine, the later the 2nd strip will appear).
Reliability – from the first day of delay.
Pro: cheap.
Disadvantages: not convenient to use, does not show results before a delay, can make mistakes.

  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Evitest №1
  • Secret
  • Femitest Practical

  • BBtest (140 rubles)
  • Femitest Practical Ultra
  • Itest Plus

Tablet test

Supplied in a special box with two windows. The operating principle is the same as the strip test. The kit includes a cup for collecting urine and a pipette.
Instructions. You need to add 4 drops of urine into one window. The result is assessed in the second window after 1-10 minutes (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability – from the first day of delay. Until the delay does not indicate pregnancy.
Pros: inexpensive, easy to read results.
Disadvantage: require a lot of action.

  • Frautest Expert
  • Evitest Proof
  • Sezam
  • KnowNow optima

  • LadyTest-C
  • Femitest handy
  • Clearblue

Jet test

The name itself suggests that it can be placed under a stream of urine.
The test is placed under a stream of urine or in a container with urine with a tip with a filter for 10 seconds. The result is assessed after 1-10 minutes in a special window (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability - determines hCG 5 days before the delay. One of the best tests.
Pros: accurate, most convenient to use.

  • Cons: expensive.
  • Clearblue
  • Femitest jet ultra
  • Clear view

  • Evitest Perfect


Electronic pregnancy test
Another name is digital. The most modern rapid test.
Instructions. The test is dipped into the urine with the filter tip until it is soaked. The result is assessed after 3 minutes: in case of pregnancy, a “+” sign or the inscription “pregnansy” appears in the window.
Credibility. It can show pregnancy 4 days before the delay. Considered 99% accurate when tested 2 days before your expected period.
Pros: The result cannot be assessed incorrectly, the most highly sensitive.

Cons: the result is visible only for about a day, then the inscription disappears; it will not be possible to leave proof of pregnancy as a keepsake. The most expensive.

HCG levels rise differently for everyone. Within 2 weeks after the delay, the test may still be negative if the woman has endocrine dysfunction or is at risk of miscarriage. The test will also be false negative if it is used too early; some women begin taking tests from the day of possible conception. Well, there is nothing harmful in this, but is it worth tormenting yourself while waiting for a miracle?

Another reason is non-compliance with the rules for using the test.

False positive test result

This happens in the following cases:

  • in the first 2 months after delivery;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • development of a hormone-producing tumor (chorionic carcinoma);
  • when using expired test.

Is the test result taken during menstruation reliable?

Some women may continue to have periods during pregnancy. However, menstrual blood does not in any way affect the sensitivity of the test, so the result will be reliable. Even if a woman did the test in urine stained with bloody discharge, if there is a proper level of hCG in it, the test will show 2 bright stripes.

Test results for ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, as is known, the attachment of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube. But hCG begins to be produced in this case too. A peculiarity is the absence of an increase in hCG or its slight increase.

Thus, a regular pregnancy test will show the same 2 lines. It is likely that the second line will be barely visible or more blurred than during a normal pregnancy, and the test will become positive only after a missed period.

A special INEXSCREEN test allows you to suspect an ectopic pregnancy a couple of weeks after the delay. Diagnosis is based on identifying the level of the modified isoform in the composition of hCG, which in ectopic pregnancy is significantly lower than the required 10% characteristic of normal pregnancy.

Test results for frozen pregnancy

If a clear positive result obtained several times within a week becomes doubtful, and then the test shows only one line, there is a high probability that the pregnancy is frozen. You should immediately visit a doctor.

How to decipher a questionable result?

A questionable result occurs when there is doubt whether there is a second stripe. It may be faintly visible, blurry, or slightly visible, as if from within. Causes:

  • low level of hCG, borderline minimal, at which the test becomes sensitive;
  • unusable test, non-compliance with testing rules;
  • A woman’s great desire to see 2 stripes. Very often we wishful thinking.

What to do if the test shows a questionable result? Repeat it after a few days, or better yet, 1-2 days after the delay.

Anti-rating of pregnancy tests

Unfortunately, it also happens that if the rules for express diagnostics are strictly followed, a pregnancy test shows a result that is not true. The following tests cause false positive and negative results:

Faith rest assured Bee-Sure Bebicek Mon Ami

A delay in menstruation for several days gives rise to the thought of pregnancy in a woman’s head. Usually such a woman goes to the pharmacy on her way home or sends her husband there for a pregnancy test.

After all, there are two ways to find out the truth about your condition: go to a gynecologist or do a test. The latter option is not only cheaper and more pleasant, but also requires less effort and time. It is thanks to this that the tests have earned wide distribution, but the reliability of pregnancy tests is sometimes justifiably criticized.

Everyone knows that a test from the same manufacturer in the same situation can give different results. This is due to the storage conditions of the product and its correct use. The test may not work if it is performed too early, etc. But few people know that pregnancy tests are completely pointless if a woman takes diuretics for kidney or cardiovascular diseases. Also, tests are practically unable to detect ectopic pregnancy.

Very often, a pregnant woman feels this with some kind of sixth sense, so if such a feeling appears, and the reliability of pregnancy tests is in doubt, it is better to consult a gynecologist or take a urine or blood test. Using these methods, you can find out about pregnancy just a week after fertilization, and the result will be much more reliable than a variety of products for determining pregnancy.

Home pregnancy tests are based on detecting gonadotropin (the pregnancy hormone) in the urine. But quantities sufficient to be determined by the test are produced in the body, as a rule, two weeks after conception. If the test shows two stripes in too short a time, then there is little reason for joy. There are situations when human chorionic gonadotropin is produced in response to the development of a tumor. With this disease, even for men, pregnancy tests will show a positive result. The reliability of pregnancy tests is affected by hormonal drugs with hCG, alcohol, and drugs.

Many women try to protect themselves from mistakes by using several different tests at once. And it is right. In addition to the absence of menstruation, pregnancy is indicated by soreness and enlargement of the breasts, an increase in the morning temperature in the rectum to 37 degrees, and some increase in urination. We must not forget about such standard symptoms as nausea, irritability, increased fatigue and a change in taste preferences in the most unexpected direction.

The action of rapid tests for determining pregnancy at home is based on the detection in the urine of a special hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is synthesized by the chorion (future placenta). The concentration of hCG in a woman’s body increases rapidly after implantation of the fertilized egg into the endometrium (mucous lining) of the uterus.

Although the packaging of pregnancy tests states that the accuracy of the result is quite high 90-99%, there is still some possibility of error. The most common reason for an unreliable pregnancy test result is failure to follow the instructions for use: moisture getting into the indicator zone, violation of the test storage conditions, etc.

When talking about the reliability of pregnancy tests, we can mean both results and results, with the first being much more common than the second.

There are several types of pregnancy tests, produced by different manufacturers, with different sensitivities (from 10 to 25 mIU/ml). At the same time, manufacturers promise that a more sensitive test (10-15 mIU/ml) will help determine the presence of the hormone in the urine even before the menstrual cycle is delayed, although in fact the production of the hormone occurs approximately two weeks after ovulation (if fertilization of the egg has occurred). It is believed that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, but everything here is individual and depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Some manufacturers openly call this sensitivity indicator a cunning marketing ploy, since, in fact, all tests are the same and can detect the presence of a hormone in the urine only after two weeks from the moment of fertilization, that is, when it begins to be actively released in large quantities.

Sometimes a woman sees a positive pregnancy test result, but the doctor, after conducting the necessary research, does not confirm the pregnancy. This happens quite rarely and is an indicator of low quality of the test, a consequence of the persistence of the hCG hormone in the body after termination of pregnancy, taking hCG-containing medications, or the development of trophoblastic tumors in the body.

Sometimes the diagnostic strip is so pale that it is not even visible, but rather, it is guessed; it can be viewed at an angle and under certain lighting. Such strips are called ghost stripe. They appear mainly on the cheapest tests and represent a translucent reagent in the place where the second line should have appeared if there was pregnancy.


Thus, the reliability of the pregnancy test is affected by:

  1. — test quality;
  2. - strictly follow the instructions for using the test;
  3. — compliance with storage conditions;
  4. - amount of secreted;
  5. - taking medications containing the hCG hormone;
  6. - some kidney diseases (in which the hCG hormone cannot be detected in the urine);
  7. - a tumor process in the body (the hCG hormone is even found in male urine).

In general, the reliability of modern pregnancy tests is quite high. The diagnostic strip can be bright or completely pale.

But if a woman sees her clearly, it means she is still pregnant. If in doubt, the test can be repeated after 2-3 days, or it is better to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

You know, those who believe that a guide to an unfamiliar area should be a person who knows it thoroughly are right. No matter what we say, even our own experience is often only a subjective experience.

Here, for example, is how to determine for sure how long it will take for a pregnancy test to show an accurate result.

Reliability of pregnancy tests according to doctors

So, doctors conducted a small online survey and found that in hundreds of cases, when determining pregnancy, women received false results. And most often due to the fact that they ignored advice about the optimal ten-day period from the day of fertilization of the egg. Before this time, according to doctors, it is unrealistic to get a reliable result.

Even with urine tests, doctors cannot accurately confirm pregnancy before 14-16 days after ovulation. An exception to the general rule can only be those women with a shortened cycle, the second phase of which is less than two weeks.

Do pregnancy tests always show the truth?

Frankly, at first my knowledge of the principle of operation of test strips was limited only to the instructions on the product itself. And there, as a rule, it is written on the packaging that with their help you can find out whether you are pregnant already on the first day. I don’t remember exactly, it seems even from several hours.

And, not knowing the other features of the hCG test, I followed exactly these instructions. I admit, I had to use them more than once in my life, and I knew by heart what the strip looked like when pregnancy was out of the question, and how when the suspicions were justified.

I used tests on the second or third day and within a week from the estimated moment of conception. And even if, as a result, two stripes were not clearly visible, during pregnancy he behaved differently, and the location of the second stripe became cloudy. And this diagnosis, as a rule, was justified.

But those who say that we are all individual are right. And what works for some may fail for others. When I read reviews from different women, I was convinced of this again.

Therefore, I agree that specialists have a much better understanding of everything related to medical supplies. However, doctors know much more about the principles of operation of tests.

So, they claim that you can tell for sure based on the test results whether you are pregnant or whether you are pregnant based on the results of such a test only from 14-15 days after ovulation. This is not written on the packaging for the tests, but doctors insist that this is so.

Perhaps it is worth saying that this method of diagnosing pregnancy is not entirely justified in case of an irregular cycle. And any menstrual cycle disorders increase the likelihood of problems with conception. Then you just need to consult a doctor, and possibly treatment that will bring your hormonal levels back to normal. And again, changing your habits - lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity - plays an important role in this sense.

It’s good if pregnancy is desired and timely. But if pregnancy is not desirable for some reason, you need to find out about it earlier. And, as doctors note, it is also advisable to have it in time within two weeks.

So why not trust the authors of the instructions for pharmacy tests? At least, for a final and reliable conclusion regarding pregnancy, you need to wait at least ten days. Or go see your gynecologist. Often, already from the first days, the doctor will be able to talk about pregnancy by changes in the color of the uterus and vagina, and softening of the uterus.