Board of Sofia Alekseevna presentation. Presentation on the topic: The Board of Fedor Alekseevich and Sofia Alekseevna

“Catherine 1 and Peter 1” - Catherine and personally placed the insignia of the order on his wife on November 24, 1714. Catherine I. In relation to Poland, Russia tried to pursue a peaceful policy. Catherine I did not rule for long. Russia fought a war with the Turks in Dagestan and Georgia. Question about origin. There Sheremetev captured 400 inhabitants. In 1713, Peter I established the Order of St.

“The beginning of the reign of Peter 1” - History of the Fatherland. 1.Peter's childhood. 2. Princess Sophia. Peter and the amusing regiments Miniature from the 17th century. Siege of Azov. Peter, Ivan and Patriarch Andrian. 5.Great Embassy. Sagittarius.. 06/06/2012. Peter I in England. Miniature 19th century. Miniature from the 17th century. Unknown artist. Modern drawing. Peter and N. Zotov. Peter I in childhood.

“Foreign Policy of Peter 1” - 1707 – 1710. 1711 – 1721 Peter I. June 27, 1709 – Battle of Poltava. At the beginning of the reign. Charles XII. 1700 November. Beginning of the reign of Peter I Foreign policy. - Took energetic measures to improve his army. - 1704 – Russians captured Narva.

“The Reign of Peter 1” - Ivan Alekseevich. 4) Regency of Princess Sophia (1682-1689). Streletsky revolt of 1682 4. Regency of Princess Sophia (1682-1689). Alexey 1645-1676. Rus', who felt the burning need for something new, the need for transformation...” S.M. Soloviev. What fascinated the young king most? 6) Grand Embassy. Peter. Who suffered as a result of the Streltsy uprising?

“Reforms and transformations of Peter I” - Provincial reform. Reform of the monetary system under Peter I. 1708 – 1710. State budget under Peter I. (Revision Board). 1719 Military reform. Industrial development. Management system reform. Reforms of Peter I 1682 - 1725 Prerequisites for Peter's reforms. Mercantilist policy of 1724 Foreign trade under Peter I.

“Personality of Peter 1” - But turning and pyrotechnics have always been P.’s favorite activities. Personality of Peter I. By nature, she was cheerful, good-natured and at the same time capricious and hot-tempered. ALEXEY PETROVICH - Tsarevich, the eldest son of Peter I from his marriage to E.F. Lopukhina. The future tsar received neither secular nor church systematic education.

There are a total of 20 presentations in the topic

Until the age of 30, Mikhail Fedorovich did not marry. Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich lived only 49 years, but did a lot. Russian throne. The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. We remembered the Romanov family of boyars expelled from Moscow. Mikhail Fedorovich (1596-1645). Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich ruled the country for 32 years. In young Mikhail, the people saw the most popular, most beloved candidate. Scary time. The reign of the Orthodox Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich.

“The reign of the first Romanovs” - The Last Zemsky Sobor. The Razins captured Tsaritsyn. The first Romanovs. Fedor Alekseevich. Revolt of Stepan Razin 1667 (1670) – 1671 Conflict between Nikon and the Tsar. Punishment system. Political development of Russia in the 17th century. Persecution of Old Believers. Household taxation. Reunification of Left Bank Ukraine with Russia. Order of secret affairs. Salt riot. Bread riot. Five money. Estate-representative monarchy.

“The internal policy of Alexei Mikhailovich” - Repetition. Troubles, Patriarch Hermogenes. Broad sections of the population. Patriarch Filaret. Russian throne. The role of the church during the Time of Troubles. Time of Troubles. Basic concepts. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Dictionary. Raskolniki. Repeat the material. Solovetsky Monastery. Domestic policy in the second half of the 17th century. Zealots of piety. Studying a new topic. Get acquainted with the internal politics of Russia. The reform coincided with the strengthening of serfdom.

“400th anniversary of the House of Romanov” - Poem by S. Bekhteev, rewritten by the hand of the Grand Duchess. Empresses of the House of Romanov. Marriage unions. The book “Tercentenary of the House of Romanov.” A significant part of the investigative materials. 400 years of the Royal House of Romanov. Books about the Romanovs. History of Russian Goverment. Appeal to the memory of Ivan Susanin. The Romanov dynasty entered a special milestone in the history of Russia. The Romanov dynasty in Internet resources.

“Sofya Alekseevna” - Regulations. Prince V.V. Golitsyn. Personal qualities. Sophia prepared the ground for Peter's reforms. The moment of the Streltsy uprising. Tsars Ivan and Peter. Princess Sophia. Sophia lost power. Sophia had to play a difficult role. Mutiny of the Streltsy. Board of Sofia Alekseevna. Peter I turned 17 years old. Oppositional.

“History of the Romanov Dynasty” - February Revolution. Facts and myths. Is Rus' strong? Throne of the House of Romanov. Tsar Fedor. Russian grand ducal and royal house. Failed Russian Emperor. Russia under the scepter of the Romanovs. Descendants. Emperor Alexander I. Dynasty in faces. The last king. Photo album. Russian ship. Tsar Michael. Dynastic marriages. Emperor Nicholas II. Nicholas I. Under the scepter of the Romanovs. An era of profound changes.

Love and power of Princess Sophia

Maria Ilyinichna

Alexey Mikhailovich

Sofya Alekseevna

Fedor Alekseevich

Sofya Alekseevna

Tsarevna Sofya Alekseevna was one of the most extraordinary women in Russian history; she had not only various talents, but also a strong and decisive character.

Room of the Tsar's daughter Sophia

When a daughter was born to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya in 1657, she was named Sophia and sent, as expected, to the female half of the palace, where women were supposed to raise the child.

Princess in childhood

When the tsar was informed about the difficult temperament of seven-year-old Sophia, he was not only not angry, but also ordered the serious education of his daughter, hiring her the best mentors and teachers. So, by the age of ten, the girl mastered literacy, reading, science, history and foreign languages.

Fedor Alekseevich

In 1676, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich died. The Russian throne was taken by his heir, the sickly and weak Fedor, the tsar’s son from his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. Sophia approached her brother, spent all her time near him, protecting and caring for him, and in the meantime she established strong friendships with close boyars and military leaders, winning them over to her side.

Vasily Golitsyn

Golitsyn was highly educated, fluent in Polish, Greek, German and Latin, versed in music, fond of art and keenly interested in European culture.

Claudius Vasilyevich Lebedev (1852-1916) "Princess Sophia receives a letter from Vasily Golitsyn from Trinity"

Having always disliked men and often despised them for their weakness and lack of will, Princess Sophia suddenly unexpectedly fell in love with the refined and gallant prince.

Seventeen-year-old Peter became the most dangerous enemy for the ruler, and she, as the first time, decided to resort to the help of the archers. However, this time the princess miscalculated: the archers no longer believed either her or her favorite, giving preference to the young heir.

Peter I at 17 years old

Consolidation of the material covered Indicate when the events occurred: 1. “Copper riot”; 2. conclusion of “eternal peace” with Poland; 3. the beginning of church reform; 4. Russia’s war with Poland for the return of Smolensk; 5. signing of the Nerchinsk Treaty between Russia and China; 6. S. Dezhnev’s sea voyage, when he opened the strait separating Eurasia from America; 7. V. Poyarkov’s expedition to the Amur; 8. Pereyaslavskaya Rada; 9. “Salt Riot”; 10. adoption of the “Conciliar Code”. a) 1648 b) 1653 c) 1654 d) 1686 e) 1649 f) 1689 g) h) years i) 1662 j) 1650 answer

1. Patriarch, initiator of church reform; 2. Hetman, who led the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people against Poland; 3. the Polish king, who in 1683 defeated the Turkish army near Vienna; 4. a Cossack, after whom the cape on the eastern tip of Asia is named; 5. the leader of a detachment of Cossacks, who in 1666 left the Don towards Moscow with the intention of entering the tsarist service; 6. archpriest, opponent of church reform; 7. author of the “New Trade Charter”; 8. the king, who became the founder of the Romanov dynasty; 9. kings, under whom the Council Code was adopted; 10. noblewoman who supported the split. a) Bogdan Khmelnitsky b) Mikhail Fedorovich c) Semyon Dezhnev d) F. P. Morozova e) Nikon c) Alexey Mikhailovich g) Avvakum h) Vasily Us i) Jan Sobieski j) Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin Enter name: answer

After the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, 14-year-old Fedor was elevated to the Russian throne. The leading place at court was taken by the Miloslavskys (relatives of Alexei Mikhailovich’s first wife),

Fyodor Alekseevich Romanov was born in 1661. It so happened that all the sons of the previous tsar and Feodor’s father were in poor health. Many died in childhood. Fedor was also not in good health; he suffered from scurvy since childhood. However, Fedor was a very capable student. Received an excellent education. Knew Polish, Latin and ancient Greek languages. I learned to read music and even came up with a couple of chants.

Domestic policy In 1676, a general census was carried out, a new taxation was introduced on the population of the city - taxes began to be taken not from the land, but from each courtyard of the city. Localism was abolished, access to the government of the country was opened to people from the nobility and officials. Localism

In the field of military administration and military structure, some reforms were prepared and carried out by a special commission headed by Prince V.V. Golitsyn. Related orders were united under the leadership of one chief, which contributed to the centralization of management.

Foreign policy Russian-Turkish war. Reasons: Turkey’s attempt to establish itself in Right Bank Ukraine Actions: the Turks and Krymchaks tried twice unsuccessfully to take possession of Chigirin.

Results: The Bakhchisarai Peace a) recognized the reunification of Left Bank Ukraine and Russia; b) the Dnieper became the border river between Russia and Crimea; c) the lands between the Dniester and Bug were considered neutral; d) recognized the Zaporozhye Cossacks as subjects of the Russian Tsar and pledged not to help the enemies of Russia for 20 years.

Sofya Alekseevna () - princess, ruler of the Russian state in the years. Daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his marriage to M.I. Miloslavskaya. After the death of her brother, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, she became regent under the young brothers Tsars Ivan V and Peter I. In fact, she headed the government, relying on V.V. Golitsyna, F.L. Shaklovity and others. In 1689, as a result of the intensification of the struggle between noble groups, she was removed from the court by Peter I and imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent. After the Streltsy uprising of 1698, she was tonsured a nun under the name of Susanna. regents

Regency - in monarchical states - temporary collegial (regency council) or individual (regent) exercise of the powers of the head of state in the event of a vacancy of the throne, childhood, prolonged illness, incapacity or long absence of the monarch back

Domestic policy of 1682 – Streletsky revolt, “Khovanshchina” of 1683 – a decree was issued prohibiting, on pain of death, praising the events of 1682 – land surveying in the interests of the nobility, an attempt to implement the principle of length of service, and not the nobility of the family, in official appointments 1687 – opening of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy

Streltsy mutiny in Streltsy drags Ivan Naryshkin out of the palace. While Peter I consoles his mother, Princess Sophia watches with satisfaction. Painting by A. I. Korzukhin, 1882

On the night of 1689, Peter was awakened in Preobrazhenskoye by one of his supporters with the message that the rifle regiments were raised on a tripod and were ready to seize him. Peter rode off to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. Peter was supported by many boyars and nobles, the Moscow patriarch and even several rifle regiments. Sophia, who found herself in isolation, was imprisoned in the Novodsvichiy Monastery in Moscow. The leader of the Streltsy, F. Shaklovity, was executed, V.V. Golitsyn was sent into exile. The throne passed to Peter. In 1696, Tsar Ivan died, and the autocracy of Peter was established.

Literature: AN Sakharov, VI Buganov “History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century” 10th grade BN Serov, AR Lango “Lesson studies on the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century”, 10th grade Video fragment of their film “Streltsy Revolt” S/D “Library of visual aids of centuries.” Internet resources: romanov.html Fedor Alekseevich romanov.html Golitsyn V.V. Golitsyn V.V scheme of the Russian-Turkish war Sofya Alekseevna finansovye/Peter the First finansovye/streltsy revolt