Calculation of the volume of concrete on a strip foundation calculator. Online calculator for monolithic slab foundation

A strip foundation is a prefabricated or monolithic foundation made of high-strength reinforced concrete blocks, which are laid along the perimeter of the future structure, as well as in areas of load-bearing structures. The formation of a strip foundation does not involve the use of heavy construction equipment, but at the same time it requires absolute accuracy of calculation and measurement operations. The interactive strip foundation calculator will allow you to quickly and accurately calculate the proportion of sand, cement and crushed stone when making concrete manually, the dimensions of the strip, as well as the parameters of the formwork and foundation reinforcement for a house made of foam concrete or aerated concrete.

Advantages of the online strip foundation calculator

  • Saves time, nerves, effort and money when drawing up cost estimates for the purchase of building materials.
  • Allows you to estimate the volume of creative actions, as well as predict the timing of the formation of a strip-type foundation.
  • Proper calculation of the parameters of reinforcement and concrete guarantees high strength and reliability of the internal frame of the structure.
  • The ability to instantly calculate parameters for a monolithic or prefabricated, shallow or deeply laid strip foundation.
  • 2D and 3D visualization options allow you to clearly assess the adequacy of calculation manipulations and make the necessary corrections in a timely manner.

Problems that the calculator solves

Calculation of reinforcement for a strip foundation helps determine the total length and weight of the reinforcement cage, as well as the minimum diameter of the transverse and longitudinal bars, the number of rows in the reinforcement chords, the spacing of the clamps and the amount of overlap. Calculations are made in accordance with the rules of SP 52-101-2003.

Calculation of concrete for a strip foundation provides information on the proportions of sand, crushed stone and cement, as well as the weight of the main building material for pouring the strip foundation. The calculation results make it possible to correctly and competently distribute the load across the structure segments.

The calculation of the formwork specifies the total length of the perimeter, as well as the area of ​​the base and the outer side edge of the reinforced concrete strip.

An online calculator for calculating strip foundations works for you completely free of charge. If you have any questions, write below in the comments - we will definitely help you.

It will allow an individual developer to make calculations for his own cottage or outbuilding, incorporating into the design the safety margin necessary for maximum service life. For strip foundations, two calculations are used:

  • determination of soil bearing capacity;
  • permissible soil deformation.

An example of simplified calculations is available to every developer - you will need to remember the school course in physics and mathematics. Moreover, from the equality:

N r x L x S = 1.3 x M z + M m + N s + N v, where

  • N r – design soil resistance;
  • L, S – length, width of the foundation;
  • M z, M m – weight of the building and furniture, respectively;
  • N s, N v – snow load, wind load, respectively;
  • you will need to calculate the parameter S (tape width).

The laying depth is not calculated, but is taken from the corresponding tables compiled taking into account many years of operating practice on various soils.

After which an estimate is drawn up for planning the construction budget and economical transportation.

Data for calculating belt characteristics

Calculation examples operate on the following data:

  • building design;
  • soil freezing mark;
  • ground water level;
  • soil characteristics.

The strip foundation is calculated in four stages:

  • calculation of the total load on the foundation: weight of the cottage structures, operational loads (users, furniture, interior), snow, wind load;
  • determination of the specific pressure of the base on the soil;
  • calculation of the geometric dimensions of the tape;
  • geometry adjustment based on the results of previous calculations.

An example of calculating an economy class cottage uses such structural elements as:

  • foundation;
  • base;
  • zero level overlap;
  • box at home;
  • partitions;
  • cladding, roofing;
  • stairs (external, internal);
  • heat, steam, noise and waterproofing;
  • other structures (stove, fireplace, climate control equipment, heating boilers, communications)

At this stage of calculating the strip foundation, drawings (or sketches) with exact dimensions will be required. Based on them, the volume of construction materials used is calculated. To facilitate design, there are free online services for calculating the volume of concrete, the amount of brick, and lumber. After obtaining the volumes of structures, the numbers are multiplied by the density of the materials from which they are made. The resulting weight of the foundation, partitions, walls, floors, roofing is multiplied by reliability coefficients, different for individual structural materials:

  • metal – 1.05;
  • wood, stone, reinforced concrete, concrete – 1.1;
  • factory reinforced concrete structures – 1.2;
  • reinforced concrete poured into the building area – 1.3;
  • soil – 1.1;
  • lightweight materials – 1.3.

The density of materials is taken from reference tables or SNiP. For example, concrete, depending on the filler, can differ significantly in this characteristic (from 1.8 to 2.5 tons per cubic volume). The parameters of the tape are set based on the characteristics of the soil and the width of the wall materials.

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The procedure for calculating the characteristics of the tape

An example calculation for a one-story cottage 10 x 10 m with a single partition and a ceiling height of 3 m is as follows:

  • area S = (10 m x 4 pcs) x 3 m + 10 m x 3 m = 150 m 2. If a half-brick brickwork is used, the strip foundation will experience load.
  • 0.75 t/m 2 x 150 m 2 = 112.5 t. With a house area of ​​100 square meters, with the attic covered from boards over beams, the base with a reinforced concrete slab will add a load.
  • 100 m 2 x 150 kg/m 2 + 100 x 500 = 65 tons. The calculation of the strip foundation will be incomplete without taking into account the roof, the weight of which is made up of the materials of the rafters and the roof itself. Moreover, the roof rests on the walls at a certain angle, so its area is larger than the area of ​​the floor, 120 square meters with slope angles of 30˚. In this case, the rafter system will require:
  • timber 15 x 10 cm – 10 pcs;
  • board 20 x 5 cm – 32 pcs.

The load from the rafter system will be:

      • [(32 x 0.06) + (10 x 0.09)] x 500 = 1.41 t;

When using light ondulin, another 0.6 t is added.

To calculate the snow load, SNiP tables are used, which provide data on construction regions. For Krasnodar this is 120 kg per square, so the final result will be equal to:

      • 120 x 120 = 14.4 t;

The snow load is calculated in the same way; this will also require SNiP standards. In this case, the calculation will require the area of ​​the facades:

      • 100 m 2 x (15 x 7 + 40) = 14.5 t;

The furniture load in the example will be 100 m2 x 195 kg/m2 = 19.5 tons.

The total weight of the house was 227.91 tons; the strip foundation transfers loads to soils with different soil resistances, the values ​​of which are summarized in SNiP tables. For example, for coarse sand it is 5 units, for gravel with silt-clay filler – 4 units, crushed stone with sand – 6 units. The bearing capacity of the soil must be greater than the total weight of the house, multiplied by a factor of 1.3 (in our case, 296.28 tons). Based on the obtained values ​​of the calculated resistance and the total weight of the house, you can adjust the width of the foundation:

      • 296.28/5000 = 59.6 cm.

The value is rounded up to 60 cm. It should be remembered that the width of the tape is always greater than the thickness of the masonry. The width of the walls depends on the characteristics of the material, since none of them has universal qualities. The walls should be:

      • durable - for supporting heavy rafter systems, roofs, floors;
      • warm - structural materials have high thermal conductivity, and therefore require additional thermal insulation;
      • beautiful - facades must have artistic value.

Therefore, in practice, composite walls are used (external cladding, heat insulation, brick or wood to support the rafters, vapor barrier, interior decoration), which allows reducing the thickness of the wall and foundation, respectively.

The depth of trenches for strip foundations can be taken from SNiP standards:

      • 45-90 cm – on loams, sandy loams, sands;
      • 0.75-1 m – on clay;
      • 0.45 m - on a stone.

The most dangerous forces for strip foundations are heaving forces that arise during the expansion of moisture-saturated clays.

      • Therefore, the higher the groundwater level, the more clay in the soil, the deeper the freezing mark, the higher the shearing, tearing or compressive forces that arise in it. In practice, several technologies are used to reduce heaving forces:
      • insulation of the adjacent perimeter - thermal insulation is glued to the outer walls of the tape, changes direction at the bottom of the pit, moves away from it along the perimeter by 1.5 m, retaining the heat of the subsoil in winter;
      • soil replacement - heaving clay at the bottom of the belt is replaced with sand, crushed stone, gravel or mixtures thereof, for which the trench is dug 0.35 m deeper than the design mark;

piles - in critical places the tape rests on piles buried below the freezing level.

The reinforcement inside reinforced concrete prevents cracking, increases strength, and unites the perimeter of the tape into a single whole.

Calculation of the price of the foundation for a house. Online foundation calculator. Calculate the cost of the foundation for a house calculator. Foundation price calculator. STEP 1.

In the gray field on the left, indicate the type of soil on the site - this parameter determines the list of recommended foundation structures. STEP 2.

Then select the material of the walls of the future house, indicating its thickness. Depending on the thickness of the wall of the future house, those foundation designs will be selected that are reliable enough to withstand the planned load. STEP 3.

STEP 4. Select the warranty period you need.

When calculating, you will see a list of foundations recommended for your site and house, indicating the price of the foundation. The price for the foundation calculated by the calculator is approximate and will be specified when placing an order.

We indicate all required dimensions in mm

H- Height.


X- Width.

Y- Length.

C— Distance between the axes of the jumper.

S— Step between reinforcement connections.

G— Horizontal rows.

V— Vertical rods.

Z— Connecting fittings.

The required amount of cement for 1 m³ of concrete solution will be different in each specific case.

These parameters will depend on the proportions and fractions of fillers, the brand of cement used (which is indicated on the bags) and the brand of concrete desired.

Planning the foundation of a house is an important and responsible process that requires accurate calculation of materials for its construction. Typically, the total price of a monolithic structure for a building can be a third of the total price of the house.

Our service allows you to significantly simplify the calculation and plan a monolithic foundation for future construction. You will be able to calculate the amount of concrete mortar, formwork boards, and reinforcement that will be required to fill the strip monolith.

What will you learn:

  • The area of ​​the base for the future home (this is useful for calculating the amount of waterproofing and thermal insulation);
  • Number of floor slabs and concrete mortar for the foundation;
  • The amount of reinforcement, depending on its diameter, length and weight, which are involved in the calculation;
  • The total area of ​​the structure and side surfaces (to calculate the waterproofing of the monolith);
  • Number of building materials in pieces and formwork area and cubic meters;
  • Calculation of the approximate price of building materials (for each individual project);
  • Drawing of the future foundation.

This service will be useful for those who design and fill a monolithic foundation for a house.

Concrete composition

The cost of these materials is indicated additionally, depending on the region of the country and the season.

It is worth considering that the composition of the finished concrete depends directly on the brand of cement, in what conditions it was stored and its “freshness”, the size of the crushed stone and gravel fractions. With increased humidity, bags of cement turn into a monolith and lose their properties.

The price of crushed stone and sand must be indicated per 1 ton in the calculator. While the supplier names the price of materials per 1 m³.

Its specific gravity will directly depend on the place of origin of the sand. 1 m³ of river sand weighs on average 1500 kg, which is heavier than quarry sand.

With crushed stone or gravel it is a little more complicated, since 1 m³ can vary greatly depending on the size of the fractions from 1200 to 2500 kg.

You can check these parameters with suppliers of bulk materials, as well as their cost.

An online calculator will help you find out the approximate price of materials for the future foundation of your home. It is also necessary to take into account screws and nails, fittings, delivery of building materials, expenses for construction and excavation work.

Foundation pouring process

It is necessary to plan the site before starting pouring work, dig a pit or trenches and install formwork. For the best results, purchase factory-made concrete, as this will allow you to evenly fill the entire area of ​​your structure in one go. If you intend to manually make a strip foundation with your own hands, then you should take into account that it is best to fill the monolithic foundation all in one day. Otherwise, “cold seams” will form, which will cause the destruction of the monolith. If, nevertheless, you ordered a factory concrete truck, then make sure that it has access for pouring concrete from any corner.

Step by step process:

  • Pour the concrete solution in layers of 20 cm;
  • We tamp each layer with wooden tampers, removing all voids in the monolith;
  • We tap each wall of the formwork with a hammer;
  • Filling is done according to the level of the fixed mark;
  • After this, with a trowel you need to carefully plan the surface of the concrete, and to check with reinforcement, we pierce the monolith in different places to allow the remaining air to escape. You can tap the formwork using a wooden hammer from the outside.

Now all that remains is to let the strip foundation stand for 30 days, after covering its surface with waterproof material and moistening it with water daily. When the concrete has hardened, you can remove the boards and move on to further work.

The foundation is the underground part of a building or structure that receives loads and transfers them to the ground.

The most popular type of foundation for building houses is considered to be a strip foundation. This widespread use of strip foundations is explained by its versatility and affordable cost. Before you begin construction, you need to make a choice between a shallow and buried strip foundation.

A shallow foundation saves both budget and time. And labor costs will be significantly less, since its construction does not require a deep pit. The following foundation is used for lightweight structures of small area:

  • wooden houses
  • aerated concrete structures or buildings built from aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks, the height of which does not exceed 2 floors
  • monolithic buildings with permanent formwork
  • small structures built of stone

The depth of the shallow foundation reaches half a meter.

Recessed strip foundation

This foundation is used for the construction of structures with heavy walls, concrete floors, a basement or an underground garage. The length of the foundation depth must be calculated in advance. First, you need to determine the level of soil freezing, then subtract 30 cm and lay the foundation at this depth.

Preparing for work

To build a strip foundation yourself, you must first carry out precise planning.

The need for careful calculations is explained by the fact that the foundation is one of the most important structural elements of any building or home. Mistakes made at the beginning of construction can provoke negative consequences during the operation of the house.


Marking is carried out by marking on the ground both the external and internal boundaries of the future foundation. To do this, it is best to use pegs or reinforcement rods and ropes. But it will be more effective to use special devices, such as laser levels. Remember that large errors in markings will noticeably affect the appearance of the finished building.

  • To achieve ideal results you need:
  • determine the axis of the structure being built
  • use a plumb line to mark an angle, then pull a rope from it at an angle of 90 degrees to two more corners of the structure
  • use a square to determine another angle
  • check the angles, focusing on the diagonals. If the test gives positive results, pull a rope between them

take on the internal markings, retreating from the external markings to the distance of the thickness of the future foundation

When you are finished with the markings, study the differences in the surface at the construction site and select the lowest point to measure the depth of the trench and eliminate the difference in the height of the foundation. If the building is planned to be small, then the depth of the pit can be 40 cm.

A sand cushion with added gravel should be laid on the finished trench. The recommended height of each layer is 120-150 mm. After this, each layer must be shed with water and compacted to increase density. To insulate the finished pillow, you need to lay out a durable waterproofing film on it.

Installation of strip foundation formwork

The formwork is usually made of planed boards approximately 40-50 mm thick. You can use slate for this purpose.

When erecting formwork, control verticality. The recommended height of the frame above the ground is 30 cm. This is necessary to build a small base. Asbestos concrete pipes are laid in the formwork to introduce sewerage and water supply into the building.

Place a plastic film between the concrete and the formwork; this will protect the formwork from contamination.

Laying reinforcement

The next stage is the installation of fittings. Reinforcing bars with a cross-section of 10-12 mm are connected with a special knitting wire so that the sides of the square cells are 30-40 cm. The reinforcement can be either steel or fiberglass.

Ventilation and communications

Pouring a strip foundation with concrete

Fill the formwork with concrete gradually. The thickness of the layers is 15-20 cm; to avoid voids and increase overall strength, compact the layers with a special tool - a wooden tamper or an internal vibrator.

You can order ready-mixed concrete from a factory or make it yourself using a concrete mixer. The recommended proportion of cement, sand and crushed stone is: 1:3:5.

The layers should not differ in composition. In cold weather, you should use a concrete heater and frost-resistant additives; in hot weather, water the concrete.

Completion of work

Once the concrete is poured, it should be covered with film to prevent drying out and left to gain strength for at least 2 weeks.