A child up to one year old sleeps in a separate room. Interior of a children's room for a newborn

Sleep is an integral and very important part of every person’s life. This is a period of replenishment of expended energy.

For a child, the issue of comfortable and restful sleep is especially important. A growing body needs to rest properly and gain strength for new discoveries and achievements. For a baby, comfort is the closeness of the mother, the warmth of her body and the sound of her heartbeat. For nine months of intrauterine development, the baby lived with this sound; it became for him a hymn of safety and peace. Therefore, at first, the child so needs the constant presence of the mother in his life.

However, time passes, the child grows, and parents are faced with an urgent question: at what age does a child sleep in a separate room without problems and worries, does the child need his own room, should we proceed from considerations of the psychology of the child’s personal space or not? All these and many other questions regarding the organization of a healthy holiday for a baby can “drink a lot of blood” and greatly fray the nerves of loving parents.

When should I move my child to a separate room?

When answering this question, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that each family and the child in it are individual. It happens that the baby himself expresses a desire to sleep in a separate room, thereby indicating to his parents his independence and courage. It happens that parents, from infancy, put the baby in a separate crib and even in a separate room, and the little one took this very calmly. It is important to remember that there is no single approach or standard.

The opinions of experts on this matter are very ambiguous. If earlier doctors and psychologists unanimously opposed the long period of co-sleeping between mother and child, today the position of many specialists is not so radical.

Thus, based on the concept of a child’s personal space, psychology and pedagogy, represented by such a prominent scientific figure as Benjamin Spock, are inclined to believe that a child should have his own room and crib literally from birth. Parents who are supporters of early development are also inclined to the same opinion. This approach helps develop a sense of independence in the baby and has a beneficial effect on the baby’s rate of development. Moreover, up to 9 months of a baby’s life, it is quite easy to teach him to sleep separately from his mother. The fact is that during this period the baby literally perceives everything that happens as for granted and natural. Since his mother put him to sleep in a separate crib, so be it, in a separate room, that’s what it needs to be. And no protests, no hysterics.

The situation is different when you try to detach the baby after 9 months of age. He has already developed a certain ritual of falling asleep, and has developed a stable habit of sleeping with his parents, which will not be so easy to overcome. It often happens that parents, having not achieved results, resign themselves and the little one sleeps with them for up to 5–7 or even 10 years.

The optimal age for moving a child to a separate room is considered to be from 2 to 3 years. At this time, the child begins to show a desire for independence.

Each position has both pros and cons. They are shown in the table below:

for baby for Mom for baby for Mom
Co-sleeping between mother and baby
  • feeling of emotional comfort and security;
  • the ability to cope with the period of fear of losing a mother, characteristic of the age of 1.5 years, painlessly;
  • physical contact and filling the communication gap
  • convenience of night feedings;
  • prevention of depression after childbirth;
  • development of intuition and maternal instinct;
  • establishing a sleep-wake schedule similar to that of a baby
  • excessive dependence of the child on the mother;
  • difficulties in changing sleep rituals;
  • subsequently, difficulty falling asleep and nightmares are possible;
  • problems in developing independence
  • problems with accustoming the child to a separate crib and room;
  • long time to put the baby to bed;
  • violation of intimate relationships with a partner and, as a result, difficulties and conflicts in relationships are possible;
  • there is a possibility of accidentally crushing a baby in a dream
Sleeping in your own room/crib
  • promotes the formation of a sense of independence;
  • pushes for a faster pace of development;
  • deep, restful and prolonged sleep with rare nightmares
  • the ability to pay attention to your partner, the presence of a normal intimate life;
  • full sleep without fear of accidentally harming the baby;
  • no problems with changing sleep rituals
  • at the beginning - a reduced feeling of emotional comfort;
  • lack of emotional and physical contact
  • need to get up for night feedings;
  • worry about whether everything is okay with the baby

It is necessary to approach the decision of when to move a child to a separate room consistently. Each family and each child in it is individual, which means that decisions will always have their own characteristics.

A little about personal space

The main role of a child’s personal space in psychology and beyond is the feeling of security and comfort, which constitutes the basic skills for the social and everyday development of personality.

Unlike an adult, a child is less active and “predatory” in defending his boundaries, which means he is more vulnerable and vulnerable. Therefore, parents are required from infancy to respect the child’s boundaries and take into account his personal space when organizing the process of his growing up.

The age of 2–3 years is the period of formation of the foundations of the primary space of the child’s personality. It is at this time that the baby begins to defend himself, his things and his territory, and also show signs of independence, wanting to sleep in a separate room in “his” crib. At this age, the baby gets acquainted with such concepts as responsibility and builds ideas about its territory. This place is just for him. Here he plays, sleeps, explores the world and develops. The main thing for parents is to support their child.

In the process of socialization, by the age of 6 years, a child already divides things into “his own” and “common”, which makes him perceive his space more acutely. Now this space takes on more concrete outlines, and the baby learns to use it, understand his boundaries and let others understand this. At this age, a separate room for the child begins to perform new functions. Here the baby can be alone with himself, take a break from the people around him, and devote time to hobbies.

With age, a child’s personal space acquires clear boundaries and characteristics and special significance. And a separate room is very important for this process.

When organizing the process of raising their child, it is important for parents to convey to him not only the importance of his personal space. It is necessary that the law of personal space for the child is clear and observed by him in relation to other people.

The beginning of an “independent” life

Regardless of the age at which a child is “moved” into a private apartment, rarely does a parent answer the question of whether the child needs a separate room in the negative.

Of course it is necessary. This will allow you to create the child’s personal space. Psychology is of the same opinion. Each family member should have a “corner for themselves,” regardless of age.

Many parents who have the opportunity allocate a separate room to their child from birth. And there are more advantages to this than might seem at first glance. In a room designated specifically for the baby, you can create the necessary conditions and amenities for both the baby and the mother. Here you can easily create and maintain the optimal atmosphere necessary for a baby: room temperature from 18 to 20 degrees, silence, cleanliness. An important point is the fact that if there is a separate room, everything necessary to care for the child, as well as children's things and toys, is in one place.

Of course, the question of at what age a child needs a separate room is decided differently in each family. However, such progressiveness in the issue of your child’s room is not always supported by childhood psychology. It is believed that the first 12 months after the birth of a child should be accompanied by close contact between the baby and the mother and a lot of time spent together. Therefore, you should wait until at least a year to move the baby, and preferably up to 2–3 years. This does not mean that the baby should sleep in the parent's bed. If possible and for safety reasons, he should be transferred to his own crib after falling asleep; it should simply be in the parents’ bedroom.

This behavior of parents, on the one hand, allows them to constantly be close to the baby, and on the other hand, maintain a sense of personal space for the child.

I would like to, but...

A separate room is a definite plus not only for children, but also for parents. Its presence contributes to the successful formation of a sense of ownership, responsibility, order and independence. Unfortunately, not every family has the territorial resources to provide their child with a separate room. In this case, the question arises: do children need their own room and what alternatives are possible?

It’s not about the room specifically, but about creating his place for the baby. If there is no separate room suitable for a child’s room, you can always allocate a “corner” for the little one, separating it from the rest of the room with a screen. The child will have a feeling of privacy and his own space in this case.

Things are a little different if there are more than one children. This is where the room is really needed. Moreover, if the children are same-sex and approximately the same age, then they can easily share the room with each other. It is important to take into account the fact that sooner or later they will have a conflict between personal spaces and property rights. To prevent it, parents should equip the room with two similar sets of furniture so that each of the children has everything they need: a sleeping place, a workplace, a place to store clothes and personal belongings.

But if the children are of different genders or have a significant age difference, their cohabitation will be quite problematic. It is advisable to separate children of different sexes into different rooms in preschool or primary school age. This will make it more comfortable for them to grow up. If it is not possible to accommodate the children, then when the children reach the age of 12, part of the room should be divided into two halves by a screen. This will help children feel less vulnerable as they grow older and go through puberty.

Summing up

Every parent wants to make their child’s life easier and more comfortable. He creates conditions for his baby, becomes his guide and protector in this world, his rear and support. Proper organization of a baby's sleep is of great importance for his development. Therefore, many parents are faced with many painful questions: where should the baby sleep, at what age does the child need a separate room and at what age should he sleep in it...

There is simply no single answer to these and many other questions. Each family proceeds from its own considerations when answering them and develops its own strategy. One thing is certain, each child needs his own personal space and parents are required not only to create the necessary conditions, but also to respect the child’s boundaries.

Separate baby room- one of the most common misconceptions. Actually up to two years Baby needs the presence of his mother, and not toys or other inanimate objects. For the child to feel safe, the mother must be nearby. It is not without reason that they believe that all complexes are formed at a tender age. If a child is constantly in his room, then he can easily develop a feeling of loneliness or the feeling that he is not loved. Growing up with such emotions Baby will suffer in adult life. Therefore, the best option is to place the crib next to mother's sleeping place. In addition, it is advisable to provide children's corners in all rooms where the mother is, so that the child is nearby during the day. These places need to be carefully thought out so that they are as safe as possible, especially in the kitchen.

A close psychological and energetic connection lasts up to 2-3 years. Esotericists claim that until this age, mother and child have one aura for two. Therefore, at about the age of 3 years, you can organize your own living space for your child. The statement that a baby needs a spacious room is another misconception. Children seek refuge in shelters, which is why they actively build houses or spend time in corners where they feel comfortable.

The baby will feel more comfortable in a small room, where there will be everything necessary for games and sleep. The most minimal set of furniture is a wardrobe, a bed, a table for drawing or modeling and pillows for playing on the floor. A child will only be able to appreciate a stylish design at the age of 6-7, so to begin with, you can get by with redecorating the room without any special decoration. All changes in a child’s life must be carried out gradually; his psychological health depends on this. Maybe, Baby He will not immediately get used to his room and will, out of habit, ask his mother to visit him. In this case, you need to show both patience and perseverance, and over time everything will fall into place.

With the birth of a child, he is given a place in the parent’s bedroom, where the interior changes beyond recognition: wallpaper with cute bear cubs, curtains with bunnies, and a crib appear. How do you know when it’s time to move your baby into a separate room?

Some families keep postponing the baby's departure, while in others this process is accompanied by children's screaming, hysterics and stress for all household members.

There are 2 common approaches:

  1. The sooner you move out, the easier it is. Many people place their child in a separate crib almost from birth and soon transfer it to a separate room. In such families, they believe that the baby will grow up to be independent if he learns to sleep alone from a very early age. We also read: .
  2. The closer the baby is, the calmer it is. Some parents strive to keep their child close for longer so that he feels protected and, accordingly, grows up calm and confident.

Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to parents to decide what to do with their children. Still, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of each age.

Up to a year

Moving a baby into a separate room is a big decision. At the age of up to 1 year, the baby really needs mother's milk, the warmth of her body and constant care.

This act has other negative sides:

  1. Difficult to maintain in a separate room.
  2. Parents are not around to cover or uncover the baby in time.
  3. Mom will not get enough sleep, constantly running into the room to the little one who asks for attention.

Still, many parents who choose this option are satisfied and point out its advantages:

  1. The baby immediately gets used to his room, and then he doesn’t have to change anything.
  2. The children's bedroom is always quiet. Nothing prevents the baby from resting peacefully, and mom and dad can watch TV, talk and go to bed whenever they want.

When deciding to move your child to a separate room, think about his safety. The baby has not yet learned to crawl - what if he accidentally buries his nose in the blanket? Do not leave soft objects in the crib; remove the pillow. Place the crib itself away from sockets, electrical appliances and batteries. For the safety of the child and your own peace of mind, you can install a radio or video baby monitor so that you always know what is happening with the baby.

1-2 years

Most often, children are moved to separate rooms when they are 1-2 years old. This is due to the fact that at this age:

  • breastfeeding often stops;
  • the regime has already been formed;
  • The baby eats less at night.

Most children aged 1.5-2 years easily get used to their rooms. To facilitate this process, parents need to do everything gradually:

  • at first ;
  • then start putting the crib in the nursery for daytime sleep;
  • For some time, mom or dad should sleep during the day next to the child (the child is in his own crib, the adult is on the sofa).

If a child is capricious, then it is difficult to come to an agreement with him, because persuasion and explanations do not yet work on him. Therefore, if the baby begins to pee in his pants again, throws tantrums more often, gets nervous, bites his nails, or does something else, then it is better to postpone moving to a separate room.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

2-3 years and later

When the baby is already about 3 years old, it is much easier to come to an agreement with him. You can come up with a fairy tale about a little bunny who needed his own hut, explain that dolls or cars are cramped in the parent’s bedroom. Physically, a three-year-old child is absolutely ready to move: all children of this age sleep the whole night without waking up, they no longer need night snacks and pacifiers. Only such children quickly realize what is happening and begin to be cunning, coming to their mother’s bed in the middle of the night. If parents don't object, this will become an inconvenient habit.

There are several important nuances associated with moving a three-year-old child into a separate room:

  • Do everything gradually, as in the case of younger children;
  • If your child comes into your bedroom at night, do not allow him to sleep in your bed. Hold him on your lap, pat him on the head and calm him down, and then take him to the nursery and put him in his crib.

At every age, children have their own characteristics. Psychologists recommend moving a child into a separate room when he begins to strive for independence. It’s just important to take into account that every baby is individual, so some people develop the desire to do everything themselves as early as 2 years old, while others only at 4 years old. There are no universal recommendations for moving to a separate room. The main thing is that the whole family is prepared for this - both the child and his parents.

Opinions of mommies from forums

Nastiafi: My daughter immediately slept in a separate room. I hear every rustle thanks to the baby monitor. I don’t know what would have happened if we had placed her with us. But this state of affairs suits all family members.

Marquise of Angels: My son will be 6 months old now, I want to move his crib into the nursery, let him sleep in his own room, especially since he somehow sleeps better there.

Milena Farmer: From birth, a child should have his own room. Your own space.
I understand that when he is sick, of course you need to be near him. And still very small.
We immediately made a separate room for the baby, but for now I sleep in the room with him. Husband in the bedroom. The elder re is in his other room.

Screw: Since birth, our daughter has been sleeping in her own room, sometimes I want to put her next to me and fall asleep, but my husband categorically does not allow it.

Lovealisy: My opinion is that after 3 years it’s time. We are waiting for an apartment to realize this idea. After 3 years in one room, I’m honestly already a little tired. Elementary no personal life...

Marine: From birth, both had their own room. I always slept separately in my own bed in my own room, only when I had a fever I took it to my own bed.

AlenaSh: We moved our children away at 2 years old, everything went smoothly. Apparently because they were not accustomed to sleeping with us in our bed.

How to help your child not be afraid to sleep alone

Nikolai Lukin, a child psychologist, examines the issues of children's fears and tells parents how to teach their child to sleep alone.

Maria Soboleva

Why does the baby need a separate room?

Does a child need a separate room and at what age? How to arrange a nursery and teach your baby to sleep alone? What to do if there is no free space for this purpose - read the opinion of psychologists on a topic that interests many in our material.

Separate room for a child? Of course yes!

There is practically no disagreement about the need for a separate room for a child. Every family member, even the smallest one, should have a personal territory.

In his own room, the baby will sleep and play; when he gets older, he will study, receive guests, and store his things.

No one will interfere with the child’s privacy to read and draw in peace; he will be able to decorate the room to his liking.

When a son or daughter has a personal room, it is easier to teach them order, responsibility, and independence.

It’s nice to have a sports corner, a green area with indoor plants, and an aquarium in a child’s room. But in this case, the child must take care of the flowers and animals on his own.

It’s a pity, of course, that not everyone has the opportunity to give their children a separate room. But even in the smallest apartment you need to arrange your child’s personal corner.

It can be separated using a partition, screen or curtain. In the children's area there is a sleeping place, a play area, and a study corner - if the children are older.

In very cramped living conditions, give your child at least his own table and chair and hang a shelf for toys and books.

It is unlikely that in a one-room apartment it will be possible to provide a child with a separate closet for his things, which means that you need to give him a shelf in the parent’s wardrobe.

Requirements for a children's room

A separate room for a child should, first of all, be safe. Use environmentally friendly materials when decorating the premises.

Choose furniture with rounded corners; glass is not suitable for children. Take care that the floors do not slip.

Electrical wiring must be securely hidden. Table lamp options are not the best solution; children usually drop them easily. It is preferable to mount the lighting on the wall.

A separate room for your child should be bright. If there is a choice, then the eastern side for the nursery will be optimal. Rooms located to the south and west quickly overheat; on the north side there is not enough sun and light.

Regarding the size of the room - children need space to play and move, so try to provide your child with a spacious room. But too large an area is also useless - the baby may feel uncomfortable and will get lost in the extra squares.

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Where is the best place for your baby to sleep?

Whether you're expecting or already have one, you, like many others in a similar situation, may be concerned about where your baby should sleep. Do you need a separate nursery for your child, or will it be better if he sleeps in the same room where you sleep? These are the questions that you really need to find answers to before you follow one option or another.

You must decide what is more convenient for you: put the baby in a separate room or leave it in your own. Both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages, and so they can be applicable depending on the person, figuring out what is right for them.

For many new parents, the challenge may be that they can't put their baby to bed in another room where they can't see him. The unreliability of this option is that you may not hear the baby cry at night, and this is a significant factor for parents when making a decision. This is understandable, but in fact you should not worry too much due to the fact that you do not sleep very soundly or that the children's room is far from your room that you may not hear the baby cry.

Once the baby is born, the mother is automatically tuned in to the baby's cries and doesn't have to worry too much about not hearing the baby's cries if that is a deciding factor when it comes to choosing separate bedrooms for you and your baby. Another thing that new parents often do is constantly need to check if the baby is okay and breathing. This is quite normal, and you are not the only one who does this.

In the first few months after your baby is born, there is a need to walk around and check on him. This can be a bit of an inconvenience if the baby has his own room, and you'll also have to get out of bed every time you feel like you need to go check on the baby. If you are breastfeeding your baby, it will be much more comfortable to keep the baby in your room because you will not have the urgent need to wake up. All you have to do is tuck your baby into bed with you.

If you have already started putting your child to sleep in your room, then you should know that it will be quite difficult to teach him to fall asleep on his own. By the time you decide to give your child his own room, he will have become accustomed to being around you and hearing familiar sounds from you and your spouse. This has a calming effect on the child if he is used to it, and placing him in his own room may take quite some time before he adjusts to this new and unfamiliar place. You may have the bitter experience of not being able to sleep for several nights.

Providing your child with a separate room to sleep from the start can be beneficial for both you and your spouse. This will give you both a place to recharge and find privacy, a place just for the two of you where you won't disturb your baby by going into the room, watching TV, reading or just spending time together. For many people this is the most optimal solution. Your room is a place where they can still find peace and privacy after baby care has taken over the rest of their time.

By allowing your child to have his own room from the start, you eliminate the hassle of adjusting to a room later, which can, as mentioned earlier, be an inconvenience. So, before you decide where your baby should sleep, figure out what's best for you first and foremost. None of these options are wrong or right - just do as you see fit.