The most common indoor ones. Types of indoor plants with photos and names

If you live in a house with windows facing west, north or east, you should select flowering plants especially carefully. Most flowers love light, but this is not a reason to abandon your home flower garden.

Photos of shade-loving blooming indoor flowers

Caring for all types of flowering plants involves timely watering and removing faded flowers. In addition, flowering flowerpots should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes. During the cold season, do not leave them on windowsills. If there is little light in the apartment, choose those plants that tolerate darkened rooms and do not like direct sunlight. Here is the list in alphabetical order:

Abutilon (flowering maple)

Photos of unpretentious indoor climbing indoor flowers

Various kinds of climbing plants are so popular because they are easy to care for and produce abundant greenery. Both local ivies and exotic vines grow quite quickly, and some even enjoy rare but beautiful periods of flowering. All these plants need is regular but not frequent watering and timely replanting. However, they are replanted no more than once a year, or even twice.

Photo of beautiful indoor flowers with red leaves

This amazingly beautiful plant has many names: beautiful euphorbia, poinsettia. But in everyday life it is most often called the Christmas star or simply the Christmas star. It owes its name to the fact that on winter days it serves as an invariable decoration of any interior, thanks to the bright red color of the leaves.

In the USA, on the eve of the Christmas holidays, about 40-50 million poinsettia flowerpots are purchased. But for all its beauty, the plant is not too whimsical: good lighting, a temperature not lower than 14-16 ° C and moderate watering - that’s all that is required for the normal development of the plant.

Photo of large non-blooming indoor flowers

Non-flowering houseplants are unpretentious and are perfect for those who suffer from pollen allergies. They require basic care and create a good microclimate in the room.

Photos of the most beautiful exotic flowers

The more flowers appear in stores and markets, the more we want to acquire something original and exotic. But exotics do not always require special care; often such flowers and plants are imported from places with a rather harsh climate and they grow well in apartments and houses.

Vriesia is a showy plant that requires regular moisture and does not like extreme cold.

Stapelia variegated - succulent with a very unusual flower

Koleria fluffy-flowered - a beautiful and unpretentious flower

Photos of hanging flowers

Ampelous plants are distinguished by long, flexible shoots that creep along the ground. As a rule, they have flowing shoots, which is why they are mainly planted in flowerpots, where they look especially impressive. Annual fast-growing hanging flowers are extremely popular and are used for landscaping balconies and terraces.

Among the hanging plants there are different types of plants: flowering, decorative deciduous, semi-shrub forms, succulents and herbaceous species. There are hundreds of types of hanging flowers, to which more than one catalog is dedicated, but we have chosen the most affordable and spectacular ones.

Alsobia is a ground cover plant with delicate white flowers.

Many plants require a lot of care

Indoor flowers: photos and names in alphabetical order

In catalogs, indoor flowers with photographs and names are usually arranged alphabetically, their homeland, requirements and other data are indicated. We propose to get acquainted with groups of indoor plants and several of their prominent representatives.

Beautifully blooming indoor flowers with photos and names

This group is the favorite for many gardeners. Bright colors of flowers, a wide variety of plants, it’s easy to choose a flower that will fit perfectly into the conditions of the apartment. Representatives of this group have certain requirements for habitat and care. For successful flowering, such plants require fertilizer with the optimal composition, so use fertilizer marked “For flowering plants.”

Azaleas or Rhododendrons Sims (lat. rhododendron simsii)

These are small shrubs strewn with bright large flowers. The foliage is dark green in color, the leaves are pubescent on the underside, and have a dense leathery covering on the front. The small leaves very favorably set off the magnificent white, red, pink, and sometimes two-color buds. The flower petals can be double or simple, but they are all quite large in size.

Azalea requires bright light, but tolerates partial shade. Abundant watering is needed during flowering at intervals of 2-3 days. In other periods, it is enough to water the flower up to twice a week. The optimal temperature does not exceed 15 degrees.


It is better to place the azalea on a tray of gravel and keep it moist. Flowers must not be wetted!

Rhododendrons do well in heather soil and in a shallow, wide container. Non-lime fertilizer should be applied once a month. Azaleas live up to 7 years if they are well cared for and taken out onto the veranda during the dormant period. But the life of this riot of colors in the apartment is limited to a few weeks.

In a special publication on our portal, we will tell you in detail about this unusual flower, what types it comes in, what beneficial properties it has, how to properly grow, propagate, feed and prune.

Anthurium (lat. anthurium)

Popularly called “male happiness” or “tongue of fire”. The plant is a perennial, blooming red all year round. The inflorescence can be pink, yellow, white, always in the form of a cob. Heart-shaped leaves of dark green color on long petioles reach 40 cm. The height of the plant ranges from 40 to 80 cm, growing half a meter in width.

A man's happiness lasts for 3 years, then the leaves fall. To make the flower comfortable, partial shade or diffused light is required in the complete absence of drafts. Watering is carried out once every 4 days, fertilizing is carried out every three weeks during the warm period of the year.


Anthurium needs to be sprayed daily and at the same time manage not to get any drops on the inflorescence.

Special requirements: at temperatures below 10˚C, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. To make hibiscus bloom better, trim their stems in March, leaving only 2 eyes on each.

Gloxinia (lat. sinningia)

It is a flowering plant that reproduces by tubers. If you are unfamiliar with this plant, bought it, admired its beautiful large gramophone flowers from April to August, and then suddenly the plant disappeared and dried up - don’t rush! The peculiarity of gloxinia is such that when it fades, it will most likely retire, leaving nothing but bare earth as a reminder of itself. Meanwhile, the tuber will undergo an important life period. The soil is suitable deciduous heather with humus.

Gloxinia leaves are beautiful in themselves: long, up to 20 cm, with delicate fluff and edges resembling scallops, they are arranged in a rosette. The plant itself does not exceed 30 cm in height.

The flower responds favorably to diffused sunlight, but it does not like direct sunlight.

There is no need to waste time on spraying - it is contraindicated for leaves. And you need to water the beauty once every three days by lowering the pot into settled water at 22-25 degrees for 10-15 minutes.


The earth ball should not dry out completely between waterings!

From the end of September, watering is reduced, and after the leaves fall until new shoots appear, the plant is not watered.

Sun-loving, beautifully flowering indoor plants

To choose a place for indoor plants, it is sometimes useful to know where their homeland was. And if the flower came from the equatorial zone, but grew under the cover of the jungle, then it will easily tolerate shading. But if the plant’s homeland was an open sunny space, then without a daily dose of sunlight, success will not be achieved.

Let's look at the photo and learn more about some indoor plants that are lovers of sunbathing.

Primrose (lat. primula)

A perennial flowering plant with evergreen leaves up to 15 cm long. The foliage is corrugated and forms a rosette.

Bright primroses

The inflorescences are collected in umbrellas or solitary, the corollas are double or simple. There are varieties that combine a silvery coating on the petals and two-color petals or a bright core. There may be no smell.

In order for the flowering to be bright and long, it is better to choose the lightest place and water it in such a way that the soil is always moist. The leaves themselves cannot be watered.

It is better to place the pot on wet gravel. Primrose loves geranium soil and fertilizers.


After the plant has flowered, it is transferred to partial shade.

Fuchsia (lat. fuchsia)

They are evergreen or deciduous, erect or may have drooping stems.

The flowers resemble small, up to 8 cm, lanterns and are pleasing to the eye from mid-May until the first frost. Color range: white, pink, red, pink-lilac, purple, combining two colors. The leaves are oval, matte, located opposite on red stems. The edges of the leaves are serrated.

Magic fuchsias

The plant loves a certain amount of direct sunlight, so you need to place the pot where the sun shines in the first or second half of the day.

Watering depends on the air temperature, but the substrate should dry out between waterings. The plant is sprayed twice a week. Replanting is needed annually, and young plants need to be replanted several times a season into enriched garden soil with sand.

In summer, fuchsias are usually taken outside into some shade.


During flowering, fuchsia must not be rotated or rearranged!

Persian cyclamen (lat. cyclamen persicum)

Herbaceous tuberous plant with a long flowering period. The flowers are admired during the cold season: the magical bent flowers of white, pink, and red tones begin to bloom, usually in November, and end in March-April. The leaves are heart-shaped and dark green in color with a beautiful whitish-silver pattern.

Cyclamen blooms very vigorously


Cyclamen loves direct sunlight while flowering.

Replant in the fall in deciduous humus with sand and peat.

It is difficult to make cyclamen bloom again in an apartment, however, with the help of annual replanting and regular fertilizing, the plant continues its life cycle.

Shade-tolerant flowering indoor plants: photos and names

This is a section dedicated to flowering indoor plants (with photos and names) that thrive in shaded conditions. For many plants of that group, bright light is destructive.

Balsams (lat. Impatiens)

The perennial shade-tolerant plant is considered a godsend for lovers of unpretentious care and bright flowering. The stems are erect, somewhat transparent and succulent. The leaves reach 10-12 cm, can be toothed, lanceolate or oval, green or purple-bronze. There are hybrids with variegated foliage.

The handsome plant blooms from early May to December with flat corollas (4 cm) with spurs. There are double flowers with a wide range of colors, excluding blue and yellow.

It is necessary to water abundantly and maintain the air temperature at 20 degrees.

With regular feeding twice a month, the plant can reach 60 cm in width and height. However, there are also low-growing varieties.


If you want to leave the balsam after flowering, it is better to renew it by cuttings.

Streptocarpus (lat. streptocarpus)

A shade-tolerant flowering herbaceous beauty that blooms in the warm season with funnel-shaped flowers of various shades. Flowers are located on long peduncles. The leaves, depending on the variety, can grow up to 2 or up to 35 cm and are collected in rosettes. The leaf of the plant is oblong, matte, green, corrugated and covered with fluff.

In summer, Streptocarpus loves shade. Features of watering include a small amount of water in summer (twice a week) and sufficient water in winter (every 8-9 days).


It is better to spray the air around the plant with water.

Streptocarpus grows up to 30 cm in width and the same in height. Lifespan: 3 years.


The plant reacts negatively to tobacco smoke!

Clivia cinnabar (lat. clivia miniata)

This plant has a massive rhizome and is considered stemless because its hard, belt-like leaves resemble a fan spread around the rosette. The leaf length varies from 30 to 50 cm. Clivia blooms in February and until April you can admire its red-orange or yellow flowers. An umbrella inflorescence of 12 funnel-shaped flowers is located on a thick, long peduncle.

Clivia cinnabar thrives in partial shade or dim light.

This plant is perfect for those who sometimes forget about watering their plants: they prefer to drink clivia once a week, and at the end of autumn even once a month. But even during flowering there is no need to flood the flower!

Plant height is 50-60 cm, sometimes more. It’s great that the lifespan is long, about 15 years.


The plant will bloom only when wintering at 9-10 degrees.

Of course, in our list of shade-loving indoor plants you did not see all the names and photos, but chose the most common and easy to care for.

Indoor poisonous plants (photos and names)

Before you buy any indoor plant, make inquiries - what if your plant is poisonous, and despite its external beauty, you should not bring a potential threat to all inhabitants into the house?


The advantages of the beautiful Dieffenbachia: tall growth, spreading burdock leaves with different color options, the ability to improve the quality of the air around it... but the plant juice is poisonous! If the integrity of the plant is damaged and the poison gets on the skin or mucous membranes, then gastrointestinal and respiratory problems are possible. If juice gets on your skin, burns may occur.


Caring for Dieffenbachia is carried out only with gloves!


Dieffenbachia often grows as a spreading bush


If a curious child picks the skin of a plant and sees white juice, so similar to milk, then the following consequences are possible: diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, serious burns of the mucous membrane.

The milkweeds themselves are varied in form and, of course, beautiful. However, such beauty is not worth the risk.

Euphorbia is very similar to a cactus with leaves.

Aloe striped, Aloe intimidating

The medicinal form of aloe looks like poisonous ones, the difference lies in the color of the plants. Striped and frightening can cause miscarriage, uterine bleeding, and serious disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

Aloe awesome

Photos and names of indoor bulbous plants

Daffodils (lat. narcissus)

These beautiful early flowers are associated with spring. They can be grown both at home and outside.

The leaves are very long, although depending on the variety they can be 15 cm or 60 cm. The leaf itself is long and erect with a slight concavity. The flowers are white or yellow, located on a long flexible peduncle, one or several at a time. The flower itself looks like a crown surrounded by 6 lobes.

Today, varieties of pink and even orange flowers have been developed. Daffodils love direct sunlight. Watering during flowering should be plentiful, and after that it is better to keep the plants dry. After flowering, it is better for the plant to move to the garden. In a pot, the daffodil will not exceed 50 cm in height.

Hippeastrum (lat. hippeastrum)

It will decorate any room with both long fleshy arched leaves up to half a meter and 2-4 flowers on a long peduncle. The diameter of the flowers is large, reaching up to 15 cm. Color options: pink, white, carmine-red, two-color.


Hippeastrum flower

Flowering duration does not exceed 3 weeks. It is better to place the pot in a place next to the window, without direct sunlight hitting the plant. Hippeastrum is not picky about water; it is enough to water it lightly once a week.


Feed the plant from the moment the buds appear until the foliage turns yellow once every two weeks.

After all the leaves turn yellow, the hippeastrum is transferred to a cool, dark room for 2.5-3 months, and then replanted.

Indoor climbing plants (photos and names)

Multi-flowered jasmines (lat. jasminum polyanthum)

They are classified as liana plants. Jasmine blooms with white star flowers, 5 petals each. Attractive strong aroma. This plant will perfectly decorate the interior, as it is evergreen, and its climbing vines look very impressive.

Jasmine multiflorum

The pot is placed in bright sunlight and watered twice a week in winter, and once every 2-3 days in the warm season.


Jasmine loves humid air and spraying!

Unlike many flowers, jasmine loves to be fed not during flowering, but after it for 6 months in a row.

The vine grows up to 2 m and grows for about 10 years in a greenhouse or glassed-in loggia. The apartment is decorated with jasmine for no longer than six months.

Ampelous indoor plants (photos and names)

This section is about house flowers, which have long, hanging, flexible shoots that can either stretch upward or crawl along the ground. We came up with three interesting flower names with photos to familiarize yourself with these types of plants.

Columnaea (lat. columnea)

Fragile stems droop and hang down. The smooth leaves of this evergreen plant are small, elliptical, and have some pubescence. In spring, bright red flowers of 7 cm with a yellow throat begin to bloom. Columnaea flower looks like a hood.


Columnia with yellow flowers

Columnaea likes to stand in partial shade, but diffused lighting is also suitable. Successful cultivation is guaranteed in the absence of drafts and the following watering regime: 3 times a week in the summer and 1 time in the winter.


Columnia is demanding of high air humidity!

This beauty grows up to 90 cm in length and lives in greenhouse conditions for 5 years.


The plant is popularly called “birch tree”. There are many types of rhoicissus, in general they are distinguished by rhombic-shaped leaves. The plant belongs to the grape family; its resemblance to a vine is enhanced by long shoots with tendrils that cling to the support.

The plant is unpretentious, with good lighting and lack of waterlogging it grows quickly.

The leaves consist of several rhombic leaflets, the underside is covered with fleecy pubescence, the upper side is emerald green and smooth. Unpretentious plant

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

Known, perhaps, to everyone: the flower is unpretentious, shade-tolerant and easily propagated by cuttings. The plant in nature reaches 30 m, but even in an apartment it can completely wrap around a support or window.

Ivy hanging in a pot

The plant does not like direct sunlight and moving the pot. All species have some differences in leaf shape. They can be pointed, star-shaped, or oval.

Ivy grows well in moderate light and regular watering during the warm season.

Unpretentious indoor plants, their photos and names

Kohleria (lat. isoloma (kohleria))

A plant that blooms all year round with velvety tubular red or orange flowers is considered one of the most low-maintenance plants. Green, slightly pubescent, with fine teeth, the leaves perfectly set off the beautiful flowers.

Kohlerias love light partial shade and watering during the growing season and flowering once every 3 days.

The plant grows 60 cm and lives up to 3 years.


Leaves do not tolerate water.


The undeservedly forgotten American plant has dozens of varieties and a common structure for all types: Long straight shoots with numerous branches represent a rather massive bush. Green, silver, purple with veins, striped Tradescantia blooms with small flowers also of different colors.

With moderate regular watering and placement in diffused sunlight, such a plant can delight for many years. Pruning only improves the appearance of Tradescantia.

Spathiphyllum Wallis (lat. spathiphyllum wallisii)

This plant with its 30-50 cm leaves on long petioles is very similar to a lush bush. The decorative qualities of spathiphyllum are beyond praise. White flowers with soft yellow, beige or white-green spadix appear throughout the year.

Spathiphyllum Wallis looks great when there is a lot of it

Spathiphyllum Wallis

Spathiphyllum grows in bright, diffused light and regular watering. It is best if the substrate is always moist and without stagnant water. With feeding and proper care, the plant lives for 10 years.

In a special publication on our portal, we will tell you in detail about the flower, which is called “Women’s Happiness,” how to properly grow, propagate, feed and pruning, and what problems you may encounter.

Photos of indoor flowers that should not be kept at home

For some reason, many people believe that indoor plants are harmless and simply decorate their living rooms. However, there are a number of scientific reasons that claim that not all plants can be kept at home. There are also folk beliefs associated with the energy of flowers.

Some plants emit or contain dangerous allergens and toxic substances. These are some types of ferns, aglaonema, euphorbia, oleander, monstera, alocasia, some ficus, anthurium, clivia, croton, poinsettia, rhododendron, cyclamen, lilies.

Oleander Croton

If you believe in folk superstitions, then refuse to keep ivy of any kind at home - you will remain an old maid, and throw away all the cacti - your husband will become an alcohol addict. What should those who don’t have a husband do? Leave the cacti alone and let them grow. And if you want freedom and loneliness - go ahead, get the ivy!

Decorative foliage indoor plants, their photos and names

This group is characterized by diversity in foliage color and patterns and minor flowering. These indoor plants are considered practically non-flowering. We suggest looking at their photos and finding out their names.


Monstera deliciosa (lat. monstera deliciosa)

These are climbing vines of impressive size. Even the laziest gardener can grow a monstera, since it needs abundant watering, but once a week in the summer, and 2 times a month in the winter. A pot with such a vine will be comfortable in partial shade or in diffused light. Once a week, the huge carved dark green leaves should be washed with a damp cloth.


The plant still blooms, but the flowers are expressed by cream-colored cobs.


Monstera needs support, as it grows 3 meters upward and reaches 1.5 m in width.


Araucaria (lat. Araucaria)

It can replace the New Year tree with its delicate needles. Tree-like plant, branches arranged in tiers. The older the tree, the darker the needles. The plant does not produce cones in indoor conditions.

Araucaria should grow in a bright place, out of direct sunlight. The plant loves abundant weekly watering in winter, more frequent in summer.


Araucaria should not stand next to heating appliances.

For this coniferous beauty, it is better to choose a long-lasting granular fertilizer for conifers.

Interestingly, at home the tree will not exceed 3 m, but in natural conditions you will be surprised to see a 60-meter Araucaria.

Croton (lat. codiaeum)

One of the most spectacular plants in appearance. The amazingly colored leaves look like blades and can be rounded or pointed at the ends. Colors that can be simultaneously seen on croton leaves: green, yellow, orange, red.

The flowering is completely inconspicuous. Croton grows on western windowsills to receive direct sunlight in the evening. In winter, water the plant less, allowing the substrate to dry out, and in the warm season, water frequently and abundantly. A handsome adult occupies a space of 1 meter around him. Dimensions of croton (codiaum): up to 1 m in height and width.

ADVICE! (click to find out) ADVICE!

Do not smoke near this plant and avoid drafts - aglaonema is sensitive to air purity.

The plant has bactericidal properties.

Palms and trees


This bamboo palm is considered very low maintenance. A spreading beauty from Central and South America has arrived. Such palm trees are often used to decorate offices, hotels, and the halls of business centers.

Basic care requirements: moderation. Moderate lighting, since in the shade the palm tree will wither, and in bright light its leaves will get burned. Moderate watering - the earthen ball should be constantly wet, but not waterlogged due to the owner’s zeal! In winter, watering is reduced and the palm tree is kept at a temperature of 15 degrees.


Succulent indoor plants (photos and names)

Succulents are a large group of plants native to southern arid countries that store moisture inside their stems.

Kalanchoe (lat. kalanchoe)

A variety of succulents with carved oval leaves and wonderful long flowering. The leaves can be either smooth or velvety, with a striped underside. Some species have small shoots at the tips of the leaves that easily fall off and germinate immediately - a simple and convenient way to propagate a plant.

Flower petals are collected in a cup, or can be drooping inflorescences. There are a lot of buds, but they do not all bloom at once. Kalanchoe loves light windowsills, but without a lot of direct sunlight. Water twice a week in the warm season, and in winter no more than 2 times a month. The life of a plant in an apartment lasts up to 6 years, and large varieties live for 10 years.

Kalanchoe: home care, beneficial properties of the plant
In a special publication on our portal, we will tell you in detail about Kalanchoe, what types it comes in, what beneficial properties it has, how to properly grow, propagate, feed and pruning.

Sedum (lat. sedum)

One of the most unpretentious succulents with exotic appearance. The dense leaves appear dense, fleshy, oblong or rounded. The plant blooms with star-shaped yellow, red or white flowers.

Sedums prefer a bright place, with shade at midday. The plant is watered once a week starting in March. In winter, it is enough to water once a month.

Schlumbergers (lat. schlumbergera)

A wonderful forest cactus that is strewn with flowers in winter. The plants are popularly called Decembrists.


Only non-hybrid forms of cactus have a spine. Flowers are scarlet, pinkish, white, both with bent petals and not. Flowering lasts throughout the winter months.

Place the pot in a bright window with diffused sunlight and water once a week until December, and during flowering, and also every three days from late spring.

It differs from its relatives in dwarf varieties that bear fruit in apartment conditions and bear up to 20 lemons. Indoor lemon smells very strongly, corresponding to its name, and is very decorative, because it does not have a dormant period, and on the tree you can always see green glossy foliage and flowers, and lemons.

The plant needs additional lighting and warmth, but it is better to cover heating devices, if they are nearby.

Indoor lemon


In the house it begins to bear fruit in the first year. They care for figs just like lemons, but remember that the tree sheds its leaves at the end of October. A rest period is required; it is tedious to move the figs to a cool place and shade them with a dark cloth. It is good to lower the tree into the basement and water it as little as possible. After a while, the plant will begin to develop new buds, which means it’s time to return the figs to the bright windowsill.

We covered a very small part of the catalog of indoor plants, but we hope that our article turned out to be informative and educationally useful.

Which most popular flowers among lovers of homemade greens? Check out this list of the world's most popular potted flowers and find fragrance and beauty in blooming houseplants. Choose what is most suitable for your home, because popular flowers popular for a reason. People all over the world find charm in these plants for the home.

  1. African violet

African violets are a flowering houseplant that are relatively easy to care for. They bloom all year round with little effort on your part. You can choose from hundreds of varieties and shapes of violets - variegated foliage, ruffled, white-edged... The list goes on and on. African violet loves warm conditions and slightly dim sunlight. Avoid getting water on the leaves as cold water causes unsightly brown spots. This plant is very easy to plant - you just need to cut a leaf and root it in the fertile mixture.


If you have bright windows, this plant will bloom almost constantly. They are truly versatile: blooming almost constantly, they will complement the decor of your home. This somewhat sentimental traditional potted flowering plant reminds us of our grandmothers. African violets are probably the most popular flowers in the world. Name:

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • medium to bright light;

18-23 degrees;

  1. Size: 8 cm high and 16 cm wide

Tropical hibiscus is a wonderful flowering houseplant to create a tropical feel. Hibiscus produces huge flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter. The size makes these popular flowers loved around the world. This is a bushy potted plant; if you practice, you can bring it to the appearance of a tree. Each flower only blooms for a day or two, but the plant as a whole blooms from late spring through fall, and sometimes into winter. Keeping the soil evenly moist and giving the plant as much light as possible will prolong its flowering.

Why hibiscus are popular flowers: The giant flowers are attractive and irresistible. Hibiscus flowers come in a stunning array of colors - from shades of red to pink, orange, yellow, white and even blue.

Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 12 - 20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 1.8 meters high and 1.2 meters wide

  1. Abutilon is a domestic maple.

The flowers of the home maple, as if made of crumpled paper, are red, pink, orange or yellow, arranged among the leaves like holiday lanterns. Many varieties of this popular indoor plant have variegated foliage, making it even more interesting for home decor. When growing a plant, give it a vertical shape. You can do it differently - cut off the top to grow the plant in the form of a dense bush. Home maples are often grown in hanging baskets. Its common name comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble those of a maple tree.

Here's a hint: if the flowers of your home maple fall off, check your watering. Uneven watering can cause abutilon flowers to fall off. Popular indoor flowers in Russia do not include abutilone in their list - and in vain!

Why we love it: This fast-growing plant is almost always in bloom.

Name: Abutilon hybridum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 18 - 23 degrees;

Size: 1.5 meters high and 0.8 meters wide

  1. Oxalis

Oxalis is a popular potted plant with triangular, clover-like purple leaves and pink or white flowers. There are also varieties with green or silver foliage. Oxalis grows from small bulbs. You can replant the plant by division at any time as soon as the plant becomes crowded in the pot.

Why oxalis is popular: beautiful, charming leaf shape. This makes an excellent holiday gift - Oxalis flowers look stunning.

Name: Oxalis triangularis

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18 - 23 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist.

Size: up to 30 cm in height and width

  1. Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular flower plants for the home. This is an easy-to-care plant that tolerates low light and low humidity. The flowers consist of a showy spoon-shaped white involucre and a creamy white center. Flowering is most abundant in summer, but many varieties bloom throughout the year. The glossy leaves are beautiful even when the plant is not blooming.
Why the whole world loves spathiphyllum: Its large green leaves instantly add a tropical touch to your decor. This is one of the most common flowering houseplants in the world. Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Growing conditions:

  • low to bright light;
  • 15-20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.5 m high and 1.5 m wide
Note: This plant is slightly poisonous. Be careful not to allow children or pets to chew on the leaves.

  1. Anthurium

Anthurium blooms festively - in all shades of pink, red, lilac or white. Flowering lasts for two months. If you cut a flower, it will remain in water for a long time. Anthurium needs medium-bright light and blooms well, but you can also grow it just for the leaves - this requires less light.

Why anthurium is popular around the world: The cute factor is the flowers and heart-shaped foliage.

Name: Anthurium andraeanum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18-26 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist in summer, barely damp in autumn and winter

Size: up to 0.9 meters high and 0.6 meters wide

Note: This plant is poisonous and may cause illness if accidentally ingested or chewed.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine is a very popular flower! There are many types of potted jasmine. Multi-flowered jasmine and Arabian jasmine are the most unpretentious for growing in an apartment. They just need to give them a lot of light and moisture. Jasmine flowers are pink to white and very fragrant.

Why is this plant popular around the world: The beautiful pink or white flowers are among the most fragrant of all indoor plants.

Name: Jasminum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 15 - 23 degrees in summer, 5 - 15 degrees in winter;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.2 meters in height and up to 1.8 meters in width

  1. Clivia cinnabar

Clivia cinnabar is a houseplant that typically blooms in the winter with a cluster of reddish-orange or yellow tubular flowers. Clivias only bloom when they are in cool, dry conditions, so provide them with cooler temperatures during the winter. Dark green, sharp leaves grow in one plane. Clivia is attractive even when not in bloom.

Why the whole world loves clivia: The flowers are easy to grow and will help brighten up those January days when there isn't much color.

Name: Clivia miniata

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • average illumination;
  • 15-23 degrees in summer and 10 degrees in winter;
  • in winter, keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 0.5 meters in height and width

Note: This plant is poisonous, make sure children or pets do not chew the leaves.

  1. Streptocarpus

Under certain conditions, Streptocarpus blooms almost continuously. Most of the hundreds of hybrid varieties have flowers in shades of pink, white, purple or red, often with a contrasting white or yellow throat. Caring for streptocarpus is similar to caring for African violet.

Why we love it: Gorgeous flowers in a wide range of colors, easy to grow and propagate.

Name: Streptocarpus hybridus

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 20-25 degrees in summer and 15-18 degrees in winter;
  • keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 35 cm in height and 60 cm in width

  1. Porphyrocoma or Brazilian fireworks

I wonder how this plant got its nickname? In late spring and summer, Porphyrocoma produces dark red or purple inflorescences, creating an explosion of color. Then, when the flowers fade, the plant sprays small black seeds throughout the room. Like many indoor plants, the Brazilian firecracker is an excellent choice for growing outdoors.

Why the world loves porphyrocoma: this plant is always attractive, even when it is not blooming - its beautiful leaves, slightly marked with silver, will fit perfectly into your interior.

Name: Porphyrocoma pohliana

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18-25 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 30 cm high and half a meter wide.

I hope these popular flowers inspired you too. Indoor flowers photo version will give you the opportunity to choose from popular and unpretentious plants.

Indoor plants are not only a decoration for any home, but also the most effective air purifier, a kind of “dust collector”. After all, any home accumulates many different toxic substances that are dangerous to our health. And indoor plants, in the best possible way, clean the room, collecting dust, toxic fumes and smoke.

They delight us not only with their aesthetic beauty, they are extremely useful.

Based on the experience of florists and plant breeders, we have compiled the TOP 15 best plants in terms of beauty and effect on our body.


This plant absorbs carbon monoxide and many other toxic substances from the air. It ranks first in eliminating formaldehyde from the environment and producing oxygen. An original flowerpot or an unusual support on which you can place a flowerpot will help add elegance and beauty to chlorophytum.

Ficus benjamina

Ficus benjamina is one of the best air purifiers after chlorophytum. The plant absorbs dust and toxic substances that evaporate from furniture and plastic objects. The plant is interesting because as it grows, its roots take on different configurations.


Another beautiful and useful plant is spathiphyllum. Its flowers are often called “bedspread”. It absorbs mold spores from the air and also cleans the air well of toxic substances such as formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Geranium (pelargonium)

Despite the fact that geranium is a little dangerous for allergy sufferers, it has many beneficial properties. In particular, geranium purifies the air from bacteria and poisonous microbes. The essential oils in its composition have a beneficial effect on the human body. This plant helps improve sleep and calms the nervous system.

Noble laurel

Unlike our homes, laurel can be found everywhere in European homes. This plant is simply a storehouse of useful substances and qualities. Purifies oxygen from various harmful substances and dust, helps overcome various ailments. This is a truly unique plant in its healing and cleansing qualities.


Begonia is also worth getting! Not only is it beautiful, but this plant also attracts dust, eliminates fungal organisms, and also humidifies the air. Just remember to spray the plant with a spray bottle so that a new portion of dust is absorbed by the plant. Begonia also absorbs radiation from electrical appliances.


People who suffer from lung diseases should definitely get Dieffenbachia. It eliminates staphylococcus, and also eliminates toxic substances that emit paintwork.


Aloe is one of the most popular and widespread indoor plants and probably everyone has it in their home. This plant is very useful - it “kills” formaldehyde, which evaporates from the surface of furniture! Aloe is also a very effective medicine. Plant phytoncides relieve physical stress and improve brain activity.


Dracaena is also a wonderful oxygen purifier. It draws in all harmful substances from the air that enter the house with exhaust gases.


This plant of the Araliaceae family is very beautiful. In order to grow schefflera with a bright yellow-green color, you need a lot of diffused color. The plant is a must for heavy smokers - Schefflera perfectly disinfects the air from tar and nicotine.


The plant perfectly fights harmful chemical elements. Hedera eliminates any volatile fumes. The main advantage of this culture is that even the smallest plant in terms of oxygen production can replace several cacti, since it has a high rate of photosynthesis.


Ivy destroys aerobic fecal particles that are sprayed into the air every time the toilet is cleaned.

For good growth, the plant needs constantly moist soil and sunlight.


This plant enriches the air with natural minerals and salt compounds. Ficus also produces a lot of oxygen, so it is an ideal “inhabitant” of bedrooms and living rooms. In addition, the plant has an energetic effect, favorably affecting the home atmosphere.

Gerber Jameson

The plant disinfects the air from benzene and trichlorethylene, which is formed during dry cleaning.

It should be noted that gerbera is a rather fastidious plant and does not tolerate excess moisture. It needs a lot of direct sunlight - at least 6 hours a day.

Sims' rhododendron

This plant is both beautiful and helps fight formaldehyde, and also humidifies the air in the room.

Does well in a cool, dry room.