Fairy tale “Magic land of elves. Fairy tales composed by children Magical land of knowledge and come up with a fairy tale

Coming up with a fairy tale is a creative task that develops children's speech, imagination, fantasy, and creative thinking. These tasks help the child create a fairy-tale world where he is the main character, developing in the child such qualities as kindness, courage, boldness, and patriotism.

By composing independently, the child develops these qualities. Our children really like to invent fairy tales themselves, it brings them joy and pleasure. Fairy tales invented by children are very interesting, they help to understand the inner world of your children, there are a lot of emotions, the invented characters seem to have come to us from another world, the world of childhood. The drawings for these essays look very funny. The page presents short fairy tales that schoolchildren came up with for a literary reading lesson in 3rd grade. If the children cannot write a fairy tale themselves, then invite them to come up with the beginning, end or continuation of the fairy tale on their own.

A fairy tale should have:

  • introduction (starter)
  • main action
  • denouement + epilogue (preferably)
  • a fairy tale should teach something good

The presence of these components will give your creative work the correct finished look. Please note that in the examples presented below, these components are not always present, and this serves as a basis for lowering the ratings.

Fight against an alien

In a certain city, in a certain country, there lived a president and a first lady. They had three sons - triplets: Vasya, Vanya and Roma. They were smart, brave and courageous, only Vasya and Vanya were irresponsible. One day, the city was attacked by an alien. And not a single army could cope. This alien destroyed houses at night. The brothers came up with an invisible drone. Vasya and Vanya were supposed to be on duty, but fell asleep. But Roma couldn’t sleep. And when the alien appeared, he began to fight it. It turned out to be not so simple. The plane was shot down. Roma woke up the brothers, and they helped him control the smoking drone. And together they defeated the alien. (Kamenkov Makar)

How the ladybug got dots.

Once upon a time there lived an artist. And one day he came up with the idea of ​​drawing a fairy-tale picture about the life of insects. He drew and drew, and suddenly he saw a ladybug. She didn't seem very beautiful to him. And he decided to change the color of the back, the ladybug looked strange. I changed the color of the head, it looked strange again. And when I painted spots on the back, it became beautiful. And he liked it so much that he drew 5-6 pieces at once. The artist’s painting was hung in the museum for everyone to admire. And ladybugs still have dots on their backs. When other insects ask: "Why do you have ladybugs dots on their backs?" They answer: “It was the artist who painted us” (Surzhikova Maria)

Fear has big eyes

There lived a grandmother and granddaughter. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large bottles, the granddaughter had smaller ones. One day our water carriers went to fetch water. They got some water and are walking home through the area. They walk and see an apple tree, and under the apple tree there is a cat. The wind blew and the apple fell on the cat’s forehead. The cat got scared and ran right under our water carriers’ feet. They got scared, threw the bottles and ran home. The grandmother fell on the bench, the granddaughter hid behind her grandmother. The cat ran scared and barely ran away. It’s true what they say: “Fear has big eyes—what they don’t have, they see.”


Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had a daughter. She was called Snowflake because she was made of snow and melted in the sun. But despite this, her heart was not very kind. The king did not have a wife and he said to the snowflake: “Now you will grow up and who will take care of me?” The snowflake saw the suffering of the king-father and offered to find him a wife. The king agreed. After some time, the king found himself a wife, her name was Rosella. She was angry and jealous of her stepdaughter. Snowflake was friends with all the animals, since people were allowed to see her, because the king was afraid that people might harm his beloved daughter.

Every day Snowflake grew and blossomed, and the stepmother figured out how to get rid of her. Rosella learned Snowflake’s secret and decided to destroy her at all costs. She called Snowflake to her and said: “My daughter, I am very sick and only the decoction that my sister cooks will help me, but she lives very far away.” Snowflake agreed to help her stepmother.

The girl set off in the evening, found where Rosella’s sister lived, took the broth from her and hurried on the way back. But dawn began and she turned into a puddle. Where the Snowflake melted, a beautiful flower grew. Rosella told the king that she sent Snowflake away to look into the world, but she never returned. The king was upset and waited days and nights for his daughter.

A girl was walking in the forest where a fairy flower grew. She took the flower home, began to look after it and talk to it. One spring day, a flower blossomed and a girl grew out of it. This girl turned out to be Snowflake. She went with her savior to the palace of the unfortunate king and told everything to the priest. The king became angry with Rosella and kicked her out. And he recognized his daughter’s savior as his second daughter. And they have lived together very happily ever since. (Veronica)

Magical forest

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Vova. One day he went into the forest. The forest turned out to be magical, like in a fairy tale. Dinosaurs lived there. Vova was walking and saw frogs in the clearing. They danced and sang. Suddenly a dinosaur came. He was clumsy and big, and he also began to dance. Vova laughed and so did the trees. That was the adventure with Vova. (Boltnova Victoria)

The Tale of the Good Hare

Once upon a time there lived a hare and a hare. They huddled in a small dilapidated hut at the edge of the forest. One day the hare went to pick mushrooms and berries. I collected a whole bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries.

He is walking home and meets a hedgehog. “What are you talking about, hare?” - asks the hedgehog. “Mushrooms and berries,” answers the hare. And he treated the hedgehog to mushrooms. He went further. A squirrel jumps towards me. The squirrel saw berries and said: “Give me a bunny of berries, I’ll give them to my squirrels.” The hare treated the squirrel and moved on. A bear is coming towards you. He gave the bear some mushrooms to taste and continued on his way.

A fox is coming. “Give me your harvest!” The hare grabbed a bag of mushrooms and a basket of berries and ran away from the fox. The fox was offended by the hare and decided to take revenge on him. She ran ahead of the hare to his hut and destroyed it.

The hare comes home, but there is no hut. Only the hare sits and cries bitter tears. The local animals learned about the hare's misfortune and came to help him build a new home. And the house turned out a hundred times better than before. And then they got bunnies. And they began to live their lives and receive forest friends as guests.

Magic wand

Once upon a time there lived three brothers. Two strong and a weak one. The strong ones were lazy, and the third was hardworking. They went into the forest to pick mushrooms and got lost. The brothers saw the palace all made of gold, went inside, and there were untold riches. The first brother took a sword made of gold. The second brother took an iron club. The third took a magic wand. The Serpent Gorynych appeared out of nowhere. One with a sword, the other with a club, but Zmey Gorynych doesn’t take anything. Only the third brother waved his wand, and instead of the kite there was a boar, which ran away. The brothers returned home and have been helping their weak brother ever since.


Once upon a time there lived a little bunny. And one day a fox stole him and carried him far away, far away. She put him in prison and locked him. The poor bunny sits and thinks: “How to escape?” And suddenly he sees stars falling from the small window, and a little fairy squirrel appears. And she told him to wait until the fox fell asleep and get the key. The fairy gave him a package and told him to open it only at night.

Night has come. The bunny untied the package and saw a fishing rod. He took it, stuck it through the window, and swung it. The hook hit the key. The bunny pulled and took the key. He opened the door and ran home. And the fox looked for him and looked for him, but never found him.

Tale about the king

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen. And they had three sons: Vanya, Vasya and Peter. One fine day the brothers were walking in the garden. In the evening they came home. The king and queen meet them at the gate and say: “Robbers have attacked our land. Take the troops and drive them out of our land.” And the brothers went and began to look for the robbers.

For three days and three nights they rode without rest. On the fourth day, a heated battle is seen near one village. The brothers galloped to the rescue. There was a battle from early morning until late evening. Many people died on the battlefield, but the brothers won.

They returned home. The king and queen rejoiced at the victory, the king became proud of his sons and threw a feast for the whole world. And I was there, and I drank honey. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

Magic fish

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Petya. Once he went fishing. The first time he cast his fishing rod, he didn’t catch anything. The second time he cast his fishing rod and again did not catch anything. The third time he cast his fishing rod and caught a goldfish. Petya brought it home and put it in a jar. I began to make imaginary fairy-tale wishes:

Fish - fish I want to learn mathematics.

Okay, Petya, I'll do the math for you.

Rybka - Rybka I want to learn Russian.

Okay, Petya, I'll do Russian for you.

And the boy made a third wish:

I want to become a scientist

The fish said nothing, just splashed its tail in the water and disappeared into the waves forever.

If you don’t study and don’t work, you can’t become a scientist.

Magical girl

Once upon a time there lived a girl - the Sun. And she was called the Sun because she smiled. The sun began to travel across Africa. She felt thirsty. When she said these words, a large bucket of cool water suddenly appeared. The girl drank some water, and the water was golden. And the Sun became strong, healthy and happy. And when things were difficult for her in life, those difficulties went away. And the girl realized about her magic. She wished for toys, but it didn’t come true. The Sun began to act up and the magic disappeared. It is true what they say: “If you want a lot, you will get little.”

Tale about kittens

Once upon a time there lived a cat and a cat, and they had three kittens. The eldest was called Barsik, the middle one was Murzik, and the youngest was Ryzhik. One day they went for a walk and saw a frog. The kittens chased after her. The frog jumped into the bushes and disappeared. Ryzhik asked Barsik:

Who is it?

“I don’t know,” Barsik answered.

Let's catch him, Murzik suggested.

And the kittens climbed into the bushes, but the frog was no longer there. They went home to tell their mother about it. The mother cat listened to them and said that it was a frog. So the kittens found out what kind of animal it was.

Nomination "Prose" - 6-11 years

about the author

Artem is 9 years old, he is a student of the municipal educational institution of additional education for children “Center for Additional Education of Children” in the Tavrichesky municipal district of the Omsk region. He wrote a fairy tale on an environmental theme.

Magical land of elves

I want to tell you about a wonderful fairyland. In this country, many beautiful flowers grow in the meadow. A stream with clear water flows through it. And along the banks of this stream there are tiny castles. They are inhabited by little people who wear pointed hats with bells. And on their backs they have multi-colored wings. And these babies fly like butterflies. They are called elves or nature spirits.

All summer the elves work tirelessly. They collect nectar and pollen. They build their castles among flowers. And on long winter evenings they sew clothes from collected petals and tell fairy tales. In winter, elves dig small tunnels from house to house. To visit each other. After all, in winter the entire meadow is covered with snow. And as soon as spring comes and the sun melts the snow with its rays. The elves come out of their houses and celebrate the holiday. They greet the first flowers with songs and dances.

And then one day, when after a long winter the elves came out of their houses to enjoy the warm rays of the sun, they froze in horror. At the edge of their meadow stood a huge gray wall. They stood for a long time, not moving from their place and not knowing what to do, because they had never seen anything like this before. Then they decided that none of them should approach this wall. Life in the meadow went on as usual. The first flowers bloomed and the elves began collecting pollen. They rarely glanced towards the wall and sighed. After all, on that edge of the meadow the most beautiful flowers always grew and they contained the most delicious nectar.

And then one day black, black smoke appeared from behind the gray wall. It rose high into the sky and blocked the sun. The elves became sad because they so need the sun's rays. What if this smoke was the only misfortune hanging over their meadow? But no. The real disaster was ahead. Soon gray and brown flakes fell from the sky, covering flowers, houses, and grass. Every morning the elves mile flowers and houses, carrying water from the stream. But the soot became more and more every day. Their butterfly friends stopped flying to the meadow. And the flowers lowered their heads. And soon the water in the stream became cloudy and dirty, and an unpleasant smell came from it. Once upon a time, a flowering meadow withered.

One day a moth flew into the meadow. He told the elves about the distant flowering meadows. Then the elves packed their things and, following the moth, flew to distant lands. Never again will the little elves' bells ring over this meadow. And colorful butterflies will not arrive. The once wonderful fairyland has disappeared.

My dear girl, today I will tell you a fairy tale about an amazing and very beautiful Magic Land.

She is far, far away. There are no highways or railways built into that country, there are no sea or river routes, and planes do not fly there.

There are no roads to this amazing and very beautiful country. And none of the people living on earth will ever be able to get there.

But what’s interesting is that we all once lived in this country, but we don’t remember it and will never remember it.

In the Magic Land there are many forests, which are cool and easy to breathe on a hot day, many meadows covered with lush green grass and many beautiful flowers. There are many rivers and streams in which clean and clear water flows, many high mountains with peaks covered with snow caps. In this beautiful country there is never winter or rain, the kind, gentle and warm sun always shines there, and at night the moon lights up in the sky with myriads of stars that burn like small lamps and wink, as if playing, to those living in this beautiful country.

And little boys and girls live in this amazing and beautiful country. There are so many of them that if they were settled on our land, there would not be enough space for them. But in the Magic Land there is plenty of room for them, although the country itself is not big at all, but it is not for nothing that it is called Magic.

Boys and girls of the Magic Land live together happily and happily. In the forests they collect delicious berries from which they make delicious jam, in the meadows they collect beautiful flowers and weave beautiful wreaths from them, in the mountains they relax and breathe fresh healthy mountain air, they swim in rivers and sunbathe on the shore under the gentle rays of the warm sun. In the evenings, residents of the Magic Land light fires, dance around them, sing songs, and play various children's games. And when the moon lights stars in the sky, boys and girls go to bed next to the dying fires, without fear of catching a cold, because the earth in the Magic Land is very warm, and children do not freeze.

And in the morning, games begin again, hiking in the forest and mountains, swimming in rivers and streams, picking flowers and weaving wreaths from them.

Even in this Magic Land, at the foot of the largest mountain there is a Secret House. This is an unusual house, it is huge, decorated in different colors, without windows, but with one door. This house can also talk. On the last Saturday of every month, the House of Secrets names the boys and girls it invites through its door. When the named boys and girls enter the door of the Secret House, they never return to the Magic Land.

Boys and girls know why children summoned by the Secret House never return. Because they leave this House for another country called Our World, where we all live now. And every boy and every girl, getting into Our World, has his own birthday - the day when they left the Magic Land.

But when they were born, not a single boy, not a single girl, remembers the Magic Land, its beautiful meadows and rivers, the flowers and fires that they lit in the evenings, the games they played. They even forgot other boys and girls they were friends with. But every boy and every girl who came to Our World still has a very small Memory of the Magic Land, because there they were friends and dreamed that in Our World they would definitely find each other and be always together. That's why we spend our entire lives looking for our soul mate, who was already there - in that Magic Land. Not everyone manages to meet their soul mate, but many meet, and when they meet, it seems to them that they have known each other for a very, very long time, and they cannot imagine how they could live without each other for so long while they were growing up and looking for each other.

I will not talk about all the boys and girls living in the Magic Land, but I will tell only about one boy, whose name is Oswald, and about one girl, whose name is Bella. They played various children's games together, went swimming in the river together, sunbathed together under the warm and gentle sun, went into the forest together and picked delicious berries, lit fires together in the evenings and, sitting by the fire, dreamed of how they would meet. in Our World and will always be close, will love each other and will never part.

Bella was a very beautiful girl, she had beautiful emerald eyes, lush white hair, she was a smart girl, very caring and attentive to Oswald. And Oswald, like all boys, was very naughty, he always disappeared somewhere. He would run into the forest because he had to see how the trees grew, or catch some kind of bug so that he could brag to the other boys that he had a bug that others didn’t have. Then he climbed to the very top of the highest mountain and returned all scratched and bruised, in dirty and torn clothes. Bella was always angry with him, applied lotions to his bruises and scratches, tidied up his clothes and made Oswald promise that he would always be an obedient boy. Oswald easily made promises to Bella that he would never upset her again, and the next day everything was repeated. Bella, although she was angry with Oswald, was gentle towards him, so she always forgave him for his antics, and Oswald, although he upset Bella, was also very gentle towards her and did not get angry when Bella scolded him. He was a boy, and he could not keep his promises to be obedient, because it was beyond his boyish character. Oswald was also very interested in the Secret House, he really wanted to explore it, but he could not approach it, because the Secret House only allowed those boys and girls whom it invited. This is how the world works in this Magic Land.

Oswald was not only a persistent and stubborn boy, but also very observant. He noticed more than once when the Secret House named the names of boys and girls for whom it was time to leave the Magic Land, there were boys and girls who did not want to go to Our World, because their girlfriends and friends were still in the Magic World, and they were sad was to part. But the Secret House did not ask the wishes of the inhabitants of this country, but decided for itself who and at what time to go to Our World.

One day, on the last Saturday of the next month, the Secret House announced the names of the boys and girls who were assigned a birthday. One boy really didn’t want to leave the Magic Land because of a girl whose birthday had not yet come. However, the rules of this country were such that it was impossible not to comply with them. The boy was very worried and did not know what to do to stay in the Magic Land. And Oswald invited the boy to go instead of him. The boy was very happy, stayed with his girlfriend, and Oswald entered the only door of the Secret House instead. Of course, Oswald never returned to Fairyland.

We can imagine how Bella felt! She was very upset by the disappearance of Oswald, she mentally scolded him, then felt sorry for him, then was angry with him. She cried for many days and nights, she was very bored and uncomfortable in the Magic Land without Oswald, although he was a naughty boy and constantly caused trouble for Bella, but now these troubles seemed harmless to the girl, and she was ready to endure Oswald’s boyish antics as much as she wanted, if only he were nearby.

When the next Saturday of Birthdays arrived, and the Secret House began to name the names of boys and girls for whom the time had come to leave the Magic Land, Bella approached the Secret House and asked to be let through the only door of this house, but the Secret House replied that it was not her birthday yet has arrived.

Bella came every Saturday, but every Saturday her name was not called, and the House of Secrets did not allow Bella to enter its only door. Many months passed, then many years passed, but Bella never got her birthday.

And at this time Oswald had already become an adult young man, graduated from school, received a profession that allowed him to travel throughout Our World. And what was strange and unusual was that Oswald, unlike other people, remembered about the Magic Land and about his girlfriend Bella, with whom they once dreamed of meeting in Our World in order to be always together. He very much regretted his rash act, but he could not return anything. Oswald did not lose hope, he traveled all over the world and looked for his Bella, but he could not find him, even when he was twenty, thirty, and thirty-five years old. He began to lose hope that he would find Bella, he thought that Bella had not yet left the Magic Land, that perhaps her birthday would be in many, many years, when Oswald would no longer be in Our World. When Oswald was thirty-seven years old, he met a beautiful and good woman with whom he started a family, but continued to remember the Magic Land and his Bella, whom he never found.

And in the Magic Land, when twenty-five years had passed after Oswald left, the Secret House named Bella, who had to enter the very only door of this house in which she would receive her birthday. Bella was very worried, she was glad that, finally, she would come to Our World and find her Oswald. When she entered the white and spacious room of the Secret House, she asked:
- House of Secrets, tell me, does Oswald remember about me?
“I don’t know,” answered the Secret House.
- Tell me, will I meet Oswald?
- Don't know.
- Well, why do you answer “I don’t know”?
“Because when you come to Our World, you will forget about the Magic Land and Oswald,” answered the Secret House.
- Why will I forget about Oswald? – Bella asked.
“Because it’s the law,” answered the Secret House.
“But I don’t want to forget Oswald,” the girl said.
“You will forget about him anyway,” said the House of Secrets, “and it will be even better, because Oswald is already a grown young man.” And you, when you receive your birthday, will be a very little girl, you will still grow, and when you grow up, Oswald will be a completely grown man, he will have his own family, and your meeting will not change anything. You won't even recognize him as the Oswald you knew in Fairyland. And now it’s time, you must go to Our World.

And Bella came to Our World. Of course, she forgot about the Magic Land, about its forests and rivers, meadows and mountains, and she also forgot about Oswald...

Twenty-five years have passed since Bella received her birthday and Oswald met her. He recognized her immediately, he was happy that he met Bella, but very unhappy that he once committed a rash act, leaving the Magic Land ahead of time. Oswald understood that Bella did not remember either the Magic Land or him. He carefully reminded Bella that they once knew each other, told her different stories from his life and from the lives of his friends, told her good happy and sad fairy tales. Had long and short conversations with her. But Bella couldn't remember him.

Oswald has always been a persistent man.
He did not lose hope that Bella would remember the Magic Land.
He will remember the river in which they swam together.
He will remember how they walked together through beautiful meadows and collected beautiful flowers from which they wove beautiful wreaths.
She will remember how they went to the forest together, where it was fresh and cool even on the hottest day.
He will remember how together they picked delicious berries and made delicious jam.
He will remember the high mountains, the peaks of which are always covered with white snow caps.
Will remember the Secret House that gives birthdays...

Author's fairy tale for preschool children, an educational and fascinating land of knowledge

Purpose: The fairy tale “Land of Knowledge” is intended for children from 3 to 6 years old. It encourages little readers to learn the alphabet and numbers. The fairy tale can be read in kindergarten and at home with your family. The fairy tale presents the school as a magical land of knowledge, showing the children’s desire to get there quickly.
Target: To create in children a desire to strive for knowledge
- develop memory, attention, imagination;
- to cultivate children's interest in reading fairy tales;
- develop children's interest in the alphabet;

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state “Tsyplyandiya”, there lived unusual little inhabitants Tsypiki.
Each of them had their own house and family. The chicks often visited each other.

Once they heard from grown-up chicks that somewhere in the world there was an amazing magical country, but, unfortunately, no one knew its name. Each and every one of the chicks dreamed of getting there, but were afraid of difficulties; one day they finally decided and set off on a long journey.

For how long or short, they walked through forests and mountains, they met many obstacles on their way, when suddenly they came across a huge, huge clearing, where they could easily get lost among the letters, numbers and figures, they barely made their way through the dense jungle .

And ahead, in front of them, a magical land opened up, the entrance to which was guarded; the guards did not let them in. They said: “Before you get to this magical land, you need to find and bring us all the letters, numbers and figures.”

The chicks immediately ran to the clearing, but it was difficult for them to find all the letters, numbers and figures, because they hid. Finally, the chicks saw a wizard who told them that in order to find all the letters and numbers, they need to learn the alphabet. Gradually, by telling rhymes and reading fairy tales, the chicks learned the alphabet, but now they needed to learn numbers. When they completed their task, letters and numbers appeared in the clearing, which they collected in baskets.

And finally, they found everything and brought them to the guards. As soon as the guards saw that everything was collected and distributed into groups, they let the chicks into the magical land of knowledge.

The Chicks were very glad and happy that they were not afraid of anyone or anything and found a magical country where they remained to live and gain knowledge. Every year they waited for new knowledge to come to their country, who were also happy to receive new knowledge.

Our fairy tale called “Fairytale Land” has a moral. Of course, almost every fairy tale has some kind of conclusion, a final conclusion. It may not be in separate lines, but it is there. A fairy tale - it teaches a lesson, unobtrusively, unobtrusively. But that’s why a fairy tale is valuable. And we run wild - we draw conclusions, add fabulous tricks to our personal piggy bank...

In one fairy-tale country called Lollipop, there lived Tsar Gingerbread, his daughter Caramel, and his son Bar. They had a sweet life. Tsar Gingerbread issued Tasty decrees. He never punished or offended anyone. Son Batonchik was the head of the confectionery business in the Candy Land.

And now the time has come for daughter Caramel to get married. Count Zephyr and Marquis Sherbet wooed her. They were both rich and wealthy people. The young princess’s aunts, Halva and Pastila, praised the suitors in every possible way. They say that they are rich and understand a lot about the confectionery business - the main business of the Candy Country.

But Princess Caramel did not like the sweet speeches of the suitors, and even they themselves. Much closer in spirit to her was the young Prince de Sol from the neighboring kingdom. He did not speak sweet words, and did not look at the princess with a sweet gaze. And he wasn’t all “chocolate,” but there was something about him that enchanted the princess.

And then one day, when Princess Caramel and Prince de Sol were sitting in the garden near the samovar, a terrible whirlwind came. It was Count Zephyr and Marquis Sherbet who sent a Cake Storm to the lovers. She moaned and howled and called for Caramel to return to the palace, to her chambers. But the princess did not go. She suddenly realized that when it is too sweet, then bitterness sets in...

“Everything should be in moderation,” she told Prince de Sol. The prince silently agreed with her. He liked this sensible, intelligent and perspicacious princess beyond her years.

Count Zephyr and Marquis Sherbet were forced to admit defeat. The princess won, she managed to prove to her father that her betrothed was Prince de Sol. And soon they played a cheerful wedding.

There were, of course, sweet speeches at the wedding, but they were in moderation.

Don’t forget, my friend, about such a concept as “measure”. Everything in life should be in moderation.

Questions for the fairy tale “Fairyland”

What was the name of the fairyland in the fairy tale?

Which of the fairy tale characters did you like the most?

Do you like sweets?

What does the word "measure" mean?

Do you think everyone should eat sweets in moderation?