Methods of water filtration. Water filtration What is a water filter called?

The water that comes from the central water supply or well contains impurities that are dangerous to household appliances and health.

To protect your home or apartment, use water filters.

From the article you will learn what filters there are and which ones are needed for an apartment or house when supplying water from a well or a central water supply.

Types of water filters

To filter water, it is passed through a filter element, which traps impurities and allows clean water to pass through. These elements are created from cardboard, nylon or lavsan, cotton, flax, activated carbon and other substances.

Filters are distinguished by the type of filter element:

  • with removable cartridge;
  • with backfilling of purified sand;
  • with membrane filtration;
  • with metal or plastic mesh;
  • ozone

Filters are distinguished by purpose:

  • cleaning from mechanical contamination;
  • reduction of water turbidity;
  • purification from dissolved heavy metals;
  • reduction of water hardness;
  • protection against bacteria;
  • changing the properties of impurities.

Filters are distinguished by the method of water supply:

  • passive
  • with forced supply as part of filter stations.

Coarse filters

The task of coarse filters (FGO) is to protect water consumers from mechanical impurities - chips, sand, organic sediments, rust. Sometimes FGOs are called “mechanical filters”. In such filters, water is purified using cardboard and nylon cartridges, metal or plastic meshes, and a layer of sand. Depending on the model of the replacement cartridge or filter element, such filters trap contaminants larger than 100-400 micrometers. Sometimes they are called water pre-filters.

The use of FGO extends the service life of fine filters. Reverse osmosis devices and ozonizers improve the operation of settling tanks. They do not purify water from smaller impurities, do not remove heavy metals, foreign odors and tastes, and do not reduce turbidity.

The sand filter element is cleaned of dirt by washing. To do this, water is supplied in the opposite direction at a speed 2-3 higher than the water supply speed in normal mode. The rinsing water and the dirt raised by it are drained into the sewer.

The metal (plastic) mesh filter element is cleaned by unscrewing the drain plug and pouring out what the filter has caught. After this, it is washed in the same way as a sand filter.

Change replaceable cartridges made of cardboard or nylon if you suspect a deterioration in the water supply. Changing a cartridge will cost less than replacing or repairing fine filters.

Fine filters

Fine filters (FPO) remove mechanical and other impurities from water, the size of which exceeds 5-50 micrometers, depending on the filter model. The water in them is purified with replaceable cartridges made of cardboard, nylon, lavsan and other materials. Adsorption filters use activated carbon or sorbents such as “superferox” or “pinkferox”. Such filters reduce water turbidity and partially remove foreign odors and tastes.

Externally, FTO does not differ from FGO, because the housings are the same, the only difference is in the permeability of the filter element. If the filter is installed in an apartment that supplies chlorinated water, then additional filtration is not necessary. Chlorine dissolved in water kills pathogenic bacteria, and PTO reduces turbidity and purifies water from small impurities.

To clean sandy PTFs, they are washed. Replacement cartridges are changed upon reaching the resource specified in the passport. It is advisable to change or wash the FTO at the same time as the FGO, even if it has purified only half of the volume of water indicated in the passport. You can see dirt on the FTO cartridge only when it has worked 3-4 times longer than necessary and filters water much worse.

Fine filters do not remove salts, heavy metals and bacteria from water, and do not change the composition of the water. For such cleaning, use ozonizers, sedimentation tanks and reverse osmosis devices.

Final filters

Such filters include reverse osmosis units, ozonizers, and ultraviolet purification devices. These filters finally purify the water, after which it is safe to drink and does not require boiling. Final cleaning filters are technically complex devices that perform several operations and consist of several blocks (depending on the specific model).

The performance of such devices is sufficient to provide drinking water, but not enough to purify bathing water, so they are installed in the kitchen, as close to the taps as possible (for example, under the sink).

Reverse osmosis filters

The basis of these filters is a water-permeable membrane that retains any substances whose molecules are larger than water molecules. For the filter to operate effectively, water is supplied under pressure of 2-7 atmospheres (bar) using an electric pump. Operations in the pump are fully automated; the operation of the entire system is ensured by water pressure sensors and a microcontroller. The water that has passed through the filter is pumped into a storage tank or accumulator.

Reverse osmosis filters (ROF) remove all bacteria and salts from water, turning the water into distilled water. Frequent use of such water for drinking will lead to leaching of salts from the body, weakening of bones and disruption of internal organs, so this water is used for cooking and washing dishes. To avoid leaching salts from the body, drink not only water every day, but also various juices, fruit drinks and other drinks.

FOO is installed after the fine water filter. Supplying untreated water to the installation will reduce the life of the membrane tenfold and damage the device.

Ozone filters

In ozone filters, ozone is supplied to the water, which oxidizes organic impurities (including bacteria) and metals that have entered the water, which leads to their precipitation. It does not purify water from large mechanical contaminants, so it is installed after FGO and FTO. Connecting the filter directly to the water supply will reduce the service life of the FTO by tens of times.

The compressor pumps air from the room into a container, where an electrical discharge converts oxygen into ozone, from where it is supplied to a chamber with water. After some time (depending on the model), oxidation turns organics and metals into flakes that precipitate. The remaining inclusions are caught by a fine filter.

The use of activated carbon in PTF purifies water from petroleum products and heavy metals. When purchasing an ozone water filter, ask what the mechanical filter of this device is made of. If the FTO is cardboard, nylon, or lavsan, then it will not protect water from oil products and heavy metal salts. If the FTO is coal, then the water is reliably protected.

To find out what indicators to choose filters for, have your water analyzed. If you take water from a well or borehole and the composition of the water complies with the requirements of SanPiN, install FGO before the pumping station and FTO after it. If a well or well has been operating without disinfection for more than five years and it is impossible to carry out aseptic treatment, use ozone filters or reverse osmosis units.
If you live in an apartment with a centralized water supply, use reverse osmosis units or ozone filters. The wear and tear of water networks in Russia is more than 50 percent, so there is a high probability of pipes breaking and groundwater or fecal water getting into the water. Install two FGOs with different degrees of purification, the first with filtration of particles larger than 200-300 micrometers (0.2-0.3 mm), the second 20-100 micrometers. This will protect the final filter from damage and extend its service life.

Purifying your water will keep you and your family healthy. Select a filter for contaminants that are present in the water and worsen its characteristics. Do not neglect coarse and fine filters; the price of replacement cartridges for them is hundreds of times cheaper than the cost of final filters. Do not skimp on water treatment, because health is more expensive.

Every person wants to drink clean water. For example, you probably want to forget about the smell of chlorine, the brownish tint, rust... Our rating includes the best (according to customer and expert reviews) popular water filters. You can choose exactly the product you need, whether you live in a densely populated metropolis or in a country house. Read and become the owners of truly clean water!

Types of household water filters


  • Filter jugs. One of the most popular varieties due to its mobility, accessibility and ease of maintenance. The design consists, in fact, of a jug and an upper funnel with a lid and a cleaning cartridge installed inside. Water flows through several filter layers, is purified and ends up in a storage tank. Cartridges can be of several types - universal or with specific properties (for example, reducing water hardness, removing iron, etc.);
  • Dispensers-cleaners. The principle of operation is also simple and unpretentious - water is poured from above and, under its own weight, passes through the filter system into the lower tank. The main difference from jugs is the noticeably larger volume and the presence of a drain tap.


  • Faucet attachments. Inexpensive and easy-to-install filters with a one- or two-stage cleaning system, which usually boils down to neutralizing chlorine and rust. Cassettes don't last long, but they are available and inexpensive;
  • Tabletop systems “next to the sink”. Representatives of this category have average performance, differ in the method and degree of water filtration, and, accordingly, in price. Disadvantage - they take up a lot of space in the kitchen;
  • Under-sink systems. The most effective devices with multi-stage filtration, including disinfection and water softening. The most advanced varieties are models with reverse osmosis, the key component of which is a semi-permeable membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through. But bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and other harmful impurities are not given a chance to “leak through”. The degree of purification is so high that additional mineralization is used to give the water drinking qualities.
  • Main or prefilters. They are installed directly into the water supply system and can be used both for individual taps and for the entire apartment or house. The filter element is a special cartridge, and in the simplest examples, a regular metal mesh.

The transparency of water does not guarantee its purity: any liquid, both from the tap and from the depths of an artesian well, may contain various substances and metals in doses hazardous to health. Often, installing a water filtration system can help solve this problem. We will talk about their varieties and operating principles in this article.

People “drink” 80% of diseases with water. The reason is pathogenic bacteria and high concentrations of dissolved impurities harmful to the body. Wells and boreholes installed in dachas are especially vulnerable in this regard. A water purification system helps solve the problem.

Filtration methods: “living” and “dead” water

The water in wells and artesian wells is rightfully considered “living”: a nearby garbage dump or hazardous industry, coupled with rain, can endow it with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. Of course, this does not threaten home owners in ecologically clean areas, but they are not immune from calcium and magnesium in the water. These hardness salts regulate various chemical processes in the natural environment, but have a destructive effect on the human body and household appliances. Iron can also get into the water from collapsing rocks, which also sometimes causes premature breakdown of washing machines, skin problems and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. An excess of hydrogen sulfide even leads to serious poisoning, not to mention an unpleasant odor. In city apartments the situation is better, if we are talking about new buildings and areas with a good water deferrization station. However, the older the house, the more worn out the communications there are: for example, cast iron and steel water pipes with corrosion guarantee an additional dose of iron in the water. In a word, there are many risks, so water filtration in our time is not a fashionable fad, but a necessity.

A jug-type filter and a faucet attachment are ideal as a water filtration system for an apartment. The first consists of two containers separated by a filter module through which water passes. Its resource is on average from 200 to 400 liters, and the water purification speed is approximately 10 minutes per 1.5 liters. The advantage of a water filtration jug is its mobility, because you can easily take it with you when moving to a new apartment or even on a mini-vacation. To connect the nozzle to the faucet, you need to unscrew the mesh from the mixer and instead attach the tube from the filter. More modern models also have a so-called diverter - a switch that allows water to flow through or past the filter. The rate of water filtration through the filter of the nozzle is several times higher than that of a pitcher-type filter; the service life of replaceable filters reaches several thousand liters, however, they are more expensive. Note that both water filtration kits will be relevant for non-critically polluted water and relatively small volumes.

Trunk filters are often used as a water filtration system for summer cottages. This is a cylindrical flask that is mounted into the water supply line - hence the name of the filter.

According to the type of cleaning, main filters are mesh, cartridge and column type. Mesh filters are suitable for cleaning large mechanical elements from 50 to 500 micrometers. The basis of the design is a stainless steel mesh, which needs to be changed every few years. Cartridge filters remove small particles from 5 to 25 micrometers. They come in several types, designed for different water chemistry. Column-type filters are special containers that are shaped like columns. Such filters are made of durable anti-corrosion materials and are filled with filter material. A control unit is installed at the top of the column, which determines the parameters of the filtration procedure and the frequency of regeneration of the filter material. The degree of purification of column-type filters is up to 30 micrometers.

Methods for “catching” iron are divided into two types: reagent and non-reagent.

  • Reagent-free water filtration devices efficiently defer the liquid and remove hydrogen sulfide and manganese from it. They work using two technologies. First, aeration technology, consists in artificially creating intensive air exchange in the aquatic environment. The liquid absorbs oxygen, the dissolved substances are oxidized and sink to the bottom of the aeration tank in the form of III-valent particles. Next, the oxides enter the backfill filter to remove iron from the water, where they remain. The advantages of this method are full automation, environmental friendliness, the ability to purify large volumes of liquid and an affordable price compared to other methods. In addition, oxygenated water becomes pleasant to the taste. Aeration can be ejector, pressure and non-pressure. In pressurized air, air is forced into the water column using a high-pressure compressor. With non-pressure aeration, the liquid is sprayed at the top point of the aeration tank. The resulting droplets absorb oxygen as they fall. Ejector aeration takes place using a compact installation that operates on the energy of water flow without connecting to the electrical network.

    With the second technology , catalytic loading, iron removal is carried out using filter materials with catalysts “Sorbent AC/MC”, “Birm” or “Pyrolox”. Sorbents act as oxidation catalysts. They filter out iron, petroleum contaminants, hydrogen sulfide, and manganese, and are sold as granular media. The production rate for ferrum is 99.2%, for manganese - 96.1%. The best oxidation characteristics are found in the combination of MC and AC catalysts in a 1:1 ratio. Sorbents work for 6 years without replacement. “Burm” is a porous backfill charge made of synthesized aluminosilicate coated with iron, silicon, and manganese. Removes ferrum up to 7 mg/l, manganese up to 0.5. Loading is easy and does not require much flushing pressure. The deferrization filter for water with Birm backfill, depending on the contamination of the liquid, lasts 2–5 years. "Pirolox" is a natural filter material with manganese dioxide. It has been used in water treatment for 75 years. Areas of application of the substance are demanganation, deferrization, removal of hydrogen sulfide. Removes iron - up to 4 mg/l, manganese - up to 0.5. This filter material is heavy, so it is important to provide good pressure for flushing. To increase the oxidation rate in treatment plants, filters with Pirolox are often combined with aeration. Service life - 4–7 years.

  • Reagent filters remove large concentrations of impurities: iron - up to 15 mg/l, hydrogen sulfide - up to 5, manganese - up to 12. For this, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4), better known as potassium permanganate, are used. Potassium permanganate has good oxidizing characteristics: it is used to disinfect water, oxidize soluble “ferrum” and trap some other pollutants. It is supplied to the liquid in front of the deferrization filters for rapid oxidation and conversion of dissolved II-valent iron into an insoluble III-valent form. Potassium permanganate is also often used as a regeneration solution for iron removers. Sodium hypochlorite disinfects, removes iron, manganese, organic compounds and hydrogen sulfide. In water treatment, a method of proportional dosing of an aqueous hypochlorite solution is used. Potassium permanganate and hypochlorite are used mainly in the form of solutions in water treatment. They are supplied in purification plants in close proximity to the deferrization filter or sediment filter. A special dosing pump measures the solution. It pumps in an amount of solution proportional to the volume of incoming water and makes a specified number of injections. The more fluid passes through the pipeline, the more injections. Thus, the water deferrization filter does not pollute the water with chemicals. Solutions of NaOCl and KMnO4 are supplied in strictly dosed quantities, change during oxidation and settle in the backfill filter layers along with oxidized pollutants. Purified water without impurities goes into the water supply system. Ion exchange granular resins are also included in the group of reagent filter materials. The cleaning method using ion exchange is used in everyday life and in industrial enterprises. Ion exchange is an effective technology for softening, purifying and deferrizing water. With its help, heavy metals, lime, hardness salts and radioactive substances are removed. The advantages of the ion exchange method are high-quality removal of iron (up to 30 mg/l), affordable price of equipment and versatility, because one cylinder is required to remove iron, hardness and manganese. Ion exchange resin is an artificial filter material consisting of yellow or orange granules. If the substance is obtained using polymerization technology, the granules are round; if polycondensation is used, the granules have an irregular shape.

    When water comes into contact with the ion exchange resin granules, calcium and magnesium ions responsible for hardness, as well as iron and other pollutants, are removed from it. This happens as a result of the exchange of charged particles. Impurity ions remain in the ion-exchange filter layer, securely secured by a chemical bond. Resin-based iron removal filters lose their ion exchange properties over time. This happens due to the fact that iron and hardness salts replace resin ions. However, the process can be reversed - the filter material regenerates if a solution of table salt is passed through it. After this, the ion exchange backfill will again efficiently purify the water.

What to consider when choosing filtration equipment

When choosing a water filtration system for your home, you must first do an analysis of the liquid. At the same time, it is better not to waste time and money on laboratory research in order to choose the most suitable option.

In addition, you need to take into account:

  • Work resource. If you use the equipment regularly, it is not profitable to buy an expensive water filtration system for your home with a short service life, so as not to waste money on replacing it.
  • Performance. This is the maximum water flow rate that the filtration system is designed to handle. This item directly depends on the type and nature of the water supply in the house.
  • Degree of purification. When choosing a water filtration device, you need to clearly understand for what purpose the purified liquid will be used. Watering garden beds or washing a car is one thing, and quite another thing is cooking, where you need the cleanest possible water without impurities harmful to the human body.
  • Water consumption. First of all, it is related to the number of its consumers, but the presence of a dishwasher and washing machine in the house also plays an important role. It is not difficult to calculate water consumption per person, but it is better to buy a system “with a reserve”. This is especially true for cottages and country houses, where people come for weekends in the winter, and live full-time in the summer, receiving guests.
  • Cleaning object: hot or cold water. For cold filters, any filters are suitable; for hot filters, only steel or special plastic. Replacement cartridges must also be resistant to high temperatures.
  • Features of service and care. Service includes checking the serviceability of the system, delivery of consumables, changing the program of automatic filters for regeneration, adjusting compressors and dispensers, cleaning injectors and much more. All this costs money, so before purchasing a water filtration system, you should carefully study its warranty period and the cost of various components.

Overview of water filtration systems

The market for water filtration equipment is vast, but, unfortunately, it is not without fly-by-night companies that sell obviously low-quality products at reduced prices and then “unexpectedly” go bankrupt. To avoid becoming a victim of such a scam, it is better to order a water filtration installation from a trusted organization. Below are five companies whose household water filtration equipment and home water filtration systems have proven themselves well in the market.


He has 18 years of experience in installing domestic and industrial water purification systems, as well as equipment for water filtration in a country house. The company's product range includes a separate category of filters for purifying water from wells and boreholes. The ProfWater company sells both individual installations for iron removal, aeration and softening, as well as complex systems suitable for private and country houses. Such devices include the “Complex 1” multifunctional filter, which removes up to 15 mg/l of iron, up to 5 mg/l of manganese, as well as hydrogen sulfide, heavy metal salts and pesticides. In addition, the company also offers volumetric systems for iron removal and water softening for enterprises, in particular reverse osmosis installations. Own production allows the organization to maintain affordable prices, which start from 15,000 rubles.


It has a large assortment of filter jugs that are perfect for offices. The jug filters are equipped with patented AQUACONTROL water movement control technology, which distributes flows for maximum filtration efficiency, which completely eliminates tunnel and wall effects. AQUACONTROL technology allows you to use the entire volume of filter materials, increasing its resource. The cartridges have a threaded connection to the receiving funnel of the jug, which completely eliminates the mixing of dirty and purified water. The models themselves are available in six different colors, so they can harmoniously fit into almost any interior. In addition, the company produces industrial filters, as well as water filtration systems for cottages.

"Water Doctor"

It sells unique household and industrial filters, taking into account technological processes of varying complexity, the customer’s financial resources and requirements for treated water. The cost of such filters is calculated individually. In addition, this company offers softener filters and devices for deferrizing water in a private home, as well as luxury purifiers for offices, fitness clubs, schools and shopping centers. Among them is the water purifier-corrector “Water Doctor VD-TM 205 Lux WF” with a water softening function in a floor-standing VATTEN purifier.


It has been producing household filters for water purification since 1993 and successfully sells them in Russia and abroad. In addition to a large assortment of filter jugs, Barrier produces kitchen faucets with a built-in faucet for water purification. For example, the elegant BWT 3C model, which has a classic design, will significantly save space on the sink due to the combined supply system of tap and purified water in one device. These faucets are available in different colors, including black and bronze.


It has a large selection of compact filters that you can easily take with you on a trip. In particular, we are talking about the Aquaphor Crystal Echo model with a resource of 8000 liters and a filtration rate of 2.5 liters per minute. It comes with three different modules. This company also offers shower filters and water filtration systems in apartments, cottages and offices.

When choosing a water filtration system, you should not only compare the models you like, but also carefully study the website of the company that sells them. It is quite possible that there will be various seasonal discounts and bonuses in the form of free water analysis or equipment installation. Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the warranty period of the product.

Modern humanity, increasingly experiencing the consequences of industrialization, is often faced with the problem of the need to purify water. Considering that most of the water that flows from our taps comes from open bodies of water into which a variety of toxic waste flows, the problem of its filtration comes to the fore. There are various ways to filter water, they depend on the nature of the contaminants. It is best to use several cleaning methods at once, combining them. Let's look at some of them.

Navigator by methods

Method 1. Mechanical filtration

During mechanical cleaning, filters are used that are capable of capturing and retaining particles of solid materials suspended in water. The degree of purification in such filters depends on the diameter of the holes in them. The smaller the holes, the more solid particles will be retained in the filter. If it is necessary to purify a large amount of water taken from open reservoirs, entire filter systems with ever-decreasing holes are used. In this case, the water is first allowed to settle so that most of the solid particles settle to the bottom. This method allows you to gradually purify the water, bringing it to an acceptable state. Of course, it will not be possible to get rid of bacteria in the water, since they are smaller than the diameter of the holes in most filters. In this case, it is recommended to additionally use other cleaning methods or combine them. For example, silver ions are added to household filters, which have a detrimental effect on microorganisms.

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Method 2. Ion exchange

This filtration method is used if it is necessary to purify water from salts of heavy metals or nitrates. For cleaning, a special sorbent is used, which acts as follows: some harmful salt ions (magnesium and calcium) are removed from the water and neutral ions, for example, sodium salts, take their place.

Method 3. Filtration using electrochemistry

This method is approved for use for water purification for industry. It consists of exposing water to electrical discharges, during which oxidation and reduction reactions occur. Exposure of water to strong current discharges leads to its complete purification of harmful microorganisms, but there are also side effects. It is never known in advance exactly what substances were dissolved in water. And under the influence of current, they can change their structure and turn into dangerous components. Therefore, although such filtration is quite inexpensive, it is not used for the population.

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Method 4. Use of sorbents

This method of water purification is applied as follows. A special sorbent is placed in the filter, through which water is passed. It has the ability to absorb harmful impurities, making the water clean. Activated carbon is often used as a sorbent. A popular natural sorbent is also zeolite, which allows you to purify water from chemicals dissolved in it, pathogenic microorganisms, carcinogens, heavy radioactive salts, in return enriching it with useful salts.

Method 5. Reverse osmosis method

With this cleaning method, special membranes are used through which contaminated water is passed under pressure. The membranes are a fine sieve in which almost all particles are retained, including even dissolved salts. The water becomes distilled. However, such a membrane itself does not retain pathogenic microorganisms, so additionally activated carbon is used. Such filtration is quite expensive, its use at the outlet allows you to obtain no more than thirty percent of the total amount of purified water, the rest is waste. In addition, the productivity of the membranes is low and the water is so purified that it is also devoid of useful substances.

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Method 6. Distillation

Quite an expensive and low-productivity method. It is used in pharmacology, medicine and those industries that require distilled water. This water is not suitable for drinking. Since distillation does not rid water of harmful microorganisms, it is additionally used for purification with activated carbon.