Tricks used to hide figure flaws. Women with and without clothes

For so many years, women have learned to almost fully use the “magic” of beauty. With the help of makeup and all sorts of products you can make your face, hair and skin look irresistible. But what about the body? Creams won't help you here. But women have learned to cope with this problem with the help of clothes that, in the right combination, will make a woman’s figure look much more attractive. We present to you the couples Three women who, for the sake of experiment, posed with and without clothes, you can see what they really look like and learn their tricks for improving their appearance with the help of clothes.

Jackie Hickey, 46, hairdresser, single

“I have always had a belly, but it has nothing to do with my lifestyle, I blame my mother’s genes for everything, because she and all my sisters also have a belly.

When I was 20 years old, my client asked me how pregnant I was, and from then on I decided to dress in a way that would hide my belly as much as possible.

I wear dresses with a wide belt, and I also wear high-waisted briefs to at least slightly hide my bulging belly.

I don’t suffer from excess weight, and no matter how hard I try to lose weight, my stomach still doesn’t want to go away.

Since I skillfully hide my defect, people do not believe that I have a big belly until I take off my clothes. After which they are usually very surprised"

Abby Rendell, 33, married, mother of two sons

“You may look at me and think that I have big breasts and a chiseled waist, but the reality is that this is not the case at all.

If I undress, then in front of you there will be a completely different woman.

During my two pregnancies, I didn’t gain much weight, but I still ended up with a protruding belly. "
Abby wears high-waisted skinny jeans that hide her bulging belly and make her hips look slimmer.

She also wears dresses with inserts that make the figure slimmer and dresses with a peplum, the so-called wide frill, sewn at the waistline to the dress."

Her secret trick is to wear brightly colored and patterned clothes to draw attention away from her figure.

“I remember how slim I was before my two pregnancies, and I would really like to have the same shape, but then I look at my two sons and realize that they are much more important than my figure.”

Andrea Gould, 37, graphic design student, single

“When I see how my body has changed since the age of 20, I am immediately visited by a feeling of depression. Since I am a student of graphic design, I am surrounded by girls who are 20 years younger than me, who, on the contrary, wear things that emphasize their figure. And I, too, stand I look good next to them, but I wonder what they would think of me if they saw me undressed.

When I was young, I could eat whatever I wanted without thinking about it and not gain weight, but my metabolism has seriously slowed down since I turned 30. I gained a lot of excess weight and I don’t have children whom I could blame for losing my beautiful figure, but I learned to present it correctly.

I wear high-waisted skinny jeans that hide my belly and slim my thighs and butt. I like to wear sleeveless clothes because my arms don't look fat.

I prefer to wear red bodycon dresses, these are fitted dresses that fit tightly to the body.

My lower body is larger than my upper body, and I also have this cellulite... I suffer a lot from losing my figure, I hate undressing in front of the mirror, and even more so when someone sees. It's a real challenge for me to go to the pool where I try not to look at other swimmers. When I was young, I never thought that this could happen to my figure. I'm turning 40 soon and I'm worried that the situation will only get worse."

Jacqueline Lloyd, 57, administrator, divorced 13 years ago, has four adult children and five grandchildren

“I feel very sad about my body, even though I lost 12kg in three years after my nutritionist advised me to take better care of my health as I was eating a lot of sweets.

Now I walk 6.5 km every day, and can only afford to eat sweets or drink alcohol on weekends.

Unfortunately, my body does not reflect my weight loss or my lifestyle change. I can give the impression of being slim, but things take a completely different turn when I take my clothes off. After giving birth, when I was 27 years old, my stomach did not return to its normal state, it became loose and saggy. During labor, when I was having my 4th baby, I had a C-section and it was like the muscle was completely removed from my belly."

“Now my clothes are like camouflage and no one should guess what is hidden under them.

My arms have become flabby after turning 40, so I always wear long sleeves. No low cut dresses as my breasts are already quite low.

I don't wear pants that highlight my belly and thigh fat, instead I prefer belted skirts to flatten my belly.

And these tricks actually work, recently a stranger told me that I am very slim. God knows what he would say if he saw me undressed.

I was in a relationship after marriage, but it was very difficult for me to take my clothes off and show everything that I was hiding under carefully selected clothes.

I just need to try to understand that the figure is not the most important thing in a relationship."

For a very long time I wanted to find a cool illustration for the expression #Don'tWearThatAlready.

I found it and am showing it to you :-) Let's figure out why some girls manage to adapt fashion to their wardrobe and dress modernly, while others buy and wear what is out of date and slowly turn into ageless little ladies.

Every day I see hundreds and thousands of girls in clothes that are hopelessly outdated.

They don’t understand why they don’t look fashionable and stylish, why they look like women, and sometimes aunties, while their peers manage to look like young girls.


Morally first of all. Although in the era of stimulation of consumption, physically it usually becomes obsolete even faster. So that they buy new things more often.

Look at the outfits of the film's heroines at the moment they met.

Many people are laughing now, looking at them. And everyone understands that this fashion FOR A LONG TIME passed and #TheyDon'tWearThatAlready.

It’s obvious to you that it is this fashion that makes them look older at the moment of meeting than they are ten years later?

The same perception effect can be encountered when looking at photos of celebrities. You'll definitely notice that J Lo looks younger today at 47 years old than she did with the makeup and hairstyle of 15 years ago. And Demi Moore. And Kristina Orbakaite.

Everything changed. And appearance (hair, make-up) and clothes!

And the same will apply to any celebrity. I cite them as an example only because they are obliged to follow fashion by virtue of their occupation.

The point is not at all that they are also obliged to visit their cosmetologist on a schedule so as not to fall out of the loop. We all take care of ourselves.

It’s just that if you don’t change one clothing for another in time, the effect of procedures and a healthy lifestyle will not be so noticeable.

You won't be able to look like a 30-year-old girl at 40. The result will be just a well-groomed woman of 40 years old.

Let's get back to fashion!

Why, when looking at some things, it is obvious and understandable to us that “they don’t wear that anymore,” but when looking at others, we don’t understand that their time has passed?

If it has passed since the time of a particular fashion SEVERAL DECADES OF YEARS(for example, in the film 1986), then almost everyone understands that this NOT CURRENT cloth.

And if only 10-15 years had passed, then half of the audience would not have understood what was funny and what was wrong. Because they still dress like this and have not yet felt the change in trend.

BY THE WAY, How many of you understand that in the film, not only the clothes of the heroines in 1986 are outdated, but also those that they wear many years later? Judging by the comments in my Instagram, this is clear to few :)

8-10 YEARS constitutes a cycle when the majority of the population NOT understands that they don’t wear it like that anymore, this is a standard period of lag in fashion trends.

How to always be in trend?

Unfortunately, only a small part of girls manage to grasp trends and adapt them to their wardrobe harmoniously and appropriately. And also in time to give up some of the things that have been familiar for some time and pay attention to new trends.

This skill allows them to always look young and modern. Please note I NOT said "SUPER-FASHIONABLE"! Because competent adherence to fashion NOT turns us into those who are stared at by half the street. It allows us to look modern and visually keep up with the times. DON'T "FOOL". And don’t turn into victims of fashion and fashion freaks.

Most girls, for various reasons, do not have time to recognize in time how it is customary to dress at the current moment. They are either not interested, have no time, or don’t understand. And, in fact, no one gets better or worse from this!

It’s just that these girls need to be “persuaded” for a long time, shown, and an eyesore with trendy things. And only at the moment when they see them on everyone around them, will they relax and accept them as a variant of the norm. And they will also dress like that. And the trend is already “bye bye”.

And again a vicious circle. Some look young and well-groomed, keep up with the times, have their own style, while others constantly fail to keep up and THEY CAN'T FIND THIS EDGE.

What happens? A sea of ​​outdated wardrobes, girls who look in their clothes 15 years older than what is written in their passport, “woman’s style”, “fashion rules” from the times of mothers and grandmothers, which the girls operate as dogmas, not suspecting that this is already indecent and completely wrong.

When they write to me that I have an objection to tight fitting skirts, pleated skirts, beads, pearls, earrings with flowers, straight curls, highlights from the roots, straight bangs to eyebrows, short blouses, fitted jackets and tulip coats with warm fur collars, I see in front of me Samantha, Kerry, Charlotte and Miranda at the moment they met!

Here's a parallel. Everything flows, everything changes. The only question is whether he has time to change YOUR wardrobe?

If you still don’t know whether different metals go together (YES!), whether you can wear shoes and a bag of the same color (YES!), what modern curls and eyebrows look like, what is the difference between outdated bangs and modern ones, why you can’t buy “masterpieces” with basques, ruffles and frills, in connection with which it’s time to give up guipure and flowers with polka dots, that is, there is a risk that in the eyes of others you look like these beauties TWENTY YEARS AGO.

Following fashion is funny, not following fashion is stupid.

Where is this golden mean between MODN Oh and NO LONGER WEARING THIS?

How to learn to distinguish disposable things from obsolete ones, because both ALL STORES ARE PACKED?

How to learn to choose clothes that can serve FOR YEARS without going out of fashion at the drop of a hat and without turning you either into a victim of fashion or into an ageless aunty?

After all, these clothes also exist and they are NEEDED BY THE MOST from U.S.

Wants to know how INVEST to the wardrobe, not SPEND money for clothes?

Learn the principles GOOD SHOPPING?

Then start with the Basic course at the online school :-)

You will become your own stylist and make a lifelong investment in your good taste, self-confidence, status and attractiveness.

It often happens that a woman without clothes looks much better than with clothes. It also happens the other way around: the “curvy little thing” in a bikini loses its attractive circumference. What does this mean? The fact that the first spoils her figure with unnecessary lines in her clothes, and the second uses optical tricks, but does it too eccentrically, if not exaggerated.

Visual illusions often occur to us in everyday life. The simplest example of a visual illusion, familiar to absolutely everyone, is the railroad tracks: in the distance they seem to connect, although in reality the distance between them does not change. In other words, we are wrong when we look at them, but we know it. As for clothing, we hold all the cards: we can both see incorrectly and misunderstand, since the features of the other person’s figure are not known to us.

For example, we want to look taller and slimmer and for this we wear high-heeled shoes. The result is that we look taller and slimmer. But what if you need to look smaller and neater? In this case, low-top shoes are not the only puzzle in our designer. Most likely, we will use color blocks in the ensemble, layering, horizontal lines, calm hair styling, bright accents in the lower part of the body, which will visually “ground”. For example, contrasting, extravagant or fancy shoes can “deprive” you of several centimeters in height.

Kate Winslet

Keira Knightley

Practicing stylists are definitely familiar with situations where many clients act extremely illogically with their wardrobe. Such a girl comes in skinny jeans, or even in leggings with an exposed groin area, and complains about an indecent bustle in the back, heavy buttocks, ears, thick, crooked, short legs, etc., etc. - the list goes on and on. And most importantly: everyone knows about this shortcoming. In the conversation, it turns out that skinny is the only cut that the girl prefers, because “no other trousers or skirts are categorically suitable!” But don't lie. Do you like your hips and want to draw attention to them in every possible way, or not? If the answer is “yes”, if your idols are Jennifer Lopez (thanks to whom curvy hips came into fashion) or Kim Kardashian (thanks to whom they are not going to go out), then enjoy life and stop worrying about trifles.

Gigi Hadid

Chloe Moretz

There is nothing bad, ugly or unsightly about curvy hips. And in the uncovered groin area there is! If you feel discomfort from the fact that “everyone is staring at your heavy thighs,” then stop tight-fitting bottoms and wear a spectacular brooch in the portrait area. Believe me, no one would even think of unceremoniously examining your buttocks. Once, at one of the seminars, a woman with size 5 breasts in a knitted sweater with a deep neckline sadly diagnosed herself: “Men don’t look me in the eyes.” Still would! Perhaps we should cover up our cleavage? Or make up your eyes beautifully? Frame your face with well-groomed hair? Would you like to wear a beautiful silk scarf that flatters your skin tone and eye color? Competent direction of attention is one of the main tools for visual correction not only of the figure, but also of the appearance in general.

So, if you really want to visually look slimmer or even a couple of sizes smaller without dieting, then there are several important tips that you should definitely pay attention to first.

1. Vertical lines in clothing elongate the silhouette

Akris FW 2018-19

Brandon Maxwell FW 2018-19

Elisabetta Franchi FW 2018-19

Loewe FW 2018-19

To look slimmer, you need any vertical lines in your clothes. Buttons in a row, zipper, supata (hidden) fastener, jacket, cardigan, coat hems, long scarf or handkerchief, ironed creases on trousers, stripes, vertical stitching. Exceptions are contrasting stripes, frequent folds and pleats. They will make your figure look more voluminous.

2. Monochrome matte look

Stella McCartney FW 2018-19

Akris FW 2018-19

Akris FW 2018-19

Tod's FW 2018-19

Give preference to dark, deep matte fabrics that hold their shape well. Remember: any shine, decor, relief will make you look fuller. To be honest, nothing elongates a silhouette like a monochrome outfit. In other words, when you are dressed from head to toe in one color: anthracite, blue, blueberry or chocolate. Everything - dress, tights, shoes and coat are the same color. In addition, this is a trend of recent seasons that is not losing ground. An ensemble made from different shades of the same color family looks stylish. For example, from rich green, emerald to dark bottle. It's elegant and aristocratic. In addition, it is complementary to the figure. Plus a few centimeters to your height and minus a few kilograms (from 5 for sure) are guaranteed to you. By the way, flesh-colored pumps will also work vertically. They visually make our legs longer and fit almost any ensemble. It is these advantages that have made them so popular in recent times.

3. Buy things by size

Scarlett Johansson

Kim Kardashian

It sounds corny, but it's true. Most people don't know how or don't want to buy things by size. According to statistics, women buy things a couple sizes smaller in the hope of miraculously losing weight, and the fragile female nervous system likes a label indicating a smaller size much more than what is in reality. Men, on the contrary, prefer larger sizes in the hope of looking more impressive. Needless to say, neither one nor the other achieves their goals. Even the slenderest woman in a dress or underwear that is too small for her produces a “knuckle effect,” and a man in baggy clothes produces the effect of a pencil in a glass.

4. Proper underwear

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson

No matter how hard we conjure visual illusions, an image can easily be ruined by underwear that doesn’t fit perfectly. The right bra should not form wrinkles in the armpits and back. The outline of your panties should not show through your clothes and cut into your already imperfect buttocks. Remember that shapewear exists for both everyday wear and the red carpet. A corrective bra is designed not only to lift the breasts and make them visually one or two sizes larger, as in the case of a “push-up”, but also, using, for example, a minimizer model, to lighten heavy breasts and give them the desired shape.

Perhaps someone will say indignantly: “What now, never wear shiny textures, bright and light colors, trousers with roll-ups and sports shoes?!” Of course, wear it! Do you want to wear a sequin top? Put it on! In this case, the bottom and top thing should create a vertical. Heeled shoes will also help you. Think creatively because fashion is not math. Today twice two is four. And tomorrow - we'll see!

Elena Mareeva, TV producer, expert in the field of fashion and style, A successful blogger, stylist, expert in the field of personal style, self-presentation, impression management, social and business communication, men's suits, fashion trends. 15 years of work on TV. For 8 years she devoted herself to the talk show “Fashionable Sentence”. As the creative producer of the project, she was responsible for the program, its quality, concept, ratings, innovations, image and transformation of the characters. Permanent lecturer of the City Class educational program.



You often hear: “What and how to wear is everyone’s personal choice. The main thing is to be comfortable and comfortable.”

If you want others to perceive you as a person with good taste, you will have to avoid some manifestations of bad taste. Perhaps some will recognize themselves in the materials of the article, and this will be a good opportunity to think about their appearance, which is our calling card. It is appearance that is the main and decisive factor when meeting a person for the first time: at work, in personal relationships.

The French word mauvais ton means "bad taste", manners, actions that are not accepted in polite society. The concept of bad manners refers not only to how we behave in society, but also to how we dress.

If we talk about bad manners in clothing, there will be no definite answer, because today even sneakers coexist with elegant dresses on the pages of glossy magazines. Let's be conservative and go back to basics.

First of all, the combination of classic clothes and sports shoes has always been considered bad manners. Likewise, wearing shoes or boots under sweatpants will definitely cause mocking glances from passers-by.

Remember that under a white T-shirt you need to wear white underwear (at least flesh-colored), but not colored underwear.

The combination of short skirts and high boots is considered vulgar. Does everyone remember the movie "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts?

If you wear over the knee boots, they should not be patent leather, and the clothing should be modest and the top must be closed. No necklines or transparent blouses!

A combination of a short skirt and a transparent blouse or top with a deep neckline would be a manifestation of bad taste.

In plus size fashion, at the moment, there are two firmly established trends.

Very often you hear that there are no stylish and fashionable clothes for girls size 50+. They say: “The stores offer us shapeless bags.” Is it so?

Absolutely! Stores offer tasteless items at fantastic prices that are embarrassing to wear even at home.

Some brands that specialize specifically in clothing for plus-size women offer fashionable and colorful items at unreasonably high prices.

Overweight fashionistas, who find it very difficult to find decent clothes, resort mainly to the second option and buy exorbitantly expensive things, the cost of which is inherently low. At the same time, many things are not designed for ladies of large dimensions; clothing models are simply copied from the sizes of the line for thin people.

Ladies often trust online stores that display attractive photoshopped images on their online storefronts.

In reality, when a woman receives her order, it is often far from ideal.

Of course, it's very easy to be disappointed. Gloss imposes the notorious 90-60-90, clothes are hard to find, but they must be of good quality and fit perfectly.

It is very easy for a lady of luxurious shape to look vulgar.

What common mistakes do girls make?

Let's start with leggings.

Leggings have a long history of existence and were originally a men's item of clothing.

In the USA and in a number of European countries, bright leggings were considered a sign of a woman of easy virtue, so decent girls, knowing about such fame, tried to avoid such a thing.

But our compatriots did not know about this, so many male tourists coming to the countries of the former USSR were perplexed. The peculiarity of the contingent wearing leggings became known to us many years later.

Despite this, there is now a general trend to wear leggings as a full-fledged option. In almost all cases it looks vulgar, exposing shortcomings and serving as a reason for ridicule.

A couple of years ago, there was even a malicious joke on the Internet that spring had come and plump, self-confident girls were wearing leopard-print leggings.

Why are leopard-print leggings mostly bought by ladies of larger sizes? It's simple. This is the most common color for sizes 50 and above.

But not only overweight girls look funny in tight leggings.

For lovers of leggings there is only one way out - wear them with a dress or tunic.

The tunic should cover the buttocks so that they are not visible when squatting.

In most cases, sets for every day can be chosen interesting and memorable.

Thin waist straps.

The latest fashion is to tie everything with thin straps: blouses, cardigans, sweaters. For curvy girls, this method of accentuating the waist reveals flaws in the waist and hips. And if the girl is short, then the figure is divided in half and shortened.

In the next photo we see a clutch purportedly from Louis Vuitton.

"Neither in Milan, nor in Paris, nor in London does anyone wear a brand, because it is considered a sign of vulgarity. If what you are wearing is recognizable, it means that you have no taste or you are Russian. If you are wearing too much a lot of decorations in the daytime and you think that a trip to Petrovsky Passage is the main event of your life, this is bad manners. The Louis Vuitton brand is one of the oldest in the fashion world, they had 150 years to create a reputation not only high-quality, but also recognizable products. And very expensive. Therefore, for many, this brand is an expression of their financial capabilities and wallet. It is not surprising that although Russians and Chinese women in most cases use fakes and imitations of this brand, they can still boast of their own. opportunities or financial capabilities of the husband. It is the easy recognition thanks to the LV logo on the streets of the city that makes this brand so desirable for the nouveau riche who have recently become rich and want to emphasize their well-being to everyone. I don't think it's bad manners, but the French often call Louis Vuitton "Louis bad manners" because they think that people who wear too much of it in their wardrobe - glasses, belts, bag, wallet, shoes and maybe even raincoat are a real advertisement for this brand. But he sells a huge percentage of his products in Russia, China and Ukraine, and women like him precisely because of his flashiness.”

fashion historian, Alexander Vasiliev

Warm tights with lurex.

The worst thing a woman can buy for her wardrobe is warm black tights, the fabric of which is shiny. The obsessive shine adds volume, but the look with such tights does not add status at all.

You should buy tights without lurex, made from natural materials in the color of mocha, chocolate, gray, wet asphalt. It is possible to use dosed beige color, as well as black. It is very important not to give the effect of dirty calves, as is often the case with beige tights.

Separately, the rules for choosing the color of stockings or tights should be mentioned. White stockings or tights can only be worn by brides or schoolgirls. Black stockings have no place in the office - they should be worn before a special event, going out or before an evening trip to the cinema.

In the photo we see a very well-chosen top and an unsuccessful, gloomy bottom, which undoubtedly ruins everything.

Knitwear in incredible colors a la “safari”, “suitable for summer”.

It is contraindicated for young people to wear such fuzzy colors. However, like women of advanced age. These colors are straightforward. They age and simplify the appearance. It is not recommended to wear such things even at home! Have pity on those around you with good taste!

You should not try to combine incompatible things: snake print and leopard or snake print, openwork and geometric pattern.

Baggy jackets and raincoats add age and volume to your figure.

In many provinces, plump ladies wear capri pants in the summer. Most likely, due to the fact that this is the most common style in large sizes.

Capri pants originated on the Italian island of Capri (where their name comes from) in the 1940s. Sonja de Lennart, a German designer, lived on the island at the time. Audrey Hepburn, who wore them with pumps, played a big role in their popularization. Capri pants can be either wide or tight-fitting.

In most cases, overweight ladies do not know how to wear capri pants, even though it is a fairly simple type of clothing.

Shapeless tunics with poncho elements. No comments.

Poor dress cuts:

A) Fitted with a wide belt at the waist. The belt divides the figure in half, visually reducing height. In such a dress, every contour of the figure is visible.

It is considered bad manners to emphasize the chest and hips at the same time. The emphasis should be on one thing. You should not resort to wearing tight clothing - such clothing will make your figure visually larger than it actually is. Clothing according to size is an axiom.

B) Dress with a batwing cut to the waist, white knitted overalls. No matter how we try to disguise our shortcomings with this style, they are still visible.

Leave the fairy-tale images for the children. "Feyism" is for girls under 10 years old.

Looking at this tunic with the effect of either leaves or cobwebs, I remember the song from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”: “I’m tired of it! They teach, they teach! - We teach, we teach... - Teach better than your little spiders!”

A good example of how not to dress. A complete mess of colorful things, cosmetics and accessories.

An abundance of different inscriptions, multi-colored hair, torn short tight-fitting shorts that look like underwear, numerous piercings, a mixture of colors of all stripes - a sign of bad taste.

Remember: the lace elastic band of the stockings should not be visible through the slit of the skirt. Underwear should not be visible from under clothing at all. This is bad manners. Here, by the way, there is no underwear on top at all.

Frankly, when I first saw these photographs, I felt uneasy. I wouldn't want to meet such a girl even on the street.

Completeness, first of all, should be in moderation. You should not be too proud of your weight, because it entails health problems and many cosmetic defects.

This kind of plumpness is already ugly, no matter how hard you try to dress it in beautiful clothes.

An overweight woman is obliged to keep her weight under control, take good care of her body and play sports. Clothes are secondary. It's not difficult to find her. If a woman is passionate about her appearance, then she will always have a beautiful wardrobe and many will admire her beauty and style.

Now let's focus on successful images.

Of course, this is not only a combination of clothes and accessories, but also the appearance of the singer Adele.

“I don't want to be on the cover of Playboy or Vogue. I want to be on the cover of Rolling Stone or Q. I'm not a fashion icon... I'm a singer... I'd rather weigh a ton and make a cool album. My goal in life is not to be thin."

Well-groomed, elegant lady. A good example for a modern curvy beauty. Adele leaves a good impression.

Some of her images are thought out to the smallest detail. Of particular note is the length of this dress. Many people should take note!

Floor-length dress in heavy black synthetic fabric with sparkly flecks that doesn't look fat. The emphasis in the image is on the lips. Quite luxurious!

Interesting cocktail dress with decorative patterns.

Despite the fact that the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, has a modest size, she has a lot to learn from her plus-size figure.

This woman has an excellent sense of taste and style. Kate is distinguished by her democratic dress, despite her status.

She successfully combines both luxury and budget brands of clothing in her wardrobe.

A modest and elegant emerald-colored dress, thanks to its style, emphasizes the femininity of the hostess.

The soft pink bize coat with pearl buttons is very refreshing.

In this look, the belt at the waist is in place. It decorates and fits harmoniously.

It would seem like a completely banal print.

There was also a white dress with small black polka dots, combined with a black short jacket.

The famous Alexander McQueen wedding dress amazes with its splendor and leaves no one indifferent.

Julia Roberts' images are interesting and elegant. For example, a scarlet dress with an openwork print is also relevant for women in the body.

And a plump girl can easily combine such a bright pink blouse with jeans and wear it on weekdays.

An interesting evening dress in Greek style will highlight all the advantages of a curvaceous lady.

If you are preparing for a wedding, then you should take a closer look at some styles of wedding dresses.

For example, the advantage of this dress is its comfort. At the same time, it does not lose its elegance. To go with the dress you need to choose beautiful white pumps.

It is worth noting the most important thing: in search of your own style, you should not live someone else’s life and copy the style of other people. Let's give a few examples. Do you know whose style these girls were inspired by?

Now let’s look at worthy images from which plump ladies can learn a lot for themselves.

An interesting combination of orange chinos with a short linen jacket.

Delicate pink dress made of silk fabric with a neckline. A good option for the evening.

Spring-summer options for work.

A soft pink dress and accordion skirt will make your look romantic.

Towards sunny days! A bright orange dress for the hot weather.

Ivory openwork blouse.

Stylish swimwear.

Outdoor, retro style, for summer tanning.

Closed, for the pool.

Dress in the style of singer Adele.

Developing your own taste is a long and laborious task, but the results are worth it!

Find your own style and be yourself!