We accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in open ground - methods for stimulating tomatoes. How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes at home? How to water tomatoes for faster fruit ripening

“If you want to grow it, feed it,” that’s my rule. I start feeding 2 weeks after planting tomato seedlings.
I repeat fertilizing every 2 weeks until mid-August.

So that the tomato fruits are larger and ripen faster.

In order for the tomatoes to have larger fruits and ripen several days earlier, I prepare the following “drink” for them: I add 3-4 drops of iodine to 10 liters of water.
I water it at the root once a week, spending up to 2 liters per plant.

I'm also cooking for tomatoes good feeding.

The recipe is:
I fill a barrel (200 l) 1/3 with nettles and dandelion leaves.
I add a bucket of manure (mullein or rabbit) there and fill it to the top with water.
To make fermentation go faster, I cover the barrel with film.
After 10 days, the feeding is ready.
All that remains is to remove the floating contents and add the “Gumate + 7” bag.
I dilute the resulting infusion with water (1:10) and water the tomatoes at the rate of 3-4 liters per 1 sq.m.
Sometimes I alternate this feeding with mullein solution.

I put mullein in a bucket (up to half), then fill it to the top with water and let it sit for 5-6 days. I take the infusion in the proportion of 1 liter per 10 liters of water.

This amount is enough for about 10 holes (20 plants).

More feeding:

Add to 10 liters of water
20 drops of iodine and a liter of whey obtained from melted cottage cheese.
This solution destroys microbes well and also accelerates the ripening of tomatoes.
It is important not to overfeed the plants. And, of course, you cannot apply fresh manure under the bushes.

I grow tomatoes in two or three stems, for which I leave one or two stepsons, which, as they grow, I pin to the ground and sprinkle with humus. The rooted stepson provides additional nutrition to the plant.

I use a couple of proven methods.

I insist 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate in a glass of warm water for two days.
I pour this infusion into a bucket of water and spray the plants on the leaves.
The leaves darken, photosynthesis increases, and fruit ripening accelerates.
Instead of superphosphate, you can use vitriol -
1 tbsp. spoon on a bucket of water. The result is the same, plus protection against late blight.
When the tomatoes begin to bloom, take the time to feed them foliar: 1 g of boric acid, 2-3 crystals of sodium humate, the same amount of potassium permanganate, a spoonful of urea per bucket of water. Carefully spray the leaves, and most importantly, the flower brushes with this solution.

To improve flower set on dry, hot days, lightly shake flowering bushes so that pollen rises in a light cloud.

And this Surgical tips for faster ripening of tomatoes.

Here I will try to collect various tips and recommendations on how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in an open field plot.
Although I think these tips are also suitable for greenhouse growing conditions.

Several ways to speed up tomato ripening

Another not entirely traditional way to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

Somehow it was a cool summer in our southern latitudes, the nights were cool and the tomatoes did not ripen. Although they were already quite large and were already beginning to blush a little.
In addition to a few fruits, several tomatoes were already bright red. This interested me, and upon closer examination of the ripe tomatoes, it turned out that they had been slightly pecked by chickens...

The chickens pecked at them once, apparently they didn’t like the taste and didn’t touch them again, but these fruits ripened the fastest!

And I decided to conduct an experiment.

I chose the largest tomatoes and pierced them with a toothpick near the stalk in several places
I pierced it not very deeply, half the length of a toothpick.
I did not subject all the tomatoes to this experiment - most of them, but left a few of the same large ones to compare the effect.

The difference in maturation was significant!
Tomatoes pierced with a toothpick ripened almost a week faster; they literally gained color and taste before our eyes. In terms of taste, they did not suffer at all, and the holes from the toothpicks were simply weathered and were not particularly noticeable.

Now, every year before the tomatoes ripen, when they are already large enough, I make a couple of kilograms of early-ripening tomatoes, and then the rest of the harvest catches up. :)
And we always taste our harvest a couple of weeks earlier than our neighbors!

Here are also surgical ways to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, you can use several techniques developed by folk practice.
Namely, near the root collar of plants, it is necessary to use a very sharp knife, scalpel or blade to make a through slit 7-10 centimeters long and insert a wooden pin 4-5 millimeters thick into the resulting split of the stem, which is best made from a match or a piece of dry pine stick.
Such a spacer forces the plant to direct all its forces to the successful growing of the fruit, that is, the future offspring, and not the vegetative mass that is useless for future generations of the tomato family.
After all, the meaning of life for every green creature is one:
flourish, give birth, and only then can one die.
Acting according to this immutable law of nature, after the operation, tomatoes ripen faster than usual by a whole week, which is especially important for late varieties when autumn arrives early.
Reduces fruit ripening time by up to a decade and ringing of plants.

Using a thin copper wire at a height of 2.5-3 centimeters from the soil surface, we make a tight ring, tightening it around the trunk.
In this case, of course, you need to be careful and not cut the trunk completely.
With this operation, the downward current is reduced - the accumulated reserve of photosynthesis products in the leaves is almost completely used by the fruits, since their path to the roots is blocked, due to which the crop ripens faster.
And its quality improves, since the influx of water, which is no longer so necessary during that period of plant life, decreases, and more carbohydrates accumulate. The fruits become sweeter and contain more dry matter.

Every gardener, in gratitude for his work, wants to get the highest possible harvest. Among other things, it is desirable that the fruits ripen quickly and have an excellent taste.

Reasons for poor tomato harvest in a greenhouse

Thickening of plantings is one of the reasons for delayed ripening of tomato fruits.

Unfortunately, even growing in greenhouse conditions does not always provide quick results due to many reasons:

  • Shifted landing dates are quite capable of extending the ripening period, since the development of the plant depends on many factors available at the time of planting.
  • But it could also be a possible cause. Both waterlogging and drought can delay the date of tomato ripeness.
  • Deficiency or excess of fertilizers also acts as a “braking” factor.
  • An important condition for the development and degree of ripeness of fruits is proper design of a greenhouse for plants .
  • Violation of technology not only inhibits development, but can also cause the death of plantings.

How to speed up the maturation process

Fruits located closer to the trunk grow and ripen faster than others.

To ensure results, the first step is to eliminate the causes that can hinder the process.

Help methods:

  • ensuring correct fit;
  • compliance with plant nutrition rules;
  • eliminating defects inside the greenhouse;
  • providing ventilation;
  • ensuring access to light;
  • removal of brown fruits;
  • removing the tops;
  • piercing;
  • copper wire method;
  • the use of superphosphate or copper sulfate;
  • use of saline solution.

Before deciding which product to use, you need to choose whether to use an organic, agrotechnical or chemical method.


Organic matter is added only when planting tomatoes.

Of course, if the planting was carried out with violations, then it is quite difficult to correct the situation, since replanting the bush will not have a positive effect. Rather, on the contrary, it will weaken the culture even more, will slow down its development . In this case, using certain manipulations you can slightly speed up the process, but the result will not be what was expected.

Among other things, you also need to feed the plant correctly - carefully calculate the dosage, concentration, and time of fertilizing.

To accelerate the ripening of fruits, superphosphate fertilizer is used.

Not recommended abuse nitrogen-containing fertilizers , since nitrogen affects the development of the green part of the crop - larch, stems, central trunk - the development of tomatoes will slow down.


It is worth considering that latent periods of disease can cause delayed ripeness, so it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for growing tomatoes.

The first step is to disinfect the greenhouse - treat it with fungicides, fumigate it with wool, or spray ash with tobacco dust.

The greenhouse should be well ventilated, maximum access to light and sunlight should be provided to the bushes, and for this, density should be eliminated.

Inspection of fruits

Green fruits will ripen faster if you pick red tomatoes in time.

On one bush, as a rule, several fruit units of varying degrees of development develop simultaneously. To speed up the ripening of the greenest tomatoes, yellowed and brown vegetables should be removed from the branches. At room temperature, after some time the removed units will gain the necessary condition, and the fruits remaining on the branches will ripen faster, since all the energy will be spent on their growth.


Many gardeners use another method - pinch the top. The recommended time is August, but later manipulations will also give results.

After pinching, 7–8 brushes will remain on the bush, which will give a full harvest.

The point of pinching is that the flowering top of the bush is removed , at the same time, the ripening of fruits is accelerated, since the plant does not expend energy on peduncles. Not only the large inflorescence is torn off - small developing ovaries are also pinched off. The lower part of the bush is freed from leaves to the nearest immature brush. The conditioned reflex method is used. A similar method is designed for the fact that the plant accumulates all the forces for survival and preservation of the “cubs”.

To do this, at an altitude of about 15 cm The trunk is pierced with a knife, while holding the blade vertically. The shingles are inserted into the resulting hole. The effect is achieved by slowing down the flow of nutrients and moisture, as a result of which only the “offspring” are fed, and the plant itself receives a minimum of nutrition.

Limiting nutrition in the root system

A similar effect is also achieved by limiting nutrition in the root system.

  1. You should pull the bush up a little, thereby slightly undermining the roots or slightly cut it with a knife or shovel.
  2. The cuts are made on both sides, the gap should be at least 15 cm .

Application of copper wire

You can shorten the ripening time by about a decade if you use copper wire. At a distance of three centimeters from the ground level, a tight ring of copper wire is put on the trunk. Need to tighten tightly but carefully- so as not to cut off the stem.

Copper wire with a thickness of about 1 mm is suitable for pulling the barrel.

The purpose of this method is to reduce the downward current.

The supply of photosynthetic products that has accumulated inside the larch reaches the fruits almost in full due to the fact that access to the root system is limited.

Another advantage of this method– improving the taste and commercial qualities of tomatoes due to the fact that the level of excess moisture decreases and the amount of carbohydrates increases. Vegetables increase sugar and dry matter levels.

Old-fashioned methods

Many gardeners use old, proven old-fashioned methods, which also lead to positive results.


Before reviewing chemicals, it should be noted that using chemicals can cause harm to health when eating vegetables, since some drugs are quite toxic to the human body.

Video on how to speed up fruit ripening by pruning shoots

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? What is needed to quickly ripen tomatoes? How to process tomatoes, what and how to feed them? What folk remedies are used for this? Does alcohol and vodka really help? Differences for greenhouse tomatoes and those growing in open ground. How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes picked green at home, basic rules. And finally, a useful video, expert opinion. Read, think, apply wisely. This way you will preserve your tomato harvest as much as possible, even if the weather conditions are no longer conducive to the ripening of tomatoes on the bush.

Very often, in the short summer of the middle zone, tomatoes do not have time to ripen on the bush. In addition, from mid-summer the risk of plant infection increases sharply. This is a very dangerous disease. Late blight can literally destroy an entire tomato crop in a day. You can read about how to diagnose and subsequently treat this disease here.

First of all, the ripening time of a tomato depends on (early, middle or late). As well as the dates for sowing seeds for seedlings. However, there are other factors that greatly influence the ripening period of the crop. If you do not take them into account, the harvest can be obtained not earlier, but even much later. In order for tomatoes to ripen faster, they need to be properly cared for.

Caring for bushes for early ripening

  • Tomatoes are a must (except for those varieties that say they don’t need pinching). Because if the stepsons are not removed, the plant will form many shoots with flower clusters. All of them will not have time to ripen, but at the same time they greatly delay the ripening period of the first tomatoes. Plants from which excess shoots are not removed are very thick and poorly lit by the sun. As a result, without sufficient lighting, tomatoes do not ripen well.
  • Needed in a timely manner. This will help the plant direct all its forces to the growth and ripening of the crop. As a rule, inexperienced gardeners do not know at what point and how to prune leaves correctly. And this must be done carefully and according to certain rules. Otherwise, the plant can be damaged to the detriment of the future harvest. Pruning of tomato bushes begins with the lower aging leaves. Gradually you need to remove the leaves under each brush that begins to fill. How to trim tomato leaves correctly and in what time frame can be read here.
  • When tomatoes ripen, you need to reduce watering. This also affects the ripening process of tomatoes;
  • Proper feeding. When tomatoes begin to ripen, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers should be minimized. Otherwise, the plants will increase the volume of green mass, not fruits. In addition, it worsens the taste of the fruit;
  • At the end of July - beginning of August, you need to remove the growing point - top the bush. That is, cut off the top of each stem with a flower cluster so that the plant does not waste energy on forming new ovaries. As a result, all forces and nutrients will be directed towards ripening;
  • It makes no sense to bring tomatoes in the garden to full ripeness, since this reduces their overall yield. To enable the remaining fruits to ripen as quickly as possible, you need to pick brown unripe tomatoes from the bushes 1-2 times a week.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

There are a number of techniques to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. The purpose of which is to switch the plant growth process to the beginning of fruit ripening.

This can include fertilizing, treatment with special solutions, as well as mechanical intervention.

How to treat tomatoes for faster ripening

  • The most effective and popular method among summer residents is spraying tomatoes with iodine solution. You need 30 - 40 drops of iodine per bucket of water. Water thoroughly all leaves, fruits and especially the stem at the very bottom. Such treatment will also prevent the development of late blight and significantly improve the taste of the fruit;
  • When the tomatoes have already reached a decent size, but remain green due to bad weather conditions, you can water them with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. After about a week, the tomatoes will turn red.

Fertilizers for rapid ripening of tomatoes

  • To speed up the ripening of fruits, experienced summer residents apply foliar feeding with a superphosphate solution. For this, 2 tbsp. l. fertilizers are diluted in 2 liters of warm water. The solution is infused for a day, then another 8 liters of water are added. Spraying is done by generously wetting the leaves.
  • Also, to quickly ripen and improve the quality of fruits, it is good to use ash as a fertilizer. For feeding, prepare the following solution: 1 glass of ash per 10 liters of water. Pour the ash into a bucket of water and stir. To avoid burning the roots, you need to water the tomato bushes first. And then feed them with ash solution, 1 liter per bush.
  • Fertilizing with potassium humate (according to instructions). This is an effective fertilizer for additional nutrition and ripening of tomatoes and other crops. Fertilizing can be carried out every 10 days. After this, the ripening process of tomatoes accelerates, their size increases, and their taste improves.

Folk remedies for ripening tomatoes

Many summer residents use proven “old-fashioned” methods to speed up the ripening of tomatoes.

  • One of them is the method of piercing fruits. It has long been noticed that fruits with mechanical damage ripen faster. If you make several punctures in the fetus using a sharp wooden stick. Such fruits will ripen much earlier, however, they will be stored worse;
  • To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, you can carry out the following procedure: you need to damage the small roots of the tomato bush. The stem of the bush must be pulled up with both hands until a characteristic sound occurs when small roots begin to tear off. Or they can be trimmed with a shovel, sticking close to the trunk along the perimeter of the bush;
  • Another way to speed up ripening is to use apples, bananas or ripe tomatoes. They need to be placed next to green tomatoes. These fruits emit ethylene gas in small quantities, which causes green tomatoes to turn red;
  • Some summer residents use regular vodka to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. This does not affect the taste in any way, and the tomatoes ripen much earlier. For this procedure, 0.5 ml of vodka is used, which is injected with a syringe into the inside of each green tomato. The puncture is made at the point where the tomato is attached to the branch. When alcohol gets inside a tomato, all vital processes are activated and ripening is accelerated several times. If the bush is weakened or the fruits show signs of disease or spoilage, such an injection will only worsen the situation. After 10-12 days, tomatoes treated using this method begin to turn brown.

Accelerate the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

All methods and techniques for accelerating ripening are relevant for both greenhouse tomatoes and open ground tomatoes. But there are some nuances.

  • For greenhouse tomatoes, pinching the growing point is very important, otherwise the tomato will be forced to stop growing. As a rule, tall tomatoes with unlimited growth (indeterminate) grow in a greenhouse. They constantly set new fruits, which inhibits the growth of those that have already set. Tomatoes are usually pinched in August. In an unheated greenhouse, leave 6–7 bunches on tomatoes, and in heated ones, 10–12. Simultaneously with pinching, after August 10, all flower brushes are removed (by topping), the fruits on them will not have time to form anyway;
  • It is very important to maintain a certain temperature in the greenhouse. The optimal air temperature for tomato development is 25°C. When the average temperature drops to 15°C, the development of tomatoes noticeably slows down and the ripening of fruits stops. If the average temperature rises to 35°C, the growth processes in the plant completely stop;
  • Sunlight is the most important condition for fruit ripening. There cannot be an excess of sunlight in the greenhouse, since the material of the greenhouse reliably protects it from sunlight. But shortages are very common. Everything must be done to ensure that the bunches of ripening tomatoes get as much light as possible. To do this, the tomatoes are tied to a pole and pulled along it. The leaves that are below the fruit clusters are pruned. This is not done at once, but two or three times a day;
  • A very effective technique, but still known to a small number of summer residents, is the use of a tobacco smoke bomb in a greenhouse. These checkers are designed to combat pests and pathogens. At the same time, burning the checker has a very positive effect on the condition of the plant itself. As a result of a chemical reaction after burning the checker, carbon dioxide is formed, which is involved in the process of photosynthesis. After fumigation, the period of fruit ripening is shortened, and the plants become less susceptible to all kinds of diseases. This treatment must be carried out once every 5 - 7 days.

Ripening tomatoes in open ground

  • At the end of July - beginning of August, cold dew begins to fall on the soil. Therefore, on tomato plantations in open ground, you need to install special arches for shelter. At night, cover them with film or. Shelter helps maintain the desired temperature and reduces the likelihood of late blight. With the bushes covered, the tomatoes will have the opportunity to ripen;
  • Significantly accelerates the ripening of already formed fruits and turning them towards the sun. This technique is very important for. Dry and yellow leaves need to be removed, and wooden spacers - slingshots - should be placed under the fruit clusters or the clusters should be placed on the stem so that the vegetables are well illuminated by the sun and do not lie on the ground;
  • Many gardeners know that to speed up the ripening (ripening) of green tomatoes removed from plants, they need to put a few red ones among them; Therefore, some gardeners use this technique for tomatoes still growing on the bush. A ripe tomato is placed in a plastic bag, and this bag is “put on” a bunch of green tomatoes. Ethylene released by the red, ripe fruit accelerates the ripening of growing tomatoes.

How to ripen green tomatoes at home

The process of ripening tomato fruits at home is called ripening. Not all tomatoes are suitable for ripening. They should be harvested at the stage of milky-waxy ripeness, and not earlier. Otherwise, instead of ripe tomatoes, you will have wrinkled, wilted fruits. Of course, for ripening you need to take only strong and elastic tomatoes. When collecting, they must be dry.

Tomatoes that have become shiny and grown to a certain size must be removed from the bush. They ripen well in a room with a stable temperature. In addition, such fruits are better stored, as they are denser and not overripe. And they taste better than overexposed ones, and more nutrients will be available for those remaining on the bush.

The collected tomatoes are laid out in small layers in boxes or on the floor - on newspapers or old waste cloth. If there was a risk of tomatoes being infected with late blight, these tomatoes should be placed separately. Because they need to be watched. Due to the spread of the disease, they can turn black at once. It may be better not to risk it and remove them right away.

The ripening time of unripe tomatoes depends not only on the degree of ripeness of the fruit, but also on the conditions of their storage, especially temperature.

  • If you need slow ripening of picked tomatoes, then select tomatoes that are approximately equal in size, lay them in two or three layers, sprinkle them with sawdust. The room temperature should not be higher than 10°C, humidity 80-85%. If the air is dry, the fruits will quickly become flabby and wrinkled. Sunlight accelerates ripening, so a darkened room is preferable for long-term storage.
  • For rapid ripening of tomatoes (7-10 days), a temperature of 20-24°C (warm room) is required.
  • For very quick ripening (just a few days), the tomatoes are kept in the sun at an air temperature of 28-30°C.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes - useful video

Finally, we invite you to watch the video on how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes

The long-awaited time is the ripening of the harvest, which we worked so painstakingly on. Sometimes you want to try homemade vegetables faster. There are ways to help fruits ripen faster.

The speed of ripening depends on the tomato variety and compliance with agrotechnical planting techniques. On average, it takes about 40-60 days from flowering to ripening.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes, secrets and tips in the greenhouse

  • Plant the bush correctly. There should be enough greenery on the bush; cut off the shoots and shoots.
  • Browned tomatoes should be picked from the bush and left to ripen in another place. In this way, the bush will begin to release nutrients to the unripe fruits, and they will turn red faster.
  • If rot occurs, treat the bushes with a salt solution. It will not only cure the tomatoes, but also speed up their ripening.
  • Pinching and pruning shoots helps speed up ripening.
  • Cut the stem ten centimeters from the ground. Pin the cut closed with a clothespin. The nutrition of the stem is suspended, and the tomatoes ripen faster.
  • Place green tomatoes with red ones. Ripe tomatoes release a special substance that causes other fruits to ripen faster.
  • The greenhouse must be constantly ventilated, since tomatoes require air.

Why do tomatoes crack in a greenhouse during ripening?

  1. Watering too much in hot weather. It is better to water once every four days, performing root watering.
  2. Very high temperature in the greenhouse. It must be ventilated as often as possible.
  3. Excess and lack of fertilizers lead to cracking of tomatoes.
  4. The wrong variety was chosen and is not suitable for greenhouse conditions.
  5. Pinching bushes and removing leaves.

Watering tomatoes during ripening

  • Water once every five to seven days.
  • Water temperature – 22 degrees.
  • Water without touching the leaves.
  • During ripening, it is good to water the tomatoes using a ladle or using drip irrigation.

How long do tomatoes grow before ripening in open ground?

In open ground, it takes about 140 days from sowing to ripening of tomatoes. It all depends on the variety and care of the fruit.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in open ground, secrets and tips

  • Poke it with a toothpick near the stem. You need to pierce in several places, not deeply, about half the size of a toothpick or a little less.
  • Spray the plants with iodine solution (15 drops of iodine per five liters of water).
  • For low-growing plants, turn the branches towards the sun using spacers.
  • Remove leaves over low-growing fruits and point tomatoes toward the sun.
  • Protect fruits from August dew with metal arcs and film.
  • On small and medium-sized bushes, leave no more than five clusters, then the ripening of the fruits will be faster.

How to water tomatoes for faster ripening

  • Potassium humate must be watered once every ten days.
  • During the flowering period, the plant must be sprayed with a 0.5% superphosphate extract.
  • Half a month before harvesting, the formed fruits are sprayed once with a growth stimulant called Hydrel.
  • The bush is fed with boric acid after watering if the plant begins to lose flowers or ovaries.
  • Spraying with iodine (6 drops per 2 liters of water). The fruits, leaves and stem are sprayed.

Folk remedies to speed up the ripening of tomatoes in a greenhouse

  1. Remove leaves and flower stalks. Leaves are removed from below. Inflorescences should be removed from mid-August.
  2. Punctures of fruits at the stalk.
  3. Cover the bushes with film, hiding them from dew.
  4. Place a bag with one ripe fruit on a bunch of unripe tomatoes, tying it to the stem. After 2 days, the green fruits will turn pink.
  5. Vodka is injected into the tomato. Stimulation with alcohol is effective, but you should not get carried away so as not to harm your health.

Do I need to water tomatoes while they are ripening?

Watering should be done rarely, but abundantly. Water twice a week if the soil is loose and can absorb enough moisture. The main guide to the soil is that if it is dry at a depth of 3 centimeters, then water it; otherwise, it is better to wait. Wet the dry soil a little with water, allowing the water to soften the soil. After this, water more generously. In hot weather, water in the morning or shortly before sunset.

Does spraying tomatoes with iodine help for faster ripening, method of application

Helps. For spraying, prepare a solution: 10 drops of iodine per 2 liters of water and 500 ml of milk. Spraying should be done in the morning and evening. There is no need to spray too much.

It is better to wait for the natural ripening of the fruit, but if you want to taste a delicious salad with tomatoes, use the tips for quick ripening. We recommend choosing safe products that will not harm your health.

For residents of the southern regions, the problem of ripening tomatoes on the vine does not exist. It's a warm autumn there, but the cold doesn't come soon. What should people living in the middle zone do? How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes?

After all, as is usually done: when the cold August nights set in, all the green fruits are picked off. Then they wait until they turn red on their own. There is no doubt, this way it is possible to save almost the entire harvest. But its taste is no longer as enticing as from the bush.

We start racing in the fall. Who will reach the finish line first - ripe red tomatoes or late blight? Let’s figure out what methods of accelerated ripening of tomatoes are offered to us by various sources.


In order for tomatoes to begin to ripen faster, various mixtures are used to spray the bushes. All of them burn the foliage and cause it to turn yellow. This allows the roots to enhance the nutrition of the remaining fruits without wasting it on the leaves.

The compositions are completely different, but their principle of action is the same:

  • To 10 liters of clean water add 35 drops of alcohol tincture of the most common iodine.
  • 2 matchboxes of urea are dissolved in 5 liters of water.
  • 300 g of kitchen salt is dissolved in 6 liters of clean water.
  • Medium pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • 2 tbsp. l. superphosphate is stirred in a bucket of warm water. Use it in two days.

When using any of these solutions, you need to spray the bushes very generously. Until liquid drips from the leaves. After 3 days the leaves will fall off, and after 8 days all the remaining tomatoes on the bushes will turn brown.

Advice. The method is good if you have a large tomato plantation.

Breaking off

The action is similar to the first method. It is necessary to remove all the stepsons, new ovaries and lower leaves up to the first cluster. You will also have to pinch off the top of the tomato, leaving 2 leaves. They will allow the underlying hand to receive nutrition.

If the leaves are too large to cover the fruit, then it is better to tear them off too. In this way, the tomatoes will receive more nutrition, and freely entering sunlight will accelerate their ripening.

Advice. Try to use garters or supports to rotate your hands so that they are exposed to maximum sun throughout the day.


It has long been noticed that tomatoes that have skin injuries ripen much earlier than their whole counterparts. So why not adopt this method?

We stock up on a thin wooden stick or even an ordinary toothpick. We will also need vodka or diluted alcohol for sterilization. Now dip the tip of the toothpick into the antiseptic, about halfway. And stick it into the tomato 2 times. Preferably near the stalk.

Dip the toothpick into vodka again and poke the next fruit. The wound will weather, and the tomato itself will ripen much faster. Of course, you can’t process many tomatoes this way, but at least part of the crop will avoid cold nights.

Advice. Feel free to pierce the tomatoes; this procedure does not affect the taste in any way.

Plastic bag

Of course, not the package itself, but its contents. Many people know that if you add at least one red fruit to green fruits, the ripening speeds up significantly. This is ensured not by the presence of red pigment in a ripened tomato, but by the release of ethylene. By the way, apples and banana peels also emit ethylene. This property can be used for your own purposes.

To do this you will need a thick plastic bag. It is placed on the largest, but still unripe, bunch of tomatoes. Place a piece of banana peel, half an apple or a small ripe tomato at the bottom of the bag. Next, you need to tie the bag tightly and leave it like that for 3 days. After this time, the bag is completely removed and transferred to another hand.

And tomatoes after this procedure begin to turn brown already on the 5-6th day. And what’s stopping you from hanging such tomato boosters on every green brush?

Advice. One bag can be used many times. Only the filling is changed as signs of mold or rotting appear on it.


The method is called this way because the outflow of phytosynthesis products to the roots is blocked. Most of all nutrients begin to flow to the fruits, which accelerates their ripening. Performed in two ways:

  1. Drag. Using a thin wire of any material, the trunk is carefully pulled at a level no higher than 14 cm from the ground surface. They try to pull the stem, but not cut it through.
  2. Incision. The stem is cut with a sharp knife directly in the center at a height of 6 cm from the ground level. The length of the cut is about 7 cm. A match, a wooden sliver, and a toothpick are inserted inside.

It is advisable to pre-rinse all tools and materials with any antiseptic. Because the procedure is traumatic, pathogenic bacteria can be introduced into the wound. Then the bush will not bear fruit, but will begin to fight the infection. We are not interested in it at all now.

Starvation ration

From mid-July, tomatoes are suddenly put on a starvation diet. They stop watering and feeding them in any form. After a week, the plant realizes that there is no one to rely on. And it begins to intensively provide nutrition to the fruits. After all, you have to have time to leave offspring if starvation is already close.

For the same purpose, they try to make a temporary film shelter over the beds. This way, moisture from rain and dew will not reach the roots.

Advice. Do not use non-woven material for covering. It passes water perfectly.

Legs being torn off

This cruel name is just a procedure to speed up the ripening of tomatoes. It consists in tearing small roots that continue to nourish the plant.

To do this, carefully grasp the stem almost at soil level with both hands. Then carefully pull up. As soon as we hear the characteristic clicks of the roots coming off, we stop pulling.

If you are afraid to pull out the entire bush, then simply cut off the small roots with a shovel. You just need to stick it as close to the trunk as possible, but do not swing it. Trim the roots around the entire perimeter.


The name is one more terrible than the other! But in reality everything turns out to be ordinary. This method is useful when the forecast promises a sharp cold snap or frost, and you have nothing to cover the tomato bushes with. For those who overdid it with tearing off the legs and still completely tore out the bush, this method is also suitable.

All you need to do is thoroughly shake the root system off the ground. At the same time, you should try to keep all unripe brushes intact. Now, together and cheerfully, we drag our beautiful “bouquets” into the barn or attic. There we hang them upside down.

That's it, the hanging is over. Now we just need to periodically visit our executed people and harvest the gradually ripening harvest. By the way, tomatoes in such bouquets ripen 15 days earlier than in the ground.


Alcohol is injected into each green tomato through a thin insulin needle with a syringe. 96% alcohol - 0.25 ml. 40° vodka - 0.5 ml. There have been no global scientific studies on this topic. But, according to numerous reviews from amateur gardeners, the method works perfectly. Tomatoes begin to ripen 20 days earlier than usual.

By the way, it is promised that the taste and composition of tomatoes does not change at all from this procedure. Try it, maybe it’s true that Russian vegetables should be treated with Russian vodka.

Unnamed chemistry

Modern industry offers several chemical preparations that help speed up the ripening of tomatoes a month earlier. We will not write their names here so as not to advertise. If desired, you can easily buy them at any agricultural store or order them online.

Rave reviews urge you to immediately purchase these drugs and use them in your garden or greenhouse.

Maybe it's better the old fashioned way, huh? Tear off the green ones and put them on the windowsill or under the straw in a warm barn. Still, it’s not for nothing that nature has determined its timing for everything. By the way, tomatoes ripen much faster in the light than in the dark. But without access to sunlight, tomatoes get a uniform color. On the windowsill the fruits are always spotted. Take this into account.

How to speed up the ripening of tomatoes? There are plenty of methods, choose according to your taste and mood. My only wish: when trying this method for the first time, start with a small batch of fruits. Or combine several options at once. Even if there is a mistake in one, there is a guarantee in the other to preserve the harvest and enjoy the real taste of ripe tomatoes.

Video: how to speed up the ripening of tomatoes