Sewage system in a wooden bathhouse. Sewerage for a bathhouse: installing the system yourself

Many owners of private houses want to have a good Russian bathhouse on their property. But before you start building it, you need to carefully think through and properly organize drainage. Currently, there are several ways to remove waste water from a bathhouse, which do not require large financial investments and a connection to the general city sewer system. A well-made drain in a washing bath will help ensure the long life of the floors and foundation, and will also prevent the appearance of mold and mildew on the walls.

Drainage device in the washing room at the bathhouse

Drainage in a bathhouse can be carried out in various ways, which depend on the type of floors in the washing room of the bathhouse. There are wooden leaking and non-leaking ones, as well as concrete ones. For the first case, it is necessary to arrange a special reservoir for drainage of water, from which it will be poured into the sewer. And for the second option, a floor in the bathhouse is laid with a slope, and special gutters and drainage ladders are installed. Any drainage system in the bathhouse must be installed before laying the floors.

When choosing to create an external sewage system for a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account factors such as:

  • Intensity of use of the bath;
  • Dimensions of the building;
  • Type of soil and depth of freezing;
  • Sewage system (its presence or absence);
  • Is it possible to connect to the central system?

The above aspects are among the most important when determining drainage.

For a small bathhouse where one or two people will steam several times a month, there is no need to create a complex sewer system. It will be enough to dig a regular drain hole or a small pit under the bathhouse.

The type of soil is of great importance when creating drainage. For sandy soils that absorb water well, it is recommended to make a drainage well. In clayey soils, it is better to equip a drainage pit from which the wastewater will need to be pumped out periodically. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of freezing of the ground, since water in pipes that are laid above the required level will simply freeze and the plastic will crack.

If you do not want the water from the bathhouse to simply flow out and be absorbed into the ground, you must use a septic tank with a settling tank, where the wastewater will settle and be purified, and then distributed through irrigation pipes. The most complex and expensive way to remove water is to construct a well with biological filters, which consist of slag, broken bricks and crushed stone. The peculiarity of this method is that when waste water enters a well, its walls are gradually covered with a layer of sludge in which microorganisms live that purify the water.

Advantages and disadvantages of each external drainage system in a bathhouse

Let's look at the different types of drainage systems, as well as their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

This is a sealed pit made of reinforced concrete, in which water coming from the bathhouse accumulates. When it is full, it is pumped out using a special device.


  • Simplicity of the device;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Low cost.


Drainage well

This water drainage system consists of a pit containing filtrate that purifies wastewater. The filter can be sand, broken brick, crushed stone, slag, etc.


  • Low cost;
  • Ease of construction.

The disadvantage of the system is the regular replacement of the filtrate or its cleaning. And this procedure requires a lot of physical effort.


This system consists of a hole that is dug just under the washroom floor. At the bottom of the pit there is a natural filtrate, which allows waste water to flow through it, gradually going into the depths of the soil.


  • There is no need to install a pipeline;
  • Low cost of the device.


This is a system that consists of a septic tank and pipes emanating from it, which remove water purified from impurities. Drainage systems are installed at a certain slope so that the water quickly drains and is completely absorbed into the ground.


  • Works offline;
  • Can be used to create a sewer system with several points for receiving waste water;
  • It can even clean “black” drains if you install an anaerobic septic tank.


Alternatively, you can connect to the central sewer. Then there will be no need to install external structures for receiving and processing wastewater. But here you will have to pay for the services of specialists and draw up various permits.

Internal sauna drainage system

The washing room inside the bathhouse is equipped taking into account the future drainage and the selected floors. Draining should be done in such a way that no moisture remains in the room, which will contribute to the development of fungi and mold.

  1. Leaky wooden floors are the most widespread, as they are the simplest option for draining a bathhouse. The boards are laid with gaps of about 3–4 mm, so that through the cracks the water from the washing room flows into the pit without hindrance. Such floors are dismountable so that the boards can be properly dried. In this case, the floor is arranged without a slope for drainage, since the water will be absorbed into the ground under the bathhouse.
  2. Non-leakage floors are installed with a slope towards the drain, through which waste water will flow into the drainage basin and then into the sewer. Also, water can flow into any chosen drainage system.
  3. Concrete floors are easy to maintain, durable and reliable, so they are perfect for setting up a washing room in a bathhouse. Such floors are also made with a slope towards the drain so that water can quickly and easily flow into the selected sewage system.

Preparing for the construction of a drainage system: drawings and diagrams of various drains

Scheme of a wooden leaky floor with a drain. Must be carried out before laying floors.

If a dry steam room is provided in the bathhouse, and there is a shower in the washing room, then it is necessary to provide a drain in the steam room.

In the sauna sewer, where water will be collected from several rooms, it is necessary to install a riser with a ventilation valve.

If the steam room and the washing room are in different rooms, then a gutter for water drainage is placed under the ceiling between them.

Under the wooden floor, it is necessary to make a concrete base with a slope towards the central part, where the gutter will go, connecting to the sewer.

Also, instead of concrete, you can lay a stainless or galvanized steel tray on the floor under the flooring.

Video: installation of a galvanized tray for draining water under the wooden floor of a bathhouse

When installing self-leveling floors on which the tiles will be laid, it is necessary to maintain a slope, where at the lowest point a drain is installed to receive water, which is connected to the sewer.

  • To install a sewerage system inside a bathhouse, it is necessary to use modern, durable plastic pipes that have a long service life and will therefore serve for many years. They are not afraid of moisture, are not subject to corrosion, like ordinary metal or cast iron, and are also easy and simple to assemble yourself without the involvement of specialists. PVC pipes are excellent for installing internal sewerage in a bathhouse, they are flexible in any processing, and can also be with or without a socket. Service life more than 50 years.
  • Cast iron pipes are too expensive, heavy, and also inconvenient to work with.
  • Asbestos-cement pipes are the cheapest, but they often have many defects. Also, installation of a gravity drain requires pipes with a smooth inner surface of the walls, and asbestos-cement products often have rough inner walls with indentations.

Types of plastic pipes:

  • PVC pipes (polyvinyl chloride);
  • PVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride pipes);
  • PP (polypropylene products);
  • HDPE (pipes made of low pressure polyethylene);
  • Corrugated polyethylene pipes.

Any of the above types of pipes can be used for the internal drainage device in the bathhouse. The diameter of the product for the main line is taken based on the future intensity of operation of the bathhouse and the number of drain points. For an ordinary bathhouse with a steam room, a washing room and a toilet, pipes with a diameter of 10–11 cm are recommended. If plumbing is not installed, then pipes with a diameter of 5 cm will be sufficient to drain water.

Calculation of material for creating drainage and tools

To install internal sewerage in the washing room, we will need gray PVC pipes, as well as joints and adapters.

  • The number of pipes depends on the length of the internal drainage system.
  • We will also need tees size and angle 110–110–90° - two pieces (highlighted in red in the diagram);
  • Elbow adapter - 90° - three pieces (highlighted in black in the diagram).
  • Horizontal sewer pipes – Ø11 cm;
  • Vertical pipes for installing water drainage receivers – Ø11 or 5 cm.
  • To connect pipes of different diameters, you will need adapters from 5 to 11 cm.
  • For the external sewage system of the bathhouse you will need orange pipes (PVC).

For work we will need:

  • Bayonet shovel (special equipment);
  • Building level;
  • Grinder with cutting wheel;
  • Sand;
  • Cement;
  • Crushed stone.

Step-by-step instructions with photos for making various drain designs in a bathhouse

Before considering the drainage system in the washing room, it must be said that the entire internal sewer system in the bathhouse is interconnected and consists of three waste water receivers.

The drain trap is a siphon that has a water seal that prevents unpleasant odors from entering the washing room, and it also serves as a grate that prevents large debris from entering the sewer.

In the photo we can see the slope of the tiled floor towards the drainage ladder.

A drain ladder must be installed in bathhouses.

Video: system of functioning of a drain with a water seal in the washing room of a bathhouse

  1. First we will lay the sewer pipes. To do this we dig trenches.
  2. At points A and B, the depth of the trench should be approximately 50–60 centimeters relative to the ground level (outside the foundation). If the height of the base is 30–40 centimeters, then the depth of the trench will be 80–100 cm in relation to the top of the foundation.
  3. From points A and B, we gradually dig ditches so that the slope is about 2 centimeters per 1 linear meter. Pour sand approximately 5–10 cm thick into the bottom of the trench and compact it well, maintaining the required slope.
  4. We fill the foundation and make a hole for the sewer pipe.
  5. We install the drain pipes vertically (1 and 2 for drains). To do this, we drive sticks about 1 meter long into the bottom of the trench, and then tie plums to them. We install vertical pipes with a small margin of length. During the process of installing the floor and installing the ladders, we will shorten them.
  6. We install the sewerage system according to the specified diagram.

In the construction industry, the depth of laying sewer pipes in the southern regions is about 70 cm from the ground surface. In the middle zone the depth varies from 90 to 120 cm, and in the north it is at least 150–180 cm.

To prevent the drains from freezing, the tubes must be insulated with several layers of special 10 mm polyethylene foam.

Under one end of the pipe we dig a shallow hole for drainage. Now we need to try to drain a certain volume of water to check the correct angle of the pipe. We check all the pipes one by one.

We make an external sewage system with our own hands

If the volume of waste water does not exceed 700 liters. per week, then we can use old truck wheels as a septic tank. We can calculate the water absorption area of ​​the septic tank, taking into account that the degree of water absorption of 1 sq/m of sandy soil is about 100 l/day, mixed sandy loam is about 50 l/day, loamy soil is about 20 l/day. Depending on the type of soil and its water absorption, we calculate how many wheels we need.

  1. We dig a hole 2x2 meters and a depth of about 2.3 - 2.5 meters, depending on the level at which the pipe will emerge. We pour 10–15 cm of sand at the bottom, and 10–15 cm of crushed stone on top.
  2. In the pit, we tightly stack about 5-7 wheels vertically on top of each other. The top point should be such that the drain pipe can accurately fit into it.
  3. In loamy soil it will be enough to install 7 wheels. If the site has sandy loam or sandy soil, then 5 pieces will be enough.
  4. Cover the wheels with a durable metal or plastic cover with a hole made in it. We insert a ventilation pipe into it, through which air will flow, ensuring the vital activity of microorganisms that process wastewater.
  5. We carry out a test drain and bury the entire structure.

How to make a drainage well: a guide

The drainage pit can be made of a plastic or metal tank, reinforced concrete rings or red brick.

  1. We choose a place in the lowest part of the site so that the water from the washing room leaves by gravity. In order to make it convenient to pump water out of the well and for a car to freely drive up to it, you need to choose a place with convenient access.
  2. Digging a hole using an excavator. If there is no equipment, then you will have to dig by hand, and this is a long process. We monitor the condition of the pit walls (they should not crumble). We can dig a hole of square, rectangular or round shape.
  3. We make the bottom with a slight slope towards the hatch for easy cleaning of the tank. We fill in 15 cm of sand and concrete the bottom. Instead of concreting, you can simply lay a reinforced concrete slab of the desired shape and size.
  4. We lay out the walls with bricks. You can take used red brick. For masonry we make a solution of clay and sand. During the laying process, we install an inlet pipe for water in one of the walls.
  5. Since brick walls are waterproof, we need to treat them with a special sealant. To do this, take bitumen mastic or other similar material.
  6. We install a reinforced concrete slab floor. The upper part of the well should be blocked on all sides by about 30 cm. To pump out water, we make a hole above the area of ​​the pit where the slope is located. The overlap is installed in several steps. First, we make formwork from boards and pour a 5–7 cm layer of concrete. We put reinforcement on top and pour the next layer of mortar. Let the concrete dry for several days.
  7. We lay a metal hatch, cover the concrete floor with polyethylene and fill it with soil so that only the hatch is visible on the surface.

How to place a drainage system with a pit

  1. Under the floor of the washing room we dig a hole 2x2 meters and at least 1 meter deep. At a height of 10–15 centimeters from the floor level, we install a pipe that will connect the pit to the external sewage system. We maintain a slope of 1 centimeter per 1 linear meter.
  2. We put a layer of crushed stone, broken brick, gravel or expanded clay at the bottom, and pour a layer of sand on top. We strengthen the walls with brick, large-wave slate or natural stone.
  3. We lay logs on top of the pit, and then install a wooden floor on them.
  4. So that waste water can easily drain directly into the pit, the boards are laid at a distance from each other. Such a wooden floor does not need to be attached to the joists so that it can be easily removed and dried.

The second option for constructing a pit is a water collector, from which wastewater will be poured into a septic tank or sewer system when it reaches a certain level. This drainage method is mainly used when constructing leaking floors.

How to install ground filtration for a bathhouse

To install such a system, you will need a separate septic tank, which will serve as a sump and distribution well. Drainage pipes will extend from it in different directions, designed to distribute treated waste along the entire perimeter of the yard. You can buy a septic tank, or you can make it yourself from large containers made of plastic or metal.

A septic tank made of reinforced concrete or a round structure made of brickwork works perfectly.

Rules for constructing a drainage system:

  • The length of the pipe should be no more than 25 meters;
  • Laying depth of at least 1.5 meters;
  • The distance between pipes is at least 1.5 meters;
  • The width of the trench for drainage is at least 50 cm, maximum 1 meter.
  1. We dig a trench taking into account an inclination angle of about 1.5°. We check the angle with a regular building level.
  2. At the bottom of the trench in clay soil, pour 10 cm of sand and 10 cm of gravel on top. In loamy soils, the pipe will need to be wrapped with filter material to avoid silting. On sandy soil we make a sand and crushed stone cushion, and wrap the pipes with geotextiles.
  3. Pour 10 cm of gravel on top of the drainage, and then fill the ditch with earth.
  4. The filtration system must be ventilated, so at the end of the drainage pipe we install a pipe about 50 cm high, and put a safety valve on top.

Video: how to connect the drainage system to the bathhouse

Properly done drainage in the washing room of the bathhouse and its other premises guarantees a long service life of this structure. It will help protect the building from the harmful effects of moisture and prevent contamination of the area with waste water. Even in small baths it is necessary to equip a drainage system, so this process must be approached with complete seriousness and responsibility.

Any bathhouse is a place where you can take a break from the worries of the day, relax and steam to your heart's content, so a large amount of water always accumulates in such a room. In order to keep the bathhouse in working condition for a long time, the problem with the drainage of this water must be solved. In this article we will describe how to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands, and also present the main types of such structures.

You need to make a decision on the type of drain at the bathhouse design stage. Some people prefer not to complicate their lives and rely on the outflow of water into a pit under the floor of the bathhouse.

However, the consequences of such a decision may be as follows:

  • mold begins to grow under the floor;
  • an unpleasant musty smell appears;
  • the structure of the bathhouse may shrink due to the destruction of the top layer of soil.

At the same time, we note that the location of the waste pit directly under the bathhouse floor is sometimes impossible due to the composition of the soil, for example, with inclusions of clay. Such soil does not absorb water well, therefore, all the described troubles will appear much earlier. To prevent unpleasant consequences, it is best to organize a complete outflow of water from the bathhouse.

A do-it-yourself bathhouse drainage device can be organized in two ways:

  • construction of a special septic tank on the site;
  • connection to the central sewer system.

Types of floors in baths

If you decide to drain the bathhouse yourself, then the first thing you need to consider is the type of flooring, since they bear the main load from increased temperature and humidity, regardless of how well the drain is made. Therefore, the process of arranging floors must be treated with increased attention and scrupulousness.

There are two types of floors - concrete and wooden, each of which is applicable to one or another type of bathhouse. If your bathhouse is a massive capital structure with a relaxation room, dressing rooms, shower or swimming pool and steam room, then it is best to choose concrete floors equipped with a waterproofing layer. In addition, this option is relevant if the bathhouse is planned to be used all year round.

But in the case of wooden log houses, which are used mainly only in the summer, wood floors are quite acceptable, as a more profitable and inexpensive construction option with a small amount of work.

However, we should not forget that wood, despite all efforts to protect it, treatment with antiseptics and other materials, will eventually become unusable and the flooring will have to be replaced.

Concrete floors

The construction of a concrete floor requires the following layers:

  • compacted layer of crushed stone;
  • sand-cement mortar;
  • a layer of vapor barrier material;
  • insulating layer made of expanded polystyrene;
  • cellophane film for waterproofing;
  • another layer of sand cement;
  • mesh of reinforcement covered with concrete screed.

You can cover the screed with tiled floor tiles, or use wooden ladders.

Wood floors

Wood floors can be made in two versions - leaky and non-leaky. In the first case, under the boardwalk there is a concrete screed, which is poured with a slope towards the water drain hole. This type of floor takes a very long time to dry, so it often deteriorates very quickly.

More preferable in operation is a leaking type floor. The design of such a floor assumes that under the boardwalk there is a pit from which a pipe extends for the outflow of water into a drainage hole, equipped with a water seal to prevent foreign odors from entering the premises.

In this case, the boardwalk itself is laid out along the joists, without nailing it and leaving gaps of 0.5 cm. Through the cracks, water will flow freely under the floor, and if necessary, all the boards can be removed and dried in the fresh air.

Organization of water outflow from the bathhouse

First of all, to understand how to properly drain a bathhouse, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • the composition of the soil at the site where the bathhouse was built;
  • groundwater level at the site;
  • the size of the room and the expected number of users of the bathhouse, the frequency of its operation, on which the volume of the septic tank and the throughput of the drain hole depend.

Based on these parameters, when designing a bathhouse, a decision should be made on the design of the drain, as well as its size, materials for its manufacture and method of fixation in the ground.

Well with a filter at the bottom

The design of a drain pit with a filter bottom is used primarily to purify wastewater from dirt and chemical elements, as well as to retain bacteria. Subsequent filtration of water is carried out directly by the soil layer. But at the bottom of the well, crushed stone, crushed brick or sand are used as a filter.

To ensure the outflow of water from a bathhouse designed for 3-4 people, a well with a diameter of 1.5 m and a depth of 2 m is sufficient. It can be either rectangular or round in shape - the latter option is preferable due to the uniform distribution of pressure on all walls. The cylindrical design will need correction much less often.

Since it is necessary to drain the bathhouse at the dacha without damaging the building itself, it is advisable to retreat from it at a distance of about 3-5 meters. Such a gap will ensure, first of all, the safety of the bathhouse foundation from being washed away, and will also prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors from the well into the bathhouse. But if you locate the drainage hole further, you will inevitably have to purchase additional pipes for water drainage. In addition, it is difficult to ensure the correct angle of inclination over a long distance.

If the soil on your site is dense enough, then simply dig a hole for drainage and lay filter materials at the bottom - sand, crushed stone and broken brick. Additional strengthening of the walls is not required.

However, most often the boundaries of the well still need to be strengthened. Quite good materials for this are well rings, brickwork, plastic barrels or metal tanks. Alternatively, the drain is made from car tires. So that the upper edge of the well can be covered with a lid and sprinkled, it is deepened 30-40 cm from the surface of the soil.

According to the drainage diagram in the bathhouse, a trench can be dug from it to the pit, through which water will randomly flow by gravity into the well. However, it is best to equip the drain with pipes made of asbestos, metal, plastic or ceramic, with a diameter of 50-100 mm. In this case, a trench is also necessary, but its depth will depend on the depth of soil freezing, but not less than 50 cm. The pipes are laid at a slope of 20 mm at every meter of distance.

At the design stage, the future design of the drain and the features of the floor organization are thought out in detail. An economical option for draining a bathhouse in a country house is to make the floor sloping towards the drain hole. With this design, wastewater enters the pipes and is discharged directly into the drainage pit.

Note that, according to the step-by-step instructions, arranging a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands is only possible in cases where the groundwater runs deep enough. Otherwise, the drainage pit will be filled not so much with wastewater as with groundwater, that is, it will lose its functionality.

Let us note that any design of a drainage pit has a number of inconveniences - it needs to be periodically pumped out, and such a septic tank must be located in a place convenient for access by special vehicles. And in the case of a filter well, the filler at the bottom must be changed periodically.

An alternative to a drainage pit is to use a sealed septic tank, such as one made of plastic. Such a device will be especially relevant in cases where the bathhouse is equipped with a toilet, that is, the nature of the wastewater will require more thorough cleaning.

Another type of drainage from a bathhouse involves the presence of a filtration well and the subsequent discharge of wastewater into a drainage pit.

The outflow of water from the bathhouse into the sewer system

If there is a running central sewer system at the location of the bathhouse, then the optimal solution would be to drain the water directly into it. However, all plumbing work and organization of drainage in the bathhouse must be done before laying the final floor covering.

At the lowest point of the floor, which is located on a slope, a PVC gutter is installed that is resistant to high temperatures. The slope of the gutter should be towards the outlet pipes.

Before cutting into the central sewer system, you must obtain special permission from the company servicing it.

You will need to obtain a number of documents:

  • a concluded agreement with a design bureau authorized to carry out installation and excavation work, which is confirmed by certificates;
  • consent signed by neighbors to carry out any work on the site.

In order to always be able to access the connection point and make repairs, it is necessary to provide an inspection well. It is the main condition for obtaining permission to tap into the sewer system.

The air in the steam room will always remain fresh and fragrant if you follow a number of useful tips when installing the drain:

  • If water is to be drained into the sewer system from several points in the bathhouse, then each drain hole must be equipped with a water seal, in particular, a siphon of any design. This device prevents unpleasant odors from entering the room by means of a water plug inside it.
  • Ventilation of the sewer system, carried out from a 5-centimeter pipe leading to the roof of the bathhouse, serves the same purpose.

Thus, following the instructions, you can drain the bath yourself to ensure long-term and hygienic operation of the bath.

Draining a bathhouse with your own hands: a step-by-step guide on how to properly make an economical option at your dacha, device and diagram, photos and videos

Draining a bathhouse with your own hands: a step-by-step guide on how to properly make an economical option at your dacha, device and diagram, photos and videos

How to make a drain under the floor in a bathhouse with your own hands

A bathhouse on personal property is the dream of many owners of summer cottages. However, in order to begin its construction, it is necessary to provide for all the nuances of the installation of this structure. Particular attention should be paid to the drainage system, because drainage in the bathhouse must be organized in accordance with all hydraulic rules and in compliance with environmental and construction safety standards.

Design stage

It must be taken into account that many different methods have been invented to remove water. Let's present several options for draining a bathhouse, organized with your own hands with step-by-step instructions. The choice of a specific execution option depends on the individual conditions of the site and the possibilities of implementing the chosen idea. The main thing is to maintain a reasonable balance between the expenditure of resources and the result obtained.

It is advisable to adhere to the following rules when carrying out work and at the design stage:

  • Work with drainage in buildings made of timber or logs should be carried out only after the building has completely settled. Otherwise, the result will be the formation of incorrect slopes due to different subsidence.
  • The drain in a bathhouse on screw piles requires additional insulation of the outlet pipe. This will avoid unwanted freezing and the formation of ice jams. The outside of the pipe is wrapped in mineral wool or polyurethane foam is used.
  • It will be possible to provide good thermal insulation for pipes located under the floor in a bathhouse with a drain by filling the base with expanded clay. The clay granules are covered with a concrete screed on top. This solution is also suitable for pile structures.
  • Before draining the bath water, it is worth increasing the water-repellent properties of the materials. To do this, use roofing material or treat surfaces with a special mastic, which does not emit harmful or toxic substances when the temperature rises.

Internal sewage system

Since there is a lot of water in the bathhouse, there are 2 main ways to remove it:

  • through leaking floors, when a storage tank is installed, from where water is discharged into the sewer;
  • along sloping floors, when all the water flows into one corner, from where it also goes through the pipework into a drainage pit or sewer.

The sewerage system must be installed before the floors are laid.

How to do it right

  1. Trenches are dug for sewer pipes with a difference of up to 20 mm per linear meter.
  2. Sand 120-150 mm thick is poured into the bottom of the trench and compacted tightly, periodically spraying with water. Remember to control the slope of the trench.
  1. We install pipes (PVC products, known for their strength and ease of installation, are best suited for these purposes).
  2. If according to the project there will be a toilet in the bathhouse, assemble a sewer riser and attach it to the wall. It is advisable to equip the sanitary area with ventilation - forced or natural.
  1. The next step is installing the floors.
  2. Already on the finished floor surface, sewer gutters are installed, equipped with fine-section gratings. With their help, water will flow freely into the sewer, and debris and small objects will accumulate on the grate, thereby eliminating clogging of the pipes.

Installation of gutters with gratings

To avoid the appearance of unpleasant odors from the sewer in the bathhouse, it is advisable to use ready-made drains instead of gutters; they are already supplied complete with water seals.

  1. Upon completion of the assembly, all equipment is connected, after which you can begin organizing the street sewer system (septic tank or well).

Natural filter for waste water

Some builders consider this option for drainage in a bathhouse to be labor-intensive in terms of costs. It is in demand when waste water contains a significant amount of solid particles.

The basis of the system is a hollow container with waterproof walls. A pipeline is laid to it. The liquid flows through the pipes and is absorbed into the surrounding soil.

Installation of this wiring will ensure proper drainage of the bathhouse if the average groundwater level in the surrounding area is below 250 cm.

The size of the cavity for receiving waste water must correspond to the three-day volume of waste water. The pipe is mounted at a height of 5 cm above the drain level, and the outlet pipe is installed at the drain level.

Over time, waste and sediment will begin to accumulate. They are usually removed using sewage disposal machines.

Drain pit equipment

The bath water drainage system in some cases implies the presence of a prepared and equipped pit. This option will be in demand in areas where groundwater is low enough and cannot fill the drainage pit.

The parameters of the device depend on the intensity of use of the bath. The approximate one-time water consumption for a family of three is 60-70 liters. Accordingly, the drain tank must be larger than this parameter.

You should not remove such a drain from the steam room of a bathhouse at a distance of more than 2 m from the building itself.

Being too close to the foundation can lead to an undesirable increase in its humidity. Excessive removal will create problems with the installation and functioning of the pipeline, because it needs to be provided with a good slope, insulation, etc.

Filter material in the form of coarse crushed stone or brick fragments is poured into the bottom. A layer of expanded clay is also suitable. A layer of sand is poured on top of such material. The walls are lined with bricks with a gap to drain liquid. You can bury a plastic barrel with a previously knocked out bottom.

Formation of a drain in a bathhouse

The floor in a bathhouse with a drain is made with your own hands while the foundation is being formed. This is due to the installation of sewer pipes through which liquid is planned to be drained. The pipe is mounted directly into the base. Fixation is carried out using damper tape. When laying pipes to the central sewer is meant, the work is carried out in prepared trenches below the freezing level of the soil.

Before draining the bathhouse, it is necessary to form a rough base. The pipe will pass through it. The base is created using boards fixed along the entire future perimeter of the room. The surface is covered with a film to prevent liquid from escaping from the concrete solution.

A damper tape is placed around the perimeter. It is used to wrap part of the pipes that will go into the concrete. The reinforcement is being laid out. At the next stage, preliminary concrete pouring of the bathhouse drain is carried out. Its height will be 5-7 cm. It must have the correct slope in the given direction.

Direct flow is a primitive but very effective way to organize drainage

After the first layer has hardened, it is necessary to fill the second level, which maintains the slope towards the drainage of water under the bathhouse. Experts recommend forming a specific cone directed towards the central hole. At the final stage, a stainless steel or ceramic drain grate is installed.

Ensuring waterproofing

When solving the problem of how to make a drain in the floor of a bathhouse, it is necessary to carry out reliable waterproofing. It is especially important when there are branching pipes under the floor. Walls and concrete bases must be treated with antibacterial agents. Then sheets of roofing material are placed on the floor with their partial installation on the walls. Before this, you need to remember about the drain in the bathhouse floor and cut a hole in the sheets for it.

A bitumen layer is applied to the roofing felt, which will increase the protective properties of the material.

Now a finishing surface of the floor is formed, which will rise slightly above the drain point. This drainage of water in the bathhouse is also used with wooden floors, because they have a reliable, rigid base made of concrete.

It is not rational to make an individual drainage device for the floor in the bathhouse for each room, therefore, for the remaining rooms, drainage systems are provided from grooves that drain liquid to the central drain under the bathhouse.

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands so that there is no smell: a step-by-step guide

During construction, special attention should be paid to the drainage system, because the drainage in the bathhouse must be organized according to all the rules of hydraulics.

How to drain water in a bathhouse with your own hands, options, tips

The bathhouse has always been considered a native Russian form of bathing and keeping one's body clean, as well as an excellent place to relax. It’s even difficult to imagine a private home without it. The question of how to drain water in a bathhouse arises at the beginning of construction, or rather, during the design of the building.

It is quite obvious that the bathhouse is the place where there is a large amount of water, which after use must be disposed of somewhere. Fans of the simplest solutions should know what consequences await them in the event of simply draining water into the space under the floor (pit):

  • formation of dampness and mold;
  • the presence of a constant putrid odor;
  • the possibility of subsidence of the bathhouse due to the destruction of the top layer of soil by water.

In addition, a primitive drainage device in a bathhouse may not be possible due to the specific composition of the soil. High clay content in the soil can make it difficult to absorb moisture. Water that is constantly under the floor of the steam room will only accelerate the formation of the above problems. Therefore, the organization of water drainage from this room must be approached with special responsibility, then the building will serve you for many years.

There are the following options for organizing the drainage of water in a bathhouse with your own hands:

  • construction of a drain tank;
  • drainage of water into the central sewer system.

Installation of floors in the bathhouse

If you know how to properly drain water from a bathhouse, then you are even more aware that the arrangement of floors in a bathhouse must be approached with special responsibility. And no matter how high-quality the drainage of water is, the bathhouse is always extremely high humidity, most of which is absorbed by the floors.

The floors in the bathhouse can be wooden or concrete. The choice depends on the building. In the case of a permanent building where year-round operation of a shower room, steam room, dressing room, or rest room is planned, it is more advisable to install concrete floors with reliable waterproofing.

In a bathhouse built of wood, and which you are going to use only in the summer, it is quite enough to make wooden floors. This option is more economical and does not require a large amount of work.

Remember: Even a wooden floor impregnated with special protective compounds is exposed to high humidity and high temperatures. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that after a certain time it will have to be re-laid.

Concrete floor

The “pie” of a concrete floor consists of the following layers:

Tiled floor in bathhouse with drain

  1. compacted gravel;
  2. concrete;
  3. vapor barrier layer;
  4. expanded polystyrene (as insulation);
  5. waterproofing (polyethylene film);
  6. concrete;
  7. reinforced cement screed.

The top of this structure can be covered with ceramic tiles.

Wooden floor

Wooden floors in the bathhouse can be leaking or not leaking. Floors of non-leakage construction are installed on a concrete screed that has a slope towards the drainage of water. Such floors take a long time to dry, so they quickly rot.

The plate in the pit acts as a water seal

A leaky floor is much easier to operate and install. To drain the water in a wooden bathhouse, in this case the flooring of the boards is not nailed to the joists. It is simply laid, leaving a gap of 5 mm between the flooring boards. Water leaves the floor surface through these gaps, which also act as a kind of fan. These floorings can be removed and dried at any time.

In case of a leaking floor, organization is necessary sealed pit under the bathhouse, from which water will then be drained through a pipe, for example, into a drainage hole. Also, you will need to make a water seal in the pit to prevent unpleasant odors from entering the room.

Bath water drainage device

To ensure high-quality water drainage in the bathhouse, special attention is paid to the following indicators:

  • The capacity of the drainage system is determined by the number of people visiting the steam room and the frequency of visits. The volume of the drainage pit or well depends on this.
  • Groundwater level at the bathhouse construction site.
  • Soil composition.

Guided by these indicators, it is necessary to determine how to properly drain the water from the bathhouse, what design to use, and what features it will have: volume, depth, materials, fastenings.

Drain tank with filter bottom

The purpose of any tank (well or pit) with a filter bottom is to clean wastewater from pollution and retain microorganisms. The water then undergoes purification in the soil layer. Filter materials can be: brick fragments, sand or crushed stone.

If the bathhouse is regularly used by 3-4 people, then the most optimal dimensions of the pit will be: 1-1.5 m in diameter, depth - 2 m. Its shape can be round or square. The preferred option is a cylindrical tank shape. In this case, the pressure on its walls is uniform, which means that repairs will be required much less frequently.

Cesspool for a bath - digging a pit

You dig a drainage hole for a bathhouse with your own hands at a distance of 3-5 meters from the bathhouse. It cannot be located closer due to the risk of destruction of the foundation and the unpleasant smell of wastewater. If located further from the bathhouse, additional costs for pipes are inevitable, the required slope of which is quite difficult to achieve at a large distance.

If the soil is strong and does not crumble, then it is not necessary to strengthen the walls and bottom of the drain tank. In this case, after digging a pit, layers of gravel, expanded clay, broken brick and sand are simply laid on its bottom.

In most cases, the walls of the drain well are strengthened. To do this, use concrete rings (not a cheap option), old tires or bricks, which are used to line the walls. Metal or plastic barrels without a bottom are also widely used. The upper edge of the drain tank should be 30-40 cm below ground level. The top of the well is covered with a concrete or metal lid, which is covered with earth.

An example of organizing water drainage from a bathhouse using car tires

To install a drain in the bathhouse, you can dig a channel through which the water will flow by gravity into the drain well. But the best option for draining water from a bathhouse with your own hands would be to use plastic, asbestos, ceramic or, in extreme cases, metal pipes with a diameter of 50 or 100 mm. For the drain pipe, a trench 50 or more centimeters deep is also dug (depending on the freezing of the soil). The pipe is laid at a slope of 20 mm for each meter of pipeline.

The organization of water flow inside the bathhouse is thought out during the design period. The simplest, most accessible and least labor-intensive option may be sloped floor. In this case, the water flows towards the slope, then is discharged through a pipe into the drainage hole.

This is important: Construction of a drain well is only possible if the groundwater flows deep. Otherwise, the reservoir is filled more with groundwater than with drainage from the steam room.

Arranging water drainage in a bathhouse with your own hands using a drainage pit has its drawbacks. From time to time, the pit should be cleaned using a sewer truck. This entails additional costs. The most important thing is that it is not always possible to place a tank for draining wastewater in a place accessible for vehicle access. Plus, the filter material at the bottom of the well also requires periodic cleaning.

Another option for draining water from the bathhouse would be septic tank. It will be especially relevant if there is a toilet in the bathhouse, since “black” wastewater requires much better treatment.

Another scheme for draining wastewater from the steam room is shown in the photo. After filtering in a container, wastewater is discharged into a drainage ditch.

Draining water from the bath into a drainage ditch after preliminary filtration in a barrel

Draining water from the bathhouse into the central sewer system

For areas with well-developed infrastructure, the best way bath drainage devices the water will be drained into the central sewer system. Keep in mind that work on installing drainage into a centralized system is carried out before laying the floor covering.

Where the floor slopes, a gutter made of modified PVC that can withstand maximum temperatures is installed. The slope of the gutter should be directed towards the sewer pipe.

Organizing a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands into the central sewer is possible only after obtaining permission from the management company and completing the following documents:

  • to carry out excavation and installation work, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a design organization whose activities are confirmed by certificates;
  • written consent of your neighbors to carry out this work.

On the technical side, in order to obtain written permission, it is necessary to install an inspection well at the point of connection to the central heating system.

  • If the room has several points for draining water into the central sewer (steam room, shower, swimming pool), then each of them should be equipped with a water seal. This can be a drain siphon of various shapes. The water plug, which is constantly present in this device, prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer system into the room.
  • For the same purposes it is established sewer ventilation system. It is a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, placed on the roof of the bathhouse.

Now you know how to properly drain water from a bathhouse - one of the important stages in building a steam room.

Draining water in a bathhouse with your own hands: how to do it correctly, device

How to properly drain water in a bathhouse with your own hands. How does poor quality water drainage affect a structure? Installation of floors in the bathhouse. Which one to choose: wooden or concrete?

How to drain water in a bathhouse with your own hands: simple solutions for a complex problem

All owners of their own bathhouses on their plots can confirm that the main task in their construction is the correct organization of the outflow of waste water, that is, in fact, sewage. Not only the comfort when washing, the absence of unpleasant odors, but also the safety of the entire building from the effects of excessive humidity depends on how high-quality and effective the drainage system you choose turns out to be. In fact, its overall durability depends on how well the drain for a bathhouse is planned and built with your own hands, and this is not unimportant. Moreover, the use of a drain in a bathhouse should be as simple and convenient as possible, so you should pay very close attention to this issue so that you don’t have to redo everything from the very beginning.

A simple drainage device in a bathhouse: general information or where to start

Whatever one may say, a bathhouse is just such a place where water is a completely integral part of the building. Whether you like it or not, all parts of the structure come into contact with moisture in one way or another throughout its entire service life. Moreover, what is especially important is that both the walls and roof outside, as well as all internal coatings and materials, will come into contact with moisture. In order for wood, clay, metal, etc. not to quickly become unusable, you first need to figure out how to properly drain the water from the bathhouse so that it dries completely when it is not in use, that is, in the intervals between washing .

Whatever one may say, the entire washing procedure, as well as its safety, depends on the two most important indicators. The bathhouse must have excellent ventilation and sewage system designed and implemented. Moreover, the first is no more important than the second, since washing in a bathhouse, where fungus grows, wood rots, and billions of microorganisms remaining after the last wash live, is not only unpleasant, but even life-threatening.

If this moment is not thought through in advance, even during construction, then you can soon expect many problems, for example, emergency repairs to the foundation, cleaning walls and floors from fungus, rotting and replacing boards, and so on, you can list for a long time, but it is much better to avoid it altogether similar. Usually, water drainage is done just from under the washing room and steam room, and moisture can flow either into a special designated place outside the walls of the room, or into a hole immediately below it. It is in order to figure out how to make draining water in a bathhouse as efficient as possible, you need to figure out a few simple points on which the choice of design will depend.

  • Find out what type of soil is located under your bathhouse on the site; this is important in order to understand whether the moisture itself will go into the soil, absorbing into it, as if into a natural filter.
  • You also need to understand where exactly the drainage channel will be located, and where the sewer pipe will be laid. That is, you need to mentally outline the area, estimate its area, and imagine a pipe or a simple drainage system.
  • It is important to find out how close the branch of the centralized sewer system is, and whether you have a real opportunity to connect to it.
  • It also doesn’t hurt to evaluate your own strengths. It is worth thinking ten times and weighing everything before taking on such a rather complex job, and if you have no experience and self-confidence, it is better to use the services of professionals.

How to drain water in a bathhouse: design features and important nuances

As has already become clear, its durability, as well as its functionality, will depend on how correctly, competently and efficiently the drainage system in your bathhouse is made. Many rely on the natural outflow of water, making special gaps in the floorboards and allowing the water to flow freely, gradually being absorbed into the soil. Our ancestors built in a similar way, but there are also some nuances here.

  • You should never expect that the soil surface will absorb all runoff without exception. No matter how much you fight, the moisture will still slowly “sharpen” the foundation, walls and even the very surface of the soil, which over time can simply sink under the building.
  • The smell inside the bathhouse, even with proper ventilation, when choosing a free flow of water, can leave much to be desired, but no one wants to steam among the miasma of decaying skin particles left over from the last time.

The only time when this option is suitable is when the bathhouse will be used only a couple of times during the summer, and even then, for a family of no more than two, or at most three, people. In all other cases, you will have to seriously think about how to properly drain the bathhouse so that everything is in the best possible way. You will need to take into account many points, and there are several options for sewer and drainage systems, so you should be prepared for something new if you decide to do everything yourself. But in this case, you can be completely confident in the results of your work, because everything is done with your own hands, therefore, reliably and for centuries.

Simple or complex draining in a bathhouse with your own hands: a step-by-step guide for different options

Of course, a flooded floor in a bathhouse, that is, the complete absence of any sewerage system under the bathhouse, except for ordinary crushed stone, is the simplest solution and it couldn’t be easier to do, but there are simply a lot of disadvantages, and such a structure will only have to be used in the summer, warm season. Let's figure out how to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands, and the reasonableness and thoughtfulness of your decisions, as well as the location of the bathhouse itself, will play a significant role in this. Moreover, it is worth assessing everything step by step, so as not to come back later and redo it after yourself.

1. The floor in the bathhouse and its structure: where will all the water drain?

  • If there are several such pipes or gutters in your structure, they should all converge directly to a drainage well or septic tank, where the water will be absorbed into the ground.
  • Gutters for such structures, contrary to idle talk, are best made from asbestos cement, laminated or galvanized iron, in order to avoid rapid corrosion and premature deterioration.
  • If the drain chute is laid between the steam room and the washing room, then it will be possible to get by with just one channel, which will significantly save time and resources.
  • The best pipes for sewer installation: do-it-yourself drainage into a bathhouse
  • Internal bath sewerage involves the use of plastic, fairly strong, but non-pressure pipes, with a wall thickness of no more than three and a half millimeters.
  • It is worth making sure that all shaped elements are within five to ten centimeters, this will be optimal.
  • Don’t forget about the seals, and it’s better to buy the highest quality, so you don’t have to regret it later.
  • It is worth understanding that the system should ideally have a single branch, at most two or three, but never more.

It is worth understanding that external sewer outlets must be made of PVC pipes with a diameter of approximately five centimeters. Moreover, they should be laid no higher than the freezing point of the soil, otherwise your drainage system will last until the onset of frost.

2. Water seal and its absence: choose what is more suitable

In order to prevent the miasma of the sewer system from reaching those who steam in the bathhouse, it is worth thinking about installing a water seal, that is, a special elbow that will prevent polluted air from entering the washing room. Moreover, there are two options in which the shutter itself can be made, or the problem can be solved using another method. So, to organize the shutter, you need to make a special ladder, to which a pipe is attached, which does not reach the bottom by ten, fifteen centimeters, which will be a kind of lock. The water standing inside will not allow the smell to penetrate inside, which, in fact, is what we wanted.

The second option is no less effective, but much simpler to implement. Moreover, it is worth thinking about its implementation during construction in order to make your life as easy as possible.

  • The base of the building should be raised by two or three bricks, it is important not to overdo it, as this can be easily done, and then lay a drainage pipe all the way to the septic tank or drainage well.
  • Indoors, it is to this pipe that the elbow should be attached so that its upper part is a couple of centimeters below the level of the floor itself.
  • Next, most often the floor is covered with a cement-expanded clay mixture, after which a regular screed is made, with a certain slope, which must not be forgotten.

Before pouring the screed, a regular rubber ball is placed exactly above the drain hole, that is, in fact, just above the knee, which will act as a valve. Make sure that it fits comfortably into the poured and dried screed afterwards, and can freely leave its “nest” and return in the same way. It will simply let water through, but lying in its place will prevent unpleasant odors from entering the washroom or steam room.

How to make a bathhouse drain with your own hands: options for sewerage solutions

As you can see, draining a bathhouse with your own hands, a photo report, as evidenced quite eloquently, will not be so difficult to do, and if you took on the construction yourself, then you will definitely cope with this task with a bang. Indeed, there can be quite a lot of options for sewer schemes, and your task is to choose the one that will be the simplest and also most effective in this particular case. The point is that an ordinary cesspool, located just under the steam room or washing room, at least does not greatly correspond to sanitary standards and the needs of modern people, so it is worth taking care of the sewage system.

Simple solutions: connect to a centralized sewer system

The path of least resistance, as always, is also the most acceptable, this is already clear to every person in the crazy modern world. Therefore, if it is possible to connect the drain of your own bathhouse to a centralized sewerage system, be sure to do so.

Of course, you will have to pay for the services of public utilities, but you won’t have to think about where to dig a few more cesspools after they gradually become unusable. It is worth considering this option if it is real, since it is rare to find centralized wastewater disposal outside the city.

Well-well, don’t let me drink water: do-it-yourself sauna drain

To begin with, it is worth understanding that organizing a drain well on your own site will require some professional skills, as well as the acquisition of additional resources, for example, bricks or special concrete circles.

Pay attention to what experts say about drainage wells. This structure must be absolutely reliable, and its total volume must not be less than three cubic meters, otherwise its effectiveness will be in question.

  • A special pit is dug in the ground, approximately three to four standard reinforced concrete circles.
  • The walls can also be lined with bricks if, for example, there is nothing to deliver the circles with.
  • All gaps between the walls and the ground must be properly filled with screenings, stones, or you can throw construction waste there. The main requirement is that everything be well sealed.
  • The bottom of the pit is concreted, and for reliability it is also coated with liquid glass.
  • The pit is covered from above with a special reinforced concrete pipe, in which a hatch and a hole for ventilation are specially provided.

It is worth understanding that the ventilation pipe must protrude no less than sixty centimeters above the ground surface, otherwise it simply will not work. Moreover, everything around, except for the hatch, through which the pit will be cleaned, is covered with soil. You should definitely make sure that a sewage disposal truck can easily drive up to your pit, otherwise you will have to suffer later. It is also worth knowing that you can really save on sewage disposal if you use special chemicals for cesspools in winter and use bacteria in summer. All this can be purchased in the store, just ask.

Among other things, a well of this type can be made filtering, that is, it does not require cleaning. To do this, it is dug a little deeper, and its bottom is first covered with clay mortar, and then covered with either crushed stone or expanded clay on top. Dirty water from such a well will gradually go into the ground, but this takes time, so this option, again, is only suitable for a small family, for example, of three people.

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands

The bathhouse has always been considered a purely Russian pastime. She served for bathing, helped keep her body clean and played the role of an outlet for the people. These days it’s hard to imagine a home without it. Many owners who do not have a bathhouse are thinking about building one. One of the questions that arises in connection with construction is: how to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands? After all, a bathhouse is a place where you simply cannot do without water. And if there is a sufficient amount of liquid, then it is logical that it needs to be put somewhere. Some might say that the easiest way is for the water to drain into a pit, a free space under the floor. But, we want to upset you - this is fraught with the fact that mold will form in the floor, there will be a constant smell of rot in the room, and most importantly, the bathhouse may sag, as the water will destroy the top layer of soil. And not in all cases it will be possible to arrange it, due to the fact that the soil may have a high content of clay, which does not absorb moisture.

That is why it is important to know how to properly organize a drain for a bathhouse with your own hands and approach this work with special responsibility. In this situation, your drain will last for many years. This article will look at several options on how you can make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands. This instruction will help you cope with the task.

How are the floors in the bathhouse arranged?

If we talk about a properly made drain for a bathhouse, then we cannot help but touch upon the topic of arranging the floor. This issue must be approached with no less responsibility. It is worth noting that no matter how well you make a drain for a bathhouse, this is a room with extremely high humidity. And it is the floor that takes the lion's share of this moisture.

You should know that the floor in a bathhouse can be made of either wood or concrete. This choice directly depends on what kind of building it is. If this is a permanent building where a shower room, steam room, dressing room and rest room will be used all year round, then it is better to make a reliable concrete floor with enhanced waterproofing. But if this is a wooden bathhouse, and you plan to use it only in the summer, then it makes sense to make the floor out of wood. This will help significantly save your money and reduce the amount of work required.

How does a concrete floor work in a bathhouse?

If we talk about concrete coating, it is more reliable and durable. This floor consists of:

  • compacted gravel;
  • layer of concrete;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • a layer of expanded polystyrene as insulation;
  • waterproofing layer (polyethylene film);
  • another layer of concrete;
  • reinforced cement screed;
  • facing layer (ceramic tiles, etc.).

How does a wooden floor work in a bathhouse?

As for wooden floors, they can be of two types: solid (not leaking) and not continuous (leaking). A solid floor is laid on top of a concrete screed. At the same time, it is made so that the surface has a slight slope towards the equipped drain. The boards fit close to each other, so there are no gaps. The disadvantage of such a bath covering is that the water stagnates on the floor, takes a long time to dry, and the boards quickly begin to rot. It is much better to use a non-solid floor.

What is its advantage? It is easier to use and will last you longer. The thing is that the boards are not fixed closely, but at a short distance from each other. This gap is 5 mm. It is enough to ensure that water does not stagnate on the surface and flows more easily to the drain. In addition, these slots serve as a fan, drying the floor.

In order for everything to function correctly, you need to organize a sealed pit under the room. Water will flow out of it through a pipe into the prepared drainage hole. In this pit it will be necessary to make a water seal so that unpleasant odors do not get inside the bathhouse. Having dealt with the floors, you can figure out how to drain the bathhouse sink and other rooms.

How to properly drain a bathhouse

To ensure quality water drainage, you need to pay special attention to the following indicators:

  1. Drain system power. It must be chosen taking into account how many people will visit the steam room and how often. In addition, this indicator also affects the volume of the well or pit.
  2. The level of groundwater in the place where the bathhouse is built.
  3. Soil composition and quality.

Taking these indicators into account, you need to decide how to arrange a drain for a bathhouse, what design to use, and what its features are. This way you can immediately find out the capacity, depth, material and fastenings. First, you need to make a water collection system inside the bathhouse under a non-solid floor. Let's find out how to do this.

Do-it-yourself sauna drain step-by-step guide

All work is carried out at the foundation construction stage. It can be ribbon-type or columnar. The process is as follows:

  1. If you are laying a drain pipe, then after digging a foundation pit, you need to dig a hole in the middle of the space under the floor.

  • From this hole you need to lay a trench into which the pipe will be installed. It will drain water from the pit into a reservoir or sewer drain. It is important to install the pipe with a slope of 3 or 4 degrees.

  • The boards that will make up the floor need to be secured to the installed beams. The distance between them is from 5 to 7 mm. This is the gap that will be enough for good work. The thickness of the boards is at least 2 cm. Now your floor is ready.

Typically, the boards may not be nailed to the floor joists. For ease of use they are made removable. They need to be fastened together with timber and laid on top. Everything is assembled into panels so that the connecting beam is located between the floor beams. It is better to use a floor made in this way, since it can be removed and air dried.

Creating a drain tank

Now that you have created a liquid collection system, you need to figure out where to discharge the drain through the pipes. The first option is a drain tank, which will have a filter bottom. Its purpose is to clean wastewater from pollution and trap microorganisms. After which the water goes through the bottom into the ground, purifying itself again. The filter can be used in different materials. This includes sand, pieces of bricks and even crushed stone. If the bathhouse will be used by a family of 3–4 people, then the best size of the well is 2 m deep with a diameter of 1–1.5 m. The shape of the well can be round or square. Still, it is better to choose a cylindrical option, since the pressure on the walls will be uniform. Then it will not need to be repaired often.

It is important to note that the well should be located from 3 to 5 meters from the bathhouse. If you bring it closer, there is a risk of unpleasant odors and destruction of the foundation. And when the well is placed very far away, more pipes will be needed. The figure shows how this scheme can be implemented.

Most often, the walls of the well are further strengthened. The most expensive option is concrete rings. But there are also simpler ones, for example, car tires. As a compromise option - brickwork. Alternatively, you can use a metal or plastic barrel that does not have a bottom. It is important to cover the well with a concrete or metal lid and cover it with soil.

Draining water into the sewer

If your site has a central sewer system, then everything is much simpler. All you need is to properly arrange the floor in the bathhouse, insulate it and organize a drain to the central sewer pipe. Pipes laid horizontally at an angle to the pipe will be installed as a drain. They will receive water, which will be able to get inside through the siphon and the drain body.

PVC pipes are laid in the floor at an angle to the riser. It is recommended to pour sand into the trench in advance and compact it. And install the pipes on the prepared cushion. The difference should be 2 cm per 1 m. The pipes are led to the riser or outside the bathhouse.

Draining water into a cesspool

Another option for draining water from the bathhouse is to drain it into a cesspool. This option has some disadvantages, but it is the simplest. We will not consider the step-by-step progress of work, since the principle is already clear. The simple fact is that the water from the bathhouse will exit through a pipe system, directly into the cesspool. All that will be required of you is to pump out the contents as it fills.

Let's sum it up

Bath drainage is a very important stage of construction work. It is important to give this process enough attention and time. After all, if you do something wrong, then all your efforts may be in vain. To avoid this, it is important to prepare in advance to properly arrange the drain in the bathhouse. You need to think in advance which water drainage option to choose. After all, if your area does not have a sewerage system, you will have to drain it into a cesspool or well. In addition, pay attention to the quality of consumables: pipes, siphon and drain hole. Then your drain will last a long time and reliably.

Do-it-yourself sauna drain: step-by-step guide

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands The bathhouse has always been considered a purely Russian form of pastime. She served for bathing, helped keep her body clean and played the role of an outlet for

What points should be worked out before installing a bath sewer:

  • Type of soil and depth at the site of construction of the building;
    the degree of freezing of the ground on the site;
  • size and frequency of use of the steam room, as well as the number of visitors;
  • Is it possible to connect to the central highway?

Important! How deep the pipes are planned to be laid depending on soil freezing - 30 cm below the frozen layer.

In the southern regions - at least half a meter from the surface, in the middle zone - at least 90 cm, in the north - at least one and a half meters.

Big or small

Sewage elements depending on the size of the bathhouse

Where will the water flow?

It is also necessary to take into account the location of structures on the site: where the wastewater is planned to be discharged. There may be several options here:

  • If the bathhouse is located in one of the premises of a residential building or is attached to it, it is realistic to connect it to the main sewer network: central or. This is possible with a separate bathhouse, but in the case of connection to a city or village system, permission from the authorities will be required.
  • For a small bathhouse, where only family members will wash periodically, a pit will be sufficient (depending on the soil).
  • If you plan to invite guests or arrange a bathroom, but connecting to the central highway is impossible, you will need a high-quality septic tank.

What floors to put

Even before laying the foundation of the bathhouse, you need to decide how the water will drain. It depends on the construction of the floor.

The floors in the bathhouse are:

  • Leaky. They are not sealed, which allows water to drain into a pit under the floor. Such floors are constructed simply: the boards are loosely laid on wooden logs, which are installed on brick racks.
  • Leakproof. They can be laid out from tightly fitted wooden boards or with a concrete base covered with tiles. They are made with a slope towards the drain hole. It must be protected with a special grate or ladder so that the pipes do not become clogged with hair and leaves from bath brooms.

Will you need a pump?

Depending on the terrain, you need to decide what the bath sewer system will be like:

  • pressure
  • or non-pressure.

The latter involves the independent drainage of water into a drainage well or, and from there, after filtration, into the ground or river. It is possible only when the terrain of the site has natural slopes (or artificially created), and the ground slopes are located below the bottom of the septic tank or drainage pit. It is easy to install such a system, and it is more economical: you do not need a lot of materials.

In other cases, a pressure system with the installation of special ones is needed. Often one cannot do it alone: ​​it is necessary not only to forcibly pump out the used liquid into the pipeline, and then into a pit or septic tank, but also to throw out the purified water from there into the ground.

Important! Pumps will definitely be needed if you place the bathhouse in the basement of the house.

What you need for DIY installation

Before installing a sewer system in a bathhouse, you will need to stock up on materials and tools:

Steel structures or wooden boxes cannot be used for bathhouses: they quickly deteriorate due to rotting and corrosion.

How to lay internal highways

We arrange internal sewerage:

  • Inside the future bathhouse we dig trenches half a meter deep, their width is slightly larger than the purchased pipes. There must be a slope to the place where the water comes out.
  • We fill the bottom of the trenches with 10 centimeters of sand and tamp it down without breaking the slope.
  • We lay horizontal pipes, insulate them, and then connect them with vertical sections. It is worth making them with a reserve, and then cutting off the excess.
  • We attach drains or a tee for toilets to the vertical sections of pipes.

For a Russian steam room or sauna, a drain in the form of a gutter is more suitable, and in showers and hammams it is more practical to install drains with water seals.

Drainage well or pit

Most often, small bathhouses for one family are built with their own hands. Does the soil absorb water well? The easiest way to arrange a drainage well is:

  • Near the bathhouse building, we dig a hole twice as deep as the frozen ground layer.
  • The bottom needs to be lined with clay, a layer of about 10 cm. Also make a clay layer inside the trench, dug with a slight slope towards the drainage hole.
  • We place a pipe in the trench that will be connected to the internal sewer system, and the other pipe will go into the drainage hole.
  • Expanded clay, crushed stone or these materials mixed with sand are poured into the well. This is drainage. From above it is covered with earth.

If the soil on the site has low moisture permeability, you need to build a pit instead. This is a place with sealed walls for collecting water outside the bathhouse. The end of the drain pipe here is brought out at a distance of 10 cm from the bottom and is equipped with a water seal.

If the sewer system turns out to be quite long, then it is worth equipping an inspection well with a concrete bottom and brick walls so that you can check the condition of the system and clean it. It is equipped with a double lid.

How to make a simple and inexpensive septic tank

In bathhouses with several rooms equipped with a bathroom, a septic tank is required. It can be purchased ready-made from manufacturers of wastewater treatment devices. Or install it yourself, using different structures: from concrete rings to plastic containers.

The easiest and cheapest way is to build a septic tank with your own hands from old tires:

  • We dig a hole slightly larger in diameter than the tires.
  • We fill its bottom a quarter of a meter with coarse gravel.
  • Place 4-5 tires on top of the gravel. And between the top two we insert a drain pipe. You can make a hole for the pipe in the second one from the top.
  • We strengthen the top tire with fittings or pipe scraps, and press the lid on top. We fill the structure with earth.

Choosing a pump for a well is, on the one hand, a simple task, but on the other hand, it requires certain knowledge. You will find useful tips.

The bathhouse is a place of high humidity. For this reason, when building a bathhouse, it is necessary to take care of drainage. We will try to tell you in our article how you can make a bath drain with your own hands.

The arrangement of bath sewerage is done during the construction stage, and the sewerage network must be included in the overall construction plan. Drainage in a bathhouse, as in a house, consists of two types of networks and structures: external and internal. The method of constructing each of them depends on certain factors.

  1. The structure of the sewer network is primarily influenced by the design of the bathhouse itself, which refers to the number of rooms. Baths can be different. In the simplest version, the steam room and washing area are combined. But more and more often, bathhouses have a separate shower room, and even a toilet. The more rooms a bathhouse includes, the more complex its internal sewage system.
  2. The type and nuances of installing an external bath sewer depend on soil properties such as its moisture permeability and the level of soil freezing.
  3. The location where wastewater is discharged from the bathhouse is also determined by its workload. So, to collect and drain water from small steam rooms, a drainage well or other similar structure is sufficient.
  4. When choosing a method for collecting water from a room, you need to be guided by the type of bathhouse. For example, in a Russian bath it is recommended to use a drainage gutter. The drainage of wastewater is also determined by the type of floors in the steam room and other rooms.

Read about all the features in more detail below.

Bathhouse internal sewerage

Even if the bathhouse has a dry steam room, and there is a shower for washing, you also need to take care of draining water from the steam room. It is even more necessary to install a sewer system in a wet steam room and where people steam and wash in the same compartment.

Note! For bath sewer systems in which wastewater is collected from several rooms, including a toilet, it is mandatory to install a sewer riser with ventilation.

Collecting water in a bathhouse can be done in various ways. First of all, it depends on how you plan to lay the floors. The sewerage is laid before the floors are installed. What is common in all systems for draining water from a bathhouse is maintaining a slope for both the floors themselves and the sewer pipes.

If we are talking about wooden floors, then the boards can be laid closely, or you can leave gaps between them. In the first option, the floors are laid, maintaining a slope from one wall to another. At the lowest point between the floors and the wall, a gap is left into which the gutter is mounted, observing the slope when laying it. At the lowest point, the gutter is connected to a sewer pipe that carries wastewater out of the building.

Note! If in a bathhouse the steam room and washing room are different rooms, then the gutter can be laid under the partition between them.

When arranging slotted wooden flooring, a gap of 5 mm is left between the boards. Under the wooden floor, a concrete base is made with a slope towards the center, where a gutter is laid connecting to the sewer pipe.

Instead of a concrete base, a tray, for example, made of galvanized steel, is placed on an insulated floor under a wooden flooring to collect water.

In some baths, for example, in hammams, they make self-leveling floors on which tiles are laid. In this case, when installing the floor, the slope is also observed, and at the lowest point a special water intake device is installed - a ladder connected to a sewer pipe. This option is also suitable for shower rooms with tiled floors.

Whichever of the above options you choose, the general sewer installation scheme is as follows.

Step 1. Before laying the floor, sewer pipes are installed. Ditches are made for them, maintaining a slope of 2 cm per meter. The depth of the trenches can be 0.5 - 0.6 m.

Step 2. A sand cushion 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the trenches, it is compacted while maintaining the slope.

Step 3. Lay sewer pipes. Nowadays polypropylene products are also often used. Recommended pipe diameter is 100 mm.

Step 4. If necessary, install a sewer riser, which is secured to the wall using clamps. Be sure to arrange the ventilation of the riser using any of two options:

Step 5. Cover the floors using one of the above mentioned methods.

Step 6. Connect gutters with grates or drains to the sewer system.

Note! At the connection points with the sewer pipe of any water intake, it is necessary to install a water seal (siphon), which will prevent sewer odors from penetrating into the room. Drains are usually equipped with built-in water seals.

Products made of plastic, cast iron, and asbestos cement are used as gutter. Previously, steel and wood were used, but they quickly deteriorate. The minimum diameter of the gutter is 5 cm.

Step 7. If necessary, connect the toilet and other sanitary equipment to the sewerage system.

This completes the installation of the sewer system inside the bathhouse. But like any sewer system, the disposal of bathhouse wastewater also includes external elements, the options for which will be described below.

External sewerage of the bathhouse

There are several ways to organize the external section of a bathhouse sewer system. Disposal of wastewater depends on its volume, climate and soil type, as well as the possibility of discharge into the central or local sewerage system.

Drainage well for a bath

For highly permeable soils with a deep groundwater level, drainage wells are often used to dispose of sauna wastewater. Making them yourself is quite simple.

Step 1. First, dig a hole at a distance of about two meters from the bathhouse, the bottom area of ​​which is 1 sq.m. This is a pit for a well. Its depth must be at least 1 m and depends on the depth of soil freezing.

Step 2. A trench for an external sewer pipe is dug from the bathhouse. The depth of the ditch must be such that the pipeline passes below the freezing point of the soil. The trench is made in compliance with the slope.

Step 3. A filter layer of crushed stone, expanded clay or sand-gravel mixture is poured onto the bottom of the pit. The height of the filter load should be slightly above the level of zero soil temperatures.

Note! The sand and gravel mixture is prone to silting and will need to be changed more often.

Step 4. The bottom of the trench is filled with a greasy solution of clay, from which a trench is formed. Be sure to maintain a slope of 2 cm per linear meter.

Step 5. A pipe is laid in the trench, running from the bathhouse to the filter layer of the drainage well.

Step 6. If necessary, the pipe is additionally insulated, for example, with mineral wool.

Step 7. The well and the ditch with the pipe are backfilled with soil and compacted.

Collecting water in a pit

If the bathhouse is built on an area whose soil does not allow moisture to pass through well, then for a simple option for waste disposal, a pit is made under the floor of the bathhouse.

Step 1. A small hole is dug under the future floor, which can be in the shape of a cube with a minimum edge length of half a meter.

Step 2. The walls and bottom of the pit are filled with concrete. This is necessary for waterproofing. Any waterproof material can be used as protection against moisture leakage.

Step 3. A pipe is brought to the pit at a height of 0.1 m from the floor, which will extend beyond the bathhouse and the sloped area. As soon as the wastewater in the pit reaches a certain level, the liquid will be removed through this pipeline.

Step 4. A plate is installed at an angle as a water seal in the pit. It is fixed in three places to the pipe, with the exception of the lower part. There should be 50mm from the bottom edge of the plate to the bottom.

Step 5. Lay the floors at a slope towards the center of the room. At the lowest point of the floor, a gutter is installed that goes into a pit with an angle.

Step 6. A gutter is brought into the pit.

Water can be collected in the pit in another way. This option is suitable for slatted floors. In this case, a rough cement floor is made under the main wooden floor, which has a slope that goes towards the center. At the central point there is a cement pit. Water seeps through the cracks and enters the pit, from where it is discharged outside the bathhouse.

A drainage well and pit are only suitable for simple baths that do not have a toilet, and therefore no fecal waste.

Connection to septic tanks and central sewerage

If there is a central sewer network near the site, then not only the house sewer system, but also the bathhouses can be connected to it. To do this, it is necessary to order a sewerage project from a design company and provide it to the owners of central networks.

To dispose of a large amount of bath waste with fecal components, you can proceed as follows:

  • install a storage tank, to empty which, if necessary, call a sewer truck;
  • connect the bathhouse sewer to a septic tank that cleans house drains.

It is also possible to install a separate septic tank, but this requires additional financial costs, which are not justified for a bathhouse that is not used daily.

As a conclusion

Sewage, even in the simplest bathhouse, is a necessary element that will not only save your site from pollution by sewage, but also the building from moisture. It is even more necessary to install a wastewater disposal system for large baths, which have a separate shower room and toilet. In this case, local treatment systems are best suited for collecting and neutralizing wastewater.

The main rules when installing a sewer system in a bathhouse, as in a house, are to maintain a slope and install water seals, as well as ventilate the riser, if its installation is necessary. Taking into account these general as well as specific nuances for each type of bath waste disposal system, you can arrange a bath sewer with your own hands.

Video - Sewage option in the bathhouse

Video - Draining a bathhouse

The modern Russian bathhouse is somewhat different from similar buildings erected in the last century. Now almost every steam room uses a full-fledged drainage system to remove dirty water from the washing room. This has a better effect on the service life of wood and concrete floors, and also reduces the risk of mold and mildew. Making a drain is not as difficult as it might seem.

Drainage system in the washing room

Washing room in a bathhouse with a leaky wooden floor

Traditionally, a Russian bathhouse consists of two rooms - a dressing room and a steam room, combined with a washing room. The layout of modern analogues of Russian baths is represented by such premises as:

  • the waiting area;
  • washing room;
  • steam room

The first room does not require drainage. The technology for drainage in washing and steam baths depends on the type of floor in a particular room.

Typically, the floor in a bathhouse comes in several types:

With the exception of the pouring floor, the internal part of the drainage system is represented by a drain for collecting water and a drain pipe. The outer part of the sewer system, depending on the size of the building, the type of soil, and the depth of soil freezing, can have a different appearance.

For a small bathhouse used once a week, a simple drainage system with a small drainage hole located under the floor structure or in close proximity to the building is sufficient. For a bathhouse designed for a large family, which can be heated once or twice a week, a more complex sewer system with a drainage well will be required.

Wastewater disposal method

The design of the drainage system for draining waste water from the washing and steam rooms is selected taking into account the type of soil on which the structure is built and the intensity of use of the bathhouse. Each of the designs has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Pit under the bathhouse

Pit under the bathhouse with a stone for draining water

A shallow hole dug under the floor of a washroom. 2/3 of the pit is filled with filtering components - crushed stone, slag, aquifer sand. This natural filter traps large particles, purifying the water, which is then absorbed into the lower layers of the soil.

The advantages of this system include:

  • does not require the use of a piping system;
  • ease of installation, cleaning and maintenance.

The main disadvantage of drainage in the form of a pit is that it can only be used for bathhouses on a columnar foundation located on sandy soil types. With frequent use of the bathhouse, the soil may become oversaturated with moisture - the water will not have time to spread throughout the soil, which will lead to its stagnation inside the pit.

Drain well

Drain well made of reinforced concrete and plastic septic tank

The outer part of the drainage system is made in the form of a pipeline and a sealed tank filled with wastewater coming from the bathhouse. To construct the reservoir, well rings and a plastic or metal septic tank are used.

As the wastewater fills, the tank is cleaned. To do this, water is pumped out using a vacuum truck and taken to a treatment plant, or a septic tank is filled with biological products that filter the water, after which it is transported through a special pipe to the lower layers of the soil, where it is gradually absorbed.

Among the advantages of a drain well are:

  • ease of installation on a site of any size;
  • the well does not require periodic cleaning;
  • relatively low cost.

For proper functioning of the drainage system, the septic tank must be located below the level of the bathhouse. This will ensure natural and unimpeded flow of waste water. There must be free access to the location of the septic tank, otherwise a sewage disposal truck with a large tank will not be able to drive up to the required distance to pull the water intake hose.

Filtration well

Filtration tank system of three wells

It is a well filled with fine-grained crushed stone, finely crushed brick or slag. Waste water removed from the washing room and steam bath enters the well and passes through the filter material.

As a result, a small layer of sludge and a large number of beneficial bacteria are formed that purify the water. After gradual purification, the water leaves naturally or is used for household needs for watering and irrigating the soil.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the filter layer quickly becomes dirty with frequent use of the bath and requires replacement. This is a very labor-intensive process, since crushed stone or slag will have to be removed manually. Despite this, this technology is optimal for draining baths designed for a family of 4–6 people.

Soil filtration

Ground filtration using the example of a closed boiler and distribution pipes

A drainage system consisting of a closed septic tank, where wastewater accumulates, and sewer pipes through which the water is drained after it is purified. Pipes are installed over a small area - this ensures uniform flow and absorption of water.

The advantages of ground filtration include:

  • complete autonomy;
  • possibility of water intake from several points;
  • high degree of purification.

Compared to other methods of draining waste water, ground filtration requires the use of a large area of ​​land where water will be absorbed. It is better to carry out installation work at the stage of construction of the bathhouse, when the area adjacent to it has not yet been developed.

For installation, you will need to dig a fairly large pit for installing a septic tank, which requires the use of large construction equipment and special equipment.

Preparing for drainage installation

The design and installation of the bath drainage system occurs together with the installation of the floor. It is optimal if the work is carried out in the warm season, when the soil is driest. This will allow you to test the functionality of the drain and make adjustments if necessary.

Design of the internal part of the drainage system

Construction of a concrete floor with a drain in a bathhouse

The design of the internal part of the drainage system takes into account the rules that apply to the installation of sewage systems in residential premises.

If necessary, a ventilation riser is erected or a shut-off valve is installed. For example, installation of a riser is required when organizing drainage from several rooms at once.

The general layout of a concrete floor with a drain consists of the following:

The layout of a wooden floor depends on its design, but in general it has a similar appearance. The drain pipe with a branch pipe is placed in the center of the room at the lowest point of the floor. For natural drainage, the sewer pipe is mounted with a slight slope. When installing drainage in the washing room of a bathhouse and steam room using one pipe, the drainage chute should be located between the rooms under the floor structure.

Design of external drainage area

General diagram of various types of sewage systems in a bathhouse

The calculation and design of the external sewerage section is carried out taking into account the size of the bathhouse, the frequency of its operation, the type of soil and the design of the water intake. As stated above, a filter well is optimal for use for private purposes. The design is designed to purify a large volume of water, sufficient for a family of up to 6 people to visit the bathhouse.

It is optimal if the well design is carried out by professionals. This will allow you to select the required size of the tank for receiving water without overpaying for useless volume.

Septic tank-based drainage systems are available in a ready-made version. Their volume is calculated depending on the number of people simultaneously visiting the bathhouse in a short period of time. For a family of 7 people, a tank with a throughput capacity of 1.5 m 3 /day is sufficient.

Related video: planning sewerage in a bathhouse

Polypropylene pipes for sewerage installations

To install the drainage system in the bathhouse, modern high-strength plastic pipes of the required diameter are used. The average service life of the product, subject to installation technology, is 50 years.

  • Depending on the requirement, pipes made of materials such as:
  • PVC - chlorinated polyvinyl chloride;
  • PP - polypropylene;
  • HDPE - low-density polyethylene.

Pipes made of PVC, PP and HDPE are not afraid of moisture and are not subject to corrosion. Thanks to the intuitive mounting, they are easy to install. Most manufacturers of plastic pipes have a wide range of products, which allows you to select products of the desired length, diameter and shape.

PVC pipes for laying communications in the ground

The use of cast iron pipes is impractical - they are expensive, difficult to deliver to the work site and difficult to install, although the products are highly durable and reliable.

Asbestos-cement pipes are also not the best choice for drainage in a bathhouse. In addition to low strength, they have a rough inner surface, which does not have the best effect on the natural flow of water. This is especially noticeable for highways longer than 10 m.

The cross-section of the drain pipe is selected taking into account the water intake points in the bathhouse. For a typical bath with a steam room and a washing room, a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm is sufficient. For small baths with a single flush, a pipe with a diameter of no more than 7 cm is allowed.

Calculation of the required material

Pipe and tee made of polypropylene for laying the drain

The amount of material required to install the drainage system is selected according to a previously drawn up project. For example, to install the internal part of a drain measuring 5x5 m you will need:

  • drain with direct outlet 105×105/50 mm;
  • PP socket pipe Ø50, length 500 mm;
  • straight pipe PP Ø50, length 1000 mm;
  • straight pipe PP Ø50, length 2000 mm;
  • adapter coupling 50–110 mm;
  • PP outlet 45 o.

If necessary, a polypropylene bend at 90 o is used. The length of the pipe for connecting the drain can vary from 500–1000 mm depending on the height of the floor. If necessary, the pipe is trimmed. A product 2000 mm long is used as a drain pipe. When laying external communications, PVC pipes up to 3000 mm long are used.

Necessary tool for the job

To dig trenches and water inlets you will need a comfortable shovel

To carry out installation work you will need the following tools:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • bubble level;
  • construction knife;
  • grinder with a disc for metal/concrete;
  • container for sand/crushed stone.

To excavate soil to a depth of more than 2 m, it is better to use special equipment. This will speed up the work process. If all work is performed manually, then it is necessary to take care of safety precautions.

Digging a well should only be done with the help of a partner, who will ensure that the earth falling from the walls of the well shaft does not overwhelm the worker. All work is performed on a safety rope. The performer must be equipped with thick overalls and personal protective equipment in the form of a helmet, goggles and gloves.

Step-by-step guide to creating a bathhouse drain with your own hands

The laying of the drain pipe and the installation of the drain ladder should be carried out simultaneously with the installation of the floor. If it is planned to pour a concrete floor in a bathhouse, then further work on laying a drainage system should be carried out only after the initial polymerization of concrete (at least 7 days).

Installation of the internal part of the drainage system

Diagram of the drain pipe supply to various water intake points

To supply the drain pipe, you will need to perform the following work:

  1. To lay plastic pipes, you will need to dig a trench 50–60 cm deep. The depth is calculated based on the ground level located outside the building area. With a base height of 30–50 cm, the depth of the trench should be at least 80–110 cm.

    Two trench options for introducing a drain pipe

  2. The route of the trench is determined by the project and depends on the location of the drainage ladder. Excavation begins from the most distant point from the point of entry of the drain pipe. For example, in the schematic diagram below, excavation occurs from point A to point B.
  3. When digging a trench, a minimum slope is observed: 2 cm per 1 m. After arranging the route, a layer of fine-grained sand 7–10 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the trench and thoroughly compacted. At the same time, the slope continues to be observed.

    The ground slope is maintained along the pipeline route

  4. If the bathhouse is built on a strip foundation, then a hole should be made in the selected location for the entry of the drain pipe. For this, a hammer drill and a grinder with a disc for concrete are used.
  5. Vertical and horizontal pipe sections are being installed. In places where it is planned to install the ladder, a horizontal pipe up to 2 m long is installed. The connection to the horizontal pipe is made through a 90° elbow.

    After checking the quality of the pipe connection and maintaining the slope, the trench is backfilled

  6. If there are several drains located on one horizontal section of the pipeline, then a tee of the required diameter is used for connection. For example, in the diagram above this element is highlighted in bright color.
  7. To insulate the drain pipe, a shell based on polyurethane foam is used. The thickness of the heat insulator depends on the depth of soil freezing. For central Russia - at least 10 mm with a laying depth of 70–90 cm.

After insulation, the angle of inclination is checked. To do this, 5–10 liters of water are poured into each vertical section of the pipe in turn. If everything is in order and the pipe connections do not leak, then the trench is backfilled with previously removed soil.

Installation of a closed septic tank

Diagram of a water intake in the form of a closed septic tank

As a closed septic tank, you can use both finished products from the manufacturer and structures made by yourself from scrap materials.

If the amount of wastewater discharged at a time does not exceed 300 liters, and the total weekly volume is 700 liters, then the septic tank can be made from old car tires.

The water absorption area for a septic tank is calculated based on the fact that sandy soil can absorb no more than 100 l/m2 per day, mixed soil - no more than 50 l/m2, and loamy soil - no more than 20 l/m2 per day. Based on this, the height and base area of ​​the tank is calculated.

Preparing a mine for storing old tires

The septic tank installation technology consists of the following steps:

Before walling up, he checks the functionality of the septic tank. To do this, 50–100 liters are drained through the pipes. water. If the water disappears over time, then you can install a ventilation pipe and fill the septic tank.

Installation of a drain well

To construct a drain well, a metal or plastic tank, reinforced concrete well rings, red brick or stone can be used. The material is selected taking into account the depth of the structure. It is optimal if it is possible to install reinforced concrete structures of the required diameter.

Preparing a well shaft for the installation of reinforced concrete rings

  1. To build a well you will need to do the following:
  2. The location of the well is chosen taking into account that access for a truck must be provided to it. It is advisable that the well be located in a lowland. This will avoid removing a large amount of soil to create a natural flow of water.

    A hole measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m is dug using special equipment. If ordering an excavator is problematic, then you will have to dig a well shaft manually. During the work, safety precautions are observed. To simplify the process, you can dig a square-shaped hole.

  3. A 15 cm layer of fine-grained sand is poured into the bottom of the shaft and thoroughly compacted. After this, a concrete mixture based on M500 cement is prepared. The bottom of the shaft is being filled. If possible, round-shaped reinforced concrete products can be laid at the bottom of the well. This will allow you not to wait for the concrete to polymerize and continue with the work.
  4. The mine walls are being lined with red brick. To reduce costs, you can use old and chipped bricks. A solution of clay and sand is used as a binder mixture. A drain pipe is connected to the well at the top. After lining, the surface of the well is treated with bitumen mastic.

    After inserting the drain pipe, the filter well made of reinforced concrete rings is covered with a concrete cover

  5. As a cover, you can use ready-made reinforced concrete products for well shafts. If you make it yourself, you will need to set up formwork from available materials with an overlap of 30 cm in length and width. In the center of the formwork it is necessary to install sides to create a round hole.
  6. The first layer of concrete mixture with a thickness of 5–7 cm is poured. After the first layer has set, a reinforcing mesh of reinforcement rods with a cross section of 6–8 mm is laid on its surface. Then the next layer of similar thickness is poured.

After the concrete slab has dried, the shaft is closed with a metal hatch. Before backfilling, the slab is treated with bitumen mastic and covered with polyethylene 200 microns thick.

Installation of a ground filtration system

To install a drainage system using the ground filtration method, you will need to manufacture or purchase a ready-made septic tank of the required volume. Water distribution throughout the site will occur through a pipeline system based on polypropylene products with a cross-section of 110 mm.

Preparing a pit and installing an oblong-shaped water intake

To make a drainage system with ground filtration you will need:

  1. In the immediate vicinity of the drain pipe leaving the bathhouse, an area for installing a septic tank is marked. The size of the area should be 30–50 cm larger than the water intake structure itself. A trench 80–110 cm deep should follow the marked area, maintaining a slope.

    Preparation of trenches for laying a pipeline for a soil filtration system

  2. A pit is being dug for installation of a septic tank. When installing, be careful not to damage the water inlet. After installing the container in the ground, the drain pipe is installed taking into account the freezing thickness of the soil.
  3. To prepare drainage in the PP pipe, you need to drill through holes with a diameter of 110 mm in increments of 10 cm. For this, use an electric drill with drills of 8, 10 and 12 mm. The pipe is divided into three equal parts. Holes of the same diameter are drilled in each part from smallest to largest.

    Preparing and laying distribution pipes in trenches

  4. Trenches are being prepared for laying distribution pipes. The length of the trench is no more than 25 m. The width of the trench is 50–100 cm. The spacing between adjacent pipes is at least 1.5 m. The depth is from 1.5 m.
  5. After preparing the trenches, compliance with the slope of 1.5–2 degrees is checked. Next, a layer of sifted sand and gravel, each 10 cm thick, is poured onto the bottom of the trenches. Afterwards, geotextiles are laid on the crushed stone with an overlap on the walls of the trench.

    Backfilling the trench after checking the pipeline for operability

  6. Pipe laying is in progress. After laying, the pipe is wrapped in geotextile and covered with a 10 cm layer of gravel. At the end of each pipe, a 90° outlet and a pipe 50–70 cm long are mounted. A protective valve with holes is placed on the end of the vertical pipe and the trenches are backfilled.

During operation, preventive cleaning of the drainage pipe should be carried out. For this purpose, both special plumbing fixtures and pipe cleaning products are used, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

If you use the sauna frequently, you should periodically check that the container is full and empty it as necessary. This is especially true in spring and autumn, when the earth is full of moisture and water is absorbed into the lower layers of the soil with less intensity.

Ground filtration systems should be serviced every 12–15 years. To do this, it is necessary to completely replace the sand and gravel cushion and the bottom layer of earth in each of the trenches.