Military mortgage how. Military mortgage: how to get it, who is entitled to it and what documents are needed for this

Designed to fully satisfy the housing needs of Russian military personnel. If previously you could only get an apartment after 20 years from the moment of entering the service, then today in three years You can make a down payment on the loan and buy the apartment you like.

Another advantage is the freedom to choose housing - you can buy it in a “ready-made” house or take part in shared construction.

Mortgage is a banking type of lending to the population for the purchase of housing.

Military mortgage is a government program, a social banking product that allows military personnel to receive state support.

The program began its operation in 2005 and is regulated by Law No. 117-FZ.

The development of basic conditions and principles was carried out by AHML - Housing Mortgage Lending Agency. The task was simple - to provide military personnel with housing in the shortest possible time.

The scheme in force until that time allowed a military man to move to a new apartment only after 20 years of service.

The program is cumulative, and funds are allocated on a non-refundable basis. The serviceman enters into a contract and becomes a participant savings-mortgage system (NIS).

After working for three years, he can already use the funds that accumulate in his personal account. Government subsidies are credited to the account throughout the entire service life.

The amount of funds is constantly indexed Taking into account inflation, the amount of assistance is determined annually.

Having chosen a bank, which must be a partner of AHML, the military man enters into a mortgage agreement. The bank allocates money, which is what happens.

Repayment of a bank loan occurs from the serviceman’s personal account, that is, with state aid funds.

In addition to the funds allocated under the program, the employee will still be forced to spend his savings:

  • to pay the difference in the cost of housing if the price of the apartment is more than the allocated money;
  • to issue a notarized power of attorney if a third party will act on behalf of the military man;
  • life and property insurance;
  • real estate valuation by an independent expert.

Who can become a participant in the program?

The program participant must, first of all, be a member of the Russian Armed Forces. Moreover, you can become a member of NIS either automatically(if you fall into the appropriate category) or voluntarily to write a report.

The following automatically become NIS participants:

  • officers;
  • warrant officers who entered into the first contract for service after 2005.

You can voluntarily take part in:

All volunteers must officially express their desire to become a participant in the system - write a report, to sign a contract.

Receipt of money to your personal account begins after 30 days, that is, from the second month of participation in the system.

Conditions for the provision of state aid funds

An applicant to receive government funds under the program must meet the following criteria:

  • become a member of the NIS and receive the appropriate certificate;
  • To participate in the program, a military personnel must reach 43 years old;
  • the loan is issued only if the military man, his health, life, and property are insured;
  • the bank provides an amount for the purchase of housing within from 300 thousand rubles to 2.4 million rubles;
  • minimum mortgage provided for three years.

It is important to choose the right banking institution.

Rosvoenipoteka cooperates exclusively with banks that have entered into an agreement to service military personnel in issuing loans. By the way, there are now the majority of such banks in the Russian Federation.

If a military man has served for three years, he can exercise the right to receive funds in advance by taking out a mortgage. The funds in this case can serve as a down payment or monthly payments.

Funds are transferred to your personal account for 20 years.

If a military man leaves the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, he pays for the loan himself.

The choice of housing rests entirely with the military man and his family members. The state does not set the maximum cost of housing, its area and location. If it is planned, the NIS participant pays the difference with his own funds.

As part of the program, it is allowed to purchase finished housing or...

An innovation in 2015 in the context of a “military mortgage” is a one-time cash payment (LCP). It provides the right to quickly receive a subsidy if the following conditions are met:

  • the total service life must be at least 20 years;
  • Discharged military personnel must serve in the Armed Forces for at least 10 years.

Submitting a report on inclusion in the list of the savings-mortgage system

The NIS register contains information about system participants. Making entries in it is confirmed by a written notification issued to the serviceman against signature.

Data is entered no later than three months from the moment of submitting a report to the military, his dismissal or other circumstances.

The responsible person in the military unit is responsible for maintaining the NIS list.

To participate in the NIS, a serviceman submits the following documents to the official:

  • report;
  • passport (its copy);
  • a copy of the service contract.

The report (application) is filled out by the military in the unit where he is serving. The following information is entered into it:

  1. The last name, first name, patronymic and rank of the military personnel who wishes to become a member of the NIS are indicated at the top of the application.
  2. Applicant's passport details.
  3. Please add information to the list and then receive a certificate.
  4. The goal is to obtain a targeted housing loan.
  5. Consent to the withdrawal (transfer to the bank) of savings from a personal account by an authorized person.
  6. The name of the city or town in which you plan to buy real estate.
  7. Contact information – phone numbers of the military man himself, his trusted ones.
  8. If you plan to receive the certificate by mail, indicate the address (with zip code) where it should be sent.
  9. Date, signature.

After the report is accepted by the serviceman’s leadership, NIS member card, data about it is entered into the register (special accounting book). Currently, it is acceptable to maintain the register electronically.

After sending the military data to the authority of the relevant ministry and checking it, the participant receives a unique 20-digit code.

Already with it, the military has the right to open a savings account for further transfer of public funds to it.

When transferred to service in another unit, documents regarding mortgage lending are sent there by mail.

Waiting period for the right to a mortgage

Exercising the right to receive government subsidized housing for military personnel is the main stumbling block in obtaining the coveted apartment.

The time frame for purchasing a home depends on several factors:

After 20 years of service, military personnel have the right to preferential transfer to the reserve, but the mortgage debt in this case will continue to be subsidized by the state.

If the military man did not serve the established period of 20 years and was dismissed, the remaining part of the loan is repaid by him at his own expense.

Any loan amount exceeding the amount of government assistance is paid with the borrower’s personal funds, for example, when purchasing expensive housing.

If the bank refuses, the waiting period increases. If the authorized body returned the application (report) at the stage of entry into the register, you will also have to wait.

If all conditions are met, the apartment is purchased with a mortgage within one to two months.

Video: Scheme for purchasing an apartment using a military mortgage

The video tells what options for purchasing housing under the “military mortgage” program exist today. Detailed instructions are given for selecting and purchasing real estate of interest to military personnel.

For the majority of military personnel, by 2019 there is no alternative to buying a home other than a mortgage. Of course, the Ministry of Defense is interested in high-quality provision of lending services to active officers.

Military mortgage is a system for obtaining housing for military personnel. It is abbreviated as NIS (savings-mortgage system).

How does this system work?

The NIS came into force in 2005. It replaced the Soviet system of providing the army with living space.

You can obtain the right to NIS without any problems. The military receives payments to their account every year from the state. It is important to know that enumerations are indexed. For 2015-1016, the total amount is 245,880 rubles. for every year. In 2017 - 260,000 rubles. In 2018 - 268,456 rubles. In 2019 - 280,009 rubles.

Savings funds are sometimes invested at interest, but more often they are used for a more profitable purpose - for a military mortgage.

To obtain a housing loan, you must save the amount for at least 3 years. Then you can count on a certificate. And choosing housing that is suitable for price and square footage is a separate issue.

Order No. 166

This order was signed in February 2013 by S. Shoigu. The point is this:

  1. The registration process has been changed.
  2. Information on the savings account for NIS participants is provided in a new way.
  3. The preparation of information about future participants in the savings system has also been revised.
  4. Preparation of information about military personnel who have earned the right to use savings for the purpose of providing housing.
  5. Organization of cash payments to NIS participants in addition to cash provision for housing.

An important aspect of this law is the change in the order of sending documents from parts. They will be sent to the Department thanks to the regional housing authorities. Previously, documents were submitted through the military department.

Another significant change is the payment of funds. We are talking about additional savings that relate to housing. Before the order, the decision was made by the unit commander. The current Order No. 166 approved these payments to be made through regional departments.

How to calculate the amount for a military mortgage

The easiest way to calculate this amount is with an online calculator from a thematic website. It is important to know the calculator criteria:

  1. Market value of the apartment.
  2. Calculated funds.
  3. Mortgage term.
  4. Interest rate.

Detailed conditions for receiving

All military personnel who have reached the age of 25 are eligible for the NIS. These age criteria are prescribed in the Federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

As was written earlier, to participate in the program you must serve for at least three years. During this period, the amount available for purchasing an apartment accumulates.

All officers and warrant officers who have signed a contract since the beginning of 2005 are required to participate in the military mortgage. Moreover, officers who entered service as volunteers from January 1, 2005, also apply to this program.

You can voluntarily apply for a military mortgage to petty officers, soldiers, sergeants and sailors who signed a repeat (second) contract after the beginning of 2005.

Interestingly, the right to join this funded system is given regardless of the housing situation. That is, if a military family does not have an apartment or each family member owns personal property, this does not affect the criteria and conditions in any way.

Mandatory NIS participants receive a notification that they are included in the register, and an account has been opened for them to accumulate funds.

Those who wish to voluntarily participate in the “military mortgage” submit documents to the housing department, and not to the unit commander. This change came into force in 2013. The documents are transferred to the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, then to Rosvoenipoteka. And in the final instance they draw up the paper in the form of a certificate. This certificate confirms participation in the program and the right to receive a housing loan.

From the day the registration is submitted, the countdown for transferring money begins. By law, transfers take no longer than 10 days.

Then the military man has six months to choose an apartment. Of course, more savvy people, as a rule, have already looked at several options even before applying for registration. This is important for achieving the goal, because if you do not find the necessary living space, the certificate will be lost. After 6 months, you must re-apply for registration.

Detailed structured plan for the mortgage procedure

Let us consider in detail all stages of providing a military mortgage.

Registration and receipt of a certificate confirming the right to a housing loan

The action has been previously described in detail. It is important to remember that the time to purchase is less than six months. This is a strict limitation. It must be adhered to when planning all actions to organize a mortgage.

Selection of housing

In 2019, finding an apartment with conditions for a military mortgage is feasible in most regions of Russia. It is wiser to seek help from accredited realtors.

It is important to know that the most profitable choice is new buildings provided by the developer.

For some intelligence services the information is not open.

How can you combine military spouse mortgages?

Since 2016, it has been officially allowed to pool funds from the NIS between spouses. This change in the law came into force in mid-2016. It was given the name “Military Mortgage +”.

Video consultation on obtaining a military mortgage

The video explains in a clear and concise manner the procedure for military personnel to obtain housing with a mortgage.

As you know, the process of purchasing an apartment is more complicated than going to the store for household purchases. Registration of housing takes time and buying a home with a military mortgage- not an exception.

We will answer frequently asked questions about the timing: what are the stages, duration and what it depends on.

How long do you need to serve to become a member of the NIS?

To buy real estate with a military mortgage, you need to become a participant in the savings-mortgage system. Are they included in the register automatically or do they need to submit a report on entry: depends on the start date of service and rank.

Officers do not have a threshold for the number of years of service, warrant officers and midshipmen are included automatically after 3 years, privates and non-commissioned officers can become participants voluntarily, also after 3 years of service.

Conditions change every year. We consider in detail the current categories of military personnel for participation in the NIS in the article “Military mortgage: conditions in 2017”.

How many years does it take to get a military mortgage?

After submitting a report to your superiors about joining the NIS or automatic inclusion, the countdown of the date of participation begins and savings are formed on the serviceman’s personal account. Minimum 3 years later You can take advantage of your participation by taking out a military mortgage, and use the money as a down payment.

How long can you avoid taking out a military mortgage?

An NIS participant is not required to use savings after 3 years. You can buy an apartment with a military mortgage at any time. The main thing to know is that for each age of the military personnel the bank sets a maximum loan amount: the older the buyer, the less it is.

How long does it take to obtain a military mortgage?

When a serviceman decides to use his savings to buy a home, he issues an NIS Certificate. The paper is valid for 6 months and will appear in your hands within a month of submitting your application. That is, over the next 5 months, the foreigner must have time to choose housing, a bank and go through the entire registration procedure. The deadline has expired - the certificate is taken again.

How many years is a military mortgage valid for?

The number of years depends on the age at which the student takes out a mortgage loan. Banks expect full repayment to occur before age 45. Accordingly, if you subtract your age from 45, you will find out the maximum term of a military mortgage.

How many years does it take for a military man to get an apartment?

It is important to realize that a serviceman does not receive an apartment, but buys it. While he serves, funds are taken from a personal savings account. It can be understood this way: savings funds are an additional “reward” from the state for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Under the terms of the program, the apartment (house, townhouse) becomes the property of the serviceman after the mortgage debt is fully repaid.

The repayment time depends on the chosen path:

  1. This can happen naturally: the mortgage serves and the mortgage is paid according to the plan from NIS funds until the debt is completely paid off;
  2. It is more profitable to pay off your mortgage early using maternity capital or personal funds. This can be done at any time. If the service is not completed, the money will continue to flow into your personal savings account and you can re-apply for a military mortgage.

But if a military serviceman resigns of his own free will or for poor performance of work duties, the debt passes to him, moreover, the serviceman must fully repay the funds used from the NIS. Therefore, be careful, before leaving, think about how to pay the cost of the apartment - this issue will become a significant factor when making the decision to leave.

How to buy an apartment for military personnel in new buildings and on the secondary market? What are the conditions for buying and selling an apartment with a military mortgage? Who will help you obtain and apply for a mortgage loan?

Hello, dear visitors and readers of the HeatherBeaver magazine! Denis Kuderin is in touch.

The topic of the new publication is buying an apartment with a military mortgage. The material will be of interest to military personnel, members of their families, as well as anyone who wants to improve their level of legal and financial literacy.

So let's get started!

1. Buying and selling an apartment using a military mortgage - how the savings mortgage system works

Providing military personnel with adequate housing is a pressing problem for Russia. Whether officers who have served the state for decades have a spacious apartment for the whole family is a matter of state prestige.

Just ten years ago, military personnel had only two options for solving the housing problem - years (or even decades) of waiting in the general queue or purchasing real estate with their own money.

Fortunately, in 2005 a new option appeared - Military Mortgage (MI). A fundamentally new mechanism for purchasing housing allows military personnel to obtain an apartment within 3 years after participating in a special federal program.

How does the savings mortgage system work?

The program was called the “Savings-Mortgage System” (NIS). Each participant in this system receives the right to purchase housing under the VI in any region of the Russian Federation.

The system works quite simply:

  • a certain amount of money is regularly transferred to the project participant’s personal account (payments are the same for all military personnel and are indexed every year);
  • 3 years (36 months) after participating in the project, the military has the right to use the accumulated funds to pay off the initial payment for housing on a mortgage loan;
  • The purchase of an apartment on credit is processed through the bank - the Ministry of Defense pays for the mortgage within a specified period, and the borrower receives ownership of a full-fledged residential property.

You can take your time buying an apartment if a military man doesn’t have any special problems with housing, but buy a house or a new apartment after retiring at 45 years old. In this case, there will be enough money for a one-time purchase without taking out a mortgage.

True, the transaction will still have to be processed through a bank or intermediary organization, since “real” money is not issued in person. If an object costs more than what has accumulated in the account for 20 years of impeccable service, the military man has the right to add his own savings.

Thus, an NIS participant can use the funds accumulated in the account at the moment when it is relevant for him. The only condition is a three-year period of participation in the program.


Colonel Petrov participated in the NIS for 5 years, after which he started a family and a child. There was an urgent need for more spacious living space. The officer decided to exercise his right to a military mortgage and found a developer willing to sell him an apartment worth 2,000,000 rubles.

Petrov turned to Sberbank, which agreed to issue funds for a military mortgage. The Ministry of Defense (or rather the responsible division of this structure) transferred the funds accumulated over the officer’s 5 years of service to a bank account, paying off the initial payment. The serviceman moved into the apartment and became its legal owner.

An important nuance: the state remains the mortgagee of the property until the mortgage is paid in full. If for some reason the borrower decides to resign from the armed forces, he will have to pay the remainder of the debt himself.

Pros and features of a military mortgage

Now about the advantages and features of VI:

  • the loan is repaid not by the borrower, but by the state;
  • You can purchase real estate both at the place of service and in any other region of Russia;
  • with NIS funds, an employee has the right to buy a house, cottage, townhouse and other types of full-fledged residential properties;
  • the maximum size of a military mortgage loan in the current year is 2,4 million rubles;
  • a serviceman gets the opportunity to purchase housing at the very beginning of his career;
  • Having personal living space at the time of joining the program is not an obstacle to purchasing another apartment.

The program participant finds the developer (seller) of the apartment independently. The borrower is also interested in obtaining a loan on the most favorable terms, since responsibility for payments upon early dismissal from the army will pass to him.

Responsibility for the legal purity of the transaction and transactions with the finances of military personnel is carried out by the body representing the Ministry of Defense - the Federal State Treasury Administration "Rosvoenipoteka". This structure is simultaneously engaged in the trust management of budget funds, investing them in profitable government projects.

Read more about how it works in a separate blog article.

2. Who can buy an apartment with a military mortgage?

All officers who have entered into service contracts since 01/01/2005 are automatically eligible to participate in the program. Military personnel in this category can use the accumulated funds within a regulated time frame or ignore this opportunity.

The following have the right to voluntary membership in NIS:

  1. Midshipmen and warrant officers, employees under contract for more than 36 months from 01/01/05.
  2. Sergeants, petty officers, privates and sailors who entered into contracts no earlier than 01/01/05.
  3. Graduates of military universities who transferred to contract service earlier than 01/01/05.

To participate in the program, the persons mentioned above must submit a report to one of the branches of Rosvoenipoteka and declare their desire to become a member of the NIS. After considering the request, the department makes a decision and informs the serviceman about it.

Employees of Rosvoenipoteka branches advise program participants by phone and online on their official website. The institution conducts educational work among the military and issues targeted housing loans to everyone who has a legal right to do so.

3. How to buy an apartment with a mortgage for military personnel - action plan

Let's move on to the practical part. What should a person do if he decides to exercise his right to buy an apartment under the VI? Where should he go? What documents are needed? How to speed up the process of purchasing a home?

The algorithm of actions looks simple if you study it in advance. In addition, military personnel have 2 ways to implement their plans - to act independently or with professional help.

I’ll tell you later about how to buy an apartment via VI through intermediary companies. This section contains detailed instructions for those who decide to do it on their own.

Step 1. Participation in the savings system

Let's start with the main thing - you need to become a member of the NIS and remain a member for at least 36 months. As soon as this period expires, you have the right to express your desire to receive a loan.

How it's done? A serviceman writes a report addressed to the head of his unit. The report is sent to Rosvoenipoteka, the military man is waiting for its satisfaction.

The average waiting period is 2-3 months. If the answer is positive, the military man is issued a certificate of entitlement to issue a TsZHZ - a targeted loan for housing.

The document confirming the right to a loan is valid for six months from the date of issue. That is, during this period the serviceman is obliged to find an apartment, a bank that will issue a loan, and complete the transaction.

Please note that all stages of purchasing an apartment using VI (if you have chosen the independent route) are carried out personally by the program participant, with the exception of transactions related to money transfers.

Step 2. Apartment search

With the certificate in hand, it’s time to start looking for an apartment. An increasing number of military personnel are choosing to purchase living space in new buildings or houses under construction using VI.

In theory, this is the safest and most reliable way to purchase a home. In practice, everything depends on the developer. Everyone knows of cases when construction “freezes” almost at the final stage and residents wait for months or years for the house to be delivered.

The military is not immune from such situations. To avoid them, I advise you to act through a professional agency for the selection and registration of housing for military personnel.

Advantages of buying apartments in new ready-made buildings:

  • the housing is vacant, no one is registered in the apartments;
  • the living space is not burdened with debts for housing and communal services and services of energy companies;
  • The “history” of the apartment is completely transparent - you will be its first owner.

When choosing an object, do not forget that the loan amount has limits. If the living space costs more than 2.4 million, Rosvoenipoteka has the right to refuse to repay the loan in full and, most likely, it will do just that. You will have to pay the difference out of your own pocket.

It is worth remembering the requirements put forward by Rosvoenipoteka and banks for apartments. Real estate should not be in disrepair or dilapidated condition and should be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Step 3. Finding a bank to take out a loan

The list of banks that agree to work with VI is quite extensive. Almost all major financial companies in Russia and several regional banks are members.

Personally, I recommend choosing a lending institution with which you already have an account. Many military personnel choose Sberbank out of habit, but those who have already used the services of this company to purchase an apartment via VI note the low speed of service and high requirements for real estate.

TOP 5 banks offering mortgage lending services to the military:

  1. Svyaz-Bank.
  2. VTB 24.
  3. Mosoblbank.
  4. Gazprombank.
  5. AK Bars Bank.

The procedure for obtaining consent for a loan in all organizations is similar, as are the requirements for documents. You will need a passport, a certificate of loan rights, and papers for an apartment.

If the bank makes a positive decision on your request for a loan, then the next step is to contact Rosvoenipoteka with an application for issuing a CZL.

Step 4.

The targeted loan agreement is signed by employees of the Federal State Institution Rosvoenipoteka after checking the documents you provided from the bank and personal documents proving your identity and right to participate in the NIS.

The decision on the transfer of funds is made within 10 days. If all documents are genuine and the apartment meets the established requirements, assets from the military personnel savings account are transferred to a bank account as a down payment on a mortgage loan.

The agreement on the issuance of the CLP is transferred to the bank. To speed up the process, you can transfer the contract yourself, since through government channels it takes about 14 days to reach its destination.

Step 5. Registration of apartment ownership

The apartment becomes your property only after the bank pays the due amount to the developer or seller.

Only after all the above procedures do you have the right to sign a purchase/sale agreement and carry out state registration of the property.

At this stage, you need to insure the apartment with an insurance company. Usually a comprehensive contract is signed, under which the life and ability to work of the owner and the apartment itself are insured.

The borrower receives the long-awaited keys and can celebrate a housewarming party in the new apartment. True, in fact he is not a full-fledged owner of the property. His apartment is double-collateralized - by the bank that issued the loan and by the state.

For clarity, the scheme of actions when buying an apartment using VI is also presented in the form of a table:

Steps Necessary actions What you should pay attention to
1 Participation in NIS Applying for NIS membership or automatic participationThe sooner you submit your application, the sooner you will be eligible for a loan.
2 Choosing an apartment Choosing housing in a new building or on the secondary marketIt is possible to contact the developer directly
3 Bank selection Contacting a bank (almost all major banks in the Russian Federation work with VI)We recommend working with top banks
4 Obtaining a life certificate Submitting documents to Rosvoenipoteka to obtain a CZLVerifying documents and transferring a loan certificate to the bank takes time
5 Registration of apartment ownership The apartment is insured and registered in the name of the borrowerThe property remains double-collateralized by the state and the bank

4. Which apartment to choose - military mortgage for new buildings and secondary housing

The apartment is chosen directly by the NIS participant. According to VI, military personnel cannot afford too expensive real estate, even if they have the highest rank in the army. True, everyone has the right to invest personal or family savings in the purchase, so in theory there are no restrictions on the area and status of the object.

Buying an apartment in a new building is easier and faster. Now you can purchase real estate at any stage of construction, and the developers themselves offer NIS participants exclusive and favorable conditions.

According to real estate agencies working with military mortgages, the most popular type of housing among military personnel is a 2-room apartment with finishing in a new building at the initial or middle stage of construction.

The VI program also extends to the secondary market. But in this case, the apartment must clearly comply with the standards of the financial institution that issues the loan. These standards are established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The parameters of the apartment, sanitary standards and other indicators are taken into account.

5. FAQ – Answers to frequently asked questions

Even the military themselves are not always aware of how the NIS operates and what pitfalls the military mortgage program has. This section contains answers to the most popular questions regarding the purchase of an apartment by participants in the savings system.

Is it possible to get a tax deduction for an apartment purchased with a mortgage?

Only those military personnel who also used personal savings to purchase housing under the VI can claim a tax deduction. To receive a tax deduction, you need, as in the usual case, to submit this request to the tax service of the Russian Federation.

NIS participants who bought an apartment exclusively with funds from the federal budget cannot receive any property deduction, since state money is not subject to personal income tax.

Is it possible to sell an apartment purchased under VI?

The NIS participant receives the right to manipulate the apartment only after the state has completely repaid the mortgage. If a military man leaves the army early and pays off the debt himself, he also gets the opportunity to sell, donate an apartment and pass it on by inheritance.

Before this, the military man and his family members can only live in the purchased apartment and make repairs to it. In an ideal situation, the debt becomes due at age 45, when the service member retires. After paying off the mortgage, the apartment becomes full ownership - now it can be sold, exchanged, or given as collateral.

Is it possible to rent out a property purchased with a mortgage?

Most military personnel are law-abiding and loyal citizens who strictly follow service instructions and rules. But for some reason, many of them believe that renting out living space is a kind of entrepreneurial activity, which is prohibited from being carried out with property pledged to the state.

The opinion is erroneous, since leasing does not relate to entrepreneurship. Even the limited property rights that a property owner has fully allow him to rent out an apartment purchased under VI for temporary use, if a full-fledged and legal agreement is drawn up.

You only need to pay the state the required 13% of the monthly rent and you can safely receive additional passive income.

Divorce of spouses involves the division of jointly acquired property and, first of all, of course, real estate. However, the division of an apartment purchased by NIS participants is not subject to civil law.

Such cases are considered by the army court. The decision on the division of property is made based on the particular circumstances of the divorce case. A marriage contract, which Rosvoenipoteka employees advise all military personnel who have taken out a housing loan, will help to avoid conflict situations.

With the adoption in 2004 of the state program for providing military housing, it acquired the character of a savings-mortgage system. Until this time, the state provided housing to military personnel under the previous program, which made it possible to provide apartments for no more than a thousand applicants per square meter per year.

Features of a military mortgage

The so-called mechanism, like, boils down to the need to have a length of service of at least 20 calendar years. After this, the NIS participant has the opportunity to use the accumulated funds at his own discretion.

Military mortgage for housing for military personnel - budgetary housing programs are provided by the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Defense. Funds from a personal account can be used not only to pay for the purchase of a home, but also to repay an existing mortgage loan, or to pay a contribution when participating in shared construction. for each will be individual due to different periods of service.

The program is regulated by Federal Law No. 214-FZ of December 30, 2004 “On participation in shared-equity construction of apartment buildings and other real estate and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.”

At the same time, military personnel are not limited by any conditions in choosing the location and area of ​​​​future real estate. In addition, the program in which the NIS participant resides does not contradict each other.

The amount of the annual subsidy received by the specified account of the participant in the military mortgage program is determined by the relevant budget law and is indexed each year for inflation.

How to use personal account funds

In order to use the accumulated funds for their intended purpose, those military personnel who are entitled to housing under a military mortgage independently select suitable real estate and a bank that has the right to provide a loan for military personnel under a military mortgage.

After completing the necessary documents and concluding an agreement between the seller and the creditor bank, the entire package of documents is transferred to the Ministry of Defense - Rosvoenipotek. It, in turn, is engaged in transferring the necessary funds to the credit institution.

It is also necessary to take into account that the amount of the TLC is established, which in practice does not exceed 2.3 million rubles.

Based on the fact that, in fact, in terms of the quantity and pace of housing construction, real estate prices here significantly exceed the size of the housing estate. Therefore, an NIS participant wishing to purchase living space in the capital itself or the Moscow region will need to use additional funds - their own or borrowed funds.

In addition, the military profession is often associated with dangerous activities and risks. Therefore, an important condition and the main difference between a military mortgage and a regular civil one is the mandatory conclusion of an agreement.

What categories are housing eligible for?

  • Mandatory - warrant officers and officers who entered into their first contract for service in the Armed Forces after January 1, 2005;
  • Possible ones include:
  • - officers in the reserve who served voluntarily or by conscription with the conclusion of the first contract after January 1, 2005;
  • - Midshipmen and warrant officers whose contract service period as of January 1, 2005 is already three years or more;
  • - Soldiers, sailors, foremen and sergeants who have a second contract in their hands after January 1, 2005;
  • - graduates of universities with military specialties who, after training, signed a contract for service until January 1, 2005.

Persons belonging to the second category of NIS participants can join the program only by expressing their own desire.

For example, military is available after 3 years of contract service. This right is enshrined in the Federal Law 117 program: “for warrant officers and midshipmen, the total duration of military service under the contract of which will be three years starting from January 1, 2005, if they entered into the first contract for military service before January 1, 2005, - a written application about their inclusion in the register of participants;”.

The possibility of compulsory participation in the housing program for graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions raises questions. For example, graduates of which are available on the general basis specified in Federal Law 117. The law speaks only about graduates of higher military institutions, and participation in the NIS is available to sergeants only after the second contact.

It is worth noting that not only military personnel can participate in the savings-mortgage system, but also housing on a military mortgage is also available to representatives of other law enforcement agencies where military service is provided. For example,

  • Russia (paramilitary rescue forces),
Procedure for processing documents

There is a worked out program for inclusion in the register of participants.

To become a member of the NIS and receive contributions to the account, a serviceman of the corresponding category is required to submit a report addressed to the unit commander.

Next, a note about the submission of the report is entered into the official document log, after consideration of which, a list of applicants for participation in the NIS is compiled. A consolidated list of selected program participants is formed at a higher management body and sent for final approval to the Ministry of Defense.

Each participant in the program receives a personal and registered savings account where cash receipts will be credited.

Necessary documents for a housing purchase transaction:

  • original and copy of the transaction participant’s passport;
  • original and copy of the certificate of entitlement to receive a targeted housing loan;
  • a copy of the marriage/divorce certificate;
  • notarized consent of the spouse to purchase living space on loan terms and subsequently pledge it;
  • application for a targeted loan.
Terms of use of NIS funds

Targeted use of funds is possible under the following conditions:

  • the total period of military service is twenty years or more;
  • - dismissal of a serviceman who has served for more than ten years:
  • - has reached the age limit for serving in the Armed Forces;
  • - in connection with the planned reduction in the number of staff by reduction;
  • - in connection with death or recognition as missing;
  • dismissal due to recognition of the serviceman’s unfitness for military service based on the conclusion of the relevant Military Military Commission;

In the latter case, repayment of the housing loan does not occur at the expense of family members, but is carried out by the authorized federal district at the expense of the state’s obligations to the program participant.

Rights of a participant in the savings-mortgage system

After three years from the date of signing the contract for military service, the NIS participant gets the opportunity to manage the accumulated funds.

They can be used to purchase and register ownership of housing using a mortgage loan or other targeted loan.

Also, the accumulated funds can be used to improve housing conditions or purchase housing according to the usual purchase and sale scheme without the use of borrowed funds.

Another right of an NIS participant is that it is possible. That is, according to the Tax Code, a deduction of 13% is possible for the amount of additional funds used when purchasing living space.

Regarding the use of additional funds, you can also use borrowed funds. That is, to answer the question that arises, should you formalize it? The answer will be clear that this is not prohibited by law.

The rights of an NIS participant may also be affected? This option for dividing property acquired with the funds of the NIS participant’s CLP is not provided. The main reason is that the living space is under double collateral: the bank and the military department.

And finally, military personnel who bought an apartment with a military mortgage in another city, and which now sits empty, are asking themselves the question - what was purchased? In this situation, the living space will be the subject of collateral and therefore all rental issues must be resolved with the creditor bank, unless such conditions are directly prohibited in the housing loan agreement.

If at the time of joining the program the participant already has a mortgage “civil” loan, then the funds received can be used to repay it.

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