World Chocolate Day July 11th. World Chocolate Day

Chocolate is a favorite treat for those with a sweet tooth. I really love dark chocolate. My granddaughter prefers milk.

On July 11, humanity celebrates World Chocolate Day. The sweetest, most delicious and favorite holiday of many people. Today we’ll talk about the history of the holiday. Where did he come to us from, when and why.

World Chocolate Day: history of the holiday

The holiday is relatively young. For the first time, the French were the initiators of chocolate day. The first Chocolate Day was celebrated in 1995 on July 11th. Why this date was chosen is unknown.

The Americans also liked the idea of ​​the holiday. They began to celebrate chocolate day on October 28 and July 7.

Chocolate Day is an open-door holiday for many confectionery factories around the world. Guests can not only watch how cocoa powder, milk and various additives are used to create a delicious treat - a chocolate bar, but also taste it and take part in its production.

There are chocolate museums in Russia, and in Pokrov there is even a monument to a sweet chocolate bar.

In these cities, the holiday is celebrated on a large scale and joyfully. Competitions, fairs, and master classes are held for children and adults.

Interestingly, adult Russians eat up to 5 kg of chocolate per year. A lot of? In America there is even more - up to 13 kg.

History of chocolate

Why did chocolate become so popular and there was even a holiday dedicated to it - Chocolate Day?

Cocoa plantations appeared in the 6th century in what is now Mexico. The Mayans considered chocolate to be the food of the gods. A drink made from a sacred plant was considered medicinal. The Aztecs, who conquered these lands, also believed in the miraculous power of the divine drink. The legendary Montezuma, their leader, could drink up to fifty cups of the bitter delicacy a day.

Cortes, who landed on the shores of Mexico in the 16th century, appreciated the drink.

The Spaniards came up with the idea of ​​adding sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the drink, thereby giving the drink an interesting taste and making it not so bitter.

The drink began to be called “Black Gold”. Only noble people could afford such a delicacy. For a long time, the recipe for making chocolate was kept secret. But still, the smugglers managed to transfer the recipe to Italy. From there it went to Austria, Switzerland and Germany.

Anna of Austria made a certain contribution to the spread of chocolate. Arriving in France as the wife of Louis VIII, she brought several boxes of cocoa beans. Noble chocolatiers managed to prepare a divine drink that the king and courtiers liked. And chocolate became very popular in France.

It was in France that more than 500 chocolate cafes opened. Chocolatiers came up with their own original recipes for making chocolate.

In the 18th century, the British were the first to add milk to chocolate. It was a real revolution of taste!

In Belgium, pharmacists began to brew chocolate as a medicine, adding essential oils, medicinal herbs and flower petals to it.

The British produced the first solid chocolate bar in the mid-19th century.

In 1875, milk chocolate began to be prepared in Switzerland. And in 1930, white chocolate appeared.

For a long time, chocolate was inaccessible to the common people and was considered a delicacy of the bourgeoisie.

The domestic production of chocolate in the USSR was established by the merchant Abrikosov. His factory produced candies in the form of funny animal figures and Santa Clauses.

In 1965, everyone’s favorite “Alenka” appeared. Now this chocolate is produced by more than 15 confectionery factories.

Various ingredients are used to make chocolate: nuts, raisins, milk powder, cream, wafers.

July 11 World Chocolate Day: traditions

How is Chocolate Day celebrated?

On this day, confectionery factories hold an open day, where guests can see how a chocolate bar is made and what chocolate is made from. You can taste chocolate and also take part in the preparation of delicious desserts.

Fairs and master classes for children are organized.

Congratulate your friends and family on this delicious sweet holiday. Make or give a bar of your children's favorite chocolate.

If you have the opportunity, you can go to the chocolate museum.

Cartoon about chocolate from fixies

Congratulations to all readers of my blog on this delicious and sweet holiday - chocolate day. May everything be covered in chocolate!

Best regards, Olga.

The French, connoisseurs of romance and love pleasures, could not ignore such a wonderful thing as chocolate. In 1995, for the first time in the world, they celebrated Chocolate Day.

The good tradition was picked up by other countries, and now it is cheerfully celebrated in Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and other countries - within the European Union and beyond its borders. Russia is no exception - many large cities host festivals, competitions and other events on July 11th.

According to scientists, chocolate came to us from the ancient Aztecs - it was there that the Spanish conquistadors tried it and subsequently brought it to Europe. For a time, only aristocrats could afford such a delicacy, but at the beginning of the 20th century everything changed - the era of industrial production began.

Interestingly, chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac. There is no strict scientific data about this, but it has been proven that its use causes psychological relaxation and rest. And dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins, hormones of happiness and good mood, into the blood.

The most delicious and desirable
The sweetest, long-awaited,
White, bitter and milky,
Chocolate - that's for sure.

I wish that everyone
There was joy and success
And not just cool, smooth,
And magical, chocolatey.

Today is the sweetest day in the world,
There are no barriers and no boundaries for him,
The planet celebrates Chocolate Day,
There are no sad faces anywhere.

Milky, black, bitter, white -
Generously distributes hormones of happiness,
May your chocolate day be fun
Bring love and joy to the world.

Happy World Chocolate Day. Let life flow like a chocolate river and delight you with sweet moments. I wish that the incredible sweetness called chocolate always lifts your spirits and inspires you to success!

World Chocolate Festival
We need to celebrate with you!
When will we still love
Pamper yourself?
But there’s no glass of wine on holiday,
And drink the chocolate to the bottom!
Have a sweet snack too
And fragrant chocolate!
And catch the wish:
How do you live in chocolate?

Congratulations on chocolate day,
I wish you a sweet life,
Various flavors and fillings
In the morning, at lunchtime, in the evenings.

Let the wonderful dessert please you,
And it gives only positivity,
“Vivat” we will say to chocolate,
And no alternatives.

Today is a holiday for those with a sweet tooth -
Chocolate, delicious day,
Joy, fun, happiness,
Best wishes to everyone.

Let it sing out of sweetness,
Festive, easy life,
Let your eyes shine
Sweet life, like in a fairy tale.

I congratulate everyone with a sweet tooth,
I wish you, as well as myself,
There are many tons of sweet life,
Happiness delicious carriage.

Let chocolate bring joy,
Drives away fatigue.
I want to enjoy them
And not get better at all.

Eternal sweetness, yum-yum,
I wish you today!
It's time to settle everything,
Let everything be in chocolate,
Let the sweet life come
But the work can wait!

Today is the sweetest
And the most delicious day.
I'm celebrating chocolate
I'm not too lazy to congratulate you.

I wish you to enjoy
Your favorite delicacy,
Refined, alluring,
So unique.

In moments of pain, stress
It is like a reward.
I wish you to live
Only “in chocolate”.

Congratulations to all those with a sweet tooth
Happy chocolate Day! May it always
“Vanillas” surround you,
Walnut, nutmeg and a sea of ​​all kinds of “goodness”.

Let everything be successful, smooth,
Let all sorts of matters be resolved easily.
In short, let everything be chocolate
And always very sweet!

Every year on July 11, lovers of sweets celebrate World Chocolate Day. This delicious holiday was invented and first held by the French in 1995. It is believed that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. They called it "food of the gods."

The Spanish conquistadors, who first brought it to Europe, dubbed the delicacy “black gold” and used it to strengthen physical strength and endurance. Somewhat later, chocolate consumption in Europe was limited only to aristocratic circles.

Prominent women considered chocolate an aphrodisiac. Thus, Mother Teresa had a passion for chocolate, and Madame Pompadour was sure that only chocolate could ignite the fire of passion. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the advent of industrial production, that people outside the aristocracy could enjoy chocolate.

World Chocolate Day: the benefits of chocolate

As established by modern science, chocolate contains elements that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - happiness hormones that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone. There is also a hypothesis according to which chocolate has an “anti-cancer” effect and can slow down the aging process. But what scientists are unanimous about is denying the ability of chocolate to reduce body weight!

After all, it is well known that chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories. However, they do not argue that this delicacy can improve the mood of the majority of the world's population. On Chocolate Day itself, festivals and other events dedicated to this sweet holiday are held in different countries. It is especially interesting to visit factories, plants or confectionery shops on this day that produce chocolate and its derivatives. It is here that everyone is told how and what chocolate is made from, all sorts of competitions and tastings are held, exhibitions of chocolate works and even master classes where you can try yourself as a chocolatier.

World Chocolate Day: Interesting facts about chocolate

There are at least 4 Chocolate Days - July 11, June 9, September 2 and 13.
The first chocolate bar in the world was produced by the English factory Cadbury in 1842. Chocolate from the same chocolate factory is considered the most valuable in the world. It belonged to explorer Robert Scott and was with him during his first expedition to Antarctica. In 2001, it was sold at auction in London for $687.

Most chocolate is eaten in Switzerland. Each resident of this country eats an average of 11.8 kg of chocolate per year. But the Americans ended up in 15th place with 5.4 kg per year per person.
In the Mayan civilization, cocoa beans were the main trading currency. For example, a slave could be bought for 100 beans, and a turkey for 20.
Eating chocolate was previously condemned by the Catholic Church. The effect of chocolate was seen as witchcraft, and everyone who consumed it was called heretics and blasphemers.
If a person wants to benefit from chocolate, it is better to consume only dark chocolate, which contains at least 70% cocoa. It has been proven that it improves vision in weather conditions, reaction speed, reduces the risk of heart attack in men by 17%, and also improves brain function. In addition, people who regularly consume chocolate have a 37% reduced risk of heart disease.
Chocolate is better than kisses. Melting it in the mouth gives a person a longer lasting feeling of euphoria.
According to Italian researchers, women who regularly consume chocolate have a better sex life and experience more desire and satisfaction.
The largest chocolate bar was made in the UK at the Thorntons factory. Its weight is 5.8 tons.
Cocoa beans were one of the first goods brought to Spain by Christopher Columbus in the 16th century.
In nature, cocoa beans have 300 flavors and 400 aromas.
About 20% of all peanuts and 40% of all almonds in the world are supplied for chocolate products.
Cocoa trees live for about 200 years, but bear fruit for only 25 years.
The word “chocolate” from the Aztec language – Nahuatl – comes from the word “xocolātl” and means “bitter water”
Dark chocolate is great for high blood pressure, but if you immediately drink it with milk, all the beneficial properties will disappear.

World Chocolate Day is a holiday dedicated to the favorite delicacy of many people. Those with a sweet tooth and those whose occupation is related to the production or sale of chocolate take part in the celebrations.

In Russia in 2020, World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 11 and is held unofficially 26 times.

For the holiday, festivals, fairs, and master classes on chocolate making are held.

Holiday traditions

On this day, competitions, festivals, promotions and exhibitions of chocolate creations are held, preparations for which begin 3-5 months before the date of the holiday. Factories and factories for the production of sweets organize excursions and tastings. Anyone can try themselves as a chocolatier. Chocolate manufacturers organize promotions and provide customers with discounts on their products. Fans of this delicacy buy chocolate figurines and souvenirs.

There are chocolate museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Pokrov. Every year on July 11, they organize mass celebrations and fairs where various chocolate products are presented. Among them you can even see sweet clothes and household items.

Daily task

Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite treat on this day. Treat yourself and your loved ones to a chocolate dessert.


“Congratulations to all chocolate lovers. Happy holiday, dear sweet tooth! We wish you to try as much chocolate variety as possible from various craftsmen of this noble product and get true and unforgettable pleasure from these glorious delicacies.”

“Happy Chocolate Day! Yes, this is a very unusual occasion for a celebration, but chocolate deserves it! Not only is it incredibly delicious, but it also lifts your spirits! I wish you to please yourself more often with it, the best, melting in your mouth, and to rejoice even when chocolate is not at hand, because life is so good!

“Happy World Chocolate Day! On this holiday of all the sweet tooth of the planet, I wish you a chocolate mood, sweet life, delicious gifts and a number of irreplaceable friends who are always ready to bring your favorite candies or help destroy them in a cheerful company!


Chocolate souvenir. This chocolate figurine will be an excellent gift for a sweet tooth. You can present a romantic person with a heart or a cute animal made of chocolate. A product in the shape of a motorcycle, car or wrench will serve as a courageous present.

Fondue set. The fondue set will allow you to enjoy your favorite delicacy in melted form, combine it with fruit or marshmallows.

Chocolate bouquet. A bouquet of chocolates will be an unusual and original surprise for a sweet tooth.

Master Class. A certificate for a master class on making chocolates will serve as an interesting gift that will allow you to spend time usefully and with pleasure.


Wrap up some candy
Participants in the competition are given chocolates or dragees and pieces of foil. At the command of the presenter, the contestants begin to wrap the candies. After the time has passed, participants count how many candies they managed to wrap. The one with the most finished products in his account wins.

Chocolate basketball
Participants in the competition are given the same number of chocolates; glasses or baskets are placed at a distance. Players take turns trying to throw candies into containers. The one with the most successful hits wins. If several participants have the same number of points, then an additional round is held.

Chocolate balance
Two teams with the same number of participants take part in the competition. The presenter marks the start and finish, and gives each team a chocolate bar. Participants take turns carrying a chocolate bar on their heads from start to finish, return back and pass the baton to the next team member. If a player drops a tile, he returns to the start and begins the task again. The team that manages to complete the task faster wins.

  • The Aztecs came up with the recipe for making chocolate. They called it "food of the Gods." It came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquistadors. They called it “black gold” and used it to improve health and increase stamina.
  • In Europe, until the 20th century, chocolate was considered a delicacy. It was available only to selected members of the aristocracy.
  • Chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac. It increases sexual energy.
  • The world's first monument to chocolate was erected in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir region, in 2009.
  • The most chocolate country in the world is Belgium. 170 thousand tons of this delicacy are produced here annually.
  • Scientists have found that dark varieties of chocolate can stimulate the synthesis of endorphins or “happiness hormones.” These substances affect the pleasure center in the brain, which improves mood and increases body tone.

This holiday in other countries

As in Russia, World Chocolate Day takes place on July 11 in many countries around the world and has its own traditions.

In Germany, in the European Park, which is located 45 kilometers from Baden-Baden, the entire country of Chocolateland was built. On World Chocolate Day, festivals, exhibitions and attractions are held here, attracting tourists from all over Germany and Europe.

In Switzerland, on this day, a “chocolate” train is launched, which takes tourists to chocolate factories.

In Iceland there is a tradition of lighting ritual bonfires. This is how the descendants of the Vikings pay tribute to their favorite delicacy.

On September 13, a similar celebration takes place in Russia and many countries around the world - International Chocolate Day.

In the United States, there are several holidays dedicated to this delicacy. On October 28 and September 13, people in the United States celebrate National Chocolate Days. January 10th is Dark Chocolate Day. February 28th is Chocolate Soufflé Day, and May 2nd is Chocolate Mousse Day. June 22 is Chocolate Eclair Day. On October 18, chocolate cupcakes are celebrated.

July 11th is World Chocolate Day. The Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate, calling it “food of the gods.” The Spanish conquistadors dubbed the delicacy “black gold” and ate them to strengthen their stamina. In the Middle Ages, chocolate consumption in Europe was limited to aristocrats.

Today, July 11, all sweet tooths celebrate a delicious holiday - World Chocolate Day.

This holiday originated in France in 1995. Chocolate Day quickly gained popularity and was supported in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and, in particular, in Ukraine.

What are the benefits of chocolate?

Science has established the fact that chocolate contains elements that promote both relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate promote the release of endorphins - the so-called happiness hormones, which affect the pleasure centers, improving mood and maintaining body tone.

There is also a hypothesis that chocolate has an “anti-cancer” effect and can slow down the aging process.

At the same time, scientists unanimously state the fact that chocolate contributes to weight gain, but this is by no means a disadvantage. Chocolate is rich in nutrients, including fats, and therefore calories.

There is an opinion that the Aztecs were the first to learn how to make chocolate. The main raw material for chocolate production is cocoa beans.

Over the past few years, a number of global media outlets have reported that eating chocolate is good for the heart, helps prevent cancer and improves mood. There is a hypothesis that chocolate can slow down the aging process. But is this really so?

Ulyana Suprun on her page in Facebook told us what beneficial properties chocolate has, how to use it correctly and choose it. Suprun reported that dark chocolate with the maximum content of cocoa beans is the healthiest. If this delicacy does not contain sugar, then it has anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, antiallergic, and antihepatotoxic effects.

Milk chocolate with additives does not have any beneficial properties, but just the opposite, the expert wrote. Suprun also explained how chocolate is made:

Cocoa beans are fermented by bacteria and fungi - this is how their flavor is born. Hulled and dried cocoa beans, rich in polyphenolic compounds and oil. Then the cocoa beans are roasted, cleaned, and liquid cocoa is made from which the oil is squeezed out. Cocoa powder may vary in cocoa butter content depending on how it is pressed. Sometimes liquid cocoa is alkalized (the so-called Dutch process) - this makes it less sour. Chocolate is made from liquid cocoa or cocoa powder and cocoa butter and emulsifiers.

Benefits of dark chocolate:


Flavonols in cocoa and dark chocolate promote the formation of nitric oxide. This compound dilates blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. Thus, chocolate makes a significant contribution to preventing or inhibiting the progression of diseases associated with inflammation and slightly reduces blood pressure.

Antioxidant action

Cocoa and chocolate contain polyphenolic compounds that scavenge free radicals and inhibit enzymes involved in peroxidation. Simply put, these substances prevent our molecules from deteriorating from being bombarded with highly reactive compounds.

Cholesterol balance

In one experiment, after 7 days of eating dark chocolate, people's levels of "bad cholesterol" decreased by 6% and their "good cholesterol" levels increased by 9%. Similar results have been found in other studies, including among people with type 2 diabetes.

Blood supply to the brain

Cocoa and chocolate may be beneficial for patients with dementia, Alzheimer's disease and those who have suffered a stroke. These foods also improve brain function, alertness, and strengthen memory. If you don't get enough sleep, chocolate and cocoa will help you regain your strength.

Intestinal microflora

Cocoa polyphenols have fairly low bioavailability, so only a fraction of the substances consumed will pass from the intestines into the blood. However, the positive effects of cocoa and dark chocolate are quite obvious.

Skin photoprotection

Regular consumption of dark chocolate or cocoa reduces the appearance of redness, inflammation and free radical damage, and also improves blood circulation in the skin and collagen formation.

Suprun warned that children should not eat chocolate, because sweets are a threat to teeth and extra calories instead of a nutritious meal. But do not forget that flavonoids contained in cocoa beans have a beneficial effect on the state of the intestinal immune system and prevent food allergies.

Contrary to the myth that chocolate and citrus fruits cause allergies, this is not true. What is mistaken for an allergy in a child is atopic or systemic contact dermatitis. Food allergies manifest as abdominal pain, itchy mouth or diarrhea. Dermatitis is indeed often accompanied by food allergies, so sometimes they coincide. But the most common food allergens are dairy, nuts or eggs, not cocoa.