Task a6. A6

Task 6 (new) Unified State Exam - 2019

1. replacing incorrectly

used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

Athletes, in order to win a world record, have to train intensively not

one year.

2. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing


Russian literary language.

Some goods will rise in price by one and a half times or even more.

3. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing

wrong used word. Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern

Russian literary language.

Vasily Alekseevich did not catch stars from the sky, but he was still quite experienced in military affairs

a commander who went through a good school in the Seven Years' War.

4. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word

literary language.

Outside, autumn was crying with gray rain; the leaves, tearing off the damp branches, danced

your last waltz; all this sadness of nature, apparently, was transmitted to me: the mood

mine was major.

5. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

The air temperature in February was above normal, so primroses

bloomed earlier than usual.

6. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

In his dissertation, the young scientist presented the results of his research

new vaccine.

7. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding the extra word.

Write this word down.

The teacher gave us time during literature class to write an unfinished essay.

8. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

“Further joint cooperation between our countries will develop,” he said

meeting the president.

9. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

He was well versed in the subtle nuances of industrial construction.

10. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

The bus route has not changed since then.

11. Edit sentence: correct lexical error , excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

The industrial industry is developing more and more rapidly - our city is turning into

major economic center.

12. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

In such a favorable environment, various kinds of


13. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

Petka began to smartly tell out loud how he managed to catch a pike the size of him

14. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

Maxim had a presentiment in advance that the meeting would not bode well for him: it was very

his interlocutor looked aggressive.

15. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word.

Write this word down.

Gone are those sad times when the search for the right word was accompanied by a long

working with huge volumes of data and information.

16. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

One of the famous director's last films created mixed reactions


17. Edit the sentence: correct a lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

the most cherished dream is to win the championship in Olympic wrestling.

18.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

The number of ninth-graders wishing to go to Mikhailovskoye during the autumn holidays

progresses every day.

19.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

After a two-month visit to the Turkins’ house and a reverent courtship of Katenka

Startsev gave her his hand and his heart.

20.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

Creativity A. A series of lectures was dedicated to P. Chekhov, of which excerpts were read

from his creativity.

21.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

Bakhteev wanted to make amends for his responsibility with many years of faithful service

behind a rash act committed in youth.

22.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

The firm's legal adviser was instructed to express his response within two weeks.

on proposals for cooperation received from the Astarta concern.

23.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

Residents of a small Irkutsk village will remember this icy cold for a long time,

when the cold caused the tree trunks to crack.

24.Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, replacing incorrectly

used word . Write down the chosen word, observing the norms of modern Russian

literary language.

By Compared to the provinces, the capital region has a high level of economic

literacy of the population.

Unified State Examination in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 2014 TASK A 6 Replacing the attributive clause with a participial phrase https: //vk. com/samarus_rus

Formulation of task A 6 In which sentence the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

Replacement is possible: before replacement: [There are three main problems], (which determine the practical significance of the project). - NGN with a subordinate clause. after replacement: [There are three main problems that determine the practical significance of the project]. - a simple sentence complicated by a participial phrase.

Replacement is impossible: 1. The main sentence contains demonstrative pronouns (that, such...). We solved problems that may appear on the exam.

Replacement is impossible: 2. The conjunctive word WHICH is in the form of the indirect case (replacement is possible if “which” is in the form of I. p. or V. p. without a preposition). Often, allergic reactions occur to long-haired animals, which (T. p.), as a rule, are cats.

Substitution is not possible: 3. The pronoun WHICH is preceded by a preposition. In the distance one could see trees with leaves in full bloom.

Substitution is not possible: 4. The pronoun WHICH is preceded by another word, and a comma is placed before this word. For a long time, whales, which few had been able to observe before, were considered fish.

Substitution is not possible: 5. The predicate in the subordinate clause is a verb in the conditional mood or in the future tense. I saw a book that I would like to have in my library. We organized a holiday for children who will go to school in the fall.

Task No. 6 tests your knowledge of lexical norms of the Russian language. For correct completion of this step you will receive one point.

The task itself can be formulated in several ways:

1) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

2) Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error,  replacing  incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Note! You need to either DELETE the word or REPLACE it.

What violations of the lexical norm can be encountered in this task? (We are talking about SPEECH ERRORS that were intentionally made in this task.)

Violation of lexical compatibility.

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning; it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical compatibility, that is, them ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common speech error. For example, a similar error can be heard in the speech of sports commentators: Although in these competitions our favorite skaters were defeated, the audience greets them standing (but: they win, they lose).

Some words are often used in incorrect combinations:

meeting called

increase attention

give importance

improve your horizons

Speech redundancy.

Verbal redundancy is verbosity. Verbosity can manifest itself in various forms, for example, taking the form of pleonasm.

1) PLEONASM(from Greek pleonasmos - excess) The use of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary in speech is called:

the main point

everyday routine

dark darkness

Pleonasms often appear when synonyms are combined:

courageous and brave


nevertheless, however

for example

2) A type of pleonasm is TAUTOLOGY(from Greek tauto - the same, logos - word). Tautology can arise when repeating words with the same root:

tell a story

multiply many times

ask a question

resume again

and also when combining a foreign language and its duplicating meaning:

memorable souvenirs

debuted for the first time

Let's look at some speech errors.


The word “whisper” contains the meaning ‘to say very quietly’, so the word “quietly” is redundant in this example. The word “quiet” is superfluous.


A patriot is “a person who is ready to make sacrifices and heroic deeds for the sake of the interests of his homeland,” therefore the combination of “one's homeland” is redundant.


You can make a “pleasant” impression, but not a “cozy” one. We replace the word “cozy” with the word “pleasant”.

Let's complete task No. 6.

Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

The new shoes were a little too big for her.

In this example, the word “a little” is redundant. In the adjective “too big,” the suffix -ovat- indicates the incompleteness of the attribute, that is, the shoes are ‘slightly larger than necessary’. In this case, the word “a little” has the meaning – ‘to an insignificant extent, slightly’. This meaning overlaps with the meaning of the word “too big.” Therefore, we exclude the word “a little”.

PREPARATION FOR THE Unified State Examination in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.


48 examples with answers.

(these examples of task A6 are included in many Unified State Exam training tests in Russian ; the likelihood of their inclusion in real versions of the Unified State Exam is unlikely; however, solving these examples in preparation for the exam will be very useful in terms of students’ understanding of the general principles of syntactic norms)

1. In which sentence cannot the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) French words and expressions that penetrate the Russian language are called Gallicisms.

2) The environment in which living organisms exist is constantly changing.

3) In order to promote the development of literature and literary language, the Russian Academy was created in the 18th century, which became the main scientific center for the study of the Russian language and literature.

4) In the second half of the 18th century, French influence on the speech of Russian nobles, which played an important role in the process of Europeanization of the Russian literary language, became predominant.

2. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) This document talks about the creation of an economic union, which provides for the elimination of customs barriers.

2) I remembered the woman from whom circumstances separated me twelve years ago.

3) In the morning, I usually do something that requires the most attention and effort.

4) It was at the age of 12 that an event occurred in Beethoven’s life that predetermined his entire subsequent life and career.

3. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) The hostility that should have existed among peasants towards cornflower as a weed never existed.

2) The painting “Ship Grove” embodies the deepest knowledge of Russian nature, which was accumulated by the master over almost half a century of creative life.

3) Emerald grass and grayish green milkweed descend to a shallow stream that slowly flows through the valley.

4) The snow that fell at dawn and managed to melt made the slope even more slippery.

4. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) V.A. Serov is the greatest portrait painter who made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian landscape.

2) A person’s charm can turn out to be an elastic mask, which either stretches into a smile or forms a fist.

3) Chopin is one of the few Polish composers who composed only for piano.

4) The yard in which I grew up was familiar to me down to the smallest detail.

5. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) In this chapter, Herzen writes about the ascetics of the Renaissance who opened new horizons to the human mind.

2) Leonardo da Vinci's paintings show the mobility of the human face, which reflects the mobility of the human soul.

3) During the war years V.Yu. Sviridov began writing war songs, of which the most famous was “Song of the Brave.”

4) Vrubel’s artistic style, which after the artist’s death became the object of close study, was not accepted by the artist’s contemporaries.

6. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) A. Blok, who responded to Vrubel’s work with beautiful poems, called Vrubel’s “Demon” and Lermontov’s “Demon” symbols of time.

2) Numerous sketches of the artist, on which he worked especially enthusiastically during his creative heyday, testify to his sensitivity to the trends in the development of Russian art.

3) One of the most striking was the impression of Constantinople, which combined in its appearance the features of Eastern and Western cultures.

4) The name of Aivazovsky was well known in the circles of the Turkish aristocracy, which at that time was actively involved in European culture.

7. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) About a hundred years ago, on Moskovskaya Street in Kursk there was a two-story building, on the facade of which there was a sign “Confectionery N.P. Levashkevich."

2) Boris Shergin is a “writer of the soul and heart” who revealed the ideas of brotherhood, beauty, and mutual assistance.

3) Interesting is the original arrangement of the light openwork balconies of the tower, which create an “air passage” from one part of the house to another.

4) The grandson of the famous confectioner O.V. took part in the opening of the exhibition. Levitsky, who became an architect.

8. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) Among the masters of the older generation, I.I. Shishkin represented with his art an exceptional phenomenon, which previous eras had not seen in the field of landscape poetry.

2) Crisis phenomena in contemporary art, which have been noted by many researchers, have raised the issue of changes in artistic culture.

3) In this portrait, Repin did not hide the traces of a serious illness, which left its mark on Mussorgsky’s entire appearance.

4) The main condition of the opera plot by P.I. Tchaikovsky believed in the truthfulness of the life situations that are reflected in him.

9. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) This trip could give me impressions that I could not get while sitting at home.

2) The musical theme, which is associated with Tatiana, conveys with great force the premonition of a fateful meeting with Onegin.

3) Life, which is equipped with the latest computer technologies and modern technology, becomes more rational.

4) The main task of a landscape painter is to create an image that smells not of paints, but of flowers.

10. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The estate stands at the very edge of a hill, which is covered with a picturesque centuries-old oak forest.

2) This village arose in a later period next to the remains of an ancient city, the name of which it secured for itself.

3) At the end of the 19th century, the estate was acquired by the Kursk merchant of the first guild Georgy Aleksandrovich Novosiltsev, who was the last owner of Lebyazhye.

4) The educational and toy workshop in Sergiev Posad, which was organized by the Moscow Zemstvo in 1891, largely owes its existence to S.T. Morozov.

11. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the eleventh grade, after school we went to a cafe, which was located on the square near the Palace of Culture.

3) Since we were unable to cancel the meeting in London, which will take place tomorrow, it was decided to exchange tickets.

4) According to rumors that sometimes reached us, Zhenya became a first-class military doctor.

12. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The main source of environmental pollution is the return to nature of a huge mass of waste that is generated in the process of production and consumption.

2) The meanings that were formed in a polysemantic word by transferring the name are secondary.

3) A bad bird is one that pollutes its own nest.

4) Geoecology studies the processes and phenomena that arise in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic intervention.

13. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The largest and noisiest company formed around Nina Semyonovna, an elementary school teacher, who ten years ago met all these children on the threshold of the school.

2) The stones that now make up the peaks of the Alps or Himalayas were once formed under water.

3) The main source of energy for all living beings that inhabit our planet is the energy of sunlight.

4) Both in summer and winter, the panorama that opens from the steep bank of Tsna is unique in its beauty.

14. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Thanks to solar panels installed on the roofs of houses, electricity costs are reduced tenfold.

2) On an autumn morning, the sun resembles a piece of river ice that melts over the spruce banks.

3) As research by scientists has shown, the oxygen we breathe was not part of the Earth’s primary atmosphere.

4) Dry, brittle grass, which has not yet been touched by frost, rustles loudly under the boots.

15. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The neighbor said hello and went to the taxi that was standing at the entrance.

2) Only passion creates the tension of spiritual forces that will lead to the development of abilities.

3) Unfortunately, there are children who have not solved a single problem on their own throughout their entire school life.

4) Engineers are constantly making changes to the design of individual vehicle components, which make their operation more economical and efficient.

16. In which sentence the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) When approaching the comet, the spacecraft resembled a knight ready for battle, clad in strong armor.

2) From the hill, which nature had glued together from huge ugly stones, water ran out in a thin stream.

3) Obtaining food from water and mineral salts that can be extracted from the earth will solve the problem of hunger forever.

4) In the morning, behind the flash of daisies, neither the calf grazing in the meadow nor the geese are visible.

17. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) For the first time I saw the monument to N.V. Gogol, surrounded by tourists who were looking at the figures on the bas-relief with a cheerful hubbub.

2) Among the works of the Trinity-Sergius cycle, K.F. Yuon’s painting “Spring Sunny Day,” which is imbued with some kind of special jubilation, is considered a true pearl of landscape painting.

3) The science that deals with the protection and restoration of the environment is called ecology.

18. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) My sister was constantly busy with her own affairs, which often took precedence over her studies.

2) Steels containing 0.25% carbon are weldable well.

3) After the promulgation of the SDI program, all the power of Soviet industry was aimed at creating weapons that could withstand an attack from space.

4) The Board of Trustees decided to install a memorial plaque at our school and provide support to teachers who are already retired.

19. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) Thanks to his unyielding will and extraordinary energy, a village boy grew into a grandiose figure of the greatest thinker, who was a whole generation ahead of all his contemporaries.

2) The guest, about whom they talked so much, was late.

3) In one of his works A.I. Herzen wrote about the Russian people, who retained “stately features, a lively mind and a wide range of rich nature.”

4) From the self-portrait, which was painted in the last years of the artist’s life, a reddish man with delicate facial features and a thoughtful gaze looks at us.

20. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) In musical critical articles, Tchaikovsky repeatedly spoke out against composers who expelled classical forms (arias, ensembles, choruses) from the opera genre.

2) When we talk about the favors that fate has given, we should not forget: these favors often have to be won from her.

3) Each person should have his own ideals that he is guided by.

4) According to the project of M.V. Lomonosov in 1755 a university was opened in Moscow, which became one of the main centers of Russian education and science.

21. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the 80s, the military was preparing for the first tests a laser gun that could shoot down objects in low-Earth orbit.

2) And in the 21st century we never cease to be amazed at the power of the human mind, which penetrates into the deepest secrets of nature.

3) A student who has simply memorized a paragraph may stumble during his answer and not remember the continuation.

4) A man whom I had seen back in London entered the minister’s reception room and immediately went to the office.

22. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Princess Marya looked at Rostov with her radiant gaze, which made her forget the ugliness of her face.

2) The era of reaction, which came in Russia after the Decembrist uprising, gave birth to people like Pechorin.

3) The troops of the First Russian Army, with which the sovereign was located, were located in a fortified camp near Drissa.

4) Among those present, Margarita immediately recognized Azazello, who was standing at the head of the bed.

23. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) This artist had a favorite and often varied subject - herds of sheep grazing peacefully in the steppe.

2) In the second half of the forties, Bryullov created a whole gallery of portraits of his contemporaries, which amaze with their endless variety, truth and versatility of characters.

3) In Botticelli’s paintings, the line is no longer a simple contour that outlines the boundaries of volumes, but intense spiritual expression, an impeccable artistic tool for conveying the most complex feelings and experiences.

4) But there is a person in the world who will understand me!

24. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Every year in the summer the famous Nizhny Novgorod fair opened, which welcomed people from all over Russia.

2) Scientists daily enrich science with large and small discoveries, which in the future will bring great benefits to people.

3) Bee venom is used to produce drugs that are used in medicine to normalize the functioning of joints, muscles, blood vessels, and the peripheral nervous system.

4) The host of the program introduced the audience to the players who wished to take part in the difficult struggle for the title of experts in Russian history.

25. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The Moscow School of Painting and Sculpture, which was founded in 1933, was sometimes called the “second Academy of Arts.”

2) Thanks to his tenacious memory for faces, Alexandrov could remember any person he had once seen.

3) A.I. Kuindzhi was one of those masters who knew how to capture and capture moments of manifestation of the highest beauty of nature.

4) V.I. Dal is a man of amazing destiny who has done a lot for the progress of Russian science and culture.

26. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The poet must be able to convey the mood that the contemplation of nature awakened in his soul.

2) A. Kh. Vostokov, who wrote many bright pages in the history of Russian linguistic science, is respectfully called the father of Slavic philology.

3) There are people who will not be stopped by any obstacle on the way to their cherished goal.

4) The young actors conducted rehearsals for the play in the apartment of Dmitry Sergeevich, who then lived in Plotnikov Lane.

27. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The people on the canvases of Sylvester Shchedrin were not conventional figures whose role was only to “revive” beautiful views.

2) In the portraits collected by P. M. Tretyakov of outstanding figures of science and art, who evoke universal respect for their works and discoveries, the spiritual history of Russia lives on.

3) The simplest things he uses become poetic images in his stories.

4) It is still difficult to see the face of the man who appeared in the distance along the garden alley.

28. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) In the last decades of the 20th century, many wonderful works appeared in Russian literature about teenagers, which even today do not leave readers indifferent.

2) There are two known translations of Burns’s ballad “John Barleycorn,” which is based on an old folk song.

3) E. Poe created seventy stories and novellas, which had a huge influence on the development of all world literature and on the work of many writers.

4) The impetus for the creation of the novel “Robinson Crusoe” was an essay that told about the fate of one English sailor - Alexander Selkirk.

29. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The artist showed the beauty of the land, which gives people countless riches.

2) Artemyev had the serious face of a man who takes care of his inner dignity.

3) Sometimes during lessons the teacher read aloud the latest issues of magazines in which he found information about new scientific discoveries.

4) The event that the writer based the plot of the new story actually happened.

30. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) There are three main problems that determine the practical significance of the project.

2) The first feeling that Nekhlyudov experienced after waking up was the consciousness of some impending changes.

3) Cozy well-being reigned on all four islands, which were equally densely overgrown with tropical palm trees.

4) Russian scientists propose to place microwave stations on the Moon that can be powered by electricity from solar panels.

31. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Since 1923, V.V. Alekhin headed the Department of Geobotany at Moscow State University, which was created on his personal initiative.

2) The entire work of the writer Evgeny Nosov is a great wise book that helps people to be kinder, more generous in soul.

3) The work of V.V. Alekhin is continued by scientists devoted to science, for whom the meaning of the work was the preservation of a unique natural corner of the nightingale region.

4) In the family archive there is a letter from the actor Shchepkin, who with heartache reports the closure of the theater in Tiflis.

32. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The main character of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot,” Prince Myshkin, is both funny and tragic, like Don Quixote, with whom he is associated.

2) By 1856, the creative interests of Shishkin, who stood out among his comrades for his undoubted talent, were finally determined.

3) The road that Pugachev pointed out turned out to be saving for Petrusha and disastrous for others.

33. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) - English writer, whose novel is known throughout the world.

2) On the edge of the Meshchera forests, not far from Ryazan, lies the village of Solotcha, which became famous for its rivers and pine forests.

3) The garden was dead, all in lilacs, wild rose hips, apple trees and maples, which were covered with moss.

4) And now meteorologists in their weather predictions rely on some folk signs that give a fairly accurate forecast.

34. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Sociolinguistics is a section of general linguistics that studies the social conditionality of the functional development of language.

3) According to biblical legend, the inhabitants of Ancient Babylon tried to build a tower that would reach the sky.

4) Krylov’s fables were a completely new phenomenon in Russian literature in relation to Sumarokov’s fables, which were written in the traditions of classicism.

35. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Note-taking is a secondary genre of scientific style, which is a written recording of the main provisions of a readable or aurally perceived text.

2) The Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, which was issued only in rare, exceptional cases, was established by Peter I in 1698.

3) Mongolia is the largest landlocked country in the world.

4) A skeptic is a person who does not believe in free enthusiasm.

36. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Specific facts that convincingly support your position can be used as arguments in a dispute.

2) A conscientious person is a decent, honest person who has a sense of dignity and justice.

3) Throughout his life, I. I. Shishkin constantly came to his father’s land, from which he seemed to draw new creative strength.

4) The Sun and all the bodies that revolve around it form the Solar System.

37. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Throughout his life, I.I. Shishkin constantly came to his father’s land, from which he seemed to draw new creative strength.

2) In 1885, artist V.D. Polenov exhibited at a traveling exhibition ninety-seven sketches that he brought from a trip to the East.

3) Beethoven continued the general line of development of the genres of symphony, sonata, and quartet, which was outlined by his predecessors.

4) Language is the most living and lasting connection that connects all generations into one great historical whole - the people.

38. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the deep space between the sky and the sea, waves rushed, which one after another ran up onto the sandy shore.

2) In the airplane window you can see the Kamchatka rivers, the banks of which are covered with large and medium-sized boulders.

3) Titanium-based alloys, which are characterized by high chemical resistance, are widely used.

4) The technological properties of metals are determined through tests, which are called technological tests.

39. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Full name Tyutchev, who became the largest representative of Russian philosophical lyricism, wrote his first poem at the age of eleven.

2) The room in which Ilya Ilyich Oblomov was lying seemed at first glance to be beautifully decorated.

3) The era of reaction, which came in Russia after the Decembrist uprising, gave birth to people like Pechorin.

4) Gorky’s play “At the Depths,” which was written in 1902, depicted the life of “former people.”

40. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) From a trip abroad, the Turgenevs returned to their mother’s estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo, which was located not far from Mtsensk.

2) An important point that must be taken into account when choosing a material for covering a terrace is how easy it is to maintain.

3) The main source of energy for all living beings that inhabit our planet is the energy of the Sun.

4) A roof covered with flexible tiles will protect the house from water penetration for decades.

41. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) A unique phenomenon in the essay genre was the novel by A.I. Herzen's "The Past and Thoughts", which was called "an essayistic novel, an epic, an encyclopedia of essayism."

3) The purpose of the abstract is to convey the basic, essential, new information contained in the document being reviewed.

42. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Often, a stained glass artist paints black lines on the surface of the glass that complement his drawing.

2) Few people realize the huge role that magnesium plays in our body.

3) In the Karakum desert there is no fine dust, which forms a dry fog in the foothills of Central Asia.

4) Steppe rivers consist of a chain of whirlpools or small deep and clear lakes, which are connected by riffles.

43. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The mathematical theory of information transmission owes much to the existence of a simple expression, which is a measure of freedom of choice in messages.

2) Nowadays, the volume of information that is transmitted via global backbone communication lines is constantly growing.

3) In the vast arsenal of modern medicine, iron remains an invariable component in the treatment of anemia as a means that improves blood composition.

44. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The artistic means that were used to write “The Village” gravitate towards the classicist tradition.

2) Hand-made artistic painting of fabrics is a unique type of design of textile products, which has its roots in ancient times.

3) A dispute is a way of collectively solving a problem, in which each side claims to establish the truth.

4) The artistic world of the Master is characterized by a number of subject details that acquire symbolic meaning.

45. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Adjoining the forum on one side was the building of the state archive, which stood on vaulted underground floors.

2) Solar energy that falls on the photosynthetic organs of plants is accumulated in newly formed organic compounds.

3) Scientists have proposed soaking ancient manuscripts in an organic solution with the addition of antioxidants, which could stop the process of paper decay.

4) The embodiment of the power and historical significance of imperial Rome were the triumphal structures that were erected for the glory of Rome.

46. ​​In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) There are many techniques that will help turn your garden into a piece of paradise.

2) There are people who, from early childhood, bear some imprint of being chosen.

3) Iron is part of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells.

4) According to rumors that sometimes reached us, Olga became a successful entrepreneur.

47. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the Old Russian language, the word house, which meant a household, a family, and household members, was very important.

2) In 1882, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov met with artists from the glorious galaxy of Itinerants: Repin, Polenov, Surikov, who had a great influence on the artist’s work.

3) Engraver Pozhalostin is one of the best Russian engravers, whose works are stored not only in Russia, but also in France and England.

4) Sentences that are interconnected in the text in meaning and with the help of linguistic means form an independent, holistic and complete message.

48. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) We need to learn to be grateful to nature for the beauty that it gives us.

2) On one side the forum was adjacent to the state archive building, which stood on vaulted underground floors.

3) Steppe rivers consist of a chain of whirlpools or small deep and clear lakes, which are connected by riffles.

4) Beethoven's Ninth Symphony served as a model for artists of the Romantic era, who were keen on the utopia of synthetic art.


1. – 2); 2. – 2); 3. – 1); 4. – 4); 5. – 3); 6. – 2); 7. – 1); 8. – 1); 9. – 1); 10. – 2);

11. – 3); 12. – 3); 13. – 2); 14. – 3); 15. – 2); 16. – 3); 17. – 4); 18. – 2); 19. – 2); 20. – 3);

21. – 4); 22. – 3); 23. – 4); 24. – 2); 25. – 3); 26. – 3); 27. – 1); 28. – 2); 29. – 3); 30. – 4);

31. – 3); 32. – 1); 33. – 1); 34. – 3); 35. – 4); 36. – 3); 37. – 1); 38. – 2); 39. – 2); 40. – 2);

41. – 4); 42. – 2); 43. – 4); 44. – 3); 45. – 3); 46. – 1); 47. – 3); 48. – 1).

Check your readiness for task A6 of the Unified State Exam in Russian.
Complete the tasks and check the answers at the bottom of the article.

1. In which sentence cannot the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Giftedness is a property of a person’s personality that determines his ability to achieve extraordinary results in any type of activity.

2) Attention is the only door of our soul through which everything certainly penetrates.

3) The sunlight sparkled dazzlingly between the foliage, between the branches, which moved like a living net and were agitated by the wind.

4) There are visions in childhood that you keep in your memory for the rest of your life.

2. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) The mountain on which we stood seemed to live separately from the entire forest.

2) The chaise, which drove into the yard, stopped in front of a small house.

3) I will spare you exclamations that do not express anything.

4) This valley was filled with snowdrifts, which quite vividly resembled Saratov. Tambov and other lovely places of our childhood.

3. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In general, there are many opinions and prejudices about writing that can lead to despair with their vulgarity.

2) Only the material that has won a place in the heart is suitable for art.

3) The material from which the writer composes his works is the word.

4) I saw that autumn mixed all the pure colors that exist on earth.

4. In which sentence cannot the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) I remember I opened the book while standing near the kiosk where I bought it.

2) We have had and still have writers who were able to introduce science in the light of science into their stories and novels as an essential quality of prose.

3) The writer is occupied by a dream that lives in everyone’s heart, be it a lumberjack, a shoemaker, a hunter or a famous scientist.

4) Green’s stories were intoxicating, like the fragrant air that knocks us off our feet after the fumes of stuffy cities.

5. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) At first, the Russian people who settled in the Far East simply brought wild taiga plants into their gardens, and then began to cross them with cultivated varieties.

2) Light sparingly and slowly made its way through the cloud that had descended on the sea.

3) A warm wind is already blowing across the steppe, which has not yet cooled down overnight.

4) It was not a train, but rather a freight train, to which several carriages were attached for passengers.

6. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the end he ended up in the capital, which, to tell the truth, I myself had a very vague idea of ​​at that time.

2) Conscience is basically memory, to which is added a moral assessment of what has been done.

3) This was the city in which we both spent our childhood.

4) Childhood, which remains in us forever, will sooner or later remind us of itself.

7. In which sentence the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by a participial phrase?

1) The appearance of O. Kiprensky most fully corresponded to the ideas of writers about what a romantic painter should be.

2) In 1827, the two most famous portraits of A.S. appeared. Pushkin, which were written by O. Kiprensky and V. Tropinin.

3) Pushkin is shown in the portrait in a fashionable frock coat and a cape, which is draped over his shoulder.

4) Pushkin really appreciated the portrait that Kiprensky painted.

8. In which sentence the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) Everything was as if ordinary that morning: catching perches, and all the unique smells that arise in the morning among the grass.

2) The future we strive for was born from an invincible human quality - the ability to dream and love.

3) In the distance, a cloud of smoke increased and, carried away by the wind, rose, which soon covered the sun.

4) The same rooks and kites flew over the steppe, flapping their wings in a dignified manner.

9. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) A person who lives in harmony with his inner world is always a creator and artist.

2) He did not have time to tell us even a hundredth part of what he perfectly saw and knew.

3) This is the vigilance that sees deep content under the boring cover of surrounding phenomena.

4) Once upon a time, one line from Prishvin explained to me a phenomenon that until then seemed random to me.

10. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced with a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) A guide was needed who knew the forest paths well.

2) Everything that was needed for the journey was collected and put in a suitcase.

3) The glass door through which we entered led into a large living room.