Apple jelly with gelatin for the winter. Very tasty apple jelly without added sugar Jelly from apple cores

Apple jelly for the winter is a wonderful, beautiful bright dessert that can be prepared at home. The preparation process is a little more complicated than regular apple jam or jam, but it's worth it. Apple jelly can be used to decorate cakes and pastries. Decorate it with a variety of salads, sandwiches or use it as an independent dish. And how beautiful and appetizing this quivering delicacy looks on a piece of bread!

Apple jelly can be prepared with or without gelatin. Apples contain pectin, which is a gluing agent, which allows you to prepare jelly without the use of an additional thickener. Let's look at several popular recipes for making apple jelly for the winter, both without gelatin and with its addition.

Simple apple jelly for the winter

To prepare apple jelly you will need: apples, granulated sugar, lemon juice and a little water.

Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into pieces along with the peel. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice to prevent them from browning.

Add granulated sugar to the crumbled apples at the rate of 300 grams of sugar per 1 kilogram of fruit.

Add water at the rate of one glass per kilogram of peeled apples.

Place the pan on a small fire. Stir occasionally to prevent the apples from burning.

After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 10-15 minutes until the apples soften.

Pour the resulting mass into a colander placed on a saucepan to drain the liquid. Leave for two to three hours to allow all the liquid to drain.

One and a half kilograms of apples usually yields a little more than a liter of liquid.

We put a saucepan with apple liquid on the fire, and from the remaining apples you can make wonderful applesauce.

When the liquid boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and leave to simmer over low heat.

The liquid will begin to take on an orange tint; continue to simmer over low heat. From time to time a film forms and must be removed.

When the liquid has already boiled down by half and acquired an intense red tint, pour it into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

Recipe for apple jelly with lemon and spices

To prepare apple jelly, take:

  • Two kilograms of fresh apples;
  • One and a half liters of clean water;
  • Three small lemons;
  • Four cinnamon sticks;
  • A pinch of saffron;
  • 400 grams of sugar per half liter of liquid.

The cooking process itself is practically no different from the previous recipe.

Wash the apples thoroughly, cut them into small slices, and remove the core and seeds. Place the fruit in a saucepan. Wash the lemons, chop them and add them to the apples. Place cinnamon sticks there and fill with water. Place the pan on the fire, after boiling, reduce the gas, cover with a lid and cook until the apples soften. Cooking time depends on the type of fruit used.

Next, pour the contents of the pan into a colander and leave for several hours so that the liquid completely drains into another container. To strain the liquid, you can also use regular gauze, folding it in several layers.

Add sugar to the resulting juice at the rate of 400 grams per liter. If desired, add a pinch of saffron. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame and simmer the liquid as in the first recipe until thickened. Place the finished jelly into sterilized jars and seal with lids.

In this recipe we will use fresh apple juice, sugar, gelatin and a little water. For one liter of apple juice we will use 20 grams of gelatin and 400 grams of sugar.

Take half a glass of clean water and pour in the gelatin, leave to swell for half an hour.

Pour sugar into a saucepan with juice, add gelatin, place on low heat and heat without bringing to a boil. You can't boil it. Stir until sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved. Pour the hot jelly into prepared jars and roll up the lids.

Using the recipes given above, you can prepare jelly for the winter not only from apples, but you can also add other fruits and berries. This will expand the flavor range of this dish. You can also make jelly from grapes, quince, and gooseberries using these recipes. It turns out great from currants. Don't be afraid to experiment and everything will be delicious.

Have a good mood and bon appetit!

There is probably no person who doesn’t like jelly. But it’s even nicer if it’s not store-bought, factory-made jelly “out of a bag,” but real, natural, homemade, made from high-quality ingredients. Try making it from apples without adding sugar. This recipe with photos will help you with cooking. The jelly will turn out to be not only dietary, but also very beneficial for the body. This dessert will be loved by both children and adults, and especially by ladies who are always losing weight, because this sweet delicacy will not harm the figure. And to make the dessert even healthier, you can replace gelatin with pectin. Apple jelly is prepared quickly, and the ingredients are incredibly simple and can be found in every housewife's stock.

Ingredients for apple jelly:

  • apples -400 -500 g;
  • drinking water -1.5 tbsp.;
  • gelatin - 15 g;

How to make apple jelly without adding sugar

Wash the apples and cut them into slices, removing the centers. We do not remove the skin, as this will not affect the taste of the future jelly. But if you still peel the fruit, you will throw away a huge portion of the vitamins that are contained in the skin.

Pour the gelatin from the bag into a small bowl and cover with warm water.

While the gelatin reacts and swells, we send the chopped fruit to boil for 15 minutes (water should be added to cover the apples).

When the apples are cooked, remove the peel and puree them with a blender/grid through a strainer. Let the smooth applesauce cook again for another 2 minutes. Don't forget to add the swollen gelatin during the cooking process.

After the apple mixture with gelatin has cooled a little, pour it into bowls or vases and put it in the refrigerator so that the jelly hardens. In a few hours you will be able to enjoy a delicious dietary dessert, which does not contain a single gram of granulated sugar. Before serving, you can decorate our jelly with a fragrant mint leaf, berries or apple slices.

Apples are good not only fresh, but also in preparations for the winter in any consistency: in their juice, as jam, marmalade or jelly. It also turns out that you can use them to make an original and healthy dessert - apple jelly, which heals joints and gives strength to the immune system. What culinary tricks do you need to know to create the perfect dish for children and adults?

Apple jelly for the winter

Homemade preparations from natural products turn out to be a real godsend when you need to quickly prepare a tasty treat or fight colds. You can make jam, preserves from apples, marinate them in your own juice or cook compote and squeeze out the juice. Among all the variety, jelly stands out, since its consistency allows you to set any shape, and the texture is always uniform.

Both sour and sweet apples are suitable for winter harvesting. You can adjust the level of sweetness by changing the proportions of sugar or adding lemon juice.

For one serving of apple jelly at home you will need:

  • 1 kg cored apples;
  • 150 g granulated sugar (white);
  • drinking water 400 g.

You can prepare an original dessert using a slightly different sequence of actions, which will affect the taste and, most importantly, the appearance of the finished dessert.

To prepare jelly from two balls you will need half a kilogram of apples, water (300 g), cinnamon (pinch), sugar (150 g), filtered apple juice, clear (300 g), sugar (100 g), agar-agar (tablespoon ), two raw apples.

The apples are cut into pieces, cored and boiled with sugar and water until smooth. The mixture is ground through a fine strainer. Boil milk over low heat, add gelling agent and honey. Mixed with. Pre-soaked and finely diced prunes are added to the general mixture and poured into molds.

A similar recipe can be prepared in a multi-colored serving if you add gelatin separately to boiled apples and milk product. Pour into molds in balls after the bottom ball has completely hardened.

Culinary discoveries

In desserts without heat treatment, apple jelly can be used either as a separate ball or cut into pieces to create a mosaic.

When deciding on culinary experiments, it is always better to take natural products rather than quick chemicals: the end result of the work will delight you with its benefits and rich natural taste. Homemade apple jelly is the best winter dessert for those with a sweet tooth of any age. Any housewife can make jelly from apples on her own.

Both children and adults love to eat sweets. And sweets make everyone a little happier. But on modern store shelves, although there is a huge selection of various sweets, they all contain harmful components, such as dyes and flavors.

It is generally contraindicated for children to be given such goodies, because they only spoil their teeth and negatively affect the entire body as a whole. Therefore, here is a step-by-step recipe with pictures of real homemade apple jelly, which everyone will simply be delighted with.


  • ripe apples – 500g;
  • sugar – 100g;
  • water – one and a half glasses;
  • quick-acting gelatin (you can take pectin/agar-agar) – 2 tbsp;
  • vanillin - to taste.

How to make apple jelly with gelatin

Wash the fruits and cut them into medium-sized pieces, removing the cores and seeds. You don’t have to peel the skin, because it’s very rich in vitamins. It can be removed after heat treatment of the apples, when all the nutrients are released from the skin. Let the gelatin swell. Pour it into a small bowl and fill it with warm water.

During this time, place the apples in a saucepan and add a little water to the bottom. And cook for a quarter of an hour until the apples soften and change color.

At this stage, you can remove the apple peels, which are well separated from the fruit. We process the fruit pulp in a blender together with sugar or through a sieve. You can add vanillin to taste. Add gelatin.

Cook it for another 5-6 minutes. Turn off the stove and cool the future jelly a little.

Then pour the applesauce into molds or vases.