The meaning of gypsy fortune telling cards. So that the cards don’t lie and the whole truth is told, an example in gypsy fortune-telling

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards helps to find out the future and reveal the secrets of the past. With the help of simple layouts you can get answers to any questions. It is important to believe that the cards will tell the truth, and then the prediction will definitely come true.

The image of a gypsy woman with a deck of cards in her hands is always associated with something magical. No one doubts that gypsy magic is effective and really helps to get answers to exciting questions.

The traditions of fortune telling were passed down from generation to generation and were kept secret for a long time. But now anyone can make a gypsy spread, read it correctly and predict the future.

Playing card prophecies always come true, but only if you really believe in them. The cards do not tolerate doubt - so get ready to immerse yourself in their magic completely, without skepticism and uncertainty.

The meaning of suits in gypsy layouts

For fortune telling you need to buy playing cards. The deck should contain 36 cards, 9 of each suit. It is very important that you use the deck only for fortune telling and do not give it to third parties or play with it.

Some initiates believe that it is necessary to use special gypsy cards, colored black and red, because they carry special, magical energy. But in reality this is not so important.

The brief meaning of cards in gypsy fortune telling is as follows:

  • Cross (club cards) will indicate events occurring in the business sphere of life. This is all about career and work, relationships with business partners
  • Tambourines are the personification of society and environment. These are all the people you interact with in your daily life. But not close ones - relatives, lovers
  • Cards of hearts are a reflection of your heart affairs. This includes relationships within the family and with the opposite sex in general.
  • The peaks reflect the social picture and its impact on your life as a whole.

Let's figure out how to guess with playing cards in gypsy style correctly.

Rules of gypsy fortune telling

There are some features and nuances that are important to know about if you want the cards to tell the truth:

  1. Formulate a specific question that worries you most in life. You must clearly understand what you need to know. Think about this throughout your fortune telling and as you shuffle the cards.
  2. The deck should be shuffled in a certain way: first mix the cards well among themselves, then with your left hand move about half towards you, and shuffle again. After this you can start planning
  3. An important point is that the cards must be “paid” at the end of the fortune telling. You can donate to charity or give alms to the poor. It doesn't matter where the money goes, but it needs to be given to someone in need.

Traditional gypsy layout

After you have studied all the rules of gypsy fortune telling, you can begin to practice.

Proceed as follows:

  • Focus on your questions, shuffle the deck and draw seven cards from it
  • Place the cards on the table: three on the right, three on the left. You will get six cards in one row. And put another card above them
  • The cards on the right will tell you about the present, on the left - about the future, and a separate card is the answer to your question, the final outcome of an exciting situation.

This layout can be done every day to predict tomorrow's events.

There is also a very simple fortune telling that helps you find out whether the wish that is planned for today will come true. Formulate a question, shuffle the deck, take out any card at random and look at its suit:

  1. Spades are a symbol of disappointment. The card says that your desire is unfulfilled. But perhaps this is for the best - most likely, you set the wrong goal
  2. Clubs leave a small chance for a wish to come true, but it is small
  3. Diamonds are a good sign. There is every opportunity for your wish to come true, but the outcome of the matter will depend only on you. It takes at least a little effort
  4. Hearts speak of one hundred percent fulfillment of a wish. Fate itself will send you many chances - don’t miss them

Watch a video tutorial about fortune telling with playing cards:

Interpretation of cards

To understand the meaning of the layout, you need to know the decoding of each card.

  • Ace is a symbol of home and hearth. These are events that directly affect your family
  • King - mature married man or divorced man
  • A lady is a woman of Balzac's age, someone's wife or mistress
  • Jack - has no specific meaning, you need to look at the cards in the environment
  • Ten - desires, dreams. plans, goals
  • Nine - mutual love
  • Eight - an important conversation will take place, the result of which will satisfy you
  • Seven - news, meetings, things that cannot be postponed
  • Six - exciting adventures, eventful travels
  • Ace - you have to gain strength and solve some problem that is significant to you
  • The king is an adult man: teacher, mentor, father, boss, leader
  • Lady - a woman with power
  • Jack - pleasant but tedious chores
  • Ten - money or gifts that arose unexpectedly
  • Nine - sincere, deep romantic feelings
  • Eight - career matters
  • Seven - romantic date
  • Six - business meeting
  • Ace - an event will happen that will affect your whole life
  • The king is a young man, single
  • Lady - a young girl, friend or colleague
  • Jack - troubles and obstacles on the way to the goal
  • Ten - plans that are not destined to come true
  • Nine is a stormy number that will end quickly
  • Eight - wasted time
  • Seven - a tedious conversation that will disappoint
  • Six - a short journey
  • Ace - vices and addictions
  • King - new acquaintance with an attractive man
  • Lady is a jealous woman
  • Jack - actions without results
  • Ten - empty dreams and vain hopes
  • Nine - health and relationship problems
  • Eight - visit of guests, holiday or special event
  • Seven is a sad event that will make you extremely sad
  • Six - a long and tiring road

Pay attention not only to the meaning of a particular card, but also to what surrounds it. Then you will be able to make the most accurate interpretation.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The cards will tell you about the past and present, they will also indicate the future, the gypsy method of fortune telling on cards is not complicated, here we will do without special skills.

Use only that deck of 36 cards that was specially left only for fortune telling. Hold this deck in your hands for a while and concentrate on the aspect of your life that interests you most now. This could be career growth, personal life issues, success in business or business, anything. Shuffle the deck thoroughly and remove some of the cards from it with the left hand.

So that the cards don't lie

The cards should be treated with respect; they simply won’t reveal their secrets to just anyone.

Carelessness and haste are unlikely to make you happy, and the cards will not remain indifferent either.

Before the layout, you should “enter a trance”, tune in to the same wavelength as the cards, you can call it whatever you want, the meaning will not change.

I do it this way: I literally close my eyes for half a minute, tilt my head a little, and bring the cards to my lips. I say the name of the person I’m guessing for, and ask the cards to tell me about the question that interests him.

In fact, when you ask the cards to show you the future, you are actually asking the spirits who protect you, this is something like a guardian angel, with the difference that the spirits do not have to be good. In general, you can not turn to cards, but directly to spirits.

Develop your imagination, the more developed it is, the easier it will be to unravel the layout. In addition, this will also strengthen the connection with the cards.

Fortune telling gypsy spread

Lay out the cards in three rows horizontally, each with three cards. The first row of three cards will indicate your past, the second row will tell about your present, and the third row will predict your future. Then take out another card and place it separately in the fourth row, this is how your heart will calm down, since fortune telling on cards does not always promise only good things, it doesn’t happen that way.

If you find it difficult to interpret the meaning of the cards or they do not give a definite answer, then you can randomly pull out additional cards from the middle of the deck, but no more than one for each row, except for the fourth, of course, there should remain one card there.

Gypsy fortune telling, interpretation of cards:


Six - prophesies the way for you, but not for long and not far.

Seven – a date with an interesting fair-haired man.

Eight - a pleasant conversation with a brown-haired man, light flirting and romance are possible.

Nine - romantic experiences, luck in love, you will like or already like, brown-haired, brown-haired women.

Ten is a manifestation of sympathy or interest.

Jack - problems on the personal front, the troubles of a brown-haired woman.

Lady - if you are guessing for a man, then you get a wife or mistress, if for a woman, then you get a relative or a friend (look at the adjacent cards). But sometimes the queen of hearts means mother.

The king is not a young man, but not yet an old man, brown-haired.

Ace is the house in which a brown-haired man or woman lives.

Diamond suit

Six - a short journey, arrival or, on the contrary, departure, associated with a blond or blonde.

Seven - there may be a romantic meeting here, but there may also be a meeting of a business nature, look at the nearby cards.

Eight - a conversation about thoughts with a blond (blonde).

Nine – love and passion of a blond or blonde.

Ten – interest coming from a fair-haired person, success at work.

Jack – work with a project, documentation, caring nature of a fair-haired person.

For a man, a lady appears to be a young lover or his own daughter; for a woman, a younger relative or rival.

The king is an unmarried blond young man.

Ace - notification, news, solution to long-standing problems, the house of a blond or fair-haired girl.


Six - the business trip or the road is also not long, but here it is already connected with the brunette.

Seven – meeting with a brunette.

Eight – conversations about work, communication with a brunette.

Nine - new love, at least sympathy, comes from a dark-haired man.

Ten - a brunette (or brunette) is interested in you. But sometimes this card signifies hypocrisy from the people around you.

Jack - the troubles and concerns of a dark-haired man, perhaps at work.

Lady - for a man it is perhaps a colleague, a female boss or lover, wife. For a woman, she is envious, perhaps even one of her friends, a hater, a rival.

The king is a dark-haired, middle-aged man.

Ace - prison, government house, office, house associated with a brunette.

Spades suit:

Six is ​​both a long and long journey. If there is a picture next to it, it may mean a person from distant lands whom you will meet during his business trip. But sometimes this card means that you are usually late, but for something important.

Seven – tears and heartache.

Eight - if there is a queen or a king nearby, then it means bad company, drunkenness. Otherwise it will be a scandal, a difficult and unpleasant conversation.

Nine – low mood, depression, grief, poor health, separation.

Ten is a surprise, but perhaps an unpleasant one.

Jack - ruined plans.

The lady is a powerful woman, and not very kind.

An ace - if it lies with its point down, it means a blow, a shock, but if it lies with its point up, it means a drink, a meeting with old friends.

In another way, this layout is also called gypsy fortune telling with 10 cards. As you can see, the method of fortune telling in itself is not complicated. It is more difficult to ensure that the cards do not lie, and for this you need to find a common language with them, feel a connection, and then they will show only the truth, the rest will come with practice.

Gypsy fortune telling on cards is very popular and truthful and to this day does not lose its relevance, despite the fact that most of the layouts were invented many centuries before our birth. Yes, something has been changed, adapted to our time, but the basic principle remains unchanged to this day.

I really don’t have the meaning of the cards, but I found it, maybe it will be useful for someone. The girls all say that gypsy cards always tell the truth.

From the book “Gypsy Maps. Fortune Telling" K. Bucher 2008
The meaning of the cards

All the photos are mine, I took my own cards, they are the same as everyone else’s. If you wish, you can take a large photo of the card. Very interesting description, you read it like a fairy tale.


The card depicts a little boy with wings - “putto”, or Cupid, also known as Cupid. He is usually drawn with his eyes closed or blindfolded. Hearts flutter around him. There are drawings in which hearts also have wings. Most often, an odd number of hearts are depicted; this means that it depends only on blind chance whose heart will find a mate. In the hands of the winged putto we see a bow and arrow stretched.

Typically there are two pink or red roses leaning towards each other on a card; this means that the reciprocity achieved in love is something intimate and secret, like the union of two roses. Since love reciprocity is usually relegated to the realm of instincts, roses are located at the bottom of the card. In many images, these roses cover Cupid's nakedness. In others, he remains completely naked or his nakedness is draped with a scarf.

In some pictures we see a cloudy sky in the background, but in the best pictures the divine boy uniting the lovers floats against the sun creating life. On the baby’s face is the smile of a wise, knowledgeable person.

In our illustration, Cupid's wings are made of peacock feathers. The peacock is a symbol of vanity and hope, and the many “peacock eyes” on the tips of the feathers are nothing more than many all-seeing and attentive eyes: although love is blind, it is impossible to hide from it.

Two roses leaning towards each other form a heart shape. Their thorny stems have become unbreakable bonds. The leaves twine around the stems like snakes, driven by the instinctive energy of love.

Z meaning of the card

This card shows the possibility of love or, conversely, the absence of such a possibility - depending on which cards it appears next to. Blind Cupid strikes at random the hearts of his victims, and we can do nothing against his divine will. We wait with reverence and fear for this state of extraordinary aggravation of all feelings - love - to visit us.

The Love card signifies loss of judgment. We ourselves turn into a little god who decides our future fate. This card means the awakening of feelings that we ourselves did not even suspect. A sudden fatal passion flares up - and now we are soaring in the sky, among pink cotton candy clouds.

But this card also shows that we must open up to growing feelings, without fear, surrender to unearthly euphoria, because otherwise the arrow from the bow will not hit the target, the roses will not bend towards each other and love will not come true.

According to myths, Cupid is the son of the goddess of love Venus, who patronizes the constellation Libra. We will find a similar image in Indian mythology: Kama, the god of love - the son of the goddess of beauty, love and happiness Lakshmi. Cupid's nudity is a symbol of eroticism, bodily love; it creates the appearance that - at least for a while - we have found the fullness of being in another person. Erotic, bodily attraction also finds its expression in this card.

2.King of Heart


On the card we see a man standing in a gazebo covered with roses, or next to a vase full of red roses. Roses symbolize love. A gazebo covered with roses means serene love, blooming in a free, natural state, and a bouquet of roses on the table (an image of flowers forcibly placed in a vase at the request of social norms) - love living under the control of morality. Therefore, it would probably be more successful to depict a man standing in a gazebo covered with roses.

The man looks to the right, towards the future. In his right hand he holds a cane or sword - a phallic symbol signifying fertility, and at the same time a symbol of masculine strength. The man presses his left hand to his chest or holds it behind the lapel of his coat (“Napoleon pose”). This demonstrates his hidden due to shyness, but sincere and deep feelings that do not find expression in words.

This is the King of the Heart, or, according to the signature on other cards, the Lover. He is often depicted as a gypsy with a long mustache, dressed in red trousers and a white shirt. I love this image because it combines red, the color of the root chakra, and white, which symbolizes pure feelings. A mustache is another sign of sexuality.

On this card, next to the figure of the King of the Heart, you can often see a violin, which symbolizes a bohemian and life-loving suitor, the “first violinist,” a bard acting with the all-conquering power of music, a man expressing his love in music.

In our illustration, wild roses form wildly climbing stems that form a constantly repeating infinity sign. At the top of the picture they are intertwined in the shape of a heart, from which radiant light flows onto a man dreaming of his beloved.

The man's feet are not visible - the lover does not step on the ground.

Card meaning

When laying out cards in combination with any other cards, it means the questioner himself (if he is a man). If we lay out cards for a woman, then this card indicates her lover, husband, lover or the man who is emotionally closest to her.

At the same time, it symbolizes the masculine principle, the masculine power hidden within us, manifestations of masculinity (and in negative combinations, the absence of all this).

This card carries the power of the Sun. The king of the heart has neither loyalty nor infidelity; he is one of a kind, unique in his male vanity. He expects worship and gives worship in return. He gives love in exchange for love, he gives roses to receive roses. He is ready to accept his mate, the queen of hearts, or the Lover.

The appearance of the King of the Heart means some ancient, all-conquering, powerful feeling. These are emotional extremes, completeness and enormous intensity of experiences.

3.Queen of Heart


This card is traditionally called the Queen of Heart. It depicts a tall young woman wearing a skirt that is purple (the color of mysticism) or red (the color of love). She stands with her hands joined on her chest, near her heart. She often holds a letter or a rose in her hand, sometimes a rose flower is pinned on her chest.

If the picture shows a gypsy girl, then she has a wreath of roses on her head. The most famous are “two images: in one of them, a gypsy woman stands on the lawn, and a pair of kissing doves is visible in the background; in the other, a girl stands in the garden of a castle, and in the background is a statue of winged Cupid.

Both versions of the card depict a female figure whose eyes are directed to the sky, as if from there she is waiting for love to appear. Sometimes a gypsy girl holds a tambourine in her hand. The tambourine is a musical instrument used in natural magic, that is, in witchcraft. It is a symbol of rhythm and life itself. The sound of the tambourine and the tambourine itself are a means of transition from the earthly world to the other world and back.

Sometimes on this card there is also an image of a goat (sometimes in the form of an inverted pentagram hiding among the plants of the garden). This is a symbol of the devil-tempter. He has a pair of opposite images - white doves or a winged deity of love. The woman we see in the picture is influenced by these energies.

In our illustration, stems of wild roses are entwined around the pedestal of the Cupid statue - a clear reminder of the masculine principle.

The Moon, the queen of the heavenly bodies, shines above the head of the Queen of Hearts. The girl's feet are not visible, like those of her male companion; the female figure appears to be floating in the air.

Behind her is a pattern of winged branches curled into rings like question marks: a hint of doubt.

Card meaning

If we lay out cards for a woman, then in combination with any other cards, the Queen of Hearts means this woman herself. If the questioner is a man, then this card indicates his lover, wife, mistress, or the woman who is emotionally closest to him. At the same time, it symbolizes the feminine principle, the feminine power hidden within us, manifestations of femininity (and in negative combinations, the absence of all this).

This card carries the power of the Moon. The queen of the heart is feminine, elegant, submissive, gentle and affectionate. She loves to be appreciated and taken care of. She gives love in exchange for love, gives roses to receive roses. She is ready to accept her mate, the king of hearts, or the Lover.

The tambourine, sometimes depicted on this card, is a musical instrument for driving out evil spirits, used in various cults, but at the same time, an indispensable accessory to the fiery love dance, so popular in countries of Latin culture. Its sound is a heartbeat, it is love itself. It shows that feminine, natural magic, or witchcraft, helps a woman and strengthens her intuition.


In all known versions of this card we see a dog lying on the grave of its owner. It is characteristic that fidelity is presented here not in the image of a couple in love, but in the image of a tamed wild animal - a dog. This is an earthly symbol of animal, instinctive, devoted fidelity, living deep in the human subconscious.

The cemetery garden turns green, with only one red rose blooming in the background. On the gravestone there is a lit lamp, in the center of the grave cross there is a rose carved from stone. Perhaps this card most clearly hints at the magical practice of the Rosicrucians (remember the tomb of Rosenkreutz!).

In some drawings, a church with open gates is visible in the distance. The dog is sometimes depicted as black, sometimes white or tan, but always with floppy ears. She rests her muzzle on her front paws, and her eyes reflect complete self-denial.

In our illustration, there is a fallen leaf next to the dog: it also symbolizes death. On the gravestone is a withered bouquet of roses: they are torn from the roots that give life, and lie in the form of a sacrificial offering on the cross carved on the tombstone.

The name of the deceased cannot be made out: any of us can rest under the grave mound; death makes no exception for anyone. On both sides the branches of a weeping willow, familiar to us from the cards Death, Widower and Widow, bow sadly.

Card meaning

A dog lying by a grave, guarding something timeless, i.e. death, but still faithful to its own life, is an eternal symbol. Her loyalty to her body, to her earthly appearance, to what is just an appearance, captivates to the depths of her soul. Is it possible to find a better image to express loyalty to the grave? This form of fidelity is pure sacrifice, but at the same time it is infinitely absurd. Indeed, what is the point of living, lying on the grave of a dead man, even if obeying the most sublime ideal of fidelity? And yet this loyalty evokes in us respect mixed with pity, After all, the principle itself requires self-respect - selfless loyalty. It testifies to the elevation above other desires of the soul, to enormous self-control. He who is capable of being so faithful that in his fidelity he has become the master of his own desires and motives has acquired great knowledge and vast experience. He learned to be true to himself.

Giving up desires, turning inward - as in the Hermit Tarot card - is putting order in our inner being and at the same time a symbol of our fidelity to our own word. The lamp, like the lamp on the Tarot card, means the truth, which the dog guards as faithfully as its owner. But waiting for resurrection at the grave is not in vain. Waiting for resurrection at the Magician’s grave is a labor that will be crowned with success. This is a rather unusual, but definitely successful way of initiation.

Perhaps the feeling expressed by the Loyalty card is best conveyed by this passage from Lörinc Szabó's poem "All for Nothing":

As long as you belong to yourself,

While everyone’s thoughts are not with me,

As long as you love in return -

You can also be a burden.

The deal will remain a deal, albeit a sacred one;

I need something else: Everything for Nothing!

The rest is two egoisms

Secret clash;

This is not enough for me: I want you to become

A part of my life.(...)

Whomever the law protects is loved

It could easily be;

Be like a beast, defenseless, persecuted,

So that I can love you.

Like a lamp that I screw on,

Don't live if I don't want to;

Be silent, don't cry, having noticed secretly

Prisons are impermanent;

And I'll take care of it

So that you forgive me my tyranny.

To an outside observer, loyalty sometimes seems ridiculous, but in reality its meaning is much deeper. It is often unclear to others why a woman remains faithful to her drunkard husband, or why a husband remains faithful to his flighty wife. But their loyalty sometimes proves to be an astonishing rite of passage on the path leading to a holy goal. Sooner or later they will understand what can free them from this “difficult loyalty” (to use the expression of the poet Attila József).

A dog is man's best friend. This is a tamed wild animal that guards and protects our home, helps us in the hunt and dies after us when we leave for another world. Her life path is a symbol of achieving bliss through self-denial, through service to others. Being a dog is being a servant. And being a servant can also be serving Being.

5. Jealousy

The card depicts a couple in love sitting on a bench or hiding in a gazebo. In the background, in the shadow of a tree, a man in black clothes is visible, closely watching the lovers. In some images, only half of his figure is visible, and his face is hidden in the shadow of his hat. However, the lovers do not notice him among the lush green foliage, completely dissolving into each other. The woman is dressed in a long purple dress, the man in a brown frock coat. They sit or stand hand in hand, holding a bouquet of three red roses. This is a symbol of a love triangle, a secret date. A couple in love is most often depicted in the lower right part of the card, and a shadow spying on them is in its upper left corner.

In our illustration, the branches of the tree (the tree of life), spread out at the top of the map, are devoid of leaves, naked: through these bare branches the blue sky and sunlight are not visible. The tree is not dry, not dead, but neither leaves, nor fruits, nor flowers grow on it; Jealousy is like this tree, it is also fruitless.

The loving couple and the jealous man are connected by a web of geometric patterns, similar to the edges of a crystal or lines of force. It is very difficult to escape from the network of jealousy.

Card meaning

Jealousy is nothing more than a lack of trust and mutual love. When both members of a couple are unable to love each other enough, sooner or later love degenerates into drama. However, we can be jealous not only in love; we are also jealous of success, dignity, wealth or, for example, health and beauty. These are all reflected feelings that, although they are outside of us, personally affect us because they blur the boundaries between other people and our own affairs. We feel deceived or, conversely, do not notice that with our behavior we are offending the deepest feelings of another person. In extreme cases, this can also happen intentionally (for example, when we want to make someone jealous). Although the image alludes to jealousy in love, in a broader sense we can also be jealous of what we think is our fair share - but it is achieved or possessed by a person who deserves it less than we do. This could be a better position, some quality of our loved one, a neighbor’s car, but - as can be seen in the picture - it could also be a mistress (or lover).

The Jealousy card symbolizes our fear of losing what is owed to us. But what really belongs to us never - never! - cannot be lost. There is one wise saying: “If you love someone, let him go!” If he stays, it means he has always been yours, but if he leaves, it means he never belonged to you.”

The Jealousy card means just that: an inability to let go. Losing a partner always hurts. No less painful is the loss of a job (if we are forced to do so) or the loss of those moral values ​​that, in our opinion, are due or would be due to us according to our deserts. (The opposite situation is also possible: we receive a certain position that, in the opinion of others, we do not deserve—and this causes us to experience a moral crisis.)

However, in such situations we are never innocent. The conflict that plays out within us must be resolved by ourselves. And exactly where it plays out: in our own soul.

The love of a woman dressed in a mystical purple dress and a man whose brown robe symbolizes earthly reality happens in reality, here and now, before our eyes. However, the fears of the man in black spying on them do not exist in this period of time: they project imaginary feelings of the past into the future. These are just mind games. The man in black has nothing to look for anymore where a new love was born, but he is drawn there by his own fear, humiliation and jealousy. He did not notice the conflict in time and is now faced with the painful fact: he was cheated on. The jealous man is a pitiful figure, but the lovers whom he hunts down are also worthy of pity, because they were unable to let go of the jealous man, to free him from his bonds.

Of course, the figures in this picture are not arranged randomly. The Jealousy card teaches us to be aware of our fears and distinguish appearances from substance. Depending on the layout of the cards, the questioner can identify himself not only with the deceived man, but also with all three figures depicted in the picture!


The card shows a kneeling bride and groom; we see them in profile, they stretch out their hands to each other, and the priest blesses them, raising his hands to the sky. On the altar you can often see the image of God's Eye, which is also present on the Constancy card. Above the priest’s head is a cross, behind his back is an altar on which candles are burning: one on the right and on the left (in some drawings, two). In the bride’s hand is the same indispensable bouquet of roses, which appears on almost every gypsy card. Often the color of the bouquet is white; it serves as a symbol of pure, divine love. In some drawings, the altar is decorated with a figurine of a winged cupid (another symbol of love). Other drawings depict a pair of doves at the feet of lovers, the same as on the Vest card. However, in their beaks they do not hold letters, but the wedding rings of the bride and groom.

On this card, figures from familiar cards have come together quite often: the Priest, the Queen of the Heart (Lover), the King of the Heart (The Lover), Love, News, Constancy.

In our illustration, the groom - like the Lover - presses his hand to his heart. But his gaze is no longer looking for his beloved in the world of fantasy and desires: love has reached reciprocity, and the lovers’ gazes are directed at each other. On their faces there is hope for a happy future.

There are four candles burning in the picture: they are reminiscent of the four pillars on which the world stands (just like the four poles supporting the canopy of the cart on the Journey map). We do not see the Priest’s face: his personality is insignificant, he plays the role of a spiritual unifier. He addresses not the audience, but the bride and groom and the eye of God.

Card meaning

This card, which combines many other cards, can only mean one thing: a superior union. It does not necessarily indicate marriage, because nowadays not every strong, long-term union is sealed with a loud “yes!” during a church ceremony. First of all, this card speaks of a love affair, the possibility of a long-term love relationship. But not only about that.

The true meaning of the card is connection. She confidently reports that all the necessary conditions are present for the desired result. It symbolizes the achievement of a great goal.

I don’t like to draw parallels between the Major Arcana of the Tarot and the gypsy cards, because we are dealing with two completely different systems. But the goal of both systems is ultimately the same. Therefore, many cards may resemble each other, although not completely. In the Tarot deck, this card corresponds to the World card. On the Wedding card we see not just the union of the Lover and the Lover in the face of the Priest. This is a cosmic union in which all the elements, that is, a group of symbols, come together to merge and become something more. The Wedding card depicts a cosmic wedding. In other schools, such as the Rosicrucian tradition, this process is also called the alchemical wedding, during which the philosopher's stone is born.

This card is an encounter with our divine essence. On it, a man and a woman, two principles of being, unite, and in this unity they suddenly realize their infinity. Their mentor - the Priest - acts only as an intermediary between them, but does not interfere in the process; he only gives his blessing. The four candles on the altar symbolize the stability of the world on all three levels. Four candles are four elements, four cardinal directions and three levels: body, spirit and soul (that is, wax, wick and flame). There is divine unity on the altar: this is the eye, which is also depicted on the Permanence card. The winged angel in the form of Cupid is divine grace that guides our destiny. The cross, which leads to God if you follow his path, is, of course, not only a Christian symbol. The connecting rings symbolize the infinite existence of the material world, but the newlywed couple - although they put on the rings, as they put on a bodily shell at birth - is now able to escape from this trap of infinity. The whole picture is closed in a triangle. The triangle is an analogy of the Holy Trinity, divine unity.

This card is of great importance not only in matters related to love or the wedding itself, but also in resolving any issues on which our fate depends.

It means the inevitable, voluntary, and in favorable cases, the desired, necessary assumption of a mission. In the spiritual Sense, it means an accomplishment that provides the opportunity for enlightenment, but by no means a guarantee of success. Just like getting married does not guarantee a person’s happiness. This card is a message about the possibility of reaching a higher level of being. It may mean merging into one, the path leading to bliss, but going on this path does not mean reaching the goal. After all, the traveler himself is the path he follows.

The Wedding card also conceals the legitimate possibility of a physical - and at the same time, of course, a mental, spiritual - marriage union. On the physical level, marriage means having sex, which occurs with the blessing of the church. Perhaps they will degenerate into primitive “marital duties”, or perhaps they will release powerful forces within you and show you the wonders of the Universe. The opportunity is given, but it is up to the newlyweds how they use it. Marriage is not only responsibility, but also joy.


The card shows a rocking cradle, and in it is a calmly lying baby. Behind the cradle they often draw an open window, from which beautiful green distances are visible. The child's eyes are wide open, he is not sleeping, he is awake and open to the world. His cradle stands in the very center of the picture, at the point of harmony. A carved or painted rose is visible on the cradle. It is impossible to determine the sex of the child: the baby is lying under a blanket or in diapers. In some images, a cross hangs on the wall, as if to protect against evil and damage. The baby's swaddle or blanket is white, which symbolizes innocence, the "lamb of God." In modern images, there are toys around the child, but they are not a necessary part of the picture. At this age, the baby needs only the mother and mother's milk, and does not need anything else.

In our illustration, a star is shining through an open window. The star motif is also repeated by the shape of the carpet under the cradle: the heavenly star and the earthly star - the baby, the divine child - are connected by rays of light. The curtains are fully open: nothing stands in the way of possibilities.

Card meaning

The cradle is a symbol of the beginning of life, of everything new that has not yet begun to develop. She also personifies plans and plans. Thus, the card signifies not only birth, but also the mystery of birth. An open window also says a lot. Its quadrangular shape symbolizes the newborn, who is trapped in the prison of the body, but at the same time in the realm of possibilities that this body provides. The baby can still freely look into the world left outside the window. A window is also an openness to the world, a gateway to opportunity.

The blanket symbolizes security. In the picture, of course, there are also roses, which mean that someday this child will become a lover, traveler, warrior, widower. Now it contains all the possibilities.

The Child card means our children - both those already born and those who are yet to be born. If we don’t have children or if this card comes to us in a different combination, then it symbolizes moral, non-material accumulation, elevation, preparation for the emergence of something new. It means a thing, person, being or matter that we will have to take care of, which will be in our care so that thanks to them we develop and learn

The miraculous birth of a baby is a new opportunity that is given to us for reflection. Taking care of a newborn person is a responsibility, and if it falls to us, it is a great honor for us.

A child is also a card of a person who has not yet left the state of harmony. It symbolizes the beginning of the path, the starting point, opportunities. It means growth, but not at the level of the material world. It indicates impressionability, the perception of all information without distinction, and a certain lack of independence. This card can also speak of dependence on the mother, and let’s not forget that this dependence is mutual, necessary and - in a normal case - not burdensome. The card can also mean waiting for a miracle.

If the questioner is a man, then for him the Child card means, first of all, a problem, infantility, regression. For women and girls, this card means a state of lack of feelings, a thirst for the fullness of life and the predominance of the maternal instinct. The toys on the map have no meaning because they are not part of the world of a newborn baby. He will begin to get acquainted with objects after he gets acquainted with his own body. On the map we see the inscription “Child”, but we are still talking about a baby. A baby better symbolizes a situation where both the dependent and the one on whom they depend are equally important and vital to each other.

And at the same time, this example shows that this dependence will not last until the end of time, because someday the child will get on his feet and learn to walk, and then run. And then our task will not be to keep him dependent on us, but to let him go.

When interpreting and predicting fate, this card can not only foreshadow the birth of a child or talk about our already born children, but also point to things, animals, affairs, situations that depend on us as much as a baby depends on its mother. According to some interpretations, this card can also mean gossip. But she speaks more about a naive, sincere, childish style of communication and, perhaps, about the misunderstandings that follow from it, and not about the fact that someone is deliberately spreading gossip about us.


On this card, the figure of the priest, already known to us from the Wedding card, appears again. But here the priest is the main character. He raises his hands for blessing, on the altar next to him are the traditional accessories of worship: a cross, candles, a bowl. Most often he is dressed like a Catholic priest. He is wearing a purple stole, symbolizing spirituality and hope. Maybe he looks like a Catholic priest because he strictly follows the order of worship. In the interior of the temple only the altar is visible. There is a bouquet of roses on it. Often the vault under which the priest stands is supported by four columns. In some drawings above the priest’s head you can see an icon or the Eye of God (known to us from the Constancy card).

In our illustration, the bowl is a feminine symbol, and the candle flame is a masculine symbol. The marble carving of the altar repeats the image of God's eye, located above the priest's head. In two vases we also see flowers symbolizing the masculine and feminine principles: roses with hard, prickly stems and delicate, virgin white lilies (flowers of the Virgin Mary). The priest is a servant of God: his feet are hidden in flowers, he seems to float in the air, his connection with the Earth is spiritual rather than physical.

Card meaning

The Priest is a symbol of the divine Self. Although I rarely have to mention the connection of the Gypsy cards with the Tarot cards, the Priest in this sense cannot be ignored. In meaning it is generally similar to the Major Arcana “High Priest”, but still has a slightly different meaning. A priest is a mentor, but also a confessor. He guards the inner sanctuary of our soul. According to the interpretation in the spiritual sense, he deals with the soul, or spiritual signs, internal emotional, spiritual changes. Therefore, this card indicates some fateful, karmic event that is happening or has happened in our lives.

The appearance of this card also means that the questioner has spiritual needs that arise and gain the right to exist. It can also show a moral dilemma. This card means everything that is holy, not in a religious sense, but in a spiritual sense. It expresses mercy, forgiveness, universal love, which connects a person with God - his divine self. It shows that in this situation we must fulfill our task: to find and know our divine self, the mediator hidden in our soul between this world, the prison of the spirit, and divine truth, our higher self, the divine sphere, in order to move from one world to another whenever we wish.

According to a more mundane interpretation, this card also means a reluctance to know oneself, blind faith, a tendency to succumb to deception; after all, one who does not see his destiny will not be able to learn a lesson from the test that befell him. This card helps prepare for events that we do not foresee, but only anticipate. It opens the way to salvation, to self-knowledge.

The altar is the highest ideal. The temple on the map is nothing more than the inner sanctuary of the soul, four columns - a reliable material world that supports our worldview. The icon on the altar is the highest consciousness, the presence of God. A bouquet of roses is a symbol of heavenly love, the path of Christ, the inner path, and candles are symbols of light indicating this path.

The priest on the card blesses the parishioners or performs the sacrament of communion with a cup in his hand. He serves as a mediator between this world and the other world. Its role is significant only to the extent that the blessing or sacrament achieves its purpose.

On some maps, the temple vault is supported not by four, but by two columns. The columns symbolize law and freedom. The dome, under which the sanctuary is located, where the priest stands, is depicted in the form of an arch, which guards and protects our spiritual processes from the outside world and concentrates the energy of the Universe in its center. At the same time, the Priest is just a servant. His personality doesn't matter. He is an initiate, equal to God, merged with Him, transmitting spiritual ideas.

This card indicates some transcendental, esoteric, internal event. However, we do not know whether the questioner will be able to hear, understand and fulfill the message from the spiritual world that is transmitted to us through the Priest. The querent is given an opportunity and can either become an initiate or miss his chance.

9. Consistency

On a blue or sunny yellow background, an eye is depicted looking directly at us. In the middle of the card is a yellow circle framed in yellow or blue. The eye is most often located inside a triangle, which is enclosed in this circle. In other drawings, the eye depicted in the center is enclosed in another circle. Often this inner circle consists of clouds; it creates the impression of concentricity and movement directed from the outside in. The Eye, like the Sun, floods the entire map with its rays. In our illustration, the all-seeing eye is held by an angel, as if presenting it to the world. The angel himself, of course, has no gender. His huge wings, like rays, cover the center of the picture. The angel's eyes are covered with hair: he cannot directly see the light of pure consciousness, that is, God. He does not touch the symbol itself: pure consciousness is inviolable, even the hand of an angel cannot touch it. The angel's hair is tied with a red ribbon, which signifies dedication. The clouds that surround the eye take the form of wings, symbolizing spiritual freedom.

Card meaning

The Giant Eye is the mirror of the soul, the projection of God on the blue sky: this single card depicts the Holy Trinity and unity. This is a symbol of transcendental abilities, the third eye, clairvoyance. This map is everything and nothing; all the knowledge of the Universe is concentrated in it.

The eye, of course, is neither male nor female. Clouds surround him - a manifestation of freedom, lack of awareness and lack of will, as Osho would say. The seven-color rainbow circle means the multicolored world, simplicity and clarity, but at the same time a bridge between this world and the other world. The rainbow circle is an eternal rotation on seven levels of consciousness, and the eye is liberation from this rotation. The blue background symbolizes the sky, and the yellow background symbolizes the solar disk.

The eye - the only all-seeing eye of the Cyclops, located on the forehead - is traditionally called the third eye in Indian mythology. It cannot be seen by our other two seeing - and yet blind - eyes. But it is this eye that is truly seeing: it is the center of our spiritual perception, opening in the middle of the forehead.

This card symbolizes the gods of all religions and nations. In the field of view of the eye depicted on it, there is everything and everyone. It is important to know that this eye is in our possession. This is the questioner’s own connection with the Universe. The card indicates unity with the Universe.

In a more mundane interpretation, this card means a blessing or curse in the situation existing at the moment, a warning that our action will affect our whole life - our inner constancy, and we need to act consciously and at the same time using intuition. This card signifies something stable, enduring, yet intangible.

10. Big money

The card most often depicts a casket filled with money; sometimes - a bag with a large pile of coins. In modern images we also see stacks of paper money lying on an expensive, luxurious desk. All this is located in a richly furnished room, where money is scattered in random piles. In some other drawings, the big money is a treasure chest left in a cave. In all the images, money lies in disorderly heaps. In many drawings we see not only money, but also other treasures, mainly pearls and gold; this indicates the acquisition of wealth.

Most often, the design also depicts two candles: they are either in a double candelabra on the wall of a richly furnished room, or on the sides of a treasure chest, illuminating the glitter of gold and jewelry. The main thing in the image is that valuable and low-value things, small coins and paper money, a small gold ring and a precious ruby ​​are scattered around, and there is no system in their arrangement.

In our illustration, the treasure chest is half draped in a blanket: it is seductive, provocative, unfamiliar wealth. Behind the chest is an empty square frame without decoration: it could contain any picture, but, being empty, it means the square itself - a symbol of matter. A mouse peeked out from behind the frame, sniffing out something to eat. But here she will not find food: gold for her is useless garbage.

Card meaning

This card speaks not only about wealth. It symbolizes everything that is aimed at acquiring wealth. Therefore, if someone asks us about their career in the service (that is, not about their life path!), we also concentrate on this map. Wealth in this case means exclusively earthly goods, material, material values. This is money watered with blood and tears, earned by the sweat of the brow; they are a symbol of what is really just a fiction. Money can buy everything except true wisdom. The spiritual wealth of enlightened people cannot be obtained for money.

At the same time, the card indicates that the desire only to accumulate wealth is combined with a kind of disorder; it is a temporary, unbalanced state that is precarious and subject to fluctuations in abundance and greed.

The small is not separated from the big, the significant from the insignificant, the important from the unimportant.

In the realm of material wealth there is not enough light. It is lit only by two candles. There is no real order - there is only illusory wealth, useless, dumped in meaningless piles.

This card usually means great wealth, money, attractive vibrations of material values; however, all these are unstable things. Craving them is not very wise, but sometimes it is timely. At the same time, one cannot neglect their presence or downplay their importance, because it is very important to learn how to put your values ​​in order. To find a way out of a room symbolizing wealth, we must pick up a candle - so we cannot collect handfuls of treasures. On the other hand, candles remind us of the lack of real light.

During fortune telling, this card indicates money or large accumulation of property, promotion, career opportunities. Its reverse meaning is a greedy desire for money, an unrealistic dream of material wealth.

If the card is placed next to the Travel card, it also means a change in professional activity, career advancement. If it is paired with the Small Money card, then it clearly indicates money, wealth and enrichment.

As a rule, this money - unless the card is surrounded by Unexpected Joy and Luck cards - must be earned, deserved. The Big Money card also calls for caution: after all, the light of gold easily blinds and prevents you from seeing true values.

During fortune telling, two cards appear more often than others: these are the Love and Big Money cards. The two energies that most attract the ever-rushing children of our age.

Let's not forget that this card depicts not only the energy of gold, akin to primary matter, but also diamonds and pearls refined with blood, tears and long labor. And separating one from the other is a long and difficult job.

11. Small money

The card shows a slightly open woman's handbag or wallet with small coins. Sometimes the drawing hints at the money earned by a fortune-teller or fortune-teller: on it, next to the coins, you can see a small image of the same card. If there is a candle on the Big Money card - that is, the energy of fire, the Sun and gold - then on the Small Money card there is a woman’s handbag or a woman’s portrait.

In good images we see money lying on a dressing table with a mirror; next to them is a cameo in the form of a shell or a powder compact, sometimes a string of pearls. The coins here are not made of gold, but of silver, a lunar metal. The Small Money is lying in disarray on the table, just like the Big Money in most of the images.

On a table with a mirror - in the illusory kingdom of Maya, in the world of appearance - there are silver coins surrounded by “feminine” objects. They do not mean true wealth. This is just a pale reflection of it, a faint reflection, like the reflection of the Moon in a lake.

In our illustration, a porcelain figurine standing on a table stretches out its hands to the sky in a prayerful gesture of the ancient priestesses of the Moon.

The oval mirror and string of pearls also contain lunar energy.

Card meaning

This card symbolizes the silver of the Moon. If Big money means the gold of the Sun, then Small money means silver, saturated with lunar, feminine vibrations. In India, silver is considered the adornment of the poor; in the Arab world it is worn by men in order to balance and harmonize the masculine principle with the help of the feminine principle. The Small Money Card means the acquisition of wealth that requires or required a lot of work, but with which pure, uncomplicated energy is associated.

This card carries the power of water. Like everything connected with water, it indicates a certain flow, a process. This Small Money may not be much, but its influx seems to be constant. For men, a card can mean a woman’s help in financial matters, especially if it lies next to women’s cards; to a woman, it can indicate money or benefits acquired through one’s own skill and good character.

This wealth, material in nature, can be colder, unreliable, elusive and (perhaps because it is reflected in water or a mirror) more deceptive than Big Money.

At the same time, this card also means the spiritual nobility characteristic of women. Maya, the mirror of illusions and obsessions in the drawing, points to the reality of deception. It means that any wealth we desire or achieve is just a ghost. Everything in this world is nothing more than a reflection of the One.

From the book “Gypsy Maps. Fortune Telling" K. Bucher 2008

Write your stories related to cards, everything is very interesting!))

As you know, gypsies are famous for their abilities in various fortune-telling. Since ancient times, people have tried to find an interpretation of fate using cards. And, by the way, fortune telling in gypsy is already over a hundred years old. In our article we will tell you about this ancient way to find out your future. For fortune telling, you only need a deck of 36 cards. You will be able to get a prediction and clarify many points in your life.

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Photo gallery: Gypsy fortune telling with cards: the meaning of the cards, how to tell fortunes in Gypsy on playing cards

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards

So, take the deck. It is best to take a new one or one that is intended for fortune telling, and not for games. Mentally ask a question of interest. Shuffle. You only need to remove cards with your left hand towards your heart. Lay out three rows of three cards. Place the tenth in the middle down. The top row represents your past. The middle row tells about the present. The bottom row is your future. And the last hidden card will predict the most important events in your life. Next, we will give the meaning of the cards. Note that you can search for free gypsy fortune telling on the Internet. As a rule, online, people are offered to find out their destiny on Tarot cards or using a simple regular deck.

The meaning of gypsy cards in fortune telling

Each card has its own and general meaning. Spades indicate worries and problems, hearts are responsible for love and relationships, clubs tell about work and career, diamonds help to look into the soul.

  • Ace is a serious matter
  • King - denotes a man, perhaps there will be a meeting with the boss
  • The lady is your business partner
  • Jack - problems at work
  • 10 is a good card indicating a salary increase
  • 9 – attachment to someone
  • 8 – talk about work-related matters
  • 7 – meeting with business partners
  • 6 – business trip

Let's move on to the tambourines.

  • Ace is news
  • The king is a single man
  • Lady - friend or lover
  • Jack - problems and experiences
  • 10 – your plans and desires
  • 9 – flirting
  • 8 – heartfelt conversation
  • 7 – business meeting
  • 6 - travel

There are peaks left. Pay special attention to them; they symbolize dangers and obstacles on the path to happiness.

  • Ace is bad news
  • King - means a strong blow
  • The lady is your enemy, aggression and anger
  • Jack - experiences
  • 10 – all plans and dreams can collapse like a house of cards
  • 9 - illness
  • 8 - unpleasant conversation
  • 7 – meeting with an unpleasant person, tears and resentment
  • 6 - long journey

There are a huge number of different card decks in the world, but not all of them are very popular.

Incredibly ancient and popular are the Gypsy Tarot cards, which are a truly unique deck, the meaning of which lies in the plot of each individual card. By learning to tell fortunes using such cards, you can learn a lot of valuable and useful information.

Gypsy cards are one of the simplest and most understandable methods of prediction, helping any fortuneteller to know their own future.

This deck contains 36 arcana, which have a special unique name and detailed description. But at the same time, each symbol on the cards can have many symbols, ranging from love issues to health.

Using the description, absolutely anyone can perform fortune-telling using gypsy Tarot cards and receive detailed answers to the questions posed. You can make layouts on such cards among friends and family, for the day, for the future, on holidays and weekends.

The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret the arcana and their combinations, to learn to conduct a certain dialogue with the cards. And then there will be no problems in deciphering various layouts.

Having familiarized yourself with the interpretation of the cards, you should not delay with fortune telling. If a person gets his hands on a gypsy deck, it means that fate itself or chance recommends that he take advantage of the chance and perform at least one card layout.

As an example, below are the most popular card fortune telling, which is usually performed on gypsy Tarot cards. With their help, you can learn a lot of interesting things and understand all the problematic situations in your own life.

Fortune telling for the future

Today, many different fortune tellings are known, rooted in the deep past. But one of the most ancient and famous layouts has been passed down from generation to generation and has a very original name - “Gypsy Cross”.

The main goal of this fortune telling is to clarify the future of a particular person and determine his fate. Using this layout, you can find out about the state of your own affairs and get answers to your desired questions.

That is why this fortune telling still does not lose its relevance and is in incredibly high demand among those interested.

A layout is performed using five random cards from the deck, laying out the first 4 in the form of a characteristic cross, and placing the last one in the very center. And in order for the meaning of the cards to be as reliable as possible, during the layout it is necessary to speak the following words quietly:

“My cards, the cards are true, the most honest and beloved. Open the future to me, show me my destiny, but don’t deceive me in anything!”

After completing the layout, you should carefully examine the dropped cards and interpret them as follows:

  • the first one talks about the current situation in the fortuneteller’s life, which is directly related to all existing problems;
  • the second - indicates fate that can turn life in one direction or another, and it is almost impossible to change it;
  • the third - talks about the possible development of events in the very near future, which a person can influence;
  • fourth - acts as a symbol of upcoming events that, with a strong desire, can be prevented;
  • fifth – talks about the possible consequences of current events, which cannot be avoided.

There is also a more complex version of this layout, when several more cards are laid out, telling about the main causes of problems and possible solutions to emerging situations.