The meaning of the word honor. The meaning of the word “honor” Honor in the broadest sense

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Honor is a property of a person’s character, to have recognized, social and moral dignity, causing general respect in society, achieved by a person’s personal merits through his actions.

A man of honor has many virtues, he is characterized by sincerity, nobility of soul, an honest and direct intention to adhere to previously reached agreements, conscientiousness, decency, valor and a clear conscience.

This is the internal attitude of a very Strong personality. This is decent behavior in society. Honor adorns a person. The owner of honor, as a manifested quality of personality, can become not only an officer (officer's honor), a knight (knight's honor), a merchant (merchant's honor) or any other member of a privileged group, but also any citizen.

A man of honor will not attribute guilt to circumstances beyond his control, but will act in accordance with his demonstrated personality quality - honor.

This quality began to manifest itself in people with the separation of privileged groups from the community - a princely squad was formed, a collective code of unwritten rules was created, which implied the observance of honor. Honor meant adherence to a system of rules that distinguished a given group from others and emphasized its high status.

Disagreements can arise between honor and conscience. In our time of prosperity and self-interest, when many elite groups have disappeared, it has become more difficult to be a “slave of honor.” Honor has disappeared from general understanding, much less observance of the rules of honor.

There are few people left in this world who are capable of giving their lives for the honor and right to be called human. To do this you need to have considerable courage. An example of the remaining echoes of Honor is the modern Navy and submarine combat officers, as well as modern elite Army units. Honor is successfully revived in difficult times of danger for the Country. Any feat of a soldier or officer can be confidently attributed to honor and dignity in the name of the Motherland. These are not just empty words! This is a person’s life - the most valuable thing that he gave for the sake of the lives of others! Everything else can be neglected! !

Most people try to survive like animals, and this does not require honor or dignity. Children have not become better than their fathers, although one cannot blame any generation as a whole. Few people risk throwing themselves into an embrasure, defending their own or someone else’s honor.

Of course, this does not mean the abolition of honor - which is becoming more and more numerous. The loss of such concepts as “honor” is fraught with numerous troubles for society.

People become Superficial, Indifferent and Dishonest. A man of honor is a principled person who follows only the unwritten rules of any group or structure when they fully correspond to his views and principles. He is incapable of lying and adapting to rules that are unfavorable to him.

True Honor is the decision to do in all circumstances what will not cripple the lives of other people. Matters of honor do not know trifles. For whom honor is a trifle, everything else in life is also not important. For a man of honor, any little thing that affects his honor becomes no small thing. Honor can be defined as hypertrophied morality, devoid of tolerance for the slightest insult. The personal and individual are sacrificed to the general, and a man of honor without hesitation rushes to defend his honor. He understands and realizes that behind his personal honor is the honor of his peers, and, therefore, he needs to behave uncompromisingly and militantly.

    HONOR 1, -And, and.

    1. The set of highest moral and ethical principles of an individual. A matter of honor. Swear on honor.Father told me: - Goodbye, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter. He was a man of a new breed: He understood honor exclusively, And even sinless incomes He called theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha. [Von Schlittau:] I am a former officer and a man of honor. A. N. Tolstoy, Businessman. || Dignity (personal, professional, military, etc.). Military honor. Working honor.He had no concept of officer honor. He got drunk and became rowdy when drunk. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Poshekhon antiquity. He had to be the last to leave the battle - this is how he understood his commanding honor. Simonov, From the Black to the Barents Sea. || what or which. A good, untarnished reputation, a good, honest name. Honor of the factory brand.“My wife,” continued Prince Andrei, “is a wonderful woman.” This is one of those rare women with whom you can rest for your honor. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. - Is the honor of our MTS dear to you? You don't value her. Nikolaev, The Tale of the Director of MTS... || Chastity, purity, virginity (about women). Lose honor.[Marina:] I guarded my maiden honor more than my eyes. You ruined me for nothing, you deceived me. L. Tolstoy, The Power of Darkness. [Vasiliev] knew that there are such immoral women who, under the pressure of fatal circumstances, are forced to sell their honor for money. Chekhov, Seizure.

    2. Honor, respect. In print they call him [Chartkov] by his first name and patronymic - an honor completely unknown to him to this day. Gogol, Portrait. [Mastakov:] People should be distinguished not by their words, not by their clothes, but by their work. Whoever knows how to work is honored. M. Gorky, Old Man.

    3. Outdated High rank, position, rank; honor. [Prisoner:] The king rewarded his services with honor and gold. Basmanov is now sitting in the Tsar's Duma. Pushkin, Boris Godunov. The young ataman of the Zimoveyskaya village with dignity accepted the high military honor: not so much - in thirty years he became the ataman of the Don army, which went to war. Zlobin, Stepan Razin.

    4. That which gives the right to honor, respect, recognition is honorable. Zhukovsky has the honor of introducing romanticism into Russian poetry. Belinsky, Poems by V. Zhukovsky. And he dreamed that she should read “Faust” from the Nizhny Novgorod stage. But, stupid, she rejected this honor And passion arrogantly rejected him. Martynov, Shevchenko's Diary. If he releases me from the honor of being his second, I can go to Sapozhkov and persuade him to apologize. Kaverin, Unknown friend.

    5. About who or what they are proud of, to whom or what they pay tribute of respect, admiration, etc. Young mare, Honor of the Caucasian brand. Why are you rushing, daredevil? And it's time for you. Pushkin, Young Mare. - Our writers are the honor and glory of our homeland. Sollogub, Tarantas.

    In honor of someone or something- as a sign of respect, reverence for someone, something, memory of someone, something.

    (Not) in honor (outdated) - (not) held in high esteem.

    Out of honor (outdated) - for the sake of honor alone, out of respect; selflessly. [Bata] added that it was not money that was important to him, but that he was ready to serve Hadji Murat out of honor. L. Tolstoy, Hadji Murat.

    To my credit whose- to someone's dignity

    By honor- properly, according to conscience. “Our children want to live by honor, by reason.” M. Gorky, Mother.

    By honor (say) (in meaning introductory Sl.; outdated) - frankly, sincerely, frankly. [Prince:] You are avoiding my gratitude. [Arbenin:] To be honest with you, I can’t stand her. Lermontov, Masquerade.

    With honor (do What) - very good, worthy of high praise.

    Honor by honor And honor by honor- as it should, as it should be, as it should.

    Honor and Praise to whom cm. praise

    Honor (do What) - of one's own free will, without coercion.

    To do honor to whom cm. do .

    Have the honor with undef. (outdated) - used as a polite or obsequious form of address, meaning: to be honored.

    Salute - 1) (to whom) to greet smb. in a military manner, putting his hand to the headdress. The [Quartermaster] quickly put his hand to his head ---. - How dare you salute without a cap? - the commander shouted. Novikov-Priboy, They joked; 2) ( to whom) to show someone signs of respect, to honor. We went to the field where our comrades were shot, saluted, our last duty, and buried them in mass graves. Furmanov, Lbischenskaya drama; 3) ( why) (joking) to give due attention to smth. Among French cuisine, he saluted only the Rouen duck. Nikulin, loyal sons of Russia.

    Ask with honor- ask without threats, counting on obedience, voluntary consent.

    Get in honor to whom- to be in someone's favor.

    Count ( or put and so on. ) for the honor What- recognize as honorable for oneself.

    Exit with honor Of what- find a decent way out of something. predicament.

    Field of Honor (outdated And high) - battlefield, battlefield.

    Court of Honor- public court, we will consider 673 about morality, degrading dignity, compromising someone. (originally existed among officers).

    It would be an honor to be offered- used as an answer expressing an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards someone. refusal to accept something offer, agree to smth. and so on.

    Your (your, his, their) honor (outdated) - in the respectful address of a lower person to a higher one or when indicating a third person who is higher than the speaker in origin or position; same as yours (yours, his) mercy.

    Necessary ( or it's time) and an honor to know cm. know 1.

    Honor and place to whom (outdated, now joking.) - a polite invitation to sit down, to take a place of dignity.

    I have the honor to bow cm. bow down
  • HONOR 2, I honor, you honor; nesov., pereh. (owls honor 1). Outdated Recognize, count. [Fufaikin:] So, you are discriminating, but you don’t even consider me a human being? Nevezhin, childhood friends. They respect Beaver as a wizard, because he is learned a lot and has seen a lot. S. Borodin, Dmitry Donskoy.

    HONOR 3, I honor, you honor; nesov., pereh. Outdated Read. - In our village there was a soldier African, so he used to start the psalter honor... the drum beats evenly... He read deftly! M. Gorky, The Case with Fasteners.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language;

Polygraph resources, 1999;
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honor is the moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its corresponding principles. "Honor" can be perceived as a relative concept, brought into existence by certain cultural or social traditions, material reasons or personal ambitions.


1. Moral, professional, social, etc. dignity that commands respect from oneself or from others.

2.Honour, respect. Ott. Signs of attention shown to someone.

3. That which gives someone or something value, dignity; something they are proud of.

(electronic version):

4. Chastity, the purity of a woman. II Nesov. trans. outdated

Large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

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1. g.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

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wives the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience. A man of honor, unblemished honor. On my honor, I assure you on my honor, assurance, affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. You can’t sew honor to your skin if you don’t. If only you knew honor, you would be ashamed. | Conventional, secular, worldly nobility, often false, imaginary. My honor is offended by this. Field of honor, battlefield, battle. My honor demands blood. It is possible not to pay debts, but honor requires payment of gambling debts. | High rank, dignity, rank, position. And he is a temporary worker, but he stands high in honor. They will add honor and give you a lot of salary, Kotoshikhin. It's a credit that wool is warm. The Siberian princes of the boyars are superior in honor, but they do not sit in any Duma, Kotoshikhin. Not on the caftan, honor, but under the caftan. If you're wearing honor, you can take it off.

Dahl's Dictionary

(electronic version):

DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the specified information, a citizen or legal entity has the right to apply to the court with an application to recognize the specified information as untrue.

Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB

(electronic version):

4. Chastity, the purity of a woman. II Nesov. trans. outdated
1) Moral, professional, social, etc. dignity that commands respect from oneself or from others.
2) a) Honor, respect. b) Signs of attention shown to someone.
3) That which gives someone, something. value, dignity; something they are proud of.
4) outdated Chastity, the purity of a woman.

Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

(electronic version):

honor, about honor, in honor and in honor, plural. (obsolete) honor, honors, honors, f.

1. only units Moral or social dignity, that which evokes and maintains respect (for oneself or from others). And the first treasure was my honor, the treasure that torture took away. Pushkin. Go into the fire for the honor of your fatherland. Nekrasov. The most remarkable thing about competition is that it produces a radical revolution in people’s views on work, for it transforms work from a shameful and heavy burden, as it was previously considered, into a matter of honor, into a matter of glory, into a matter of valor and heroism. Stalin. Debt of honor. Personal honor. A sense of honor. I swear on my honor. To hurt someone. value, dignity, something to be proud of. The honor of my head has thinned and turned white. Pushkin. This student is a credit to our institute. || Chastity, purity (women; obsolete). Encroach on a girl's honor.

2. only units. Honor, respect. This is a great honor for me. We have had it since ancient times that honor is given to father and son. Griboyedov. What an honor for us, for all of Rus'! Pushkin. Find her a groom who is good, smart, and has ribbons and honor. Krylov. here every syllable is noticed and honored, here every verse looks like a hero. Pushkin.

3. only plural. Honors, honorary titles, ranks (obsolete). - Honor, striving along the path of honor? What does he care about them? Goncharov. How to pave a brilliant path to honor with honor? Vyazemsky. In honor of someone or something (book) - as a sign of reverence, respect for someone or something. There are even holidays established in their honor. Krylov. He named his son Vladimir in honor of Lenin. Theater Square in Moscow was renamed in honor of Comrade Sverdlov. To come out of something with honor - to cope with something, preserving, maintaining your dignity. He... came out with honor from all the fights that fate was willing to reward him with. Saltykov-Shchedrin. To do (do) honor to someone - to give (to give) to someone. great dignity, price, testify to someone's. dignity. Lomonosov did honor to his century. Dahl. It honors your heart.
2) show (provide) respect, respect (colloquial obsolete). Do me the honor of having dinner with me. Pushkin.
3) the same as Give (give) honor in 2 meanings. (joking). To have the honor (official and colloquial obsolete) - to be honored (formula of politeness or obsequious address to a superior). I have the honor to propose a project. Nekrasov. I have already had the honor of asking you for help more than once. Chekhov. I had the honor to accompany you and receive you personally in the charitable institutions entrusted to my supervision. Gogol. To the honor of (serves) whose - is a sign of someone's. dignity, positive properties. To his credit, he immediately corrected his mistake. One thing does not serve her well: for the extra five hundred rubles a year, she allowed herself to be lured by others. Griboyedov. can be attributed to honor (colloquial obsolete) - can be considered an adornment, a sign of dignity. What a rich horse you have! this can certainly be attributed to honor. Turgenev. it is necessary or time to know the honor (colloquial fam.) - enough, it’s time to stop, finish something. We grieved - and it will be, we need to know the honor! Chekhov. To give (give) honor to someone -
1) greet someone. in a military way, putting a hand to the headdress (military);
2) to show (provide) due respect, to honor (to honor) someone with attention. (joking). The guests took turns saluting each dish. Field of honor (rhetorical obsolete) - war, theater of military operations. We bless your return to your homeland from the field of honor. Zhukovsky. Listen or agree with honor - voluntarily, without expecting the use of threats or violence. If you don’t listen with honor, he’ll grab you by the trousers from behind and knock you out of the tavern in one breath. A. N. Tolstoy. ask with honor - ask without threats, counting on obedience, voluntary consent. - Gentlemen, disperse! You are honored to be asked. Chekhov. Honor and place - see place.

(electronic version):

honour, honour, unbearable, that (old.).

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

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A category meaning the moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. one of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable and intransferable. a citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of some information discrediting him, if the person who disseminated such information does not prove that it is true, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by its dissemination.

One-volume large legal dictionary

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moral, professional, social dignity, causing respect for oneself or on the part of others, respect, respect, signs of attention shown to someone, something that gives someone or something value, dignity; what one is proud of is chastity, the purity of a woman with the pronouns your, his, her, theirs - a form of title for the highest in social status, an official respectful address to such a person (in pre-revolutionary Russia)


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Examples of using the word honor in the text

There will be no Paris. No luxurious chambers, no highest awards, no tires, no bottom. Only honor - no money for you, no prestige, Only honor - like life or death - one. Get on the ship, Get on the horse, Let's see what fortune is yours! A BALLAD about choice We know: by the wise fate Everything is written out second by second: Here the phases of the Moon and Saturn have come together - and you can’t move your hand. But even in the fateful hour, Whenever and wherever you are, Your choice is always yours. The sorceress prepares a magical mixture in a silver crucible, A minute - and now we comprehended, What was, what will be, what is. And the voice was muffled at night, And the lot seemed to have fallen, But the choice is always yours. Yes, life is kinder to scoundrels, Capricious are its turns, She lavishes bounty on the Heroes of roundabout paths. And what is on the straight road? There are only bumps and bruises... Well, the choice is always yours. Here is our special honor! Here is our eternal concern: We are always obliged to prefer something to something! A lie is the truth, yes or no, dishonor or destruction - your choice. The answer is yours. Tell me

Someday I will compose poems in honor of kittens washing themselves in the morning, in honor of Indians scrubbing their clothes to holes in the shade of trees at noon by the river, and their skin to squeaking with large pieces of fragrant soap and hemp washcloths; in honor of the horses rolling and lying on the grass, snorting and polishing their shiny sides; in honor of the tomboys noisily splashing naked in the pond; in honor of the chickens, clucking joyfully in the dust; in honor of the venerable fathers of families, forgotten in song under the thin stream of the washbasin; in honor of the birds on the branches, enthusiastically sorting out the ruffled feathers one after another; in honor of the boys and girls, as lovely as fresh fruit, preening before a date; in honor of all living and well, all those who bring purity and beauty in the name of the greater glory of life.

He who chooses between life and honor receives both life and honor; he who chooses life instead of honor is deprived first of honor and then of life.

They crowd at the entrance, Everyone pays honor to the Russian knight; No wonder the Lithuanian people marvel... “But the prince is not pleased with the new honor, He is filled with bile and malice; He is preparing...

The meaning of this clarification will become clear below.) And he raises five children, whose names were chosen, obviously, taking into account his father’s literary preferences: Joffrey (in honor of Chaucer), Emily (in honor of Dickinson and Brontë), Charles (in honor of Dickens), Zina Margaret (in honor of Margaret Mitchell, author of Gone with the Wind) and Erin Louise (in honor of the little-known writer Louise Alcott).

Fable Somehow conscience, intelligence and honor came together to read these works. And conscience declared loudly that the music of poetry is beautiful if you shake off the arrogance of the poets. But take your mind and go for it... And from then on, honor was lost. And the music of poetry beautiful!July 2011

Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, some eastern nations use an alphabet named after a person, in honor of a monk, in honor of an outcast, cursed and glorified by both Great Churches, in honor of a philosopher who opposed himself to the Princes of the Church, while formally remaining submissive.

He named the boat after me, not after my brother Mike, or even after the mother he adored, but after me, Jesse.

Eh, in your eyes I see God, you are his chosen ones, and it’s an honor to be with you, an honor to recognize myself as equal to you, unknown heroes... an honor, a great honor to be equal where a person is equal to a deity...

Quotes with the word honor

We have been given an honor, but this honor is an unbearably heavy burden.

Black House

Loyalty, honor and a warm heart - I dare not ask for more.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I have the honor of shaking the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen whose hand was cut off by Saddam Hussein.

George Walker Bush

The word marry has some kind of magical power over me: no matter how passionately I love a woman, if she only makes me feel that I should marry her, forgive love! my heart turns to stone, and nothing will warm it up again. I am ready for any sacrifice except this one; Twenty times I will put my life, even my honor, on the line... but I will not sell my freedom.

Hero of our time

Tatar honor is more evil than evil

Galicia-Volyn Chronicle

Give yourself honor and worship to the elders, honor the middle ones like brothers, welcome the weak and sorrowful with love, love the youngest like children - do not harm every creature of God.


Even though he was named after a great leader, Optimus will never learn the most important rule of war: never underestimate your enemy!

Beast robots

Translation: Value honor from a young age.

Polish proverbs

I thought that I had lost my honor and that my father could give it back to me. But now I understand that no one can restore honor. You must do it yourself by doing worthy deeds!

Avatar: The Legend of Aang

National honor is a national property of the highest value.

  • Honor gives strength to overcome even the most difficult and formidable obstacles.
  • Honor gives respect - “man of honor” has long been one of the most significant compliments to a noble person in Russia.
  • Honor gives hope - even in a hopeless situation.
  • Honor gives freedom - from base actions, lies and insincerity.
  • Honor provides opportunities for unlimited spiritual development.

Shows of honor in everyday life

  • Hostilities. Military honor is the main quality that should be inherent in a good warrior, both a private and a commander.
  • Everyday situations. A person who stands up for the weak or insulted is a man of honor.
  • Religion. A clergyman who is persecuted or condemned, but does not betray his religious beliefs, is a man of honor.
  • Extreme situations. A person who, in an extreme situation, thinks not about how to save himself alone, but about how to save himself together with everyone is a man of honor.

How to cultivate honor

  • A person should have honor from birth; if a person does not feel honor in himself, he will have to make significant efforts in order to become a man of honor.
  • Fulfillment of obligations and promises. A person who trains himself not to make impossible promises and to always keep his word becomes a man of honor.
  • Psychological trainings. The fewer fears and concerns a person has, the more likely it is that in a difficult situation he will prove himself to be a man of honor. Psychological training helps to get rid of many fears.
  • Self improvement. If a person is able to soberly evaluate himself, see the negative sides of his character and set a goal to overcome them, he is on the path to becoming a man of honor.

Golden mean

Dishonesty | complete lack of honor


Boast | excessive understanding of honor, transforming it from internal to external

Catchphrases about honor

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor. - Arthur Schopenhauer - Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.- Russian Proverb - True honor is the decision to do in all circumstances what is useful to the most people. - Benjamin Franklin - My honor is my life; both grow from the same root. Take away my honor and my life will end. A very authoritative and more than interesting book. The author proves that the basis of true power is impeccable adherence to life principles, an unshakable moral law that inspires respect and trust in people.

HONOR, -and, about honor, in honor and in honor, w. 1. Moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its corresponding principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hurt someone. Part: Court of Honor (officer). 2. Good, untarnished reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of the tea from a young age (ate). Ch. factory brand. Part of the uniform (about someone’s official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, purity. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Hours for labor. Give something to someone Ch. and glory to the heroes! * If the honor were offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, whatever you want, don’t want and don’t need. Your (your, his, her, their) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. Yes, but not about your honor (verb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - enjoys honor. In honor of someone, in meaning. preposition with genus p. - specifically for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone. Reception in honor of the delegation. To get out (of a situation) with honor - to find a worthy way out. To do honor to someone - 1) to characterize from a good side. Such an act honors his mind and heart, 2) shows respect. An honor with your visit. I have the honor (to ask, offer, inform) (obsolete) - a formula of politeness in speech addressed to a superior person. I have the honor to introduce you to my friend. To the credit of someone - characterizes someone well, does honor to someone. A lot of honor for someone (colloquial disapproval) - someone has not deserved it, someone is not worthy. something Should I apologize to him? Much honor. To salute - 1) to whom, to greet, placing a hand on the headdress. Salute the officer; 2) to what, to give due attention to something. (joking). Give honor to the treat. The field of honor (obsolete high) is the same as the battlefield. It's time (or necessary) to know the honor

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Give Honor- trump
take one's peak (do one's best)
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Honor- and. the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience. A man of honor, unblemished honor. By honor, I assure you........
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Honor- honour, honour, nesov., that (old.). 1. Read. 2. Count, believe.
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

In Honor of Preposition- 1. from birth. pad. Usage when referring to: 1) someone. or something, as a sign of respect, respect for which something is done. action and 2) a solemn occasion for something; on the occasion of........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Honor By Honor Adv. Razg.— 1. As it should be; good, worthy, honor by honor.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Honor Honor Adv. Razg.— 1. As it should be; good, worthy.
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Acceptance for Honor — -
acceptance of a protested draft by a third
face for salvation
credit or reputation
drawer, that is, the person who issued the draft.
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- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreels
programs, presentation in official
characteristics, public......
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Honor- -And; and.
1. The set of the highest moral and ethical principles of an individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); maintaining self-dignity and respect........
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Dissemination of Information Discrediting the Honor and Dignity of Citizens and Organizations- - publication of such information in the press, broadcast on radio and television in newsreels, presentation in job descriptions, public statements,......
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Information Defamatory to Honor and Dignity— - information that does not correspond to reality, containing a statement about a violation by a citizen or organization of legislation or moral principles (about the commission of......
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Honor— - a category meaning the moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable........
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Honor, Dignity, Business Reputation- (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of those discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation.......
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Honor- see "Glory".
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Good, Honor— Philosophical meaning of the term: Virtue (Stoics, Cicero, Horace, Lucan).
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