The service life of the washbasin has expired. Warranty period and service life of the toilet

Modern toilets, without any doubt, represent achievements of engineering thought. In plumbing stores, the range of these products is so huge that it is sometimes very difficult for a non-specialist to decide on the choice of toilet. The purpose of this article is to help you buy the best toilet that meets all your requirements, both technically and aesthetically.

Let's first determine the prices of toilets today. What primarily affects the cost of these plumbing fixtures?

‹› Material from which the toilet is made
‹› Its type or model
‹› Toilet bowl
<> Manufacturer country

As for importing countries, it is clear that customs duties will be different, which will naturally affect the price of products from these countries. Based on these features, all toilets can be classified by price into three large groups:

‹› Budget
‹›Medium level
‹› Luxury models

Products of the first group make up almost 80-85% of toilets presented on the Russian market today. These are toilets domestic production. They are relatively low price on average from $25 to $100 due to the lack of customs duties, the availability of Russian raw materials and accessories. This price segment also includes toilets from China, Bulgaria, Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine. Among these products you can choose quite high quality ones, but you have to choose. Such models are best installed in public places, rented housing, because it is easier to replace such a toilet based on its price than to spend money on parts and a specialist.

Toilets in the middle price segment are approximately $150-200. Such products are produced and Russian manufacturers, for example Sanita from Samara, Santek from Cheboksary, IDDIS from St. Petersburg, Import of toilets at an average price comes to us from countries such as Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Turkey, USA, Poland.

Luxury plumbing fixtures are supplied to our country from Austria, Germany, Sweden, France, the USA, and Sweden. The price starts from $400-450.Toilets excellent quality, but not all models and the functionality itself may suit you specifically. It is necessary to choose and take into account the advice of specialists.

The next criterion in choosing the best toilet should be the method of fastening. There are two main methods - floor and hanging.

Floor system toilet mounting

The floor-standing toilet can be considered a classic of the genre. Such a toilet is probably found in 95% of homes in our country. These toilets fit well into the interior of almost any bathroom and toilet room. They are easy to install and easy to maintain. Among the floor models there are differences:

Compact. The tank is rigidly connected to the base of the toilet with bolts and nuts, which are included in the kit.

The tank is mounted separately on the wall, at some height, thanks to this design feature The water pressure evacuates the contents well into the sewer. Saves space, since there is no shelf on which the tank is attached.

Monoblock. During the production process, the toilet bowl and cistern are tightly connected. All fittings in the tank are installed at the factory. The warranty for such products starts from 5 years. Repair, as you yourself understand, is expensive and not always possible.

Hidden installation, similar to wall hung toilet, only attached to the floor. The tank and all the connections to such a toilet are hidden in the wall, with only the bowl itself visible. Looks very good and saves space.

Without tank. The bowl is flushed into the sewer directly from the water supply. The system is called drukspühler. More suitable for public restrooms. Not popular.

Hanging system toilet mounting

Wall-hung toilets save space in the room and “do not collect dirt on the floor around them,” as most buyers of such systems say. A small bowl hanging on the wall has a more attractive and “hygienic” appearance compared to floor models. There are block and frame installations of suspended systems.

The block system is a frame with fixed dimensions and a fixed tank, 10-15 cm deep, which is mounted in a niche of the main wall on metal embedded plates. The plastic tank is firmly fixed to the plates with metal bolts. A block installation cannot be installed in partitions; a permanent wall is needed. The toilet does not hang, but is installed on the floor.

Frame installation- a more expensive option that allows you to mount a wall-hung toilet in lightweight partitions and adjust the height of the toilet relative to the floor. The plastic tank and all the eyeliner are attached to steel frame, which can hold weight up to 400 kg. Types of frame structures include: corner structure, which will allow you to place a wall-hung toilet in the corner of the room, not necessarily at 90 °.

Toilet bowl

Visor bowl shape. The peculiarity of this shape is that the back of the bowl at the drain is tilted at an angle of 30-45° relative to the base. Sewage and feces fall onto the inclined section of the bowl without causing splashes or splashes. But this design does not always allow you to wash everything off immediately and cleanly, so you will have to use the brush quite often.

Dish-shaped bowl. In the Soviet past it was the most common. Rear end The bowl looks like a plate, hence the name. This form will not eliminate unpleasant odors, but will protect from splashes, since the recess in the plate is filled with water up to a certain level. To ensure that the water does not splash when flushing, it will be necessary to adjust the filling volume of the tank.

Funnel bowl. This bowl shape is used by imported manufacturers. The drain is located in the center of the bowl and when flushed, a funnel is formed. When flushing, you don't have to worry about splashing water. There is a small risk from splashes of falling faeces, but unpleasant odors are kept to a minimum. Also, when using such a toilet, you will practically not need a brush.

Which toilet outlet goes into the sewer?

Horizontal release. Ideal if the output is fan sewer pipe is at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor level, you can connect the toilet through rubber cuff directly, the space saving is obvious, as they say. Although, such an outlet is essentially universal as it will fit any sewer outlet, you just need to buy a corrugation for the toilet, but some space will have to be sacrificed.

Oblique release.

If the sewer outlet rises only 3-6 cm above the floor level, then this outlet will fit very well. It will be possible to buy a straight cuff or with an offset center, for maneuver during installation. Saving space again... This is the same case when they change the sewer system in an apartment, but do not touch the sewer riser itself. Vertical release. Distance from wall to exit fan pipe

there should be at least 45-60 cm from the floor. This is not a common situation these days. typical for old buildings from the 40s to the 50s. When flushing large volumes of water, for example from a bucket, no funnel is formed, since the water immediately rushes down under the influence of gravity. When installing the toilet, maneuvering is limited.

Toilet with anti-splash system

You may come across the opinion that anti-burst is a development of Russian scientists, let’s not argue. The meaning of this technology is as follows.
‹› The opening of the drain channel is narrowed as much as possible and recessed downwards
‹› Low water level in the drain channel is the main condition for taming the splash
‹› Along the contour of the narrow drain hole there is a compensation rim, which additionally “quenches” splashes.

What materials are toilets made from?

The most common materials for making toilets are:

Faience. Cheap and most popular material. This is a fine porous ceramic white. To ensure that this material absorbs moisture as little as possible, it is coated with enamel. The service life of the toilet depends on the quality of the enamel. Enamel not only protects porous earthenware from dirt and plaque, but also gives it appropriate strength. The service life of a faience toilet can reach up to 50 years or more.

Porcelain. It is distinguished by its durability, elite appearance and very long service life. Due to the peculiarities of production, porcelain has zero absorption, does not change color, and caring for it is not particularly difficult. Now there are various colors and shades that can be made to order.

Metal. Stainless steel and various alloys are used. The most advantageous advantage of these toilets is their anti-vandalism. They are difficult to damage. Great appearance, ease of care and long term services are the undoubted advantages of metal toilets. Best use These toilets were found in public restrooms. The sound of water falling on metal is unforgettable and makes you think about the correct choice of such a device. If you decide to purchase such a miracle of modern engineering for your home, be prepared to pay about $1000 for a decent example. Suitable for exclusive interiors with non-standard solutions.

Cast iron. Almost disappeared from the market. Its only advantage is its long service life.

Stone. Today, manufacturers offer toilets made from the following varieties of this material. Marble, granite, onyx, travertine, polymer concrete. Such toilets are considered luxury goods and are mainly made to order. In the production of marble toilets, such a level of surface polishing quality is achieved that flushing such a product removes all the smallest particles. But, still, natural stone has porosity, which is a disadvantage, since such a toilet absorbs odors and dirt and is not so resistant to household chemicals and abrasive materials used for washing. Although it should be noted that toilets made from artificial stone more hygienic than their natural counterparts. Such toilets are used exclusively in individual design solutions.

Glass toilets. Such products are more likely to be exclusive interior solutions. Such plumbing is designed primarily to surprise and shock guests. In the production of such toilets it is used strained glass the most unusual shades and colors - from transparent to completely black. The advantages of these products are the highest antibacterial properties and beautiful appearance. Glass is not subject to corrosion and discoloration. By purchasing such a toilet, you can be absolutely sure that rusty or limescale. The only and most big drawback glass plumbing - a very high price. Such products are made exclusively to order.

Wooden toilets. Let's just say these creations are for great originals. With all the advantages of an unusual appearance and high price, the demand for these toilets is very small and these products are mainly purchased to order. A tree, as they say, is a tree. To care for such a device, you will need to read voluminous instructions, as well as the operating instructions for such a masterpiece.

Plastic toilets

The material from which these products are made is called sanitary acrylic, which is treated with special resins and coated with fiberglass, which gives it antibacterial properties and zero absorbency.

There may be a false impression of a low-budget option when mentioning plastic toilet. but that's not true. Among such products there are also elite models that are made of high-strength acrylic, which at first glance cannot be distinguished from porcelain. The advantages of such toilets are lightness and strength. Acrylic does not change color when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Anyone who has at least once renovated a bathroom has certainly wondered how to choose the right toilet for the home. The design should be comfortable and easy to clean. What else you should pay attention to when purchasing - you will find out from the article.

Features of toilets made of various materials

Earthenware. They are made from fine-pored ceramics and covered with glazed enamel.


  • considered the most popular and cheaper than others;
  • enamel wears off over time, reducing the strength of the structure;
  • The service life of such a toilet is 10-15 years;
  • due to the porous surface, they absorb odors and dirt;
  • require effort when cleaning.

Earthenware toilet

Porcelain. The material for them is also made from white clay, like earthenware, but it is much stronger due to special additives. Peculiarities:

  • the enamel coating wears off slowly, and this does not lead to destruction of the structure;
  • service life is about 20-25 years;
  • look very attractive in the interior;
  • cost approximately 30-50% more than earthenware.

Porcelain toilet

Steel. They are made from stainless metal. Characteristics:

  • the surface is easy to clean;
  • Very durable structures, resistant to damage;
  • come in different forms;
  • the service life is quite long, which is why these toilets are popular in public places;
  • They're not cheap.

Steel toilet

Cast iron. Not very popular, more often used in places where a lot of people gather. Peculiarities:

  • they weigh a lot and are very bulky;
  • are not exposed to rust;
  • do not last long.

Cast iron toilet for public places

Marble and artificial stone. Their surface is carefully polished, it becomes smooth, like glass. Characteristics:

  • durable;
  • withstand mechanical damage;
  • hygienic: even low water pressure is suitable for flushing;
  • are very expensive.

Marble toilet

Made from natural stone. Suitable for lovers of luxury. Peculiarities:

  • easy to care for;
  • weigh a lot;
  • not resistant to damage;
  • have a high cost.

Travertine toilet

Plastic. Most often made of acrylic. Usually these structures are installed in a country house, not in an apartment. Characteristics:

  • lungs;
  • inexpensive;
  • are easy to install;
  • not very durable, including unstable to temperature changes;
  • do not last long.

Types of bowl-shaped toilets

In the form of a plate. Equipped with a small platform that prevents splashes. At the same time, this design is not very hygienic, since everything that gets there is first delayed on the same platform. Water often collects in a bowl shaped like a plate. Over time, this causes salt deposits to appear.

Toilet bowl in the shape of a plate

Attention! When installing a toilet with a disc bowl, it is often necessary to additionally adjust the operation of the tank and adjust the volume of water for flushing.

Funnel shaped. The drain hole in such toilets is located in the center, so everything immediately goes into the water. If you want to choose a product of this shape, please note that back wall was sloping. Then there will be less splashing when using the toilet. Also, to avoid this problem, the water level at the bottom of the structure should not exceed 7 cm. You can find out this in the store by asking for technical documentation.

Toilet with funnel bowl

In the form of a visor. The drain hole here is located closer to the front. These designs have a special bend that prevents splashes.

Visor toilet

Types of cisterns

The volume of this device is approximately the same in all toilet models and is about 6-8 liters. To save money, you can install a mechanism with two buttons. When you press the smaller one, approximately 2-3 times less water leaves the tank. This is enough to renew the water in the bowl.

Advice. When purchasing a tank, pay attention to the fittings that go with it. It should be very simple, not located too compactly, otherwise repair and replacement will become difficult. It is good if the valve with a float for supplying water is mounted on the side wall under the lid. Make sure the fittings that fit your kit are sold separately.

One of important characteristics when choosing - noiselessness. It is better if the water does not fill the tank from above, but flows out like a fountain. Flushing it down the toilet is possible in 2 ways, using direct and reverse flush systems. In the first case, water pours horizontally from the tank into a hole along the wall of the bowl. At the same time, everything located in the center of the toilet is washed away well. At the same time, the flow of water does not reach other places, so if necessary, you need to use a brush.

Two-stage water drain button

A reverse flush (ring, circular, shower system) involves the movement of jets not directly, but along a circular path. Water flows evenly throughout the bowl. At the same time, there is practically no noise. However, there is a possibility that the drain holes located under the rim will become clogged due to salt deposits. Reverse flush toilets are much more expensive than direct flush toilets.

Based on how the tanks are attached, the following models are distinguished:

  • separate - hung above the toilet;
  • joint - fixed to the toilet.

Models of toilets with shared tanks

The former are more difficult to install and not always convenient to maintain. In addition, they are noisier than those that represent monolithic structure with a toilet. However, the separate option is good for rooms with a small area. Hang the tank on the wall and improve water pressure. In addition, in order to save space, it can be hung from the ceiling or built into a niche, leaving the control lever on the surface.

Advice. When choosing a toilet, give preference to the cistern mechanism, which involves pushing the button in rather than pulling it out. It is considered more reliable.

Types of toilets by installation method

Drain (outlet) design

Here it is impossible to highlight systems with advantages and disadvantages, and it is impossible to advise anything. It all depends on each individual home. Plumbing manufacturers make toilets with various designs to facilitate their installation and connection to the sewer. Therefore, before you buy a toilet, carefully examine how the sewer pipe and its entrance (socket) are located in your bathroom.

Based on this, select the desired system:

How to choose the right toilet: video

Types of toilets for the home: photos

GOST 30493-96

Group Zh21



Types and main sizes

Ceramic sanitary ware.
Types and principal dimensions

OKSTU 4960

Date of introduction 1998-07-01


1 DEVELOPED BY Research Institute building ceramics(NIIstroykeramika)

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) on December 11, 1996.

The following voted for adoption:

State name

Name of body government controlled construction

The Republic of Azerbaijan

State Construction Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Gosstroy of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic

Gosstroy of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Department of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Ministry of Construction of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

State Construction Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan

State Committee for Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

3. INSTEAD GOST 755-82*, GOST 21485.4-76, GOST 21485.5-76, GOST 22847-85, GOST 23759-85, GOST 26901-86, ST SEV 1002-78
*Probably an error in the original. Should read: GOST 755-85. - Database manufacturer's note.

4. Resolution of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 30, 1997 N 18-76 interstate standard GOST 30493-96 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since July 1, 1998

(Amendment. IUS N 11-2007).

An amendment was made, published in IUS No. 11, 2007

Amendment made by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to sanitary ceramic (porcelain, semi-porcelain and earthenware) washbasins, washbasin pedestals, toilets, cisterns, bidets, urinals and establishes their types and basic dimensions.

Sanitary ceramic products are intended for installation in sanitary facilities, domestic and other premises of buildings for various purposes, in sanitary facilities of river and sea vessels and railway cars.

The requirements of section 3 are mandatory, the rest are recommended, and can be specified by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer (customer).

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 13449-82 Sanitary ceramic products. Test methods

GOST 15167-93 Sanitary ceramic products. General technical conditions

GOST 21485-94 Flush cisterns and fittings for them. General technical conditions

3 Types and main sizes

3.1 Sanitary ceramic products (washbasins, toilets, flush cisterns, bidets, urinals) are manufactured following types in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to approved working drawings.

Elements of the main products are given in Appendix A.

3.2 The shape of products is not regulated by this standard.

3.3 Washbasins

3.3.1 Types of washbasins

Washbasins are produced in the following types:

- semicircular, oval, rectangular, trapezoidal with or without backrest;

- corner with or without backrest and with or without overflow, with a cut corner;

- surgical and hairdressing salons without a backrest.

3.3.2 The main dimensions of semicircular, oval, rectangular and trapezoidal washbasins are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1.

Figure 1 - Washbasin

Figure 1 - Washbasin

Table 1

In millimeters

Washbasin size

no less


* Allowed for washbasins with built-in mounting surfaces.

3.3.3 The main dimensions of corner, surgical and hairdressing washbasins are shown in Table 2 and Figures 2, 3.

table 2

In millimeters

Types of washbasins

no less

Corner without back

Corner with back

Corner with overflow

Corner with cut corner



Figure 2 - Washbasin for railway cars

* Hole G - only in the hairdressing washbasin.

Figure 3 - Surgical and hairdressing washbasin

3.3.4 Semicircular, oval, rectangular and trapezoidal washbasins are manufactured with or without holes in the shelves for installation of mixing fittings, which must be indicated in the consumer order.

The dimensions of the holes, their location and number, depending on the type of mixing fittings, must correspond to those shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4 - Ceramic pedestal for washbasin

For central mixer

For mixer with lower chamber mixing

Figure 5 - Location and dimensions of holes in washbasin shelves for installing faucets

3.3.5 Angular and surgical wash basins are made without holes in the shelf. The dimensions of the hole in the shelf of the hairdressing washbasin for the mixer are shown in Figure 3.

3.3.6 The dimensions of the hole in the washbasin bowl for installing the outlet must correspond to those shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Dimensions of the hole in the washbasin bowl for installing the outlet

Figure 6 - Dimensions of the hole in the washbasin bowl
to install release

3.3.7 The configuration of the upper surface of the ceramic pedestal must correspond to the configuration of the lower surface of the washbasin bowl for which the pedestal is intended (Figure 4).

3.4 Toilets

3.4.1 Types of toilets

Toilets are produced in the following types:

- a plate toilet with an oblique outlet and a solid cast shelf;

- plate toilet with direct release with a solid cast shelf;

- a plate toilet with an oblique outlet without a solid cast shelf, including for children;

- a toilet bowl with direct release without a solid cast shelf, including for children;

- a visor toilet with an oblique outlet and a solid cast shelf;

- a visor toilet with an oblique outlet without a solid cast shelf;

- funnel-shaped toilet with direct release and a solid cast shelf;

- funnel-shaped toilet with an oblique outlet with a solid cast shelf;

- funnel-shaped toilet with direct outlet without a solid cast shelf;

- a funnel-shaped toilet with an oblique outlet without a solid cast shelf.

3.4.2 The main dimensions of toilets are shown in Figures 7, 8 and Table 3.

Figure 7 - Toilet with a solid cast shelf

Add-on shelf

Figure 8 - Toilet with an attached shelf

Table 3

In millimeters

Types of toilets

With one-piece shelf

Not less than 605*

Without solid cast shelf



* It is allowed, by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, to produce toilets with a length of 575 mm.

3.4.3 Toilets installed in sanitary units of railway cars are shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 - Toilets installed in sanitary units of railway cars

3.4.4 For fastening, toilet bowls must have holes:

- in toilets installed in sanitary facilities household premises, - two or four holes, which must be indicated in the order;

- in toilets installed in sanitary units of railway cars, there are three holes.

At the consumer's request, toilet bowls can be manufactured without mounting holes.

3.5 Flush cisterns

3.5.1 Types of cisterns

Flush cisterns are produced in the following types:

- flush cistern installed on the toilet with side or top release;

- flush cistern low-positioned, mid-positioned and high-positioned with side release.

3.5.2 The main dimensions of the flush tank must correspond to those shown in Figure 10.

It is allowed, by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, to produce tanks of other sizes, interconnected with connecting dimensions toilet bowls, filling and drainage fittings and ensuring consumer properties of the product.

3.5.3 Flush tanks must comply with the requirements of GOST 21485.

3.5.4 Holes in tanks for flush fittings and fastenings to toilets are taken according to working drawings.

Figure 10 - High-mounted flush cistern with side entry

Figure 10 - High-mounted flush cistern
with side launch

3.6 Bidet

3.6.1 Bidet types

Bidets are available in the following types:

1 - without overflow; 2 - with overflow.

It is allowed, by agreement with the consumer, to produce bidets of type 2 without overflow.

3.6.2 The main dimensions of the bidet are shown in Figure 11 and Table 4.

Figure 11 - Bidet

Figure 11 - Bidet

Table 4

In millimeters

Bidet type

3.6.3 The dimensions of the holes, their location and number, depending on the type of mixing fittings and outlet, must correspond to those shown in Figure 12.

By agreement with the consumer, it is possible to manufacture a bidet with one hole in the shelf for installing water fittings.

Location and dimensions of holes in the bidet shelf for installing water fittings


(at customer's request)

Dimensions of the hole in the bidet bowl for installing the outlet

*Can be manufactured with one hole

Figure 12 - Location and dimensions of holes in the bidet

3.7 Urinals

3.7.1 Types of urinals

Urinals are produced in the following types:

- wall-mounted urinal with solid-cast siphon type 1;

- wall-mounted urinal with solid-cast siphon type 2;

- wall-mounted urinal without a solid-cast ceramic siphon.

3.7.2 The main dimensions of urinals must correspond to those shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13 - Urinal

Figure 13 - Urinal

3.8 Limit deviations overall dimensions and other sizes over 50 mm should be from plus 2.5 to minus 3%. Dimensional deviations of 50 mm or less, with the exception of those indicated in Figures 5 and 12, must be established in the working drawings.

3.9 The symbol of the product must consist of the first one or two letters of the product, the type designation (1, 2, 3 or 4), a number indicating the design of the toilet flush ring or the size of the washbasin, letters: D - for children’s toilets, S - for washbasins with back, bS - for washbasins without a back, p - for washbasins with an overflow, SU - for washbasins with a cut corner, vp - for tanks with top release, bp - for tanks with side release, f - for porcelain products, pf - for semi-porcelain products, fs - for earthenware products and the designation of this standard.

Example symbol rectangular washbasin, third size, with back, porcelain:

UmPr3SF GOST 30493-96

The same, corner washbasin, with a cut corner, semi-porcelain:

UmUgSupf GOST 30493-96

The same, plate toilet, with direct release, without a solid cast shelf, with a flush ring, version 2, porcelain:

UnTP2f GOST 30493-96

The same, children's toilet, with oblique outlet, with flush ring, version 1, porcelain:

UnT1Df GOST 30493-96

The same, low-mounted flush cistern, with top start, porcelain:

BNvpf GOST 30493-96

The same, a urinal with a solid-cast siphon, type 1, porcelain:

PS1f GOST 30493-96

Urinal without a solid ceramic semi-porcelain siphon:

PPF GOST 30493-96

3.10 Grade is determined by appearance indicators in accordance with GOST 15167.

The attached shelf cannot be divided into varieties.

3.11 Technical requirements, acceptance rules, labeling, packaging, transportation, storage and manufacturer’s warranties - in accordance with GOST 15167. Test methods - according to GOST 13449.

4 Installation instructions

The toilet is installed in a specially prepared place: the pedestal is secured with two or four bolts or screws, depending on the design of the toilet, on a wooden platform or secured cement mortar. On a toilet with a solid cast shelf, the tank is bolted to the toilet shelf. When installing a cistern mounted on a separate shelf, the rubber cuff located on the shelf nozzle is placed on the toilet flare and after that the shelf is attached to the toilet.

The float valve should completely shut off the flow of water into the tank when it reaches a level 20 mm below the overflow.

Installation of a washbasin on metal brackets.

Two brackets are installed on a pre-marked wall (with screws, bolts or by shooting) at a distance corresponding to the size between the mounting holes of the washbasin. The washbasin is installed on brackets and its back side is secured with a bracket or another method that ensures a load on the front edge of at least 1.5 kN (150 kgf) against tipping.

Bolted pedestal vanity installation.

Install two bolts onto the pre-marked wall at a distance corresponding to the size between the mounting holes on the rear mounting surface of the washbasin. The washbasin is placed on a pedestal and bolted to the wall. The fastening must ensure a load on the front edge of the washbasin of at least 1.5 kN (150 kgf) from tipping over.

Appendix A (informative) Elements of main products

Appendix A

Table A.1

Item name

Item number in Figure A.1

Front side

Back wall

Reinforcement panel

Recess for soap (soap dish)

Outer wall of the product

Drain hole (inside)

Drain hole (outside)

Overflow channel

Overflow hole (overflow)

Support rib

Mounting holes

Holes for fittings

Hole for rinsing water supply

Washing crown (ring)

Water distributor



Outlet fitting



Water seal

Tank cover

Figure A.1, sheet 1

Flush cistern


Figure A.1, sheet 1

Figure A.1, sheet 2

Wash basin

Sink (sink)

Figure A.1, sheet 2

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
MNTKS - M.: IPK Publishing House
standards, 1998

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

The toilet is the piece of plumbing that almost no home or apartment can do without.

And choosing it is a very difficult matter, especially considering the huge variety of them on the market. Therefore, before choosing, it is better to study all this variety with its pros and cons.

It’s better to go directly to trusted stores to make a purchase. Therefore, let's talk about the types of toilets, as well as what you should pay attention to when buying.

What materials are toilets made from?

Most often, toilets are made from the following materials:

Faience. The most popular and affordable material. During the production process, earthenware is fired and then covered with a thick layer of glaze to protect it from moisture absorption and reduce porosity. Such toilets do not require special care. The device will last for 15 years or longer. Over time, due to physical impact, the enamel will wear off, and the strength of the toilet bowl will decrease due to the absorption of moisture into the earthenware.

Porcelain. These toilets will last for many years due to their strength and durability. They are made from white clay with the addition of feldspar and quartz, which adds strength to it. Porcelain is also glazed, so these toilets look similar to earthenware. But these toilets are expensive.

Metal. These toilets are made from of stainless steel. Most often installed in public places, but in Lately they began to be used in houses and apartments to create special interior. These toilets are durable, easy to clean, do not rust, and have a long service life. But such toilets are more expensive even than porcelain ones.

A natural stone. The most expensive type of toilet. Outwardly, they look very expensive, do not require special care and have a long service life. But at the same time they are very heavy and easily damaged.

Decorative rock. Such toilets are made from natural stone chips and excipients, due to which the material becomes strong, durable and resistant to damage. Such products are cheaper than products from natural stone, besides, they are easy to clean and are cheaper than the previous option.

Plastic. These toilets are made from acrylic with fiberglass and resins. They are lightweight, easy to care for, but do not withstand damage and temperature changes. Service life is short. This best option for the dacha.

Types of toilet bowls

The shape of the toilet bowl will determine ease of use, noise, splashes, and water efficiency. Now on the plumbing market you can find the following bowls:

  1. in the shape of a plate - such a bowl has a prominent platform that prevents splashes from forming. But everything that ends up in the toilet will remain on this site. And water, which is also always present here, will eventually ruin the appearance of the toilet;
  2. funnel-shaped - drainer is in the center of the bowl and everything goes straight into it. This type of toilet is the most hygienic. The disadvantage of these bowls is the formation of splashes, which will decrease if the bowl has a steep back wall;
  3. in the shape of a visor - this is something between the first and second options. Thanks to the bending of the wall, there is no splashing, and the drain is located in such a way that any waste immediately falls into it.

Types of toilet seats

Almost no toilet is complete without seats. It is made of either plastic or wood.

Plastic seats are the most popular because they are easy to clean, look good, have a long service life and are inexpensive.

Wooden seats are rarely installed, mainly if the specifics of the interior require it. They do not cause allergies, will last a very long time and retain heat well. But they are very expensive.

Some toilet seats are equipped with a mechanism to slow down the lid when closing, making it silent.

Thanks to the development of technology, it is now possible to purchase toilets with electric heating or with the function of recognizing a person and opening the lid when he approaches.

Types of toilet installation and installation

Based on the type of installation, toilets are divided into floor-mounted and wall-hung.

Most often installed floor standing toilets. They are easy to install since their feet rest on the floor. Depending on the location of the cistern, floor-standing toilets can be attached or free-standing.

In the case of an attached toilet, the cistern is hidden in the wall, which will undoubtedly improve the interior, but if necessary, complicate repairs. Free-standing toilets come in monoblock and compact versions.

In Russia, the most common type is a compact one, consisting of a bowl and a tank. Compacts are rarely used in our country (they are more popular in Western countries). Their tank and bowl are a whole structure

Wall-hung toilets are compact, which will save space in the bathroom. Externally, they also look very neat, since all the ugly parts are hidden. Caring for such a toilet is easier than for a floor-standing one, but it must be installed by a specialist.

Gaining popularity corner toilets. This perfect option For small bathroom. This option is only floor-mounted, but this will not complicate installation and maintenance. These differ from all other toilets only in the shape of the tank, which is installed in a corner, which, again, saves space and also visually enlarges the room.
In general, having chosen the type of toilet, you can safely purchase it both in a regular and online store.

Types of toilet flush

Comfort when using this plumbing does not depend at all on the type of descent. The type of drainage is selected according to the criteria of the bathroom design. Therefore, there are three types of descents:

  • horizontal is the most popular option; it is chosen when the socket is located at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor;
  • vertical descent - suitable if the sewer pipe goes to the floor. This saves space, but in our country there are practically no buildings with such a sewerage arrangement, so it is more acceptable for private houses;
  • oblique descent - previously used everywhere. In this option, the bell is located close to the floor or at an angle.

Types of toilet flushes

When choosing a toilet, also consider the type of drain. It can be horizontal or circular.
Horizontal drainage involves the flow of water from the tank into the central part of the bowl in a straight line. A strong stream of water washes away all the waste, but still, there are areas that are not covered by the flush, so there is a need to use a brush. This type of drainage has been used in Russia for a couple of decades.

A circular drain is more convenient. It works like a bathroom drain, i.e. water moves in a circle. It is less noisy and cleans the toilet well. This type is much more expensive than the previous one. And if the quality of water in the water supply is poor, over time the water holes under the toilet rim become clogged.

Now there are economical toilets on the market that can be adjusted to different water flow rates. The most convenient of them are toilets with a double button, which, when configured, allows you to pour out either a small part of the water (about 3 liters) or the entire tank. Thanks to this, you can save about 1 m3 of water.

Additional toilet options

Nowadays, toilets that serve additional purposes in addition to their main purpose are becoming popular. Some toilets are equipped with a bidet, and the faucets are installed on the toilet lid. There are also innovative toilets with electronic panels to regulate water pressure and temperature.

The most popular toilets are those with showers. Its function is the same as that of a bidet, but they significantly save space in the bathroom. Toilets may already be equipped with a shower initially, or you can install it separately. Everyone knows what a shower looks like, only here it is more compact.

To absorb splashes, some toilets have a shelf that distributes the splashes so they don't get on people. But this is not a very hygienic device, as it leads to the formation of rust and an unpleasant odor.

There are also toilets with an anti-splash function. They have a specially shaped bowl, and the drain is located asymmetrically. Thanks to this, splashes do not form. In terms of price, such toilets are equal to all others.

Companies producing toilets

When choosing a toilet, pay attention to the manufacturer's name. It is advisable to purchase products from famous companies. Toilets good quality Available in every price category:

  • the cheapest models are mainly from Russian suppliers - Santec, Santeri, IDDIS, Keramin,
  • medium-priced toilets are produced by IDO (Finland), Kolo and Cersanit (Poland) and Jika (Czech Republic),
  • the most expensive are luxury toilets with highest quality And unique designs– German Duravit and Austrian Laufen.

Toilets of all prices are offered by Geberit, Gustavsberg and Ifo (Sweden), Ideal Standard (USA), Ido (Finland), Jacob Delafon (France), Roca (Spain).

In general, when buying a toilet, evaluate not only its quality, but also how it looks.

After all, it should fit perfectly into your interior. Choosing compact models, make sure that it also performs all functions.

And to extend the service life of the toilet, pay attention to the manufacturer, and of course, properly care for the plumbing.