All about gas leaks in an apartment and a private house: what could be the reasons, how to determine the presence of a leak and how can a possible accident be prevented? What to do if the apartment smells of gas How to understand that there is a gas leak at home.

Gas is still used in many residential buildings and apartments as a cheap and practical fuel. However, a gas leak can pose a huge danger to people. The gas is not only a toxic substance, it can burn and cause an explosion in a closed room. Pure propane has no odor, so in order to recognize the danger in time, a special fragrance is added to it. You should handle the gas stove and gas cylinders carefully, know what to do if a gas leak is detected, where to turn for help and how to save those who have been in a room for a long time where dangerous gas was present.

Four important “don’ts” when operating or gas leaking in an apartment

  • Do not repair gas appliances yourself.
  • Do not tie clotheslines to gas pipes or use them as grounding.
  • Do not correct defects in gas pipes yourself! The tool can strike the fatal spark.
  • Do not leave running gas appliances unattended, especially if children have access to them. More detailed information about household gas appliances.

If you smell a strong gas odor. What to do if there is a gas leak in your apartment

  • Turn off the gas tap.
  • Ventilate the room (create a draft).
  • Call an emergency (you need to call from a room not filled with gas, or from another apartment altogether) by calling DEZ or 04.

  • Do not light a fire or turn any electrical appliances on or off. The location of a gas leak can only be detected soap suds- by the presence of bubbles.

Safety precautions when using gas cylinders

During operation liquefied gas in cylinders, it is necessary to follow safety regulations to avoid leakage. An explosion of a pressurized gas container can cause great destruction and loss of life. Therefore, you should not store a propane source indoors near thermal appliance. If it is located closer than one meter from the heater, it is necessary to place a screen to protect against heat.

No alterations are allowed; even the restoration of the thread on the neck must be entrusted to a specialist who must have the appropriate permit. should be handled by an individual or the corresponding gas service of the enterprise, the functions of which can be read. If you smell it, you should not operate such a device that leaks gas. It is prohibited to repair gas leaks on your own, either at home or in the workplace. Disassembly and repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer.

Carrying a propane tank over your shoulder is not permitted. To move it, two people are required and it is advisable to use a stretcher or special carts. You can roll it alone for a short distance, tilting it slightly to the side. Gas containers can only be transported over long distances using special vehicles. One cylinder for personal use can be transported, eliminating the possibility of gas leakage and first putting a carrying case on it.

Gas leak in the apartment. What to do if you smell gas in your apartment?

On October 6, an explosion occurred in a residential building on Ryshkanovka. Four people died, three more are listed as missing, and even more were left homeless. And the reason for this is a violation of the operating conditions of the gas cylinder. In connection with the incident, we talked with Alexander Raducan, a specialist at Romstal, about how it is possible to identify a gas leak and avoid it.

  • 1. Really household leak Could there be enough gas for a big explosion?
  • 2. How can you tell if there is a leak?
  • 3. Are there safer and more practical ways to detect a leak?
  • 4. Will such a detector cost me much?
  • 5. What to do if there is no detector yet, but the room smells of gas?

1. Could a household gas leak really be enough to cause a big explosion?

Yes! At a concentration of only 5-15% natural gas an explosive mixture may form in the air. In this case, an explosion is possible even if you simply turn on the light.

Gas, which is usually used in homes, comes in two types: liquefied petroleum gas (in cylinders; they want to document its use in apartments multi-storey buildings) and methane (city main gas). Gas in cylinders tends to spread downwards, since it is 2.5 times heavier than air, emits a pungent odor, and its leak can be easily detected. The main gas is lighter, it spreads upward, but its smell is not so strong, but it is also easy to detect.

Most often, the causes of disasters are gas cylinders, which can explode from falling or improper storage and operation. It happens that owners store gas cylinders on the balcony. When entering it into warm room the gas expands and the container explodes.

Problems are also fraught with wear of gas pipes and improper operation of gas stoves. So, if water boiling in a pan spills onto a gas burner, the fire will go out, but gas will continue to flow. Gradually it will fill the kitchen, and the slightest spark can trigger an explosion.

Another reason for the explosion is a rupture in the hose connecting the gas line to the stove.

2. How can you tell if there is a leak?

You can check whether there is a leak from a gas cylinder by moistening the cylinder with a sponge and soapy water - bubbles will form at the site of the gas leak. If the gas comes out in a strong stream, it can be heard (as if a balloon is being released) and felt (the smell in high concentrations is felt very intensely).

For gas stoves, the first sign of a gas leak is a burner turned on without fire. This means that gas is supplied to the room. Another option: if the flame is on gas burner turned orange instead of blue, emits soot, or has completely separated from the burner itself.

3. Are there safer and more practical ways to detect a leak?

Yes, such devices exist - these are gas detection detectors. For example, the Romanian company Primatech was one of the first to catch on and create the Prevent [d] gas detector for integrated detection And carbon monoxide and methane. In fact, the device is quite simple and is based on the operation of gas sensors: it is equipped with carbon monoxide and methane sensors, when their levels increase, it gives light and sound signals, and it is also possible to connect to the periphery: warning systems, air conditioning, etc.

Also in the Prevent line there is a model that recognizes only methane (gas from city pipes), and a device that recognizes carbon monoxide even in small and non-hazardous proportions.

Excerpt from the law:

Buildings for any purpose in which gas appliances operating in automatic mode without permanent presence service personnel(water heaters,
gas radiators and convectors, infrared irradiation devices, etc.) must be equipped with gas detectors with automatic shutdown supplying and transmitting a signal to the control center.

5. What to do if there is no detector yet, but the room smells of gas?

1. Open windows and doors to prevent suffocation. Turn off the gas stove (if it is on), close the gas pipe taps.

2. You should not use electrical appliances (including telephones) in a room where there is a smell of gas, nor should you light a fire or smoke.

3. Go outside, taking, just in case, important documents and money.

4. Call 112 or 904.

Likewise, if you smell gas on landing in your home - leave it and call the rescue service. Do not press the entrance bells (they may be electric) - it is better to knock on the door of the apartment so that the residents of the apartments leave the house with you.

Editor's response

Improper operation of gas equipment can cause a real tragedy. It is important to remember that the service life of such equipment cannot exceed 30 years, and regular checks of its condition are mandatory. Typically, full maintenance of gas appliances should be carried out by gas service workers (with which the agreement is concluded) once every ten years. In houses with gas heating gas boilers are inspected annually. Gas service employees can come to check the apartment from May until the start of heating season. Maintenance geysers is held every two years. All visits by intelligence officers must be accompanied by a prior announcement (on a notice board) and notification (usually by telephone). If a person refuses to let a gas worker in for a scheduled inspection, the employee will be forced to report this to the housing office, especially if there is reason to worry that something is wrong with the tenant’s gas equipment.

Causes of household gas explosion

IN living conditions gas cylinders and main gas (methane) piped through pipes are used. Most often, the causes of disasters are gas cylinders, which can explode from falling or improper storage and operation. It happens that owners store gas cylinders on the balcony. When it is brought into a warm room, the gas expands and the cylinder explodes.

Problems are also fraught with wear of gas pipes and improper operation of gas stoves. So, if water boiling in a pan spills onto a gas burner, the fire will go out, but gas will continue to flow. Gradually it will fill the kitchen, and the slightest spark can trigger an explosion.

Another reason for the explosion is a rupture in the hose connecting the gas line to the stove. From too long or misuse it may burst and gas will begin to flow into the room. All it takes is a lit match to cause an explosion.

How to properly operate gas pipes and cylinders?

The gas cylinder must be on hard surface exactly, at an angle of 90 degrees. In addition, it must be at least 1.5 meters away from the stove, stove or radiator. Can't change gas cylinder, if there is a fire nearby or electrical appliances are turned on. Each time with such a replacement, you must also change the gasket between the cylinder tap and the regulator. Remember that you cannot store more than two cylinders in one room. It is also prohibited to store cylinders in a room where the temperature rises above 40-45° and in direct sunlight.

When operating city main gas, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The hose connecting the gas line to the stove should not be pinched by an object standing on it or stretched, bent, or twisted. It is best to secure it with safety clips above the floor.
  • After each use of the gas stove, it is recommended to close the tap on the pipe, blocking the access of gas.
  • To turn on the stove, you must first light a match and only then the burner.
  • The room in which it stands gas equipment, need to be ventilated frequently.
  • You should not use a gas stove to heat the room; you should not dry things over gas.
  • Ventilate the oven before turning it on. To light the oven, use a wooden splinter or a paper torch: light it and bring it to the igniter, then open the tap on the oven.

Please note that then the hose connecting the gas line to the stove must be specially made for this type of operation and be marked accordingly. In domestic conditions, as a rule, red hoses (with a red stripe) of class I are used. The hose for supplying oxygen to a gas appliance is marked in blue and belongs to class III. Extended information about the purpose of the hose is indicated in the product characteristics.

Gas equipment repair

When renovating an apartment and installing (replacing) gas equipment, special services must issue you a document certifying that the work was carried out in accordance with technical standards and safety rules. You will also be given instructions for use.

Make sure the flexible hoses are tightly fitted to the faucet. The recommended length of such a hose is up to 2 meters, service life is up to 4 years (optimally 2 years), after which it should be replaced.

Only gas service specialists should repair gas equipment; do not do this yourself - it is dangerous!

How can you tell if there is a gas leak?

You can check whether there is a leak from a gas cylinder yourself: moisten the cylinder with a sponge and soapy water - bubbles will form at the site of the gas leak. If the gas comes out in a strong stream, it can be heard (as if a balloon is deflating) and felt (the smell in high concentrations is felt very intensely).

Never check a leak using lighters and matches - this is very dangerous! If you find a leak, cover the area with a wet rag and carefully take the cylinder outside, then call a specialist.

For gas stoves, the first sign of a gas leak is a burner turned on without fire. This means that gas is supplied to the room. Another option: if the flame on the gas burner turns orange instead of blue, emits soot, or has completely separated from the burner itself, it is strictly forbidden to use the stove, it is faulty.

What to do if you smell gas?

1. Open windows and doors to prevent suffocation. Turn off the gas stove (if it is on), close the gas pipe taps.

2. You should not use electrical appliances (including telephones) in a room where there is a smell of gas, nor should you light a fire or smoke.

3. Go outside, taking, just in case, important documents and some money.

4. Call the gas service by phone:

  • "Beeline" 004
  • "MTS" 040
  • Megafon 040
  • "Skylink" 904
  • "TELE2" 040
  • "U-tel" 040

Another option is to call the rescue service by dialing 112 - it is common to all operators.

City gas service number: 04

In the same way, if you smell gas on the landing in your house, leave it and call the emergency dispatch service. Do not press the entrance bells (they may be electric) - it is better to knock on the door of the apartment so that the residents of the apartments leave the house with you.

Gas has made human life easier and more comfortable. But it is enough to miss the moment - and the usual assistant turns into a formidable enemy. Correct operation gas equipment, timely detection and troubleshooting will prevent dangerous consequences. Gas leaks are determined by several methods.

By smell

To quickly prevent emergency situations, a special odorous component has been added to household gas - an odorant. The appearance of a characteristic odor in the room is alarm signal. Be sure to teach your child, if he smells gas, to immediately report it to an adult.


The pressurized gas flows out in a strong stream with a hissing sound. The source can be not only damage in the gas main or connection points with gas appliances, but also a flooded burner.

To the touch

Run your hand along all available gas connections in the room. The escaping gas will slightly cool the skin. For greater sensitivity, this manipulation is done with wet hands.

Using soap emulsion

Lather the soap into small quantity water. Using a wide brush or small sponge, coat the gas pipeline and all joints with the resulting solution. Soap bubbles will appear at the leak site.

Using gas analyzer sensors

Household gas leakage controllers determine the level of gas pollution in the room, sound signal report a problem. Sensors with a valve not only monitor air content dangerous mixture, but also in emergency situation automatically shut off the gas line. Installation of detector devices is carried out independently or with the help of a specialist.

It is better to identify suspicious areas in several ways at once, since the absence of one of the signs does not always indicate complete serviceability. For example, with low pressure, the gas coming out of a flooded burner is almost inaudible. If the kitchen and bathroom are well ventilated or the person has a reduced sense of smell, it is preferable to use the soaping method. Never look for the source of leakage using a lit match or lighter! If you feel a strong specific smell, do not turn the lights on or off, and unplug all electrical appliances.


  • No matter how the leak is detected, the algorithm for subsequent actions always looks like this: close immediately stopcock
  • gas pipeline;
  • ventilate the room;

call the gas service.


Regularly check the draft of indoor and outdoor ventilation ducts and chimneys. Clean if necessary. Incomplete combustion of household gas, when instead of an even blue light the burner lights up yellow-orange, leaks are no less dangerous. To avoid poisoning from toxic products incomplete combustion , ventilate the rooms more often. Large pots

Place on special burners with high ribs.


One of the methods for detecting gas leaks is tactile. Once you smell gas, you should immediately open a window for ventilation. Run your hand around all flange connections of the gas pipeline, all joints and junctions. Gas several colder than air and you can feel it with your hand.

Another method for detecting leaks is with a regular soap solution. To do this, you need not only the soap solution itself, but also a brush for it. As a brush, just use a shaving brush, and if you don’t have one, then you need to find a thick one for painting. The brush needs to be wetted in soapy solution and coat the gas pipeline. If there is a leak, you will see small soap bubbles appearing where the gas escapes.

The next type of gas leak detection is the installation of special sensors, both in the apartment and in the workplace. Sensors determine the gas concentration in the room, on platforms, at flange connections and in all necessary places. These devices send data to the operator console gas service. Also installed for gas control sound alarm excess gas concentration.

The most effective and reliable option to avoid a disaster - call a specialist from the gas service by phone number 04. Before the specialist arrives, you need to open the windows so that there is good air circulation near gas installation, and gas did not accumulate in the room.

Helpful advice

Never use a lit match to look for a leak!

If a smell is detected, you must immediately close the gas pipeline tap and ventilate the room.

Do not turn on the light under any circumstances - this can lead to serious consequences.

Related article


  • how to detect gas smell

If the natural gas supplied to gas stoves in residential buildings, it has a fairly noticeable odor so that a leak can be noticed in time, that is, there are also gases that have no odor. True, they are hardly “found” in the house. But anything can happen in production, including a leak of some flammable gas. Fortunately, there is a way to detect a leak.


Leaks of hazardous gases can be continuously detected using special sensors in areas where these leaks are more likely to occur. And they are connected to a multi-channel device that monitors and processes data received from sensors. It is usually located in a safe area, where there is no, but there is a display device, an alarm system, event recording devices and other useful “gadgets”. Such devices are commercially available, although they do not cost as much. But the safety of that.

There are several obvious and quite simple principles, which will help you determine the position of the sensors. So, to detect gases that are lighter than air (ammonia, methane), sensors are mounted in high point. During installation, preferably with a collector cone. Detect gases that are heavier than air (sulfur dioxide, butane) by installing sensors at a low point.

Having studied the expected behavior of the gas for artificial and natural air flow, mount the sensors (if practical) in ventilation ducts. Also, do not forget that sensors installed under ceilings or in other elevated places can be accidentally damaged by all sorts of weather conditions such as large hail and thunderstorms. And low-lying sensors can be damaged by flooding. Therefore, it is advisable to use special protective blocks when installing them.

If the sensor is exposed to direct sun rays or installed in a hot environment, also take care of its safety with sun protection.

Explore technological mode. Although ammonia and butane are heavier than air, if they leak under high pressure or temperature conditions, they are more likely to move up rather than down. Keep sensors away from parts that are exposed to high pressure. Otherwise, the leak rate will be too high to detect.

Always point the sensors downward to prevent water or dust from accumulating on the sensor face, which could prevent gas from entering.

One last thing: make sure that the structures on which you will install the sensors are durable and also resistant to vibration.

The air that a person breathes sometimes contains harmful impurities in the form of gases. This is especially dangerous in indoors. Some of the gases are detected by smell, but most effective method- use of special gas analyzers. Only in this case can the change be recorded quickly and accurately gas composition ambient air, which means avoiding possible problems with health. For residential premises, it is enough to install four sensors: carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke, carbon dioxide and ozone.


Carbon monoxide (CO) is formed as a result of any type of combustion, entering the atmosphere. In cities, especially large ones, this is a pressing problem. A large number of vehicles and industrial enterprises continue to poison the air people breathe. Increased concentrations of carbon monoxide in the air can lead to severe poisoning and even death. fatal outcome. An increased content of CO is formed in the home when natural gas is burned, if there are no special ones working, as well as when a fire occurs in the room. Purchase a carbon monoxide detector from a specialty store. Select a model with a buzzer and LCD display for proper monitoring and indication. The photo on the left shows one of similar devices- carbon monoxide sensor ADT03 1110.