Light houses for a summer residence. Photos of country houses - different styles, different purposes

If you think that the small area of ​​your country house is a good reason why it cannot be beautiful, comfortable and cozy, then think again! We have selected photographs of amazing country houses, the area of ​​which does not exceed 40 sq.m. And most of them are much smaller! You will see inspiring examples of successful organization of a small space.

Summer residents create houses that are not just compact, comfortable and beautiful, but also incredibly original, and the photos of the houses at these dachas are truly unique.

Country house with two bedrooms on different levels: 7 photos

This house, excluding the porch and carport, has an area of ​​37.6 sq.m. Despite small sizes, he has two bedrooms - one downstairs, the other in the attic.

From the main entrance, along the entire wall, there is a covered terrace, which helps to hide from the heat. For maximum shading, most of the house's windows face the terrace.

The house combines a relaxation area, a dining room and a compact kitchen built along back wall. At the entrance to the house from the carport there is a wardrobe closet.

In the other half of the house there is a small bedroom.

Next to the bedroom is a bathroom, which is accessible from both the living room and the bedroom.

There is a second bedroom in the attic above the bedroom and bath.

Because The upper bedroom is quite spacious, then if the family is small but likes to receive guests, you can increase the living room area on the lower floor by eliminating the bedroom there.

For the same purpose, you can make a wider terrace at the entrance to the house, which will also give more space to accommodate guests.

Modern country house with a loft style: 6 photos

The area of ​​the house in the photo is a little more than 37 square meters, the house has a living room, a kitchen-dining room, a bathroom and 2 bedrooms.
Looking at the photos of the interior, it's hard to believe that all this fit into this tiny space.

Thanks to the large number of windows and light, the house does not seem small from the inside. On the contrary, it creates a feeling of spaciousness and comfort at the same time.

Behind the kitchen are the bathroom and bedroom. The space under the stairs to the attic is used as a storage room.

The small bedroom downstairs seems bright and cozy due to the large windows.

In the attic there is a fairly spacious children's bedroom.

Country house with a bright interior: 3 photos

And this lovely house, surrounded by greenery, was built by a married couple with their own hands. They did absolutely all the work themselves (including making furniture!), and it took them six years to build this house!

The interior of the house is filled with retro features and bright colors.

As well as original design solutions.

Original hut house: 4 photos

This cute country house captivates with its atmosphere: wood is everywhere in it, and this creates a unique charm. But admit it, you are one of those who looks at such houses and sighs: “Yes, it’s original, but in such a house it’s difficult to properly place everything...”

Let's see its interior, how everything is conveniently placed in this small space. The stairs lead to a cozy bedroom.

And on the ground floor there is a neat compact kitchen, living room and surprisingly spacious bathroom.

The kitchen has access to the terrace at the back of the house.

But the main thing in this house is the spirit of privacy and quiet life.

Practical country house 25 sq.m.

Beautiful and functional - no extravagance. It is not difficult to imagine such a house standing in the most ordinary village or on a summer cottage.

The same can be said about the interior.

The house has everything you need, while its area is only 25 square meters.

Country house from a construction trailer.

It turns out that a construction trailer can be turned into a stunning open-plan holiday home.

At the same time, the space inside such a structure cannot be called cramped.

Inside there is absolutely everything for comfortable life right down to the shower and toilet.

Unusual country house in the form of a castle.

This house rightfully bears the proud name of a miniature castle. Being located quite high in the mountains, it amazes not only with its design, but also with its picturesque views.

Despite its modest size, there was room for everything inside, including a bedroom, modern kitchen, fireplace and - of course! - rocking chair.

Country house made from old windows.

We replace everything with new ones, while throwing away many old windows to varying degrees wear. The owner of this house is in the process of installing windows, and she has always been tormented by the desire to find a use for the still quite good old windows. This is how this one was built country house.

Various cozy little things give this house a special charm: an iron bed, old paintings. Huge windows let in a sea of ​​light, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to sleep until twelve in such a bedroom!

Country house with a sleeping attic: 9 photos

This country house with an area of ​​31.2 sq.m. is made from used materials: wood and roofing iron, while at the same time, for safety reasons, the electrical wiring and plumbing in the house are completely new.

Downstairs kitchen open plan connected to the living room. This small room It is quite comfortable for relaxation and accommodates a sofa and an armchair. In addition, on kitchen island There is a folding dining table on the back wall.

It is also possible to place dining area on the covered veranda at the back of the house.

The bathroom is located behind the kitchen and is equipped with a toilet, sink and shower.

As you can see on the plan, there is a storage room next to the bathroom, and at both ends of the house country house has sleeping attics.

On the one side sleeping area located above the bathroom. The upward staircase is successfully combined with the kitchen shelving.

At night the house is lit with candles, oil lamps and electricity accumulated from solar panels during the day.

Country house in the trunk of an old spruce.

But first place in terms of originality must be given to this incredible structure. It is so small that it is very difficult to call it home. But the story of its creation is truly fantastic! The fact is that this house is hand-carved from the trunk of a giant spruce. All this enormous work was done alone by the artist Noel Wotten. It took him 22 years.

So if you dream of a small, cozy country house, then know: your dream can come true!

Today's ideas for summer residents are dedicated to small country houses - the photos will be beautiful, inspiring and memorable. Many of you, dear readers, dream that in addition to the main country house have a small so-called guest house. My husband built my house - a workshop and I am very grateful to him for that.

In such a house I paint my paintings, draw inspiration from solitude and contemplation, and take a break from dacha worries and worries. This, believe me, is extremely important, otherwise you might start to lash out at your family, but why would they need that? Therefore, a small house is a godsend for such unloading moments in life.

By the way, materials for the construction of such a house can be purchased at bargain prices, or even obtained practically for free, as in the case of my husband’s brother. He lives in the Novgorod region and at a sawmill they sold him a slab car for 500 rubles.

But croaker is also a very good building material. The main thing is to process and trim it at home - with a circular saw, grinder etc. Therefore, such small country houses are quite affordable for any family with a small budget.

However, a small house can also be the primary building at your dacha if you are just starting to improve your own territory. No matter what, you will have comfort and a roof over your head.

The best option for initial buildings could be a small country house. In the future it can be used either as a guest or as additional room for living and recreation. Or you can give it to the children to play with - all the kids love it when they have their own corner.

I talked to many developers and they all unanimously claim that such small buildings will cost very little money. As I already said, you can actually make such a house from recycled materials, process it and it will look like a million!

Now you can watch various training videos that show in detail how to build such a small country house with your own hands. In my memory, there are even examples where a simple pensioner alone made herself a nice house for summer residence.

To build any dacha building It is necessary to adhere to some basic construction principles. They are not complicated and quite understandable.

Pay attention to the foundation - in any case, your house should be on a hill so that wooden joists the lower trim was not rotten. By avoiding dampness, you will preserve your building for a long time. Ideal for foundation small house will concrete blocks or brick pillars.

I don't consider strip foundation, I am not considering piles, since it is expensive and does not make sense. Concrete blocks - perfect option. Between the block and bottom trim lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing from the timber, then moisture will not be drawn into the wood from the ground through the block.

In the photo example above, these concrete blocks are very clearly visible - they are simply mounted on a gravel bed. Since the house is light, this is quite enough.

Wood is an ideal option for small country houses. And for basic version it's best to take frame construction. If the house is summer, then you don’t have to put anything inside the frame at all. And if the house is planned for the off-season, then you can lay a 100 or 50 mm layer of insulation between the walls.

Separately, I would like to show ideas for container houses. They are good in their own way - because they can be closed with shutters and thereby completely protect their contents from thieves. The only disadvantage of such structures is that they get very hot in the summer sun.

A container house may be suitable if you have access to cheap used containers. In all other cases, it is more optimal and expedient to build from wood. It's my opinion.

Very beautiful and cozy small hut-style country houses. The building itself is triangular in shape; the role of the walls is taken over by the roof down to the ground. The space in the corners of the house can be used for cabinets and shelves for storing things and household equipment.

By the way, this house design is very energy efficient. In winter, a hut-style house retains heat much better than a classic square. Of course, provided that the roof and end walls are well insulated.

If you are only interested in summer option, then you can plan big windows to contemplate your own country cottage area. In summer, all the windows can be opened, turning the house into a terrace with the possibility of living on hot nights.

Any, even a small country house, will look more attractive if it is equipped with a veranda or porch. This is convenient - you can remove it dirty shoes, and practical - you can sit in front of the entrance, admiring the garden and flower beds.

Small country houses are easy to build with your own hands, with a minimum of financial investment. Such a structure is quite suitable for summer living for a family of 4 people, because in the summer at the dacha during the day we spend most of our time outdoors.

I hope you enjoyed these small cottage house ideas. I have already had several publications of this kind and I will be happy to share links to them with you.

In the material about I tell you what they can be built from and give beautiful photos examples.

And in the material about I talk about all the stages of its construction. I hope that there is enough information for you, I wish you pleasant viewing and inspiration!

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M Many residents of megacities dream of purchasing a plot of land and a comfortable house outside the city, albeit a small one. In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to build a house yourself than to buy a ready-made one. Do right choice projects of country houses for 6 acres will help, photos of which are in large quantities presented in our review. It is believed that building a house is very difficult. But some projects of country houses are distinguished by their extraordinary simplicity.

Comfortable small-sized country house

Country house projects for 6 acres: photos, options and construction requirements

To create a good-quality and durable building, you need to select a high-quality design for a country house for 6 acres. Photos of the best options can be seen in the interior. Before choosing, you should decide on the materials and convenient place for future construction.

What building materials are used during construction?

A wide range of materials can be used for the construction of country houses various materials. The most commonly used options are:

  • The most popular is. Such buildings are erected over a season and are distinguished by simple technology. The frame system is assembled from timber, which is sheathed with special plywood or clapboard. Refers to optimal options in terms of quality and price. This material is also characterized by a long service life.

  • Some buildings are made from profiled timber. The construction of the structure takes several months. Also, about six months are allotted for shrinkage. Such structures do not require exterior finishing.

  • Stone buildings are made from and cinder blocks. Such structures require long terms construction, since a powerful foundation is used and the walls are built in rows. Before construction work, it is necessary to prepare a detailed project. Houses made of stone and brick are different increased strength and reliability.

Helpful information! To choose from building material is influenced by its cost in a certain region, personal preferences and the type of foundation. Frame buildings and timber buildings are mounted on screw or columnar bases.

Video: small houses for a plot of 6 acres

How to build a turnkey country house inexpensively: prices

For those who do not want to spend a lot of time on construction works the best option can become a turnkey country house inexpensively. Prices for structures can be seen in a special catalog of the selected construction organization. Suitable option Can be tailored to suit any budget. The cost of the structure is influenced by the type of structure, material and dimensions of the structure.

A house measuring 5*5 m made of clapboard and timber will cost about 100 thousand rubles. A structure with a porch and a canopy or veranda will require an investment of a larger amount, more than 200 thousand rubles.

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Features of installing a house with your own hands

Peculiarities installation work depend on the choice of specific material. A timber structure has many positive qualities. Such material is treated with stain and various protective compounds. A lightweight version of the foundation can be used for the structure. In this case, the roof can be gable.

Project your future country house dictated by its purpose. You should understand your task well and implement it on the construction site.

If you expect to spend weekends and holidays in the countryside, you should ensure comfort. Pay special attention to the area for guests.

In wooden country house It is customary to gather large companies. Your relatives, work colleagues or just friends should feel comfortable in such a place. For children there should be a separate spacious and safe place with the possibility of entertainment. In such cases, specialists advise thinking about a spacious, cozy attic. Accordingly, it is advisable to think over a safe spiral staircase with an acceptable step height. Wherein staircase design should not take up too much space in the house. Combining compactness, comfort and safety is not so easy; for this you need good project your future wooden house.

Any leisure activity requires some kind of inventory and equipment. It should be stored in its proper place in the right conditions. Therefore, the house must have a specially designated place for this, such as a garage or a garage. Pantry. Basement with shelving. In such corners, as a rule, tools, fuel, motor oils and cleaners. On holidays and weekends you will need a grill, lightweight portable picnic furniture and much more. All this should be stored in specially designated places. The basement allows various types of inventory and equipment to be kept away from exposure sun rays and temperature changes. Discuss the location of windows in the house with specialists; you may want to get a balcony.

It is convenient to spend your entire vacation in a country house by yourself or with your family. We will have to accommodate guests on long time, several weeks or even more. In this case, just one bathroom is not enough. You should also think about the guest room and bedrooms. They should be placed close or far from each other, depending on the preferences of the future owners. In the kitchen you have to accommodate guests and cook comfortably. It's no secret that most people willingly spend time in this part on weekends or on vacation. Provide a bar, and cozy atmosphere during the meal. The kitchen is also intended for eating, and not just for cooking.

Vacation home, remote from the city and any civilization in general, you will have to worry about food supplies and other products for for a long time. In snowy weather in winter, you should not count on frequent trips to the city along a snowy road.

Photos of country houses - taking into account the features

If you are going somewhere out of town surrounded by family to celebrate your old age, you will have to install a comfortable wooden house. Design your kitchen to be as compact and convenient as possible. Place the bedroom and bathroom on the first floor. This way, the owners in their old age will not have to run around the floors too often. Cooking food won't require too much effort either.

The main guests in this situation will be your beloved grandchildren. Provide everything necessary for them, such as a playground, etc. At the same time, your home must still be safe, Special attention pay attention to the stairs. It should not be too steep and massive. The steps should be small. Try to combine practicality and visual appeal of the interior for you and your guests in your layout. Consider your preferences regarding the setting. Decide what kind of furniture will be installed in your house. Perhaps in the living room you want to install a large fireplace for gatherings in the company of true friends. Even in a country house, many people count on such benefits of civilization as the Internet and television. All these points will also have to be discussed in advance.

The house should be adjusted to your usual lifestyle. Trust the country house project itself only to experienced professionals. They will be able to take into account all your wishes and make them come true construction site. Many owners wooden houses At the construction stage, one question concerns me. In what questions should you trust the builders, and in what questions should you decide on your own? In some matters, you really should rely on your own strengths when preparing a project.

But in every question, ask for advice from qualified specialists. You point out your requirements, they tell you how to actually implement it. This is the only way to get the desired result.