The best ideas for the rational organization of free space in the kitchen. Choosing filling for kitchen cabinets: the best ideas for competent organization of space Vertical space in the kitchen

Thinking long evenings about the layout of a new kitchen, we usually care about its aesthetics. But much more important is convenience and elementary safety. What are the principles of kitchen ergonomics?

Furniture arrangement

Avoid obstacles. A place for furniture should be chosen not only taking into account the harmony of colors and textures. When planning a set, consider: is it convenient to bend down to the bottom cabinet or reach for the top shelf? Is there enough space in the aisle? Think about the doors of cabinets, refrigerators, ovens. Suddenly you need to go through the kitchen when they are open, or at the same time open the adjacent

Arrangement of furniture in the kitchen: the minimum allowable dimensions of the aisles.

About the tricks of a small kitchen. Of course, when we talk about a small kitchen, ergonomics and convenience are the most important. You can use the space under the window - arrange shallow cabinets there. Or save space using appliances with combined functions (oven with microwave mode). It is very important to properly organize a corner cabinet - for example, use a roll-out system in it, which will allow you to fit a large number of kitchen utensils. And we advise you to abandon a large number of decorative elements of the facades of the kitchen - let the set be concise and functional.

For the convenience of working in the kitchen, the vertical dimensions of kitchen furniture and appliances are of great importance. The single height of the working surfaces creates a continuous working front, without gaps and protrusions. This allows you to move the dishes freely, for example, from the hob to the work surface and vice versa.

If you have lower back problems, order multi-level kitchen furniture. For a woman with a height of 170 cm, it is enough to raise the sink 10 cm higher, and lower the desktop below the stove (its standard height is 85 cm). As a result, the angle of inclination of the back will constantly change, the hostess will get less tired.

Thanks to the multi-level tabletop, the back of the hostess will be less tired.

In line of sight

Everything you need is at hand. Equally important is the level at which shelves and drawers will be located. The total height of kitchen equipment can be roughly divided into four zones.

At what height is a shelf that a woman of average height can reach without a stepladder? Where does “convenient” end and “not visible” begin?

Very low: from the floor to the level of 40 cm. This zone is inconvenient for use, it is poorly visible. It can be used to store medium-sized and heavy items that you rarely use as well.

Low: from 40 to 75 cm. At this height, large kitchen utensils or small household appliances can be stored in drawers or on cabinet shelves. Looking down is not very convenient.

Kitchen utensils, crockery, condiments - ie. things that you often use should be located in the zone of direct visibility.

Average: from 75 to 190 cm. At this level, all equipment is clearly visible - this is a suitable place for small and fragile items. It is good to store dishes, cutlery, frequently used products here.

High: above 190 cm. In this area, you can install another row of shelves - but only if absolutely necessary. Keep in mind that every time you need to get the necessary thing, you will have to “call for help” a stepladder or a chair. If this prospect does not scare you, put light and unbreakable items on these shelves.

Area of ​​accessibility of elements of kitchen equipment. According to the scheme, it is easy to assess what squats and inclinations the hostess has to do.


Hang wall cabinets according to the height of the person who will cook. For example, for a hostess with a height of 170 cm, a distance of 45 cm from the work surface to the bottom of the cabinets is suitable. Otherwise, bumps on the forehead are inevitable.

The hood will work most efficiently if placed at a distance of 70-75 cm from an electric stove or 75-80 cm from a gas stove.

Line or zigzag? There are various options for the location of kitchen furniture and plumbing. It is not at all necessary to “press” objects against the wall - you can arrange a ledge in the form of a stove or, for example, a kitchen sink.

The stove (or hob) should be located away from the aisle so that hot pots and pans cannot be accidentally touched.

Maintain a distance of at least 400 mm between the stove and the sink so that splashes of water do not extinguish the fire.
This space can be occupied by a countertop.

The distance from the stove to the window must be at least 45 cm, otherwise there is a great risk of blowing out the fire or igniting the curtain.

Each element of kitchen equipment has its own “opening zone”. For example, in order to use the oven, the stove should be left at least 110 cm in front of it, but in front of the kitchen cabinet with drawers, you can put a table after 90 cm.

Extend the life of household appliances

Put the washing machine and dishwasher as close as possible to the water and sewer risers. If you simply lengthen the hoses, then the load on the water pump will increase, and the equipment will wear out faster.

The stove should not be placed next to the refrigerator, otherwise the latter will quickly fail. Heating up from the stove, it will constantly work in an enhanced mode in order to maintain a low temperature in the chambers. The same can be said about the proximity of the oven and refrigerator built under the countertop.


We will continue to get acquainted with the basics of residential ergonomics and talk about what rules must be observed when planning the interior of the kitchen so that it is convenient to cook, move around and eat on it.

The main task facing the owners of small apartments when repairing a kitchen is to plan everything in such a way as to make the most efficient use of the entire usable area. Many are so addicted to the process that they often forget that efficiency also implies ease of use, which cannot be neglected for the sake of the desire to squeeze in as much furniture and household appliances as possible.

To calculate the required distance between tables and cabinets, provide access to drawers located above and below, correctly place large household appliances among them, we will use the recommendations from the guide to the basics of ergonomics for architects and interior designers, compiled by J. Panero and M. Zelnik. The data indicated in them is calculated on the basis of the ratio of the size of the human body to various kitchen interior items. These measurements will be especially useful for home craftsmen who plan to make do-it-yourself kitchen furniture.

This figure shows how much free space must be left in order to provide a person with free movement and convenient use of kitchen and household appliances. The calculations are made for women and men of average build. If there are overweight people among your family members, then the numbers will have to be slightly adjusted.

Distance A allows two people to be in the kitchen at the same time and includes a free movement area (C) for a man and a work area (D) for a woman with open cabinet doors and drawers pulled out. The minimum possible distance between objects located opposite each other is 150 cm.

Distance B is 120 cm. It allows one person to comfortably stay in the kitchen and excludes the movement zone for the second.

It is worth considering here that an open dishwasher takes up more space than other household appliances, so those who plan to use it in their kitchen will have to increase section A to 177 cm. So that the hostess has the opportunity to freely load and remove the dishes before closing the machine should have 102 cm of unoccupied area.

In a small kitchen, the best place for food preparation is the countertop area bordering the refrigerator and sink. The minimum area of ​​​​the desktop, at which the hostess can cut food - 45x45 cm, the recommended width for comfortable cooking is 76 cm.

The diagram shows the area with the sink in section. The optimal distance between it and hanging cabinets is 60 cm. Such a distance provides convenience when washing dishes and easy access to the contents of the upper shelves.

Particular attention when planning the interior of the kitchen is given to the area around the stove. To make it convenient for the hostess to work with an open oven, a free zone of 102 cm is needed in front of the stove, and at least 120 cm to the opposite wall or any other object.

Built-in kitchen hoods are hung at a height of 61 cm. This is the optimal distance in order to use them at full capacity, have access to the cabinet and at the same time get a good overview of the burners. Large dome hoods are usually raised higher, to maximize the opening of the work surface.

The size of a suitable kitchen table is determined on the basis that each seated person will have a plot of at least 76 cm. The most suitable height for him is considered to be 88-91 cm. surfaces. If your plans include placing shelves or narrow hanging cabinets above the table, hang them at a height of 150 cm from the floor.

That's all I wanted to talk about in today's post. I hope that knowledge from the field of ergonomics will be useful to you and will help you plan the interior of the kitchen correctly.

In the arrangement of the kitchen, the competent organization of space is important. There are many practical ideas and devices for this, for example, a kitchen organizer.

The kitchen is considered the center of the home, where family, friends, relatives and colleagues gather. Along with the pleasant moments of being together in this room, a mess often happens. A bunch of all kinds of items: pots, cutlery, jars, knives, mixers, napkins, containers simply do not fit in a traditionally small room. In this case, it is customary to talk about capacity as the main attribute of the kitchen. When arranging the usable area of ​​a room, it is necessary to take into account not only the convenience of its operation, but also the rationality of using valuable meters. To avoid crowding, tightness and discomfort will allow a clear organization of the kitchen space. Having chosen the right decision, the daily routine becomes an object of complete pleasure. But it's so nice to use neatly laid out items that do not need to be painfully searched for. Rational preparation of the premises is based on saving time, effort and money.

Ergonomics of the work area

It is known that the main movements in the kitchen are associated with regularly repeated actions: storing food, washing it and cooking. This is the only room in which the work triangle rule applies. The main "participants" of these actions are the refrigerator, sink and stove. It is not difficult to organize the space in the kitchen while observing such moments of ergonomics, in which the chain of typical movements is not disturbed.

Attention! At the time of drawing up the plan of the room, it is important to eliminate all obstacles that impede movement in the triangle zone.

Rules for placing the main objects of the kitchen:

  • Any cabinet, oven or freezer doors should open freely.
  • The stove is placed against the wall or in the corner area, closer to the dining table. You can not put it near the window: from the slightest spark, light curtains can catch fire.
  • The surface of work tables must be heat-resistant, capable of withstanding hot temperatures.
  • The height of the hood in the kitchen corresponds to 60 cm or more - a low installation increases the risk of injury.
  • Placement of the sink in the middle of the working triangle.

You should also follow the recommendations:

  • The place for cooking in the kitchen should be located as close as possible to the stove.
  • Pots and pans are placed in one place - on a common stand or hung on hooks.
  • Cutlery in drawers is separated by special nets or coasters.
  • Products are stored in the specified order.
  • Sockets are installed near the work area.
  • Small items are placed in baskets.
  • Furniture, curtains, dishes are decorated in a single color scheme.

How to start decorating a kitchen?

To begin with, those things and objects that the hostess uses regularly are evaluated. Proper organization of space in the kitchen helps the rational arrangement of such trifles:

  1. Small household appliances (mixers, toasters, kettles, coffee grinders).
  2. Dryer for dishes, oven mitts, spices and seasonings.
  3. Bucket for garbage, household chemicals.
  4. Features of workplace lighting.

Having thoroughly thought over the location of any of the items at the beginning, you can not worry about reworking what you started in the future.

Rules for placing kitchen utensils

A clear organization of space is achieved using multifunctional and compact technology. A good help for any housewife will be hanging shelves with dishes and spices. Significantly save space in the cabinets will help fastening the crossbar with all sorts of hooks and loops. Reliable and lightweight hanging shelves will accommodate a large amount.

The systematic organization of space in deep and high drawers will save the kitchen from clutter. Frequently used items are located in the area of ​​​​proximal use, in easily accessible places. Things that are used infrequently are placed on the top shelves of cabinets or, conversely, at the very bottom.

Food storage is based on the same principle that applies to dishes. Here, in a similar way, frequently used supplies are placed in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe working area, cereals are poured into containers or jars. Vegetable oil is placed on a special pallet, and wicker baskets, wooden boxes or special bags are used to store vegetables.

Functional Kitchen Ideas

The strict organization of the kitchen space depends on the observance of the main points:

  • Placing the necessary things in the work surface area: knives, forks, plates, pots, recipe books should always be at hand. This can be achieved by mounting rails on the wall. Hooks, small crossbars, holders are hung on them. Paper towels, shovels, skimmers, ladles, strainers are placed here.
  • A convenient way to store recipes helps organize the kitchen area. So, there is practically no hostess who would not cut out the recipe she liked from the magazines. Usually a little later, this paper becomes oily and lost. You can save such a scrap by carefully putting it in a file sheet. At the right time, the recipe is taken out, then returned to its place. A magnetic frame is used to attach the leaflet.
  • To organize a place in drawers and cabinets will allow the division of their space into zones. Dividers for storing appliances, plastic containers, lid holders, jars for bulk products will fit well here.
  • The use of modules rebuilds the storage system for any needs. These can be stainless steel shelves, easily transportable to any place, baskets that can be pulled out of the closet, which can hold household chemicals.

When choosing dishes in the kitchen, it is important to pay attention to the most convenient storage options. The bags can be placed in a kitchen organizer. Thin cellophane bundles are placed in a plastic container, and dense and voluminous ones, folded in a square or triangle, are placed in an ordinary box or box.

Kitchen organizers are conveniently located on tables, walls and in cabinets. They allow you to economically delimit space by grouping a set of necessary items in one container.

Such devices increase the safety of the hostess in the process of cooking, reduce the likelihood of injury, burns and cuts, and the number of unnecessary movements is reduced to a minimum.

What do designers offer?

The organization of space for design professionals is related to the ergonomic arrangement of kitchen utensils.

  • Spacious storage room. This is a functional closet in the form of a pantry, where a lot of useful things are stored on retractable shelves, in baskets, drawers, a sliding door. The design is valuable in that its body is built into the wall. In this way, the problem of saving space is solved.
  • Corner boxes. The organization of space with the advantageous use of the corners of the room allows you to rationally place any number of objects here. The drawers that slide out of the closet are quite capacious. Here you can store serving utensils.
  • Drawers under the sink. The unoccupied space under the sink can be equipped with a drawer in which cleaning products are placed, brushes, gloves are placed. By installing such a device once, you can forever get rid of the problem of a useless search for the necessary accessories.
  • Roll-out trash can. Organizing the space with a spacious pull-out drawer helps to hide undecorative waste baskets and saves the room from unnecessary accessories. Packages, air fresheners are folded into the side part.

  • Retractable drawers for storage of heat-resistant molds. The box divided into cells allows you to rationally delimit its area for storing grates, baking sheets, baking dishes.
  • Recess in the wall for household appliances. Such a niche frees the surface of the countertop from unnecessary items. It is equipped with a folding door, behind which blenders, coffee grinders, toasters, mixers are successfully placed. They remain invisible to people's eyes, but are very convenient and always at hand.
  • Wardrobe with organizer. The design with a retractable organizer and roomy shelves on the doors is loved by many housewives. This closet is the perfect addition to any closet. A large number of crossbars and a rotating element in the form of an organizer create order in storing many things that are easy to get.
  • Curbstone with rollers. Such a device is valuable in that, in addition to the working surface, kitchen attributes fit into it. The curbstone can serve as a serving table, moving freely over the entire area.
  • Original office. A small recess in the wall is equipped with shelves and a table for writing. In such a cozy place, you can do the preparation of lessons, any written work, without being distracted from the cooking procedure.

Probably, many of you have to put up with the inconvenience associated with miscalculations when planning a kitchen interior. Perhaps one of the most important components of this space is the storage system, which provides us with places to place dishes, products and various appliances.

We will introduce you to the latest ideas for the optimal use of space that can make your daily life easier, hide the inevitable mess and organize your entire workflow more intelligently. Thanks to these solutions, everything you need will be at your fingertips. In addition, in our article, special attention is paid to vertical structures as the most optimal options for saving precious square meters.

You can consider installing these useful elements at the design stage, or you can incorporate them into an existing scheme: for this, you only need an empty wall fragment or a small gap between furniture components. Of course, it would be more correct to take care of everything in advance and consider possible options so that your new kitchen will please you not only with its novelty, but also with practical additions.

Elegant Functionality

The kitchen included in this stylish New York loft impresses with convenience. storage systems, which, due to its capacity, is able to replace a small pantry. In this case, the developers took a creative approach to solving the problem of lack of space and equipped all cabinets with turn-and-slide shelving, which facilitates access to supplies. Standard deep shelves do not have such qualities.

The real stars of this interior are the vertical pull-out sections. They are located in close proximity to the hob - where they are most needed. Being closed, they form an elegant set with a magnificent snow-white facade.

Compact practicality

In the following image, we see a compact wall section with a narrow, tall cabinet built into it. It is shallow and, of course, does not have such qualities that would make it ideal, but the owners of the kitchen managed to place all the spices, seasonings and oils on its shelves.

Traditional Solutions

A significant part of the wall is occupied by an open rack, which is ideal for storing a wide variety of containers. In addition, this is a magnificent showcase, acting as not only a utilitarian, but a decorative element of the interior. Tastefully placed products in high-quality, attractive containers will become a real decoration of the space, which you can safely say - nothing more!

Saving space can look very entertaining

Pots and pans usually take up a lot of space, but why not move them from a closet to an empty wall. Thus, you will free up the shelves, and the vertical space that was not used before will become a spectacular element of the interior.

To implement this idea, you need to purchase high-quality roof rails, which, however, you can make them yourself. In this case, a shiny steel tube with hooks strung on it is used. The correct construction of the composition and the impeccable choice of elements ensure the attractiveness of the zone, the convenience of which is obvious to everyone.

Flawless Organization

Each of the items is hung on a hook mounted on the wall. It turned out a kind of exposition, which looks great and helps to maintain order in the kitchen. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the demonstrated area is complemented by shelves for storing smaller items, some of which perform a decorative function.


All housewives need a pantry, but there is a great alternative to it, which allows you to comfortably store brushes, mops and detergents. Consider installing a pull-out section like this. It is quite compact, but quite roomy and easy to use. Each item is in plain sight and it is much easier to take it from there than to take it out from under the sink.

Invisible containers

Just a few centimeters of space next to the refrigerator was used to equip a small compartment with compartments for bottles. The element turned out to be very interesting: on the one hand, it is barely noticeable, and on the other hand, it fits beautifully and organically into the interior. The thoughtful design allows the doors of nearby cabinets to open freely.

Perfect filling of empty fragments

In this example, we see a pair of windows, literally framed by stylish shelving. The upper sections are used to display decor items, while the more easily accessible side sections are occupied by crockery and bottles of wine.

Simple Solutions

It's not really a storage system, but the efficient use of vertical space is excellently demonstrated here. The compact area is complemented by a shallow shelving that acts as a showcase, which presents an exposition of the most beautiful dishes. The composition itself merges with the design and furniture, emphasizing the style of the interior.

Eye-catching antiques

This kitchen has enough space to set up a full-fledged bar, but its owners did not go this easy way. The creative imagination of the author of the project and his extraordinary view of things have created an extraordinary work of modern design. An impressive collection of elite alcohol is presented in the form of a museum exposition.

Most impressive is the old grill installed instead of the door. It forms visual interest and is the focal element of the entire interior. A similar design can be used to store bright dishes or other attractive items.

Straightforward layout

As a rule, kitchen cabinets contain all the necessary kitchen items. But particularly resourceful homeowners are finding new ways to make efficient use of the square footage at their disposal. This gallery-type kitchen does not differ in impressive dimensions and therefore really needs practical additions.

The designers have designed a system of full-size shelving that takes up the entire wall space from floor to ceiling. On the open you can store anything, including the most necessary things and decorative trifles. In addition, the hostess is quite capable of independently forming the exposition, each time updating the interior with new colors and combinations of forms.

How many people, so many opinions - this statement can be applied with confidence to the design of the kitchen interior. As a rule, when arranging a home, every housewife tries to pay maximum attention to the structure of the storage system in order to ease her daily worries. We hope that in our selection you can find suitable ideas for yourself and your home.