DIY changing table: dimensions, assembly instructions. Choosing a children's chest of drawers: quality criteria Various brands of changing tables

Any parent wants to create for their child optimal conditions for growth and development. To simplify the process of caring for a baby, a lot of furniture is produced, which includes a chest of drawers with a changing table for newborns, produced in different colors and has optimal sizes. It is important to know what types of changing chests exist and how to choose wisely optimal model, which is safe and easy to use.

Changing chests for newborns are special interior items specifically designed for optimal care for babies. Their main purpose is to create comfortable conditions for performing actions:

  • swaddling the baby;
  • changing a diaper, and due to many additional elements it is possible to use numerous compartments to simplify this process;
  • undressing the baby before bathing or changing clothes to go outside;
  • performing massage in comfortable conditions, and in this case narrow changing chests are not suitable, since a significant amount of space is required free space to perform actions;
  • performing gymnastics for the child, if required in accordance with the health characteristics of the baby.

When choosing a chest of drawers with a changing table, it is taken into account that its base must be solid, and a folding or stationary frame must be used for support.

Often special changing chests with an add-on are chosen, and it is used to store many items necessary in the process of performing various actions with the baby. Many models are sold with a removable mattress made from moisture-resistant fabric, which ensures comfort for the baby. If this element is not included in the set, then it is purchased separately, after which it is placed on top of the table.


There are many types of changing chests with 5 drawers or other numbers of drawers and compartments. During the selection process, all the features of any model are taken into account in order to be able to choose best option. The most popular designs are:

  • soft changing board for chests of drawers - this element is presented in a special flat design, equipped on all sides with special limiters. Protective edges are usually used as these restrictions. Such a design is created from natural wood High Quality. A latex coating is formed on top, which is safe to use and easy to maintain. The product can be placed on any surface. For sale special boards changing boxes on chests of drawers, but it is important to make sure that these elements fit well together. Boards are laid on top of such a product, and their advantages include the ability to move them from one place to another. They have optimal sizes, so any baby can comfortably sit on them;
  • pelenator whatnot - this design can be easily made with your own hands from solid wood or other suitable material. It is possible to choose not only structures made of wood, but also metal or plastic. They are certainly produced with shelves designed for storing various cosmetics. Additionally, there may be pockets or hangers, and certain models are even available on wheels, so they can be easily moved from one place to another;
  • transformable table - wooden or plastic structures 2 in 1 can be used not only as pelenators, but also standard tables in the future, when the baby is a little older.

Soft changing board


Transformable table

In addition to such items, there are other specific varieties. Separately, we should highlight a special crib with a chest of drawers and a changing table, and this set is made in uniform style, which allows you to make a wonderful and beautiful children's room. Before choosing a changing chest, you should decide in which part of the room it will be located in order to know in advance its optimal dimensions.

With folding table

Children's changing chests can be equipped with a folding table, and this solution is considered optimal for all buyers. When assembled, this design is practically no different from a regular chest of drawers, but when the table is lowered, you get quite a lot of space for performing various actions with the baby.

The cost of such designs will be slightly higher compared to standard chests of drawers. Before installing such a product, you should learn how to assemble it so that it is safe and convenient to use.

With overhead table The with a changing table is considered universal and optimal. These products are not connected to each other, so the table overlaps top part products if necessary. This solution makes it possible in the future to use the children's changing chest as a regular closet for the child's things, since the table can be easily removed. Such designs are available in different colors, so you can choose white, orange or any other color of the product. If you just bought a chest of drawers, then the table for it is usually created independently, for which you first make drawings and study the instructions, and take into account the dimensions of the changing chest, after which a changing table is formed from wood or other material.

With built-in bath

A changing chest with a bathtub is considered multifunctional, as it is used not only for changing or changing a child, but also for washing him. This option is suitable only for newborn babies, since the bath in it often has small in size. For those who want to save money, we advise you to opt for another product.

It is equipped with special moisture-resistant compartments designed to store various accessories for washing the baby.

Manufacturing materials

A baby changing chest is created from various materials, but preference is given to environmentally friendly and easy to care for. It is possible to make a changing chest with your own hands, for which natural wood is usually used, and in this case the width and other design parameters are chosen by the direct users, which makes it possible to make the optimal design.

Suitable materials to make a baby changing chest are:

  • wood - children's chests of drawers with a changing table made of wood are considered the best choice. This is because this material are environmentally friendly, safe, reliable and hygienic. Designs can be painted in different shades, with ivory being the most popular color. To other advantages wooden elements refers to resistance to mechanical stress and good absorption of various sounds. They have disadvantages, since exposure to moisture or changes in temperature can lead to deformation of the structure, so its standard further use will be difficult;
  • Chipboard - a children's changing chest made of this material is considered the most affordable, therefore it is chosen by many parents. Chipboards are special boards made using wood chips, glued and pressed using special equipment. High-quality products have good resistance to high temperature. They have high strength and resistance to moisture;
  • Metal - usually a large chest of drawers is created from this material, which is distinguished by significant weight. The advantages of such products include resistance to moisture, high strength and stability. They are incredibly easy to care for, but you definitely need to update them periodically. anti-corrosion coating. Hardware are dangerous for children, so it is important to make sure there are no sharp corners. When the child grows up, you need to install the chest of drawers in such a place that the baby cannot hit it. The designs are painted in different shades, so you can even choose a product that has an ivory color;
  • plastic - a changing option made from this material has an affordable price. Its width can vary, and its height often reaches 70 cm. It can even have 6 or more drawers or compartments. Allowed to select different colors, but the most optimal color is ivory. They should not be installed next to heating devices or other structures that contribute to their heating, since under such influence the plastic begins to release hazardous substances into the air.



If you choose or create your own changing chest of drawers with a chipboard pattern, then before purchasing the design or materials you should make sure that the composition is completely free of formaldehyde, otherwise these products should not be used for newborns.

Color and style

A wide selection of these designs contributes to the fact that many people cannot make a choice. The color and style of this design must be taken into account. For optimal choice recommendations are being studied:

  • ivory color is chosen by many parents, as the color is considered soft, pleasant and ideally suits the children's room;
  • changing chests of wenge colors are usually chosen for boys;
  • changing item white also suitable for children's rooms, but is considered a universal product.

Ivory color can be used for different chests of drawers made from a variety of materials. Additionally, these products are available in other unique and varied colors. When choosing a color, take into account the color of the room where you plan to install the chest of drawers. It can be located not only in the nursery, but also in the bathroom or other room.

Posting rules

The changing type of chest of drawers can be located in different parts bedrooms, but often it is installed along the wall of the room. Its width then practically does not matter, since it still will not interfere with walking around the room.

If you purchase a 2 in 1 design, then take into account that using any element in it should be convenient, so you often have to move the chest of drawers a little away from the wall. If the room is too small, then select corner object interior A photo of such a product can be viewed below. It will be roomy and comfortable for constant use.

Before removing furniture from the shipping box, you should ensure that it is intact. If you purchase a changing chest on wheels, its location may change periodically. This is relevant if it is used not only for swaddling, but also for washing the baby, since it can be moved to the bathroom at any time. It is recommended to choose models with rubber wheels. It is desirable that they be replaceable, since if an element is damaged, it can be quickly and easily replaced.


Since it is planned to place the chest of drawers in the children's room, and a newborn baby will always lie on it, the furniture must match important requirements. These include:

  • safety - the product can be equipped with one or more shelves, but there should be no sharp corners, glass or mirrors. The material for the production of the structure must be environmentally friendly, therefore it is not allowed to contain hazardous substances or formaldehydes;
  • hygiene - all surfaces must be easy to clean, so cleaning them from various contaminants should not cause difficulties. If there are covers on different devices, then they should be removable and easily washable;
  • ease of use - certain models maybe a lot unique elements in the upper part, and they should be easy to unfold or assemble;
  • Dimensions - they must be optimal for comfortable use of the chest of drawers for its intended purpose. Therefore, it is not recommended to buy designs that are too narrow, since there is a high probability that it will not be comfortable to care for the child;
  • style - although the child is still too small to understand the appearance of interior items, parents should take care of creating a comfortable and pleasant environment. Appearance and the colors of the products should be optimal for the children's room.

When choosing a product, many important factors are taken into account. From a chest of drawers with different additional elements, you can get a multifunctional item that has high strength, hygiene and attractiveness.

Preparing for the birth of a child is an important stage, because future parents need to buy everything they need, without overdoing it and not going over budget. Therefore, the question of buying a changing chest sometimes arises very acutely: is it needed or not, if needed, then which one to choose, because there are many options on the market. Let's try to clarify how and why to buy a changing chest of drawers.

Pros and cons of buying a changing chest

Many parents think about what they will use to dress their child in the first months of his life. Of course, do everything necessary procedures You can do it right on your parents’ bed, but changing your baby many times a day is too hard on any back. You can also use a regular table, but not everyone has one, and a child who is learning to roll over may roll off it. Therefore purchase special device for swaddling it turns out smart choice. In this regard, one of the most popular options, which has a lot of advantages, is a chest of drawers:

  • The dimensions of the chest of drawers will allow it to fit into any room. You can choose one that occupies a smaller area, or you can choose a wide one, then even an older child will be comfortable on a wide table.
  • For changing baby's clothes and hygiene procedures, as well as for massage, gymnastics and laying on the tummy, the mother will not need to bend over, as is the case if she is used for all of the above adult bed. The health of mom and her back is very important!
  • The chest of drawers has spaces where you can put baby’s clothes, diapers, nappies and all hygiene items, so everything you need will be at hand, and mom won’t have to run to the other end of the room if she forgot to grab a diaper or clean pants.
  • The chest of drawers has a folding or pull-out changing table - when it is not needed, it folds up, and the chest of drawers does not take up much space, and if necessary, it can be easily folded back or pulled out with one hand.
  • A chest of drawers can be used even after the child grows up, and he can be changed by placing him on the bed. Store your baby’s clothes or toys in it, and if the chest of drawers is a neutral color, you can put it not only in the nursery.
  • Most dresser models are equipped with sides along the edge of the tabletop; this is safe and convenient - the child will definitely not fall.

Against the background of these advantages, some disadvantages can be noted. The most significant is that it still takes up a lot of space, even the most narrow chest of drawers. Dimensions small apartments leave much to be desired, and without an extra piece of furniture they are cramped, so in this case it is better to purchase a changing pad for the crib or a soft changing pad for the table.

Also, the dresser table is usually made of chipboard, so you also need to buy a soft changing mat. This is an extra expense, and given the considerable cost of the chest of drawers itself, this disadvantage may outweigh all the advantages.

How to choose a changing chest

Size, design, color - the first thing that catches your eye when choosing a chest of drawers. Its price is also important, but it is worth considering that expensive models can cost unreasonably much, but there are budget domestic models that meet all the requirements. So, pay attention to the following:

  1. Material- majority modern chests of drawers made from chipboard Items from solid wood, of course, is preferable, but also significantly more expensive. Choose a material that is not afraid of moisture and is easy to clean. If the table is equipped with a mattress or oilcloth, it should also be easy to wash.
  2. Accessories, guides, wheels- all this should be good quality. The runners inside the drawers should roll out easily with one hand and not come out of the grooves; the handles of the chest of drawers should not be sharp - an older child may hit them while crawling; The tabletop should easily recline with one hand.
  3. Dresser configuration- there are chests of drawers on which the child lies vertically (their lid, as a rule, reclines or slides out), and there are those where the baby is placed horizontally, that is, sideways to the mother. Each mother will have to decide individually which chest of drawers to choose.
  4. Chest dimensions are also very important, especially if the room is small, take this into account when purchasing.

Chest of drawers with bathtub

One of the options for a changing chest is a model with a bathtub. In this model, instead of the middle drawer, this particular bathtub rolls out. This is very convenient in the first couple of months, because many people are afraid to bathe a baby in large bath, besides, everything you need for bathing will fit in the chest of drawers. The dimensions of the built-in bathtub, however, are so small that soon the child will no longer fit in it, and this function will not be used for the rest of the time, so weigh the pros and cons before purchasing such a chest of drawers.

Bed with changing chest

Very popular in Lately and such multifunctional items - a crib has an extension in the form of a chest of drawers with a changing surface. This allows you not to look for different items and immediately buy everything you need. In addition, such a kit takes less space than a regular crib and changing chest. The dimensions of the chest of drawers in such models are very small, that is, the child will quickly no longer fit on the changing table, and the chest of drawers does not fit many things.

Changing chest dimensions

The standard sizes of a changing chest are as follows:

  • The height is about 1 meter - this is the optimal height for ease of manipulation by parents of different heights.
  • The width is usually about 40-50 centimeters. When choosing the width, remember that this is also the depth of the drawers - the larger it is, the more spacious the drawers are.
  • The length of the chest of drawers can vary from 60 centimeters to 80. The wider the chest of drawers and its tabletop, the longer a child will fit on it.

Naturally, on furniture production They can always make chests of drawers to individual sizes.

Popular chest of drawers manufacturers

Today, any children's goods store offers wide choose changing chests. Among domestic producers widely represented trade marks“Mozhga”, “Fairy”, “Aton Furniture”. “Mozhga” is better known expensive models made of natural wood, their chests of drawers have classic shapes and fit well into exquisite interior children's room “Fairy” and “Aton Furniture” are budget models made of chipboard, but they are presented in the most different shades wood and in different sizes.

Ikea chests of drawers are also popular. They are made from environmentally friendly pure materials, and their laconic design appeals to many customers. In addition, Ikea chests of drawers can be supplemented convenient accessories- hanging containers and pockets, and the like. There are also models that transform into a desk for an adult child.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 8 minutes


After the birth of the baby, parents begin to think about what elements of furniture will be extremely necessary for him and what is worth paying attention to. Recently, young parents quite often face the question of whether they need to purchase a changing table or try to get by with other means, for example desk or a chest of drawers. And if you still decide to make such a purchase, then what is better to choose? Which model should you prefer?

What are they?

Most parents at the moment do not clearly understand what exactly a changing table is and why, in fact, it is needed. After all, in fact, you can use “available means” and not spend extra money. But if you go to a specialized store or look through various articles on the Internet, you can see how many various models can offer you modern market. Let's take a closer look.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a changing table, you should definitely pay attention to the following points:

  • Natural materials. It is important that the changing table should be made of natural materials, which are safe for the baby's health. For example, latex, wood, etc. The mattress should be made of water-repellent and easy-to-clean materials.
  • Convenience of the table. It can be equipped with wheels and brakes.
  • Sustainability. It is important that the changing pad itself is securely fastened
  • Spaciousness. Try to choose the most spacious table, because the baby will grow up very quickly, and it will be cramped on a small changing pad
  • Availability of shelves, pockets, hangers, etc. Not every baby changer has all this, but this is an additional advantage when choosing a table. You can easily place everything you need on them so that the things you need are always at hand.
  • Moisture resistance. If the table you choose is made of wood, then ask how moisture-resistant the material is and what its warranty period is.

How much does a changing table cost?

As for the prices for changing tables, the variety here varies within the same wide limits as the choice of this piece of furniture itself. Naturally, the cheapest solution would be a changing board; you can purchase it within the range from 630 before 3 500 rubles Quite a budget allocation of funds, you will agree. A folding table for the bathroom will cost you between 3600 before 7 950 rubles, but do not forget that such a model is not suitable for every apartment. The range of selection of changing chests is wide, and the variety of prices for them is also huge. From 3 790 up to 69 000 rubles, it all depends on the manufacturer, size, materials and other factors. A hanging changing table can be purchased at a price from 3 299 before 24 385 rubles Again, it all depends on the manufacturer. After all, the same domestic tables will cost much less than Italian ones. But here it’s up to you to decide what is preferable for your pocket and wishes.

Many articles have been written about choosing a changing table, which discuss various options with their pros and cons. I will not review all varieties, but will only share my view, which is a reflection of my personal experience.

Here I will not discuss the need and importance of swaddling itself for a newborn baby; this is a topic for a separate discussion. But when choosing a changing table for your baby, first of all you should remember it The original purpose is to swaddle the baby. Most modern devices can be called anything you like - a table for putting aside, changing clothes, changing diapers, etc. They certainly have a right to exist and in some ways are perhaps convenient, but they cannot be called changing pads. Because it is not possible to swaddle on them due to their design.

Therefore, before you start choosing this important subject furniture, you should decide whether you will swaddle your baby. If you answered yes to this question, the next question that naturally arises for most expectant mothers: “Is it really necessary for swaddling? special table or can this be done on any table, bedside table, bed, etc.?” I am definitely against swaddling on the bed and not because of hygiene issues. Dear women, have mercy on your back! She already suffered so much during pregnancy and possibly during childbirth, and there will still be a lot of stress on her. All other options are computer or dining tables, chests of drawers, hanging tables or shelves, etc. - can be used as a changing pad if they meet the conditions that I list below.

1. Width and length. The first requirement for a changing table is a large surface on which a child up to at least 3 months can lie calmly, with his arms outstretched to the sides, without resting against the sides or hanging over the edges. From here we get dimensions of at least 60 cm in width and 70 cm in length. The surface should be flat so that the diaper does not slide under the baby. Then you will be able to swaddle quickly and deftly, and the baby will not have time to cry.

2. Bortikov there may not be any at the edges, because leaving the baby alone on the table is extremely undesirable. From birth - because the baby “jumps up” and is afraid of his own own movements and very quickly begins to cry. And at 3 months, some are already moving so actively that in the most incredible way they can end up on the floor. It’s better to organize the space in advance so that you don’t have to leave your baby alone, and everything you need is always at hand.

3. Height from the floor. A pregnant woman (especially with her first child) does not always imagine that she will have to swaddle very often, about 10-12 times a day, or even more. And correct carrying and laying out of the baby assumes that the mother presses the baby very close to herself and leans with him towards the changing pad, and does not place him on outstretched arms. Therefore, the height of the table should be such that you do not have to bend your back too much or stand on tiptoes to reach. Take care of yourself, your strength will come in handy! Define optimal height table, you can bend your arm at an angle of 900. The distance from the tabletop to the bent arm should be approximately 15 cm. If the table or chest of drawers does not match your height, you can ask your husband to file the legs or, conversely, raise them to the height you need.

4. Table surface should be soft enough for the baby and protected from dirt. You can put a special mattress or a baby blanket folded several times, cover it with oilcloth, on top of which put a diaper or small sheet. To prevent this structure from moving apart during swaddling, the diaper or sheet must be large enough to tuck its edges under the mattress or blanket. Or you can use modern options oilcloths, the surface of which is similar to fabric, do not need to be covered with anything. In addition, in order not to change diapers or oilcloths several times a day, you can place disposable oilcloths cut into 2 or 4 pieces (depending on size) under the baby.

5. Top shelves or pockets are needed in order to lay out diapers, cloth diapers, and baby vests there in piles. This is the minimum set of things that are most often used during the day in caring for a newborn. You need to understand that while the child is very small, he constantly “throws up” (grasps the air with his hands as if falling) and therefore all of the listed things should be at arm’s length, no further. With her other hand, the mother holds the baby’s hands. That is why it is inconvenient to reach for a diaper or a vest somewhere very far away or take it out of the drawers below. Another wish for the shelves is that they should not be too low, so that when you lower the baby onto the table, you don’t hit your head or hit the baby. You can place shelves on both sides, a little further from the center (as in the photo), then in the middle there will be a place necessary for tilting.

6. Shelves below needed for things that are not used very often. For example, there may be things for walking, bathing, extra diapers, vests, blankets, etc. If the shelves are closed, this will protect things from dust; if not, you can put them in beautiful boxes, baskets or bags.

7. It’s very good if the changing pad is at the bottom leg room so that mother and baby can come close to the table. This will relieve tension from your back and legs, you will be less tired and will be able to stand in front of the changing pad for as long as necessary.

8. First aid kit in the first month of a baby’s life it is also used quite often (for processing umbilical wound), but it is very a small amount of items. Therefore, the first aid box can stand directly on the changing table next to the baby’s head (so that he doesn’t touch it with his arms) or hang on the sides on the left or right so that you can easily reach it. In addition, somewhere here you can place a small box or jar for garbage, so as not to run around the room with a used cotton pad or swab in search of a trash can.

9. Basket for dirty laundry best located in close proximity from the table, so that, again, you don’t have to run to the bathroom every time with a dirty diaper and throw it on the floor. Dirty items from the basket can be washed 1 or 2 times a day, which significantly saves the new mother’s energy. For this purpose, you can use a regular plastic or wicker basket for dirty laundry, a rag folding basket, a plastic bucket or basin, in general, any sufficiently large container.

  • The table should be easy to approach from both the entrance and the outside sleeping place moms. The fewer obstacles there are in its path (corner of the bed, closet, nightstand), the less injury and effort expended.
  • It’s good when the changing area is naturally lit daylight from the window. But it's bad when sunlight falls directly into the child's face and cannot be closed.
  • If your windows are reliably protected from drafts, you can place a table next to the window (and use the window sill as a shelf for things). Otherwise, it is better to put it away so that the baby does not catch a cold.
  • If there is someone else sleeping in the room besides mother and baby (husband, children, grandmother), it is better to have a separate source of dim light next to the changing pad. This could be a sconce with adjustable light or a small night light that plugs directly into the socket.

Despite the fact that the changing table has only been used for a few months, it is an important part of the room’s interior, which should maintain the overall atmosphere of comfort, warmth, joy... Even if you use a regular computer desk With suitable parameters, it can be “decorated” with beautiful sheets with lace, embroidery, appliqués, etc. And a box for things specially created for your baby is special. creative work during pregnancy, and in the future - a place for memorabilia. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of decorating this corner with all the tenderness and trepidation that is inherent in any woman waiting for her miracle!

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the changing place should, first of all, be comfortable and functional, and that no “decorations” should interfere with your care of the baby (fall, cling, quickly come off).

Rogova Natalya

doula, lactation consultant

and maternal art

Buying furniture for a children's room requires a rational approach. A changing table is one of the first items you should purchase. It greatly simplifies caring for your baby and serves as a storage area for children's clothing and hygiene items.

Baby changing tables: varieties

  1. The lightest and most transportable is folding changing table newborns. It is compact, takes up little space, and folds easily if necessary. The folding changing pad can be taken with you on trips and is ideal for small rooms.
  2. Changing table-transformer combines practicality and functionality. It has small dimensions, several spacious containers for hygiene items and children's clothing. As a rule, this changing pad comes with a soft mattress for the changing table. It is convenient because necessary items(diapers, diapers, clothes) will always be at hand, and they will not clutter up the table surface.
  3. Changing chests more cumbersome, but their undeniable advantage is the ability to use even after the baby grows up. A chest of drawers with a changing table resembles a full-fledged chest of drawers, but equipped with wooden sides. If necessary, the protection can be removed, and the chest of drawers continues to serve as a spacious closet.
  4. Hanging table for folds up easily and takes up minimal space. The wall-mounted changing table is mounted on the wall behind back wall, working surface reclines horizontally and the height is adjustable. Folding designs have many useful pockets for storing powders, oils, napkins, diapers and rattles. Such tables can be found from the manufacturer Ikea; they are made in a minimalist style.
  5. Changing table for newborns with bath has its advantages. This table is installed in the bathroom, but its dimensions must be appropriate. Also, the changing table with a bathtub is equipped with shelves for swimwear and linen.
  6. Classic stationary tables may have metal or wooden base. Their dimensions and design can be selected individually to equip the room, taking into account its size and interior features. The classic table is designed like a shelf; it can have side trays, pockets and hangers. For this changing table you need to select good mattress, in accordance with its dimensions.

Changing table: basic principles of selection

Choosing a convenient and functional table for changing, adhere to the following criteria:

  • preferred safe materials(wood, metal, environmentally friendly plastic);
  • presence of wheels;
  • the size of the changing table should be maximum, since children grow quickly;
  • it is necessary to have strong protective sides;
  • the structure must be stable;
  • It is desirable for the table to have additional shelves and pockets.

Having decided to buy a changing table, you need to take care of the mattress, on the surface of which a waterproof bedding will be laid. The mattress material should repel water, be easy to clean and not slip.

Do you need a changing table?

Of course, there are families who replace the changing pad with a regular table or put the child on the bed. The need to purchase additional furniture depends on how rationally you approach the issue of arranging a children's room. Some parents are willing to spend a certain amount of money and buy the best changing table after reading reviews. Someone is trying to make a changing table with their own hands, since the design of most changing tables is quite primitive. In the first and second cases, it should be understood that this piece of furniture will not be used for too long.

However, if there is functional table, all the necessary things will always be at hand. Mom won't have to leave to find wipes or diapers. Even in a small room, you can always choose a folding table, so the decision is up to the parents.

Until what age do people use changing tables?

During the first months of a baby’s life, this item will be in maximum demand. The child often needs changing diapers and swaddling, which means he will have to be placed on the table often. Parents must ensure the safety of the baby from the very first days, so it is better not to leave the changing table, even if the child does not yet roll over on his own. By six months, the baby will be more mobile and the changing table will no longer be so necessary.


Comment on the article "How to choose a changing table for a newborn"

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changing table dimensions. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. changing table dimensions. we want to order a chest of drawers combined with a changing table, since in our...

How to choose a changing table for a newborn. baby changing table. Which model should you choose? Sewing a mattress on a changing table. about the changing table. sang the sides of the table - who makes them soft so that the child does not hit his head or other parts...

I don’t have a changing table, we have a book table, which I put half open, and the whole Chest of drawers serves as a changing table. about the changing table. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Well, we’re thinking about what to buy and we came up with this: We saw it at Ikea...

How to choose a changing table for a newborn. How to choose a crib with a changing table. about the changing table. They come from different breeds trees. Do you need a changing table? Children's dowry. A child from birth to one year.

How to choose a changing table for a newborn. In addition to the additional children's bath, the wall-mounted folding changing box is equipped with shelves for swimwear and linen. Which chest of drawers - changing table is better?

How to choose a changing table for a newborn. Do you need a changing table? Until what age do people use changing tables? The lightest and most transportable is a folding table for changing newborns.

We did not take a changing table, although we thought for a long time whether it was needed. Now we are 3 years and 4 months old, we still bathe in it, it’s very comfortable. True, we have a grille on large bath, put a small one on it. How to choose a changing table for a newborn.

How to choose a crib with a changing table. Do you need a changing table? Baby changing table. Questions from expectant mothers to “experienced” ones. A child from birth to one year. How to make a changing table with your own hands. What types of changing tables are there?

about the changing table. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year: nutrition Section: ... it’s difficult to choose a section (Well, we’re thinking about what to buy and now we’ve come up with an idea: We saw a changing table at IKEA and it’s attached to it).

The changing table was originally invented for changing a baby. Will you wake him up in diapers? How to choose a changing table for a newborn. Do you need a changing table? Until what age do people use changing tables?

How to choose a changing table for a newborn. baby changing table. I sit and choose. I had a chest of drawers with a changing table on top, which could turn into just a chest of drawers :) It was convenient: in drawers all the children's things fit in the open...