How to set up a water filter. Installing a reverse osmosis drinking water filter

The problem of purifying water coming from a well always remains relevant. Water for use for various domestic purposes and for drinking must meet certain quality criteria. First of all, be safe for health and taste good. Entire water supply systems have been built wastewater treatment plants, however, if you do not use the central water supply, but your own well, then you yourself will have to take care of the purity of the water used.

Water from wells does not always meet the quality requirements. In 70% of cases, water from wells contains a high content of heavy metals such as iron, copper, manganese and zinc. In addition, water from wells may contain excess hard salts, nitrates and waste from industrial, livestock and agricultural production. Therefore, the water coming into the house from wells must be filtered.

The choice of filters for purifying water from a well is not always simple task. When choosing a filter, it is not enough to be guided only by price and advertising information.

The result that needs to be obtained largely depends on the correctly chosen method of water purification. To do this, you first need to obtain and analyze the following data:

  • the composition of water taking into account its seasonal changes in the area;
  • the presence of harmful impurities in water and their forms;
  • what are the technological characteristics of treatment systems, how reliable are they and what is their bacteriological resistance to the effects of harmful impurities if they are present in water;
  • what amount of waste is obtained from water purification in one way or another, its composition and disposal technology;
  • the cost of the entire water purification process;
  • possibilities for repairing the treatment system and the cost of its maintenance.

Determination of the composition of water from a well

To determine the composition of water from a well, it must be correctly sampled and then submitted to the SES or another specialized organization for analysis.

To take water for testing, do the following:

  1. Prepare a container for collecting water for testing and wash it thoroughly.
  2. Pour water into the container in a thin stream along the walls of the vessel so that the water is not overly saturated with oxygen in order to avoid additional chemical reactions occurring in it.
  3. When the water fills the container to the very neck, close it tightly and securely so as not to create an air lock.
  4. If the water is not immediately sent for analysis, then place the container with water in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.
  5. Before submitting water for analysis, attach a note to the container. In the note, indicate: the location of water sampling (address of the site with the well), the depth of the well and the date the sample was taken.

Types and methods of water purification

Depending on the result of the analysis of water taken from the well, it will be necessary to decide what needs to be removed from the water and how to do it.

The main factors that degrade water quality and how to remove them include:

  1. Undissolved suspended particles and colloidal substances. Removed by mechanical filters.
  2. Irony taste of water. This taste is caused by the increased iron content in water. Corrected by special filters for iron removal.
  3. Hard water, which, due to the increased percentage of hard magnesium and calcium salts, creates scale and white deposits on dishes and electrical appliances. This is fraught with failure heating elements in household appliances, and also not very healthy. To soften water, softeners are used; they replace calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions.
  4. Unpleasant smell, taste and color. Removed using carbon filters.
  5. Water contamination by various bacteria. Purification is carried out using ultraviolet sterilizers, ozonizers or membrane filters.

Selecting well water purification filters

In order to begin choosing the necessary filters, you need to understand what they are for, the technological characteristics of the filters, how reliable they are, what the cost of the water purification process in them is and the cost of their maintenance.

Filters for mechanical water purification

  • Filters for mechanical water purification belong to the group rough cleaning or to devices of the first stage of cleaning. At this stage, it is necessary to separate dirt, sand and other suspended particles from the water. The presence of such impurities can damage household appliances, prevent subsequent water purification devices from operating effectively, and make the water unfit for consumption.
  • Filters in this group are mesh, disk or pour type. The choice of one type or another depends on the water used and the prices for them. This cleaning stage is usually located on the submersible pump itself or at the end of the intake hose. Therefore, this must be taken into account already at the stage of selecting pumping equipment for well construction. The presence of a mechanical filter on the submersible pump will save you from additional costs and the cleaning process will be simplified.
  • However, not all suspended matter is removed by the filter on the submersible pump. At this stage, the water will be cleared only of large particles ranging in size from 300-500 microns, while smaller ones will remain. The size of the particles removed depends on the structure of the cleaning element. How smaller sizes cells, the smaller particles are screened out from the water. However, this increases the need to clean the filter element itself. The optimal solution there will be the installation of several filters with different degrees of purification with a gradual decrease in cell diameter from 500 microns to 50 microns. Instead of several filters, you can use a mechanical filter with a multi-layer filter media made of sand, fine coal, expanded clay, etc. In multilayer filters, the main supporting layer is garnet with a different composition. Particle distribution different weights granular loading allows for high filtration rates and removal of mechanical particles of various sizes, and also guarantees long-term operation.

Filters for water deferrization

Iron, which may be found in well water, can be divalent or trivalent. Ferrous iron is invisible in water, and its presence is detected only when the divalent form changes to trivalent. Then a precipitate will appear in the form of rust. Therefore, water deferrization filters work on this principle - they convert iron from divalent to trivalent and remove it mechanically.

To select a filter that removes iron, you must consider:

  1. The amount of iron in water.
  2. Amount of water consumed daily.
  3. Possibilities of the sewer system for additional water intake when washing the filter.
  4. Possibility to choose a price category.

Water softening filters

Softener filters are whole class devices designed to reduce water hardness. Such filters are complex and can additionally remove iron, manganese, heavy metal salts and organic compounds from water. Water softeners use high-quality filter elements as filter elements. ion exchange resins. Such resins have a large exchange capacity, and excellent mechanical characteristics provide filter softeners increased resource operation.

The most practical and quite effective are ion exchange filters, which reduce the content of magnesium and calcium salts to 0.01 mg/l. These are main filters for softening water installed in a water pipe, both hot and cold water. In addition, softener filters can be installed under the sink or in front of household appliances.

Ion exchange filters for water softening are of the following types:

  1. In the form of a small volume flask. Used for small volumes of water. The main advantage is the low price.
  2. Compact devices with replaceable cartridges that can be installed in front of a sink or household appliance.
  3. Devices in the form of a cylinder with sodium crystals for a regenerative method of water softening. One of the most effective filters in terms of quality and performance, however, it is expensive and is not recommended for using water for food purposes.

In addition, there are reverse osmosis filters and magnetic filters. However, the former have a high price, and the latter require periodic cleaning of destroyed magnesium and calcium salts from slag.

In any case, when choosing a water softening filter, you need to consider:

  1. Amount of water used.
  2. Water hardness level (medium, hard, super hard).
  3. Possibility of maintenance.
  4. Opportunity battery life without constant supervision.
  5. Possibilities of the sewer system for additional intake of water when discharging saline solution.
  6. Electricity costs.

Carbon filters

  • In carbon filters, it is used as a filter element. Activated carbon. Activated carbon is a mixture of charcoal, coconut charcoal, petroleum coke and other various carbon containing components.
  • Carbon filters belong to the group fine cleaning. The main purpose of a carbon filter is to purify water from impurities that give an unpleasant taste, color and odor or to improve the organoleptic characteristics of water. All these impurities are removed from the water when it passes through a filter composition - sorbent (charcoal). Due to the high adsorption capacity of activated carbon, it effectively absorbs gases, organic compounds and chlorine dissolved in water.
  • The optimal solution for purifying water from a well for an autonomous water supply system is an automatic purification system. It consists of plastic container with a carbon filter element and additional blocks providing automatic operation systems.

When selecting and installing coal automatic systems water purification must take into account:

  1. The water pressure in the water supply system of the house, and accordingly the type of pumping station.
  2. Possibility of placing the filter in a place where it is protected from freezing.
  3. Filters should not be placed near a source of intense heat.
  4. Possibility of ensuring good ventilation of the system location.
  5. Possibility of maintenance (access to drainage).
  6. The location of carbon filters in the cleaning system should be after the first stage of coarse cleaning, and best of all at the final stage.
  7. Possibility to choose a price category.

Filters for removing bacteriological contamination of water

Thus, each cleaning stage performs its own function. Therefore, to obtain high-quality purified water taken from a well, a multi-stage purification system is necessary. It is best to use automatic stationary household systems with filters for various purposes, arranged sequentially, approximately in the following order:

  1. First, water from the well, through rough cleaning of dirt (to particle sizes of no more than 50 microns) in a mechanical filter of a submersible pump, enters the water supply system.
  2. Further through filters pre-cleaning(optimally two mechanical filters of medium purity and two composite filters with activated carbon), having been cleared of mechanical particles up to 5 microns in size, chlorine and the bulk of impurities, the water enters a block with a reverse osmosis membrane.
  3. In a block with a reverse osmosis membrane, water is freed from almost all other harmful impurities.
  4. At the final stage, an ultraviolet sterilizer can be used.

  • Simpler devices with fewer filters are also used. Household water purifiers of the Barrier In-LINE series, models C1 and C2, have good reviews. Such models are permanently installed in front of the water distribution point and connected to the water supply through a special adapter with a shut-off valve. Shut-off valve necessary in any water treatment system, as it allows you to disconnect from the water supply if necessary for maintenance.
  • We can also recommend various cleaning devices that use electrical and electrochemical processes. For example, Emerald brand filters destroy toxic impurities by electrochemical oxidation.
  • In Kristall brand systems, bacteria and microbes are neutralized by ultraviolet radiation, and in an RBM brand device, water undergoes magnetic purification.
  • Modern companies specializing in the manufacture of water purification filters offer consumers portable ionic-type units that allow you to obtain high-quality water at home. To purify water in living conditions They use ozone produced by electrical discharges. Thus, the OZONE TECHNOLOGIES company produces well-proven household cleaning systems “Aquamama”. The action of this water treatment plant is based on the ability of ozone to disinfect water, destroying bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, in addition, converting some organic compounds and metal ions into a water-insoluble state.
  • The Aquamama device consists of three elements: a mechanical filter, a sorption unit with activated carbon and an ozonizer. Such a device is connected to the water supply system via a special adapter. In the body of the ozonizer there is a device for producing ozone and sound and light indicators that signal the remaining resources of the filter cartridges. Auto mode The operation of the Aquamama water purifier is ensured by a vacuum relay that maintains water flow within the range of 1.5-3 l/min. The installation is mounted in front of the water distribution point and connected to the electrical network, with a voltage of 220 V, through a household outlet. It has a low price, a relatively good supply of resources (up to 30,000 liters) and a low power consumption of no more than 7W.

Installation of well water purification filters

General rules

Each water purification device is accompanied by instructions for its installation and operation. In order for the water undergoing purification in these filters to be of the required quality and maintained at this level, and the entire system for a long time remained operational, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules provided by the manufacturers of water treatment devices. These basic rules include:

  1. Flow filters (regardless of the cleaning principle) must always be installed using a regulator for the prescribed water flow.
  2. Do not allow water pressure in the water supply network to exceed the maximum permissible for each device (adjustable special devices mounted in front of the corresponding filter system).
  3. Replacement of cartridges must be carried out within strictly established resource parameters, otherwise the water passing through the filter will not be purified.
  4. When replacing cartridges, strictly observe the order of their placement inside the filter housing, so as not to confuse the corresponding housings (cartridges for different purposes may have the same appearance and size).
  5. To protect the water supply system, pumping station and water purification system from water hammer, it is advisable to install a hydraulic accumulator.
  6. It is necessary to connect the water treatment system after the hydraulic accumulator and the automation system that regulates the operation of the pumping station (pump).
  7. To avoid damage to the pump when the filters become clogged, it is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the filter elements (before each start-up of the pumping station) and promptly replace them. In addition, when water purification filters are located in front of the automatic adjustment of the pump operation, it is necessary to install a relay that turns off the pump when the water pressure in the system increases above the critical value (due to clogged filters).
  8. All electrical equipment must be connected in compliance with electrical safety measures with preliminary grounding.
  9. Pipelines must be placed in such a way as to ensure the possibility of their repair (10-15 mm from the walls), and flexible hoses must be fixed with clamps and secured to stationary equipment.
  10. To install filter devices, it is necessary to provide and prepare a suitable place for their placement.

Procedure for installing water purification filters

When installing water purification devices, the following procedure must be observed:

  1. Before you begin the process of installing filters yourself, prepare everything necessary equipment, tools and carefully study the procedure.
  2. Draw up a general diagram of a well water filtration system.
  3. Place all elements of the system in a suitable place according to the diagram.
  4. Secure the wall-mounted devices into place using the supplied devices, brackets, or other means.
  5. Connect all elements (valves, relays, pressure gauges, etc.) with pipelines according to the diagram.
  6. Install the elements connected by pipelines onto devices fixed to the wall.
  7. Connect all drains and drainage devices to the public sewer.
  8. Connect electrical equipment to the network.
  9. Connect the assembled system to the water supply network.
  10. Open all shut-off valves and run water into the water treatment system.
  11. Check the tightness assembled system and reliability of fastenings.
  12. If there are leaks or other defects, turn off the water supply to the water treatment system, drain all water from the system and eliminate the defects.

Selection and installation procedure for water purification filters from a well video

Water is the source of life and health. But only clean water can benefit a person. To get rid of excess chemical impurities and bacteria, water filters are installed. This process is the fastest and easiest way to purify water and protect yourself and your loved ones from harm caused by those harmful substances, which may be present in the composition of life-giving moisture.

Filter Mud

A coarse filter is used to purify water from the largest mechanical impurities. Such devices are installed directly at the point where water enters the house immediately after shut-off valves in front of the water meter. Thus, coarse filters help protect water meters from large debris entering the impeller of the mechanism.

Price from 250 rub.

Fine filter

The self-cleaning fine filter allows you to best clean the water from large and small particles and rust. If the filter becomes clogged, you can easily wash it or clean the mesh. The metal membrane has a fairly long service life and practically does not fail. There is a tap at the bottom of the flask, with which you can clean the filter from contaminants and continue to use it. Filters of this type They have a transparent flask for cold water and a metal one for hot water.

Price from 1,500 rub.

Main filter

The main filter is installed after the coarse or fine filter. The filter uses replaceable cartridges to remove significant amount impurities. To install such a filter, it is necessary to do a water analysis in order to correctly select the filter elements suitable for the specific water used. Purified water is suitable for cooking. The filter will also protect household appliances from the formation of scale and other deposits.

Price from 2000 rub.

Filter Reverse Osmosis

The installation of such water purification systems is the most advanced that exists today. Neither mechanical cleaning, neither adsorption by activated carbon, nor oxidation and ion exchange are able to purify water as well as reverse osmosis does. Moreover, these membranes are inexpensive and more compact than other filters. Water purification is carried out at the molecular level. After purification, this water is suitable for drinking. To install such a filter, it is necessary to do a water analysis in order to correctly select the filter elements suitable for the specific water used.

Price from 2500 rub.

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Clean drinking water flowing from the system taps central water supply, this is rather a pipe dream for most residents apartment buildings. For private developers, things are sometimes no better, so the need to install small filter systems or large installations with the same purpose is an urgent need and the only Possible Solution Problems. This article will talk about how to change water filters.

What types of water filters are there?

  • If you only need to purify water from impurities for cooking, and your family is small, then it is quite possible that you can get by with simple filter - jug, which can clean half a liter of tap water in a short period of time. It is very easy to use, inexpensive, and filter cartridges for it are sold everywhere and are available to all categories of the population. Their service life is designed for 150 - 400 liters, depending on the manufacturer. Cartridges are available for water with varying degrees of quality, and even a child can replace them. But the limited volume of the jug - a maximum of 2.5 liters - will not allow you to quickly fill clean water a kettle or a large saucepan, and in the end you will have to wash or wash everything in the same hard or “iron-enriched” water.

  • Attachment on the crane also will not be able to cope with large volumes. Her throughput limited to 200 or 500 ml per minute. Some people do not like the appearance of the structure that the filter attachment and faucet form. Such a solution will require a separate container for collecting filtered water, and it is very difficult to regulate the flow pressure. If the design of the water filter does not provide a special switch that allows the flow to bypass it, then each time you will have to remove the nozzle itself in order, for example, to wash dishes without once again loading the cleaning cartridge.

Water filter diagrams

  • Flow type cleaners compared to previous options they look more convincing. They are also called tabletop, or water filters for sinks. They are small, shaped like a cylinder with a tap. By connecting to the faucet located on the sink (using water hose), such filters are capable of providing the housewife with two liters of the purest water in a minute. drinking water. And the total resource of such a device is up to 4 thousand liters. How often to change the water filter depends on the number of people; in a family of 3-4 people, replacement is done once every 1.5-2 years. But in the kitchen or bathroom this option will take up some space, so it is not often chosen for small spaces. But some manufacturers produce modifications that can be wall-mounted. One of the inconveniences that await a potential buyer of a wall-mounted filter is that the included bushings may not be suitable for the faucet installed in the house. You will have to purchase them separately.

Video on how to change a water filter

  • Built-in water filter can be considered the most acceptable for a family. They are cylindrical containers that are equipped with filtering elements and a container in which the purified liquid accumulates. They are mounted under the sink, and the water supply tap is led outside. This filter is more expensive than all the above options, but its resource is much longer, and the level of cleaning is incomparably higher. It is ready for use immediately after installation, and its cost will pay off during the time it takes the whole family to use it. clean water.
  • Central filter placed immediately after the water consumption meter in the place where water enters the apartment. Most often these are two flasks, inside of which there are replaceable filter elements of varying degrees of purification.

Choosing a filter for your apartment: for each type of problem there is a solution

Arriving at the store, it’s not enough to tell the seller what’s in the house bad water. It can be characterized by an excess content of iron, salts, and various impurities. As a rule, the consumer is offered a combined solution: install 2-3 filters in a row with varying degrees of purification and operating on different principles.

  • One of them ( mechanical filtration) retains those elements that are not soluble in water (for example, rust or sand). Design features such a filter affects the degree of purification. It can be ultra-fine, fine or coarse. In addition, there are several more filtration principles.

  • The principle of sorption, that is, absorption. Its device is simple and has been known for a long time: activated carbon acts as a sorbent. It very effectively passes water through itself, while retaining all impurities. As a disadvantage, it is worth noting that thanks to this careful work, many filtered particles accumulate inside. They, in turn, become the ideal “home” for large number bacteria, which with such ideal conditions are developing at tremendous speed. As a solution, some manufacturers include silver ions in the sorbent. They are known for their disinfecting properties, but do not exclude the need to change the filter at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer. Attempts to “squeeze” the maximum out of the filter are fraught with the fact that the quality of the water at the outlet will, at best, be similar to that at the inlet. And if we consider the worst-case scenario, then consuming such a liquid “enriched” with bacteria is simply dangerous to health. Such a filtration system, subject to timely replacement, will eliminate many unnecessary impurities, foreign odors, harmful chemical elements, including chlorine.
  • If the water flowing from the tap exceeds all standards for metal content and is hard, then it makes sense to install filter with ion exchange function. Unnecessary salts or heavy metal ions will be retained in it, and at the output the consumer will receive soft and usable water.

  • For preliminary purification of iron they are used oxidation filters. They retain only this unwanted element, oxidizing it. After this procedure, iron becomes insoluble in water and remains as sediment on the filter. And the liquid freed from its presence goes to the next stage of filtration in a device with a finer cleaning system. Such a preliminary stage of processing is relevant if the iron content, as they say, is off the charts.
  • Thin film membrane, which is the basis of the same (membrane) filter osmosis gives the consumer the opportunity to enjoy high-quality, highly purified water. The material is created in such a way that only H2O molecules pass through it. Water must pass through it under a pressure of 3 or 4 atmospheres to obtain a 100% pure product. This system also has a drawback: along with unnecessary impurities, the membrane does not allow microelements useful for the human body to pass through. Therefore, the second destination for purified water is a filter with an enrichment system (mineralizer). Some manufacturers combine both of these systems into one. The positive point is that the particles retained by the filter do not remain inside it, but are removed through the drainage system. This increases the service life of the cleaning system elements, but leads to additional water consumption costs.

Since problems with water quality are often complex in nature, they are solved accordingly - by installing a number of filters with various mechanisms work. Most often, mechanical or oxidative purifiers begin the chain, and sorption or membrane devices close the filtration cycle.

General rules for installing filters

  • The first thing you need to do is determine the location where the filter will be mounted. The central one, as already mentioned, should be in close proximity from the water entry point. Fine filters and membrane purifiers are placed where purified water will be directly collected, and a tap is installed to discharge it. These are sinks in the bathroom or kitchen.

Important! Flasks with replaceable filter elements require a certain free space around them so that there is subsequently room for “maneuvers” when replacing cartridges. The most comfortable setting would be 50 cm in height and 15 cm in depth and width. In general, having free space around any filter system is a necessity. For fastening to the wall, the flasks have special hooks provided by the design.

  • It is also necessary to decide on the installation location based on considerations of minimizing the distance over which the water supply pipe will need to be extended or moved.
  • Now you should turn off the water supply to the apartment.
  • If you need to install a central filter, then immediately from the meter you need to lead a pipe of the required length to connect the device, taking into account the leads that will come from it. At the end of the pipe there should be a coupling with internal thread¾ inch or adapter. The filter is supplied with a short pipe and has a movable, non-removable nut. This element is connected to the outlet of the water supply pipe. Now you should outline where the flasks will be fixed. IN drilled holes Dowels are inserted and screws are tightened, fixing the filter mounts. Now all that remains is to shorten the existing water supply pipe to the distance that the design of the purifier and pipes will take (the second one is also included in the kit), install the resulting system in this place, and turn on the water supply.
  • If you need to install a membrane filter or a fine cleaning system, you need to free up enough space under the sink for it. The entire system is attached to the wall furniture set or directly to the wall using screws. After the housing is secured, you need to connect the mixer hose and the faucet with the inlet hose from the filter through a tee. The outlet hose from the cleaning system should be connected to a separate gander for clean water installed on the sink.

Replacing filter elements

Replacing replacement filters for water purification may seem long and difficult only the first time. To do this, you need to carefully follow the manufacturer's instructions, although the general procedure is the same.

  • Before unscrewing the water filter, you need to make sure that the kit includes a special key to unscrew the flask. Its availability should be checked immediately upon purchase.
  • Replacing the cassette in a membrane filter or fine filtration purifier:
  • The water supply should be turned off. The ball valve on the wiring tee is responsible for this. Then you need to stop the flow of fluid from storage tank(for this it has a corresponding mechanism).
  • Opening the tap will allow you to reset residual pressure present in the system.
  • Because further actions cannot be called “clean” work; you will need to lay a rag or place a basin under the flasks.

  • Using a key, unscrew the flask and remove the used cartridges.
  • The flask itself must be rinsed thoroughly under running water and a new filter element must be placed in it.

Important! On carbon cartridges there is rubber gasket. Therefore, it is important to replace the water filter carefully so as not to dislodge it. You should pay no less attention to the order in which the filters are placed. In membrane systems, the first is a cartridge with a membrane cell size of 5, and the last is 1 micron.

  • On the outer surface of the bulb there is a rubber seal located in front of the thread. So that it does not lose its elasticity, it is treated every time the cartridges are replaced. silicone grease(in its absence - Vaseline).
  • By screwing the flask tightly into place, you can resume the water supply to the system. To do this, the sequence of actions with the tap on the tee and the locking mechanism on the drive is repeated.

The central filter installed at the water inlet to the system also needs to replace the filter cassettes. The procedure will differ in a couple of nuances. The water is shut off throughout the riser, and to wash the flasks you will have to fill a separate container with water. Special keys for dismantling must be included in the kit.

Clean water for every home

It is believed that the water supplied to private cottages from wells or boreholes is much cleaner and safer than that used by residents of apartment buildings. This is not always true, otherwise expensive complex filter systems would not be in such demand. In addition, depending on the season, water quality can vary significantly.

An integrated approach to water purification is most justified, especially if it is not possible to monitor the quality of the liquid flowing from the tap. But the functions assigned to individual parts of the whole cleaning system, can be divided into the following groups.

  • Mechanical cleaning works as in the above-described filters. It is necessary for any organization of water intake and does not allow contamination of large fractions: organic matter, soil particles. Its task is to prevent clogging of the entire water supply system and thinner and more expensive filters. As a primary barrier, it is included in the submersible pump kit, which provides water intake from the well. But this does not exempt you from installing additional mechanical filters.
  • Aeration allows you to saturate the water with oxygen necessary for conducting oxidative chemical processes. This “mini-lab” allows the ferrous iron to become insoluble and settle on its way to the tap and then be screened out. In addition to iron, filters with a similar operating scheme will retain ions of lead, arsenic, tin and other undesirable components.
  • Water from wells is often quite hard. Excess salts create this problem. Magnetic processing leads to crystallization of these elements.
  • Reagents come to the rescue when no other cleaning method is able to cope with harmful substances dissolved in the liquid stream.
  • An alternative to purification systems that do not allow iron and other insoluble components into drinking water are reagent-free filters. They contain backfills of natural or synthetic origin.
  • Membrane filters They are also used in private homes. The result of their use is clean water for drinking and cooking.

To select and install complex step-by-step water purification from wells or wells, it is better to contact specialists (at least for advice).

Filters for water purification in a private home

The quantity and modification of the filter system for a cottage is usually selected on an individual basis. Pre-filters (that is, coarse), fine and additional cleaning are present as mandatory elements.

  • A special system for private buildings takes much more space, than stationary flasks in apartments, is more energy-intensive and in some cases requires coordination with cleaning specialists. Compliance last condition will help to assemble a technologically correct sequence of filters that have output to general device responsible for their control and regulation. The entire system is assembled near the point of water entry into the home.

  • Such a chain sometimes includes special equipment responsible for maintaining optimal water pressure. Expensive equipment, although not immediately, pays for itself. And in addition to your own health, this is an investment in a long and safe work devices whose daily work is related to water consumption.

A person should consume 2-3 liters of water per day. Without this fluid, the body will not be able to function properly. Unfortunately, the quality of tap water does not stand up to criticism. Therefore, additional cleaning is necessary. This can be done using a flow filter. Installing such a system under a sink with your own hands will be discussed in this article. The instructions are supplied with photos and videos.

There are various ways to purify water at home. One of them is the installation of a filter with several stages of cleaning under the sink.

It usually consists of a housing, inside of which there are several filter elements for various purposes. The liquid passes through each element in turn, where it is cleaned of various impurities. The main part of such elements consists of a removable cartridge, which is replaced if dirty. Depending on the filter model, there may be 3-5 cleaning elements. The design itself is quite compact. It can be installed under the sink and a separate tap can be installed. Expensive filtration systems may have a UV lamp installed to purify the water from bacteria.

Choosing a place for the filter

When choosing a location for installation, it is important to consider several nuances. It is very important that the filter does not block access to the plumbing. In case of force majeure, you need to get quick access to shut-off valves. And the water filter should not become a hindrance.

Also be aware of the location for filter maintenance access. Cartridges need to be replaced periodically. And this requires space.

Inspecting the equipment

Typically, a filter installed under a sink is equipped with all the necessary fasteners. But sometimes something may be missing. The standard package includes:

  • flasks with cartridges;
  • bracket-console;
  • connecting tubes;

  • tee for tapping into the water supply;
  • ball valve for flow control;
  • faucet for outlet to the sink.

More complex filter systems may include additional accessories.

Installation of an additional tap

Immediately before assembling the filtration system, you need to install the faucet on the sink. It is necessary to remove the liquid that has undergone purification. Many household filtration systems have this faucet as standard. It can be installed on a sink or any other convenient place.

To install an additional faucet, drill a hole in the places where you plan to place it. The choice of drill and drilling mode depends on the material in which you want to make a hole.

  1. If the faucet is installed on a sink made of of stainless steel, then if drilling is not done carefully, the metal may become deformed. It is best to drill stainless steel first with a thin drill and then with a drill of the required diameter.
  2. If you need to install an additional tap in a granite sink, you can drill a hole in it using a Pobedit drill. To prevent such a drill from shrinking, periodically cool it with water.

A tap is inserted into the hole and secured with fastening nut. It is screwed onto a tube at the bottom of the tap inserted into the hole.

We crash into a water pipe

Water must be supplied to the filter unit through a tap into the water supply system. To do this, the kit must include a special tee. Before inserting, close the riser with cold water and drain the remainder from the pipes.

Now remove the hose that connects the faucet to the water pipe. You need to install tees on the cold water pipe. To prevent the threaded connection from leaking, use sealant or FUM tape. A flexible hose leading to a cold water tap is connected to one branch of the tee. The second branch is joined ball valve to regulate water flow.

Filter assembly and installation

The most important step in installing a filter yourself is assembling it into a single whole. To begin, connect the plastic hoses included in the kit to its inlet and outlet. Typically, the places where the hoses are inserted are closed with transport plugs. They must first be removed.

Installing the filter will be easier if you purchase a model equipped with special quick-release clamps. For fastening plastic hose It is enough to simply insert it into such a clamp using a little physical effort.

The hose that is connected to the filter outlet must be connected to an additional tap installed a few minutes earlier. The hose connected to the inlet of the filter is mounted to a ball valve mounted on the tee.

Attention! The hoses must be securely fastened at the connections!

Checking joints and system operation

After the filter has been installed, check it in action. To do this, run water through the water pipes - you closed them before installation. After filling the system with cold water, check all joints for leaks. Inspect the tee for leaks. Then check that the hoses and taps are securely attached. If no leaks are detected, then the filter is installed correctly. You can run water into it: to do this, turn the handle of the ball valve.

Attention! Open the tap with clean water. It should drain within 5 minutes. This will remove process dust from the filter. Get scared muddy water it's not worth it. After a few minutes it should become transparent and clean.

Filtration of tap water is very important condition to improve the quality of life in modern world. Unfortunately, today the water supplied to residential buildings is no different high quality: It may contain harmful chlorine, heavy metals and even pathogens. Modern water filters can clean up to 95% of contaminants. The main thing is to change clogged cartridges on time.

How to install a water filter with your own hands: video

Installing a water filter under the sink: photo

Today it is very difficult to find truly clean water that does not require additional filtration. Mostly natural sources contain great amount harmful to human body bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to purify water before using it. In this article you will learn how to install a water filter.

From this article you will learn:

    How to install a water filter under a sink

    Which water filter to choose

    How to install a filter under the sink step by step

    What types of filters are most popular?

    What are the difficulties of installing filters for rough water purification?

Which water filter is best to install?

Before purchasing, it is important to decide which water filter to install. There are a huge number of them, and each of the filters has individual characteristics. Before directly purchasing and subsequently installing a water filter, study information about their types and operating principles. This will make it easier to purchase the product; in addition, the degree of water purification depends on your choice.

There are two main types of water filters: jug And flow-through. If installing a pitcher water filter allows you to purify the water only slightly, then a flow-through filter provides a higher degree of filtration. A pitcher water filter has a lower cost, which is explained by low productivity and slow cleaning. Also, jug filters cannot be included in a chain of several filter elements.

Maximum cleaning efficiency at home will be ensured by installing a flow-through water filter. However, the price of such equipment is significantly higher than the cost of a pitcher filter. Installation of a flow-through water filter begins with connecting it to the water supply system. There may be some difficulties with this, but they are quite easily solved.

In its turn, flow hydraulic filters are divided into 3 subgroups:

    filter attachments for water taps;

    filters with possible connection to the tap;

    stationary water filters.

When using combined hydrofilter attachments, you can significantly increase the degree of purification of tap water, but then their service life will be minimal. You'll have to choose between financial costs and the need for maximally purified water at home.

Installing a flow-through hydrofilter is considered the best solution for purifying tap water at home. This model is also financially economical. Installation of a flow filter begins with connection to a water tap. This may take some time as it involves more complex installation process. The flow filter for water purification has a complex design of considerable size. When installing a water purification filter, you will need a flexible hose.

Often, flow-through hydraulic filters are also used for electrochemical water purification, which significantly improves the quality of the liquid. Here, stationary structures are more suitable for you, since installing a stationary household flow filter will provide a high degree of cleaning. When installing, you should take into account the possibility of group serial connection, which will several times increase the quality of the process of purifying liquid from foreign impurities. Installation of a stationary household flow filter occurs with connection to common system water supply

A stationary flow filter for water purification has one feature: the connection to the water supply network is identical to any other water supply equipment, which, in turn, eliminates the problem of the water filter breaking down.

The design of a stationary flow filter for water purification is also unusual. Most models have the ability to change cartridges. Of course, such hydrofilters are quite expensive compared to one-time models, however, this design will very soon pay for itself, because it is much easier to change the cartridge than to reinstall the filter for water purification.

The most common and convenient location of a flow filter for water purification is space under the sink. The advantages of this installation are as follows:

    The filter does not take up kitchen space necessary for movement.

    The installation process itself takes less time.

    You can easily replace the cartridge.

There are models of water purification filters that are also installed under the sink, but instead of connecting to the main water tap, they have their own additional tap. Installing such a filter for water purification will require a little more time, since it will be necessary to drill a hole for the tap outlet with a diameter of 12 mm. In this case, it will be important to take care of the cold water supply system and install a tee outlet together with a filter for water purification. To do this you can:

    Make a cutout in the pipe and install a tee-bend into it.

    Use the tee bend as a clamp. Then you will need to clamp the tee bend onto the pipe above the cut hole.

All parts of the hydrofilter must ultimately be connected using flexible wiring. After directly installing the water purification filter, about 10 liters of water should be passed in order for the entire filtration system to be cleaned. Only after this can you use a filter to purify tap water.

Which water filter is best to install under the sink?

Water filter for sink – The best decision for any housewife, because after installing it, you can forget about the long filtration processes of the pitcher water filter. Installing a water filter under your sink will provide you with a constant flow of purified water in a matter of seconds. You can pour filtered water straight from the tap.

Thus, installing a household water filter under the sink has the following advantages:

    instant filtration process;

    high-quality water purification at home;

    rare cartridge changes;

    constant provision of fresh, purified running water.

A sink water filter helps clean tap water from rust, chlorine and dissolved organic matter. This improves the taste of water, improves transparency and eliminates unpleasant odors. Also, a filter for purifying water under the sink helps rid the liquid of heavy metals.

What types of filters exist for cleaning water under the sink?

  1. Reverse osmosis filters. Today this is one of the best and therefore popular designs for water purification at home. Water passes through a special cleaning membrane in which foreign substances are retained. Using the same technology the process is underway production of high-quality bottled water. Thus, by purchasing a reverse osmosis filter for your kitchen, you will no longer buy bottled water, because now you can “produce” it yourself at home. In this case, the cleaning process will be of the same quality, despite the degree of contamination of tap water.

Installing a reverse osmosis filter allows you to purify even hard tap water, which will rid your kettle of annoying scale. After filtration, the water becomes soft and truly tasty. Any housewife will say that soft water is an ideal component for brewing tea and preparing various dishes. When purifying water using a reverse osmosis filter, nitrates, antibiotics, hormones, bacteria, viruses and cysts are removed from the liquid.

  1. Sorption filters. The principle of operation of the sorption filter is very simple: the cleaning process is carried out using an existing sponge, which retains foreign impurities. The flow of water passes through. Hence the name - flow-through water filter. The sponge is impregnated with activated coconut charcoal. It's no secret that activated carbon has filtration abilities, so this component is an integral part of the sorption filter. Some models flow filters, in addition to coal, contain additional “aqualene” fiber, which significantly speeds up the cleaning process and extends the life of the filtration cartridge.

Step-by-step instructions on how to install a water purification filter under the sink

The filter attachment is one of the most simple solutions water purification in the apartment. It has a direct connection to the water tap. If you are interested in more serious purification of tap water, then a filter attachment is not enough. It is better to purchase and install a filter for water purification under the sink. You can do this yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Step 1. Decide on the installation location. When installing a filter for water purification under the sink, think in advance about the subsequent stages of its operation: it is important to maintain a small distance for free access to change the filter element. The water purification filter can be located vertically or horizontally under the sink, depending on ease of use. Since the location of the tank does not affect the quality of the filter itself, you can even install it in a kitchen cabinet.

Step 2. We make a connection to the water supply system. First, temporarily stop the water supply. After this, wrap all threaded connections with fum tape. Next you can mount the insert. The next step is to disconnect the cold water supply line. It is located under the sink. Next, carefully secure the mounted insert. Be careful: the tubes must remain correct position without unnecessary displacements.

When installing a filter for water purification with a reverse osmosis system, remember that you need to provide it with easy access at any time.

Step 3. Install the drinking water tap. When purchasing a filter for water purification, pay attention to the package: it should contain clamps for pipes and fastening nuts. For correct installation filter for water purification for washing is necessary additional hole to install a faucet from which purified water will flow. If such a hole is not provided, then it can be easily made using a drill and a diamond-coated drill bit. Drill diameter no more than 13 mm. Then remove the entire surface enamel or porcelain layer down to metal frame. Next, change the drill, take a diameter of 7 mm. Drill a hole in the metal. It is important to be as careful and careful as possible. Then we change the drills again and now increase the hole to 13 mm. Only after the work has been done can you proceed to installing a tap from the filter for water purification under the sink.

Step 4. Install the clamp. Just above the hydraulic valve we install a clamp on a horizontal or vertical pipe. Next, we will again need a drill with a diameter of 7 mm, with which we will make a hole in the drain pipe. We secure a protective rubber band around the hole. After this, we mount the clamp support so that the holes on it and the pipe coincide. To speed up the process, we will need a drill, tightened with two screws until it fits snugly.

Step 5. Install the storage tank. When installing a storage tank, it is important to take into account its internal pressure, which should be 0.54-0.95 atmospheres. To ensure proper installation, wrap Teflon tape around the threads. Then install the plastic tap on the storage tank. Tightening the thread is strictly prohibited to avoid system malfunction. Before directly installing the storage tank, calculate the location for it in advance.

Step 6. Run the filter. After complete installation filter under the sink, start supplying water. To avoid leakage, make sure that the valve on the storage tank is closed and the “OFF” position is turned on. Open the faucet through which filtered water should be supplied. After 10-15 minutes, water will begin to flow. Proper installation filter for water purification under washing should end with a complete flushing of the system. After this, open the valve of the storage tank, after closing the tap with purified water. This is necessary to allow water to fill the tank. When the tank is full, open the tap and let the water flow. Remember: first filtered water is not recommended for consumption.

When purchasing a water filtration system, pay attention to the instructions. You will need it for self-installation filter for purifying water under the sink without inviting a specialist.

How to install a coarse water filter

Before water reaches your apartment, it passes through complex water supply tunnels, losing quality along the way. sanitary standards. Of course, contamination of tap water occurs due to non-compliance with operating conditions. underground pipes. For serious purification of tap water, it is important to know how to install a coarse water filter. But even he will not be able to purify tap water to the maximum, but he is able to remove large foreign particles, and this will significantly improve the quality of water in the apartment.

Many people drink tap water without even boiling it. They do not think about the consequences of such neglect of their health, so they consider installing a coarse water filter a waste of time and money. At the same time, water can instantly dissolve a huge number of chemical components, which subsequently negatively affect the condition of the human body. Some may say that there are biological treatment plants for water purification, but they only remove the most essential elements from the water. harmful pollution, while additional filtration will be provided by installing a filter for water purification in the apartment. You should also take into account the fact that water pipes do not always meet hygiene standards. Therefore, the chemical and biological composition of water often changes as it reaches your apartment.

Mechanical impurities in water negatively affect its quality. Unfiltered water has a harmful effect on the body and has a bad effect on work household appliances, quickly clogs fine filters and elements of the water supply system. The installation of a coarse water filter should be done after the shut-off valves on a common water pipe in order to protect water from contamination over a larger area.

When installing a coarse water filter, it is important to consider the following:

    The coarse water filter can be connected to the water pipe using a thread or bolted connection. To connect all the elements of the system, there are adapters, bends, nuts, etc.

    Installation of a coarse water filter takes into account the direction of water flow, which is shown by the drawn arrow.

    The place where water contaminants accumulate should be directed downwards when installing a coarse filter.

    The arrow shows the direction of water flow. All crossed out options are prohibited.

    A straight mesh water filter is installed strictly on horizontal water pipes.

    Some filter models have a bypass line that allows water to flow in the opposite direction. This makes water purification much easier.

    Strictly follow the instructions for installing the coarse filter.

How to install a coarse water filter: step-by-step instructions

    To prevent leakage, wrap the threads with sealant.

    The system element that purifies water should be installed at the bottom.

    Secure the connection between the filter element and the water pipe.

    Stop the water supply before installing the pre-filter.

    Using an adjustable wrench, nuts, adapters and connectors, install the coarse water filter strictly according to the indicated arrows, which demonstrate the direction of liquid flow.

    Open the drain valves to flush the system.

    After 30 seconds, the equipment should be returned to working condition.

When installing a coarse water filter, it is important to know the principle of its operation. This system is designed to remove suspended particles from tap water. With time The filter element needs to be cleaned or replaced to ensure a quality cleaning process. What you will need:

    Unscrew the mud trap - a place where suspended particles coming from the water accumulate.

    Rinse the mesh and cartridge thoroughly. If this procedure is repeated several times, it is better to replace the filter elements of the system with new ones.

There are models of coarse water purification filters that have a washing system. This equipment is equipped with an additional tap at the bottom, by opening which you can wash off accumulated suspended particles into the sewer system, thus washing the filter elements. If such a system is not provided, clean the equipment yourself. To do this, first turn off the pressure line, unscrew the mud trap or flask, remove the filter element and rinse under high water pressure. If necessary, replace the element with a new one. This procedure must be carried out at least once every 3-4 months. When cleaning or replacing the filter element, be extremely careful and careful, since you are working with a pressure line. To avoid problems when installing a coarse water filter, it is best to seek help from specialists.

A coarse water filter is also called a pre-filter. And this is understandable, since it is often installed in front of the main filter.

How to install a main water filter

To install an inline water filter, find out whether it is for cold or hot water equipment intended. To do this, the filter comes with a passport, where you will find all the necessary information. After this, find the line to which you will connect the water filter.

Before starting installation, it is important to prepare the workplace. Gather all the necessary tools: flexible liner, fum tape, drill and everything else that may be useful to you.

To properly install a main water filter without the help of specialists, it is important to strictly follow the instructions. Every step should be double-checked.

    First, stop the water supply to the selected line. Next, open the water tap to release any remaining pressure. Test yourself several times. Take your time.

    Measure a distance on the wall such that there is subsequently at least 10 cm between the floor and the main filter. At the selected point, secure metal bracket. You will need a distance of 10 cm when further work with the main filter when the filter element needs to be changed. The main filter is equipped with a cartridge screwed into the head of the flask. When installing the main water filter, consider the possibility of free removal of this cartridge for subsequent replacements.

    Next, install the water filter to the selected line and connect everything using a coupling or flexible liner. It happens that the company producing the main filter does not indicate equipment inspection data. If you encounter this, it is better to seal the external adapters using fum tape.

    When you connect the filter itself, observe the direction of the water flow. Water should flow into the fitting marked "IN". Also pay attention to the location of the replacement cartridges: it is important that they are located exactly as stated in the instructions.

    When the installation of the main water filter is completed, you can open the tap. After filling the filter, do not turn off the water until all the air has left the filter elements. You will understand when to close the tap - water will flow evenly. To check the tightness of the joints, increase the water flow. Even the slightest leak indicates insufficient tightness. Fix any problems. If the filter came with external adapters already installed, do not touch them under any circumstances to avoid damaging the housing.

    After the main water filter has been fully installed and all checks have been made, run water for 3-5 minutes to flush the system. Only after this can the filter be used for its intended purpose.

However, it is safer to contact a filter installation company that provides a full range of services: specialist consultation, water analysis, selection of suitable equipment, delivery and connection of the system. In addition, it is important that the company provides filter maintenance.

This is the company Biokit which offers wide choose reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can return tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our company’s specialists are ready to help you:

    connect the filtration system yourself;

    understand the process of choosing water filters;

    select replacement materials;

    troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    find answers to your questions over the phone.

Trust water purification to systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!