High beds construction scheme. What are raised beds and how to make them yourself

– bulk, raised above the ground earthen structures intended for planting and growing herbaceous plants. Apply to garden plots for garden crops and for planting flowers.

Advantages and disadvantages

A raised plot of land has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

pros Minuses
No shedding of the side walls of the soil, with structures protected by partitions. Through the side walls made of “breathable” material, it goes away faster. soil moisture, as a result of which the frequency and volume of watering has to be increased.
Independent of the soil located on the site - you can use purchased chernozem. Periodic costs are required to purchase black soil.
Creating a favorable climate for plant growth - elevation above the general ground level significantly reduces the risk of cold damage during frost periods. In addition, the bed is easy to protect from external influence covered with a tarpaulin or covering material. The limited interaction with the general mass of the earth forces an increase in the use mineral fertilizers.
An earlier period of crop cultivation - in spring period The snow melts earlier and the soil warms up faster. There is a risk of insects breeding that will harm the planted plants.
The possibility of creating a greenhouse or mini-greenhouse, which is dismantled with the onset of the warm season. On initial stage creating high beds, you have to incur material costs and make additional physical efforts to create a land structure.
Good drainage to optimize watering and soil moisture. Thanks to this, there is no risk of soil swamping, moss growth, and plant rotting. Limitation on plant assortment - not all plants tolerate an open, ventilated area.
Deep digging of the soil is carried out once every 3-4 calendar years. The rest of the time it is enough to carry out shallow loosening.
Convenience when working with low-growing plants, this is especially important for older people or those with limited mobility.
Getting more yield compared to traditional methods growing plants.
The high level of the ground allows you to reduce the physical effort required when cultivating the soil, caring for green spaces, harvesting - for example, you can use a folding chair.
Optimal garden layout.
Creating beds with unusual shape and design.

From the above comparative data, it is clear that the idea of ​​​​high beds has the right to life. Measures aimed at reducing negative factors, will contribute to this.

How to eliminate the disadvantages?

Ways to reduce negative factors:

  1. Reducing the amount of mineral fertilizers applied to a raised plot of land is facilitated by the expanded use of organic fertilizers:
    • bird droppings, manure from cattle, creating tinctures for liquid nutrition based on them;
    • the use of ash from burning wood in stoves or fireplaces;
    • creation of your own on the site compost pit for processing residues from plants and human food, which will reduce the amount of purchased black soil;
    • using sludge from a septic tank.
  2. A “drip” mode device will help reduce dependence on irrigation: Such designs can be found in abundance on the Internet.
  3. Reducing the material costs required when creating high beds is facilitated by:
    • use of materials left over from construction country house or arranging a fence, for example, or corrugated sheeting;
    • the use of industrial substandard material, which is sold at significant discounts;
    • leftovers construction products that appear during the demolition of dilapidated housing, or in other similar cases.
  4. Appearances harmful insects and weeds can be avoided by preliminary soil preparation:
    • treatment with chemicals,
    • removing roots.


Raised beds differ from each other in several ways:

  • geometric dimensions - length, width and height above the general level of the site;
  • finishing of the side walls.


Wooden raised beds

As side supporting walls wood material used:

  • boards;
  • plywood of moisture-resistant varieties, for example, OSB-3;
  • log structure;
  • materials with the presence of wood, for example, wood concrete sheets (wood concrete) - a mixture of cement and shavings;
  • wicker rods.

Main advantage this material is its availability and ease of processing. But common deciduous (birch, aspen) and coniferous (pine) types of wood are susceptible to rotting and are worn down by bugs. Application resistant species, for example, larch, is associated with its higher cost and difficulty of processing. But this type of wood improves its properties over time (part of old Venice rests on Siberian larch still).


For fencing, products made of dense plastics are used:

  • plexiglass;
  • , including cell phone;
  • corrugated polymer sheeting;
  • plastic pipes, for example, used for sewage installations with a diameter of 100–200 mm;
  • container, – plastic boxes with perforated walls.

Dignity– plastic belongs to “eternal” materials, does not rot, does not decompose, and is resistant to water and exposure to bacteria and insects.

But in winter it becomes brittle, so during this period of the year it requires careful handling.

Easy to give in machining, easy to install. Plastic products have a variety of color scheme, which helps to decorate the garden area.


To construct an earthen embankment, they are used finished goods and semi-finished products:

  • galvanized metal sheet, for example, going to the roof;
  • corrugated sheets and other metal products.

Basic requirement for metal– absence of corrosion, therefore, in the absence of protection, it is necessary to take measures to cover the surface of the products with anti-corrosion compounds. Externally, the beds can be made in the classic rectangular shape or give designer look, – model an oval structure reminiscent of a large bathtub.

In addition to the above materials, slate sheets, bricks, concrete products, gabions and many other products that fall under the requirements for earthen embankment fencing.


Before considering the technology of constructing a high bed, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of rules.

Creation Rules

Requirements for beds are necessary for correct placement on the site, must take into account local climatic conditions and the range of plants grown.

  1. Bed sizes. The length of the earthen embankment is limited by the size of the site and ease of passage. From here: optimal range 2–5 m. Width – up to 1–1.2 m; a larger value will create inconvenience when processing the middle part. The height of the structure should not exceed 1 m, otherwise it will also create problems with plant maintenance and require significant costs when using purchased soil. The minimum level is 25–30 cm, determined by the climate and the size of the fence available “at hand”.
  2. The soil. The purpose of creating high beds is to increase fruiting and speed of harvest. Chernozem is one of the components. Therefore, saving on the quality of the land means wasting your efforts, time and finances in vain.
  3. Location. Abundance sunlight- one of the collaterals normal height plants and their fruiting. It is advisable to place the beds in open, unshaded areas. But the overall layout of the site should be taken into account - not to the detriment of other plants and outbuildings.
  4. Fencing material. You should not chase ultra-modern products - boards left over from formwork, or old brick will fully perform the functions of enclosing walls. And money will be saved.
  5. Protection of green spaces. Most of the country is located in difficult climatic conditions, in which frosts are not uncommon at the beginning and end of summer. A pre-installed protection system, for example, a structure for a greenhouse, will help reduce the risk of plants being damaged by cold air.

Construction of an earth embankment

Stages of work:

Planting planning

It is advisable to set up high beds in late summer or early autumn - this will contribute to additional overheating of organic matter and the creation of your own local microflora. If necessary, create seat In spring or summer, if possible, the soil should be filled in at least 1 month before planting the plant material.

On raised soil plots you can grow most vegetables, berries and flower crops. Moreover, they can be successfully placed in one fenced area. For example, cold-resistant: radishes, green onions, lettuce, can be planted around heat-loving plants - in the summer all these plants will be comfortable, and the tomatoes will receive additional protection when the air temperature drops.

Berry and vegetable crops on such raised embankments under favorable conditions temperature conditions and timely watering, they ripen 1-2 weeks earlier, so it is necessary not to miss the harvest time, otherwise it will begin to rot and simply disappear.

You can evaluate the advantage of high beds even from one initial experience - just start with simple crops - onions, radishes, carrots and gradually expand the experience to other plants.

For many summer residents, all garden work begins with the vegetable garden. Well, they also end there. But what if over the years the soil is still not as it should be, but wants to be better? Then we select materials for the fencing, gather our strength, and begin building stationary raised beds with our own hands!

How to make stationary raised beds with your own hands

Fencing for high beds is made from various materials: from impregnated boards, slate, bricks, metal sheets and even plastic bottles. We took the path of least resistance, put it in 2 layers concrete bricks 20 × 40 × 12 cm. Place 5 bricks along the bed and 2 across it. Thus, the size of the high beds turned out to be 2 × 0.7 meters, height 0.4 m.

How to fill a raised bed

But the most important thing in such stationary beds is not their walls, but the filling, so let’s start stuffing. We start constructing high beds from the very bottom, from the ground. Directly on the turf, without weeding or digging up anything, we lay cardboard or several layers of newspaper, thicker and thicker, so that even the bindweed does not seep through. Then we bring all kinds of cuttings of fruit trees - branches with a diameter of 1.5 to 7 cm.

In our south, such wood filling serves more as a moisture storage device than as insulation. In the northern regions or for greenhouses, empty plastic bottles With closed lids– they will not interfere with the roots, and the insulation made from them is simply gorgeous.

Next, we layer organic matter to fill the raised beds. Everything that is at hand will do here: cut blackberry shoots, fruit drops, mown grass, garden tops, foliage. When laying high beds in the fall, of course, there is some advantage in the selection of organic residues. But in spring and summer you can also find something to fill your plot with: kitchen waste, unripe compost from last year, grass. For warm beds they pour it there too fresh manure, then in the first year pumpkin plants work best in such a bed.

example of how to fill raised beds

But it’s still timid to take manure from unknown farms; you don’t want to pour a bunch of antibiotics and helminths into your own garden bed. Therefore, you can safely refuse it, and improve the humification of the embedded organic matter. EM-solution. If there is no EMOC, calmly dilute mature compost and water it.

we continue filling the high beds with organic matter, then water them with EMs

Next, we continue to pour layers of high beds from the soil, spilling each layer with EM. But we follow safety precautions! We have only one back. We don’t carry heavy buckets around the entire dacha village with our hands, but take a garden wheelbarrow! Or, slowly, in small portions using buckets, but without strain, we fill our high beds.

filling high beds - pour a layer of soil

When layering the soil, it is better to add mature compost after a 10-centimeter layer of soil. If your own soil is oh-so-dense, before planting it in the garden bed, mix it with sand and compost right in the wheelbarrow, and if you have high-moor peat on hand, add that too. Then the carrot in such a bed will be a meter long. And in sandy soils In addition to compost, add clay.

When forming layers of high beds, we comply with safety regulations

Sprinkle the last layer, spill it, and voila: a raised bed, created with your own hands, is ready for wintering and spring planting. Over the winter, the soil will settle down and become compacted, and this will have a beneficial effect on the plantings. In those areas where the soil shrinks more, you will need to add substrate. Well, in the spring or summer, the beds laid in this way will need to not only be shed, but also trampled and compacted (with feet, a log, a mallet). Plants can be planted only after the soil has been compacted.

Well, we have finished filling the raised beds, only the exterior work remains - our design of the beds provides for more external cladding flagstone bricks, connecting a fountain and drippers for irrigation. But this can also be done on next year. But photos of finished beds are no longer interesting - there are plenty of them on the Internet for every taste and color.

What are the benefits of raised beds?

It is clear that at a height of 40 cm it is unlikely that the knee joints will be spared; you will still have to bend over. So the main advantage of raised, stationary beds is the radical improvement in soil structure. And I am glad that such work is being done once and for all. They don’t walk on this soil, and they don’t dig it. However, you shouldn’t dig a garden without high beds (for more details, see).

Every year you will only need to add compost and sow green manure twice a season. And if the main crops are planted in such beds, then instead of compost it will be enough to add organic mulch. But we plan to place greenery in our beds, and you can’t really mulch it.

In addition to excellent structured soil, high stationary beds warm up earlier in the spring, and a 2-week run significantly affects the yield. Especially if combined plantings are used in the garden. In addition, water does not stagnate in such raised beds, and this is especially important for areas where floods accumulate. Well, no flood will carry your wonderfully structured soil from the box bed to your neighbors, right? So there are a lot of advantages to high beds, but there is perhaps only one disadvantage - the laboriousness of filling them.

When you decide to make such stationary beds, carefully calculate the resources, since making raised beds with your own hands is still a very expensive undertaking. Not so much in terms of the construction of external walls, but in terms of labor intensity - for 2 of our beds we had to drag and shovel about 1 cubic meter of earth. And if you already use raised beds, we’d love to hear your feedback in the comments.

For many gardeners, it is still a mystery what a smart garden bed is. Many have noticed that the strongest and beautiful plants grow on compost heaps. But not everyone has thought about how to correctly put this phenomenon into practice in order to increase the yield in their garden. By stubbornly continuing to plant seeds in ordinary soil, summer residents are depriving themselves of the opportunity to greatly simplify the growing process and improve the quality of the harvest.

How to make beds with your own hands? A smart garden bed is a competent approach to the growing process garden crops. This method of agricultural technology brings together the principles organic farming and the opportunity to make your site aesthetically attractive appearance. As a result, you can get amazing result - high yield organic vegetables for small area land.

Advantages of arranging smart beds:

  1. They allow you to use small areas of your summer cottage with maximum benefit.
  2. They help to properly organize the garden space. Smart beds can be made from tires, polycarbonate, boards and other materials. You can bring leftover tiles, slate, etc. to your dacha.
  3. Such beds in the garden preserve and increase the fertile properties of the soil. Thanks to mulch, weeds practically do not grow. Mulched soil retains heat and moisture as much as possible. Beneficial microorganisms actively multiply in it, which significantly improves the quality of the soil and its fertile properties.
  4. The process of caring for garden and vegetable gardens is greatly simplified. garden crops. The yield increases at least 2 times.
  • tall structures;
  • in-depth;
  • French beds.

Many people know how to create raised beds in their dachas with their own hands. This method growing vegetables provides the most maximum result without digging. The soil is disturbed only during planting and harvesting. The rest of the period she is completely at rest. Soil enrichment useful microelements occurs only by adding organic matter, and the weeding process is replaced by mulching.

Raised beds are created by laying layers of compost and mulch on the surface of the soil. As organic matter decomposes, it supplies plants with moisture and nutrients. As a result, ideal conditions for beneficial microorganisms and earthworms. High bulk beds also called puff pastry, as they are made up of several layers of organic matter.

How to arrange high beds in the garden? The technology is available to any summer resident:

  1. We need to find a piece of land for vegetable plantings. It should be illuminated by the sun at least 6 hours a day. In this case, the grooming of the soil does not matter. A high bed can be located on trampled soil, soil overgrown with weeds, or on a lawn.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the area of ​​debris and perennial rhizomatous weeds. Grass and annual weeds do not need to be removed; they will serve as good organic matter in the future.
  3. Pick up convenient size beds. For marking, you can use wooden or plastic boards, boards, and bricks. The width of the bed varies as desired, and the height should be at least 25 cm.
  4. Next is the laying of organic matter. The first layer is a layer of coarse waterproof material (chopped branches, tree bark, shavings, fallen leaves). Then you need to apply organic fertilizer. It can be garden compost or rotted manure. The procedure for laying layers is repeated 2-3 times; they must not be mixed. 10 cm of garden soil is laid at the very top.
  5. Water the resulting " layered cake» with water and leave for several days. If planting is not planned in the subsequent period, cover the structure with black polyethylene or other garden material. This will ensure better heating of all layers.
  6. It is better to plant young plants without removing the covering material. It will limit the growth of weeds. Before planting, water the bed and do small holes at the required distance.

In-depth smart beds: arrangement technology

If on a personal plot The groundwater flow deeply, there is no danger of flooding the compost bin, then the procedure for creating a structure can be simplified by deepening it into the ground. The advantage of the in-depth structure is that it can be built directly in virgin soil, without thinking about soil development and other agricultural difficulties.

How best to make in-depth proper beds in the garden so that they are comfortable and spacious? If the location has been chosen, then you need to dig a hole, the width of which is about 50 cm, the depth of a shovel. The length depends entirely on personal preference and capabilities. The bottom of the trench is covered with manure, and finished compost is laid on top (layer height is at least 7 cm). After planting the plants, the soil must be mulched to prevent active growth of weeds.

Caring for such beds involves timely watering and removing grass from between the rows.

French beds for skilled summer residents

French beds also belong to the category of “smart”; they have the correct geometric shape and are located in strict symmetry. As a rule, the following forms of beds are found:

  • a rectangle divided by paths into squares;
  • circle divided into sections.

How to arrange French beds with your own hands? All plants are planted along clear lines. During the planting process, the basic requirements of colorist and floristry are observed. French beds are always framed with elegant borders made of metal, wood or stone. The arrangement rules will be as follows:

  1. Carefully consider the shape of the future garden. Fences are made of stone, boards or polycarbonate.
  2. An option for arranging a French garden bed is selected. There are raised beds above the soil level and those arranged level with the ground. Raised structures are much easier to maintain and much nicer in appearance.
  3. Improves soil composition. In order for oxygen to better reach the roots of plants, the soil composition is diluted with sand (about 1/3 of the total volume).
  4. The selection and planting of plants depends on the personal preferences of the gardener. In order not to disturb the special harmony of the French garden bed, plants are selected that are the same in height, flowering period, and fruiting period.

Slope beds and tire structures

Don't be upset if personal plot located on a hillside. In such areas it is also possible to successfully place smart beds. The question of what and how to properly make rows on a slope lies in the proper selection of space. The best option for smart beds on a slope - arrangement across the slope. The length is selected as desired, and the width should not exceed 50 cm. The edges of each structure are supported with earthen rollers 10 cm high. To secure the earthen ramparts, plants are planted on them perennial herbs. Beds on a slope must be made with polycarbonate formwork; for this purpose, wooden panels or slate are used.

Watering beds on a slope also has its own specifics: a barrel of water is installed at the edge of the garden, from which drip pipes lead to the beds. This method will help ensure high-quality watering with a minimum of water consumption. Plants should be placed in the garden bed so that each crop receives full sunlight throughout the day.

How to build proper beds using tires? You can see the photo on the Internet. If the beds of tires are arranged in 1 tier, the tires are cut in half and the halves are used as limiters. They can be pre-painted in any color, giving the garden an aesthetically attractive look.

When arranging multi-tiered smart beds in a tire garden, they adhere to the following technology:

  • holes are cut in the side;
  • the tire is filled with layers of earth and fertilizer;
  • install tires in the form of a pyramid;
  • There is no need to make holes in the top tire.

Now you know how to make beds. There are many options for arranging a convenient vegetable garden. If desired, the work can be completed over the weekend. By spending very little time, you can receive decent harvest without any hassle.

Smart garden bed (video)

Gallery: smart beds (15 photos)

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In order to make the right garden beds with your own hands, you can study the positive experience accumulated by gardeners and begin your own country experiment. We will need to invest time and energy, but the high yield and minimal effort required to maintain the garden is worth it! Modern vegetable garden can be comfortable and beautiful, and working in it can be enjoyable. Sound like a dream? To make this dream a reality you will only need desire and a little effort.

How to make the right beds with your own hands

We will tell you a simple and effective method do it yourself productive beds, which has been proven by many years of practice. This method became widely known thanks to the experience of Igor Lyadov. The principle is quite simple: high beds should be narrow (60-100 cm) and long. It is important that the bed is stretched along a north-south line - this will provide maximum light and warmth to the plants growing on it.

First, a box is made from boards, logs, slate or any other material.

Cardboard is placed at the bottom of the box - this partially prevents the growth of weeds.

Then the cardboard is covered with a small layer of sand.

Then the bed is filled organic fertilizers(compost, manure) and covered with earth. The soil can be taken directly from the passages between the beds.

The passages themselves can be improved so that weeds do not grow on them and you do not have to waste time weeding them. It all starts with lining it with cardboard or newspapers.

Only now a layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick is poured onto the newspapers.

Such proper beds last for many years and allow you to grow amazing crops. You just need to regularly replenish them with compost or other organic fertilizers.

Beautiful do-it-yourself beds: plants, fences, paths

Certainly, good harvest in the garden beds is the most important thing. But if it is important to you that your vegetable garden looks modern and beautiful, then here are some ideas for you.

Use various combinations plants in the beds, combining the colors of leaves and fruits to create interesting compositions.

Fences for garden beds serve not just utilitarian practical purposes, and make it easier for you to further maintain the beds and plant plants; bed fencing divides the garden into zones and creates a neat structure landscape design. For fencing, you can use almost any material that you have on hand.

By raising the beds above ground level, you will make it easier for yourself to care for the plants and give your garden an attractive appearance.

Paths between beds are also very important. To make them comfortable and beautiful, do not forget to protect the row spaces from weeds. The easiest way is to lay agrofibre on the track substrate.

If you get to a certain level in the design of a vegetable garden, then your summer cottage will be transformed beyond recognition, and at first glance it will be difficult to even tell whether it is a vegetable garden or a flower garden.

Garden beds: 100 useful photos

For some of us, the vegetable garden is still not the most inspiring place in the country. And indeed: there is nothing more tedious than monotonous rows of cabbage, beets and tomatoes, which constantly require weeding, watering, and treatment with chemicals against pests. However, we believe that things could be completely different! And we invite you to get acquainted with the photo beautiful vegetable gardens in the country.

You may think that creating beautiful garden beds requires too much high costs energy and time. Of course, it is simply unthinkable to equip thirty acres in this way with the help of one or two people. But, firstly, not always and not everyone’s garden is so large, and secondly, even if you have almost industrial plantings, you can apply these methods to part of the garden.

What amateur gardeners can come up with to get a good harvest.

Today we will introduce you to unusual technology- growing crops in high beds.

Advantages and disadvantages of raised beds

Raised beds are a limited space raised above the ground. They are used for growing other crops.

It is best to build such structures in the fall, but with proper maintenance you can create an “elevated” structure at other times of the year.

Important! If you build too high sides - more than 70 cm, the bees will not be able to pollinate, which will negatively affect the further growth of the crop.

Like any decision related to growing vegetable crops, this has its advantages and disadvantages.

Let's list the advantages of high beds:

  • in the spring it warms up faster, and sowing can be done much earlier than in open ground; this will increase the yield by 2 times;
  • thanks to the boundaries of the box, the mulch will not be washed away or carried away by gusts of wind;
  • the design provides good - this will avoid moisture stagnation;
  • there is the possibility of individual selection of soil for each site, which will ensure optimal conditions for growing crops;
  • thanks to the design, you can protect the crop from sudden temperature changes;
  • it is much easier to cultivate the soil, since the amount of work is significantly reduced;
  • raised areas are convenient because you don’t have to bend over too much;
  • the building looks beautiful the right approach will last a long time before construction and will not collapse;
  • can be built in any sunny location.

Despite great amount advantages, this method also has disadvantages. The disadvantages of raised beds are:
  • the need to constantly feed due to limited space;
  • physical and material investments required to construct the structure;
  • the risk of proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that can be dangerous to plants.

Don’t be afraid of possible difficulties - just take the construction of an unusual structure seriously, and you will get a rich harvest.

Optimal sizes

Each gardener can independently choose the size of the future garden bed, since there are no clearly established dimensions. However, there are certain recommendations that may come in handy when you build tall ones with your own hands.


Optimal height sides vary from 15 to 50 cm. If you plan to place the structure on fertile soil, you need to limit the height to 15–20 cm. This amount of embankment is quite enough to get a good harvest.

If the soil on the site is not very favorable for growing crops, the bed should be raised higher - about 50 cm. Depending on the wishes of the gardeners, you can raise the walls of the structure even higher - in this case you will not have to bend over while weeding or planting. But remember that such a design will require more materials.

Width and length

The optimal width of the structure is considered to be a distance from 90 to 120 cm. It is necessary to arrange the site in such a way that it can accommodate 2 rows. This layout will allow the plants to receive sufficient air and sunlight, which will undoubtedly affect the harvest.

If you plant many rows, there is a chance that the ones in the center will not receive required amount air and light, which will lead to a decrease in yield. Ridge standard width easy to process.

Important! When choosing plastic for construction, be careful: some types of plastic emit toxins and are not suitable for use in agriculture.

When thinking about the length of the site, you can be guided solely by the capabilities of the territory. However, most often there are structures from 1.5 to 3 m long. Such areas look compact and neat.

Choosing a place on a summer cottage

It is very important to take a responsible approach to choosing the location where the structure will be located in the future. It is better to place high beds in the country in sunny areas: light should reach this place for at least 6 hours a day. Be sure to take this requirement into account if you plan to place the structure near any buildings or fences.

When placing the embankment on open ground you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • put it on the ground metal mesh- this will protect the roots of plants from rodents;
  • Place old newspapers on the bottom of the structure - this technique will significantly slow down growth.

Selection of material and step-by-step manufacturing instructions

A wide variety of materials can be used to build tall ones. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most common types of structures and the features of their manufacture.

Wooden structure

This material is perhaps a classic for creating beds. It attracts gardeners with its accessibility. For manufacturing, you can use boards and logs.

Did you know? By choosing larch boards for construction, you will significantly increase the service life of the structure. Tree resin is an excellent protector from external influences and prevents the destruction of boards.

  1. Before you begin assembling the structure, it is necessary to process the boards. To do this, you can use all kinds of impregnations that will prevent the wood from decomposing. You can also coat the boards with varnish or paint. The safest and in an accessible way wood processing is lime - just whitewash the elements.
  2. Using a regular tool, you need to attach the bars to the boards. To do this, you need to nail posts to the edges of the short boards. Long boards are also connected to bars. Choose the bars so that they go 20–30 cm into the ground.
  3. The next step is to knock down the box. Try to avoid any gaps; the boards should fit snugly against the bars.
  4. The final stage is the installation of the mounted box. Once you have driven the timber into the ground, use a level to check that it is level.

Important! When installing a bed next to fruit trees, before marking, you will need to install a barrier for the root system.

After installing the structure, you can fill it with soil and begin planting.

Use of stone

There can be no doubt about the durability of such a design. But due to the high cost of the material, not everyone can afford such beauty. If you find the funds for a stone bed, it will become a wonderful decoration for your summer cottage.

Instructions for the manufacture of such a design include the following steps:

  • it is necessary to dig a trench around the perimeter of the proposed site, 30 cm deep;
  • put polyethylene or roofing felt on the bottom;
  • fill the trench with sand to a third of its depth;
  • laying stones;
  • fill concrete foundation pre-prepared solution;
  • Next, laying is done around the perimeter using a solution that is applied only to inner part stone;
  • After 2–3 weeks you can add soil and plant the plants.

Brick beds

By building a high brick bed, you will undoubtedly decorate your site. This design is very similar to a stone structure: it has the same construction principle and a relatively high cost of materials.

In addition to the costs of materials and a long manufacturing process, you will have to find a specialist who can lay out a beautiful, even composition.

From slate

This material is distinguished by its durability. Everyone at their dacha has unnecessary pieces of slate, which are just useful for building raised beds.

We invite you to read the manufacturing instructions:

  1. First of all, the materials are prepared: it is necessary to cut the plates and give them the desired size.
  2. At the next stage, a trench is dug according to predetermined dimensions.
  3. Cut slate plates are installed in the dug hole around the perimeter. If you are using flat slate, it is necessary to connect the strips using corners - this will give reliability to the structure.
  4. Then the trench needs to be filled with soil and compacted well.
That's all - the slate structure is ready and you can start sowing crops.

Made of plastic

Plastic beds can be of two types. The first is use plastic panels. In this case it is practically perfect option to create a design. It has excellent thermal insulation, has long term service and allows you to create a bed of any shape.

Such blanks can be purchased in specialized stores. The principle of constructing the structure is the same as in the case of slate.

Important! When making beds from slate, you should not drive it into the ground - this creates the risk of its destruction. To install the edges, carefully dig the slate into the soil.

Another option is to make a garden bed out of plastic bottles. However, this is not entirely good way, since there can be no question of tightness. In addition, plastic bottles quickly deform, which over time will make the site not very attractive.

From straw and branches

One of the cheapest materials for making beds is straw.. Bales are quite affordable, so this method of building beds is the most budget-friendly.