Corridor width according to fire standards. Minimum width of the corridor in the apartment


By order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Date of introduction -





JV 1.13130.2009


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by Federal Law No. 184-FZ of December 27, 2002 “On Technical Regulation”, and the rules for applying sets of rules are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for developing and approving sets of rules” of November 19, 2008 . N 858.

Rulebook Details

1. Developed by the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia.

2. Introduced by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK 274 " Fire safety".

4. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

5. Introduced for the first time.

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index " National standards", and the text of changes and amendments in the monthly published information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". The relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in the information system common use- on the official website of the developer (FGU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia) on the Internet.

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This set of rules has been developed in accordance with Article 89 Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations), is a regulatory document on fire safety in the field of standardization of voluntary use and establishes requirements for escape routes and exits from buildings, structures and structures (hereinafter referred to as buildings).

If there are no fire safety requirements for the object of protection in the codes of rules or if, in order to achieve the required level of its fire safety, technical solutions are used that differ from the solutions provided for by the codes of rules, based on the provisions Technical regulations special technical conditions must be developed that provide for the implementation of a set of measures to ensure the required level of fire safety of the protected object.

(Clause 1.1 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

1.2. The requirements of this set of rules do not apply to buildings special purpose(for the production and storage of explosives and blasting means, military purposes, mining).

1.3. When it changes functional purpose existing buildings or individual premises in them, as well as when changing space-planning and design solutions, current regulatory documents must be applied in accordance with the new purpose of these buildings or premises.

1.4. This set of rules can be used when developing special technical specifications for the design and construction of buildings.

GOST R 53296-2009 Installation of elevators for firefighters in buildings and structures. Fire safety requirements.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

Note - When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference standards, sets of rules and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annually published information index "National Standards", which is published on as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly information indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this set of rules you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3. Terms and definitions

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

In this set of rules, with the exception of specially stated cases, the terms and definitions given in the Technical Regulations are adopted.

3.1. building height: The height of the building is determined by the height of the upper floor, not counting the upper technical floor, and the height of the floor is determined by the difference in elevations of the passage surface for fire trucks and the lower boundary of the opening opening (window) in the outer wall. In the absence of opening windows (openings), the height of the floor is determined by half the sum of the floor and ceiling elevations of the floor. If there is an operating coating, the height of the building is determined by the maximum value of the difference in the elevations of the driveway surface for fire trucks and the upper limit of the coating fencing.

4. General requirements

4.1. General provisions

4.1.1. The requirements of this SP are aimed at:

ensuring the possibility of timely and unhindered evacuation of people;

ensuring the possibility of rescuing people who may be exposed to dangerous fire factors;

protection of people on evacuation routes from the effects of dangerous fire factors.

(clause 4.1.1 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.1.2. Rescue is the forced movement of people outside when they are exposed to dangerous fire factors or when there is an immediate threat of this impact. Rescue is carried out independently, with the help of fire departments or specially trained personnel, including using life-saving equipment, through evacuation and emergency exits.

Rescue of people in case of fire must be ensured by constructive, space-planning, engineering, technical and organizational measures. These include:

construction of fire passages and access roads for fire fighting equipment, combined with functional passages and entrances or special ones;

installation of external fire escapes and other methods of lifting fire department personnel and fire equipment to the floors and roofs of buildings, including the installation of elevators with a “fire department transportation” mode;

smoke protection of fire brigade routes inside the building and safety zones;

building equipment in necessary cases individual and collective means of saving people;

placement of units on the territory of a settlement or facility fire department with the required number of personnel and equipped with firefighting equipment that meets the conditions for extinguishing fires at facilities located within their radius of action.

The implementation of the listed measures depends on the degree of fire resistance, structural and functional class fire danger building.

(Clause 4.1.2 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.1.3. The protection of people on evacuation routes is ensured by a complex of space-planning, ergonomic, structural, engineering, technical and organizational measures. Evacuation routes within the premises must ensure the safe evacuation of people through emergency exits from this premises without taking into account the fire extinguishing and smoke protection equipment used in it.

Evacuation routes within the premises must provide the opportunity safe traffic people through emergency exits from this premises without taking into account the fire extinguishing means used in it and individual means protection from dangerous fire factors.

Fire danger building materials surface layers of structures (finishes and cladding) in premises and on escape routes outside premises should be limited depending on the functional fire hazard of the premises and building, taking into account other measures to protect escape routes, as well as the functioning of systems fire protection.

(Clause 4.1.3 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.1.4. Activities and means intended to save people, as well as exits that do not meet the requirements for emergency exits, are not taken into account when designing escape routes from premises and buildings.

(clause 4.1.4 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.1.5. Excluded as of February 1, 2011. - Change No. 1, approved. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 639.

4.1.6. In cases where the possibility of deviation from any requirement of this SP is assumed, it is stated with the clause “as a rule” and with the conditions under which deviations are allowed.

4.1.7. The dimensions of evacuation routes and exits (width and height) given in this SP, except for specially stated cases, are indicated in light.

(clause 4.1.7 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 639)

4.2. Evacuation and emergency exits

4.2.1. At least two emergency exits must have:

basement and ground floor premises intended for simultaneous occupancy of more than 15 people; basement and ground floor premises intended for simultaneous occupancy of 6 to 15 people; one of the two exits may be provided directly outside from premises with a finished floor level of at least 4.5 meters through a window or door measuring at least 0.75 x 1.5 meters, as well as through a hatch measuring at least 0.6 x 0.8 meters. In this case, the exit through the pit must be equipped with a ladder in the pit, and the exit through the hatch must be equipped with a ladder in the room. The slope of these stairs is not standardized;

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

premises intended for simultaneous stay of more than 50 people.

4.2.2. At least two emergency exits must have basement and ground floors with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters. m or intended for simultaneous stay of more than 15 people.

4.2.3. The number of emergency exits from a floor must be at least two if there is a room on it that must have at least two emergency exits.

4.2.4. If there are two or more emergency exits, they should be located dispersedly. Minimum distance L, m, between the most distant emergency exits from one another should be determined using the formulas:

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

from the room - L >= -------; (1)

from the corridor - L >= -----, (2)

P - perimeter of the room, m;

n - number of emergency exits;

D - corridor length, m.

If there are two emergency exits and a more general capacity of all exits, except each one of them, must ensure the safe evacuation of all people in the room, on the floor or in the building.

4.2.5. The clear height of emergency exits must be at least 1.9 m, the clear width of exits must be at least 0.8 m, except in special cases.

The width of exits from staircases to the outside, as well as exits from staircases to the lobby, must be no less than the required width or the width of the flight of stairs, except in specially specified cases.

In all cases the width emergency exit should be such that, taking into account the geometry of the evacuation route, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be easily carried through an opening or door.

(clause 4.2.5 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.2.6. Doors of emergency exits and other doors on escape routes must open in the direction of exit from the building.

The direction of door opening is not standardized for:

a) premises of classes F1.3 and F1.4;

b) premises with simultaneous occupancy of no more than 15 people. (except for premises of categories A and B) and evacuation routes intended for no more than 15 people;

(paragraph "b" as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

c) storage rooms with an area of ​​no more than 200 square meters. m without permanent jobs;

d) sanitary facilities;

e) access to the landings of type 3 stairs;

f) external doors of buildings located in the northern construction climate zone;

g) doors installed in fire partitions separating building corridors more than 60 m long.

(clause “g” was introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.2.7. Doors of emergency exits from floor corridors, halls, foyers, lobbies and staircases should not have locks that prevent them from being freely opened from the inside without a key. In buildings with a height of more than 15 m, these doors, except apartment doors, must be solid or with reinforced glass.

Staircases, as a rule, must have doors with a device for self-closing and with a seal in the recesses.

In staircases, it is allowed not to provide self-closing devices and seals in the vestibules for doors leading into apartments, as well as for doors leading directly outside.

Doors of emergency exits from rooms with forced smoke protection, including from corridors, must be equipped with devices for self-closing and sealing in the vestibules. The doors of these premises, which can be used in open position, must be equipped with devices that ensure their automatic closing in case of fire.

The characteristics of self-closing devices for doors located on evacuation routes must correspond to the force required for the unimpeded opening of doors by a person belonging to the main population in the building (child, disabled person, etc.).

(paragraph introduced by Change No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 09.12.2010 N 639)

4.2.8. Exits that do not meet the requirements for emergency exits can be considered as emergency exits and are provided to increase the safety of people in case of fire. Emergency exits are not taken into account when evacuating in case of fire.

4.2.9. In technical floors it is allowed to provide emergency exits with a height of at least 1.8 m.

From technical floors, intended only for laying utility networks without placement engineering equipment, it is allowed to provide emergency exits through doors measuring at least 0.75 x 1.5 m, as well as through hatches measuring at least 0.6 x 0.8 m without emergency exits.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

With a technical floor area of ​​up to 300 sq. m it is allowed to provide one exit, and for every subsequent full and incomplete 2000 sq. m of area, at least one more exit should be provided.

In technical undergrounds, these exits should be separate from the exits from the building and lead directly outside.

4.3. Evacuation routes

4.3.1. In buildings and structures along evacuation routes, emergency lighting should be provided in accordance with the requirements.

(clause 4.3.1 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.3.2. In buildings of all degrees of fire resistance and classes of structural fire hazard, except for buildings of fire resistance degree V and buildings of class C3, materials with a higher fire hazard than:

G1, V1, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in lobbies, staircases, elevator halls;

G2, V2, D3, T3 or G2, V3, D2, T2 - for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in common corridors, halls and foyers;

G2, RP2, D2, T2 - for floor coverings in lobbies, staircases, elevator halls;

B2, RP2, D3, T2 - for floor coverings in common corridors, halls and foyers.

Frames of suspended ceilings in rooms and on escape routes should be made of non-combustible materials.

4.3.3. In corridors along escape routes, it is not allowed to place equipment protruding from the plane of the walls at a height of less than 2 m, gas pipelines and pipelines with flammable liquids, as well as built-in cabinets, except for cabinets for communications and fire hydrants.

Corridors longer than 60 m should be divided by fire partitions of the 2nd type into sections, the length of which is determined by, but should not exceed 60 m.

For doors opening from rooms into corridors, the width of the evacuation route along the corridor should be taken as the width of the corridor, reduced by:

half the width of the door leaf - with one-sided doors;

by the width of the door leaf - with double-sided doors; This requirement does not apply to floor corridors (halls) arranged in sections of buildings of class F1.3 between the exit from the apartment and the exit to the staircase.

4.3.4. The clear height of horizontal sections of evacuation routes must be at least 2 m, the width of horizontal sections of evacuation routes and ramps must be at least:

0.7 m - for passages to single workstations;

1.0 m - in all other cases.

In any case, the evacuation routes must be of such a width that, taking into account their geometry, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be easily carried along them.

In the floor along escape routes, height differences of less than 45 cm and protrusions are not allowed, with the exception of thresholds in doorways. In places where there is a difference in heights, stairs with a number of steps of at least three or ramps with a slope of no more than 1:6 should be provided.

If the height of stairs is more than 45 cm, fences with a height of at least 1.2 m with railings should be provided.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

On escape routes, the installation of spiral staircases, staircases completely or partially curved in plan, as well as winder and curved steps, steps with different tread widths and different heights within the flight of stairs and staircases is not allowed.

4.3.5. When constructing access to staircases or external stairs through flat roofs (including unused ones) or external open galleries, the load-bearing structures of roofings and galleries should be designed with a fire resistance rating of at least R(EI) 30 and fire hazard class K0. Passages must be provided in areas made of non-combustible materials. The width of the passages should be doubled in relation to the standard.

(clause 4.3.5 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 639)

4.4. Evacuation via stairs and stairwells

4.4.1. The width of a flight of stairs intended for the evacuation of people, including those located in a staircase, must be no less than the calculated width or no less than the width of any emergency exit (door) to it, but not less than:

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

a) 1.35 m - for buildings of class F1.1;

b) 1.2 m - for buildings with the number of people on any floor, except the first, more than 200 people;

c) 0.7 m - for stairs leading to single workstations;

d) 0.9 m - for all other cases.

4.4.2. The slope of stairs on escape routes should, as a rule, be no more than 1:1; The width of the tread is, as a rule, no less than 25 cm, and the height of the step is no more than 22 cm.

The slope of open stairs for access to single workstations may be increased to 2:1.

It is allowed to reduce the tread width of curved main staircases in the narrow part to 22 cm; width of the tread of stairs leading only to premises (except for premises of class F5 categories A and B) with total number workplaces no more than 15 people, - up to 12 cm.

Stairs of the 3rd type should be made of non-combustible materials and placed near blind (without light openings) parts of walls with a fire hazard class of at least K1 with a fire resistance limit of at least REI(EI)30. These stairs must have platforms at the level of emergency exits, fences at least 1.2 m high and located at a distance of at least 1 m from the plane of the window openings.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

Stairs of the 2nd type must meet the requirements established for flights and landings of stairs in staircases.

4.4.3. The width of staircase landings must be no less than the width of the flight, and in front of the entrances to elevators with swing doors - no less than the sum of the width of the flight and half the width of the elevator door, but not less than 1.6 m.

Intermediate platforms in a straight flight of stairs must be at least 1 m long.

Doors opening onto the staircase, when open, should not reduce the required width of landings and flights.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.4.4. In staircases, it is not allowed to place pipelines with flammable gases and liquids, built-in cabinets, except for cabinets for communications and fire hydrants, openly laid electrical cables and wires (with the exception of electrical wiring for low-current devices) for lighting corridors and staircases, and provide exits from freight elevators and freight elevators, as well as place equipment protruding from the plane of the walls at a height of up to 2.2 m from the surface of the treads and landings of stairs.

In buildings up to 28 m high inclusive, it is allowed to provide garbage chutes and hidden electrical wiring for lighting the premises in ordinary staircases.

It is not allowed to build in premises of any purpose, except for the security premises, within the volume of ordinary staircases.

Under the flights of the first, ground or basement floors, it is allowed to place heating control units, water metering units and electrical input and distribution devices.

Inside smoke-free staircases, it is allowed to install only heating devices, pipelines (risers) (made of non-combustible materials) of water supply, sewerage, water heating systems, placed in built-in cabinets made of non-combustible materials. Voids when crossing pipelines building structures staircases must be filled with non-combustible materials that do not reduce fire technical characteristics designs.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.4.5. In the volume of staircases, except for smoke-free ones, it is allowed to place no more than two passenger elevators, descending no lower than the first floor, with enclosing structures of elevator shafts made of non-combustible materials with non-standardized fire resistance limits.

Elevator shafts located outside buildings may be fenced with structures made of non-combustible materials with non-standardized fire resistance limits.

4.4.6. Staircases must have access outside to the adjacent territory of the building directly or through a vestibule separated from adjacent corridors by partitions with doors, except in cases specifically stated in regulatory documents on fire safety. When constructing emergency exits from two staircases through a common lobby, one of them, in addition to the exit to the lobby, must have an exit directly to the outside.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

Staircases of type H1 must have access only directly to the outside.

4.4.7. Staircases, with the exception of type L2 and basement staircases, must have light openings with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2 in the external walls on each floor.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

It is allowed to provide no more than 50% of internal staircases intended for evacuation without light openings in buildings:

classes F2, F3 and F4 - type H2 or H3 with air pressure in case of fire;

Staircases of type L2 must have light openings in the coating with an area of ​​at least 4 square meters. m with a clearance between flights of at least 0.7 m wide or a light shaft for the entire height of the staircase with a horizontal cross-sectional area of ​​at least 2 sq. m.

4.4.8. Smoke protection for stairwells of types H2 and H3 must be provided in accordance with. If necessary, staircases of type H2 should be divided in height into compartments by solid fire partitions of type 1 with a transition between compartments outside the volume of the staircase.

The walls of staircases with air pressure should not have any other openings other than windows in the external walls and doors leading to floor corridors, lobbies or outside, as well as openings for air supply to create excess pressure.

(as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

4.4.9. Smoke-free passages through the external air zone leading to smoke-free staircases of type H1 must be ensured by their design and space-planning solutions. These transitions must be open and, as a rule, should not be located in internal corners building.

When connecting one part outer wall building to another at an angle of less than 135°, it is necessary that the horizontal distance to the nearest doorway in the outer air zone to the top of the inner corner of the outer wall is at least 4 m; this distance can be reduced to the value of the projection of the outer wall; This requirement does not apply to transitions located in internal corners of 135° or more, as well as to a wall projection of no more than 1.2 m.

Between doorways air zone and the nearest window of the room, the width of the partition must be at least 2 m.

Transitions must have a width of at least 1.2 m with a fencing height of 1.2 m, the width of the partition between doorways in the external air zone must be at least 1.2 m.

4.4.10. Staircases of type L1 can be provided in buildings of all functional fire hazard classes with a height of up to 28 m.

4.4.11. Staircases of type L2 are allowed to be installed in buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, structural fire hazard classes C0 and C1 and functional fire hazard F1, F2, F3 and F4, with a height, as a rule, of no more than 9 m. It is allowed to increase the height of buildings up to 12 m with automatic opening of the upper light opening in case of fire and with automatic installation in buildings of class F1.3 fire alarm or autonomous fire detectors. Wherein:

in buildings of classes F2, F3 and F4 there should be no more than 50% of such stairs, the rest should have light openings in the external walls on each floor;

in buildings of class F1.3 sectional type, an emergency exit should be provided in each apartment located above 4 m.

4.4.12. In buildings with a height of more than 28 m, as well as in buildings of class F5, categories A and B, smoke-free staircases should be provided, as a rule, type H1. Allowed:

in buildings of class F1.3 corridor type, provide no more than 50% of staircases of type H2;

in buildings of classes F1.1, F1.2, F2, F3 and F4, provide no more than 50% of staircases of type H2 or H3 with air pressure in case of fire;

in buildings of class F5 categories G and D, provide staircases of type H2 or H3 with air pressure in case of fire, as well as staircases of type L1 separated by a solid fire partition every 20 m in height and with a transition from one part of the staircase to another outside volume of the staircase.

4.4.13. Excluded as of February 1, 2011. - Change No. 1, approved. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 639.

4.4.14. In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance, class C0, it is allowed to provide stairs of the 2nd type from the lobby to the second floor, provided that the lobby is separated from the corridors and adjacent rooms by fire partitions of the 1st type.

4.4.15. Escalators should be provided in accordance with the requirements established for type 2 stairs.

4.4.16. When several flights of an evacuation staircase transition into a common flight of stairs, its width must be no less than the total width of the combined flights.

(clause 4.4.16 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 N 639)

4.4.17. If there are two or more underground floors in a building, evacuation from them should be provided via smoke-free stairwells of type H3.

(Clause 4.4.17 introduced by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated 09.12.2010 N 639)

5. Objects intended for permanent residence

and temporary stay of people (class F1)

5.1. General provisions

5.1.1. The clear width of horizontal sections of escape routes and ramps must be at least 1.2 m - for common corridors along which more than 15 people can be evacuated from premises.

5.2. Children's preschool institutions, specialized homes for the elderly and disabled (non-residential), hospitals, dormitory buildings of boarding schools and child care institutions (F1.1)

5.2.1. The number of ascents in one flight between platforms (except for curved stairs) must be no less than 3 and no more than 16. In single-flight stairs, as well as in one flight of two- and three-flight stairs within the first floor, no more than 18 ascents are allowed.

5.2.2. Flights of stairs and landings must have fences with handrails.

5.2.3. Before outside door(evacuation exit) there must be a horizontal entrance area with a depth of at least 1.5 times the width of the outer door leaf.

External stairs (or parts thereof) and platforms with a height of more than 0.45 m from the sidewalk level at entrances to buildings, depending on the purpose and local conditions, must have fencing.

5.2.4. The slope of staircases in above-ground floors should be no more than 1:2 (except for the staircases of the grandstands of sports facilities).

The slope of flights of stairs leading to the basement and ground floors, to the attic, as well as stairs in above-ground floors not intended for evacuation of people, is allowed to be 1: 1.5.

The slope of ramps on the routes of movement of people should be no more than:

inside a building, structure 1:6

in hospitals of medical institutions 1:20

outside 1:8

on the paths of movement for people with wheelchairs inside and outside the building 1:12.

Note - The requirements of this paragraph and clause 5.2.1 do not apply to the design of passages with steps between rows of seats in auditoriums, sports facilities and auditoriums.

5.2.5. The width of a flight of stairs in buildings must be no less than the width of the exit to the staircase from the most populated floor, but not less than 1.35 m.

The intermediate platform in a straight flight of stairs must have a depth of at least 1 m.

The width of landings must be no less than the width of the flight.

5.2.6. In the buildings of medical institutions, it is allowed to provide flights of stairs leading to the floor (rooms) not intended for staying or visiting patients, with a width of at least 1.2 m. Moreover, if this floor (rooms) is not designed for the simultaneous stay of more than 5 people ., a flight of stairs may be made with a width of at least 0.9 m.

(Clause 5.2.6 as amended by Amendment No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2010 No. 639)

5.2.7. In staircases intended for the evacuation of people both from above-ground floors and from the basement or ground floor, separate exits to the outside from the basement or ground floor should be provided, separated to the height of one floor by a blind fire partition of the 1st type.

5.2.8. Separate staircases for communication between the basement or ground floor and the first floor leading to the corridor, hall or lobby of the first floor are not taken into account when calculating the evacuation of people from the basement or ground floor.

5.2.9. If a staircase from the basement or ground floor opens into a ground floor lobby, then all stairs in the above-ground part of the building, except for the exit to this lobby, must have direct access to the outside.

5.2.10. Provide for escape routes spiral staircases and winder steps, as well as split landings, as a rule, should not be. When constructing curved staircases (except for medical buildings) leading from office premises with the number of people permanently staying in them no more than 5 people, and

System of regulatory documents in construction



SNiP 05/31/2003




1. DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction (FSUE CNS) with the participation of the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design Institute of Educational, Commercial, Amenity and Leisure Buildings" (SUE IOZ); Central Research and Design-Experimental Institute of Industrial Buildings and Structures (JSC TsNIIPromzdanii) and a working group of specialists

2. INTRODUCED by the Department of Technical Standardization, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia

3. ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on September 1, 2003 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated June 23, 2003 No. 108

4. INSTEAD SNiP 2.08.02* (published before 2003) regarding buildings for research institutions, design and public organizations and management buildings


1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 General provisions

5 Requirements for premises

6.1 Fundamentals

6.2 Ensuring the safety of people in case of fire

6.3 Preventing the spread of fire

7 Safety during use

8 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements

9 Energy saving

10 Durability and maintainability

Appendix A


Appendix B

Terms and Definitions

Appendix B

Counting Rules total area building, area of ​​premises, construction volume, building area and number of storeys of the building during design

Appendix D

List of premises of institutional buildings, the placement of which is allowed in the underground and ground floors

Appendix D

Calculation standards for the area of ​​premises of public administrative buildings

Appendix E

List of institutions and organizations the design of buildings and premises of which is covered by this SNiP


This SNiP contains norms and rules for a group of buildings and premises that have a number of common functional and space-planning features and are intended primarily for mental work and non-production activities, which differ from buildings for carrying out activities for the production of material assets or services to the population.

The defining features that unite this group of buildings are: the composition of the main functional groups of premises, space-planning structure, belonging to one class of the classification of buildings and premises established in SNiP 21-01 according to functional fire hazard, taking into account the way the buildings are used (only in daytime), a measure of the threat to human safety in cases of fire and characteristics of the main contingent.

These standards establish a set of mandatory regulatory requirements for the operational characteristics of buildings of institutions and organizations, including, first of all, their safety and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The following people took part in the development of SNiP: L. A. Viktorova, Ph.D. arch., N. N. Polyakov(Federal Center for Construction Certification under the State Construction Committee of Russia); A. M. Garnets, Ph.D. arch. (SUE “Institute of Public Buildings”); V. A. Glukharev, S. Yu. Sopotsko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (Gosstroy of Russia); I. I. Lerner, Ph.D. arch. (JSC "TSNIIEP named after B. S. Mezentsev"); L. A. Skrob, Ph.D. arch.; T. E. Storozhenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii"), A. V. Gomozov(VNIIPO).




Date of introduction 2003-09-01


These rules and regulations apply to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of institutions and organizations, the list of which is given in Appendix E.

When designing and constructing buildings and premises for these institutions, along with these norms and rules, the provisions of other more general regulatory documents must also be applied if they do not contradict the requirements of this document.

The standards apply to buildings regardless of whether they are constructed at the expense of federal or municipal budgets, funds from developer organizations constructing buildings for their own purposes or for subsequent rental.

These standards do not apply to the design of buildings of the Presidential Administration, State Duma and Government of the Russian Federation, customs; embassies and other facilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation located on the territories of other states; state archives, for laboratory and production-experimental buildings and special structures of research institutes, as well as for office premises located in mobile buildings.

The norms and rules established in the sections of this document:

4. “General provisions”;

6. “Fire safety”;

7. “Safety during use”;

8. “Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements”;

10. “Durability and maintainability” correspond to the goals of technical regulation established in the Law “On Technical Regulation”, and are mandatory in accordance with Part 1 of Article 46.


These rules and regulations use references to the regulatory documents given in Appendix A.


This document uses terms whose definitions are given in Appendix B, as well as other terms, the definitions of which are adopted according to the regulatory documents listed in Appendix A. In Section 6 “Fire Safety” the terms and definitions given in GOST 12.1.033 are adopted.


4.1 . The design, construction and reconstruction of buildings must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these building codes and regulations and other regulatory documents establishing the rules of design and construction.

4.2 . The placement of buildings and structures on the site allocated for construction must comply with current legislation, SNiP 2.07.01 and other regulatory documents on design and construction, as well as architectural and planning specifications and construction permits.

4.3 . When designing and constructing institutional buildings, their accessibility must be ensured for people with limited mobility working or visiting these buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01. These requirements are specified in the design assignment, defining, if necessary, the number of disabled people and types of disabilities.

4.4 . When designing institutions located within a residential building, in addition to these standards, one should be guided by the requirements of SNiP 31-01 established for public premises located in residential buildings.

4.5 . It is allowed to provide in buildings production and storage facilities required by the technology of the institutions' activities and included in their composition, which must be reflected in the design assignment.

4.6 . Bearing structures buildings must be designed and constructed in such a way that during their construction and under design operating conditions the possibility of:

destruction or damage to structures leading to the need to cease operation of buildings;

unacceptable deterioration in the operational properties of structures or buildings as a whole due to deformations or the formation of cracks.

4.7 . Structures and foundations of buildings must be designed to withstand the following loads and impacts:

constant loads from the own weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures;

snow loads for a given construction area;

wind loads for a given construction area;

hazardous geophysical impacts in the given construction area.

Standard values ​​of the listed loads, taken into account unfavorable combinations of loads or corresponding forces, limit values ​​of deflections and displacements of structures, as well as values ​​of safety factors for loads must be adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07. The following must also be taken into account: Additional requirements customer to loads from heavy equipment elements.

4.8 . The methods used in the design of structures for calculating their load-bearing capacity and deformability must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents for structures made of relevant materials.

When placing buildings in undermined areas, on subsidence soils, in seismic areas, as well as in other difficult geological conditions, additional requirements of the relevant codes and regulations should be taken into account.

4.9 . Building foundations must be designed taking into account physical and mechanical characteristics soils provided for in SNiP 2.02.01 (for permafrost soils - in SNiP 2.02.04), characteristics of the hydrogeological regime at the construction site, as well as the degree of aggressiveness of soils and groundwater in relation to foundations and underground utility networks and must ensure uniformity and minimum speed foundation sediment under building elements.

4.10 . For buildings and premises of institutions, cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, drains, and fire-fighting water supply systems should be provided in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01.

Eyeliner hot water should be provided for the technological equipment of canteens and buffets, for water-folding sinks in inventory and cleaning rooms, for washbasins in medical centers and sanitary facilities, for devices in women's personal hygiene cabins and for other devices according to the design specifications.

4.11 . Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, as well as smoke removal during a fire, should be designed in accordance with SNiP 41-01 and the requirements of sections 7 - 9 of this document.

At the inputs of heating networks in the building it is necessary to provide heating points(TsTP and ITP).

4.12 . Institutional buildings should be equipped with electrical equipment, electric lighting, city telephone communication devices, wired broadcasting and television, fire and security alarms, a fire warning system (in accordance with NPB 104), gas, smoke and flood alarm devices, an automation and dispatch system for engineering equipment buildings, as well as a comprehensive low-voltage electrical network.

In accordance with the special requirements established in the design assignment, building complexes, individual buildings or premises are equipped with local (internal) telephone communication devices, local installations for wired broadcasting and television, sound installations, amplification and simultaneous speech translation, and time signaling installations.

4.13 . Electrical devices buildings should be designed in accordance with the PUE and other current standards and rules approved in accordance with the established procedure.

4.14 . Lightning protection of buildings must be carried out taking into account the presence and pipe racks of a telephone network or wired broadcasting network in accordance with Instruction RD 34.21.122.

4.15 . Gas supply systems for institutional buildings should be designed in accordance with SNiP 42-01 and Safety Rules in the Gas Industry.

4.16 . Institutional buildings should have a waste removal and dust collection system. The need to install garbage chutes is determined by the design assignment. For buildings that are not equipped with garbage chutes, a garbage collection chamber or utility area should be provided.

The means of removing waste from the building must be linked to the cleaning system adopted in the locality where the building is located.

4.17 . Passenger elevators should be provided in institutional buildings when the difference between the floor elevations of the lobby and the upper floor is 12 m or more; in buildings of institutions constantly visited by the population, if the difference between these marks is 9 m or more; if there are premises intended for disabled people on the second floor and above - in accordance with SNiP 35-01.

The distance from the doors of the most remote room to the door of the nearest passenger elevator should be no more than 60 m.

The need to install other means of vertical transport in institutional buildings is established by the design assignment.

The number of passenger elevators should be determined by calculation, but not less than two, while one of the elevators in the building (passenger or cargo-passenger) must have a cabin depth of at least 2100 mm to be able to transport a person on a stretcher.

4.18 . At the request of the customer-developer, the documentation for buildings must additionally include an operating instruction. It must contain the requirements and provisions necessary to ensure the safety of buildings and structures during operation, including information about the main structures and engineering systems, layout diagrams of hidden frame elements, hidden electrical wiring and utility networks, as well as limit values ​​of loads on building structural elements and to its electrical network. This data can be presented in the form of copies of as-built documentation.


5.1 . Premises in administrative buildings, as a rule, comprise the following main functional groups:

a) management offices;

b) work premises of structural divisions of institutions and organizations;

c) meeting rooms and (or) conference rooms;

d) premises for information and technical purposes, including: technical libraries, design rooms, archives, premises for information and computer technology, etc., depending on the design assignment;

Air movement speed in the design opening of the cabinet, m/s (not less)

*According to GN

Note - When performing work involving the release of explosive substances into the air, the speed of air movement in the design opening of the fume hood should be taken as 1 m/s.

8.14 . According to the requirements of storage conditions, in storages of valuable documents and depositories, class 3 air conditioning should be provided.

8.15 . When constructing a garbage chute, it should be equipped with a device for periodic washing, cleaning, disinfection and sprinkler of the trunk.

The garbage chute shaft must be airtight and soundproofed from building structures. It should not be adjacent to office premises with permanent occupancy.

The garbage collection chamber is not allowed to be located under or adjacent to rooms with permanent occupancy.

In management institutions, research institutes, design and engineering organizations with a staff of 800 people. and more, as well as in buildings of institutions with increased sanitary and hygienic requirements, a centralized or combined vacuum dust collection system should be provided.

The need to design a central or combined vacuum dust collection system in other buildings is established by the design assignment.

When designing a combined vacuum dust collection system, the service radius of one intake valve should be no more than 50 m.

In the absence of centralized or combined dust collection, the design of the vacuum cleaner filter cleaning chamber is determined according to the design specifications.

8.16 . Shafts and machine rooms of elevators, ventilation chambers, as well as other rooms with equipment that is a source of noise and vibration, should not be located adjacent to, above or below meeting rooms, conference rooms, work areas and offices with permanent occupancy.

8.17 . When using personal computers (PCs) in work areas, the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340 should be taken into account.

8.18 . Materials and products used in construction that are subject to hygienic assessment in accordance with the Lists of types of products and goods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, they must have a hygienic certificate issued by bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

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The main communication rooms are corridors.

Depending on the space-planning solutions of buildings, they are divided into the following types: corridors with one-sided construction, two-sided construction, mixed construction (partly one-sided, partly two-sided) and paired corridors with premises on external parties and between them.

Corridors can be designed rectilinear, curvilinear, with ledges, rectangular, cross- and “U”-shaped, and also, depending on the lighting, through (with double-sided lighting from the ends), dead-end and with light pockets (with lighting from one side ). The main corridors are those leading to vertical communication nodes. The remaining corridors are considered secondary.

Minimum width main corridors (clean) are allowed 1.5 m, secondary - 1.25 m with a length of no more than 10 m, and in buildings of educational and educational institutions, the main corridors are designed with a minimum width of 1.8 and 2, respectively, 2 m.

In rooms where more than 15 people are present at the same time, the doors should open into the corridor in the direction of the main evacuation flow of people. According to the requirements of design standards, corridors must have daylight and ventilation.

The length of corridors with one-sided construction is not standardized.

When building dead-end corridors on both sides and lighting from one end, their maximum length is allowed 24 m.

The length of through corridors when illuminated from two ends should not exceed 48 m.

If the corridor is longer, it is necessary to arrange light breaks (pockets) with a maximum distance between them of 24 m, and between the end window of the corridor and the pocket - no more than 30 m.

The dimensions of the light pockets (excluding the area of ​​the adjacent corridor) should not exceed two square meters in depth.

Corridors may be illuminated with second light through transoms in the walls, glazed partitions and doors.

The design of other communication spaces (transitions, galleries, passages) is subject to the same requirements as for corridors.

The system of horizontal connections must provide for uniform loading of all its sections and prevent a decrease bandwidth subsequent sections compared to the previous ones. Corridors, passages and galleries must have a minimum number of turns and a clearly defined layout that ensures free orientation of people when entering and exiting the building.

In the main communication rooms, with a small difference in floor differences, the installation of steps or thresholds is prohibited. The connection of different floor marks is ensured by small ramps with a slope of no more than 1:8.

Recreational premises are wide corridors designed for students to relax. In clinics and dispensaries, the main corridors are also used as waiting rooms. In this case, with a one-sided arrangement of offices, the minimum width of the corridors should be 2.8 m, and with a two-sided arrangement

Not less than 3.2 m.

Lobbies and foyers are usually included in public buildings that have auditoriums. The lobbies are directly adjacent to the halls and are, on the one hand, the place from which the halls are loaded, and on the other, a place for walking and relaxing during intermissions. The foyer is the main room of the auditorium and is intended for waiting, relaxing and walking the public, for organizing various exhibitions, and organizing mass cultural events. Recreation areas and corridors can be designed not only as wide corridors, but also as compact premises with an aspect ratio of no more than 1:2.

Also used as horizontal communication links are mechanical devices- moving sidewalks, carveers (see Figure 2.8).

In large buildings and structures, as well as in public centers where the length of pedestrian movements is significant, moving sidewalks can be installed. Their design and operating principle are practically no different from escalators:

at the ends steel frame there are drive gears that ensure horizontal movement of the conveyor belt. For Maintenance under it, a trench is made of monolithic concrete. The speed of moving sidewalks is 2.5-4 km/h, and the productivity is 6-15 thousand people/hour. They can have a length of up to 400 m and, if necessary, be arranged inclined (up to 10-15°).

Wow, what a discussion there was, we didn’t expect it

After Lida described in more detail her option with a hidden door and an entrance to the pantry through a wardrobe, we seriously seized on this idea. We looked at photos of such doors, several episodes of the housing problem, drew it in the program and almost decided to cut a new doorway. In general, we got excited about the idea. But then, fortunately, we remembered that usually all our doors are open, which means that no matter how super-hidden the door is, there is still no way to hide the open doorway.

w-beads, cabinets, of course, we will build up to the ceiling. In the design project, these cabinets are placed simply to indicate the depth and understand how wide the passage remains.

Klausss, yes, this is a Khrushchev building, but not a nine-story building, but a five-story building, series 515.
The option of combining a small room with a kitchen is the first thing that comes to mind. And, by the way, it was thanks to this option that we decided to buy this apartment. In reality, this option was abandoned for a number of reasons. Firstly, we have between the kitchen and the room warm wall about a meter wide from the window, that is, this wall cannot be completely removed. As a result, it turns out that the table can only be placed behind this wall; it occupies almost the entire width of the room, and only fits in the living room small sofa. Secondly, we always wanted a projector and screen in the living room, not a TV, and the screen turns out to be more difficult to place than a TV, and in such a small living room there was no room for it opposite the sofa. Thirdly, as Lida noted, without a small room we still had two large rooms, one of which was a walk-through room. That is, it would turn out to be a cramped living room, a walk-through room of unknown purpose and a bedroom. Well, we initially did not consider the option of combining a bathroom, because we lived in such conditions and know how this happens in our real life. As soon as one goes into the shower, the other is sure to have a big itch. And if even for the two of us the combined bathroom brought difficulties, then what will happen when there are more of us. In general, we realized that this was not our option.

In general, the option of combining a small room with a kitchen is not bad. We were visiting a neighbor, she combined the bathroom, moved it, demolished part of the wall between the kitchen and the room, and it turned out to be a living room. It feels quite spacious, but the living area really only fits a sofa and a table. And they had a two-room apartment, that is, there was no problem of a walk-through room (the layout is like ours, only there is no back room and no storage room). For a two-room apartment, in my opinion, this is an ideal option, because the original layout included a small kitchenette, a tiny bedroom and a large living room, and after the redevelopment we got a fairly spacious kitchen, a spacious living room with a table and a sofa, plus a spacious bedroom. In general, a good option, but not ours.

But we found a better option for ourselves: to optimize the space in the kitchen and leave three rooms. In the kitchen, we moved the sink to the window, as a result, our refrigerator fits in the kitchen (it is not visible in the project, it is in the corner, to the left of the hob). Our work surface turned out to be long and conveniently located between the sink and the stove, there is enough storage space in the kitchen - everything fits and there are still free shelves left, the dining table also fits. The two of us at this table are generally free, and with four guests we can fit, but it’s already cramped. And the three of you can cook (cut something) without jostling at all.

The layout of all residential premises in an apartment building is carried out in accordance with data such as SNIP standards. Normative documents rarely involves formation, which brings many problems. To be more precise, the absence large quantity space in the hallway causes discomfort when dressing, undressing, and even just when placing outerwear.

What is the minimum width of the corridor for comfort

The minimum area of ​​the corridor can be incredibly inconvenient.

However, even if the width of the hallway does not exceed m, then there is the possibility:

  • Plan your space wisely;
  • Install a dressing room;
  • Make the room cozy and comfortable to stay in.

It is worth noting that according to building codes, the corridor, which is located between rooms, should not be less than 1.2 m in width.

A further narrowing of up to 90 cm is permissible, provided that the length of the corridor is no more than 1.5 m.

These standards have a peculiarity and it lies in the fact that with such dimensions in the corridor 2 people will be able to pass each other. If you plan to install a wardrobe for dresses, raincoats and the like, then the width of the corridor should be at least 1.5 m.

Comfortable hallway made to measure

Many people prefer to order custom cabinets so that their dimensions fully correspond to the dimensions of the hallway. Naturally, the standard by which the calculation is made must be observed, in particular, the height, the distance between sections, as well as the choice of the length of the structure are calculated.

Furniture manufacturing custom sizes- there are a lot of advantages:

  1. It is possible to rationally use the entire space of the corridors.
  2. It is possible to create a set that will fit harmoniously into, and will also be an excellent addition to, a room that usually seems awkward and uncomfortable for everyone.
  3. You can create a cabinet that will fully match your preferences in color, material, decor and interior layout.
  4. The cost of the product depends solely on the customer.
  5. The probability of receiving high-quality furniture is 100%.

During manufacturing, drawings are drawn up, the dimensions of the room are recorded, and a diagram of all the details from the set is included in the project.

Optimal corridor width in an apartment: convenient layout

If the apartment is under renovation, then you definitely need to carefully consider all the finishing, design and interior. Nowadays, plasterboard is often used, not only for leveling walls and ceilings, but also for creating dressing rooms.

The popularity of drywall is justified, as it has such properties as:

  • Strength;
  • Wear resistance;
  • Smooth and even surface;
  • Optimal cost;
  • Moisture resistance.

The width of the corridor in an apartment is usually calculated based on certain factors.


  • Whether or not there are windows and doors in the hallway, as well as their number.
  • The type of corridor, for example, adjacent, passage or even with a niche.
  • What kind of cabinet do you plan to install, and will it fit there?

It is worth noting that when constructing a built-in structure for storing things, especially when using drywall, you need to not only think through every step and centimeter of the structure, but also calculate internal layout closet

System of regulatory documents in construction



SNiP 05/31/2003




1. DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise - Center for Methodology of Standardization and Standardization in Construction (FSUE CNS) with the participation of the State Unitary Enterprise "Research and Design Institute of Educational, Commercial, Amenity and Leisure Buildings" (SUE IOZ); Central Research and Design Experimental Institute industrial buildings and structures (JSC TsNIIPromzdanii) and a working group of specialists

2. INTRODUCED by the Department of Technical Standardization, Standardization and Certification in Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Gosstroy of Russia

3. ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT on September 1, 2003 by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated June 23, 2003 No. 108

4. INSTEAD SNiP 2.08.02* (published before 2003) regarding buildings for research institutions, design and public organizations and management buildings


1 area of ​​use

3 Terms and definitions

4 General provisions

5 Requirements for premises

6 Fire safety

6.1 Fundamentals

6.2 Ensuring the safety of people in case of fire

6.3 Preventing the spread of fire

7 Safety during use

8 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements

9 Energy saving

10 Durability and maintainability

Appendix A


Appendix B

Terms and Definitions

Appendix B

Rules for calculating the total area of ​​a building, area of ​​premises, construction volume, building area and number of storeys of a building during design

Appendix D

List of premises of institutional buildings, the placement of which is allowed in the underground and ground floors

Appendix D

Calculation standards for the area of ​​premises of public administrative buildings

Appendix E

List of institutions and organizations the design of buildings and premises of which is covered by this SNiP


This SNiP contains norms and rules for a group of buildings and premises that have a number of common functional and space-planning features and are intended primarily for mental work and non-production activities, which differ from buildings for carrying out activities for the production of material assets or services to the population.

The defining features that unite this group of buildings are: the composition of the main functional groups of premises, space-planning structure, belonging to one class of the classification of buildings and premises established in SNiP 21-01 according to functional fire hazard, taking into account the way the buildings are used (only in the daytime) , a measure of the threat to human safety in cases of fire and characteristics of the main contingent.

These standards establish a set of mandatory regulatory requirements for the operational characteristics of buildings of institutions and organizations, including, first of all, their safety and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

The following people took part in the development of SNiP: L. A. Viktorova, Ph.D. arch., N. N. Polyakov(Federal Center for Construction Certification under the State Construction Committee of Russia); A. M. Garnets, Ph.D. arch. (SUE “Institute of Public Buildings”); V. A. Glukharev, S. Yu. Sopotsko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (Gosstroy of Russia); I. I. Lerner, Ph.D. arch. (JSC "TSNIIEP named after B. S. Mezentsev"); L. A. Skrob, Ph.D. arch.; T. E. Storozhenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii"), A. V. Gomozov(VNIIPO).




Date of introduction 2003-09-01


These rules and regulations apply to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed buildings of institutions and organizations, the list of which is given in Appendix E.

When designing and constructing buildings and premises for these institutions, along with these norms and rules, the provisions of other more general regulatory documents must also be applied if they do not contradict the requirements of this document.

The standards apply to buildings regardless of whether they are constructed at the expense of federal or municipal budgets, funds from developer organizations constructing buildings for their own purposes or for subsequent rental.

These standards do not apply to the design of buildings of the Presidential Administration, State Duma and Government of the Russian Federation, customs; embassies and other facilities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation located on the territories of other states; state archives, for laboratory and production-experimental buildings and special structures of research institutes, as well as for office premises located in mobile buildings.

The norms and rules established in the sections of this document:

4. “General provisions”;

6. “Fire safety”;

7. “Safety during use”;

8. “Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements”;

10. “Durability and maintainability” correspond to the goals of technical regulation established in the Law “On Technical Regulation”, and are mandatory in accordance with Part 1 of Article 46.


These rules and regulations use references to the regulatory documents given in Appendix A.


This document uses terms whose definitions are given in Appendix B, as well as other terms, the definitions of which are adopted according to the regulatory documents listed in Appendix A. In Section 6 “Fire Safety” the terms and definitions given in GOST 12.1.033 are adopted.


4.1 . The design, construction and reconstruction of buildings must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these building codes and regulations and other regulatory documents establishing the rules of design and construction.

4.2 . The placement of buildings and structures on the site allocated for construction must comply with current legislation, SNiP 2.07.01 and other regulatory documents on design and construction, as well as architectural and planning specifications and construction permits.

4.3 . When designing and constructing institutional buildings, their accessibility must be ensured for people with limited mobility working or visiting these buildings in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 35-01. These requirements are specified in the design assignment, defining, if necessary, the number of disabled people and types of disabilities.

4.4 . When designing institutions located within a residential building, in addition to these standards, one should be guided by the requirements of SNiP 31-01 established for public premises located in residential buildings.

4.5 . It is allowed to provide production and warehouses, required by the operating technology of institutions and included in their composition, which should be reflected in the design assignment.

4.6 . Load-bearing structures of buildings must be designed and constructed in such a way that during their construction and under design operating conditions the possibility of:

destruction or damage to structures leading to the need to cease operation of buildings;

unacceptable deterioration in the operational properties of structures or buildings as a whole due to deformations or the formation of cracks.

4.7 . Structures and foundations of buildings must be designed to withstand the following loads and impacts:

constant loads from the own weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures;

snow loads for a given construction area;

wind loads for a given construction area;

hazardous geophysical impacts in the given construction area.

Standard values ​​of the listed loads, taken into account unfavorable combinations of loads or corresponding forces, limit values ​​of deflections and displacements of structures, as well as values ​​of safety factors for loads must be adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.01.07. Additional customer requirements for loads from heavy equipment elements, specified in the design assignment, must also be taken into account.

4.8 . Calculation methods used in the design of structures bearing capacity and deformability must meet the requirements of current regulatory documents for structures made of relevant materials.

When placing buildings in undermined areas, on subsidence soils, in seismic areas, as well as in other difficult geological conditions, additional requirements of the relevant codes and regulations should be taken into account.

4.9 . Building foundations must be designed taking into account the physical and mechanical characteristics of soils provided for in SNiP 2.02.01 (for permafrost soils - in SNiP 2.02.04), the characteristics of the hydrogeological regime at the construction site, as well as the degree of aggressiveness of soils and groundwater in relation to the foundations and underground utility networks and must ensure uniformity and minimum settlement rate of foundations under building elements.

4.10 . For buildings and premises of institutions, cold and hot water supply systems, sewerage, drains, and fire-fighting water supply systems should be provided in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01.

Hot water supply should be provided to the technological equipment of canteens and buffets, to water-folding sinks in inventory and cleaning rooms, to washbasins in medical centers and sanitary facilities, to devices in women's personal hygiene cabins and to other devices according to the design specifications.

4.11 . Heating, ventilation and air conditioning of buildings, as well as smoke removal during a fire, should be designed in accordance with SNiP 41-01 and the requirements of sections 7 - 9 of this document.

At the inputs of heating networks in the building, heating points (CHP and ITP) should be provided.

4.12 . Institutional buildings should be equipped with electrical equipment, electric lighting, city telephone communication devices, wired broadcasting and television, fire and security alarms, a fire warning system (in accordance with NPB 104), gas, smoke and flood alarm devices, an automation and dispatch system for engineering equipment buildings, as well as a comprehensive low-voltage electrical network.

In accordance with the special requirements established in the design assignment, building complexes, individual buildings or premises are equipped with local (internal) telephone communication devices, local installations for wired broadcasting and television, sound installations, amplification and simultaneous speech translation, and time signaling installations.

4.13 . Electrical devices of buildings should be designed in accordance with the PUE and other current norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner.

4.14 . Lightning protection of buildings must be carried out taking into account the presence of television antennas and pipe stands of the telephone network or wired broadcasting network in accordance with Instruction RD 34.21.122.

4.15 . Gas supply systems for institutional buildings should be designed in accordance with SNiP 42-01 and Safety Rules in the Gas Industry.

4.16 . Institutional buildings should have a waste removal and dust collection system. The need to install garbage chutes is determined by the design assignment. For buildings that are not equipped with garbage chutes, a garbage collection chamber or utility area should be provided.

The means for removing waste from a building must be consistent with the cleaning system adopted in the locality where the building is located.

4.17 . Passenger elevators should be provided in institutional buildings when the difference between the floor elevations of the lobby and the upper floor is 12 m or more; in buildings of institutions constantly visited by the population, if the difference between these marks is 9 m or more; if there are premises intended for disabled people on the second floor and above - in accordance with SNiP 35-01.

The distance from the doors of the most remote room to the door of the nearest passenger elevator should be no more than 60 m.

The need to install other means of vertical transport in institutional buildings is established by the design assignment.

The number of passenger elevators should be determined by calculation, but not less than two, while one of the elevators in the building (passenger or cargo-passenger) must have a cabin depth of at least 2100 mm to be able to transport a person on a stretcher.

4.18 . At the request of the customer-developer, the documentation for buildings must additionally include an operating instruction. It must contain the requirements and provisions necessary to ensure the safety of buildings and structures during operation, including information about the main structures and engineering systems, layout diagrams of hidden frame elements, hidden electrical wiring and utility networks, as well as limit values ​​of loads on building structural elements and to its electrical network. This data can be presented in the form of copies of as-built documentation.


5.1 . Premises in administrative buildings, as a rule, comprise the following main functional groups:

a) management offices;

b) work premises of structural divisions of institutions and organizations;

c) meeting rooms and (or) conference rooms;

d) premises for information and technical purposes, including: technical libraries, design rooms, archives, premises for information and computer technology, etc., depending on the design assignment;

d) entry group premises, including: lobby, front vestibule, cloakroom, pass office, security room;

f) premises of social services, including: premises of public catering establishments, medical services, sanitary facilities, living quarters for service and operational personnel, sports and fitness facilities, etc.;

g) building maintenance rooms, including: repair shops, storerooms for various purposes and so on.;

h) premises for engineering equipment, including: ventilation chambers, electrical switchboards, etc.

5.2 . The composition of premises, their area and functional relationships in institutional buildings are determined by the customer in the design assignment and (or) in accordance with the design standards given in Appendix D, or in the codes of practice for the design of various types of buildings. The composition of premises of functional groups a - d and g in institutions is established in the design assignment, and their area is determined by departmental or technological standards, it should be taken into account that per employee in the premises of functional group b there must be at least 6 m 2 without taking into account the area , designed to accommodate office equipment. The composition, equipment, including the number of plumbing fixtures and the area of ​​premises of functional groups d and e, are determined taking into account the standards established in SNiP 2.08.02 and SNiP 2.09.04.

5.3. The composition and area of ​​premises for information, computing and communications equipment, as well as the requirements for them, are determined by special technical specifications, attached to the design assignment.

5.4 . The composition and area of ​​specialized premises of buildings of credit and financial institutions, banks, judicial and legal and other institutions are determined in the design assignment, taking into account departmental standards and (or) codes of rules.

5.5 . The height of the premises from floor to ceiling must be at least 3 m. In small offices located within residential buildings, and in factory offices located in administrative buildings, the height of the premises may correspond to the height accepted in these buildings.

5.6 . The height of corridors and halls must be at least 2.4 m; in offices located in residential buildings and in factory offices located in administrative buildings - at least 2.2 m.

The width of the corridors must be at least 1.2 m with a length of 10 m; not less than 1.5 m - for a length exceeding 10 m and not less than 2.4 m - when used as corridors or waiting rooms for visitors.

5.7 . The height of technical floors should be taken taking into account the equipment being placed, utility networks and their operating conditions; at the same time, in places where service personnel pass, the clear height must be at least 1.8 m.

5.8. Through passages in buildings should have a clear width of at least 3.5 m and a height of at least 4.25 m. Through passages through the staircases of buildings should be located at a distance from one another of no more than 100 m.

5.9. Exits from passenger elevators should be designed through the elevator hall, including through the lobby or hall for other purposes, if the elevator hall is included in their area. The width of the elevator hall of passenger elevators must be at least:

With a single-row arrangement of elevators - 1.3 times the minimum depth of the elevator cabin;

With a two-row arrangement - no less than twice the minimum cabin depth.

In front of elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more, the width of the elevator hall must be at least 2.5 m, and for double-row elevators - at least twice the minimum cabin depth.

From storerooms and other rooms where flammable materials can be stored, exit directly to the elevator hall is not allowed.

5.10 . The need for installation in buildings civil defense determined in the design assignment in agreement with the civil defense headquarters and in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-11.


6.1. Basic provisions

6.1.1 . When designing buildings, one should apply the rules for fire protection of people and buildings contained in SNiP 21-01, as well as additional fire safety requirements established in this SNiP, due to the specifics of administrative buildings.

6.1.2. These norms and rules apply to the design of buildings up to 50 m high, functional fire hazard class F 4.3 (according to SNiP 21-01), as well as premises of this class built into buildings of other functional fire hazard.

6.1.3. Automatic installations fire extinguishing and detection should be provided in accordance with NPB 110, as well as special lists approved in the prescribed manner.

Fire warning systems should be provided in accordance with NPB 104.

6.1.4. Passenger elevators designed to transport fire departments in buildings should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01 and NPB 250. When adding existing building with the floor elevation of the upper floor not exceeding 28 m, one more floor may not provide for the installation of such an elevator.

6.2 Ensuring the safety of people in case of fire

6.2.1 . The number of emergency exits from the building and from the floor of the building is established in accordance with paragraphs 6.13* and 6.14 of SNiP 21-01.

6.2.2 . The width of the emergency exit from the corridor to the stairwell, as well as the width of the flights of stairs, should be set depending on the number of evacuees through this exit based on 1 m of exit width in buildings of fire hazard classes:

The minimum width of emergency exits must also be set taking into account the requirements of paragraphs 6.16 and 6.29 of SNiP 21-01.

6.2.3. The distance along the escape routes from the doors of the most remote premises (except for restrooms, washrooms, smoking rooms and other service rooms without permanent occupancy of people) to the exit outside or to the staircase should be no more than specified in Table 6.1.

Exits to a dead-end corridor or hall may have rooms whose capacity does not exceed 80 people.

Table 6.1.

Structural fire class
building hazards

Distance, m, with human traffic density
in the corridor *, person/m2

A. From the rooms located between the staircases
cells or external exits

B. From rooms with exits to a dead-end corridor or hall

* The ratio of the number of people evacuating from premises to the area of ​​the corridor along the evacuation route.

6.2.4. Halls (conference rooms, dining rooms, canteens, etc.) must be located on floors in accordance with Table 6.2.

Table 6.2

Fire resistance level of buildings

Number of seats in the hall

Maximum placement height, m ​​(according to SNiP 21-01)

St. 300 to 600

St. 300 to 600

Not standardized

When determining the maximum height for a hall with a sloping floor, the floor mark should be taken at the first row of seats.

6.2.5 Longest distance from any point in the hall to the nearest emergency exit should be no more than that indicated in Table 6.3. When combining the main evacuation passages into a common passage, its width must be no less than the total width of the combined passages.

Table 6.3

Appointment of the hall

Structural fire hazard class of buildings

Distance, m, in halls with a volume, thousand m 3

Exhibition halls, conference rooms, GYM's and so on.

Dining, reading rooms with an area of ​​each main passage at a rate of at least 0.2 m2 for each person evacuating along it

Note - A dash in the table means that these premises, as a rule, do not have the indicated volumes.

6.2.6. As a second emergency exit from any floor multi-story building It is allowed to use a type 3 staircase if the number of evacuees and the height of the floor meet the requirements of Table 6.4.

Table 6.4

Fire resistance level of the building

Structural fire hazard class of the building

Number of evacuees, people, from one floor of a building at the height of the floor, m (according to SNiP 21-01)

Not standardized

6.2.7. When constructing a passage to external staircases through flat roofs or external open galleries, the load-bearing structures of coverings and galleries should be designed with a fire resistance limit of at least REI 30 fire hazard class KO, the base for the roof must be class KO, the roof - not lower than RP-1.

6.3 Preventing the spread of fire

6.3.1. The degree of fire resistance, the class of structural fire hazard, the permissible height of buildings (according to SNiP 21-01) and the floor area within the fire compartment should be taken according to Table 6.5.

In buildings of IV degree of fire resistance with a height of two floors or more, elements of load-bearing structures must have a fire resistance rating of at least R45.

When equipping premises with installations automatic fire extinguishing The areas indicated in Table 6.5 may be increased by 100%, with the exception of buildings of fire resistance degree IV of fire hazard classes C0 and C1, as well as buildings of fire resistance degree V.

If there are open openings in the ceilings of adjacent floors, the total area of ​​these floors should not exceed the floor area indicated in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5 establishes standards for categories of buildings and fire compartments with specified combinations of fire resistance degree and structural fire hazard class of the building. For other combinations not provided for in this table, the floor area and height of the building are taken according to the lowest of these indicators for a given category of building or are agreed upon in the manner established by clause 1.6 of SNiP 21-01.

The floor area between the fire walls of one-story buildings with a two-story part occupying less than 15% of the building area should be taken as for a one-story building .

Table 6.5

Fire resistance level of buildings

Structural fire hazard class

Allowable height building, m

Floor area within the fire compartment, m2, with the number of floors


1. The height of buildings here and further in Section 6 is determined in accordance with SNiP 21-01 (note to 1.5*) and is measured from the passage surface of fire trucks to the lower boundary of the opening opening of the upper floor, not counting the upper technical one.

2. A dash in the table means that a building of a given fire resistance level cannot have the specified number of floors.

The degree of fire resistance of canopies, terraces, galleries attached to the building, as well as other buildings and structures separated by fire walls can be taken one degree of fire resistance lower than the fire resistance degree of the building.

6.3.2 . In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, to ensure the required fire resistance limit of the load-bearing elements of the building, it is allowed to use only structural fire protection (cladding, concrete coating, plaster, etc.).

6.3.3 . In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance for attic floor It is allowed to accept the fire resistance limit of load-bearing building structures R45 with a zero limit of fire spread when separated from the lower floors by a fire-resistant floor of the 2nd type. In this case, the attic floor must be separated by type 2 fire walls. The area between these fire walls should be: for buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance - no more than 2000 m2, for buildings of III degree of fire resistance - no more than 1400 m2. If there are automatic fire extinguishing installations on the attic floor, this area can be increased by no more than 1.2 times. In the attics of buildings up to 10 floors inclusive, the use of wooden structures with fire protection is allowed, ensuring the fire resistance and fire spread limits established above.

6.3.4. It is not allowed to provide production and storage facilities in buildings belonging to categories A and B (according to NPB 105). In archives and storage rooms with an area of ​​more than 36 m2, in the absence of windows, exhaust ducts with a cross-sectional area of ​​at least 0.2% of the room area and equipped with valves with automatic and remote drives should be provided on each floor. The distance from the smoke exhaust valve to the most remote point of the room should not exceed 20 m. Under premises intended for the simultaneous occupancy of more than 50 people, it is not allowed to place production and storage facilities of categories B1 - B3 (storerooms, workshops, laboratories, transformer substations with oil-filled equipment, etc.).

6.3.5 . Each compartment of the basement or basement floors (recessed by more than 0.5 m) must have at least two hatches or windows 0.9 m wide and 1.2 m high, except for the cases specified in SNiP II-11. The area of ​​such a compartment should be no more than 700 m2.

6.3.6. The enclosing structures of transitions between buildings must have fire resistance limits corresponding to the main building. Pedestrian and communication tunnels must have a fire hazard class of KO. The walls of buildings in places where passages and tunnels adjoin them should be of fire hazard class KO with a fire resistance limit of REI45. Doors in the openings of these walls leading to passages and tunnels must be type 2 fireproof.

6.3.7 . In buildings above 4 floors, tempered or reinforced glass and glass blocks should be used as translucent filling for doors, transoms (in doors, partitions and walls, including internal walls of staircases) and partitions. In buildings with a height of 4 floors or less, the types of glass-transparent filling are not limited. In buildings with a height of more than 4 floors, the doors of staircases leading to common corridors, doors of elevator halls and airlock vestibules must be solid or with reinforced glass.

6.3.8. Sliding partitions from materials of groups G1 - G4 must be protected on both sides by materials of group NG, providing a fire resistance limit of EI30 and a fire hazard class of at least K1.

6.3.9 . Premises of built-in dry heat baths (saunas) are not allowed to be located in basements or adjacent to rooms containing more than 100 people.

When installing built-in saunas, the following requirements must be met:

1. The complex of sauna premises must be separated in buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance of classes of structural fire hazard C0 and C1 with fire partitions of the 1st type and ceilings of the 3rd type, in buildings of IV degree of fire resistance of classes C0 - C3 - fire partitions and floors of at least REI 60.

2. The steam room complex must have a separate evacuation exit to the outside; It is not allowed to install exits directly into lobbies, halls, or staircases intended for evacuating people from buildings.

3. The volume of the steam sauna must be no less than 8 m3 and no more than 24 m3. The height of the steam room premises should not be less than 1.9 m.

4. The power of the electric heater must correspond to the volume of the steam room (according to the instructions of the electric heater manufacturer) and, accordingly, must not exceed 15 kW. The electric heater should automatically turn off after 8 hours of operation. The electric heater control panel should be placed in a dry room in front of the steam room. The protection of the supply cables must be heat-resistant and designed for maximum permissible temperature in the steam room.

The distance from the electric heater to the wall cladding of the steam room must be at least 20 cm. A fireproof heat-insulating shield should be installed directly above the electric heater under the ceiling. The distance between the shield and the ceiling lining must be at least 5 cm.

5. Ventilation must be provided in the steam room. A gap of at least 30 mm must be provided between the door and the floor. The temperature in the steam room should be maintained automatically no higher than 110 °C.

The steam room should be equipped around the perimeter with a deluge device (made of perforated dry pipes connected to internal water supply) with controls in front of the entrance to the steam room. The use of steamed resinous wood for cladding is not allowed.

6. The sauna changing rooms must be equipped with smoke detectors.

6.3.10 . The premises of model workshops in design institutes must have enclosing structures made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 60.

6.3.11 . In corridors and halls, the use of flammable, high smoke-generating (D3 and more) and highly toxic (T3 and more) materials for floor coverings is not allowed.

6.3.12 . Windows and openings from the film projection room, if it is provided for the conference room, must be protected by curtains or dampers with a fire resistance rating of at least EI15.

6.3.13. The finishing of the walls and ceilings of conference rooms, except for rooms located in buildings of fire resistance class V, should be made of low-flammability or non-combustible materials.


7.1 . The building must be designed, constructed and equipped in such a way as to prevent the risk of injury to workers and visitors when moving in and around the building, when entering and exiting the building, as well as when using its moving elements and engineering equipment.

7.2 . Slope and width flights of stairs and ramps, the height of steps, the width of treads, the width of landings, the height of passages along stairs, the basement, technical floors, the attic in use, differences in floor level, as well as the dimensions of doorways should ensure the safety of the movement of people and the convenience of moving equipment and furniture. Where necessary, handrails must be provided. The use of stairs with different heights and depths of steps is not allowed. The number of climbs in one flight between platforms (except for curved stairs) should be no more than 16. In single-flight stairs, as well as in one flight of two- or three-flight stairs within the first floor, no more than 18 climbs are allowed.

The slope of flights of stairs intended for the evacuation of people should be no more than 1:2. The slope of flights of stairs not intended for the evacuation of people is allowed to be 1:1.5. The slope of ramps on the routes of movement of people should be no more than:

7.3 . The height of guardrails for stairs, balconies, terraces, roofs and other places of dangerous height differences must be sufficient to prevent falls and be at least 0.9 m. Guardrails made of metal structures must be carried out in accordance with GOST 25772.

Fences must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to withstand loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

7.4 . Buildings must include measures aimed at reducing the risks of criminal incidents and their consequences, helping to minimize possible damage in the event of illegal actions. These activities are established in the design brief.

These may include: planning separation of people flows, checkpoints, the use of explosion-resistant structures, installation of devices for monitoring and tracking the movement of people, installation of a security alarm system, various fences, reinforcement of structures entrance doors, window protection devices, technical equipment of attics, basements and other premises.

7.5 . In order to protect against attacks on valuables and information stored in special premises, and for other purposes established in the design assignment, reinforced enclosing structures of these premises, as well as special doors and openings, must be provided. By technical means access control rooms must be equipped with information and computing technology, communications and other special rooms, if this is established in the design specifications.

7.6 . To protect the confidentiality of negotiations, the walls and doors of offices and other premises, the number and purpose of which are determined by the design assignment, should be lined sound-absorbing material, the doors should be double.

7.7. Constructive decisions building elements (in including the location of voids, methods of sealing places where pipelines pass through structures, the design of ventilation openings and the placement of thermal insulation, etc.) must provide protection against the penetration of rodents.

7.8 . Engineering systems buildings must be designed and installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the relevant regulatory documents and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers.

7.9 . To ensure safety, the following rules should be observed:

Temperature of surfaces of parts accessible to people heating devices and heating supply pipelines should not exceed 70 °C, 90 °C is allowed if measures are taken to prevent people from touching them, the temperature of the surfaces of other pipelines should not exceed 40 °C;

The temperature of hot air at a distance of 10 cm from the outlet of air heating devices should not exceed 70 °C;

The temperature of hot water in the hot water supply system should not exceed 60 °C.

7.10 . Units and devices, the displacement of which can lead to a fire or explosion, in buildings erected in seismic areas must be securely fastened.

7.11 . In buildings with a height of 9 floors or more for safe repair and cleaning of facades, it should be possible to attach electrically driven construction cradles.

7.12 . When the height of the building is from ground level to the fracture of the surface of the broken line mansard roof 10 m or more, fences with snow retention devices 0.15 m high should be provided.

7.13 . Buildings with a height of 3 floors or more with a flat roof must be equipped with a system internal drains with water drainage into the external rainwater drainage system, and in the absence of the latter - to the surface of the earth. In this case, measures must be taken to prevent freezing of the risers in winter.

7.14 . When designing conference rooms, it is necessary to provide for the installation of armchairs, chairs or sections of them with devices that prevent them from tipping over or moving.


8.1 . When designing and constructing buildings, the measures established by these norms and rules must be taken to ensure compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the protection of human health and the environment.

8.2 . The level of natural and artificial lighting in institutional buildings must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23-05.

It is allowed to design without natural light: premises that are allowed to be located in the basement floors (Appendix D), conference rooms and lobbies, premises for physical education and recreation activities and sports, premises for massage, steam rooms, as well as premises for dry heat baths, parking areas , pantry.

Lighting only with a second light can be provided in rooms that can be designed without natural light, as well as dressing rooms for health-improving complexes.

In buildings designed for construction in areas with average monthly temperature July 21 °C and above, light openings of rooms with constant presence of people and rooms where, according to technological and hygienic requirements no entry allowed sun rays or overheating, light openings with an orientation within the range of 130-315° must be equipped with sun protection.

8.3 . Indoor microclimate parameters should be taken in accordance with GOST 30494.

At the same time, for the cold period of the year, the optimal microclimate parameters should be taken as calculated; for the warm period of the year, it is allowed to accept acceptable microclimate parameters.

8.4. In certain premises for production and technical purposes (workshops, laboratories, warehouses, copying and printing, etc.), microclimate parameters should be accepted as acceptable, taking into account GN and SanPiN

8.5 . The supply of outside air to the premises should be provided in volumes not less than those indicated in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1


Volume of external supply air (not less)

during working hours (in maintenance mode)

during non-working hours (in idle mode)

Employee work areas

20 m 3 /h. persons (4 m 3 /h m 2)


3 m 3 / h. m 2

Conference rooms, meeting rooms

20 m 3 / h for 1 person.

Smoking rooms

25 m 3 / h per toilet (10 rpm)

20 m 3 / h per 1 mesh


Storerooms, archives

Building maintenance rooms: no allocation harmful substances;

with harmful substances

Based on the assimilation of harmful substances

Note- Acceptable values ​​are indicated in parentheses.

8.6 . Unified system supply ventilation It is allowed to provide all premises, with the exception of conference rooms, premises of public catering establishments, cinema equipment and battery rooms, for each of which it is necessary to provide independent supply ventilation systems.

8.7 . For rooms not equipped with a mechanical supply ventilation system, opening adjustable vents or air valves for supplying outside air, placed at a height of at least 2 m from the floor.

8.8 . The supply of supply air should be provided directly to rooms with emissions of harmful substances in the amount of 90% of the amount of air removed by exhaust systems, the remaining amount of air (10%) - into the corridor or hall.

8.9. Air recirculation in rooms with constant occupancy is allowed only during non-working hours.

8.10. Self-contained systems exhaust ventilation should be provided for:

Bathrooms and smoking rooms;

Work premises, offices, etc.;

Premises of catering establishments;

Premises for production and technical purposes and storage.

8.11 . Removal of air from work areas with an area of ​​less than 35 m2 may be provided by air flowing into the corridor.

8.12 . Exhaust ventilation with natural impulse may be provided in premises of buildings with an estimated number of employees of less than 300 people. and 1 - 3 floors high.

8.13 . In model workshops and other rooms where dust and aerosols may be released into the air, the volume of air removed through the fume hood should be determined depending on the speed of air movement in the design opening of the cabinet according to Table 8.2.

Table 8.2

Hazard class of harmful substances in work area*

Air movement speed in the design opening of the cabinet, m/s (not less)

*According to GN

Note - When performing work involving the release of explosive substances into the air, the speed of air movement in the design opening of the fume hood should be taken as 1 m/s.

8.14 . According to the requirements of storage conditions, in storages of valuable documents and depositories, class 3 air conditioning should be provided.

8.15 . When constructing a garbage chute, it should be equipped with a device for periodic washing, cleaning, disinfection and sprinkler of the trunk.

The garbage chute shaft must be airtight and soundproofed from building structures. It should not be adjacent to office premises with constant presence of people.

The garbage collection chamber is not allowed to be located under or adjacent to rooms with permanent occupancy.

In management institutions, research institutes, design and engineering organizations with a staff of 800 people. and more, as well as in buildings of institutions with increased sanitary and hygienic requirements, a centralized or combined vacuum dust collection system should be provided.

The need to design a central or combined vacuum dust collection system in other buildings is established by the design assignment.

When designing a combined vacuum dust collection system, the service radius of one intake valve should be no more than 50 m.

In the absence of centralized or combined dust collection, the design of the vacuum cleaner filter cleaning chamber is determined according to the design specifications.

8.16 . Shafts and machine rooms of elevators, ventilation chambers, as well as other rooms with equipment that is a source of noise and vibration, should not be located adjacent to, above or below meeting rooms, conference rooms, work areas and offices with permanent occupancy.

8.17 . When using personal computers (PCs) in work areas, the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340 should be taken into account.

8.18 . Materials and products used in construction that are subject to hygienic assessment in accordance with the Lists of types of products and goods approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia must have a hygienic conclusion issued by bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service.

Typically, an apartment or house begins with a hallway or front room that flows into a hallway. Both of these rooms are utility rooms. Their main task is to give a person quick and convenient access to other rooms.

Corridor dimensions for apartment buildings determine and dictate building codes. In the construction of private housing, they are not required, but you need to familiarize yourself with them so as not to make gross mistakes when designing your home.

The climatic conditions of our country oblige us to plan when entering the house - it will be a kind of shield that cuts off cold air from the street.

The hallway should have enough space for functions such as: meeting, greeting, seeing off guests, and it contains a wardrobe.

Dimensions of the front room and width of the corridor in the house

The hallway welcomes not only its owners, but also their guests. This is the first room you enter from the street. It should have a direct connection with such common areas as the kitchen, bathroom, staircase, corridor to the living area.

The hallway is usually furnished with an open closet for shoes and outerwear. The design of the room creates the first impression, and its shape and layout allow a new person to get their bearings.

It is desirable that the hallway be at least 1.4 m wide, and the minimum width of the corridor is 0.85 m. If space allows, the corridor should be expanded to at least 1 m.

As we have already found out, the front room is necessary for receiving guests, storing things, shoes and household supplies; this place is also the focus and beginning of all household communications. For this reason, it is advisable to divide the room into two parts:

  • an area in which it is convenient to welcome guests;
  • area for solving communication issues.

Do not forget that not only friends and relatives end up in the hallway, but also people who come in for a minute. These could be colleagues or subordinates who brought in papers or other people related to work or business. For such meetings, it is best to organize a special area. If the size of the hallway does not allow you to allocate a separate place for these purposes, short-term contact with the visitor can be made in the nearest room, for example, in the hall or office.

What should be the width of the corridor through which you can get to the living rooms? According to building codes - 1.2 m. This size can be reduced to 0.9 m, but the narrow section should last no more than 1.5 m. Do not narrow the passage too much, because it will be inconvenient for people to move along it and it will be impossible to move furniture .

Quite often there is furniture in the hallway. In order to fit in it wardrobe, the width of the corridor must be at least 1.4 m. For shelves with books or bookshelves 1.2 m is quite enough. Also, when designing the corridor space, you need to take into account the doors of the rooms that open outward. For example, opened door the toilet should not hit the wall or cling to it. If a 2.1 m high gateway is formed in the corridor, a rational solution is to install mezzanines.

If possible, the front room should be made bright and spacious. For these purposes, a good solution is to place an exit to the terrace or winter garden behind the hallway. This layout visually increases the space and has positive influence on inbox.

Design techniques

A narrow corridor will seem more spacious if you use visual effects. Here they come to our aid:

  • dividing the area into zones;
  • proper lighting;
  • working with color.

The division into zones occurs by shortening a long corridor, part of which is given over to the hallway. You can differentiate two zones using different finishing material. Not only the plaster or wallpaper on the walls may differ, but also the design of the ceilings, as well as the floor covering.

Mirrors also visually expand the space. By choosing the right mirror sizes and distributing them along the walls, you can create the amazing effect of a spacious room. A simpler visual technique is to paint the walls in light pastel colors.

Even if you have the optimal width of the corridor, pay attention to lighting. Bright light also expands the space; in addition, it has a positive effect on a person’s mood. You can additionally illuminate the room using hidden lamps, as well as panels in the form of windows or stained glass windows with internal lighting.